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tv   Local 10 News at Noon  ABC  March 16, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> constance: i'm constance >> kristi: off the top we have breaking newewin davie. that's where suspected burglar was killed by a h homeowner. >> constance: we are learning it was a police officer who shot him. local 10 news reporter is live in davie with a story only on local 10. >> reporter: good afternoon constance and kristi. nearly six hours after the attempted break-in davie police are on the scene because the
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to face witit the homeowner who is a police officer. crime scene tape and dozen of employs squad cars sealing off this quiet neighborhood in davie while a body is wheeled in an unmarked s.u.v. all of this activity leaving neighbors stunned. >> it is a low crime area. we never have problems like this. >> r%porter: shortly after 6:00 this morning police say an intruder tried to break into a house along gauntlet hall lane but he would comee face-to-face with a police officer at home with his children. >> there was a confrontation and a shooting and the burglar is not going to be committing anymore burglaries. >> reporter: police say this wasn the first attempted break-in in the neighborhood this morning. shortly before this deadl one an intruder tried to inner another house only blocks away. >> we did receive a call about 6:03 this morning of an attempted burglary nearby. they are looking to see if this is part of this investigation or not. >> repepter: while police
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related, neighbors arere on edge and so is the officer. >> he is shook up. nobody wants to evev take a life, but you have to prote your family. >> reporter: again, this is a an ongoing investigation. it is unclear if this officer will face any charges but it appears to be self-defense. between these two attempted home invasions, no one was hurt. reporting live in dave i, local 10 news. >> kristi: more breaking news. president obama just announced his supreme court no, ma'amee. >> constance: judge merrick garland chosen after the sudden death of justicentonin scalia. let's go to michael putney in the newsrm on the president's pick. >> reporter: for his nominee the president picked a well-restricted judge from the dr. c. appeals cart merrick garland. >> today i am nominating chief judge merrick garland to join the supreme court. >> reporter: merrick garland is 63 years old, the chief judge of the d.c. court of appeals
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powerful court in the l ld. >> i've selected a nominee who is widely recognid not only as one of america's sharpest legal minds but someone who brings to his work a spirit of decency, modesty, integrity, even-handedness and excellence. >> reporter: garland was confirmed in the appeals court by republicans as well as democrats, but he will face fierce opposition in the senate judiciary committee whose chairman says he won't even be granted a hearing not because garland isn't qualified but because republicans say a lame duck president should not make a supreme court appointment. >> i hope they're fair. that's all. i hope they are fair. as they did when they confirmed merrick garland to the d.c. circuit. i ask that they confirm merrick garland now to the supreme court. >> reporter: garland thanked
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spoke of the qualities needed to be a good judge. >> people must be confident that a judge's decisions are determined by the law and only the law. for a judge to be worthy of such trust, he or she must be faithful to the constitution and to the statutes passed by the congress. he or she must put aside his personal views o or preferences and follow the law, not make it. >> reporter: this will be a very tough fight in the weeks to come, and if garland doesn't even get a hearing from the judiciary committee on his nomination, it will become a key issue in the presidential race. we are in the newsroom, michael putney, local 10 news. >> kristi: thanks souch. we have breaking news. florida governor rick scott endorsing donald trump today. he says he believes it is time for republicans to accept and respect the g.o.p. frontrunner. this comes just one day after trump won our state's pre mary election.
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closer now to clinching the nomination following primaries in five states including florida. >> constance: here is the latest delegate countyumbers here. donald trump has 621, ted cruz has 396 and john kasich has 138. now 1,237 are needed to win. on the democratic side, hillary clinton has 1,074. bernie sanders has 762. 2,382 are neededo win. >> kristi: here are the pre mary --primary numbers in your state. mrs. clinton claiming the state with 56% of the vote. trump's total not quite as high but enough to beat marco rubio in his home state and force marco rubio to leave the race for good. >> while it is not god's plan that i be president president in 2016 or
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campaign is suspended. >> constance: marco rubio is suspendingis campaign after losing the florida primary. >> kristi: only on local 10 news 10 we arehearing from rubio himself as he left his home. local 10 news news reporter ben kennedy is live in west miami with this exclusive for us right now. ben? >> reporter: constanceance kristi, senator marco rubio did not have much to say to me. he is pretty much spending today with his family. we saw him take his kids to school then head right back home here behind me in west miami. >> good morning, marco rubio i'm not doing a tv today. >> reporter: senator marco rubio back at his west miami home after he suspended his campaign for president. >> thanks for coming out.. >> reporter: rubio dropped out of the race tuesday night ending his white house bid following a loss in his home state. >> while it is not god's plan that i be president in 2016 or maybe ever, and while today my
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that i've even come ts far is evidence of how special america truly is. >> reporter: rubio's decision was prompted by losses in all but three of the presidential nomination contests but florida's winner-take-all primary proved the most devastating. it is in his home state that rubio dedicated almost all his time and resources during the final week of his campaign only to fall short to donald trump. >> i blame most of it on our political establishment. [applause] a political establishment that for far too long has looked downat conservatives, looked down at conservative as simple-minded people. >> reporter: the big question does remain this afternoon, what is next for senator marco rubio? he does remain home here behind me at this hour as we wait for his answer. reporting live in west miami, ben kennedy, local 10 news. >> constance: thanks so much. as we mentioned, donald trump
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withth two more states and lost one state. hillary clinton went four for five against bernie sanders. local 10 news reporter amy is live in the newsroom with what's next on the campaign trail. >> reporter: it is a day off for some p psidential candidates. many have no scheduled events except for john kasich campaiaiing in pennsylvania. there is a republican debate monday in utah and donald trump says he didn't know about it, has a prior commitment and likely won't participate. >> reporter: a win-win situation for both donald trump and hillary clinton. both candidates victorious last night after voters made their choice during super tuesday number 3. trump's focus now to unite the party. >> i thinknk the republicans should grasp it. third party guarantees 100% that your democrats will win. >> reporter: his overwhelming win in the sunshine state devastating enough to suspend the campaign of florida senator marco rubio. >> while we are on the right
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the winning side. >> reporter: while rubio drdrped out, john kasich pushing forward with a pull steam ahead after taking all 66 delegates with a win in his home state of ohio. >> we are going to go all the way to cleveland and secure@ the republican nomination. >> reporter: to the democrats where hillary clinton swept four of the five states up for grabs including the coveted states of florida and ohio. the democratic frontrunner now has a laser focus on the g.o.p. frontrunner. >> whehe we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, that doesn't make him strong. it mak him wrong. >> reporter:s for bernie sanders an overall disappointing night as the math for his path to the follow nomination lookingextremely grim. in off-the-cuff comments forminger house speaker john
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kasich says if they cannot nominate someone he supported ryan. >> constance: donald trump and hillary clinton won the presidential primaries but a hot-button issue and miami beach @s whether the city could lease property for the construction of a hotel next to the convention center. it needed 60% to pass but it fell short. meanwhile in miami voters approving the referendum to lease a parcel of land on the miami river. it will be developed to continue the miami riveralk project making it more of an entertainment destination. remember, you can get results on all the races that matter to you onon our website at >> kristi: on to frightening moments for a store clerk after two men held her up at gunpoint while she was holding her baby and it was all caught on camera. right now local 10 news reporter liane morejon is live in miami where it all went down. >> reporter: kristi, police
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off the streets. not only did they come in here looking for something that didn't belong to them but they held a gun up to a mother and her infant son. they left with some money and police want to catch these bad guys t ts afternoon. we spoke to the store owner who was also the victim's cousin. take a look at the two wanted men in this video. police say they came into a small grocery store tuesday not to shop but to hold up a clerk and her infant child at gunpoint. >> i think they're savages. you don't do that to a child.>> reporter: the owner of the christiana grocery say the victims are hisis cousins. it was just before 1:00 when watson stepped out for lunch and in. as the victim rang up a bag of potatotchips for the pair behind a window, one pulled out a small gun, pointed it at her and her baby and said if she didn't hand over some money he would shoot
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>> the child can't walk, talk, speak. the mother's obvious instinct is for her to protect her child and she did what they wanted. >> reporter: the suspects made off with the register tray and several envelopes of money inside. >> they are lucky i wasn't here. they wouldn't have gotten anything excepa hard time. >> reporter: as police look for the men who threatened t kill an infant, watson has a message for them. >> whoever did this, turn yourself in before someone else catches you. it w a senseless act and i'm pretty sure your parents are very,` very disappointed in you if they're still alive. >> reporter: ever take a good look at your screen because we'r'rgoing to get a closer look at these bad guys. here is one of them. about 5'6" to 5'8" in height, medium build, unshaven. he had a small black handgun last seen wearing that dark hat youee right there, a green vest, long-sleeved shirt underneath a d dark shorts. here is a picture of the other suspect.
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with a medium build last seen wearing a dark shirt and dark pants. if any of these guys look familiar to you, if you know any information that you think that police could use to solve this case, go ahead and call miami-dade -- excuse me miami police or miami-dade crime stoppers at 305-471-tips. live i miami, liane morejon, local 10 news. >> constance: police are looking for several armed robberies who tgeted a 7-eleven in pompano beach. local 10 news reporter terrell forney is live with the video. reporter: constance, this story at 2391 dixie highway is one of several to be hit over the past few weeks involving this brazen robber. the workers here we're told are still very uneasy and this is why you seehat you see on the other side. bso keeping a close eyeye on things at least for the time being. but let's show you that veo. the store here was hit on february 26. the robber uses a machete to
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now detectivessay he turns off the power to the store during the robbery and en appears to use a female accomplice. no one was hurt here. but let's show you this other piece of video. three days before that crime detectives believe thehe same guy ed a handgun to rob two differert 7-elevens. one on north federal highway, the other one on northeast 49th streeeeboth in pompano beach. he appears to work alone in these crimes. 7-elevens. he has been tied to five different robberies involving those stores mostly in pompa in. o and one in wilton manors. the robberies happened between 2:30 and 3:45 in the morning usually catching the store clerks off g grd. but that brazen robber is still on the run. don't forget that if you phone in a crucial tip that leads to an arrest to crime stoppers you can earn yourself a $3,000
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live in pompano beach this afternoon, i'm terrell forney, local 10 news. >> constance: thank you. two teenagers arrested in the shooting death of 16-year-old king carter pled not guilty today. 17-year-old erwin presley appeared in court today. he and 18-year-old lenor adams are accused of shooting and killing carter outside his family's northwest miami-dade home in february. fafaly members of carter just want justice. > want justice done for my grandson. whoever did it, i want justice to be done to them. truly it is a sme he is heavy on my heart every day. this took a lump out of my heart. >> constance: both teens are being charged with attempted first degree and second degreemurder. >> kristi: new at noon, tragedy after a fire breaks out at a south florida barn. >> constance: how many horses were killed when flames ripped through. the latest after the break. plus, traffic troubles on i-95 after a convertible goes up in flames.
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feeling like spring out there. we are forecasting a high of 87 degrees. a lot of you have been asking is this going to be a record? no, believe it or not. the actual reco is 91 set in miami in 2008. we will be seeing temperatures in the m 80s in florida, low 80s in key west. we are not talking record heat but spring sizzle. how long will it last? details in the forecast. tonight at 11:00, the shocking life sentence that went viral. >> just unbelievable. 60 years for driving with suspended license. >> reporter: now a second chance and stakes are high.
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normantt2w`t+o md; bt@qvi\ tt2w`t+o md; "a@qfe8 tt2w`t+o md; bm@qmn4 tt4w`t+o md;" dztq mf, tt4w`t+o md;" entq =bl tt4w`t+o md;" gzt& $e4 tt4w`t+o md;" hnt& 4k4ktt4w`t+o md;" iztq ^" tt4w`t+o md;" jntq lr@ tt4w`t+o md;" lzt& t?< >> constance: a man is in the hospital after he got stuck in a ditch. you can see rescue crews are on the scene. fire officials say the man was working in a ditch but then needed some help to get out. he was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. now to a car crash. the crash happening right here in a building. sky 10 was above that scene along northwest 10th terrace and west oakland park boulevard this morning. you can see the window of that office building. it just shattered. fire officials say the driver is okay and refused treatment. it is unclear what caused the driver to crash into the building. a convertible caught on fire
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in miami right after of miami gardens drive. fire crews responded to the scene and put the flames out. it is unclear if anyone was hurt. >> kristi: a family is asking for your help after their loved one was killed in a hit-and-run crash in ft. lauderdale back in december. local 10 news repter is live in ft. lauderdale with their emotional plea. erica? >> reporter: we have a family that's been grieving for more than a year. as hard as it still was they brought themselves out here to where their loved one was killed standing on this corner. he was hit by a pickup truck just across the street here. they arere desperate for more information and for some closure. >> you just don't kill someone and then just keep going like they were an animal or something. >> reporter: it was just two days after christmas, december 27, 2014. 55-year-old hurly mccrimmon left the house where he lived
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storement he was hit and killed on northwest 14th avenue at 19th street on his way there. the driver who hit him took off. >> god and prayers have brought me this far, but i want justice. >> reporter: ft. lauderdale police have since found this blue ford f-150 pickup truck in lauderhill badly damaged. it is distinct with an american flag sicker on the back and washg machine in the bed. do you recognize it? know who could hav been driving it? >> if anyone remembers anything lr know who was driving the vehicle t please just come forward, because we're hurting. my mom continues to hurt. >> reporter: hurly's sister and some says he jeff came several medical issues months before the accident including flesh-eating bacteria. ey can't believe a hit-and-run accident would be the way he would die.
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overcame the bacteria, how he beat stage 4 cancer and for someone to take his life like this, it was kind of like a daze. >> reporter: police say that they have talked to the owner of this blue pickup truck that they believeit this man. they have a person of there. they have not been able to arrest anyone. they need to talk to anyone who saw anything. if you overheard a conversation that was odd, they are asking you to jog your memory. the street it happened on northwest 19th very busy in ft. lauderdale. call broward crime stoppers if you know anything. the family and police want to hear from you. >> constance: a man is recovering after he was shot near a miami metro rail station. the victim is in critical condition after he was shot near northwest 7th avenue and 11th street last night. miami police say ty have one woman in custody but they are searching for another woman who may be involved.
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accused in a string of car burg burglaries throughout miami county. they spotted tavares goldman breaking into cars and then got in a car and sped away. shortly after officers found the car abandoned but were able to catch up with him and shanique osbourne who was also arrested and charged. >>risti: developing this noon, tragedy after a fire at a barn claims the life of a dozen horses. this all happened at the south florida trotting center that's in lake worth. that's where weind local 10 news reporter todd tongen with the latest. todd? >> reporter: kristi, such a sad fire. these innocent animals burning up inside this barn and not able to get out. you can see the barn is still smoldering behind me. if it wasn't for a pair of trainers coming backk from races in palm beach county or rather in pompano beach, 11 of those horses would not be alive today. palm beach sheriff fire investigators surveyed the&
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training stable at the south florida trotting center in lak worth after that fire break out shortly after midnight. 12 horses in all died in the blaze. 11 did make it out but two a in critical condition at the reed equine clinic. all horses were young and being groomed for big stake races. some having the first race in the month. the fire traveled through the roof of the concrete block barn and no one was injured but two firefighters were treated for exhaustion. training operations here at the center have been suspended while the investigation continues >> tried really hard to get them out. they saved 11. we have them at the reed associates. i have two in critical condition, but they're working on them. doctor daniels is just tremendous. the rest have gone on to the rainbow, and we just have to pray for our other ones that they survive.
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hear,, obviously, the grooms, the trainers, the owners very torn up about this fire. at this point they don't kw the cause of the fire. the investigation continues and we are expecting a 1:00 p.m. news conoerence here at the site. in lake worth, todd tongen, local 10 news. >> constance: hardo follow that but let's go to weather. clean-up in ohio after five tornadoes hit farther part of the state. the national weather service confirmed the tornadoes are responsible for the damage you see on your screen. homes were destroyed but no injuries were reportedd thankfully. in illinois a tornado hitting a small village and it was caught on camera. you see the dark cloud forming into a twister over that field. severe thunderstorms went through the other parts of the state last night and left quite a bit of damage behind. a number of tornadoes were reported and the national weather service will be conducting surveys throughout the day. >> kristi: nasty weather in the middle of the country.
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sunshine for all our spring breakers enjoying the beaches. >> julie: it has been fantastic for them. granted for us locals that live here it is hot and uncomfortable. we need the breeze to come back but, unfortunately,,hat's not going to be the case until we get into the weekend. then we see a brief change for us in south florida. currently ththgh continuing to warm up. that low-lying cloud cover and patchy fog t tt we had this morning is a thing of the past an breaking out into lots of sunshine and allowing temperatures to warm up. upper 70s ft. lauderdale, miami 81, 80 in key west, 83 muggy degrees in pembroke pines, 82 hialeah, 80 in pompano beach. these temperatures are only going to rise from here as we are expecting highs today in the mid to upper 80s with all that sunshine. winds pretty calm between 3 and 6 to 10 miles per hour down by the keys but the hole state warm rming up with temperatures in the low 80s across the panhandle in toward central and southern half of the state. let's take a look what it f feels
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relative humidity to the air temperature. feels 84 in pembroke pines, 82 in marathon and we continue to feel that heat and humidity as we get into the afternoon. now we will have some lingering cloud cover move in trim but those clouds are not producing precipitation. theh atmosphere is relative dry thanks to high pressure. the shower and thunderstorm activity you're seeing developing along the leading edge of this front and the area of low pressure counter clockwise spin is wrapping around very cold air behind the system, very windy conditions they a a dealing with wind gusts up to 40 to 50 miles per hour. bad news from people from minneapolis to chicago and the great lakes today. we keep our eyes on the front. it stretches down toward texas with an area of low pressure and extending cold front. eventually this system will continue to head towards the east and northeast and as it does so the tail end of that system is what's going to bring a big change for our forecast but i won't happen until the weekend. so for today another warm, breezy day. make sure you are staying hydrated and the kids have
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you have the sun block on and grab the sunglasses. you need them today and tomorrow. the leading edge of that front will stall out over northern florida. we stay hot and humid going into st. patrick's day. then friday we will increase that chance of showers slightly as this front slowly tries to inc. is to the south but stopper is not going to affect our focast until saturday and sunday. if you want to head to the beach enjoy. uv index very high. keep the sun block on. slight rask of rip currents for beach goers. boaters no advisorieses seas 1 to 2 feet and bays at a lot chop. we stay above average with highs in the mid to upper 80s. keep in mind your average high should be at 80 degrees. we see temperatures get back to where they should be as the front clears by sunday. we will increase the rain chances saturday night into sunday and then believe it or not spring begins on sunday and we are actually going to see and feel a bit more comfortable as we go into early next week. chief certified meteorologist betty davis will be back at 4:00 with more.
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president obama making more picks today. >> constance: this time we are talking about college basketball. a look at his march madness acket and who he has winning up next. today we are cooking up meals perfect for a first time foody. i'm teaching two viewers how to
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a crazy food trend and what would you do, if you could choose your ultimate adventure? explore the ocean with a tour guide that's a ton of fun. race like a cheetah at 60 miles per hour. or fly down a waterslide. th choose your adventure, you can explore four parks for less. enjoy any two parks for just $9999
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more visits. more savings.
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>> kristi: new at noon, the final plunge for a well-known roller coaster in dania beach the one you see from i-95. the hurricane coaster is now bein taken down. the 100-foot tall wooden ride is coming down piece-by-piece. >> constance: the process could take aahile to say the least. local 10 news reporter jenise fernandez is live where that demolition is underway. >> reporter: you said i i this is going to take a while. as you can see the coaster is still hererend that is because
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this is a pretty bitter sweet moment for those of you who may remember the hurricane wooden roller coaster, may have ridden this roller coaster, probably have a lot of good memies here. in its place a multi-use complel featuring shops, restaurants, hotels and something the city is excited about. it is the last ride for the hurricane wooden roller coaster. a heart felt farewell to the coaster that has shooed as a landmark in dania beach for 16 years. >> we are 270,000 cars a daydrive by and use it as a landmark saying honey, i'm almost home. he can see the roller coaster. >> reporter: the roller coaster is coming down piece-by-piece making way for a complex full of shops, residences, hotels and office space. >> trying to move on. the revenue base will come to the city to get more things for public safety,@ elderly, children's programs.
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opened in 2000 and known as the tallest wooden ride in florida but financial struggles closed the coaster in 2011. since then it has remained abandoned. tearing down the coaster will take some time. this coaster was built well and crews will have to carefully tear it apart. the mayor had the honor of tearing off the first piece. >> i'm excited actually. but there is always an emotional thought when you break something up. but all this will h%al. >> reporter: although the coaster was given its fair share of good-byes, not an emotional moment for many who believe dania point will now serve as the new landmark for dania beach beach. >> whoa! going about 55 to 60 miles an hour intoo this corner. and then you're picking up speed again.
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see there that video, one of the first to ride the wooden roller coaster was our very own todd tongen. he rode that coaster in 2000 along with former miami dolphins player and nf hall of famer dwight stephenson. so it is going to take about two weeks before the roller coaster is completely torn down and phase one of the project. [audio difficulty] >> kristi: we just lost her. thank you. italian luxury automaker maserati is recalling nearly 30,000 cars. the company sayshe floor mats can get stuck under the gas pedal and cause acceleration even after the driver lifts the foot up.p the recalled cars include the
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as t smaller sedans. model years 2014 through 2016. maserati is part of fiat-chrysler automobiles. take a look at your screen for more information. for information on the stocks the dow is down just over 1 point, not too bad at 17,250506 the nasdaq and s&p 500 are both up right now at noon. >> constance: today's dr. oz moment put down the phone. tells us about the health problems the cell phone can cause us. hi, i'm dr. oz. staring at your smartphone all day long can take a serious toll on your neck. your head weighs around ten pounds when you tilt it forward over your phone your head can feel like it weighs 60 pounds. that mains neck strain. to avoid the pain keep your ears aligned with your shoulders when using your phone. >> constance: don't miss the dr. oz show every weekday after
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this photo is a mom not looking too cheerfufu happiest place on earth. we are talking about disney world. >> kristi: the explanation behind the grumpy explanation on
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if you >> kristi: an american student has been sentenced to 15 years in prison in north korea. the 21-year-old was arrested in january. he was visiting there at the time. he admits he was trying to steal a banner with a political slogan from the hotel and arrested at the airport. despite apologizing he was sentenced and will do hard labor for the crimes against the state. a suspected terrorist is dead, two on the loose after police raided a place in belgium. this was all part of a major operation in brussels, inc. willed --inc. linked to the paris attacks. four officers were sho as they
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one suspect killed and two in custody but police are looking for two more suspects. >> constance: isis affiliated attackers putting minnesota police on a high alert. they released a kill list of 36 officers across the state. the fbi is investigating and believe the hackers may have gotten access tohe information through an auto insurance system. >> we are going to tata it as a legitimate threat and move forward with respect to what we have to do in case there is someone who, unfortunately, would be inspired by this type of information being available. >> constance: now minnesota s been a hot bed for terror recruitment. officials found at least 15 people have left the state to joni addist groupsnd ten charges. >> kristi: those who re the metro rail system in washington, d. c. need a new way get around. >> constance: why the subway was shut down all day today after the break. at 11:00 the shocking live
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60 years driving with a suspended license. >> second chanan and the stakes are high.
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a former offender and i drive a golf ball. i drive to the@ hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that's not what we all have in common. we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto . xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risof stroke in people with afib, not used by a heart valve problem. for pepeople with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that ood testing routine. i couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way.
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hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to op. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto c c cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if youave had spinal anesthesia while
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or muscle related sign or >> constance: after a fire broke out at a station. the metro was shut down from midnight during an emergency inspection. police living in maryland and virginia have urged people to find other forms of transportation to get into downtown. firms say the underground jumper cables may have been the reason why that firectually started. it is expected to reopen early thursday morning. >> kristi: australian
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that r rently washed up on the indian ocean is not likely to be part of the missing plane. theeplane departed to beijing with 239 people on board. the plane disappeared in march of 2014. a new california home had quite the house warming party only the new owners didn't throw it. teens broke into that home and they threw the party. officials say they found more than 200 teenagers at the party in the vacant recently-sold home. inside that home there were punched out walls, empty liquor bottles, beer cans, lots of solo cups and police are searching for those responsible. >> first deputy who arrived on seen said there was approximately 200 plus young adults there who, obviously, when she saw the sheriff's vehicle pulling up ran. >> kristi: the damage was extensive enough to meet the threshold for felony vandalism.
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victory alreadyor a florida college. >> kristi: who florida gulf coast unersity beat to advance
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made history in that game. >> kristi: march madness has reached the white house. the ncaa bracket got the presidential touch and treatment today when mr. obama filled out his bracket for the very last time in office.
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over north carolina. texas a & m as well as michigan state also got his vote for the final four. however, you may not want to rely on the president's predictions because he has only picked the winning team once out of seven tries. not the greatest odds there. the tournament is underway and florida gulf coast university is moving on. they beat harley dicken sonning last night. the eags take on the number one seed north carolina tarheels tomorrow night. that would be an upset. don't forgeg to enter the local 10 bracket c allenge. a 65-inch hd-tv from brandsmart usa is up for grabs if you win. log on right now to our website to fill out your march madness bracket and compare yours to members of our local 10 news team. i always fare really poorly in
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games stata tomorrow so enter now. >> constance: i think the last few years i was at the bottom. i pick for odd reasons. i think jacey picks based on the animals. a new era has started at the university of miami. new head football coach mark rich l the first practice yesterday and stepping up strong. the first spring practice was intense as the former cane tries to set a tone to lead the canes for more wins. >> it is a blessing. it is an honor. i don't take it lightly at all. it is a littleit surreal. to be here and to represent the university of miami and represent the family means a lot to me. >> constance: thats with the first of the cane's 15 spring practices leading up to scrimmages and the spring game. the official season begins september 3 against f frida a & m. >> kristi: i love football. this is our mallory square cam where there is a beautiful cruise ship waiting to go out to
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a lot more fun than we are, constance. >> constance: we're having fun together on the set. >>risti: all right. >> constance: having fun with me a little bit. >> kristi: okay.
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back. >> constance: all she wanted was a trip on your favorite roller coaster with her husband but when one new york mom didn't get her wish she put on quite the frown and became an internet sensation. most people knower already as
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>> kristi: she said she wanted husband. that's all s wanted. he was tired and decided to sit out and she decided to give a humorous but harsh stare. she%knew exactly where that camera was and she gave it to her husband. >> kind of practiced it the whole way. by the time we got to the last drop didn't though where the camera was so i just guessed and looked over and took the picture and that was that. >> when she first showed me the photo, i just lost it. how could you not? >> kristi: it is a funny one. her husband posted the photo online and only after about a week and the web the photo has made a splash and the internet.>> julie: that is hilarious. we should do something like that to jab our husbands, especially she had a newborn. i'm sure she's like come on, this is my time. all right, south florida this is yourime to enjoy spring break. if you do have the week off ithas been beautiful. if not, enjoy a couple of hours of the sunshine and come back inside. it is warm. you need the a.c. already 84 degrees and betty
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on the forecast. we a2e expecting highs today in the upper 80s. kristi? >> kristi: thank you. that does it for right now. we thank you for watching. "the chew" is next. >> constance: we are back at 4:00. get the latest breaking news by checking out have a great day. real-time closed cationing
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>> announcer: ready to break out of your tired, old routine and try something new? then you're in luck, because we're bringing you an hour of "chew" firsts. clinton's taking the stress out of entertaining with his mind-blowing tips every first time host needs to hear. then it's his first visit to "the chew" kitchen. the incredible william h. macy is here, and he's s oking up a dish that's shamelessly delicious. plus, we visit an amazing restaurant in an unusual location. >> the location is slopeside, mid-mountain. so when you're up top, you can ski down to us. >> announcer: the foodie fun starts now here on "the chew." [ cheers and applause ] >> good afternoon, and welcome to "the chew." we've been wondering what's the best way to spice up your week. it's by trying something new. for evy fearless food explorer out there, and even you picky eaters, there's a first time for
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it's our first time foodie show. [ cheers and applause ] hey, guys. >> hey. >> hi. >> hey, clinton. >> happy wednesday. >> so nice to o ve you back, buddy. >> i'm happy to be back. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i was at a styleleeminar in chicago yesterday. lovely town. everybody in chicago talks just like michael symon. they say salad -- i love chicago. it's a great city. it is a wonderful city. i had a delicious dinner, by the way, at the grill my goat. i've got a foodie first for you guys never before seen on "the chew." this is a donut ice cream cone. [ audience oohs ] let me explain how this came to be. there's a traditional eastern european dessert called a chimney cake, which is basically dough wrapped around a dowel, and then it's baked on a rotisserie, but this prague bakery found out a way to dodo them in a cone shape, and now they are serving them with ice cream in the inside. we got ours from a food truck


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