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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 5, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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it's a perfect day for sight-seeing, so -- >> let's go. >> how to get the ultimate view over the sea of cortez. plus -- >> this is what we came home to. >> that rottweiler's name is denver. >> his new name is guilty6 >> why what he did is written all over his face. and a quirky guy hitting on a hot chick. plus, the tables turn when mr. fancy pants drives up. >> mind if i join you? >> a crazy twist when she discovers who is really the rich one. >> so you d/n't want to grab a drink or -- >> this police officer in the czech republic took a little trip to the city center. and i'm sure he had no idea what he was in for. he had a bag there and three suitcases. once he starts to open them -- eight little black puppies, five
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and the whimpering that you hear -- oh! is what attracted him to the suitcases in the first place. they were underfed, and he believes they hadhypothermia, so he calls some of his colleagues over from animal control and they quickly took them. good thing he ran up on these puppies, though, because they were able to nurse them back to health. >> what kind of awful person goes through the process of finding three suitcases, jamming animals inside, zipping it up, driving -- what a jerk. >> it's really strange behavior. >> sociopathic behavior. >> yeah. >> again, it is a happy ending fo the pups, because the folks over it at the animal control say they're now fed and happy, and just ready for a home. >> iish there was something left behind in a zipper or pocket that would help identify. maybe a leftover boarding pass or something with a code. >> they're not sure who left the puppies there in the park. and because they say there
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abuse, they won't look into it to press charges. i think their main prior to at this point is making sure the puppies are well cared for. commuting on a motorcycle is quite lovely in the morning. we do it quite frequently. this guy in wales was doing the same thing on a suzuki. he has been riding for about a year, says he's clocked about 10,000 miles. in that year, he has ridden a lot. again, this day he's on his way to work. and as he rounds this left-hander here, you can see, it's definitely day break. >> oh! >> right in his eyes. >> that's dangerous. >> oh! geez! >> oh, that was such a big mistake. >> he didn't see it until after he hit. >> the guy claims that you can actually see more in this camera footage than what he was able to see, because of the glare on his visor of the helmet. >> was that -- he accelerates
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>> no, you're right, ali. the g g posted this video and put lots of comments below, explaining some of his admitted mistakes. as you watch right here, when he comes around, the corner to the left, those t t cars up ahead, he says accelerate rather quickly. so in his mind, the road was clear, those cars he saw take off. he drives this road gularly. what he didn't see behind that glare were those two cars go around a much slower, nearly stopped vehicle. >> oh! >> up and over the handlebars of the bike he goes. >> how is this guy? >> he's fine. bruises and a sore back, the guy claims. >> what do you do when yououave a glare like that? >> i would suggest not going if you can't see. that driver has now come forward. they are talking, and expect to settle the damages on both parts, away from the courts and insurance.
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the most beautiful places on the planet. no, i'm not biased at all. let's go to mexico. where this really cool skydiving video. these guys are over the sea of cortez, and this guy stuck in the '80s is all strapped into his parachute, and right here he takes off. and enjoys this beautiful dive down, where you see the water, you see some of the deserted area. >> was this at rocky point? because i swear i drank at that bar right next to that rv park. i am pretty sure it's called wrecked at the reef. i'm not lying. >> really? >> and that's why there are two boys right there. >> kind of low. >> all i was seeing is how close mexico was. >> what's so nice about it, you're right, christian, how beautiful mexico is. i love going to mexico.
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kind of thing to watch. >> he gets down to the sand and lands perfectly. >> stuck in the '80s? he's more like officer danglel with those shorts. you know that old phrase, "go ahead, buddy, kck yourself out"? watch this. this is in kazakhstan. the man in the back seat is an accused smuggler. two men in the front suit are police. watch what happens next. >> he said 1-2, 1-2. >> he is giving himself the fifis of fury. >> beating himself up. >> authorities say this man had 463 pounds of carp in his car. >> they say he was smuggling it, he didn't have the paperwork for it. >> fish? >> fish. >> carp.
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>> well, but they're worthy enough to be smuggled into kazakhstan. thisiss when it gets even crazier. do you notice, they didn't take the dude's phone? [ bleep ] >> on the phone! > boxing coach. >> he called emergency servicic, because he said i have a bruise on my eye. they were mistreating me. >> and he was able to just get out of the police car, like, hey, i'm out. i'm done. >>e's kind of under arrest. >> the video has been turned over to authorities for investigation to make sure that no officer was responsible for throwing those punches. >> now in this next video, you will be surprised at how low-key everything goes down. this is in scotland. you see that guy right there? he walks by the window of this business, looks in, looks back and forth and, boom! >> wow. >> after he busts the window open, he walked away. he comes back, and then he crawls through this hole that
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>> to get what? what is he after? >> we never find out what this dude is after. >> carp. [ laughter ] >> h sits down and starts rifling through stuff, when somebody rolls up. i wonder who could it be? >> the police. >> it is the po-po. watch what he does. >> he walks back to the window and lets them take him away. >> you got me. >> this man, identified as 33-year-old bruce bury got six months of prison for this. the roads are so icy -- >> you've got to be going at a good, steady pace. >> why even the slightest will slip up and send you sliding. >> oh, wow! and her boyfriend took her to disneylandor a little fun with puns. >> i'm feeling a little hohose! >> see just how long he could
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>> i think we all have fun on thisne. if you're going to say "better ingredients. better pizib." you better deliver. which is why i'm introducing our new papa's quality guarantee: love your pizza, or get another one, absolutely free. get any large pizza up to 5-toppings for just $9.99. online o oy. at i wanted to take the next step in my career, but i didn't think i could earn an mba with my unpredictable schedule. then i discovered flexth from capella university. its revolutionary, self-paced program lets me set my own deadlines and earn an advanced degree on my schedule. plus, i can take as many courses as i like each term for one flat fee. flexpath from capella university.
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(phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it.
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seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. today it's florida flatbread with fresh tomatoes and bell peppers. it's easy to turn local produceinto a meal time favorite. look for the fresh from floridalabel when you shop.
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closed captioning provided by: reduces bumps 72 percent. gold bond. ultimate lotion. ultimate skin. video. a reminder to me it may not be safe anywhere! especially in -- >> russia! >> pretty bad weather. you see the snow has created somewhat of a wall bween the two lanes. there is so much ice on the ground tha i think this car knows that you've got to be going at a good, steady pace. no speeding. >> ooh! >> oh! wow! >> like that truck. >> man, that looks like a nascar accident. >> yeah, that was brutal! >> out of nowhere, the truck cams
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slams straight into the car in front of him and you just see wreckage all over the place. >> wow. >> safe for driving, right? >> yeah, this guy barely, barely missed it! from russia, over to philly. this video is a little different. in the fact that it involves a bicyclist, and pedestrians. >> whoa! >> well, okay. the cyclist and the car in that situation -- a green light. >> but this cyclist is out to prove just how bad pedestrians are at walking in their own. this byclist is just rolling around the city. >> capturing all the stupid things people do. like this guy. >> he didn't even look! >> right. i want to get a bicycle with a train horn. >> exactly what i was just thinking. >> he's going back to the same junction to pro a point. this guy is just riding around
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going, i'm could have killed you! >> right here. all four of us involved in this debate. >> there isn't really. everyone just be nice! >> exactly. >> you know, the phrase "caught red-handed" i think we should change that to "caught powder-faced." >> this is what we came home to. >> that rottweiler's name is denver. >> hisisew name is guilty. >> this is why we get locked in the bedroom. what are you doing? >> you've got to give it the other dog. the other dog looks like it's trying to play interference. >> it doesn't work. >> denver, did you go on the carpet? >> i think it's evident that denverdid go in the garbage. >> i just love guilty dogs. ey've got eyebrows suddenly. when they're really guilty. i'm sorry! >> and that paw kicks back. like i surrender. >> and they have that look! they know they have done wrong. now let's just take a look at the garbage. >> look at the paw prints.
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figure out who did it. >> ooh! >> no wonder! >> wow. >> had a free-for-all. >> you're in the doghouse, doggy. >> bad! >> he's like, well, i've been busted. why not? >> they always sasa the criminal usually comes back to the scene of the crime. >> now this next dog demonstrates pavlovov theory. that's all it took. >> was that a cookie jar? >> and that is the cookie jar or the treat jar. >> you just use it to your advantage. that's the trick you use when you need to get the dog in the car to go to the vet. come on! if you guys have really been paying attention, you might have noticed that i doike to use puns. >> every now and again. >> no! >> maybe.
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>> deeanna, no one cars about this right. >> this entirir video is with his girlfriend, taking her around disneylandndnd wherever they go or rides they're going on, he has some sort of pun for her. >> that i deiona, i think we will have fun on this one. >> this is probably a bad idea. >> hey, deiona,, it's pretty high up here. >> it appears he's going to keep going. >> deiona, i'm feeling a little hoarse. >> oh, horse puns. will he stop? neigh! >> are you having a good tim over there? are you having fun? i know you are. i'm having the best time. >> i'm really jonesing for this ride. are you excited as i am for this one? >> i'm surprised she's not more i-rate. >> oh! ahh! >> and so it continues. as the entire day goes on, he never runs out. >> oh, look.
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>> stop. >> stop, stop, stop. stop, he does not. >> conquered disneyland. and it's a good thing, too, because this knee is starting to hurt. >> and you think it's all over the time they get back to the car park. no, he's got one more! >> i like this one. >> no, no, no. seriously. you have the keys. >> i love you, tyler. take me to disneyland with you. this video has gone crazy viral because -- >> everyone's mind in the world. >> see if his numbers game gets you too. >> no! and - - think you can bust that beer bottle on youou head? >> oh, yeah. >> that's a noggin-buster. meet the piadina the newest addition to olive garden's lunch duos menu paired with your choice of unlimited soup osalad starting at just $6.99
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5:49 pm
standing by for fun. when i have a breakout from eczema, i feel like i'm in this shell. gold bond eczema relief relieves five frustrating symptoms of eczema. my skin's back. at some stage, you just can't see coming. this maintenance man is up on top of the awning, clearing off the snow. >> i see a whole bunch of things -- i already know where this is going. >> he's working away, guys. >> he's about to succeed. >> yeah, right. but why did he -- ooh! >> no, no -- >> it's not funny! he's hurt. >> he fell hard. >> and you see him kind of squirming when another employee runs out and tries to help him. >> i'm sorry i'm laughing, but why shovel the ground first, and then go up on the roof? he took away all his padding and now he made more work for himself!
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going back to work any time soon,,ecause he has a broken vertebrae. >> this is me! all right. sorry, bro, didn't mean to laugh. >> okay. at wasn't funny. but this is. >> let's go! >> no. >> the person filming has just offered this dude 20 or so bucks. all right, there's strike one. the ball didn'n' break. he's gonna do it again. >> oh, yeah! >> here's the part where -- put that on facebook! as a matter of fact, se of my boys did post it to my facebook page, andhen -- found it as well. everywhere, like millions of times. >> what are you goi to do? >> bust it on my head. >> that's ridiculous. >> all right, there's another one.
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really. please. i have actually been keeping a secret from you guys for quite some time. i am psychic. i can actctlly read minds. i can do it right now. christian is thinking about motorbikes. gail, star trek, charity. what are you thihking about? and nick -- a little wind bling and echos. but basically, it's true. but this guy from denmark has come up with a way to read evyone's mind in the world. so much so, he has over a quarter million shares from facebook. are you ready to play the game? >> sure. >> then i'll begin. pretty simple. just follow the instructions. okay. so here we go. >> 8, -- >> 11! >> 11. >> keep going, keep going. >> i'm really bad at math. >> four!
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so now very quickly, inside your head, answer this question. you could have picked any of them, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. he's now going to predict it. are you ready, ladies and gentlemen? >> no! >> although i was going to pick that. >> yeah. >> you picked 7? >> yeah. >> in my mind, automatically went to 7 and i thought that was too easy so i chose 8. >> chnically, you got it right. >> is it because people have been adding and subtracting so 5 from 12. >> it could b@ a little neuro linguistic programming. i've seen another video just like this where the guy said pick a number between 1 and 10, the answer was still 7, as well. i think what they have actually done is, i remember when i was studying stats in school, that they said if you pick a number between 1 and 10, statistically, the most common number is 7. so -- >> that makes sense. so he was basically just playing the odds. >> i don't know. that's the interesting thing, because i also think what's happening with the math at the beginning may also influence you into picking 7.
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the first time, i ended up with 7, as well. you guys stick it up on facebook and let us know in the comments! . p>> want to go out sometime? >> no, i don't think so. >> she declined a date with him. >> but then the tables tutued. >> see why the joke is on her
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this prank. guys, i've got a really big video of this guy making breakfast. >> ooh! >> actually, it's much cooler than it sounds. scott sorenson got his thermal camera out and just shot his process of making breakft. like for right here, you can see the hot coffee with the cold creamer get swirled in. >> i like the bit where the spoon came out glowing. >> yeah, that's pretty neat. what is that? >> thehe toast? >> the cold toast instantly heating up and then the cold butter going on to the toast and en you can see the butter heating up. >> n i'm hungry. >> see how quickly the frying
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maybe put some veggies in there, the veggies cold, the eggs crack in there cold too. i think it would be easier to cook via thermal imaging. >> i'm with you. >> the fascinating video of the dude making breakfast. >> any time you make breakfast, it's fascinating. >> turn the heat up a little more, bailey. he does the diss too. >> oh! call m m josh taylor hitting the streets to find the flip-floppers out there. the video starts off with josh dressed up pretty frumpy. >> i would say he's dressed conflictingly. >> i have a boyfriend. >> you do? >> she makes it very clear she's not interested. she walks away, but the tables turn when mr. fancy pants drives up in a very fancy pants car. >> hi, how is it going? >> hi. >> are you sitting here alone? >> he's got his stuff together. he actually sits down. and she like, no, i ain't got a boyfriend?
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tonight. i was wondering if maybe you wanted to get a drink. >> yeah. >> awesome. >> yeah. so then suddenly -- right in front of this girl, josh starts changing into a very faney suit. the big guy is actually acting as josh's butler. and she's like, oh, you're the boss. hi, boss. >> and i think josh is reaching a little bit far. and i think the blonde actress that he found for this video needs to work at her acting a little better. because i don't think this is real. as much as she's trying to do it, i know he's making some social comments. but i'm going toall fake. >> we don't know for sure if it was set u or not. we can speculate. >> wait, so do you have a boyfriend? >> it's not that serious. >> either way, the video is actually getting a ton of attention. because, yeah, this is a big topic of discussion with a lot of people. >> i hate liars. go figure. >> thanks for joiningus.
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this minute." next at 6:00, it's super saturday. the race for the white house. 180 delegates at stake. one state already declaring a winner. big talker and republican front runner trump making a south florida stop with press conferences set for tonight. we're there live. a corrections officer accused d exploiting money from inmates. we'll hear from a victim. and a rescue on the water today. what it took to save a small boat from distress.
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local 10 news at today it's florida flatbread with fresh tomatoes and bell peppers. it's easy to turn local produceinto a meal time favorite. look fororhe fresh from floridalabel when you shop. remember, delicious is always served fresh from florida. breaking news.
6:00 pm
man who fell off a cruise sh. >> rescuers looking for a 46-year-old man who fell from the royal caribbean navigator this phono. he fell about 100 feet. >> 946 square nautical miles have been searched so far. we have a crew on the way where the ship is docked. we'll have an update on local 10 news at 11:00 and now to vote 2016. we have our first winner of super saturdby. ted cruz won the kansas republican caucus is 51% of the vote at last check. trump with 24%. rubio winning 14% and kasich at 9% of the vote. now here is a live look from a campaign event that cruz is taking part in idaho. we're told came out to -- basically took ictory. he did mistake iowa for idaho.


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