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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  March 16, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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court. president obama revealing his choice to replace justice scalia on the court, nominating merrick garland. the president aware of this nation's divided politics, but waing to go down that path would be wrong. tonight, senate republicans vowing the nomination will go no further. at the rose garden ceremony, the president introducing garland, the court of appeals jud long respected on both sides of the aisle, describing him as one of the nation's finest legal minds. but it was not long after, publicans said they will take no action. andd tonight, mitch mcconnell and his phone call to the judge. all of this as 63% of americans in our most recent poll said the senate should hold hearings on the s sreme court nominee. abc's terry moran, who has covered the court for years, is back at the court tonight. >> reporter: after weeks of anticipation, there was president obama striding into the rose garden,ntroducing his nominee. >> i've made my decision. >> reporter: judge merrick garland, standing
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then stepping forward. the emotion of the moment overwhelming him. >> this is the greatest honor of my life, other than lynn agreeing to marry me 28 years ago. >> reporter: his family there watching, minus daughter becky. >> i also wish that we hadn't taught my older daughter to be so adventurous that she would be hiking in the e untains out of cell service range when the president called. >> repororr: for decades, merrick garland has been a prominent figure in american law. 63 years old, he's one of the oldest nominees ever. he is the chief judge of the u.s. court of appeals in washington, where he's served for 18 years, and before that, a top federal prosecutor. >> associate deputy attorney general merrick garland. >> reporter: garland was there in oklahomaity in 1995, as seen here in a video releas by the white house today, leading the prosecution of timothy mcveigh, a death penalty case. he carried the names of the victims with him everywhere he
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>> we promised that we would find the perpetrators, that we would bring thememo justice, and that we would do it in a way that honored the constitution. >> reporter: he also led the prosecution of the unabomber. as a judge, garlrld is known as a moderate on the appeals court. though he would tip the balance ofhe supreme court by replacing staunch conservative annin scalia. now, he faces a partisan firestorm, and in the rose garden, president obama began the fight for his nominee, spking of the supreme court. >> it's supposed to be above politics. it has to be. and it should stay that way. >> terry, we all heard the president there saying this is supposed to be above politics, but is a major political battle inevitable here, and did the president factor that in? >> reporter: it is, david. and it looks like the president did factor that in. on his short list, he could have chosen a more strongly liberal candidate or a candidate offering diversity, to rally the democrats to the cause, but inn merrick garland, the president
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support from both sides of the political aislele over the years who in any normal time would be confirmed. it's not a normal time. david? >> terry, thank you. on capitol hill tonight, our team went to ask republicans who say this wil go no further, to ask why, and if they would reconser. abc's mary bruce with what she heard. >> reporter: minutes after that rose garden ceremony, the senate's topepublican declared judge garland's nomination was going nowhere. >> it is the senate's constitutional right to act as a check on a president and withhold its consent. >> reporter: republicans are insisting the pick should fall to the next president. senator cornyn, any chance you'll be changing your mind? >> none. >> reporter: we chased down the republican leaders whohore refusing to hold hearings or a vote, including orrin hatch who once praised garlala. >> he belongs on the court. >> reporter: but today? you saidefore that he belongs on the court. why not at least consider him now? >> i didt say that he belonged on the supreme court. i said that he belonged on the d.c. circuit court.
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have hearings and consider what has changed since then? >> i think the supreme court has been politicized enough. >> reporter: but late today, signs the republican wall may be cracking. mitch mcconnell, who won't meet with garland, speing with him by phone. and now other republicans say they will, too, including the powerful committee chairman. what are you looking to hear from him? >> i don't know. he has to talk to me. >> and mary bruce with us live tonight from washington. getting answers from republicans. but republicans have an argument, too, mary, pointing to something vice president joe bide oncen once said. >> reporter: they call it the biden rule, referring to thehe vice president's comments in 1992, saying supreme court say can sips should be treated differently during an election year. but today, biden tweeting, h@ only followed one rule when he was in the senate. that every supre court nominee get a hearing and a vote. period. david? >> mary bruce with us tonight. mary, thank you. and of course all of this playing out as theeated race for the white house moves forward tonight. dona trump, fresh off major victories overnight, now warning
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to stop him at a contested convention. trump winning several states, those in bright red on the map. but not winning ohio, which makes it much harder for him to reachhhat magic number, the total delegates he needs to clclch the nomination before the convention. trump now calling on the party to embrace him, saying, you can't ignore the tens of thousands who turned out for him. abc's tom llamas with trump's warning tonight. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump warning if the republican establishment tries to block his nomination, there will be chaos at the convention. >> i think you'd have riots. i think you'd dave riots. you know, we have -- i'm representi a tremendous, many, many millions of people. i think you would have problems like you've never seen before. i think bad things would happen. i really do. i believe that. i wouldn't lead it, but i think bad things would happen. >> reporter: trump's words coming with these images still fresh in american minds. anger and violence at his campaign rallies. trump now saying it's time for, quote, "a natural healing prococs."
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and the people that are voting are democrats are coming in, independents are coming in and very, very importantly, people that never voted before. it's an incredible thing. >> reporter: this morning, florida governor rick scott falling in line, endorsing trump, telling other republicans "to accept and r%spect the will of the voters." but ohio governor john kasich, fresh off a big victory in his home state, now vowing to fight all the way to the convention floor, but with a positive message. >> i want to remind you, again tonight, that i will not take the low road t tthe highest office in n e land. >> reporter: one place we won't see the candidates clash -- a debate stage. today, trump pulling out of monday's showdown on fox. kasich then dropping out, too. >> i thihi we've had enough debates. how many times can the same people ask you the same question? >> reporter: but today, senator ted cruz, who thrives on
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"ducking donald." >> and tom llamas with us live tonight. and tom, with all the talk of a contested convention, the's the very real question of who could emerge as an alternative to donald trump and today, house speaker paul ryan making it clear, it won't be him? >> reporter: that's right, david. speakeryan saying today, if you want to be president, you should run for president, and that there is no situation in which he will accept the party's nomination this year, including at the convention in cleveland, david. >> tom llamas live in florida tonight. tom, thank you. and now, to the democratic side tonight. hillary clinton with a string of victories, now pivoting to donald trump. four more victories for h h overnight. all of those states in light blue on the map. but in missouri, still too close to call. clinton, when asked by us if the idea of a difficult fight against donald trump gives her pause, she said no. here's abc's cecilia vega now. >> reporter: the democratic nomination now within arm's reach, and hillary clinton is focusing her fire on donald trump.
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barriers, not building walls. our commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it. >> reporter: trump, today, firing off, too, saying clinton doesn't have the strength or energy to be president, recycling an attack line that's become one of his favorites. >> by the way,hillary's low energy, okay? she doesn't have the strength or the stama. she's got no strength. she's got no amina. no, she doesn't. >> reporter: clinton earlier told me, she's ready. he. >> he can talk about whatever he wants to talk about. if he wants to focus on me and talk about me, that's his choice. >> reporter: tonit, clinton closer than ever to locking up this race. and when that happens,s, she said she will ask bernie sanders for help. >> i would hope to be able to enlist bernie in helping me reach out to his supporters. >> reporter: sanders still defiant.
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that you can't think big. >> reporter: the vermont senator would need to win every remaining primary state by nearly 40 pointnt in order to clinch the nomination. the path to victory for him now next to impossible. >> and cecilia vega is with us tonight. pretty steep climb for benear sanders. when you talked to hillary clinton, she made it clear, this is his decision to make. >> reporter: that'spright, david. she said, even if his prolonged presence in this race es up hurting her in the end, she told me, quote, i'm never going to tell anybody to step out. david? >> cecilia vega with us again tonight. thank you, cecilia. next, from maryland tonight, new details about a chaotic gun battle right outside a police station. we reported earlier this week that officer jacai colson, undercover and out of uniform at the time, was reportedly killed by friendly y re. well, tonight, the police chief now saying the preliminary investigation reveals what they feared. that it was a a fellow officer who
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here's abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: the tgic death of detective jacai colson has shaken the prince george's county police department to its core. today, the fears that a fellow officer was responsible were confirmed. a/- one of colson's fellow officer's shot him, thinking he was one of the suspects. >> the shot that struck and killed detective colson was deliberately aimed at him by another police officer. there's no intention, as i've seen the facts to indication any malice. >> reporter: colson was killed during an exchange of gun fire when police responded to the attack. on monday, i asked the chief about the pain of knowing that one of his officer's may have mistakenly shot another. >> you struck another defender down -- that's particularly devastating. >> reporter: police must now resolve critical questions, including how and why this mistake was made and how tragedies like this can be
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david? >> pierre thomas in washington tonight. pierre, thank you. we turn next here to the dangerous weather on the movep tonight. tornadoes and winter weather battering the upper midwest, turning deadly now. these swirling clouds, an ominous warning in western illinois. tornado sirens sounding the alarm. the powerful winds ripping up trees, damaging homes. also, the snow and icy roads. this tractor trailer jackknifing. abc's alex perez with the threats across the country tonight. >> reporter: tonight, in parts of the midwest, winter refusing to let go. in duluth, minnesota, the driver of this pickup losing control on i-35. in wisconsin, one passenger killed after a car and semi collide on i-39. this time lapse capturing the dangerous lightning overnight. one strike setting this iowa dorm on fire. another revealing this funnel cloud in illinois. one twister ripping a five-mile scar through rock island county.
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before i can get back here with my family and neighbors. >> reporter: meanwhile, in the south, a never ending flood emergency. abc's phillip mena is in deweyville, texas. >> the sabine river is running wild again tonight. this is the worst flooding in southeast texas since hurricane ike. nearby, interstate 10, a major artery, overrun with water, causing travel chaos. >> reporter: in tangipaho parish, louisiana, cleanup under way, as the waters finally recede. about 2,000 homes damaged there alone. and david, back here in illinois, there's actually a home underneath this huge pile of rubble. and take a look at this tree. all kinds of debris, even a bike flying alongith it. the cleanup, just beginning here. david? >> alex, thank you. we turn overseas tonight, and the u.s. targeting north korea with new sanctions tonight for its nuclear and ballistic missile activity, and it comes on the same day that a american college student was paraded in front of the cameras ere, and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. accused of trying to steal a
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this afternoon, the state department now condemning the conviction. the administration calling for his immediate pardon and release. there is stilluch more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the brazen prison break. inmates escaping using a high jacked helicopter. take a look at this. the chopper waiting on the roof p. that was only the first problem with their getaway. also, brian ross standing by, his investigation on the air ambulances that come to your rescue after you've had a crash or an accident. what they tell you and what they don't, and it could cost you thousands. and the young basketball star, look at this, hitting a buzzer beater from half court. the crowd goes wild. but that was just his first play. you're not going to believe this. and he's right here tonight. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats .... 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet.
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nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrgw... feed your inner kidult with frosted mini-wheats . try new kellogg's mini-wheats harvest delights with sweet drizzle and bits made with real fruit. i accept i'm not 22. i accept i'm not the rower i used to be. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke d d to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept is getting out there with less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, i will. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantlless major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both.
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don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical carar for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't have to set records. but i'm still going for my personal best. and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. we're going to turn next tonight to an abc news investigation. 400,000 americans rushed to the hospital by helicopter last year alone.
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flights, not fully covered b insurance, costing patients tens of thousands of dollars. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight with some familieie and what they say they were not told. >> reporter: a growing fleet of helicopter ambmbances is credited with saving thousands of lives. >> they're just angels in the truly. >> reporter: but an abc news investigation has found that some of the very people saved end up facing financial ruin. the bill from one company to transport the daughter of brenda and warren larson of kentucky was $47,000 for a 79-mile flight. and insurance only covered about a third of that. >> it's definitely going to cripple us financially. >> reporter: jean medina got a $35,5,0 bill from the same company after her teenage gaugter, sophia, was air lifted 37 miles. >> it's just a crazy amount of money. >> reporter: the bills came from airmethods, the biggest for-profit air ambulance company, operating in 48 states,
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company officials acknowowdge airmethods charges far more than the actual cost of a flight, because they say they have to make up for underpayments by the poor and the elderly. >> look, if everybody paid their fair share, you know what the charge for this service would be? $12,000.% >> reporter: but many insurance companies refuse to pay what they regard as the excessive cost, leaving the patients and their families on the hook. >> they said, don't worry about it, it's just a standard form, just give us permission to transport your daughter. >> reporter: but the standard form, which made him personally and fully responsible, did not disclose the sky high cost. why don't you put the price here? >> i -- i can -- i can get back with you on that. >> reporter: you don't know the answer to o at? >> no, i don't. >> reporter: airmethods will lower the bills that those that can prove financial hardship. but we've found they've sued or sent debt collectors against hundre of people they once saved. david? >> brian, thank you. when we come back, the city
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the new rort out. any guesses? also, that dramatic prison break. the high jacked helicopter, and everything that went wrong after. and the major fir on the water. millions up in flames tonight. this just got interesting. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of b b, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects m include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than fourours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction,
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the raging fire and thick black smokeonsuming the boat, which has been docked in the marina. no injuries. the 77-foot yacht reportly sold for $2.5 million. chipotle may be having a change of heart tonight. the restaurant chain rethinking some of its food safety changes after that e. coli outbreak sickened 55 people in 11 states. rethinking its dna testing on some ingredients. some restaurants are already now using pre-cooked beef to guard against possible contamination. chipotle reporting sales dropped more than 26% last month alone. the worst traffic in america. the title once agaga belongs to l.a. drivers spending 81 hours on freeways. 81 hours. stuck bumper to bumper last year. l.a. drivers are not alone. washington, san francisco, houston and new york city rounding out the top five. all spending more than 70 hours going nowhere fast. when we comeack tonight, a little mini-march madness already. the little boy with the big shot. you've got to see this. that's just one of the shots.
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seconds left. are you kidding me? jack with a half court buzzer beater, tying the game. now, in overtime. jack taking the shot from half court again -- from the other angle, the team, the coaches soon on the court. and toght, jack checking in with us. >> hi, david! my name is jack jeffrey and i love basketball. >> we could tell. ana tonight, he has one wish. >> when i'm older, i want to be in the nba. >> hope jack's team's in your bracket. thank you for watching on a wednesday night. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. until then, have a good evening. good n the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage todod. america runs on dunkin'.
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that would be she and me. hello! thank you, jim. thank you, everybody. appreciate that. you have a wonderful show. get all the letters right. hi. good to see you all. well, let's do it. we're here. might as well win some money. $1,000 for our first "toss up," and the category is "landmark." [ bell chimes ] allison badlands national park. you got it. simple as that. hi, allison -- allison clayton. -allison clayton. -from studio city, california. what do you do there? i am a computer security analyst with an entertainment company. i'm originally from katy, texas. yeah, how long you been out here?
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and before that, i was in germany for three years, and i got to see 20 different countries while i was living there. wow. was someone chasing you, or you just like moving around? i was attached to the u.s. government at the time. ah, okay. that explains a lot. anyou like knitting. i love knitting, and i knit for my dog and i knit so that i can go to cold places. and my dog is a puppy named bailey, and she's adorable. 'cause we could use a wheel cover if you're sitting around -- -i'll get on that. all right, thanks for being here. hi, john. -hey, pat. john mccarthy from new york, which is in -- i live in new york, but i'm from philadelphia. okay, well, it's important to make that distinction. a singer operaticallylyrained. i am an operatically trained singer. i've sung throughout the nation. when i'm not singing, i work at the best gym in new york city. but back to singing, my most interesting gig, i co-starred in the world premier of the first opera to not only include human singers,


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