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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 2, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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>> rape suspect accuse in the vicious broad daylight attack faces a rain. >> this morning. live with what we're learning about the suspect. hello everyone, it is friday, january 2nd, 2015. >> more on that in a moment. fix, we start things off with traffic and weather together. checkingchecking in with your our ladies katie and victoria. >> good morning, everybody expect to go see nice quiet day unfold, thankfully here in the weather department. lags full day, when tracking large storm systemment expect to see sunshine, do have little thin vale of clouds draped off to the south here actually creating some real awesome views in some of the field cams, which we will continue to share with you. you can also see some spots totally clear, we are right here, over the skydeck so, on storm scan, all is quiet say for the clouds, temperatures feeling more like the 20's, and i can absolutely. >> more like the 20's, the day progresses, around the region we go with sunshine, certainly, few clouds as we mommies dollars but it is a quiet day. and that's the key here. although, as i mentioned earlier, we are looking ahead to the first big storm of 2015. what is it going to bring to us precipitation wise? well, at least looking at rain. but some of will you likely sigh some snow. we will talk about who is the best bet for that, and in the meantime, a serious surge on the thermometer little taste of may followed up by some january reality.
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so also, of course, talking temperatures this morning. vittoria? >> thank you and good morning, everyone, we have great news in the traffic world, there is really no problems no delays, it is very hard to find a rush today because we don't have one. a lot of folks i think took the entire week off and then friday off so, if you are still in bed right now watching us, and maybe headed out in just a few moment, well, you will notice that traveling on our area bridges take a look at the ben franklin bridge, no delays in either direction. >> westbound traveling, moving away from the screen, eastbound, would be those headlines there, and it doesn't matter where your area travel, in your western suburbs, in this area here, of city avenue or even around center city. >> speed censors, the schuylkill, the extension, the turnpike 202 422 95, and even if you're traveling in delaware on 95, and the rest of the majors, looking great 62 your average traveling in new jersey on 295 so, all-in-all, just a great way to start the continual in 2015. fire location if you are traveling not too far from the overbrook area at 65th and, between lansdale, had i can ton, be minds full of that. patco headed on holiday schedule. >> thank you developing right now, suspect accused every sexually assaulting a woman in spring garden awaits arraignment this morning. >> jan joins us with the latest on this investigation. >> good morning, now police aren't officially identifying suspect this morning until
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formally arraigned in court later this morning. but sources do tell "eyewitness news", that he's 32 years old from pittsburgh, and charged with rape, robbery be and attempted murder. >> checking every clue they could here at the parking garage at 17th and callowhill streets. investigators say a 33 year old woman was attack by unknown man on the second floor at 11:00 in the morning. >> i feel so in shocked and very upset. i can't believe it. >> i'm completely surprised. >> alexis lives across the street from the scene. the garage, primarily serves residents of the one franklin town apartments. but also open to the public. >> police say somehow evaded security, shock to the residents. >> i know my building has 24 hour security both inside the building and in the parking garage. i know both of the rovers who walk up and down the aisles, two that my building hired, and now know do dill rent job. >> police reviewed video now say they have 32 year old man from pittsburgh in custody. still after hearing a woman was assaulted and sent to the hospital in broad daylight while this community remains on edge. >> minds boggling. >> crazy, what a way to start the new year. >> even though the suspect now behind bars, police say, you can still help them if you have any information about this sexual assault please, call police. reporting live outside of the special victims unit there is morning, jan carabeo "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> new this morning, police investigating home invasion, in west oaklane, it happened on the 1800 block of
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73rd avenue. police say that suspect entered the home with a gun, and then stole about $1,700 in cash. it is not clear if there were any injuries. we will continue to follow this breaking story, and bring you updates when we learn more >> fire rekindle when it strode a cleaners next-door. first flames broke out around 2:00 in morning, four had you block of lancaster avenue. firefighters quickly put out rekindle fire spots. we're told the fire marshall is investigating a cause. >> investigate under twi determine what caused this overnight fire in north philly. "eyewitness news", on the 2900 block of north 21st street officials say, fighter started in a two-story garage. >> no one was hurt. health officials in hamilton township mercer county are holding a news conference today after two new cases of hepatitis-a. both ate food from the same restaurant where a kitchen worker was infected back in november, this is rosa's on south broad streetment one of the people infected, works at the hair port salon south broad street. >> the other works as a fitness instructor. that is on white horse mercerville road. health officials say if you have been to any of those three businesses you should contact your doctor or the health department. help tight a, contagious liver disease, that in rare cases can cause death. >> developing now italy now towing stranded cargo ship full of many grain, migrants rather, the sierra leone flag vessel 450 people. >> no crew, most believed to
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be from syria. it took rescue teams several hours and rough seas to secure the ship, second time this week at least coast guard has rescued a my grant vessel. >> recovery teams looking for black boxes on airasia flight 8501. just received an update, so far the effort covered 30 bodies out of 162 people on that plane. some of the victims were found still buck philadelphia their seat. as tara mergener reports, the weather is still a problem and could get worse this weekend as the recovery effort continues. >> more victims every sunday airasia flight 8501 were pulled from the java sea today, some already identified, and returned to their families. indonesia investigators say they have believe many may still be strapped in their seats in the fuselage. >> issearches found more pieces. more with metal detectors sensitive listening equipment helping in the recovery mission. crews are step up their effort when weather allows. they're scouring 8300 square mile area. >> the airasia flight 8501 crashed sunday with 162 people aboard. it was on a two hour flight from indonesia to singapore, when it disappeared from radar almost halfway into the trip. >> first victim, 49 year old woman, quickly burried thursday, in keeping with muslim tradition. , 200 muslims led a prayer service, in this mosque where the bod risk kept. friday is the mole yes, sir day of the week for muslims. drizzle, light clouds, cover the search area today. high waves strong winds forecast through sunday, strong currents are moving the debris making the search
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difficult. >> investigators admit they're in a race against time, the longer the search takes, the more bodies will decompose, the further debris will drift away. in washington, tara mergener, for "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". a giant in new york politics has passed away. coming up next, how the empire state is remembering former governor mario cuomo. we'll also have this. >> about 30 minute later water broke. >> she wasn't due until march. but her little son had other plans. coming up. a woman shares her story of going into labor on a flight, and about a very special passenger on board who helped her deliver. >> and the mummers strut down a new route to ring in the new year. we'll have the winners of this year's festivities. ♪ ♪ >> wyche ' all been blessed when brand new day brand new year. hope yours is off be right back. >> ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing new listerine® healthy white™. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves
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and get a healthier whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy white™. power to your mouth™! ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. another mummers celebration ends not on broad street, but two street. it gave performers another chance to strut and also shop all every those great costumes late into the night. now, after the parade, and fancy brigade put on their show at the pennsylvania convention center in front of hundreds of people. mummers performed down broad street, one of the noticeable changes to the parade route. it happened at city hall, started rather at city hall, then ended on washington avenue about 2 miles shorter now shall the reason for that, they were attempt to go draw more crowds. >> whatever, sometimes change is good. right? >> tradition, it belongs in south philly. we support them. we do everything we can for them. they took it away from us. >> the clean up began and taking down the bleachers and sweeping the streets. front end loaders helped clear the trash with revelers a lot of it, too. >> now, judges scored each group, congratulations going out to the fralinger string
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band for winning its division, well done. for complete list of the winners go to our website also find a slide show of the new years day festivities. judge drought bright, sun beautiful. it is january, spec to be cold. certainly today another day that feature more chill in the air, but typical chill. it is what we're used to at this point of the year on average, storm scan3 actually still has little lake enhanced snow. you got to go pretty far north to fine t but it is out there. >> definitely going to feel the chill. here is the storm looking ahead to for the weekend we are expect to go see mainly rainout of it, but here is the thing. because it is going to potentially move in just little earlier it could start with maybe a little snow or some sleet. but would have a real hard time accumulating much because the warm air will just invade and take over and turn any wintery precipitation over to rain. we will talk about it in a second. quickly live here to the live neighborhood network kutztown area beautiful classic red sky in the morning indicating eventually we have to take warning because tracking a systemment looking at these area snow ability, not much. and i have a feeling that this is going to just melt right away but initially on saturday midday could start with little snow. even if it accumulated would melt quickly. you want snow, you have to go into new england. that's where they end up with at full blown snowstorm out of the system. but it is just way too warm by
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the time we hit sunday. in philadelphia, no snow, just rain. you have to go northern chester, montgomery are you, all point north that's your best shot to see any mixing initially. otherwise, today we see some sun, going to keep you seasonable, keep it pretty seasonable too tomorrow. then the thermometer, spikes little sneak preview monday, right back to the 30's, so temperature will just crash behind us. >> thank you good heads up. >> good morning traffic wise the roads are not scary at all. we have so much good news, i mean, all of our majors are just fantastic. and our bridges as well. i mean, take a look, great shot of the roosevelt boulevard not too far from the schuylkill. i mean, oh, just when you come off of a holiday, this is what you want to see. just the continuum of good news. roosevelt boulevard, no matter how you cut it around the schuylkill, traveling throughout northeast philadelphia, headed into bucks county, beautiful out there. and it is not only the boulevard that looks great, it is 95, 95 is as well, traveling around the northeast there is shot here, not too far from bridge street, but either direction not only in pa but even in delaware, speed censors, high up in the 50's, and just all green everywhere you go, pa turnpike, northeast extension, even traveling in new jersey, average speed 62, on 295. so, just great way to come off the holiday. traveling 295 at the off ramp to 535 do have accident there. so just be mindful of that if you are traveling not too far from hamilton square, if you are traveling in overbrook 65th street between lansdale and haddington, do have fire
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location, work to go get that under control so, just try to avoid that area if you can. if you are traveling patco running holiday schedule, and broad street line was having some equipment problems, so, they may still be experiencing delays. so just note that if you are headed out. ukee? >> vet tore crashes thank you determined champion of progressive values former new york governor passed yesterday of heart failure he was 82, ed pain looks back on the man who could have been president. >> thursday a day of joy and sorrow for new york governor andrew cuomo. first he was sworn in for a second term, in manhattan. and in his inauguration address, he said his farther, former three term governor, mario cuomo was not well enough to attends. >> he couldn't be here physically today my father. but my father is in this room. he is in the heart and mine of every person who is here. he's here, and he's here. and his inspiration and his legacy and his experience has brought this state to this point. >> hours later the he will err cuomo died. he had recently been hospitalized for treatment of a heart condition. the family said he died at home from natural causes. >> he served for more than decade in 80s 90's, burst on to the national political stage with keynote address at the 1984 democratic national convention. it fueled speculation he might run for president but he never did. former new york governor, david patterson, was among the luminaries offering tributes to the man they new.
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>> there was no one like him. he was pure less at the podium. co-have been the president of the united states. he was that great. >> cuomo also had the distinction of being the first guest on larry king live. and certainly wasn't his last appearance. mario cuomo was 82 years old. i'm ed pain reporting. >> right now it is 7:18. hundreds turned out in baltimore to honor a bicyclist from our area who was hit and killed by a car. friends and family and fellow cyclists paid respects to thomas palermo yesterday with a 3-mile ride. that was followed by a vigil. police say palermo was hit on saturday by heather cook the first female bishop at the episcopal church. maryland. the diocese says cook initially left the scene but then returned 20 minute after the crash to take responsibility. palermo was a graduate of st. joe's prep. >> father of three in big trouble this morning accused of driving drunk more than 100 miles per hour with his children in his car. it happened on new years eve. police in new york say mark palmer sped down sunrise highway in his dodge ram pick-up truck. his three children who were in the back seat are six, nine and 11. luckily no one was hurt, they say he failed a sobriety test, and now out on bail. >> imagine this? going into labor on airplane. >> specially about two month or so early? allison perry wasn't due until this march. but her son had other ideas. went into labor on a player, luckily pediatrician was on board, but the flight was diverted to salt lake city. allison said she felt little pain before take off but did
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not think it was the big moment. >> going to be just fine, you know, just little back pain, give me a pillow, got into the plane. took off. about 30 minute later my water broke. >> wow. the new baby's name is carl william perry. and he weighs in at 4 pounds 6 ounces. doctors say he will be hooked into an incubator for a little while, but he'll be okay. >> two month early, wow. >> how about that? and on a plane? that poor woman. >> but all is cool. it all work out. >> 7:20, mystery object removed from a man's arm. >> many doing up next how seven-inch piece of metal went unnoticed, for more than 50 years. first though here's what's coming up tonight on the "cw philly". pea past we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half-fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast. that is up to him. get this great price online guaranteed for two full years. plus a $400 bonus with two year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v . >> thirty-three year olds woman attacked at 17th and callowhill just before 11:00 a.m. yesterday morning. the man has been arrested, the woman in stable condition at hahnemann hospital.
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>> home invasion in west oaklane, an armed man, barged into a home, on 73rd avenue around 5:00 and then got away with about $1,700 in cash. >> we should learn more from health officials, later this afternoon, about two new cases of hepatitis-a in mercer county. both victims, ate at rosa's restaurant, and catering in hamilton township, a kitchen work their had the virus back in november. >> well, this is incredible, strange but true here an illinois man finds car partem bedded in his arm decades after the crash. >> arthur involved in a head on crash, 35 years ago and walk through metal detector and saw large metal object stuck in his arm. he saw doctors but they didn't know what it was. last week he lift add concrete block and his arm start today swell. he went into surgery and the surgeon pulled out that, a seven-inch turn signal. that motion unusual hadn't seen one like that before. went back to look at the old pictures of my wreck, and i noticed that the turn signal was missing >> good morning, time to get the first friday forecast of the new year with katie in the weather center. good morning. >> good morning, hammy new year once again, happy friday to you. and happy final day of quiet weather. i guess could you say things will go downhill tomorrow if you're not a fan of the wet werth. looks like it is essentially a wash out after weaken, but we will get you through t storm scan3, just more clouds out there today. still dry. and look at the awesome
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sunrise, it is almost just like that, that sun just, strikes you. it is so bright, inbetween that thin vale of cloud cover as it is just starting to pop over the horizon here in the live neighborhood network. quiet for now rain and yes even some snow through the northwest suburbs at the onset tomorrow. but generally rain making storm. and it is with us, through sunday. vittoria? >> thanker you good morning you may experience sun glare on the roads but generally speaking a lot of good news for you out there. traveling is very minimal every major at every bridge. take a look at the ben franklin bridge, to delays in either direction there. not only our bridges, it is the majors, traveling 422 let's say penndot vehicle on the shoulder, not causing problem. rest of the majors just fine. broad street line noting minor delays patco still on holiday schedule. >> next update is at 7:55, up next on cbs this morning new movie generating controversy over it portrayal after former president. developing right now, a man behind bars, this morning awaiting arraignment for the brutal rape after woman in philadelphia's spring garden neighborhood. >> the attack happened inside a parking garage, in broad daylight. good morning everyone, i am "eyewitness news" reporter jan
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carabeo joins us outside the special victims unit to tell you more about all of this. jan? >> ukee, erika sources tell "eyewitness news", the suspect is 32 year old man from pit burrell, police going to officially release his identity until he is formally arraigned. now take a look at this video there is alleged assault, all unfolded in broad daylight on new years morning here at this parking garage at 17th and callowhill streets in spring garden, for hours yesterday, police combed the scene, for clues, and reviewed surveillance video police say, a manna tack and sexually assaulted a 33 year old woman at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the four story garage. the victim suffered multiple injuries, and was taken to hahnemann hospital. now the garage primarily serves resident of the one franklin town apartments, but is also open to the public. police say the suspect somehow evaded security there, a shock to those who regularly use the garage, and say the garage is secure. >> i know they have security, i know both of the rove heres walk up and down the aisles, two that my building hired. and i know that they do really diligent job with making, ensuring the safety of myself and the people that live in my apartment building, and monthly renters to this parking garage. >> begin official arraignment butly say you can still help if you have any information about this case, please give them a call. reporting live outside of the special victims unit this morning. >> jan, thank youment happening today, funeral for the boy who was struck and
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killed by a franklin township police cruiserment ten year old matthew mccloskey on his way to friends house sunday night when the cruiser hit him. last night, friends and family held a vigil. people who knew him shared their memories. >> he's funny smart always ready to go places and stuff. >> we're coming together, you know to celebrate matthew's life. >> comforting my sister, and comforting us, and just so concerned, and making sure we have everything we need, doing so much for us, unbelievable. >> police officers came to pay their respects, as well. the office here drove the cruiser is on leave while authorities investigate. coming up on 7:33, our traffic and weather together. katie, good morning. >> watched itch the -- wrapped up the weather for the better part of the week, nice one chilly grant the but hey it is january. that's what we're used to, certainly that is what we are find withing temperatures today, typical temperatures, on the therp morning at the readings here. but, as we look forward to the forecast we go on serious surge starting it off with a look at the winter wonderland, if you look closely in the for grounds there, they got the ski lift in full operation beautiful wintery view, and actually really decent skiing day, however that is set to change. making snow like champs here for the last couple of days, had very cold air to work with dry conditions, for the man-made snow to be produced, and it will keep it around here for you once again today. but for skiers, this is pattern that's going to shift
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and turn a lot more spring like in the days ahead, look at the swing i mean, something very evident here, very very significant surge by sunday, and it all comes courtesy of our next storm system. soap, what's really going on here? is that we ends up with a weak ends storm system, just sends us on roller coaster ride. meantime, starting with clouds, will see some sun along the way. it will be what i call generally partly to mostly sunny day few more clouds than what you found yesterday. but, a seasonable one, that said low mid 40's, keep you right around freezing up in the poconos, so again good skiing day today. but that changes with the weekend ahead. vittoria? >> thank you so much katie. good morning everyone, if you are traveling out and about right now we have very minimal rush hour delays, which is the good news. if you are traveling, however, on the vine street expressway, dealing with disable vehicle hopefully we can get to that in a minute. we talk first about 95, 95 just great doesn't matter where you are headed. this shot here around cottman avenue. but even if you are traveling throughout the northeast moving your way into center city, maybe into delaware county, 95 just great. so is the schuylkill expressway and the rest of the majors. with the exception of the westbound side of the vine street expressway. if you are traveling westbound on the vine, between eighth and broad, you will noticed right lane blocked as a result after disable vehicle. but tow truck is on scene so hopefully it will be moved out of the way pretty quickly but, you will notice just a tad bit after delay, again that's westbound on the vine. as you approach the area of broad street. speece censors indicate ago lot of great news if you are headed out on this friday morning, 62 your average in
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new jersey on 295. fifty's the rest of the majors in pa. we do have an accident, if you are traveling silver side road at vale roadment be minds full of that. and if you are traveling mass transit i just want you to know that broad street line experiencing some delays, they're having some switching problems, and also, patco's running on holiday schedule. but watch out for this accident in jersey, 259 northbound at the ramp to 535. ukee? >> vittoria, thank you. check your credit card statement this morning because chilly if a says hackers may have stolen some customers' credit card information. the fast-food chain will not say how many custom remembers affected or even which restaurants are affected. they only say they learned about it last month tan happened as a few of their restaurants. chick-fil-a promises to let customers know more details a little later. also, word of another recall, from general motors. this time, it affect more than 83,000suv's and trucks in the u.s. the company says a faulty ignition could move it out of the start position causing vehicle to stall, that would prevent airbags from deploying. gm recalled millions of vehicles last year, for ignition issues. those defaults are being blamed for dozens of deaths. your time now 7:36. let's get a check on business. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, investors back to work after the new years holiday watch are they watching, not just today, but also the year going forward? >> do you opens, fell bit earlier this week, still, the dow finished up more than 7% from the beginning of the year the nasdaq was up over
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13% for the year, now for 2015 big question will be whether the us economy and the stock market can keep improving. >> even while the rest of the worn countries in europe russia have a lot of uncertainty, so, the question will be if that will all drag down the us stock market. hopefully not. >> ukee, erika? >> jill, we hear that the egg sandwich or old let egg white omlet for me, can cows more in 2015. what's behind the rise in egg prices in. >> welshing it is all thanks to a california law. >> farmers housing hence in cages with enough space so they can move around and stretch. but estimated revamping these warehouses, the hen houses, will cost millions of dollars and that's the cost that will likely be to pason to consumers, farmers in other states have to follow the same, so we can expect the price to go up. ukee, i'm an egg white omlet girl myself. >> all right, all right. >> yolk, yolking with me you. >> got to be yolking with me? jill see ya. see, jill? >> interesting fun, i like it. >> that was horrible, but thank you you're casino. >> for more information head to our website seventy-three investigators in burlington county trying to figure out with a sparked this huge warehouse fire the fire in mt. holly was breaking news yesterday morning, right here on the "cw philly". it took firefighters almost five hours to put out those flames. the fire damaged two neighboring homes nearby
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church, but firefighters saved those buildings. >> they escape house fire thanks to quick thinking of camden county police officers who refuse to give up on their rescue. our own jessica dean has their story. >> initial reports end indicate a christmas tree, leaving woman her four year old son and seven year old daughter trapped inside. >> neighbors -- >> as the initial entry smoke was extremely thick. and it was overwhelming. >> linking arms like this, with other officers arrived at the scene caught their mother and the brother. >> we love to help out the community in anyway. >> neighbors greatful for the help in saving the family, one man describes, as good people. >> that's good. hopefully get through the day. >> at last check the mother and children were listed in critical condition. the one officer who was treated for smoke inhalation was released thursday. >> jessica dean, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i great story, lost dog back home this morning thanks to some help from the philadelphia fire department. >> fire department tweeted this picture of the dog yesterday after he got lost in the excitement of the mummers parade the person who found the doling, brought him to ladder five on south broad street, that's when they put the word out on twitter. didn't take long, for the hammy reunion, few hours later, they tweeted another picture of snowball. back with his owner after an afternoon as an honorary fire
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fighter. >> and the smile on hits owner's face, probably one of the most per tying moments losing, not knowing where your animal is. >> been there, done that, freaked me out. don't want to do it again. >> glad snowball's safe. >> still ahead this morning starting fresh streamlining your work flow for the new year. coming up next, we have the latest technology to help you out in the workplace. >> also ahead, gym etiquette from the expert. what the regular gym goers want the new be to go before joining a fitness club. we'll be right back. back on "eyewitness news" the new year, great time to start fresh and get organized. >> yes, so wipe out the anti-bacteria wipes. >> that's right. clean it up. >> then gets dirty the rest of the year., reports on the latest technology can help improve productivity in the workplace this year. >> there are hands full every useful answer that help you with your clippings in one place. ever notice popular service that lets you on line, if.
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d files, scanned handwritten notes, all in one place. add tags to the pages so you can easily search them in the future. a similar free app for iphone, also lets you organize digital discovery into bulletin boards. keep them private or share them with friends co-workersment time full is another grapefruit app. helps people make the most of their time. say trying to fit in few minute of exercise every day or want to spend minute every every day. time full will give sense of habits and productivity, make something cents when you can scene in desired activity. >> free app 20, stands up every 20 minutes. once start your work day activate your app. it will vibrate every 20 minute reminding to you stand up. san francisco "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i in japan, 2015 more than just the new year, it is also the year of the sheep. >> let them get up and close and personal, her dollars the sheep past families into fenced area. and then they enjoyed petting animals for good luck, of course year of the sheep represent solidarity, harmony and calmness, i just hope they weren't freezing those customers. >> oh, she is on a roll. >> well done you. >> oh, my. >> glad i'm not out on the lamb. >> keep them coming. >> we apologize family, but that was fun. time is 7:44. >> erika pun von tiehl she has lots of middle names and they're all fabulous. trivia time. let's talk temperatures here. we have some serious temperature i am creases and
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decreases, this year, but going back a year, the highest temperature recorded this past january in if the 49, 55, 61 or 70. recall we had the polar vortex. >> sure did. >> who would like to take a stab at this? >> i didn't get a chance. so i'll take a guest we did have the polar vortex, the warm test got was. a. >> 49 degrees? little warmer than that. >> who want to go next? >> okay, slowly creeping up, b, 55. >> deaf lie my next guess. than would be wrong, too. >> all right torrey, you have a 50-50. feeling the pressure, i go with 61, c. >> oh, well done! >> well played. >> you're either a real good guess error really smart. >> probably both. >> all right, let's go on out there. show you what's going on on storm scan. right now not a heck of a lot. high pressure, more clouds in place, but still dry that's the key we keep it pretty seasonable, the combination of the storm that we continue to discuss for the upcoming weaken still down there. >> take a lot more after well defined shape, but needs about, probably, through the rest of the day until we really find that happen. but for tomorrow, want to walk you through what we can expect. >> it appears the storm will move in little sooner, and we think at minimum, it is midday that you start to see or earliest, i should say mid did a whether you start to see the rain moving n because of that, it is colder at the onset. so you could see some mixing
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with some snow, some sleet maybe freezing rain, from generally northern chester into upper bucks western montgomery counties, and all point to the north. >> everybody sees this turn to rain, then just got rainy and very mild sunday. >> once it crosses we see huge plummet. seasonable today tomorrow, even though the wet weather is moving in, 60s sunday, feels no better than the 20's, by monday. big turn around there. vittoria over to you. >> this is disable vehicle traveling on the vine, earlier blocking the right lane, the westbound side of the vine approaching broad street. as you will notice, pushed to the shoulder, traffic flying on by, but you will notice it if you are headed out there besides, that the vine street expressway is great. so are the rest of the majors. this is the roosevelt boulevard approaching the schuylkill. that would be your southbound side. northbound moving away headed out toward wissahickon, no delays, and really, that is the case as i've mentioned for not only the roosevelt boulevard, but take a look at the schuylkill. fifty-five, being your average now, 95 delaware county, also the same, blue route extension, 202 422 great news also, in new jersey good news, 62 being the average. do have accident situation here silver side road, at vale road. just be mindful of that. for mass transit the broad street line experiencing minor delays. patco on holiday schedule. ukee? >> vet tore crashes thank you. talking sports college football national champion will be decide in the ten days. get ready for an oregon, ohio
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state match up deep in the heart of texas. the ohio state buckeyes upset top ranked alabama in the sugar bowl last night. buckeyes quarterback jones through for 243 yards including 47-yard third quarter touchdown, that put ohio state in front to stay. elliot ran for 230 yards and ohio state over number one alabama. forty-two to 35. >> chip kelly's old team, the oregon ducks, will be playing for the title. quarterback marcus through for 338 yards and couple of touchdowns and the ducks beat up florida state and their star quarterback winston in the rose bowl. also ran for touchdown. the ducks scored on 3fs u-turn overs, and ended the so many knowles 29-game winning streak oregon, blows out fsu59 to 20. so ducks and buckeyes, january 12th in arlington texas. >> take it to the ice now. the flyers are hoping for better luck in the new year they capped off 2014 with three state losses, will play the hurricanes later tonight. they'll drop the puck around 7:00. but sixers in phoenix to play the suns that is a 9:00 start our time. now the sixers by the way since talking about them will not see labron jamison the cleveland cavaliers only trip to philly this monday night. king james is out for the next two weeks, with strains in his knee and lower back. my man just turned 30 last week. that's when all of the aches and pains start kicking in. calves are off to relatively slow start, 18 and 14 on the season. so no labron james sunday, but come on out support the home team. a lot of people getting their
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tickets, the other guys, big star. >> first and for most, see the hometown. >> for sure. let's beat those cavaliers monday. >> lets december. that will 7:49. a lot of people make it their new years resolution to return to the gym but it can include some common slips up. >> lou young from sister station in new york had got advice from the regulars on gym etiquette. >> some are dreading the iminent arrival of the resolution is cents, those new years, knee bees with sometimes annoying habits. trainer ty from retro fitness from new rochelle, has some advice. >> one, stay out of the regular's way. >> they leave weights around. they don't put stuff away. they don't know how to share a machine. don't take turns. like i said, don't understand like jim etiquette. >> gym new trish on i cents say too many revolutionist dollars arrive under dressed. >> you find people in the lockerroom doing things without towels. it makes other people a little uncomfortable. then you will find people out here on the floor that are living weights and they're getting hot and sweaty, so just ripping off layers of clothing, but really? >> ya, it is a gym not a nudist colony. it may be your fitness resolution, but here, you're in somebody else's space. so what else? >> shunting texting on the machines. that's real annoying. >> like singing! >> singing? >> yes singing, avenue few members that, you know, tends to to forget they're in the public and they like to sing out loud. >> and move with a purpose you know, don't be just
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lolligagging around, standing around watching people work out. >> in other words just be polite. that's all it is. >> not rocket science. just your new routine. the people already here want you to get off on the right foot. >> going to the gym is serious biz, am i right. >> don't just sit around and watch people work out. that's creepy. >> i'm a tuner. >> but you sing from your own home, and you have lovely voice, too. not everyone does. that was lou young reporting by the way. still ahead this morning weaver some big news for alec baldwin. the announcement that bridges new changes for him in the new year. >> how fans every taylor swift celebrated a very special christmas. that's a all coming up in the word, when we come >> it was a merry swiftness for some taylor swift fans. >> oh, this is so sweet. the music assume err star from berks county surprised fans with gifts during the holiday season, and then she posted those priceless reactions on youtube. taylor picked out and wrapped all of those gifts her sever, we're told, even hand delivered some of them in person. in what she called taylorking, to find out what each fan like and dislike. >> oh, that's great. actor alex baldwin and his wife are expecting another child. the couple shared the news on twitter and instagram. it reads: 2015 equals mommy daddy, carmen, and special guest star. no word on when baby baldwin is due or girl or boy. already that is 16 month old together. alex also has 19 year old daughter with his ex-wife kim base inninger.
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>> sweet photo too, right there on the beach mommy's bell. >> i great photo. >> included the dogs, too i noticed. >> have tonight they're one of the family. we'll take a short break you're watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw". good morning. ♪ ♪ ♪ i ♪ ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ ♪ deep inside... ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. this is s-3 "eyewitness news". good morning i'm erika von tiehl. want to get right over to katie. hopefully another beautiful bright day like yesterday. what do you think? >> at least dry we can promise you that much. maybe not quite as bright as what we experienced. sun glare isn't as quite of an issue, but that said, we are still under the influence of high pressure, so, we are going to see few more clouds, as is already evident on storm scan3, we take you out there full screen. you can see the clouds have certainly gun to roll in. but you'll see some sun filter through, ends up being pretty decent day seasonable chill in the air highs at best low 40's later tonight we drop down to cloudy sky by tomorrow, even as early as say midday, rain even some snow for the northern half of the delaware valley starts to move
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in. it turns over to rain very quickly, though, vet tore crashes so mainly rain making system. not looking forward to. that will but that's okay. we'll deal with that when we get there. and i do have, however good news to sort of pigging back off of that. the good news is road wise, it is great outside. we might have little bit of sun glare but as you notice, traveling on the vine, things are wide open for you. headed to 76, use be westbound side making your way down to 95 speed censors high up in the 50's, not only the case in pa but traveling in new jersey, traveling in delaware, just a loft good news. we do however have delays for the broad street line. so note that. >> thank you, next update 8:25, next on cbs this morning, your health in 2015. the medical store that's could make headlines this year. >> is a main is behind bars for this attack that happened inside parking grab zero garage at 17 and callowhill streets. jan carabeo joins us now outside the special victims unit with more information. jan, good morning. >> ukee, erika good morning sources tell "eyewitness news", that this suspect is 32 years old from pittsburgh, charged with rape, robbery and attempted murder, all
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crimes, police say unfolded in broad daylight, on new years morning. >> evidence of a sexual assault, in spring garden, philadelphia police spent the early hours of 2015 collecting every clue they could, here at this parking garage at 17th and callowhill street. investigators say a 33 year old woman was attacked by an unknown man on the second floor at 11:00 in the morning. >> i feel so in shock and very upset. i can't believe it. >> well, i'm completely surprised. >> alexis lives just across the street from the scene. the garage primarily serves resident of the one franklin town apartments, but also open to the public, police say the suspect somehow evaded security there, which is a shock to residents. >> i know that my building has
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