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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 22, 2016 2:33am-3:00am EDT

2:33 am
julian's not gonna know about this at all. julian's not gonna know until curtis comes back with his findings. who-who's this julian? julian jerome, our publisher. he's ignored our concerns, says that we're paranoid. yeah, he told us to shut up and gegeback to work. i assure you, my assistant and i will keep everything confidential. okay, great. um, we have to go to the courthouse to cover a story. um, so, i will write you a check for your retainer and your rewardrdoney -- are these yours? sorry. no problem. just don't leave them on my desk again. we're gonna stick around and do a low-key inquiry with some of your employees, see what we can dig up. go for it. thank you. you're officially hired. all right. [ chuckles ] [ clears throat ] "assistant i suppose i could've said "sidekick." you're pushing your luck. yeah, but you like it, right? i mean, i hit the jackpot wiwi you. not yet you haven't. well, look. don'you worry your pretty, little head. our next date will be more befitting a woman of your caliber.
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m not saying yes to another date with you until you keep the promise that you made to land this one. now, tell me. why does jordan always seem like she wants to kill you every time sheheees you? ms. falconeri, can you please tell the court where you were on tuesday, the morning of january 19th? yes. my son leo and i were attending a baby-yoga class held at the hotel that i co-own, the metro court. and where did you go after the class? well, i-i was approached by the mayor to discuss a luncheon that she was planning on throwing at the hotel's restau"ant. ms. falconeri insisted on her son joining us, despite my offer to schedule a sit-down at a later time. was the meeting planned? no. we just ran into each other. and why didn't you reschedule? well, i didn't feel comfortable asking her to o it. she is, after bll, the mayor. it was a routine-enough meeting. at first. the meeting cut into leo's feeding schedule,
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i could either let him go hungry or i could let him eat. and that's when she bared her breast. how do you feed your son, ms. falconeri? i breastfeed. why not a bottle? because breastfeeding fosters a very special bond between me and my son, because it's healthful for my son and for me, and because it's my right. i have no qualms with breastfeeding. but i, like many others, just don't feel it is suitable in a public space, and i told ms. falconeri so. i hear the complaints of the mayor and others, and i'm gonna say to them now what i said then. if you don't like it, lump it. new york state law says that there is nothing wrong with public breastfeeding. the matter did not end there. olivia: mayor lomax threatened to have me arrested for public indecency for doing a natural, lawful thing. ms. falconeri, were you arrested for public indecency? no.
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yes. what was the charge? assaulting the mayor. [ spectators murmur r mayor lomax, can you tell the court what the alleged assault consisted of? mayor lomax? i was bumped into. did that require a lot lf stitches? objection. [ light laughter ] ms. falconeri, did any officer of the law ever force you to stop breastfeeding your son? well, mayor lomax was making such a fuss that i had no choice but to -- oh, oh. it was your choice, wasn't it? mayor, did you press charges against t client for assault? no. were charges filed against my client? no. so the only crime committed s the one against my client. [ scoffs ]objection, your honor. counsel is testifying. sustained. careful, ms. davis. yes, your honor.
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yes. and what is the hotel policy on the subject? mothers are welcome to feed their children any way they choose. mrs. corinthos, were you present for the altercatiobetween the plaintiff and my client? no, i was not. did you question your staff about the incident? yes, i did. d what did they tell you happened? how can you ask me that? isn't that hearsay? did you suddenly go to law school, hmm? your honor, i am merely asking the witness to relay a conversation that she had with her staff. the witness will answer the question. the waitress said that olivia went off on the mayor and almost flipped a table on her. thank you, counselor corinthos. no further questions. commsioner ashford, what is the new york state law on breastfeeding in public?
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a woman may breastfeed her baby at any location, public or private, as long as she's authorized to be there. and does a woman have to cover up in any way? no. breastfeeding is leg irrespective of whether the nipple of the woman's breast is covered during or incidental to the breastfeeding. and what mechanism is in place compel an institution to follow the law should it refuse comply? there is none. commmmsioner, has your department ever received a sing complaint that any institution has failed to observe this law? not to my knowledge. i rest my case, your honor. your honor, the city rests.
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2:40 am
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2:41 am
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2:42 am
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2:43 am
monica: dr. munro has always thought that cancer was not the source of your symptoms, so i think it's time we now heard him out. so what do you have to say, doctor? oh, please, go ahead. float your theory. i agree that the lesions on your brain are not cancerous, but i can understand why that was the assumption. in my career, i have seen numerous infections masquerade as cancer. what infection? you think that's what this is? yes. the lesions on your brain are not comprised of humanissue. there is a foreign agent at work. what do you mean, a "foreign agent"? what foreign agent? well, i am trying to figure that out. now, after your seizure at the floating rib, you mentioned that you were in mexico recently. i was. why? did you drink the tap water? i never drink tap water. okay. what kind of things did you eat? i was staying in a five-star resort. i ate only in the restaurant. no trips tsee local sights, no snacks on the way? -- oh.
2:44 am
there night. [ sighs ] ashton was in the suite next to mine. your -- your ex-husband, larry ash-- oh, tracy, you didn't. i didn't! i didn't. i-i-i-- we were having a -- a conversation, and atatome point he offered me some...local delicacies that he picked up in town. well, that could do it. so you think the source might be foodborne? i will kill ashton! no, you know what? i'm gonna kill paul first, then i'm gonna kill ashton. it's a safe bet. but this is not my specialty. you're going to need an infectious-disease doctor. i know just who to call. let's see. miss jordan was married to my brother. after he was killed, i helped her get a job with the dea. we wererpartners for a hot minute, but we weren't a good fit.
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so i moved on to a new career. end of story. that's it? disappointed? why wouldn't you just say that in the first place? i used it as bait to get a second date with you. if i'd have told you fron the beginning, you wouldn't be here right now, $500 richer. so that's all? i really prefer not t talk about it, much like you prefer not to talk about dante. so you picked up on that, huh? picked up on what? so, is our date over, or just beginning? your honor, ms. falconeri's own testimony proves she was never forced to stop breastfeeding her child. the mayor was merely stating her view that, to her, the act was distasteful, an opinion she's entitled to. it's guaranteed under her first amendment rights to free speech. this case has absolutely no legal merit whatsoever, and i ask that it be rejected.
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defense counsel would have you believe that my client was not asked to stop feeding her child in the manner that she chose, in the manner that the law allows. that may be the literal truth. but it's very misleading, and i'll tell you why. the word of the highest elected official carries a lot of weight, especially when the law as writ doesn't provide means for mothers of port charles to seek redress if the mayor, or other government actors, choose to impose upon them their beliefs of what they think is good and proper, or what they don't. this has to be remedied. we're asking the court to close the gap between the legislature's intent and the actual law. we are asking the court to protect its mothers as its mothers protect and raise their children. thank you.
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settle down. i am ready to make my ruling. i sympathize with the plaintiff's plight. however, there are fundamental flaws in h case, flaws that stem from the facts and evidence, and thus altogether undermine this suit. it has been pointed out brfastfeeding is already legal in this state. i see no need -- excuse me. oh, i'm sorry. i'm just helping a friend find her seat. you can see she has her hands full. very well. as i was saying, breastfeeding is legal, and the plaintiff has presented no evidence to indicate the need for -- shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. what is going on? i'm feeding my son. like she's legally allowed to do. [ sighs ] hardly think a courtroom is the appropriate place to feed a child. uh, is there room for one more? oh, yes, there is. go over here. what is the meaninggof this? these ki are hungry. can't they do that in the bathroom? why should they?! what is wrong with what they're doing?! they're not bothering anyone. yeah. what's wrong with that?
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what's wrong is that what's natural to them is inappropriate and offensive to most others. i'm sorry. what's offensive about it? excuse me. excuse me. why is it okay for a man to take off his shirt in public, but it's a criminal offense for a woman? because it's not criminal. that's why. the new york state law allows for a woman to go topless anywhere that a man can. yes, but most people just don't want to see that. well, then, they shouldn't look! all right. order! i will have order in this court! no! no! there's nothing t of order about this! a woman has every right to breastfeed in public. if i was a mother, i would do it just right along with them. in fact, as alexis pointed out, i have every right, so here. what's out of order about these, your honor?! [ exhales ] (cat vo #1) hey cats! wanna make a new flavor combination today? (cat vo #2) yeah...let's take things up a notch! add...cheese! (c(c vo #1) and we gotta have cod.
2:49 am
now that's a tasty flavor combination. (cat vo #1) and we're just getting started. (avo) new friskies cat concoctions. four deliciously different flavor combinations, made for cats, by cats. brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients likeage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best.
2:50 am
nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that en in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color... it just looks like you. payless for style. (rebecca) i've struggled with depression. i thought i needed cigaretteso cope. i was able to quit smoking. and then i started running. now, i feel a lot better. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. because i'm a woman... do you think'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules.s. always.
2:51 am
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2:52 am reminded him of his magic eraser. it's not just fo marks on walls... it's tough on kitchen grease... and bathroom grime too. he's your... ...all around-tough-cleaner, mr. clean. [ cheers and applause ] [ gavel bangs ] young woman, put your clothes on right now. [ laughs ] uh, me too, judge? you're in contempt. bailiff. what about me? oh, oh. and me! whoo! yeah! wait. don't forget about me. [ laughter ] this is outrageousus commissioner, arrest these women! speak loudly, judge, 'cause i'd like to put this on ta for the next big story for crimson. [ gavel bangs ] judge horowitz: quiet! none of this would've been necessary if i had been allowed to finish what i was about to say. court finds for the plaintiff. [ women cheer ] [ gavel bangs ] mayor loma this is outrageous. um, is it over yet? [ women laughing ]
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[ laughter continues ] well, you're not about to just walk away. i'm not? and leave that $1,000 for me to spend by myself? hey. half that prize money belongs to me. not if you don't stick around. got to be in it to win it. [ sighs ] don't you have a new gig to start? the sooner i start that case, the sooner i solve the case, and the sooner i lose my source of income. now, what sense does it make to solve crimson's mystery before i've made myself a little money? you really think it's that easy? piece of cake. well, that was something, wasn't it? yeah, yeah. very, very... i wanted to let you know that i found a way to capitalize on the unbound issues of crimson. we're trending nationally. i'm gonna make this magazine a success yet. hey.
2:54 am
i have a feeling thanks are in order. oh, we should thank alexis. both chuckle ] that was way more fun than a garbage strike. [ laughs ] i do need to get the mayor to back off metro court. well, you give her hell, partner. you got it, partner. diane. carly. yes. can you please inform the mayor that if the health department doesn't immediately drop all the bogus code violations against the metro court and allow us to reopen that i am going to sue her and the city for loss of business and punitive damages? you have no case. oh! [ laughing ] on the contrary. the public health records will show that the metro court has a spotless health record. in fact, these bogus code violations just happened to coincide with olilia falconeri's lawsuit against you. that's a blatant abuse of your power, mayor. trust me. this is gonna make bridgegate look like a day at tpe beach. but you're my lawyer. eh.
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with the corinthos family. that kes precedence. so, may i inform my client that the metro court will be able to reopen immediately? yes. oh, splendid. lovely working with you, mayor. be on the lookouttfor my bill. carly. yes? give my best to sonny. mom, you were amazing. alexisisthank you. we're so proud of you. thank you, thank you. congratulations, counselor. thank you, counselor. mom, uh, we'll wait for y`u outside. okay. i'll see you later, girls. byby believe it or not, i think olivia's underlying cause is just. mm. [ clicks tongue ] but just so you know, i let you win. mm-hmm. mayor.
2:56 am
but rest assured, it's gonna cost you. you've made an enemy. so, what happened? will tracy quartermaine live to harangue again? [ chuckles ] we are working on it. at least now we're on the right track, thanks to you. hey, you're the c. i was just doing my part. yeah, well, now you'll both be doing your part from the unemployment line. what? dr. munro was right. at least the patient has an accurate diagnosis now. would've figured out what was wrong with my patient eventually, without your hipaviolation. you two are done here and done with medicine. what a relief to know that my vacation from one deadbeat ex-husband resulted in another deadbeat ex-husband feeding me something that's taken up residence in my brain. and once we identify and treat the infection, you can go rht back to being your affable self.
2:57 am
monica. yeah? what i said before... what of it? it still stands. and it's still unnecessary, so... if anything g anges, i will -- i will te care of it. [ monitor beeping ] [ ringing ] [ through cellphone ] this is finn. dr. finn, this is monica quartermaine. we met at a who geneva conference lili a few years ago. you presented findings on the effects of carbonic snow on arterial function. well, i am very flattered that you remember. i don't forget work that's years ahead of its time. and neither do i, and that's why i'm calling. i know you're inundated with requests, but i was sort of, kind of hoping that i might jump to the head of the line. [ through telephone ] i'm working on a case in port charles, new york, that's confounded everybody,
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it wouou be you. go on. this morning o" "world news now," the primaries and caucuses todada in three states >> the push for the presidential candidates to set themselves apart on a major foreign policy issue. and a first for donalaltrump at a campaign event. >> making history, president obama's state dinner with raul castro last night in cuba. the unforgettable moments, is
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day ahead in havana. >> letting go. the heart wrenching custody decision involving a 6-year-old girl, her foster parents and a controversial law. and the victory round in court for hulk hogan and his legal smackdown with gawker over a sex tape. why the court just awarded him millions more in his lawsuit. it's tuesday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." morning, everybody, on this tuesday. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm lauren lyster. >> we'll get started with the political race, the presidential candidates battling for votes today as ballots are cast in three states. >> the latest national poll shows hillary clinton maintaining the lead over bernie sanders among democrats. and among republicans, donald trump has a commanding double digit lead over ted cruz and jane kasich. >> that poll was just released hours ago before voters for both parties in arizona and utah go to the polls.
3:00 am
their caucuses there. abc's ray ra maindy reports the candidates are setting themselves apart over a hot foreign policy issue. >> reporter: using a teleprompter for the first time, front-runner donald trump making one of his biggest political speeches to the pro jail apac convention. >> it constantly applies pressure to our friends and rewards our enemies. and you see that happening all th time. that pattern practiced by the president and his administration including former secretary of state hillary clinton has repeated itself over and over again and has done nothing to embolden those who hate america. >> reporter: democratic front-runner hillary clinton didn't wait long before blasting her likely republican rival duringng her address at the convention. >> we need steady hands, not a president who says he's neutr on monday, pro israel on tuesday and whoknows what on wednesday


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