tv Right This Minute ABC March 16, 2016 2:06am-2:33am EDT
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skateboarder is flying like a broom. the moment he hits a heck in a road. hungry lions spot a rhino stuck in the maybe think -- >> maybe we'll take a chance. >> see why they're about to lose their lunch. oh! >> it's st. paddy's day rowdiness. and rahad gets a little help from some young pranksters -- >> do you copy?
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>> the high setup that makes fortune telling a cinch. >> one of your favorite trips to france? >> how did you know? >> you never know what's lurking around the corner. we'll start first in russia. this fella on his skate board, a little kick push. this has his friend recording. he is in the car following him and he's moving and grooving. comes around the corner and -- >> oh, wow. he has -- okay. >> what do you expect? you're long boarding on an open road! you don't think there's going to be traffic? >> and he went around a blind corner as well. >> and swung wide, too. >> doesn matter what you're on, skate board, motorcycle, bicle, same thing will happen. >> the guy in the car gets out.
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he was wearing a helmet so he will be okay. does have scrapes and bruises ancon cushion but it would have a lot worst. this motorcyclist is taking in the view and he spots a -- no, no, no, no. >> the taurus was driving on the wrong side of the road. >> yes. luckily the person driving the car saw the motorcyclist. this could have been tragedy. >> it's easy to happenn because there are some really quiet roads in new aland, you're getting hypnotized, haven't seen anybody for half an hour, oh, wait, other side. >> guilty. >> guilty. >> i don't drive in england anymore. >> i did that in japan. >> ^ bleep ]. >> this looks like the beginning of an animal rescue video. what you have here is a black rhino in the cougar national park.
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the mud. this isn't a rescue video. this is an opportunity for three lions lions. >> you see the three lions and compare sizes, it's notot a fair fight. but these lions decide, m mbe we'll take a chance. even though that rhino is stuck in the mud, they're still a little intimidated. >> it will so exhausted if it can get itself out. >> i wonder if that is just the little e era motivation to get out of it. >> the rhinoets out. >> run, guys, run! >> after that, it wasn't really even a contest and eventually the rhino is like -- anybody & else? and walks off to applause. now, this next video comes to us from australia, imagine that, a baby alligator being born and this one we get to see as it hatches taking its first steps.
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park, it's still cute. >> we need some pop music. >> they start opening doors. >> that's incredible that that thing was jammed in that tiny littleleegg. its head looked like it could barely fit in the egg. >> a face only momma alligator could love. >> foamy in the mouth. as many have noticed thanks to the trance lucency of my complexion, i'm a quarter irish. much like everybody else, i will be full irish in a few days. we'll get hundreds of videos much like this one -- >> [ bleep ]. >> yeah, we can see where this is going all the expletives are being thrown around and all the idiots are going -- yeah!
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patrick's day a few days ago and the situation just continues to escalate until stupidity becomes stupidity. >> we see somebody being pushed through a window and then -- he is almost like awake and knocked awake at the same time. he is there on his knees and just trying to figure out which way is up. >> what's crazy is when he hit that window, he came out swinging, but, wow, he didn't make contactn time to defend himself. >> no. his chin made contact with the st of the other guy. i think that's the guy that actually pushed him as we. somebody else comes up to that guy and recommendation leg it. which he then does. apparently that's the front window of a chicken plant. this is in chicago.
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stst patrick's day is fun, but let's have fun. don't punch anybody in the face or head butt anybody or kick anybody or do any of this. that would be great. check three. >> this could be ttbook training for firefighters. of course they roll up -- yes, inde it is on fire. these guys know exactly what they're doing. th pull that attack line right off. they get the line charged. lots of communication going back and forth beten the captain and the initial firefighters in there. they get their protective gear on and boom -- >> is it just the front area? >> it's just the front area. reports say this house had previously burned already. thankfully it is unoccupied, 's boarded up, firefighters know that. they can't officially get t t
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fight the fire in the front room from the windows, get that extinguished and make their rounds through the house. there was nobody in there and nobody injuries to firefighters. that's as textbook as it gets. now let's go to kaz ek stav where things are a little bit different. we have a report that this lady on the third story is suicidal, got in a fight with her boyfriend and she is climbing out the window and is sitting there. police start cliemg up the side of theheuilding to get to this woman. >> that officer is so brave because he has no p ptective gear. he is just takingction. >> these cops are being praised and also being jeered as well because once they get there, there's really not much they could have done to stop her from jumping should she cho to do so. >> i could see why they probably should have waited until somebody professional got there
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>> they manage to get themselves and her through the window to safety. this dude has one heck of a challenge ahead of him. >> today i am going to go and eat a sock. >> he's gotten clever with this, though. >> see how he whips it up to attempt to get it down. plus, a pilot enjoys a smooth ride and then rips it over. the sun that will have you holding on extra tight. three new mediterraneaea inspired dishes. savory shrimp scampi sauteed in a mouthwatering garlic sauce. and flavorful new! chicken pipiata. all under 575 calories. only at olive garden. seresto makes it easy to help protect yo dog or cat from fleas and ticks. with the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a non-greasy collar... seresto kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months.
2:16 am
...enjoying hand-picked music or seeing locally grown topiaries. whatever you pick here, the epcot international flower and garden festival... certified fresh epcot. visit for fresh ticket options for florida residents. [ announcer ] cortizone-10 eczema re closed captioning provided by -- cortizone-10 eczema relief. feel the heal. this guy, antonio is pulling some stunts rather close tohe ground. he does a real tight left
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he's got a buddy in formation behind him and then rips it over, but he's barely got any altitude. in fact, watch when he flies over some people's heads right about here. it's almost like they could have reached up and grabbed that antenna on top of his sleeve. >> no joke. >> man, how close is he to the ground? >> looks like just inches. >> don't know how close he is exactly, but it's just -- the whole time i'm thinking to myself, don't forget that your controls are upside down, they're on backwards, you know? in order for him to go up, he has to push down. >> you see towards the end of it when the light hits his face, how red his face was. all the blood was going through it. >> this is all muscle memory, lots of practice, lots of skill, he is the youngest member of the
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>> if you get it wrong, the only thing you land on is your head. >> i hope your wig would be secure when you would do that fly-by. does a pug love a hai dryer? >> no. >> yes. >> i don't think so. i don't think it's enjong that. >> of course it's loving it. look at it, it's lking the air. >> that's called freaking out. >> that's like a dog sticking its heaout the window. this is the next best thing. >> if the dog loves it, okay. i love you, boo boo. it is march madness time, and i think some schools need to
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oh! i believe i can fly >> i want that cat in my bracket. >> yeah, just need to get his dunking work done and he'll be fine. >> through football season, i told you guys, i don't sit. i'm a sore winner, i'm a sore loser. this guy is proof as to why i don't sit. >> today i'm going to go eat a sock. >> that's right, he i i going to eat a sock because he posted on twitter the renegades beat tsm here, i'll eat a sock. tsm is playing. >> i'm a man of my word. i'm going to go ahead and eat a sock. >> it is a ewe, sock. >> he has gotten clever with it, though. >> that seems like a plenty good amount of sock. >> he is going to chop it up, add garlic, olive oil and mushroom. >> doesn't matter, that's the
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your sweaty, stinky foot. >> credit to him for going through with it. >> think about the elastic, though, in the sock. the rubber, that kind of stuff, the toxins that are burning out of that. >> that stuff doesn't cook down. >> no. that's why you grate some cheese on top. >> i think it will taste just fine. it's the texture. >> avoid chewing too much and just swallow. >> he is halfway through the plate. >> look at this! i think he may have discovered some new -- >> no. not so fast. >> you can't chew it. you have to swallow it like it's a pill or gum or something and you can't let it clump up in your mouth then it turns into this gigantic mess that's difficult to deal with. >> i wonder if this will give him the runs. >> stiti have some stuck in my teeth. reworks plus a rocket launcher equals - but see how explosive it gets nextright this minute."
2:21 am
>> water! >> a day at the beach gets interrupted because there's a visitor nearby. a mad dash to flee before an attack. >> no, no, run, run! plus, dad has something to show the kids. >> they have something new to play with. >> why this surpriseins him the title of -- >> greatest dad ever! bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brhing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth ! (rebecca) i've struggled with depression. i thought i needed cigarettes to cope. i was able to quit smoking. and then i started running.
2:23 am
right now at papa john's, get one of our best deals ever.... ....for just $9.99 you can get any large pizza with up to five toppings pile on your favorites with up to five toppings for just $9.99 better ingdients. better pizza. jelly belly jelly beans. the orig in promotional considerations provided by -- get real. get jelly belly. apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. it's still spring break in - some parts of the country, so when you go off to the beach
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you see water like this, you're thinking yeah. here is the reason why there's not a whole lot of people in the water -- i see a fin! >> shark! >> no, no. >> run, run, run! >> there's no running you're in water. >> swim, swim, swim. >> the equivalent of run, swim! >> yes, those two people have gotten the message that there's a visitor nearby. you can clearly see the f fs poking out of the water. some of the beach goers think there's more than one, maybe two sharks. [ bleep ]. >> but once more and more people see those fins, the message becomes more and more clear. >> get out of the water! >> oh, because they're further down the shore, so they didn't hear it. >> right. like telephone, people start relaying the message of shark -- >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> now you start to see people really getting the message that, oh -- >> here is the bummer, you're on
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u just saw the shark in the water you get out. do you go back in? >> no! >> this could be your first day at the beach. >> it is hollywood, you save that for the prequill. >> no, you don't go back in. you go to the beach, sit there, some of you work on your tan, some of us play volleyball, then you go to the pool at the hotel.
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when it comes to being a dad, scotty hawk is winning. look what he did for his kids. this is their cabin. as you can see to the right, that is a slide daddy had installed. the kids are about to find out that they have somethingngew to play with. >> greatest dad ever! >> he has five kids. youngest too small to go down the slide. the kids that are up and mobile and can walk -- >> what's up there? >> they have a loft in their cabin. as you can see, it comes fm that loft down to the floor. that is nine feet long. >> oh! >> this is great. >> dad is no dummy. goes up to the can, wants peace and quiet. go on, kids, run up and down the kids, exhaust yourself, around 6, 7:00 p.m., the house is quiet because you're all tired. >> scotty is a fitness guy so he says this is a great way for the kids t get exercise and burn off energy. i think you're right.
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us up stairs to see what he and two guys helped him p in created. up at the top of the stairs, that is a play house they installed. the play house is the entry and the slide is in the play house, but dad also takes a trip down -- >> ah, that's cool! >> and there you see mom holding the baby. you see her going down the slide. he says it took sixonths from conception to the completion of this product. you want to check out his blog and see how he put this full thing together or where he ordered it, go to our website or check it out on our mobile app. let's do this! >> teaming up with betweens to pull a magical ick. >> was one of your favorite trips to france?
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>> sneaky trick to this is miss jamie and she is making a giant pop tart, the big, hue money gous version of the wild berry pop tart. she will mix flour, butter into hermixer, add milk and she will mix that up and kni out into one big pastry. next you have your fruity filling, she is using strawberry jam and ape, eggs, nix that
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that goes around the outer edges of the bottom layer. >> to keep it all sealed together. >> yes. >> this is actually looking quite e curate. >> it is. especially with theent holes. >> details, my friend. pop it in the oven. you can't have a pop tart without cool frosting. water, powder sugar and food coloring. >> wow, that looks like she just took it out of the foil paper. >> it's cool. you can have that and say, what, i just had one pop tart for breakfast. give me a break! love at first sight. [ laughter ].
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right back. >> for more magic, he is not by himself this time. he added more people to the team, overentnusiastic tweens. >> let's do it. >> they teamed up to prank unsuspecting people at the beach. >> the kids, they have microphones, they have walky talkies, they have cameras. they get their social media handle. then he does a little stalling because the disney kids are now scrolling through their instagram and twitter or whatever trying to find things they've been up to. it's amazing that people don't put that together. >> was one of your favorite trips to like france? >> was one of your favorite ips to france? >> you like movies?
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that rin a bell? >> did that make you cry? >> yeah. >> that's what that five indicates, crying. >> good thing you love kit cats. >> oh my god! stop. i'm done. >> she is buying it. are you kidding me, she is sold! >> he is talking about the random stuff. you line them up and get reaeay big reactions. >> it proves how much we put on social media. >> we overshare. >> i have a friend who posts a selfie everyday. i wonder what else she would -- >> let's talk about -- >> ask if she's french. >> are you french? >> how do you know that? >> based on the three. >> is it wrong that i'm thinking of ways t t hustle people with this? >> my buddies say magicians are con man with a conscis. >> if you want to see the entire
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stick it up on our website at that's our show for today. always more great content a young hoodlum shows this seat cushion from the train. >> as it was going over an overpass -- >> see the trouble when his mom doesn't find it as funny as his friend. base jumping from a hot hair balloon can only mean one thing -- >> selfie time. >> oh, yeah. >> the precision it takes to pull it off and still pull the chute. when a group of bikers passes a police offifer, you'll see a cloud of spray. thetory behind a video that sparked an investigation. and a wife throws her
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