tv Nightline ABC March 1, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EST
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>> tonight -- the powerful oscar performance of "till it happens to you." lady gaga surrounded by survivors of sexual violence. ground." calling the world's attention to the epidemic of rape culture on college campuses. tonight, we're with two activists from that stage fighting to make colleges safe. plus inside portlandia. the sketch comedy tv show that's gathered a cult following. how fred arm miss 10 and kerry brad stein have become hipster heros thatay resemble versions of themselves. political takedown? a journalist violently thrown to the ground at a trump ral@y by secret service. marco rubio taking on trump with schoolyard taunts. with only hours until the super tuesday showdown can any of the
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oscars calling the world's attention tthe ongoing epidemic. tonight we're with two survivors turned activists who have taken their fight from college campuses to the courthouse, now to the oscar stage. you tell me it gets better >> reporter: it was a show-stopping performance. you say to pull myself >> reporter: lady gaga passionately belting o o her song "till it happens to you." till it happens to you >> reporter: suddenly surrounded by 50 sexual assault survivors. men and women with unbreakable and not your fault emblazoned on their arms. the young survivors became the more than crescendo to lady gaga's oscar-nominated song written for the searing campus rape documentary "the hunting ground."
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won't know how i feel >> reporter: it brought the a-list room to its feet. captured on twitter, best actress winner brie larson hugging each person as they came off the stage. lady gaga later posting on instagram, thank you for standing next to me on stage. 50 survivors so brave, relentless determination. >> i am myself a survivor. very grateful to the academy for giving us this world stage. >> reporter: the artist who's gone public about her own sexua assault was introduced on stage % by vice president joe biden. issuing a call to action. >> to take the pledge, a pledge that says, i will intervene in situations when consent has not or cannot be given. let's change the culture.
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was heard with the itit on us campaign hitting 300,000 pledges following the vice president's speech. >> ohe of the first things lady gaga said was, i want you to make them feel your pain. which at first it was just -- wow, that was really deep, what do that mean? but i think we definitely felt a lot of pain, a lot of courage, on that stage. >> reporter: for some of the 50 people on stage, this was the first time they came forward about their assaults. but a number of them, including annie clark and andrea pinot, courageously told their stories in "the hunting ground" documentary. >> we've got a lotfurther to go. >> the first few weeks i made some of my best friends. but two of us were sexually assaulted before classes had even started. >> reporter: annie and andrea together helped found the group end rape on campus after t ty say they were both raped while attending university of north carolina.
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they could be but we're not doing enough yet. >> reporter: the issue of rape campus explodeing on the national consciousness, provoking conversations at universities nationwide. >> when we're behind stage a lol of similar themes were repeated. and onof them was, my assault was bad, my rape was bad -- but the way i was treated by people was worse. >> there's a lot of victim blaming. >> he lectured us about how we shouldn't go out in short skirts. >> reporter: t filmmakers behind "the hunting ground" sought to expose what they saw a shocking epidemic of violence and substitutional cover-up. >> universities are protecting a brand. >> reporter: sweeping college campuses across america. >> when you're scared, when you don't know what's happening to you -- you just stay there and you hope that you don't die. >> reporter: annie and andrea sat down with my colleague amy robach last year. annie says she faced more questions than support when she reported her incident to officials at university of north carolina.
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>> i didn't know who it was. i was scared. and i was young. you hear horror stories. i know there are a lot of wonderful police officers out there, but to sit through and explain to a total stranger the absolute worst thing that happened to your body -- i didn't want my friends to know, i didn't want my parents to know. >> reporter: according to the bureau of justice statistics, only 20% of sexual assaults on college females are reported to police. andrea and annie say their frustration over unc's response motivated them to take action, filing a title ix complaint with the department of education. something they learned about in class at that same university. >> it just came up. one of the political science courses about sexual harassment laws, anita hill, reading about how title ix was originally gender equity, not sports. >> reporter: their central argument, unc's handling of sexual assault allegations violated their civil right to education.
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national movement encouraging women at colleges aroundhe country to come forward. >> my name is carolyn. >> my name is alexa. >> my name is ari. >> we started seeing what wass happening at campuses across the country. >> why has no one connected the dots before? >> one of the big problems that is schools don't want to be spearheading this issue. what schools have to be doing is prioritizing less their image and more the safety of their students and actually empowering those reportstudents to report if anything happens to me. >> reporter: in a s stement to abc news unc said they've implemented a c cprehensively revised policy on sexual assault and mandatory prevention trainingadding, this documentary heightens awareness. it shows how the strong activism of students, including two of our former students, have changed federal law. >> one of the things that schools reblly struggle with is they think it's going to go away. but we're not going to go away. we're not going to be avoiding these lawsuits. they have to start thinking that
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priority in these conversations. >> reporter: just last month, florida state university settled a high-profile title ix case involving tampa bay buccaneers quarterback jameis winston, a former student. >> i kind of just want to know -- why me? >> reporter: in "the hunting ground," erika kinsman claims she was raped by the football star when they were classmates. winston maintained his innocence, was never charged by police, was cleared by the university. then erika filed that title ix lawsuit against fsu for failing to properly investigate the incident. the university settled for close to $1 million in exchange for her dropping the suit. the university president saying in a statement that they settled in order to move forward and that they believe t tt the ultimate outcome of a trial would have been consistent w wh the previous law enforcement investigations. >> more than anything, erika really wants fsu to support survivors.
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why she came aboard. she's getting nothing out of this. the exact same reason we did, we want other people to know they are not alone. >> reporterz that's what they say last night was about, standing together in a unified front. several even got matching tattoos. an image of a rose onn fire that means unity. they tell us that ladad gaga is own. >> the fact that we're all on the stage together, we're all connected through this horrific experience, but finally taking a stand -- i think it shows a shift in our culture. and you shouldn't have to stand on an oscar stage to be believed and supported. >> you can see the full documentary "the hunting ground" on itunes now. why portlandiaia is rallying a cult following. and later, how did thisrump rally turn ugly today? what sparked the altercation? off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy?
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you know the hilarious tv show "portlandia" as full-fledged cult favorite poking fun at the hipster culture of portland, oregon. our nick watt is with the "portlandia" comic duo riffing how they show is influencing our culture. >> i guess i do have a question about the chicken if you could just tell us a little bit more about it. >> reporter: if you actually order food like this -- >> you have this information -- this is fantastic. >> absolutely. his name was colin. here are his papers. >> that's great. he looks like a happy little guy, runs around. >> welcome to women and women first. >> reporter: bookstores like this. >> different daughters? >> we could order that, it will
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>> it has to be written. >> reporter: if you are as hipster-precious as this. >> we read an article about artisan knots in "the sunday times." >> what's that? >> huh. >> reporter: if you are, shouldn't the show "portlandia" really, really offend you? >> i do like walking around downtown. >> reporter: we met the show's creators and stars carrie brandstein and fred armisten at the very portland ace hotel. here in l.a. they spoof the ace in the show, call it the deuce. >> we give out free typewriters, you want one? oh my god. >> hi, how's it going? >> reporter: and hipster fans confirmed they're not offended. >> can you act like you're kissing me? >> wow. >> reporter: the show praised and panned on the hipster mores of portland, oregon, the capital
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you know, the bikes. artis natural products. uber earnestness. >> go ahead. >> no, no, go ahead. >> go ahead. >> you go. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no. you first. >> reporter: now in its sixth season -- >> get out! >> the name has become a kind of shorthand, oh, that's so portlandia. >> everywhere i go somebody says something to me. it's really nice. >> reporter: partly why those lampooned love thth? >> wait, no, it's on me. it's on you? >> it's on me. >> reporter: they're nice people. >> sorry i interrupted you. >> i didn't know you did. >> okay. >> reporter: this is not comedy in the unkind -- >> go vegan! >> i skipped wilshire, took beverly to santa monica -- >> reporter: a aer more than a decade on "snl," armisen knows what works. >> there's a love audience there. the meaner a sketch was the less the audience reacted. if it stays in a place that comes from some kind of affection, it does a little better.
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>> we are these peoplele it's exploration, it's not mean spirited. you are these people? >> without a doubt. >> absolutely. see, now you're making fun of us, speaking about our characters and thinking -- >> i'm not making fun of anybody. i can tell, i feel so edged. >> reporter: after sipping cough tee at stumptown. >> i've always liked stumptown. we almost called the show "stumptown." >> reporter: we headed to the last bookstore. >> i got you something. >> reporter: if a bookstore could self-describe as artisnal this one would. >> this is the venn diagram of everything i love right now. dogs, books. >> reporter: it could be the scene of arguesbly their most famous contracts. >> you'reouching it. >> that's not enough to pull it. >> we've taken two unlikely characters and turned them into literally the most popular characters on our show. all of a sudden you have these feminist superheroes. >> reporter: their life is art. their art is life. >> welcome to portland's allergy
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>> there's a certain point where you're at an organic grocery store, at a restaurant catering to your gluten-free needs, that you think, wow, this is -- what a luxury to be able to have this as my problem. we're not separate from that but i think we also sort of -- we're exploring it. >> reporter: the sw has moved beyond short sharp sketch to longer tales with our heroes playing verons of themselves. >> good night, carrie. >> good night, fred. >> sometimes it's subtly off. sometimes it's night and day from who we are. but it is fufu to play a version of ourtss. >> let's not go. >> skip it. >> i can't thihi year. >> reporter: the season entire episode deals with the early middle aged admitting they'd rather watch from home than actually go to the music festival. >> we're introducing the first phase in virtual participation using drones. >> new technology. >> you want to be someplace where you don't have too stand at all. >> it's more the bathrooms. >> yes. you're in a line the whole time for the bathom. i'm thinking about it the entire time.
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>> the flaming lips, yeah. >> i'm sorry, who are you? >> the flaming coin of the flaming lips. >> reporter: the actual flamimi lips guest star. >> do i look like a pimp? >> when man pulls out money wonder. >> reporter: over the years, steve buscemi -- you guys. >> reporter: areal-life mayor of portland -- >> i'm still waiting to hear baba from my guy. >> i still get to say, live in new york, it's saturday night particular. >> reporter: armisten has a comedy background -- >> you're the funniest half-german person i've met. >> danke schoen. >> reporter: brownstein does not. she was an indie band icon whehe they met. >> had a button with my face on it. >>hat? >> i know, creepy. also slattering. >> i love slater king so much, her band. they are my favorite band. >> how did you know she was going to be funny? >> as soon as i met her, i knew she was going to be funny.
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>> i just sew this bird onto the pillow -- >> reporter: also does this and they are now best friends on and off the show. >> apparently you scream and you like it? >> aahhh! >> the way she does it is like -- it's chilling. it's possessed. always surprises me. >> aahhh! >> aahhh! >> harsh, man, why? >> reporter: and portland's tics, portland's leif motifs are now everywhere. >> the more that i travel, the more that we travel, i keep finding that city, the aspects of that city, a over the place. >> i want you to want something. >> the breakfast rger. >> great. >> and the pancakes. >> no. >> reporter: despite its name the show reflects a time, not just a place. >> people see themselves in it and it's part of a bigger cultural conveveation we're having about this stuff. >> reporter: truth is, maybe
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portlandia ourselves. >> a little san francisco right now. try to -- try to -- sorrrr much better. welcome to portland. >> reporter: i'm nick watt for "nightline." in los angeles. >> and you too can watch "portlandia" thursdays on ifc. up next, with only hours until super tuesday, why a journalist was roughed up at a trump rally. guys, it's just the two of you. the setting is just right. there's somethqng in the air. but here's the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, vivira helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas for pulmonary hypertension your blood pressure could drop to an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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yet another new national poll. but can he hold his lead after coming under fire for dodging a estion about the kkk? and tonight a rally t tt turned violent. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: raucous rally at radford university and a reporter roughed up by a member of donald trump's secret service detail. the "time" magazine photographer chris morris says he stepped out of the press pen. secret serce agent blocked him. harsh words exchanged. >> [ bep ]. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: witnesses say that's when the agent grabbed him by the neck, threw him down. e republican primary seems like a schoolyard brawl these days. >> rubio's 1-0. i have never seen a humann being sweat like he sweats. >> reporter: the tone set not just by trump, mocking his rivals, but by his rivals mocking him. >> he doesn't sweat because his pores are clogged from the spray tan. >> reporter: marco rubio hasn't yet called trump a
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>> i don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who's 5'2", have you seen his hands? they're like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. >> reporter:rhe's used just about every other insult. >> you can't trust them. >> reporter: morris has since apologized for escalating this confrontation. >> he choked me so i put my hand on him and that's when i was arrested. >> reporter: the trump campaign and the secretervice have yet to apologize to him. i'm david wright for "nigline" in new york. >> and donald trump will be on gma tomorrow. so stay tuned. thanks for watching. we'll have full coverage tomorrow night for super tuesday with the entire powerhouse political team beginning at 10:00 p.m. eastern. as always we're online 24/7 on
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and at good night, 10 investigates. he dropped his truck off for service but claims instead it was taken on a joyride! >> calvin: dangerous drive in broward county. deputies are going after a stolen car in what would turp out to be a wild chase. >> laurie: a suspect caught and ffed but the case not over just yet. >> calvin: there are still two more people on the loose tonight.
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from lauder hill. carlrl? >> reporter: calvin and laurie, police were after four people in two stolen cars. one is in the hospital and we believe the other brought to lauder hill police to be questioned. and as you said, two others still on the loose. determined to get away. the driver jumps a curb and floors it. conds later the traffic forces them to slide down and make a hard right off the back of the back bumper. it's here where spspation sets in. the car ditches behind the shipping container and makes a run for it. it's here where sky 10 hd loses sight of part of the group. mimites later police say 2 of the 4 people end up behind the wheel of another stolen car and that getawayuls short lived. the driver and passenger jumped out of the car and sprinting across backyards before going their separate ways. one of them jumps the fence and tries to hide near a garage only to poke his head out. a short time after that, the sight of e police canine
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