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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 12, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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this has happened to me! mexico. we can see some people on a boat and they're waving at somebody. someone out there. >> they are saying don't worry, we'll rescue you. calm down. the story behind it is crazy. >> that what happened? >> he's currently enjoying a meal of t tt bird. this guy was shipwrecked and has been drifting at sea. apparently he set off from acapulco. as he comes up, you can see how sun burned and how skinny this guy is. they reach down, they grab his hand and they lift him into the boat. >> they just asked him, how did you catch the bird?
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his box but he is caught and eaten four birds and a turtle. >> yes. he's been out there long enough that he's been catching his food and it gets worse. he was shipwrecked with somebody se that didn't make it. there guy spotted out there in the big blue ocean by these guys. they found him. they pulled him on board and they saved his life. another miracle he is came comes from oman. the people went out, a bit of water bashing. usually a dry riviv bed. with rain, melt, with everything happening on a different part of the country, suddenly these waves can turn into a tornlt of rushing water. you can and see a four-wheel drive full of peopop in the middle of this now rushing river. these guys struggle to catch this and help them. nono this is both lucky and very dangerous where it catches here on the side. and they're lucky that it doesn't roll over. so they back another four-wheel drive behind it. i think in their rush, they
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watch what happens. >> rim that bumper right off. >> exactly. that's how peoplereak legs. >> they're able to get a good out. bringing the four-wheel drive out with them. a very lucky escape. >> they say home is where the heart is. that's why homecomingss are that much sweeter. this little one is out having doughnuts with his mommy. >> i have bad news. i went to get a doughnut and they only had my kind. them they were all out. >> all out? >> disaster! >> that's bad news! >> but good news is right around the corner. >> they sasa they gave last doughnut to that guy over there. >> he is a aut to find out who took last of the chocolate doughnuts. >> why i oughta -- >> ohoh forget the doughnuts!
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>> yes. and he just holds on for dear life. apparently dad has been away for about five months and the little one didn't expect him home. ? five months at thatat age is forever. and this goes on forever too. the rest of the video they spent it hugging and holding each other. so heart warming. >> i love when he grabs his dad's face and looks at him and hugs him. he forgot about the doughnut. >> screw the doughnut. >> it doesn't matter what age you are. >> it's a good day when family members come home. this teen opens the door and -- >> she is so shococd, she runs away from the door. >> and it is all tears and hugs from there. >> are you happy? >> sometimes you can't avoid certain incidents. this guy on his motorcycle is going down the street. >> you jerk.
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>> from the left lane. >> from the left lane which i i a terrible idea. >> did he even indicate -- >> yes. but still, that would probably mean that you're trying to merge into a lane, not make the turn. >> danger on the right. danger on the left. there poor guy has nowhere to go. >> it doesn't look like he was using any kind of excessive speed. he was cruising through town. >> how many times have you been in the car and gone, oh! and snapped back in. you don't do that! you don't just turn the wheel. you have to look. >> you never just -- my goodness. >> the thing about it is even if he did, it put this guy's life in danger. >> one thing i like about this video, afterwards, the driver gets out of the car. they shake hands and they deal with this incident like adults. that's what happens when you make a mistake. and imagine if something fatal happen. you would be living with there like oh, my goodness.
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come place end. >> the fault does land directly on the motorcycle. he is on his f-1000 sr. a brand new oil change. brand new tires. then somehow this happens. >> yeah. you know exactly what happened there. >> yeah. he has brand new tires on. he just left his driveway. they're cold. they're not tacky. they're not sticky. a completely different feel from what he's used to. >> that's what happened. he recognizes his mistakes and puts his video out there to remind everyone else. >> be care. . break these suckers in first. >> classic mistake. >> trying a case of big bass. >> that's your man. >> this is robert woodard. if he looks familiar, that's because he's been on the show before catching fish. he can catch a bass with just
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this one, he wants to catch that old bass girl by hand. >> fishermen have the story of the one that got away. after being a little patient, he calm down. >> it looks like he will fall. no, no. this man grabs ahold of that girl and hauls her in. >> uncle jess came in. >> it's so funny. >> this is how cavemen used to do it before the fancy rod and reel. >> that really is a big bad right there. and check this out. they weigh this girl. >> i'm going to guess 18 pounds. >> any guesses? >> 22. >> you're struggling. i'm going to say 28. >> i'm going with 25. >> let's see if any of you are correct. >> 16.03. >wow!
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bass by hand. 16.03 pounds. 16.03 by hand. this is the way they caught them. the way it was back then. read my book. >> i like how quickly that bass got out of there. you know they're going, they're not going to catch me again. >> wow! >> a downhill long boarding ride out of this world. they have some leds to make it look even cooler. a moonlight cruise you don't want to miss. >> nothing i love more than the light of a full moon. >> plus a sweet dance with nanny that will bring tears to your eyes. >> buy one, take one at olive garden. may all your tomorrow's be as delicious as today olive garden oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen.
5:38 pm one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena . today it's florida flatbread with fresh tomatoes and bell peppers. it's easy to turn local produceinto a meal time favorite. look for the fresh from floridalabel when you shop.
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we don't use msg, bha, bht or partially hydrogenanad oils. why? because if it's not a better ingredient, it doesn't make a better pizza.
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it took joel silverman years to beme a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. giving peoploptions based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. giving people options based
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>> watch the video again and again. head over, find tons of videos and they're them with your friends. >> keep in mind this video is on planet earth. however, it looks so incredibly out of there world. this juicing video shot in the french palls on the night of a full moon. a group of guys long boarding down this beautiful mountain pass. they have some leds on their boards. it makes them look cool like they're hovering down the mountain. you can see they have hands on their hands and feet to throw some sparks to make it look even wilder. the light is bright enough f@r them to comfortably and safely navigate down this road. >> i would almost say it is even safer at night. you would see if cars are coming around the corner. >> could you skate by the light of the moon before? sure. would we be able to see it? no. the camera technology has advanced to such a point where
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this but in such low light. the camera is the sony a-7 s. this has not been doctored. this is simply moonlight. >> funny you should say that. in the 1960s and 1970s movies, they would shoot it during the day and put a filter on it. >> it is so fascinating to see the beauty opportunity moonlight. >> there is nothing i love more than the light of a full moon. the facq that they could cam you are it while long boarding is amazing. it is really beautiful. >> all is not well for lite primrose. you can see here with dr. kerry. he takes us through what she thinks is going on. >> she probably has fractures around here. >> oh, ow! >> that's some pretty serious
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her jaw is misaligned and you can hear the struggle she's having breathing. >> do you hear thdt? the bottom. and they believe the jaw is dislocated. all off to the side. primrose is in a bad way >> i feel the pain for her. >> this is the one they're really worried about. her mouth is open on the side. they're worried she has a fracture. if she does, it looks liked she euthanasia. >> it is to do with the way would it heal. would it mean she can't really move her jaw so the surgeons are recommending euthanasia. >> no! >> two weeks later she is doing a little better. still trouble breathing and still trouble with the jaw. one week later,@it looks like she's on the mend. why d't we use our time machine and cue the inspirational music! >> that she's so big! >> that's a normal dog. >> you will see that she still
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right. but she is enjoying life and having fun being a puppy.p >> it looks like they did as much as they could. i think if they had gone too much further, it could have been way too hard. way too complicated. the fact they put so much effort into that for this dog is why we love them. >> they don't give up easily at all. >> he is in new zeaeandith his great grandmother. she's people in years old. she is one of his best friends. she makes him happy. he gives her a little joy by taking her on a little dance. they're dancing @o seven years by lucas graham. >> come on! >> right?
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watch this moment when shu is up there. she gives him a big old hug. >> that is just about the sweetest thing i've ever seen. >> i know! >> then he gets back up and they start dancing ever so slowly. look at his face. you can tell that he's genuinely loving this moment, loving with his nana. >> and grandma too. to have the company and to get up and move around, of course, is great for her too. >> look at her face. she has big old smile that is just lighting up the room. >> super special. >> makes me wish my grandma. >> makes me wish my grandpa. >> eventually she gets a little tired. he gives her her walker and now as he turns the camera off, he says they're going to go grab
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>> cute! >> this welder has his torch nice and hot. now -- >> i hope not point it at himself. >> see the answer to the burning question next. >> no! >> and that baby elephant is under attack. >> i don't know what it is but the little baby elephant responds by going -- >> see what scares it. laughter ] seems like we've hit a road block. that reminin me... anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional gestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. only pull 'n' peel let's you pull it, peel it, play it. fun never tasted so good with chewy, fruity pull 'n' peel candy
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5:48 pm
right now at papa john's, get one of our st deals ever.... ....for just $9.99 you can get any large pizza with up to five toppings pile on your favorites with up to five toppings for just $9.99 better ingredients. better pizza. jelly belly jelly beans. the original gourmet jelly beanin fifty true-to-life flavors, like very cherry. get real. get jelly belly. gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliates, smoothes, softens. rereces bumps 72 percent. gold bond.
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he's going to showw us the tools of the trade. he has thetorch, a basic tool for any welder out there. and he describes the hot flames. >> the temperature, rangingrom 5,900 degrees to 6,300 degrees. >> in fact, it is the hottest gas flame available. >> the torch i gets it fiery red hot. >> oh-oh! >> i hope not point it at himself. >> the first person to do this. >> what is wrong with him? >> why? >> he extinguishes that torch on
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flame. >> this is not a prank. this is not video trickery. this is authentic fire eating. however,e does go on to say that this is extremely dangerous. the volatile gas could reignite and explode in his mouth. blowing up his head. the flame could speefrlyeverely burn his mouth. it is able to burn under water. doug is no stranger to this kind of performance. he is a fire performer. he helped start the circus of hellhere he performs all kinds of fire breathing stunts. he knows what he's doing. he's done it a long time. >> any takers? >> there arere men and then there are men. >> manly,y, manly men.
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drive a 70,000 pound dun truck laying asphalt on the road. this is the mniest thing you could do. >> stop, stop! he is currently laying the asphalt, he cannot stop the truck. so he ends up shouting for help. help, help, open the door! can someone please help me? >> look at the guy on the right there. he is laughing. >> what exactly is g gng on here? >> eventually it gets out. he turns to the camera. hes telling the stories. >> he was nowhere near you! it was a tiny little bird. by the time he gets hope, no doubt a bengal tiger came in and attack him. >> he is like that big burly
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oh, he is a teddy bear! >> he'not the only teddy bear who should not be scared. we head to this video where there is a baby elephant. what have elephants got to be scared of? there is terror lurking in this video. you might catch a glimpse of it. >> oh, my gosh! >> i don't know what it is. the little baby elephant responds by going -- and j jt running to mom. it is adorable. >> there you go. size doesn't matter when it comes to being scared. >> she's ready to strike the perfect pose. >> the wind blowing through her & hair. the waves crashing behind her.
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about to get soaked.
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get butter to soften over your toast without tearing it up. i have a game changer. or shall i say, a spread changer? sprayer. all you do is stick your stick button and it sprays evenly. >> no kidding! >> how does it work? >> it has a charger. when you stick the butter in, it only sprays the amf butter you want. thing. only what you want to use. counter. >> i can see my popcorn being evenly coverededith butter. i love it. >> here the thing. this is aick starter campaign them want $42,000 to get this started. they reached over $140,000. it will cost youo$99.
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>> beautiful beach in brazil. she is wearing a pretty nice white dress. a perfect shot. >> oh, yes! >> a great profile picture. >> oh, yeah. so she thought her husband was taking a picture. no. he's rolling. >> wipeout! >> she says the wave took her by surprpse. you don't say! >> no, i feel bad foror her. this has happen to me. it hurt my foot. those rocks are not smooth. they're rough. so when the wave pushes you, it screams your skin you end up with road rash. rock rash. >> well, if you can relate to that woman, let's look at this click. incoming! >> apparently this is a little
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i think you can see why it is making its round. >> the poor girl has lost a ski. no wonder she couldn't stop. >> she goes head long into that ski rack. she could have got impaled. >> i think that was like a strike at a bowling alley. >> thanks for joining us. we'll see you on the next "right this minute." now at 6:00, spring eakers lose control and several arrests. the fights caught on camera and posted on social media. violent in chicago at a donald trump rally leading to heated words today.
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way down the street. and hours away from (inaudible) getting underway. we'll have a preview.
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>> local 100ews at live, the one and only local 10 news starts rights now. >> reporter: we start with the beach brawl that put several spring breakers behind bars. caras were rolling. crews had to break up the fight. >> local 10 news reporter michael is l@ve on south beach with the latest. >> reporter: if you were hoping
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this is not the place you want to ebe. we saw thousands of spring breakers enjoying the final minutes of sunshine. it's pretty under control. nothing like we saw overnight. these are some of the videos that were going viral o social media. you can see a wild crowd of spring breakers crashing with -- clashing with police. there were reported fightsnd obvious traffic jams. ami beach police are out in full force. an extra 30 cops o duty as part of the spring break task force. a huge increase in tourists here. police want to just be ready for anything. minutes ago the beach closed for the evening. closing before sunset because of the mess that has been left behind on our beautiful beaches. take a look at this ugly sight. not what we want to see. in fact -- a number of volunteers who live here in


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