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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 3, 2016 7:00am-8:59am EST

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to capturing the gop nomination. trump joins us live. new overnight, major arrests in that brazen gun shop robbery. at least ten suspects caught on camera swarming a store smashing display cases and getting away with an arsenal of weapons. the massive manhunt. smackdown, hulk hogan's $100 million lawsuit suing a website about his private tape. we have what the former pro wrestler is saying as he prepares for the biggest fight of his life. the 11-year-old hitting the shot of a lifetime in front of one of the greatest golfers of all time, tiger woods' epic reaction this morning. and good morning, america. how good is it to be taylor crozier, that little 11-year-old boy right there? first shot and a brand-new tiger woods golf course. you saw it was a par 3.
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>> hole in one like that you could not have scripted it any better. another person having a great day is astronaut scott kelly. back here in the gold old u.s. of a touching down in houston reuniting with family and friends. we'll have the latest on that just ahead. we do begin with that breaking news in the race for the white house. mitt romney set to lufrn a major new attack in the gop establishment's battle with donald trump as the candidates get readydy for another crucial debate tonight. abc's tom llamas is on the scene in detroit where that debate will take place, good morning, tom. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. and i have a copy of mitt romney's speech right here. it is a blistering attack on donald trump. he's going to deliver it in a few hours. in this speech he calls donald trump a phony, a fraud, that he's playing america for suckers and one of the last lines of the speech, he says donald trump gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. many have talked about a civil war when it comes to the republican party and donald
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the war is under way. back in 2012, their relationship was in full bloom. donald trump endorsing mitt romney. >> i'm so honored and pleased to have his endorsement. >> reporter: but now romney thinks trump is toxic to the party and is set to make the case against him later in a major speeee. romney calling for him to release his tax returns. >> i think we have good reason to believe that there is a bombshell in donald trump's taxes. >> reporter: but trump firing back, posting this clip on his facebook page, a greatest hits of mitt romney's least conservative moments. >> i will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose. >> i want universal coverage. i want everyone in massachusetts and this country to have insurance. >> reporter: trump tweeting that romney's upcoming news conference is just another desperate move by the man who should have easily beaten barack obama. marco rubio tells me the battle are to the conservative movement is while he's still fighting
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of 15. >> i am willing to fight as long as it takes to ensure that we save the conservative movement in the republican party from a con artist like donald trump. >> reporter: senator cruz saying right now there are too many candidates to beat trump. >> 23 we are going to beat donald trump, the field can't remain fractured. >> reporter: the field is narrowing. dr. ben carson essentially ending his campaign on wednesday announcing there's no political path forward. and as frump raquets up victories, confidence is spreading through the trump family. melania trump when asked making her case for first lady. >> would you be a good first lady, do you think? >> yes, of course. >> why? >> i -- i'm a perfectionist. i like to do things perfect and i like to put myself 100% into it, into what i do. >> reporter: now back to those establishment attacks on donald trump, this morning there is also this letter signed by more than 50 gop national security
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point that donald trump will not keep us safe. it is a point that mitt romney makes in his speech and, george, mitt romy also says donald trump will lead this country right into an economic recession. george. >> okay, tom, thanks. let's hear what donald trump has to say about it right now. mr. trump, thank you for joining us again this morning. i want to put up that excerpt up on the screen right now. he says, here's what i know, donald trump is a phony, a fraud. hys promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. he's playing the american public for suckers. he gets a free ride to the white hat. your response? >> well, look, mitt romney was a failed candidatet should have beaten barack obama easily. i've brought millions abd millions of people and you know this, george, because i saw your report on it into the republican period of time. it's the biggest story in politic, how many people are party. they're leaving the democrats, tpey're leaving the independent. they're now going as republicans
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i have rallies the other day in alabama, we had 35,000 people. 35,000, the biggest one of the season by anybody by far. we're having the biggest rallies. we get 20,000 and 15,000 routinely and there's great enthusiasm -- >> how about -- >> except by the establishment. >> how about the substance. he brings up trump university. you're facing ads in several states, several million dollars in ads where victims say they were scammed out of thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. that's hitting you hard right in the middle o the campaign. >> george, it's a simple civil case. i could have settled and probably still could very, very easily but i don't want to settle it because, look, the people that took the course, 98% of those people liked the school. we have report card every single person that is in a civil case -- >> t hat was before they took the courses. >> excuse me. every single person that has taken it practically, almost all, 98%, loved it. we have an "a" from the better business bureau.
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it's a legal dealor lawyers to make -- >> sir, according to "thenew york daily news" you got a "d" minus from the better business bureau. >> take a look at it. you're wrong. >> i have it. >> it's posted as an "a" and i think they gave us a different mark before we gave them information. after they got the information they gave us an "a" so we have an "a." who is going to settle a lawsuit when everybody is suing. these are just people saying, oh, wow, if i can get my money back. i'm sued all the time and so is every other big business persrn. the difference -- this is why they say if you're successful you can't runor political office because everything you do you get sued on and it g ts exposed. we will win that case very easily. i just don't want to settle. how about the foreign policy attacks from these 50 foreign# policy experts? they say your advocacy for trade
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disaster in a globally connected war. his embrace of the expansive use of torture is inexcusable. it is said the military will refuse to act if you order torture because they're not required to follow orders that violate international law. how would president trump respond if the military refused to follow your orders? >> i'll tell you how good our military is doing under michael hayden and people such as this. we've been fighting ws in the middle east for 15 years, 18 years, we're in debt $4 trillion or $5 trillion. we are arming enemies -- arming people that we want on our side. we don't even know whothey are. when they take over a country they're worse than the peopl they depose. give me a break and as far as the econocs are concerned we're going to lose $500 billion this year with china. we're losing with japan. we're losing with mexico. at the border and at trade. don't tell me about these people that sit around. the american worker is making less mey now than they made 12 years ago, george. and that's why they're banking
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but now they're spending the establishment is spending $100 million on phony ads against me and who knows what that does. >> but the question -- >> but i will tell you this, the republicans, it's dynamic what's happening. millions of peoplere joining the republican party because of me. and you know what, the rerepublican establishment will probably give it right back and go back to the ole days of mitt romney that couldn't win. >> back to the question, if you order torture and the military refuses to carry out your orders, how will you respond? >> i don't think that would i'm a leader. i don't think that would happen. they're cutting off heads in the middle east. they're chopping off people's heads in the middle east and we're afraid to waterboard. give me a break, george. general douglas macarthur and general patton are in their graves right now spinning in their graves, they don't believe whwh they're seeing. anymore. we can't win a r.
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this is why this is happening. rememeer, we're losing $500 billion in terms of trade deficit with china. we have to change things around. we can't go on like this, george. >> ready for megyn kelly tonight? >> i'm ready. i'm absolutely ready. >> mr. trump, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you very much. >> we invited marco rubio and ted cruz on this morning. they both declined. >> now to the democratic race, hillary clinton celebrating her super tuesday victories at a star-studded bash overnight as there's breaking news in her e-mail scandal. abc's cecilia vega is here with the latest on that, good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning to you. there are new reports this morninin that the fbi could seek to question hillary clinton herself in theoming weeks and the justice department has reportedly g gnted immunity to an aide who worked on her private e-mail server.. this as clinton moves closer to securing this nomination. overnight in full celebration mode at a star-studded radio city music hall fund-raiser.r.
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>> reporter: a hollywood who's who of supporters there for the big show. ballerina >> reporter: from elton john. >> this is a very important year for america and she's the only hope you have. >> reporter: to katy perry. >> the electionn feels very personal to me. >> reporter: julianne moore and jamie foxx. >> hillary. >> reporter: andndhe entire clinton family but the clintons are not the only ones packing in the crowds. >> thank you, bernie. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: bernie sanders now struggling to keep up with hisis rival's delegate lead but he is still drawing big support from maine to michigan. >> a great nation is judged not by how many millionaires and billionaires it has, but by how itreats the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us. >> reporter: this crowd overnight reaching 10,000 strong and while clinton still has the
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she now seems laser focused on a different man standing in her way. >> so, we've got work to do, my friends. but not to make america great again, america never stopped being great. [ cheers and applause ] >> we have to make america whole. >> reporter: now, on those e-mails clinton's aides insist this is not cause for concern. they say the possibility of an fbi interview is a sign the investigation could be concluded soon. guys, still, this is not the headline this team wants to deal with as she says it's time to take her campaign national. >> especially at this point right now. all right, cecilia, thank you. joining us from washington abc's jon karl picking up on what cecilia was talking about with the e-mail controversy. in your opinion what does this mean for her campaign, hillary clinton? >> this is the cloud that just won't go away. the latest reports are an indication this remains very much an active fbi investigation and although there's absolutely
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herself is a target, it is very likely that she will be asked to testify or at least come in and take questions from the fbi in the coming weeks. now, the campaign says she is happy to do that but trust me, that is not the way a candidate working to wrap up her party's nomination and as cecilia said take her campaign national wants to be spending her time. >> not at all. let's talk about the gop big debate tonight on fox. you heard that donald trump just talking with george, what do the other candidates have to did to effectively take on trump tonight? >> reporter: well, trump's rivals are almost out of time and this debate is one last golden opportunity to find a way to take him down. there will be only four candidates on the stage, that means more time to put trump on the spot and he will be facing as you pointed out not just the rivals, but also megyn kelly who has shown maybe more than just about anybody that she can really get under trump's skin. >> we'll see what happens tonight, jon. thank you. a massive manhunt for a band of robbers.
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suspects seen in this video. it shows ten thieves swarming a gun shop making off with dozens of guns. abc's phillip mena has the latest. >> reporter: this morning, after a two-day manhunt, police say they have captured three of these ten brazen gun store bandits who were caught on five different security cameras raiding a houston shop in this newly released surveillance video. watch as the hooded and masked suspects use a chain attached to a pickup truck to rip the steel clad front door right off its hinges. they burst inside ransacking the premises using hammers to smash the display cases snatching dozens of weapons. this thief jumping over a counter to rip an assault rifle off a wall display and this hooded burglar bagging at least 18 handguns in just 30 seconds. >> what it potentially means you have that many people now distributing fireairports on the streets of houston. >> reporter: the crooks making several trips back to their escape vehicles to unload the
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one suspect nearly falling as he races back into the store. others dropping a few guns as they rush to escape before police arrive. police say it took the thieves less than two minutes to get away with more than 50 weapons while authorities say some of these stolen guns have just been recovered, they're still concerned over the possible crimes that might be committed with the stolen guns still at large. >> you got another criminal element that neeee firearms to commit their crimes, sometimes associated with the drug trade or robberies. >> reporter: police say the suspects changed getaway vehicles about a block away. this morning authorities are offering a $5,000 reward for any information that leads to their arrests. george, robin. >> that is alarming video. >> it really is. now to a caught on camera encounter between an officer and teen triggering outrage at a baltimore public school. this morning the footage shows the officer slapping and kicking a student,t, abc's mary bruce has
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baltimore. good morning, mary. >> reporter: hi, robin. good morning. what happened here is hard to watch. the video is just a few seconds long but it has already sparked what the school system is calling a vigorous investigation. this morning, baltimore prosecutors launching a criminal investigation into this brutal attack caught on tape. the video just four secondsds long going viral. watch as an armed school pole officer at baltimore's reach partnership school slaps this 16-year-old boy three times befofo kicking him. look closely, a second officer standing next to him doesn't flinch or react. the video sending shock waves through the community. >> as a parent of a baltimore city school student, i was appalled by what i saw, that behavior that was demonstrated on the -- the video is certainly something you never want to see. >> reporter: this morning school officials telling abc news the
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administrative leave. >> this incident is not indicative. is is unacceptable. it's not behavior that wil ever be tolerated by any city s sool employee but this is an isolated incident. >> reporter: words of little comfort f this teen whose lawyer says suffered injuries to his rib and face. his family asking to keep his identity private. >> this isn't the wild, wild west. even if in fact, that client had done something to provoke the incident it's not an eye for an eye. that's not how police are trained. >> reporter: now his lawyer says the teen is student here but hipresence here on these grounds is now under investigation. george and robin. >> wow. thank goodness the camera was there. >> that's true. >> very unfortunate. >> a higher note. >> a little better feel-good story from tiger woods who was in t xas yesterday for the opening of hia new golf course he designed but i bet you he didn't
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walking to the green, 11-year-old junior player crozier hit the first shot an a par 3. his it, it trickles down, gets a hole in one -- >> the first shot. >> tiger steps up and says, now i have to follow at? are you kidding me right now? t it was such a good thing. tiger later on signed the score card and the card shows that taylor and his friend beat tiger by three strokes. >> a hole in one. >> taylor has the chance to play with tiger because he had perfect attendance at school. this is a pretty good excuse to skip a day when he goes back, everybody knows why. >> a sweet swing. >> sweet swing. he could beat me and you george, we've played together. >> heeure does. thank you, michael. on to rob. you have this winter storm moving east. >> not a great day to be playing golf. you made it way too easy. he'll have to buy everybody a round of milk.
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but a winter storm watch posted for richmond where we see the heaviest snow. tomorrow from d.c. to new york just enough to make for a bit of a messy commute and boston, here
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inches. 71 degrees today in dallas. that is feeling like spring. we'll get some of that into the northeast next week. maybe some rounds of golf. >> maybe so. thank you, rob. coming up here on "gma," hulk hogan ready for the main event. the groundbreaking $100 million lawsuit over his private tape, the trial getting under way. what the former superstar wrestler is saying now. tina fey unloads on the oscars. >> this is some real hollywood bull [ bleep ]. >> wow. sounding off on the awards show, lady gaga and why she's saying it's a terrible time for women
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lowe's presents how to plan for the future. happy valentine's day. happy birtrtay. sorry i forgot our anniversary. happy mother's day.. now get pint annuals, 5 5 r $5, at lowe's. to the couple who set aside the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one... ps.
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may hava changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer.
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local 10 news starts right now. >> morning south florida. i'm jacey burch. julie is here with checkn that forecast. oh it's beautiful out there. granted a bit warm. but it looks really nice. temperatures right now already in the upper 60s. we have 66 degrees fort lauderdale. northwest wind in a place shift is become of that washehed out cold front overhead. look how beautiful from our hollywood beach cam we do have hid and might level clouds around overall winds are calm great day to head to beach make sure you're weariri plenty of sun block highs to low to mid 80s appearrnland parts of miami-dade. thank you julie i-95 southbound just past northwest 151st street. in the express lanes.
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like traffic is getting by as we zoom on into our maps getting a better look at those delays i-95 southbound n/rthwest 1 51st street in express lanes. speeds clocking in at 38 miles per hour. checking out broward county we do have a car fire. this is a 595 as you're heading west approaching turnpike. doesn't look like that's exacting your commute with speeds at 72 miles per hour. local 10 an update for a efrj is an a missing canadiaia tourist deputies say they have a found 76-year-old with alzheimer's reported missing last night after ban i issuing from an area. deputies say she has been reunited with her family. developing this morning police say they have a found a car believed to be connected to at that shooting death 6-year-old kim carter. lexus allegedly used a get away car was found in alaca. three teens are now in jail charge in his death police say carter was killed a they tried to a somebody in nearby apartment complex. jury deliberation continue in a
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accused of a rape kidnapping and trying torape woman terrence jefferson claims 18-year-old was prostitute he picked her up to have sex he faces life in prison if convicted. okay that's all for right now. we have more "good morning america" next. we'll stay right here and keep
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(donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more thannlip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enoughghalk.
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welcome back to "gma." that is the debate hall in detroit. republican candidates facing off tonight. four left and donald trump under
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attacks from mitt romney who is now calling the front-runner a phony and a fraud. also right now,@on this friday eve, the deflategate case is back. legal teams for tom brady and the nfl set to head to court today as the league appeals a judge's decision to overturn brady's four-game suspension. and scott kly back on american soil after spending nearly a year in space. the rocket manuel committeed home by family and friends in houston and getting a special call from president obama. >> big smile right there. a big following as ll. headlines. michael. >> the queen of comedy, taking on everyone from leo to lady gaga for what they said during the biggest night in hollywood. we'll tell you why coming up. >> she did not -- >> she didn't hold back. >> not at all, michael. we begin with that legal battle between hulk hogan and the website gawker. the former pro wrestler is
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time suing the site for $100 million for posting a portion of his private tape. abc's linzie janis is here with the latest. good morning, linzie. >> reporter: good morning, robin. after nearlrl four years of legal wrangling the trial is finally here with jury selection under way and this is significant becauseet is the first celebrity sex tape case to ever go to trial. this morning, hulk hogan is preparing for the battle of a lifetime. but this time the hulksr whose real name is terry bollea isn't headed into t ring but into a courtroom. the wchl we star suing the gossip site for $100 million for posting video of him having sex with heather clem, the then wife of his former best friend. florida radio deejay bubba the love sponge. >> this was an incredible.
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knowledge and/or consent. >> reporter: now hogan tweeting before court tuesday, "time for the real main event. i am going to slam another giant." but gawker arguing the tape and hogan's affair were newsworthu. >> months before gawker published this was a giant story in the news. >> reporter: the company telling abc news, "we are defending the fight amendment against hulk hogan's effort to create a world where celebrities can promote themselves around any topic, i i this case sex, and then veto how the media covers their lives. hulk hogan bragged about his sex life for years and denied this particular sexual encounter." hogan maintains the leaked tape has damaged both his personal and professional life. he was wiped frob the wwe hall of fame in july after the national enquirer released a previously unheard audiotape
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hogan heard making racial slurs. >> can we stop for a second? >> reporter: telling amy robach after the audio's release he hit rock bottom. >> i was at the lowest point of my life to the point where i wanted to kill myself. >> you were suicidal. >> yes, i was. >> reporter: opening arguments are set to begin monday and the trial is expected to take three weeks, hogan is expected to take the witness stand. robin. >> linzie, thank you. we bring in abc's chief legal analyst dan abrams for this. a high-profile case like this seating a jury, how difficult is that? what are both sides looking for. >> i think you'll be able to find a jury pretty easily. there's been a lot higher profile cases where they have. but it is critical. why? they're not fighting over the facts, they kind of agree as to what happened. it's's question of how do you interpret the law and so which jurors you get and what mind-set they come in with is absolutely critical. so hogan's team will want people
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published this at all while gawker's team will want people more willing to focus on sort of constitutional principles but it will be an interesting case to be a juror on because to one was killed here. you got some sort of obnoxious high-profile person against an obnoxious high-profile media entity, kind of a fun case to preside over. >> that's one way of looking at it. >> yeah. >> gawker's stance is that first amendment.t. >> that's right and it's hard -- some people will say, it's a sex tape. how could there be a first amendment claim? what gawker is basically saying is the minute hulk hogan starts always talking about his sex life and specifically talking about not having sex with the person he's having sex with on the tape, that that becomes newsworthy. they say, look, we only used a little over a minute of the tape. we didn't play the whole thing. we were using it just as much as was necessary to be newsworthy. >> won't it be tricky with the jury. >> absolutete. it's going to be a hard argument for a jury.
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in an appel yachtlate court. key question did they need to use the tape. it's a fascinating case. three students claimed they were attacked because of their ce but now facing charges because this surveillance video tells a different story. abc's gio benitez is on the seen in albany, new york. >> reporter: good morning. police say they've enhanced that video and talked to witnesses and now they firmly believe that the girls are lylyg. this morning three college students under fire for what's en in the surveillance video. >> hi, i'd like to report the fact that me and my friends were just jumped on a bus for being ack. >> reporter: just after 1 a.m. on january 30th ariel udio, alexis briggs and asha burwell all 20-year-old college students at the university at albany claiming they were the only black students on a city bus
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slurs and hit by several white males. they say they were surrounded by students and felt threatened. they fought back. two of the girls called 911. >> it wawa a racially fueled crime. we were three black girls jumped by like 20 white people. >> reporter: university staff and studentsmmediately rallying behind the girls. but within hours of that rally, an instagram video posted online showing what looks like the girls approaching the men first. the university and city immediately launching an investigation. >> i ask all of us to not rushh to judgment. >> reporter: leading to the release of thisurveillance video from inside the bus that night. witnesses on board telling police, it wasn't the men but the women who were the aggressors. >> it definitely looks like it wasn't what the girls said happened and looks the opposite. >> reporter: the girls maintain they are the victims. this week all three girls in court pleading not guilt to charges of third degree assault.
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concerned about what this case could mean for future racial crimes. >> when there's another incident oror similar incident, will the community believe them and that's troubling for many people. >> reporr: and two of the girls have also been charged with falsely reporting an incident. by the way we should tell you the video does not make clear exactly what happened. a jury may have to decidi. rob and george. >> thank you. coming up teach says she was forced to resign after a student stole private photos from her phone. next. and george clooney drops a hollywood bombshell. why the superstst says he may soon end his acting career and what he plans to do next. come on back.ssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. whank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. ( i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs.
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we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never l lting go. for all the nevers in life, state farm is there. lowe's presents how to plan for the future. happy valentine's day. happy birthday. sorry i forgot our anniversary. happy mother's day. now get pint annuals, 5 for $5, at lowe's. this is not a job for me, this is, this is my life. this is my family. being a part of helping people in need is who i am. working at brookdale for me is not just a job, it's a life for memei love it. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl.
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and n n to the photo scandal shake up a school system. a south carolina teacher says she was forced to resign after nude photos of herself meant for her husband were made public
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story. >> reporter: this morning a south carolina teacher is fighting for her job after what of her privacy. >> you know, you don't think about somebody invading your privacy like that. >> reporter: she says intimate photos meant for her husband were stolen from her cell phone and shared by one of other own students but the school district says she's the one at fault and she's now out of work. >> everybody that you look at, you ask, well, have they seen it or what exactly did they see? it's the weirdest feeling. it makes you just want to just ball up and just stay there. >> reporter: arthur says it happened when shehe briefly left her classroom at union county high school lt month. she says a male student looked through her phone and found her partially nude photos. she says he then sent them to other studedts. arthur says school officials pressured her to resign a week later and a statement the school superintendent tells abc news, she could have prevented the problem if she was properly supervisisg the students and
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students routinely used the teacher's cell phone with her full permission. >>s teachers we're go out in the hallway, greet thekids when they come in and monitor the hallways and that's what i was doin i wasn't away from my phone no more than three minutes. >> reporter: arthur is arguing those photos were private meant as a valentine's day surprise saying the studentnt was wrong and the school is yet to discipline the teen and will acthen the investigation is over. many of arthur's other students are standing behind her ts morning with this online petition, arguing that the circumstances in which mrs. arthur was let go is unacceptable and must be corrected. she says she'll sue the school and file criminal charges against that student. for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> i want t t see how this turns out. complicated. >> it is complicated. coming up on "good morning america," why tina fey is taking on the oscars and saying it is a terrible time for women in comedy. important information about
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new research that could help those who have it. lowe's presents how to plan for the future. happy valentine's day. happy birthday. sorry i forgotur anniversary. happy mother's day. now get pint annuals, 5 for $5, at lowe's.
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kohl's. started with a whisper
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making headlines with harsh words for hollywood sounding off on everything from the academy awards to why it's a terrible time for women in comedy. abc's t.j. holmes is here with the details. good morning, t.j. >> stay with m me here. let's face it, actors are very stupid, that's a direct quote from tina fey and she was just geing start talking about all the political, social issues that came up, the oscars, she felt like hollywood was preaching to the rest of us but not qualified to be in the pulpit. tina fey unplugged. >> this is some real hollywood bull [ bleep ]. >> reporter: not holding back with howard stern about the political messages that took over. >> you're damn right hollywood is racist. >> climate change is real. it is happening right now. >> too many women and menn and off college campuses are still victims of sexual abuse. >> everyone is telling me, like, what to do and it was like, people yelling at me about rape
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really it's climate change. i was like, guys, pick a lane. >> faye continued to rip on lady gaga who performed ann emotional tribute to survivors of sexual abuse. till it happens to you >> there was a gorgeous picture online the next day of lady gaga in the photo booth and the quo was like, i just felt after my performance at the oscars i felt like a weight had been lifted. i felt like i could stop hiding and i wanted to be like, oh, girl, have you been hiding? you've been doing a terrible job hiding. i'm seeing you everywhere. >> reporter: in her newovie "whiskey tango foxtrot" she battles with sexism, that she's still fighting in her real life and tells "town & country" magazine it's a terrible time for women. the boys are still getting more money for a lot of garbage while the ladies are hustling and doing a azing work for less. now, tina fey who l les here in new york says she's glad she lives in new york so she doesn't
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another thing she talked about on the howard stern interview, let me see the interview. put this up. the moment howard stern asked you about the moment with you. he asked her about it because he said you lookeke annoyed in there talking to you and taking a selfie. she wouldn't go tre and was very complimentary of you and said she appreciated the selfie taking a selfie with a tall person because she has to look up. >> i know where howard's studio is. >> he knows how to get to the talk. >> he's the best interviewer out there. he will get you to talk. >> she was having fun. it was a fun and raunchyomedic interview.
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we'll be back. lowe's presents how to plan for the future. happy valentine's day. happy birthday. sorry i forgot our anniversary. happy mother's day.
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welcome back to "gma." no rain in the plains. tiptoeing through the tulips in oklahoma city. spring-like weather sliding in and building. 67 in denver with high
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"good morning america" is brought to you by the blue cash everyday card from american express. local 10 news starts right now. morning south florida just before 8 amy i'm eric pooim jacey bur we're joined by julie with look at the weather. take live like outside from our hollywood beach cam.
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palm tes barely even blowing in winds water looks like glass. just so inviting. temperatures believe it or not for the western atlantic right now in the low to mid 70s. a bit cool. but as you're head out the door right now 70 degrees. it will be nice and mild throughout morning and warm high rapidly warm up to the low to mid 80s today. only a slight chance of a shower. >> thanks julie i-95 southbound north world series 10 thirir street. that accident its off to shoulder a result of thth accident. as well as that a morning rush. as we zoom on intour maps you could really see delays. again this is i-95 southbound at northwest 103rd streetith speeds clocking in around 18 miles per hour. >> now to those 2016 florida senator marco rubio has picked up two new endorsements in his bid for white house. the miami herald announced just minutes ago they were endoers gp
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rtinez is cunning first female hispanic governor. teen accused of a contending to a doctor out on bond again malachi love robinson released from palm beach county a jail order to undergo a metal evaluation accused of a fraud after allegedly stealing financial information from an 86-year-old patient. police satisfactory aused personal checks to make more than tlour thousand dollars oh payments on car loans ask credit cards. check your powerball ticket the winning ticket for last nith $292 million jackpot was sold in at sunshine state. but lottery officials have not yet said where. the numbers 12, 13, 44, 52, 62 and a powerball of 6. the jackpot now rereset to $40 million you can watch next drawing on sarlth saturday night. that's it for thou deep working
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"good morning america" is next. make every adventure every moment every day truly epic with a universal orlando annual pass grab a coke and get up to 3 months fre so you can enjoy two amazing theme parks and great events like this spring's mardi gras it's all kinds of amazing all year long universal orlando resort good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and midair emergency. alarming arson aboard american airlines. >> flight 1418 declared emergency.
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23esed totarting the fire now in court. fighting for her family. madonna going head-to-head with her former husband over their 15-year-old son. why did their talks over custody break down? and what's next for rocco? turn back time. it's called the insta-face-lift promising big results for less money and no time under the knife. "gma" viewers try it out. the results this morning. i won't give up and one-on-one with shakira, the international superstar's huge new project. her brand-new song that even her own son can't stop singing, all that as weay -- >> good morning, america. the story of my life i take her home i driveve all night to keep her warm >> nice crowd here in times square this morning. a little bundled up. chilly here. this morning i have to say we saw shakira ther
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"zootopia" in our house. a lot looking forward to that. we have a big thursday morning mere. >> alsls this thursday morning, angelina jolie's breast cancer doctor is going to join us with important information about a rare and aggssive type of cancer. it is called triple negative breast cancer. something that i was diagnosed with in 2007 and there is new research and new techniques that could help detect it faster. >> and tory johnson is here with "deals & steals" withtems for your whole family and the best thing about it everything is under0 bucks. >> something i heard, what was that blister guard? >> yes, for your heel. noise socks you'll enjoy. >> love those socks. >> really? >> oh, i love those socks. >> i'm in. >> excited over socks. >>he excitement in your face. >> over socks. i've never seen somebody so excited over socks. >> i know what i'm getting you for your birthday. plus, "pop news" is coming and we have a big headline about
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may quit acting. no joke. seous. >> a lot coming up. let's get the morning rundown from cecilia vega. >> you had me at george clooney. the big story a scathing attack on donald trump from nominee mitt romney. in a speech today abc news has learned romney will unleash on trump calling him a phony and a fraud. he will also call trump's campaign promises worthless. the latest move by the gop establishment to block trump from the nomination. trump dismissed the criticism telling george earlier this morning, that roey is a failed candidate. trump also took credit for bringing millions of people into the republican party. the republicans will, of course, face off in a fox news debate tonight without ben carson who is expected to drop outf the race tomorrow. new details in the hillary clinton e-mail contversy. the former staffer who set up clinton's private server has reportedly been granted immunity
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bryan pagliano recently pleaded the fifth when asked -- when he was asked to testify about the possible mishandling of classified information. and an alabama police officer now faces murder charges in the shooting death of an unarmed black man. officer aaron smith shot gregory gunn while he was walking home at 3 a.m. gunn fought with the officer and appeared to b holding a weapon which turned out to be a paint stick. gunn's family denies that. now to the latest on scott kelly, the astronaut, returning home to houston overnight after nearly a year in space and getting a special phone call from president obama. abc's david kerley was right there for the homecoming. >> reporter: astronaut scott kelly home in houston early in morning. >> it was a very long trip. great to be back in texas on u.s. soil. >> repepter: 340 days in space, made hugs with his girlfriend twin bther and gabby giffords
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his mission to test human endurance and rekindled an interest in the space program, which he fed on social media with updates and glorious pictures. the planet. now he will be compared to his identical twin mark, likely two inches taller with less bone and muscle mass for now and tweeted his first sunset on earth and made fun of his final flight home. >> used to going 17,500 miles an hour but this airplane doesn't do quite at. >> reporter: what's next for scott kelly? a battery of medical tests to find other changes between him and his brother. he says his return is bittersweet. he was ready to c ce back to earth but he'll miss the space station. he can always visit the mock-up in houston if he gets homesick. cecilia. >> thank you. welcome home, scott kelly. a flight attendant have texas is accused of starting a fire on a plane. investigators say jonathan montano confessed to it.
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play hero and put out the flames. no one was injured. take a look at this. a couplee near seattle feeling very lucky this morning after a tire from a tractor trailer crashed through their windshieid. they were not seriously hurt. they had just, though, registered that new honda minutes earlier. and finally, so you s some bubbles in the backyard swimming pool and you go out to investigate and it turns out a nine-foot alligator decided to come over and take a little swim. this ishat one florida family found. they had to call in, yeah, a trapper to drag that angry gator out of the pool. it was safely returned to where it belonged. as you can heaea the family in the video saying, bye, as the gator was being hauled off. >> later gator. oh. thank you very much. thank you, cecilia. >> it's thursday. let's go to michael. >> yes, it is thursdsd. all right, here's a look at
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morning menu." madonna's major setback, the latest twist in her custody battle with guy ritchie over their son rocco. and insta-lift. could a new noninvasive procedure tighten your skin in 30 minutes? dr. ashton is here to o ll us about that. plus, the one and only jeff daniels is here with the latest on a big new role, man, i wish i was that handsome. oh, boy, it is "deals & steals." tory johnson, you know what, tory is here and sees this in your future coming u on "gma" in times square. "gma's morning menu" is
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welcome back to "gma." yeah, it is a good song. there is a reaean for it. we have new developments in madonna's custody battle. she is facinging off in court against her exver their son rocco and "people" magazine is reporting that judge ordered rocco to remain with his dad in london. jesse is here with the latest. hey, jesse. >> that's right. the judge surprising everyone by overturning an earlier settlement stating that rocco should remain in england for now letting him stay in scho. this morning, madonna fighting for love going toe to toe in a new york courtroom with her former husband guy ritchie over their 15-year-old son rocco. another pull in the tug-of-war between the former couple. a new york judge citing it's in the best interest of the judge to reverse a previous order allowing rocco to remain in london with his father for the final being. >> this judge gets it. she's listening to rocco
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wants off the family bus. >> reporter: reports saying the custody agreement was outside court but talks stalled forcing the judge to tell the parents that rocco who has been living with his father in the uk since december should try to allow him to go forward in the most normal way. >> the real winner was rocco. rocco got to stay in england with his father where he wanted to be in the first place. >> reporter: while neither appeared in court they called in 5 from abroad and able to hear from rocco's attorney how the battle is taking its toll on their teenage son saying, in almost every conversation, he has stressed to me how stressful the very public custody battle is. you call my name it's like a little prayer >> reporter: the queen of pop had been hoping for the return of her son after rocco got bored of touring with mom and in an act of rebellion decided to live with dad. >> the judge said, guy and madonna, you guys need to figure out what's best for this child.
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really get it together. >> reporter: the material mom currently on her rebel heart tour in new zealand. the next hearing pertaining to his custody scheduled for early june and attorneys say just because he is living with his father now doesn't mean it ll stay that way. >> you can bet madonna will have a parenting plan expert and lots of evidence and she is going to be ready to fight if she ends up back in court in june. >> reporter: again, the next court date is tentatively set for june 1st. both sets of attorneys have no comment. >> thank you, jesse. time now to turn back time with something called the insta-lift. a new fda cleared procedure that claims to give you some of the results of a more expensive face-lift for less money and you don't have to undergo the knife. abc's deborah roberts is here with the details. good morning, deb. >> hey, robin. european women have been using it for years. just like those popular fillers,
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procedure. no surgery and those who have had it say it lasts twice as long. not much bothers phyllis cunningham except lately looking at herself in the mirror. >> i don't like the look of my face. it needs a little pumping up or pulling back or just to give me a lift. >> reporter: the new jersey grandmom is about to turn 60 and wants to look as young as she feels. but she doe't want to have a surgical face-lift. >> if i went under the knife i'd have to go under generally anesthesia. >> reporter: so when phyllis heard a new long lasting nonsurgical face-lift popular in europe was not available in the states, she scheduled an appointment with chicago based cosmetic surgeon julius fu. the insta lift is an in and out anesthesia for incisions. >> so you get to see the effect right away but without the recovery time. >> reporter: we watch as dr. few numbs her face. inserting a series of tiny
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and around her cheeks and jaw line. made of the same material as medical stitches that tightlyens the skin. are you feeling it. >> no, i'm numb. >> reporter: less than half an hour later she gets to see her new face. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> you already notice a difference. >> oh, yeah. it's not hanging here. >> ye. >> reporter: here's phyllis before the procedure and after. >> just starting to show the signs of age and change. >> reporter: 57-year-old victoria wasas similar think thrilled with the result of her 30-minute ce-lift. >> wow. to look at myself in the mirror i feel like i got ten years back. >> the insta lift has potential side effects including swelling, rve damage and a lopsided face. the cost of the procedure about $3,000, a fraction of surgical face-lifif which can run into
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and dr. few say the results last about 18 months. now phyllis says she loves looking at herself in the mirror. >> i look gorgeous. and i love it. >> she's pretty happy. since we saw herbout three weeks ago phyllis says her jaw line is smoother and more toned and is thrilled. it is early so we'll have to see how she progresses. remember, it's a fairly new procedure here in the states. only a hand full of doctors trained to do it. here's what the fuss is all about. you probably already know it's a teeny teeny thread with little teeny bits of cones in here. they thrd it under the skin. this is what the doctors say plumps up the ski and actually gives it, they say, a little bit more volume and makes it smoother. and this is what happens and it lasts and eventually breaks down because it's biodegradable. >> so it'll eventually break down.
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see the results. it looks very good. what is the traditional face-lift, how do you compare the two. >> surgical face-lift is the gold standard but it might not be right for every woman or man because men are undergoing both, as well. so to compare them, let's look at them, you know, on a couple of parameters head-to-head. first of all, cost as deb said, this is a fraction of the cost, but it's not cheap. this is going to vary based on location and who does it. $3,000 and potentially something you might have to repeat every 18 months you can rapidly get up to similar costs. recovery time we heard. slim to none with this. you know, several weeks for surgery and then the timethat it will last, this is not apples toales. this is apples to oranges. you know, this might be right for one person. it's all about selecting the right patient candidate. >> but isn't't this fall under what is old is new again. weren't we talki about this in the '90s. >> we saw -- we did.
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the threading techque. what's new here are the knots. what this is is this is called mono filament. like fishing line, the iuds are made out of this and cones or knots in this material are thought to stimulate an inflammatory response which then triggers collagen production so if you've ever had stitches or surgery where you have a scar, if you feel that scar several weeks after surgery how it feels hard, that's basically what's going on in the face. >> what are the side effects here. >> wewe, listen, any time you put a needle through the skin, you can have small risk of infection, there are major fafa. if you hit one of those you could have damage or bleeding.% and with any cosmetic procedure you can have an unsat if i cost cosmetic response and say, not really thrilled with how it looks but most people are genenelly satisfyied. if your expectations are appropriate going in >> that's the key.
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sortf like level here when you're looking at this. >> so many people tuning in and who we do a lot of segments on yore getting older. you feel good but you want to look good. >> you want to match how you feel. >> whattre some of your suggestions. >> you know, if you talk about collagen preoduction, there are all kinds of laser treatmentn and techniques available which will stimulate collagen production. when you talk about aging of the skin it's superficial. it's collagen and it's about volume and this will firm but it's not going to replace as much of the lostt volume as things like filler does. >> it's something that's short term. some of the celebrities before >> yeah. >> if you have a wedng or to do. >> that's where it's becoming popular for people who want to do that kind of thing. we'll see. very new here in the states. we'll see what happens. >> you don't need it and, robin, you looked stunning on the red carpet so you definitely don't need it.
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>> thank you. >> wrapping but i was like -- let's get outside to rob. thanks. rob. >> hey, robin, nobody out here needs a face-lift. 15 15 degrees. random couple from houston. there you go. hang out when you get home. where it's a lot warmer, 26 is what it feels like d.c. and 19 in columbiaus. 1 to 3 inches widespread and richmond south of d.c. more significant so a messy commute tomorrow for >> we are feeling more like spring and loving every bibit of it in south florida. as you can see a live look outside, people setting up for a day at the beach. if you have the day off, i suggest you go as well. winds are calm. the water looks like glass, with beautiful sunshine. gorgeous. it is warm. 70 already in miami, as well as key west. 68 in ft. lauderdale.
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highs in the lower 80's. warm,, hamed conditions, we could see mid 80's inlala broward and >> lara, back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. and "pop news" time. we're going to begin with an announcement from an a-lister that has hollywood and the rest of us talking. george clooney who is about to turn 55 years young sharing with the bbc as he promotes his new film "hail, caesar!" that his days on camera are numbered. >> hmm. i think nobody wants to see anybody really age. you know, it's a very un unforgiving thing, the camera is. >> not for everybody, george. the former sexiest man alive agreeing that the problem is worse for women on camera, even though he says he is not looking forward to growing grayy on the silver screen, clooney says he does plan to stay in the industry directing films, he says that is more fun and infinitely more creative.
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remember paul newman. he was so good. good looking younger but as he aged, he was so good. scloon is so great. >> i absolutely agree. he says as you age on screen you're looking for roles that aree appropriate and those roles are less and less. he says h h feels for women in the industry and it does affect men as well. >> 55 is young. >> yes, yes, it is. >> agreed, george. all right, george. >> two 55-year-olds. >> oh, i like to say perfect ten. >> you're on a roll, roberts. they say one man's trash is another man's treasure and one family has hit the garbage to gazillionaire japort. the family was cleaning out the house and they almost threw away a brown paper bag that was strewn on the floor. thankfully they looked inside. there was a pile of postcards
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rare ty cobb baseball cards. >> those are priceless. >> played -- exactly -- for the detroit tigers in the early 1900s. many consider him to be a better player than even babe ruth. discuss amongst yourselveses please, do not send your notes to me on that one. just last month there were thought to be only 15 ty cobb cards left in the world so to find seven in one bag according to an authenticar, his name is joe orlando in california, is truly a grand slam. he calls it one of the greatest discoveries in the history of his hobby. the total worth of this, more than a million bucks. >> oh, yes. >> conservative. >> everybody run to your great grandfather's attic and start opening bags everywhere. >> shoee boxes. >> you know, you and i haven't been friends long. i love to do estate sales. i love -- >> all the time. >> you never know. it's really fun.
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>> this is literly treasure hunting literally. >> so let's go antiquing together. finally love this one. it's a family that wanted to give their grandmother some special news and trying to get creative. they tried. >> huhu >> read it. >> mac, grady, grandma, whoo, whoo. what. >> she didn't get it. she's looking at this thing, what, great. so they're like, okay, plan b. >> read this. >> what? >> happy camper. what's this? congratulations, you're a great grandma -- how come i got all this? >> grandma, uh, they're not ing great as an adjective. time to get specific, kids. >> how great could i be? >> well, it's not great like the adjective. >> like when your grandkids have a kid. you're their kds' great-grandmother. >> so you're going to be a great-grandmother. >> l le if jackie is pregnant.
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are youou kidding me? >> third time is the charm. just wanteddo say congratulations, grandma and nice effort, kids. and we wanted to thank america's funniest home video for that video. sunday, 7:00, 6:00 central. coming up, angelina jolie's doctor joins us with important information about a rare type of breast cancer. what you should know.
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to keep her warm tt2wlr=[ik`:o f# j"@ tt2wlr=[ik`:!!&n :"( tt2wlr=[ik`:4!f# l4\ tt2wlr=[ik`:x#*& 03a8 tt2wlr=[ik`:t#j' 0'a\ tt2wlr=[ik`:t#j) 0,!8 >> good morning. we are closer to the weekend. check out thursday's weather. >> it is warm, lots of sunshine.
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in the hoe 70's, miami, upper 60's still ft. lauderdale. hoe 70's key west. we have 60's for pembroke pines, pompano beach, 66 in homestead. we are already warming up to the 70's. this is the beginning of a warm humid day. highs low to mid 80's by afternoon. >> an accident, icy southbound, this is miami gardens. you can see the heavy congestion. you can get a look at the delays i-95 southbound at miami gardens in the express lane, speeds 12 miles per hour. also an accident, i-7575 southbound, also miami gardens, with speeds 21 mil per hour. >> developing this morning, police say they have found a r believed to be connected to the shooting death of six-year-old carter. the lexus allegedly used as a getaway vehicle was found in
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three teens are in jail charged with his death. jury deliberation continues today in the trial of a convicted felon accused of kidnapping and trying to rape a woman. he claims the 18-year-old was a prostitute. if convicted, he faceslife in prison. >> we have to keep working for you. stay with us.
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continues. if i go crazy i love this music today. welcome back to "gma."
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featured in "ew" mag featuring their own cover. ben affleck, henry cavill, all the stars on "gma." looking forward to that movie. superman orbatman? >> i go with batman. >> i can't choose yet. >> political. >> superman. >> batman. >> there we go. >> marciano. >> anything to wear tights. >> set the trap. you guys jumped right in. >> every time. it's so awesome. the other big movie we're looking forward to this weekend is "zootopia" starring shakira as a singing g gelle talking about that in just a little bit and will tell us how her 3-year-old son reacted to her songng >> i bet well. >> over to robin. >> you didn't ask but i'll go with batman because of robin. hey, that was easy. i'm on a roll. we have an important health headline. there are many different types of breast cancer as you know. one is called triple negative breast cancer. you may never have heard f it unless you or someone you know
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i had never heard of it until i was diagnosed in 2007 but today is triple negative breast cancer awareness day. we are shining a light on it with the help of our good friend dr. kristi funk, angelina jolie's surgeon and the co-founder of the pink lotus breast center and joi us this morning from los angeles. always great to see you, dr. funk and thank you so very much for this. as we said there are many different types of breast cancer. this affects about 10%, 20%. can you just tell us exactly what triple negative is. >> sure, there are three receptors like antennas we look for on a cancer cell, about 75% have estrogen and pro-guess story rhone receceors, they hit receptor and fuel the cancer to multiple fly and divide. the third is a growth factor. found in 25%. but if your tumor lacks all ree of these receptors we term it triple negative. >> it's like y/u check, check, check, none -- you can't check of the boxes so that is triple negative.
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particular type of breast cancer? >> the most prevalent population is a brca-1 mutation carrier and african-american, latinas and women under 40. >> and why is it important to you, dr. funk, to bring attention to this and as we said today is triple negative breast cancer awareness dada why is that so important? >> well, it's important becau triple negatives when taken as a group have the worst survival rates of any other subtype o breast cancer. they have the highest recurrence rates and the worst survival rates with the mean recurrence at 2.8 years after diagnosis. >> yes, when you hear things like that and it's -- the treatment? what is available right now? >> well, for the cancer inour breast we treat that with surgery and radiation. but whwh about that rogue cell that might be flying around in your bloodstream? that's the real trigger that causes recurrence i an organ like liver or lung you cannot
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receptor for estrogen we could target that recep ter with tamoxifen. her 2, we have a drug for that. with triple negative it's like this naked cell flying around with no target on its back at all so our only recourse to seek and destroy it is chemotherapy and once that's done a triple negative cancer patient just sort of, there's no pill to take. we just sort of sit back and hope and wait it doesn't recur. >> it's really tricky those first five years in particular, ght, dr. funk? >> it's tricky but if you make it your fifth year anniversary with no sign of recurrence there are high, high hopes for the robin roberts in this world because it is a rare event for them to occur after five years. in fact they now become the group of cancers that do the best with the longest survival. >> that is extremely encouraging and part of the reason why you wanted to join us. there's some work you've been doing, clinical research and st tell us the good news on this front. >> there's exciting news, so the
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angeles is launching the triple negative trial today. this is a simple blood test aiming to detect recurrence easily and early at a point where we can intervene and still cure you. the blood test is one of two things,e look at nk view which is natural killer cells, they're a sign of immune function and the other one is called clear i.d. and looks at circulating tumor cells. an early trial in london with 55 patients showed when your natural killer cells drop and tumor cells go up, this will predict a recurrence 8 1/2 months prior to it being detectable like a p.e.t. or ct and have a window for patients and doctors to strategize and ybe get at a cure before a deadly recurrence. >> oh, that is so key and what do you want to say to those that are waking up this morning and they are concerned about their
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what is your message to them? >> well, i'd love for you to contact us. just e-mail study @pink and get you in touch with the people running this study and hopefully we can stave off that rererrence. >> i hope so. always a pleasure, dr. funknk thanks for your tireless efforts in the work you're doing. keep in touch. thank you. outside to rob. >> hey, robin, we are trying to warm up here. got a good crowd out here. hey, happy birthday to you. >> thank you. >> mom, dghter. what's on the plan today? >> our pl, just to see robin. >> oh, robin. come outside and say happy birthday. >> all right. well, happy birthday. >> bianca. >> happy birthday to briyanka.. san francisco looking at rain, atmospheric river will bump it up. the hose is on. they need it. could see flooding. 3 to 5 incncs or more locally and some will get down into
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the mountains. >> we are feeling temperatures upper 60's to low 70's. by afternoon, highs low to mid 80's. it will be a warm day. we have clouds filtering out the sunshine. we are not seeing completely blue skies. clouds are not producing precipitation. >> this weathercast brought to you by your home stores. texas, seattle, northwest. three e sters from seattle. sounds like a movie. [ cheers and applause ] >> hey. she made it out. >> aaagh! >> back inside to you. >> it'scold. >> that was fun out there. "zootopia" opens this wkend and shakira leads an all-star cast in a film about all kinds animals living in harmony, animated film and shakira talked about playing a single gazelle and her son's reaction t/ her
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i won't give up no i won't give up >> reporter: the anthem from "zootopia"'s biggest pop star, gazelle sung by one of the biggest international pop stars, shakira. >> i'm a gazelle. welcome to "zootopia." >> my son is 3 years old and i caugug him singing the lyrics and i was so surprised because i never taught them to him. i think he absorbed them. i don't know when but he was repeating them and he was so cute. film, right. >> he did, twice. >> twice. >> in english and spanish. he really, really enjoyed it. >> good evening, zootopia. >> reporter: the latest disney animated feature sees all different kinds of animals living in harmony in a place where any one can be anything. >> this movie is about diversity, it's about avoiding prejudice. it's about friendship and the value of true friendship but also friendship with yourself and having the will and
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make sure that you accomplish your dreams. i really feel this movie will resonate with many audiences,s, not only kids but also adults. it has a great perful message and many, many morals. >> how are you like gazelle? >> she's very opinionated like me. >> you're opinionated. >> oh, very much. and she feels social responsibility. >> what input did you have in bringing your @haracter gazelle to life? >> well, when the directors and e producers showed me gazelle, i thought that she was too skinny and too fit. >> i heard that. >> i told them, guys, you got to put meat on the bones. >> that's my girl. that's my girl. >> so they added bigger hips to gazelle. >> i love the post you put on inststram. who wore it better? the split screen. >> i went first. >> reporter: for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, orlando. >> lots of funun there. "zootopia" hits theaters
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she's got big "deals & steals" and they're all under $20. hello, tory. >> you can't beat that. >> you can't beat that, tory. >> first up, these socks is a company that was on "shark tank your life," daymond john invested in it. lots of oohs and aahs. what you're touching here is the blister tab. >> i like that. >> so, they're incredibly comfortable. we've got a big, big assortment for men, women and kids, everybody in the family is going to be covered with these and a really phenomenal price. normally $8 to $11. everything slashed in half so today only, $4 to $5.50. >> nice. >> okay, next up, a.j. morgan, these are all sunglass readers. i think like red cat eyes is your thin sunglass readers, so hard to find very often. i approve. here's a pair you could try. all different strength, full lenses or buyfocals.
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big assortment from a.j. morgan. normally -- that is good. all of these are slashed in half, 11 buck. >> 11 bucks for a pair of readers. >> all different strengths. another fun thing from accessory concierge. little pave stud initials so you buy them individually, sterling silver a a can get rose or yellow depending on the style yourefer and buy one, multiples for your initials, yourur lover, whoever it might be. big discount on these, normally each one is $29 all slashed by 59%, 12 bucks and free shipping. >> for your lover, i like that. >> partner, lover, go there, whatever you want. i love this company. this is a company called little loving hands. you get this craft kit for your kids and there is a charity component. so you get to make whatever this particular thing is, this particular box is hearts for the homeless so you'll makee this
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they get to put their name on it and sign the certificate, return it in a prepaid envelope that's already enclosed and it then is given to a charity and this particular one is to benefit women and children living in shelters. so you get to warm someone's heart with your craft project. aming for kids. >> you put some effort and time to hand make it. >> great discount. normally $28, slashed in half, 14 bucks plus free shipping. >> and it's for charity. >> flani-bags. this is the tsa compliant. put all your stuff for the tsa. your strap on it. good to go. big assortment for makeup bags and great quart size for stadiums. it's clear so you don't have to worry about anyone going through your bag. big discount. normally starting at $18, everything from flanabags is slashed in half, $9 to 12 bucks.
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these companies and you know what, you can get all of this information on our website, plus a bon deal at on yahoo. tory, you never cease to amaze us. you are amazing. now, coming up, tv, film and
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cc1 test message 'one of our faves. jeff daniels back on broadway in the drama "blackbird" stars with michelle williams whose character confronts him 15 years after their inappropriate relationship. hereres a look. >> you were on my mind all the time. i couldn't get you out. and i gave in. i gave in to it. everything. every day was about how i could see you, talk to you. >> please welcome jeff daniels back here to "good morning america." we love you, jeff. yes. yes.
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this is very intense. >> this interview? >> no, this momenen right now but before we get to "blackbird" i do want to say the oscars,ery funny bit you did with kristen wiig and chris rock for "the martian." what was that about? >> well, basically that was about my wig. that was about -- we went to trump's hair closet. >> is that where you got it. >> to pull it out. there were many in there and that was the worst one we could find. >> it worked. played well. i just imagine your character will mcevoy would have had a blast playing with the political cycle right now. >> imagine. let's imagine, shall we. mcevoy sitting down with trp for a one-on-one, 60-minute it's view and he's going to stay on one quesdtion. let's stay on fat pigs, donald. let' spend an hour on fat pigs. >> i had to go there. hi to go there.
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it is something that you did before in -- i rememberhen you did it the first time you said you wanted to be challenged. were you thennd are you again now? >> was then andust have learned more. i mean, if you pay attention to what you're doing, which is like i'm going to be a better actor, thetar thing is -- forget that. if you want to be a betr actor then you get better with each role and "newsroom" taught me so much. and we did "god of carnage" on broadway. that taught me a lot to so to do "blackbird" in front of those and now after with michelle williams, it's just continues the education. you can't help but get better and then when you get a script like "blackbird" which is so complex, so difficult to land every night, you got to bring everything you learned. >> how best can you describe it for our morning show audience? >> it's an old, older man who
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she's 27 and she just shows up at his place of work. he's got a new name. a new life. and he comes walking in going, let's find a a room and so we go to this conference room where he's working and she's going, let's talk about our relationship when you were 40 and i was 12. and i want to talk about it now 15 years later and in his place of work and he's, you know and she is -- it's just the two of them and it's from page one on, it's this. >> i've had friends who have gone to see it. you and michelle and how did you prepare h h for this? you said it's almost like a tennis match or boxing match. >> it's a heavyweight fight and it's constanany this and that and this and that and it's just the two of us and you go through everythingng "a" to "z." "a" to "z." i told michelle, you know, film
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100-yard dashes but broadway and theater is a marathon and you can't -- you know, you got to -- you got to still be being on mile 20, you know, you can't quit at mile one or two and she's doing great. we're doing great together and it's just -- we're trying to do the best show we can eight times a week. >> eight times a week but you have a nice outlet. next time you're here i want you to jam. i dn't realize you played. >> we could do that if you want to. if you want an actor with a guitar, ye we can do that. >> not many people know that about you, jeff. >> no, they don't. we try to keep it hidden. if you keep it down low on the down low then the expectations stay down there. >> but you've been on tour with your son, right. >> i went on a tour with my son, and got an album we'll put out called "never gone before." basically all the songs we played on tour. >> do you want him to ce back
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the people have -- the people have spoken. >> okay. >> whatis it about -- you are just like a renaissance man. is there anything you cannot do? >> i can't tap-dance. >> okay. >> my wife ip -- she's gone -- oh, my gosh, what are you doing now? well, i'm doing this and i'm doing this and she does -- that's the joke. why don't you go learn to tap-dance. if you've ever seen a large white man from the midwest tap-dadce, it's not a pretty thing. >> but i love that you are proud to be from the midwest. i love that. >> well, it's kind of -- yeah, it's -- yeah, whatever that means, that's what i am, yeah, i'm comfortable there and put me in the middle of a cornfield and i look like i belong. >> jeff, always a pleasure. can't wait to see you. it opens at the belasco theater next thursday, "blacird" coming up next one-on-one with the real olympic skier inspiring the hugh jackman -- we're
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cc1 test message (music playing) i feel pretty (west side story) not every cake can be handcrafted in store by skilled decorators layered with fresh berries and frosted to perfection like our publix bakery chantilly cake it'll be remembered for all the right reasons. publix. where shopping is a pleasure. make every adventure every moment every day truly epic with a universal orlando annual pass grab a coke and get up to 3 mohs free so you can enjoy two amazing theme parks
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it's all kinds of amazing
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universal orlando resort "go morning america" is forever collection. the world's first body wash with fragrance touch technology. >sorry, no "eddie the eagle." >> how about a little "gma" rewind. there it is. robin crashing the weather with rob. we had fun today. i loved it. >> on fire.
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have a great d. a.m. hey, south florida. i'm eric yutzy rmings i'm jacey birch. let's go ahead and get that weather forecast from julie. >> it's beautiful out there. people flocking to the beach already, getting busy. continue throughout the day becse the weather's going to be fantastic to be outdoors. live look outside from ft. lauderdale, lots of sunshine. temperatures already in the lower 70s. the winds are calm so you're definitely feeling the humidity out there. high wills rapidly warm
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make it a great one. > i-95 southbound as you're approaching the dolphin expreway got some heavy congestion here, most of that due to a crash that it has been reported. again, this is i-95 southbounds you're approaching the dolphin expressway. seeing some pretty heavy delays. there's a center lane blocked with speeds at 25 miles per hour. got another crash to talk about on the palmetto expressway. this is southbound at northwest 122nd street with speeds there at 2 miles per hour. now to vote 2016. florida senator marco rubio has picked up two new endorsements for his bid for the white house the "miami herald" announced it is enrsing the g.o.p. candidate in the primary the teenager accused of pretending to be a doctor out on bond again, malachi love robinson ordered to undergo a mental examination. is he accused of fraud after allegedly stealing financial information and money from an 86-year-old patient.
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that story for you stay with us here throughout the day on local 10. "kelly & michael"
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thursday next. [captioning made possible by disney abc-domestititelevision]
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today from the series "fuller hohouse," john stamos, and performing their newest hit, "torches," daughtry. plus, questions a comments on the inbox. all next on "l"le!" [cheers and applause] and now, here are your emmy award winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan!


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