tv Right This Minute ABC March 6, 2016 12:00am-12:30am EST
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makes your palms sweat and then you see he's doing it without safety equipment. y t t view from a drone makes it so much worse. and a leap year proposal on live tv. >> she's about to pop the big question. >> why his answer makes for one awkwarddoment. >> this is the worst. >> that's as good! this video will make you say "omg." >> you know what, let's just watch. >> this is ithelmet cam. we are on a high-speed chase, chasing after tt darker car because it ran through a drug checkpoint. >> oh-oh. >> yeah, so you see we're about to head off on to the highway. the chase is going to go on for quite some time. 're out and about with other civilians who are unsuspecting. >> so just shoot past the other police pickup truck in the middle, trying to block the lane.
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time when the car stops and you hear s se shouting from the police officers. i imagine they're demanding this driver stop. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> but he's not going to do it. instead he starts trying to back up. >> oh! >> yeah, they also pulled out a gun and starts to shoot at the car butut still won't stop. the officer puts his gun back in the holster and the chase is back on. >> you can see why he was doing the turn-around now. i didn't realize. when you look donewn the road, it looks like they created a road block. >> after that, the officers were able to come right up side the car when -- >> oh! >> oooo >> more shots fired, but the car keeps moving. >> kind of disabled the wheels so that it forces him to stop. >> you can tell by the way it's leaning and fish tailing that it succeeded with the back left. >> suddenly the car hits a dirt road and creates a ton of dust. >> you can only follow the dust. you can't see that car. >> considering this it really
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company, because the road is so unpredictable. at any minine can wipe him up. >> the driver stuck, and all o the others closed in on the driver. >> you notice the guy with the helmet cam had to wait for support becauause his gun was empty. >> they found a large quantity of crystal meth in this car. two officers were injured. all of the cars involved took some pretty decent damage. not a real surprise, they ran so hard in thailand. they're very serious when it comes to drugs and these guys are probably facing the death sentence. this video was shot by a customs officer who works for a colombia police department. they were walking through a neighborhood, and they spotted an abandoned building on fire. as they're walking around, they heard something. a dog barking. and so they realized, you know what, we don't have the gear, we don't have fire suits. but we've got to go in and figure out if we can savavthat dog. they went in through a window that had bee busted out,
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abandoned building. so it wasn't a great shape to begin with. they don't have gear on, so they have to go back to the entrance, get a gulp of fresh air and continue looking for the dog because they heard its cry. and you can see, all the smoke, how dark it is in there. did you see that? >> i can't see anything, to be honest with you. >> you really can't see much in here. but watch this. right here you do see a flash of something. >> i see fire. >> right about here, two eyes glowing in the smoke. and they saw it too. [ speaking in foreign language ] oh, there he is! >> yes. there he is. so one officer picks this creature up, and they make their way out. did you see how close that dog was to the flames? >> oh, and he looked like too scared to even move. he was just hunkered down. >> so do you reckon it s somebody homeless and crashing there, maybe the fire got out of hand? >> they don't know.
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owner of this dog. here you see them checkingis teeth to make sure it's okay. it is okay. now they're just l lking to see who the owner may be or hopefully get it another forever home. when i saw just the title of this video, i realized i was in for one heck of a ride. in fact, we all are. courtesy of the guy. we have anothth one of these videos, where somebody -- >> no! >> according to the title of this video, this is somebeby climbing the world's tallest tv tower without safety equipment. i've said it before, why don't they take drones with them. this time they have, and it so so much worked. once we get the drone involved, we see this guy making his assent. the crazy part being he's not climbing the ladder, he's going up the outside, people. the most terrifying part, once he gets to the top, he's just
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of metal. >> he's holding on. >> i wonder if the tower moves that high? >> it absolutely will if it's a windy day. now for me, the absolute money shot is right here as the camera pans around on the drone and reveals him at the top. >> meanwhile, some live reporter is wondering why his or her live shot -- >> he gets up to the top where he basically is hugging that light to warn low-flying aircraft that this thing is there. for me, it's actually worse when he gets down a little bit to this part, just before the antenna starts to get really small, where he stands on the edge of this platform. let's go, and it's just him and his feet with the toes over the edge. this video absolutely incredible. i'll put the entire experience for you guys on our website courtesy urban endeavors. head over to and click onur mobile app. they have become common place here in our sociciy, as common as cell phones and cars.
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in many parts of the world, drones are like alien spacecraft. like this village in uganda. these kids have never seen a drone. >> oh! they're running away from it! >> soel cool. that is mark, brendan smith, a visual story-teller traveling through this as a hunitarian. he just thought, what a great way to show off to thth kids there, and they, i think, love it. maybe are a little terrified. >> i think that some of them might be terrified, but you hear squeals and giggles and joy. that gives me goose bumps. that's so cool. isn't that great? what a wonderful idea for mark to bring out the drone. he knew -- i'm sure he knew it would be a crowd favorite. >> as good as this video is, i want to see thene from the drone. >> don't you, though? >> that would be money.
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i love when the camera pans around, you're right, and you see all of the kids just smile, there's wonderment behind their eyes. they're chasing after it. they're running away from it. i -- it just is such a pure moment in this short clip. [ bleep ]. a woman rams into a bunch of cars. >> and continues to drive. >> see who tries to stop her and why she's nowhere near done. and he's a big, strong guy. find out if girls really do wish they could dance like him. >> got game, but no hips to support that wine.
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ultimate skin. this is my what in the h-e double hockey sticks video of the week. this woman is ramming her c c through the parking lot of an apartment building, and you see she took out those cars, and continues to drive. [ bleep ] [ speaking in foreign language ] >> people in the parking lot see all of this going down, and they pstart to approach the car, cell phone in hand, to get it all on camera. and i think they're just as confused as all of us are at first. these folks decide enough is enough. as they approach the car, you see she's on her cell phone. they're like, hey, calm down. we got you on camera, stop. here's where she flips them the bird, and then s takes off driving again.
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that she was intoxicated, because this just continues. >> with all the refusing of the engine, it's almost like someone is driving a manual that's never driven a manual, not understanding how it works. >> this is pretty reckless. she takes off again after hitting the blue car. you see the scratch on the bumper. >> how did they not force her to stop driving. >> i'm with you. i would be doing something, tearing the door open. >> it does escalate to that point, because in total, she ends up hitting 17 cars. they think she's trying to get ay when they stop her and finally get her out of the car. and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, she starts walking away, and then she e tacks. >> ooh! >> she starts swinging. >> the heck is this woman's problem? >> they start to try to get her undede control, they get her back into her car. they say she stayed there until police arrived, but this entire situation, i give to the folks who decided to try to control
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stop the damages. can you imamane if she got out on to the streets? it definitely could have been a lot worse. >> oh! >> that is baby alexandra. she belongs to my friend brian laurel. she is just 2 weeks old, and dad is trying to get her to settle down. he tried everything. talking to her, cooing at her, laughing at her. this is the one thing that works to get her to stop crying. dad breaks out the official trailer of "star wars," the force awakens. at first, she's not having any of it. but as they say, wait for it. [ baby cooing ] >> she opens her eyes. >> oh, my goodness! >> oh, my goodness! it totally caught her attention! >> it's the pensive grab of the chin.
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i watch the traile >> the force is strong with her dad. >> jedi mind trick. >> we'll get you there. moving on to another daddy-daughter video. this man said he took his daughter on her first roller coaster ride, and they didn't know how she was going to react, but as you can see from the big smile on her face, she loved it. >> i just love that. they love being tossed around and scared, because they think it's the coolest thing ever. >> yes, they do. what's really cool, just made the heighttrequirement, which they were worried about. it was 90 centimeters, s s is 93, so she got to ride her first roller coaster. there are some people out there that say anything that a guy can do a girl can do better. >> uh-huh. you know what, it's a o-way street. >> oh-oh. why?
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>> how about now? >> i already agree. give him a pass. he ain't got no hits to support that wine. so boom, boom. >> rihanna's work featuring drake, and he's certainly feeling the music. >> yeah. he's got moves. but if you're going to make this a two-way street kind of pargument, you need to do this in heels. >> boom! >> his work boots like he's got on are so easy to dance in. >> try heels! >> no. >> all right, then. >> a lot of people are finding this video pretty cool. you can actually see, it's got tens o millions of views, and hundreds of thousands are shared. >> this guy does have some skill. but there is a reason behind that. we can check out his instagram right here, where ashley says he is a dance instructor. >> oh. >> and you can see all kinds of other videos and photos, and
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i think the reason it's trending so much, he's a strong guy, but at the same time -- >> his game is strong. >> inside a public gym and just doing a workout in front of a mirror, but this video is like fire across the interweb. a camouflage clearly works, because she doesn't realize that -- >> right behind her, that's her man. >> the moment they both forget there is anybody around. >> what? plus, mix bmx mountain biking and dirt biking and see why this is a recipe for a jumping good time.the newest addition to olive garden's lunch duos meme paired with your choice of unlimited soup or salad starting at just $6.99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden 85% of men say eating right helps prepare them for a healthy future. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more.
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a spoonfullf bmx riders mix in at a heavy helping of mountain bikers, and stir it up with some dirt bikers in a giant big green rolling hills bow of new zealand, and you get this. >> always doing an eve with not just bmx. in this case, it's bmx, mountain bike and smx and all three inn one venue, to be a part of it. unreal. >> farm jam is whatou get. the fruit family, who has a rge plot of land decided to put aside a small plot of land for this. to build a track and invite a buh of guys to come on down and have a blast. oh, yeah. i forgot that little dash of ingredient called bread bowl. it just m mes it -- the cool
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farm jam is that the guys all get together and ride. it's competition, but it's not like a competition like x games. the guys are all out there judging each other. it looks so much like a music festival. watch this trick here, and whoosh. >> wow. >> a triple. >> can you imagine having that much property where you say, hey, red bull, we're going to just do some hills and some stufuf you think you guys want to come down and bring some friends? >> but they're cool in new zealand. you see so many extreme sports you u n do. it's the number one place to be. in this age of social media, pictures are beingaken all of the time. no matter what you're doing. but this particular picture being taken, is actually kind of special. at least for this girl sitting the end of the table. as the picture is about to be taken, you see that somebody suddenly appears right behind
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>> wow. >> who has been deployed and is just now coming back. >> that camouflage is working, because she's completely unaware he's there. >> the picture is taken and then the big reveal with a kiss. >> oh! she gets up, gives him a big hug and basically sys there for the rest of this video while everyone else is like, okay, this is great. >> is like -- >> not right now, she's not. all of these homecomings are always amazing, because they're always surprising and always very emotional. just like this next one. except in this case, this man's marine son is coming back home. but he's revealing his return like this. as dad sits down to look at the menu at this restaurant, waiting for his server to come, you realize -- >> hi, y'all. >> took the long way around the booth.
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for the order, it turns outt's his son. >> by the looks of it, that server is getting quite the tipip or really likes the sandwich. >> and this video, as well, for the remainder of it, dad and son hugging the whole time. >> that didn't take long! she's on live tv with her man, because -- she's about to pop the big question. >> i love you so much. >> b see why her chance at romance is about to get really
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together as a project. it is possibly the most beautiful time piece i've ever seen in my life. >> not even swiss. >> is that like an etch-a-sketch type of screen? is that what that is? >> that's exactly what it is, nick. basically, it tilts back, and then draw each of the numbers in turn. >> you said he was a student. i'm going to catch off -- >> do you think? people are just blown away. as you can see, almost 200,000 retweets so far. >> about time. award-winning performance. >> bang! >> should a woman propose to a man? >> yeah, heck yeah! >> sure.
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we stand split at the table, because i'm with you. but this happens. >> the couple is helen and mark. it's february 29th, traditionally known as bachelor's day. that's where women can propose to their men. it happens every leap year. so once every four years, we will not judge you, ladies. >> great. so now i have to wait four years? >> well, this is a special d today. >> is it? >> run for youou life! >> live tv! >> that's this morning. pthat's national. >> they are live on i-tv's morning program. she is about to pop the big question. >> i love you so ch. >> uh-huh. >> and you're my soul mate. and every leap -- >> yeah. >> soul mate? the eyes keep darting to the tv and r. >> well, today i've come to ask
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>> i have to think about that for a bit. >> oh, now i need to think about it! that's as good as a no. good grief! >> live television. >> oh! >> he was messing with her! >> yes. >> this is w women shouldn't propose to men, because men will make a joke. he has to make a gag out of it. so you know what, yeah. women just say yes. >> what do you expect us to do? we're not goi to do the sniffles. >> oh, my gosh! >> everybody is so relieved. >> did you ever dream helen would do something like this? >> uh, yeah. so, yeah. i'm going to go on record for saying this is the best marriage proposal ever. >> congratutions!
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(over intercom) ann, are you coming in? gative! stay on target. what are you guys doing? r2, thrusts! they're closing in! i'll guard the base. for every family that lives star wars... ...this is the place where star wars lives. where a galaxy far, far away... closer than ever before. come join star wars awakens. now at walt disney world resort. experience the fun of all four theme parks with the florida resident 4-day disney select ticket. >> male announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the murad rapid lightening regimen, the only doctor-developed skincare system formulated to reduce uneven skin tone by two shades in as little as 7 days -- guaranteed, or your money back. >> female announcer: coming up, see how women all across america are taking murad's 7 day challenge, fading age spots, sun
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little as 7 days. and now you can, too. >> hi. i'm catt sadler, and i'm here tonight with an amazing group of women celebrating how comfortable we are in our own skin. and whwouldn't we be? every one of us has radiant, glowing, beautiful skin, thanks to murad's rapid lightening regimen. it all started when i went online and found that these women d taken the murad 7 day challenge. when i saw the results they got in just one week, i took the 7 day challenge myself. and i got to tell you, we have all seen amazing transformations in our skin, and now so can you. if you want even, radiant skin, stick around, and you'll see what the rapid lightening regimen did for the women here tonight, women all over social media, and what it can do for you. >> female announcer: have you
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