tv Right This Minute ABC March 6, 2016 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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live like that. if i get one i can also have it removed. that's what i know today. >oday you know through dr. jones and his staff i realized that there are opportunities to have those scars removed. and that it's not something that you are forced to deal with, that you do have options. >> the first thing that i look at when i'm in the mirror, i see, i look at where the bump used to be. and i'm saying thank god i got the bump removed. because i don't have this thing on me. anymore. >> i could do whatever i want to do now. i could have my hair up, i could have my hair down. i feel more confident. i just feel elated. i'm cathleen trigg, emmy award-winning journalist, television personality and actress. dr.jones: and i'm dr. michael jones, a board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon and founder of lexington plastic surgeons, i devoted my entire career to making people happy by changing the way they look on
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joseph sardano: we recognize doct jones as being one of the most formidable physicians in the country, who recognizes the problem and really knows how to treat the problem. when we met dr. jones and talk to him for such a long period we understood what his g gls and objectives were. and it's clearly to help people eradicate themselves of these keloids. aside from being a leading cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon who has been featured on television and in magazines as the go to doctor on m`any medical issues, you also happen to be my husband, and i get a chance to see the amazing work you do on a daily basis. and how much you truly have change lives. dr. jones: thank you cathleen, as the founder and director of lexington plasticurgeons, i have treated thousands of patients- from celebrities to anyone who has wanted to enhance or correct something on their body. a large percentage of our patients over the years have been people who suffer from keloids, and they come to us desperately seeking out treatment options. in fact it was seeing how many people are suffering with
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over the country. >> it's really unbelvable to see how many people really are suffering, but it is also amazing to see what a difference you have made in so many patients lives with your breakthrough research and treatment options. let's start by just explaining what a keloid is f those ople who may not know. dr. jones: keloids are benign fibrous tumors. thth are an enlarged growth or scar at the site of a wound ororut that extends beyond the confines of the original wound. keloids are the result of abnormal wound healing.thus, they may form early or they may take a little while to develop. it may take s%veral months or even years to develop. even a minor skin abrasion can result in keloid formation. normally, there is a balance between the production and the breakdown of collagen, now collagen is a protein that makes up the fibers within the skin. but with keloids, the cells in the skin called fibroblasts produce excessive amounts of collagen. the collagen fibers are also thicker, tend to be wavier.
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is characteristic of keloids. keloids can differ in their size, their location, as well as their shape, and are common on hands, lower legs, mid-chest, the face or even most commonly the ear. cathleen: in your practice i know many of the people who come to see you arpatients of color and i've also heard that patients of color are more prone to developing keloids, is that necessarily always the case? dr. jones: well yes, people of color- africans, african-americans, hispanic, indians and asians, are most affected with keloids. >> i know one of your patients in particular is hiyacynthia leon or cynthia as she is known to her family and friends. cynthia is in icu technician who suffered from keloids for over 12 years. let's take a listen to her story. >> how are you feeling? >> i feel great actually, i feel wonderful.
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there yeah, but i used to, she always used to like, "carefu careful, careful the bump the bump." you know she would hold it like this while i combed the rest of her hair. d it was very sensitive. >> when i first noticed the keloid at the back of my head it began with a little bump and then like weeks after it started to get bigger and bigger and uglier. i am the only one that ever had keloids in my family. and i found that kind of strange. i was like why me but that's just the way it is. >> up until that time i didn't know anything about keloids. i saw the bump when n was combing her hair, i didn't even know what it was. i thought it was just a growth. you know i wasn't even so worried that it might be cancerous or anything. you know i never even gave it a thought. >> my friends and all the doctors i've been to told me it was a big overgrown keloid. it itches, it burns, it bleeds sometimes. it prevented me from doing a lot of things like
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much, i did nct feel like doing much of anything. because the first thing my friends and all the people noticed is that big bump on the back of your head. so with just that i basically just stayed home a lot. the day of the surgery i was very nervous. i had no idea what to expect. no idea. i was like is it going to be a big scar, a little scar, am i going to feel pain. the surgery wasn't bad at all. nothing like i was expecting like something is going to happen, i'm not going to wake up from anesthesia, nothing like that. >> before the surgery she was kind of shy and she would never
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surgery she has her hair up, we went to atlantic city and her hair was up. i couldn't even tell you know where the scar wasas since she's a better person because she has her confidence back. you know, she knows if she goes out then nobody would look and point and stare and you know, if she had her hair up. i love my sister. she is the heart of the family no matter what you are doing and no matter what trouble that you are in she will always be there. >> lexington plastic surgeons and dr. jones are awesome. >> i would recommend dr. jones to anybody because he did a fantastic job on my ster. >> they make you feel so comfortable it's like there's no question that you can ask them and they cannot answer. >> she has her confidence back, that is really all that matters. she's a better person. she's a better person.
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great big smile light up as she talks about how amazing you are. now she did mention that occasionally her keloid would bleed or itch. is that something that is common in patients? dr. jones: itching is actually a tell-tale sign that the lesion or scar is actually continuing to grow. many scars that are starting to become keloids will first start out slightly elevated. they may start to itch, sometimes bleed or even cause pain, as the growth continues. some keloids may even entrap hair follicles and lead to smoldering infection with foul smelling drainage and even pus. >> that's really something, i often hear people sayayhat keloids are running in their family.that their parents had them, their grandparents had them and now they have them. is it hereditary or does it depend on the individual? dr. jones: doctors may not fully understand the biology behind keloids or why some people keloid, while others do not. but what we do know, besides inflammation being a cause,
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usually ha a family history of keloids. in fact, allow me to introduce two of my patients, veronica brown and joseph mcqueen, 7ho sought help for keloids that not only affected them but members of their families as well. >> what letter? >> "j" >> j, okay. my grandson joshua when he first seen it i was taking my work shirt off. and he said, oh, memaw what is that? and it was his face. and i i id oh that's a keloid. >> on her back i thought, it looked to me like just a hump, i had no idea where it had come from. or what it could be. it was a complete mystery to me. mom do you know there is somemeing growing on your back, what is that? >> the keloid, it was like a buffalo hump.
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a piece of fat which looked like a magnet. and once she removed it i thought i was okay and then a year later it came back. and wasn't happy. >> my mom felt that her keloid was something she had to deal with. she wanted to fix the problem. it was for us in our household the big elephant in the room so to speak. >> the keloid is a mass of fat and mine was a straight line. going straight across the back of my neck. from the surgery that i had. when they cut me. and i didn't le it not one bit on the bk of my neck. >> i definitely think that it affected the way she felt about
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of cover it up, she didn't feel comfortable with people seeing her in certain shirts especially if the back of it was low-cut. so that it would be exposed. >> my hair i would just where it long all the time, would never ever wear it short. because of it. >> so it definitely affected my mom's confidence level, it affected her dress, the way she carried herself and everything. >> what's the new letter? >> "m" >> don't give me, m, are you trying to be funny, that's not funny. >> before dr. michael jones i had the first surgery. the first surgery was not good. i thought it was gone and then it started coming back. i needed to find the right doctor and i didn't know which direction to go in. i didn't know who to talk to because i wanted this keloid to be gone. just cut the middle piece out so it can be gone, so it can be flat. so i was sitting
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seen dr. michael jones. specializes in keloids. you know you did a wonderful job. >> oh why thank you so much. u did a great job. >> i said he can help me. and i called right up under the hairdryer. and that was the best thing that could o ohappened. came in for my consultation, he looked at it and he said, "no problem." >> my mom loves dr. michael jones. she's'sad various surgeries with him. the keloid was just one of a few with him. and from what i understand she said any surgery that she needs she wants to go back to the same doctor. >> you know the other doctor, i couldn't move my neck for a couple of weeks. it just wasn't good. and so now it's been about two years since i had it and i'm not looking forward
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>> and when i look at it today, when he cut me it was a little thin cut and now you don't evev see it and so i was like, oh my god, this is really good. you know, the sab that he gave me, the cream that he makes, you know i put it on just like they told me to and i still do it today. not every day, but when i get out of the shower i do it. you know, so i'm really happy. you knowowanything i need done on my body physically, you know i would have dr. michael jones do it. i would not have anybody else touch me becacae in my mind, they don't know what they're doing. but he specializes in keloids and for an african-american, that's what we get. we get keloids when you cut us. >> now that the keloid has been removed my mom has a shopping habit she loves to wear clothing that she wore before the keloid.
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of you gnow what if someone sees my back. >> when i go out, on vacation that was the first time in a long time that i was able to have my hair up in a bathing cap. and not someone look at me, you know looking at the keloid. >> we went to disney world together and my mom felt free. she felt confide and comfortable in her clothing, her bathing suit, and everything that she had the opportunity to wear. >> dr. michael jones, i recommend him to all my friends. he's been working on me a few years now, i wouldn't go to anyone else. well i'm sure glad to see veronica was able to feel comfortable in her clothes again and have the keloid or buffalo hump, as she refered to it, finally removed but it took two surgeries. is that cocoon with your patients? dr. jones: exactly, her first surgery by another physician did
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for people to enter my office frustrated that their previous operation was not successful over time. cathleen: the second patient you spoke about having keloids which also runs in his family, was joseph mcqueen. now joseph's father had keloids and for most of joe's life, he has also suffered from keloids. in fact he has several keloids on his chest, making it really hard for the avid body builder, to show off his buffed body. >> i first noticed the keloids approximately around high school. i was probably 16 or 17. on my chest i realize there was a scar forming. at that point i couldn't trace it back to any particular incident or injury. from that point on as i we to college i noticed that there were several others that were beginning to form. i grew up in the inner-city and usually in jersey city there is not much grass around you know there is a lot of concrete. not
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playing and things like that i noticed when i would fall and scar that the scars would begin to elevate they didn't flatten out as i would expect. there is a history of keloid in my family. my father, he had keloid scars and i noticed that growing up so i knew that there was a possibility that i may keloid as well. with the keloids and rking out, it does present a conundrum there. you look at the scars and they aren'n'places that aren't ideal. once you take into consideration the training that's necessary to build quality muscle and to have something that is somewhat something that you appreciate and that you kind of want to share and be confident in.
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in those regions whether it be your chest, your arms, so forth. i would say i was definitely self-conscious about the scars there and ultimately you know what would be you know the best way of possibly hiding or masking those particular scars whether it be with jewelry or selective clothing or things of that sort. >> okay welcome. >> i found dr. jones and lexington plastic surgeons. one time i was searching the internet and i was just researching keloids, looking for new innovative treatments. or maybe some self treatments that i could do to kind of minimize or reduce the scarring or the elevation of a keloid. >> i would absolutely suggest dr. jones anlexington plastic surgeons to anyone suffering from keloids. you know based upon the knowledge that his staff, dr. jones and h staff has regarding the issue i would think that he is onef the
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dr. jones: one of the perks of working out and keeping yourself fit is that you are able to showcase your physique; taking pride in your appearance. >> well i can certainly emphathize with joseph, it's why many of us, including myself, stay in thgym and watch out diets. you know he works out a lot, he wants to be ablee to show that off. so, we just saw veronica & joseph's stories and their determrmation to find answers to treat the keloids they both suffered from by eventually seeking trtrtment from a medical professional. but i've heard so many stories about people who try to treat their keloids by using unconventional methods, things that their parents taught them. how dangerous is that? dr. jones: very dangerous. as a surgeon, i've heard countless stories of patients trying homegrown remedies to remove keloids. everything fromomeople tying a string around the keloid, in an attempt to snanait off. to cases where patients have left the string around the keloid to strangulate it, in the hopes that it will fall off. >> well that is certainly the opposite of what people are
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keloid can make a difference, i've heard you say that to many of your patients. what does that do to help the keloid? dr. jones: i strongly recommended massaging to my patients at lexington plastic surgeons, especially after a patient has undergone keloid surgery or any surgery for that mater. the benefits of massage therapy, is of course what led you to spend 10 years developing your own topical cream to treat keloids it's called, keloid care. i know i've used it on my hands and in fact i use it on everything. anytime i have a scar but i remember one burn that you treated for me and i think it was on this finger and it's gone, you can't see it anymore so it helps not only i guess with keloids but also with scars. i developed keloid care combining many of the natural ingredients our grandparents use to tell us worked for any kind of skin ailment such as vitamin e, aloe, shae and cocoa butter and then i added ingredients which have bn clinically proven to reduce the appearance of scars, such as hydrocortisone, silicone and antioxidants to come up with a cream that we
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and keloids. we have found the best results when keloid care is combined with surgical removal and post surgical radiation therapy. when a patient elects to have surgery wi you to enhance or correct something on their body, what do you have to consider before performing their surgery? dr. jones: bs a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon, i believe it is extremely important that i take time to understand the needs and desires of that individual patient. every aspect of their surgery has to be coidered. cathleen: so there are always questns and concerns i guess when considering how to treat a patient especially one who is suffering from keloids i imagine? dr. jones: absolutel in fact t couldn't be truer for my next patient, a teenager named akilah brown. >> i've had my keloid since may 17, 2013. on that day i actually got hit by a car and my best frie she actually died on that day. and when i landed on the car it formed the keloid. >> akilah is very thoughtful, caring, intelligent, very
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accident that happened last year she's been more than i can ever even have imagined. i don't know if i could have been as strong as she has been this last year and a half. >> i didn't ow what my injuries were so i didn't think it was that big of a deal. >> akilah went through i think seven operations. >> i first noticed a keloid, i think, three months when i was in the hospital. >> personally it wasn't that bad to me. but i know akilah felt very self-conscious about it. >> what we are going to basically be doing is just cutting very close to it so we don't want to make it much longer than it already is. >> the keloid made me feel very insecure about myself because it was just this bump on me that like i didn't ask for. i just didn't like taking pictures and like being seen really. >> i knew very little about keloids except when i was in college i belonged to alpha phi alpha fraternity. a lot of guys
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but it was ugly. >> so when i came back to school everyone was talking about prom already and this was october. and then i started freaking out abt it, i'm like i need to get this bump off my chin because i'm not taking picres with this bump on my chin. so i thought i can just buy creams and it will be done with. but then i realized i needed surgery for this. >> we found dr. jones in the a.m. new york paper. i was s nestly impressed because he was a man of color. and i thought he would be more sensitive to what she needed to have done. >> the surgery was very simple and easier than all the surgeries i've had. >> akilah's mood before surgery wabeing anxious in a good way. she wanted to get it done, e was anticipating the keloid being removed. how you feeling? >> i'm good. the first thing i lookt when i'm in the mirror, i see i look at where t bump used to be.
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because i don't have this thing on me anymore. >> i think most teenagers especially girls they are very conscious about hothey look. which is understandable. that was an impediment to her self-confidence. once that was removed you can see especially now since it's been a year and a ha there is no mention of the keloid being there. >> i would recommend lexington plastic surgeons and dr. jones because they were very professional with me. >> dr. jes from my perspective is very professional doctor, the aftercare especially i believe is well done, it's very wellrganized. it's very well thought through. i would recommend dr. jones and lexington plastic surgeon because of the work that i have seen them do with my daughter. i have also seen some other work that i've seen online on youtube and the results have been excellent as well that's what is happening with akilah.
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since her opeeration, she was able to regain the confidence that she needed to attaned her senior prom, take pictures, and celebrate like a normal teenager, and now i hear she is actually a student at penn state university. dr. jones: yes. she is doing really well and i know that her father is extremely proud of her. cathleen: well thanks to you. we've learned so much onow you treat your patients who suffer from keloids. and your patients we have met- cynthia, veronica, joseph and akilah-are obviously just a few of the many success stories, from patients treated at lexington plastic surgeons. if you, or a loved one is suffering from keloids; or someone you know has a keloid and is bothered by it, concerned about it, you no longer have to suffer from silence or shame. there's no need to feel the reluctance or apprehensions about having it surgically removed. as we have learned here today during our show, lexington plastic surgeons now offers a new and innovative treatment for keloids that can prevent them from coming back+
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rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, brazilian butt lift, mommy makeover, scar revions or if you are currently suffering from a keloid, we would love to hear from you. call lexington plastic surgeons the number is located on the screen below. make an appointment and let the staff evaluate you and determine the best treatment for you or your l/ved ones. for more information, you can log onto or call the number on your screen below. >> without that keloid there it's just amazing the change that it has on her. she has the opportunity to walk around and be free. >> my keloid is located on the back of my neck. and i noticed it started growing. we got an appointment and within a week i was sitting in the office, very professional i was like oh i love this place. i made a decision and i can finally put a bathing suit on. you know i don't have to have people stare
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he just t anged my life. >> today you know when i look back when i initially found out that i had scars and i would keloid as a result of those scars i thought it was something that would be with me fofoa lifetime and that there was no means of having thoho scars removed. today through dr. jones and his staff i realize that there are opportunities to have those scars removed and that it's not something that you are forced to deal with.h.hat you do have options. my whole experience with drdrjones and lexington plastic surgeons was great. his staff was very helpful, his sttf gave a very comfortable and inviting environment. which helped to ease any concerns especicily going inino have any type of surgery and it's something that i really appreciate. >> my knowledge about keloids now is greater because akilah
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online regarding keloids, how they form, why they form. >> as a teenager going to dr. jones office and lexington plastic surgeons, staff there was very sweet and very understanding of my problem that i had with the keloid. >> i've seen somof the work that dr. jones has done online as well as some of the interviews that he has dlne and he is an impressive man and lexington plastic surgeons/ are very impressive as well. >> before cynthia had the surgery i knew nothing about keloids. and after her surgery i knew some things&about keloids. you know that it's painful, it sensitive, you know and she has the confidence back and that's really althat matters. >> i would recommend lexington plastic surgeons andr. jones to anyone especially if they are not quite sure of a doctor to go
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lexington plastic surgeons and dr. jones. because they are phenomenal and they will not regret it. they will not regret it. as a doctor, it's always a joy to know that you've helped your patients. i strongly reco-mend for anyone suffering from a keloid, to seek out the advice of a medical professional- such as lexington plastic surgeons- come and let us evaluate and determine the best treatment for your scar or keloid. remember, at lexington plastic surgeons we have set out to make sure we are doing all that is possible to minimize the risk of a keloid occurring. we now have these wonderful revolutionary types of treatments that can affect a cure. in fact, to date, we have had over a 90% success rate in treating keloids. speak with one our staff and receive medical advice that helps you regain your outer and inner conondence. ank you for joining us.
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