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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 7, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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gunman have stormed newspaper offices in paris and opened fire. the latest number at this hour is # one people are dead. ten officers have been wounded. >> "eyewitness news" reports seeing multiple mask men with automatic weapons. the france president calls this a terroristic attack. >> the shooting happened at headquarters of charlie hip a a magazine weekly that has been a source before of other situations for depictses of the profit mohammad. eleven people are confirmed dead, following a ambush shooting in paris france. more updates a as we continue throughout the morning. it is wednesday january 7th i'm a ukee washington. i'm erika von tiehl. we are following this bitter blast of weather. lets check things out with katie and variety tore y so cold out there guys. >> that is right. you know what, this wind has not begun to offer up what it will as the day progresses. this is going to be a very blustery day for us, eventually. not just yet. but we are off to a very cold start. the the the temperatures don't have a a prayer of getting above freeze to go day, and certainly isn't going to feel that way. we will take to you storm scan 31st and foremost. maybe look closely over our area we have seen a few little snow flakes firing up here. don't be surprised if you see a flake fly as we go through the morning or any point of the day. because, we are seeing that wind eventually cranking out of the northwest to help keep that wind driven lake effect snow machine intact. here's how it feels right now. these are more important numbers, to show you, because as the wind kicks in you will
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see this as you are dressing for as you walk out the door. i can a attest it absolutely feels like single digits outside but thankfully the win isn't too strong just yet. again, it is on the way, even though we should hit 26 degrees, that is bad enough. that is already 14 below the average. but you factor the in the wind and it won't feel any better than the the teens and again, adding to the wintry atmosphere probably a couple of snow flakes for many have of you, vittoria. >> thanks katie good morning everybody. traveling on i-95 has been really a no fun zone, all this morning. earlier we had an accident on the northbound side of i-95 not too far from girard. that has been cleared for quite sometime. now have we have a disable vehicle not too far from that point as well. you will notice making your way, up further north into the construction zone. so northbound i-95 there is a disable vehicle right there we will skip ahead because camera is shaking. the it that is wind that katie was talking about. if you are traveling on i-95 we are seeing delays southbound out of the northeast down to the vine say delay is stemming back toward academy. so watch out for that volume there. northbound we're seeing slow down approaching the the vine, out of the penns landing and out beyond girard avenue. ben franklin bridge, not awful, we're seeing slight volume building, but all of our bridges are operating with 35 miles an hour speed restrictions. rightfully so. black ice is out there take a look our speed sensors are dropping. traveling 12 is your average on i-95. eight on the schuylkill expressway. vine street expressway, also not going to be fun a approaching the schuylkill or approaching i-95. traveling in new jersey 295
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southbound, the off ramp to i-95 or route 295 we have an accident there just be careful. >> now that this bitter blast of cold settled across the region municipalities extended their code blue advisory. "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer joins us from pennsauken camden county where a code blue is in effect through 7:00 a.m. nicole good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erika. this is fired day for code blue. that tells you how cold it has been in camden county. this morning is no different. we need lots of layers, hat gloves and wooly socks if you have got them. >> some spots are better than others. some are better than others. you have to be careful. >> reporter: yesterday's clipper system left behind slick streets and snow covered sidewalks but for folks in pennsauken new jersey it is all about the the bitter cold. >> i have tights underneath my sweats, t-shirt and two jackets. >> right now i have two pants three sweaters actually. i just don't got one sweater. >> reporter: in camden county a code blue went into effect monday night and continues through 7:00 o'clock wednesday morning. a warning that is issued any time temperature or wind chill drops to 20 degrees or below. if that is not bad enough some folks say it is bound to get worse. >> i don't think we got what we will get just yet. >> reporter: oh, no. >> i'm waiting for it. i told you i'm a winter person. >> reporter: not sure how you can be excited about getting any colder then it is right now. it is pretty frigid. i have to tell you the wind does feel like it is picking up a bit. real quickly we are looking
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live at route 38 in pennsauken camden county and you can see that the main roadway it is very clear. traffic moving without any sort of problem. the biggest mess will be in your neighborhood as you make your way out of your driveway, through the side streets. they are still slick and snow covered. just take your time, be extra careful this morning. we are live from pennsauken new jersey, camden county nicole brewer for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> thanks, nicole. stay on top of this bitter blast with the cbs philly weather app. check the temperature and forecast whenever you'd like. down load the app tour smart phone and tablet on i tunes and google play. we're following some breaking news right now you in montgomery county a man has reportedly barricaded himself inside a home in upper moreland township. a swat team is near the house on abbyville avenue and davisville road. police are telling residents to shelter in place. "eyewitness news" will keep you up to date as soon as we get any new information. blast from winter and lack of hydrant causes problems for fire fighters battling a a house fire in bucks county. the fire on curly mill road in new britain township started just before 10:30. it took more than two hours to bring flames under control no one was hurt but those flames destroyed that large two story home. fire fighters say that lack of fire hydrants and sub freezing temperatures made that job harder. >> we had to bring in the township, they come through here multiple times. of course, the ice, it built up so rapidly with so much water being down on the ground. >> the bucks county fire mar
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hall is trying to determine what spark that blaze. a child is recovering from serious injuries this morning after police say he was hit and pinned under a car in lakewood, new jersey. investigators identified the driver as michael adler. they say that he disregarded the flashing stop sign on a cool bus while an eight year-old boy crossed at clifton avenue and kerry street yesterday. adler is charge with reckless driving and illegally passing a a school bus. developing right now a potential break plea in the search for missing air asia flight 8501. this is brand new video that came in overnight showing aircraft's tail section at the the bottom of the java sea. air asia's ceo says that if the discovery is -- if the the right side rather of the tail it could contain those all important black boxes. as search effort enters 11th day teams have recovered 40 bodies. police are searching for suspect who pistol whipped a woman during a home invasion in west philadelphia it happened last night on the 3900 block of brown in mantua. police say the armed man entered through an unlock door attacked would the man and then got away with cash. the victim was taken to an area hospital with cuts and bruce toes her face. well va clinic el paso, texas will stay closed to day one day after a gunman reportedly shot and killed a doctor there before turning the gun on himself. >> answer andrew spencer report, the fbi has taken the lead in the investigation with questions surrounding the shooting. >> reporter: shooting sent the bow medical meant sent inner to lock down. >> at alleged shooter is dead. we have one casualty. that casualty is deceased.
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>> reporter: speaking on condition of privacy an official at the the pentagon says the victim was a doctor. the the official said that the gunman died of a self inflict wound. today veterans affair clinic where the shooting happened is closed. veterans who had appointments are forced to reschedule. big questions linger the day after the shooting. why would someone kill a doctor at a va a clinic and then kill himself? authorities are not sure. the fbi has taken the the lead in the investigation. >> we have hundreds of potential witnesses and we are processing these right now. these people were here seeking medical assistance. we understand the difficulties this situation presents to them. >> reporter: department of veterans affairs release add a statement saying in part that the safety and continued care of our veterans and the staff will be our focus, throughout this situation. ab drew spencer for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". the fbi is looking for a man who may have information about an explosion near the the colorado springs chop california of the naacp. last happened outside a barber shop next to the group's building. in one was hurt and there was only minor damage. an fbi spokeswoman says that someone place aid gasoline canister next to a device but it did not ignite. your time is 7:09. new details about the the future of an embattled football program at a new jersey high school. also the cowboys controversy continues with governor christie. we will tell you about new trouble that he could find himself in. then we are not only once in the bitter blast, in fact, our temperatures feel balmy to folks in other parts of the country as these folks have it
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worse than us. we will take through coming up. we have a live look right now from our mobile weather lab. compare this to the image you just saw, at least are streets are clear. we will have more on traffic and a weather together after the break. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ nabbed. booked. locked up. case closed? you don't know "aarp." because the aarp fraud watch network means everyone can protect themselves and their families from scams and identity theft. with local alerts, tips from law enforcement and the inside scoop from former con artists. real possibilities to stay ahead of the bad guys. if you don't think beat con men at their own game, when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at number lawmakers may investigate governor christie's free ticket and travel expense toes dallas cowboys games. john wisnieski says he a and co chair loretta weinberg have discussed probing whether the governor violated ethics rules. governor's a office says he is allowed to accept gifts from friends and that the governor has fully complied with state rules. cowboys owner jerry jones paid for private flight to dallas and those box seats. jones says christie is part of the cowboys m o.j. o and wants them at sunday's game in green bay. new this morning football is coming back to sayreville high school will this fall after a hazing scandal ended the season. school shut down the football
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program last september when the scandal first broke. several players claimed that older teammates sexually assaulted them and inappropriately touched them. the superintendent announce that had last night's school board meeting that the team will play again this fall. >> i believe very strongly after the past several months that football is a very, very important part of our athletic programs and of our community. >> seven football players are charged as juveniles for the had hazing accusations. 7:13 right now. it is not just philadelphia area dealing with snow and ice. numerous crashes have tied up highways and pet wheat crops in danger. the as brian web reports another round of freezing arctic air will head to the east coast. >> reporter: school kid in and around chicago are getting a day off thanks to old man winter. chicago public schools and a 125 other nearby districts are closed to day because of a dangerous drop in temperatures. forecasters say it will be negative 6 degrees, when students would have been waiting for the cool bus. chicago's mayor says canceling classes was a matter of safety. >> we have to have health and safety of the children and enough planning time for parents to make adjustments if needed. >> reporter: the first winter blast is forcing the midwest and northeast into survival mode. in chicago the temperature may not reach zero on wednesday, with wind chills dropping down to 30 we below. >> really cold air coming down as we head through wednesday across midwest and deep south, and there is another one lined
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up behind it for end of the week friday into saturday. more arctic air coming down. >> reporter: some bundled computers are already braving the bitter cold. >> tommy will take the the car to work so i don't freeze waiting for the bus to get the train. >> reporter: with wind gusts expected at 40 miles an hour in some places and more black ice expect on the roads emergency officials are asking drivers, to stay at home, and only travel if necessary. in new york brian web for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. hey, just a good reminder that this could be so much worse. >> so, so true,er contact we have to touch on is what had happening across portions of the country aside from what we're dealing w we're all really stuck in the cold essentially east of the rockies here. storm scan three if we look closely on the tail end of the loop. we will see flakes flying here in berks county lehigh, northampton. it is not enough to accumulate but it is enough where you may see flakes flying out there. a as we zoom this out, it is courtesy of the lake effect machine getting its act together and getting underway as more wind driven then anything. it is not from a actual storm system but you can actually drew a line and carve out the trough that is digging in here a allowing for those cold blasts have of air thaw heard about in the package. what does this mean for the rest of the u.s.? this is a serious burst of cold, it is january so we're used to seeing these kind of breaks outs at this time of the year but it doesn't make it any less, you know bad that didn't make much sense. all right. you know what i'm saying. arctic wise we have wind chill warnings watches and
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advisories posted. essentially east of the rockies here a across the board. so everybody is getting in on it, and that just means a course a millions of people will be feeling the chill out there in the next couple of days. lets take a look at how temperatures are fairing right now. 20 degrees at the airport. it is actually 16 in allentown. ten in mount pocono. but, you know, again, it feels colder then that when we factor in the win. these are your actual air temperatures. actual air temperatures not factoring in the win. the fact that across the canadian border we are's already well below zero, and there is more cold on the way, and, it is some breath i brutal stuff. now are we go to go fair. tomorrow morning is where we will bottom out. that is what it will feel the coldest. because the temperatures will actually be the coldest and the wind will be cranking. so lets take a lot a your region how bad it will feel and make sure you won will up adequately for. that we can get through this as long as we are's ready for it but it doesn't look like the next few days we will have a chance to even get above freezing, let alone get too freezing. so, you're looking at several days worth of below freezing temperatures. meaning that even though it was a modest snowfall that came through yesterday, it does appear as if it will be stuck on the ground and the ice will be out there too. so outside our cut town, things are very chill toy start things off in the teens right now. we do not break out of the to's for the next two days but wind chillies where it is at. you have to factor that in. vittoria. >> thanks, katie. good morning everyone. traveling on our majors we will have to factor in that a lot of them are covered with a very, thin layer of black ice. so be careful.
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not only on the majors but also through your neighborhood as well. i know heading out of my neighborhood there was a thick crunch of white snow. that makes you slow down. because of that slow down that you do have to practice on the roads. it is add to go rush hour delays. as we take a look at the schuylkill expressway at 76. it looks like the schuylkill. as we approach city avenue making your way beyond gladwynn that is what you are dealing w if you are traveling on i-95 you will find delays as well southbound on the of the northeast all the way down to the vine street expressway. northbound we're still trying to recover from an earlier accident. we will have delays there so lets talk speed sensors. sixteen is your average on the schuylkill expressway. it is not only westbound. you will also find delays eastbound as well out of your western suburbs and then a approaching the vine street expressway. and ten is your average on i-95. we have delays southbound and northbound as well. out of the penns landing. out of girard. i want town prepared for it. traveling on the roosevelt boulevard, southbound , we have delays approaching the schuylkill. 476, northbound, delays from i-95 out through media swarthmore. we're seeing volume on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike as you had make your way out of fort washington. also, traveling on four 422 from 202 to trooper. traveling in montgomery county we have an accidental dekalb pike and cherry lane. speed restrictions at 35 miles an hour on the area bridges. yesterday's snow was a nuisance for many but not some members of the animal kingdom. >> the the animal world was well represented in the snow. the this is video of the
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philadelphia zoo. cubs saw snow for the very first time and they were quite curious about pitied's say. taking it all in. >> yes. >> look at them. >> let me touch this. smell this. >> more cute video. this is i love. this is from the nation's capital. check out bow, bow the the giant panda cup at smithsonian national zoo. smithsonian provided these images of bow bow and who cannery cyst. he loves rolling around the snow, playing witt. mom likes it too. having a great time together in the wintry weather. they are built for it. they have that thick fur. >> they cannot even feel it. they know it is soft, great wet. >> it is great i have a image of bow, bow rolling down the hill in the snow. >> take down good there you go. >> that is great. well thousands of gadgets are on display right now. >> we will go on the high tech tour of the consumer electronics show in vegas. but first here's what is coming up tonight on the cw philly.
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ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. we will continue to follow breaking news from europe. police say 11 people are dead in a shooting at a sat tear california weekly newspaper office in paris. they got away in two vehicles, the french president called it a a terrorist attack but there have been in claims of any responsibility. breaking news right now in upper more land, montgomery county police say a man bar kateed himself in a home near davisville road and abby view avenue. the swat teams have been on that scene for several hours. we will keep you up to date as soon as we get more information. fire fighters needed two hours to control a fire at the a huge house on curly in mill road in new britain township bucks county.
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that is because there was a a shortage of hydrants and frigid temperatures that froze hoses and the equipment. there were in injuries. well, some of the hottest new tech gadgets devices are on display in las vegas right now. >> cbs news correspondent bigad shaban gives us a sneak peak inside the consumer electronics show. >> reporter: envied ohio games get a high tech make over at annual consumer electronics show in vegas. while virtual reality headsets make you believe you are in the game, colt on jacobs says his new contraption puts your entire body in to it for about $500. >> basically think of it as a large joy stick. when you are running it is same as pushing forward on the joy stick and it connects tour p.c. >> reporter: new products featured at ces offered consumers a chance to just lounge around and enjoy latest in tv's. 4k ultra hd. prices are finally beginning to drop, and more video providers are starting to offer content in 4k. >> you are talking about a picture that is four or more times as good as the pictures that we currently get with high definition. >> reporter: inventors are trying to rethink of the way you take pictures. >> cheese. >> reporter: this mini remote lets you take a selfie up to 90 feet away from your phone but for more adventurous photographers how about a drone. >> the drone is great. >> reporter: gordie cochran is with hobby co, one of dozens of companies unveiling lateness flying machines. >> it is allowing your try pot to go a hundred feet in the air. >> reporter: you might need one to get a full picture of the tech convention with an estimated 20 you this new
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gadgets taking up the span of the at least 35 football field. bigad shaban for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. thirty-five football field. >> they have the the craziest stuff there. it would be fun to go there one year. >> just to watch and look. >> see all those new gadgets. >> those drones are creepy. >> i'm waiting for the day when you open you the the window. >> yeah, really. >> the time is 7:00 256789 we will have ab update in a bit. good morning. sat tear california. hi, good morning everyone i'm ukee washington. lets get you up to date on the bitter blast the region is going through. katie is in the weather center. >> yes, it is already here but it will get worse before better for us out there. we are not tracking any major storms but if we look very closely on the tail end of the loop we have a few speckles of purple that start to show up here. we have snow flakes flying across northern suburbs and berks county. we will go outside to one of the berks county communities where it is a wintry theme. any flakes here they will not accumulate but they will add to the chill and wintry at months fear out there. mid to low 20's next few days on the thermometer but you need to factor in the wind chill. that is key. wind chills will be dangerous as we head into tomorrow morning where we end up bottoming out on the thermometer. vittoria. thanks very much katie. traveling on our majors we
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will find rush hour, schuylkill i-95, 476, this the shot in the too far from media swarthmore. in the northbound direction we are dealing with an accident around route one. that will affect your commute. give yourself more time. southbound on the roosevelt boulevard delays there watch for black ice. watch for slick spots on the roads. as how maneuver throughout the neighborhood. rush hour is upon us. no major problems for mass transit, ukee. lets avenue do it again at 7:55. resident around a major u.s. stadium fear for their health. for more local news, weather, traffic and spor you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay. da! france has elevated it's a leather status to the highest level, following a deadly mass shooting, at a french is a tear california newspaper. at least 12 people dead, gunman still at large. the france president is calling it a terrorist attack. here at home the entire tri-state area is in the middle of a bitter blast, in fact, we will get back to the other stories in a moment. >> with the coldest air on the season on the its way, things could get dangerous if you are not prepared. nicole brewer joins us from pennsauken to talk more bit. nicole, good morning.
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>> good morning. >> reporter: ukee, good morning. erika, good morning. heading out this morning your best betties to just layer up. you can see i'm following my own advice. i have my hat hand cover wool socks going. you cannot see them, you have to take my word for it. we are dealing with bitter cold temperatures, as you mentioned a code blue is in effect for camden county. that has been in effect since monday night. and it went through 7:00 o'clock this morning. turf say we are beyond that point and still feels pretty darn cold. it depend on who you talk to when it comes to this winter weather. >> i didn't didn't used to hate this time of the year. now that i'm older and a turf do big girl things like get to work and can't hide in my room all day that is when i start to hate it. >> i don't think it is too bad. i don't think we got what we are going to get. i am waiting for it. i told you, i'm a winter person. >> reporter: just shaking my head at that tyrone hopkins. ii don't know what he is talking b i'm not ready for this winter weather. but hey we have it, and we have to deal witt. we are looking at route 38 in pennsauken, new jersey. the the main roadway is very clear. folks moving around without any trouble at least on the main road but do you want to keep in mind that those streets, in and around your own neighborhood are probably going to be the worst mess you see out here. still snow covered in some areas and definitely slick in spots you may not realize. just be careful. give yourself extra time and bundle up, that is for sure. that is latest live from camden county nicole brewer "eyewitness news" on the cw
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philly. >> hot cup of coffee never hurt. >> for more on how to stay safe during this bitter blast, just compile a cold weather survival guy. find it on cbs lets get to this breaking news in paris. several people killed in the mass shooting. correspondent brian web joins us from new york. >> brian, what do you know, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ukee. emergency crews, medical crews carrying survivors out of the offices of the satyrical magazine in paris after mass gunman came in, opened fire and then fled the scene. authorities say that 11 people are dead, including two police officers and ten wounded. four of them critically. the french president says we are looking for the the perpetrators of this crime. the france today is in shock in front of a terrorist attack. witnesses say at least two black hooded men stormed the charlie pepto magazine office building with automatic weapons. after the attack the gun man fled in the cars and authorities say their whereabouts are unknown. the officers of the carl write firebombed back in 2011 have after it printed an image of the mohammad. many muslims consider that a great insult to islam. the french president says several a attacks were thwarted in recent weeks. he said government is raising france's security level to the highest notch. more on this story as it develops throughout the day ukee and quarter. >> brian, as of our last report no one had claim responsibility for this, is that still the the same from what you are hearing. >> reporter: that is still the same at the this point you are right.
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>> brian, thanks very much. we will get back to you. right now 7:33. we have to get back to the cold temperatures here. katie, the wind will pick up. >> it certainly will, erika that is exactly right. we can expect to see this chill really settle in for the next few days. it will not be a one and done and get out of here but it will also not be as prolonged as a cold front as what last years polar a out breaks had brought us. so at least is there a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. storm scan three is starting to clear up a little bit but i want to focus in quickly on berks, lehigh, northampton counties where around white hall you are starting to sees a few flakes flying. it is nothing major. it is enough certainly thaw will notice it but it is enough to actually accumulate anything. again, winter is here, if you needed any other reason for it we've got the snow obviously. we certainly have the chill to go with it. 22 degrees is the current temperature at the airport. there is a bit of the the wind but not as strong as it will be but it is already making for vicious wind chills values. feeling more like single digits in most locations, right now and meanwhile wind chill advisories set to take effect this evening as our wind continues to pick up. so everybody is included in that. meanwhile around a the region we will go with temperatures in the mid to upper 20's at best. technically. but you cannot go by the the thermometer this time. remember the wind will be with us picking up throughout the the day and it is stick here, right through to tomorrow. so it will absolutely make it feel that much colder, vittoria. you will not be looking forward to your rush hour commute. we have accidents.
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let's talk about the blue route. this is northbound side of 476 making your way beyond route one. an accident on the shoulder. got news it is on the shoulder. bad news it is adding insult to injure add ago this residual delay on top of rush hour traffic. northbound side of the blue route is not good out of i-95 all the way through to this point right here. i will step outside the camera. i want to you look at the southbound side. southbound approaching that route one exit, you do have a penndot vehicle that had just moved to an incident that was blocking the the left-hand lane now to the shoulder. the so even the southbound side, of the blue route is not looking great. so both side of the fence give yourself some more in time. black ice has been a problem for us today, and i would anticipate it to be a problem throughout this evening. commodore barry is running with speed restrictions of 35 miles an hour. rest of our bridges have been put back to normal. those restrictions have been lifted. that does not mean you should not take it the easy. mass transit is not reporting anything major, erika. one of the victims seriously injured in the center city attack is breaking his silence. samuel sierra spent a week in the hospital have after a beating at 12th and chestnut that nearly cost him his life. surveillance video here from december 27th shows sierra walking his job a as doorman at tabu bar with his manager. a group approached the pair. there was an argument. two men then suddenly broke away from the group and started pummeling sierra causing bleeding in the brain. >> my ears started to have a ring thanking sensation and then my head again just has the physical pain.
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i hope they are captured. at the end of the day i hope they would become bet's adults but it is still up to them to make those decisions for themselves. >> if you have any information about this attack you are asked to call philadelphia police. well, funeral services for shane montgomery are set for friday, and this morning, we are learning more about a special group of volunteer diverts who after a long search found his body and brought his family closure. todd quinones has this eyewitness news exclusive. >> thinks just called a rescue truck. >> reporter: it was 59 year-old andy passco who found shane montgomery's body at the bottom of the schuylkill river friday. he was wrapping up, running up low on air but decided to look long are. >> i did a pattern, you know, looking around and then i came up on shane. it was in a current. i held on to him. i put my hand on him so he didn't go away in the current just because i didn't want to lose him. >> reporter: twenty-one year-old disappeared after leaving a manayunk pub. passco is a volunteer for a group called garden state under water recovery units. they are based in this cramped building in milford, new jersey. their budget comes strictly from donations. they pick up searches throughout the region and beyond typically after police and rose cue divers move on leaving family members no one to turn to to help find their loved ones. >> we have members that are doctors, pharmacist, that are plumbers carpenters. >> reporter: search area and schuylkill divers area were looking in was about 2,000 feet long, 270 feet wide
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and the water temperature was around 36 degrees. on a good day they could see just about 6 feet in front of them. it was tedious, time consuming work that was also very dangerous are. all recoveries are personal but passco knew anguish montgomery's family was going through in their search for shane. >> 1971 my brother had a boating accident and he died. i know what my mom and my dad went through at that time. >> reporter: montgomery's sought out garden state under water recovery unit and thank them for finding shane. >> they can finally say good bye, and they know, you know, it is closure for them. >> reporter: in milford, new jersey, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. 7:38 right now. president obama and new republican controlled congress are drawing their first line in the sand. senators have filed a bill authority keystone xl pipeline. if this passes the pipeline would move tar sand oil to refinery on the gulf coast. it is identical to the one that failed last november. the white house is promising a veto. >> i can confirm for if you this bill passes this congress, the president wouldn't sign it either. >> this legislation is about energy, it business jobs it business growing our economy it is about national security. >> the state department believes that the pipeline would have a minimal impact on the environment. vice-president joe biden steals the the show as new and newly reelect senator takes their oath of office. >> excuse me any repeat after me. do you solemnly swear...
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let's do it again, all right. >> yes. >> for nearly two hours the vice-president shook hand, cracked jokes and kissed his way through the ceremonies yesterday. known for his colorful comments biden unleashed a classic during one photo on on where he declared i like kits better than people. can you imagine some people squirming strike to make them feel better. keeping it the real. kay uses on the court, cameras rolled as a wild brawl breaks out at a high school basketball game. he has a face made for a mud shot you might say botox bandit strikes again. how he manager toes getaway without paying for his procedures. lets give you another live look the at the mobile weather lab, checking out conditions on the roads out there katie is tracking chance for more flurries today, it is are cold outside, when we do traffic and weather we will do it together and we will do it the on the other side. we will be r police in san francisco on the hunt for a botox bandit. >> authority say he walk out of the doctor's office without paying for thousands of dollars worth of treatment. as andrea reports, this might not be his first time. >> reporter: you have heard of dining and dashing, well, it is time to meet the botox bandit. he walked into doctor larry phand's office, got the pretty and walk out. >> it is customary for him to sort of essentially check out and pay for these irv zest but instead of doing that he pretended to be talking on his phone, and then, you know, stepping in the waiting area and said he will be right back, and stepped out the door and slipped away. >> reporter: these weren't
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cheap procedures. the botox, fillers and laser peel came to a whooping five grand. doctor phand says the the man gave a fake name and was cagey from the word go. >> he wanted to provide as little information as he could. he wouldn't provide a phone number e-mail address. >> reporter: it was only after security cameras captured the smooth faithed criminal walking out the door did the doctor realize he heard of this cosmetic cream spree before. the makers of botox. the e-mail was dated april 2014. >> there was a description of probably the exact same person tall muscular man who wanted the exact same things. so botox fillers and a laser treatment. >> reporter: doctor thinks it will be a while before the suspect is on the receiving even of the needle again. >> these types of treatments are commonly done once a year approximately. so this was probably the time it was due. so, you know, come the end of the year or start of next year we will be on the look out for him. >> doctor p hand calls the the us peck the best looking thief in town. >> i will say he actually a had a very nice result, even right after the treatment. >> andrea with that report. authorities will have something to look for in about a week that could help them id the botox bandit. >> those peels can make your skin a little bit red. he will look like he has a sunburn and swelling and bruising around his face but how about that. >> yes i'll be ride back. >> wow. >> lets get traffic and weather together and check with our weather watchers, katie. >> our weather watchers have been busy and giving us
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reports, guys. it is a cold start, absolutely. we have seen a drop off from the same time yesterday on the thermometer but it will only get colder from here. we will take you around the board starting things off with 22 degrees. but a new member to the program. a sandra ann barbaro. she has limited sun but she has some of it in trenton. the lets go off to the south. 21 degrees from howell, and he has more sun. but he is in collinswood, new jersey where things have brighten up more for him. meanwhile a pretty modest breeze still in effect in collins wind and every where else but cold. he is right. we will go to one more, smack dab in the middle where phil chapline sent in 120 degrees in the the last ten minutes. he has more sunshine. still a marylandes breeze. i love that profile picture. nice one. lets go take a look the at our graphic. it could be worse. check it out. my gosh. this is how it feels right now across the depths of the canadian prairie up toward arctic circle. more like it is almost 50 below zero. not just 50 degrees below freezing 50 degrees below zero. that is how it feels. thinks absolutely reminiscent of the cold air out breaks that we experienced last year from that polar vortex. the here's is what going on. it is not a storm pulling this through but a jet stream. you can trace a line here, and it is dipping south. because that wind flow is more northwesterly with time you can see how how it kicking in a lake effect snow machine to go with it as well. that is why you might see a couple flakes fly a few snow hours here and there it is nothing that will stick and
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accumulate but boy does it add to the fact that it looks and feels like winter outside, right. wind chills through the rest of the week, we will bottom out tomorrow but the rest of us this time isn't that much better. even though it looks like it will be a blustery friday. temperatures should ease up somewhat but that cold is getting reenforced. so yet gannon saturday expecting those wind chills values to be no better than the teens as we go through the day. real quick check of the eyewitness weather three day. you cab not go by it. you have to expect to factor in that wind because it will be present for the next couple of days. vittoria. thank you so much katie. good morning everyone. the blue route is a no fun zone right now, specifically around the area of route one. if you are traveling northbound or southbound we have a little bit of activity. let me point it out to you. those are headlights coming toward you moving beyond that on ramp to the blue route from the area offer media swarthmore, and stretch. and, we have police activity on the shoulder. notice the the opposite side. southbound on 476 and there we go. there is more activity there. so, two earlier accidents that were blocking the road have been push to the shoulder but we're dealing with residual delays and rush hour. so again, 476 will not be fun, in that area. also i-95 is a in fun zone as well. traveling out of the northeast all the way down to the vine, every single lane will be slow. you might have a point where you do break into some of that traffic but it will not be for long because speed sensors are averaging in the teens on i-95, the schuylkill expressway, the boulevard, the vine so in short it is going to be a very slow
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morning. watch out for this accident in montgomery county, dekalb pike and cherry lane. no major delays for mass transit, erika. hate to see this but several high school basketball players face suspensions for their parts in the huge fight after a big game. it happen seconds after the final buzzer of the game and watch right here. do you see what happened. william penn pen high school have of york beat harrisburg high school and two players started swinging and then more joined in. referees parents, police, all tried to stop the fighting. we are told one player was knocked unconscious. not the way it is done, young folks out there not the way it is done. flyers have ended their five game losing streak and a ten game shoot-out losing streak. captain claude giroux was in the game last night. will he is apparently recovered from that bad cut he got from a skate last week. the captain got an assist on wayne simmonds first goal that ties the senators at one in the third period. the game went to overtime and wayne simmonds scores to win tonight a long shoot-out. flyers lost ten straight shoot-outs until lath nice. flyers take on the caps at the well tomorrow night. to the hardwood sixers back in action later tonight hosting the milwaukee bucks in south philadelphia. the bucks are at 500 own the the sixth playoff spot in the eastern conference. college hoops, number eight villanova taking on the red storm of saint john's, that is darren hill yard with the long three. he had 21 points at the garden. nova won it, 92. congratulations jay right. he won his 300 career game for the wildcats. they will play depaul the
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saturday afternoon at the pennsylvaniaville beyond. one time philly padrone martinez is just one of the newest baseball hall of famers. pedro won the cy young award three times in his 18 year career, also elect in the class of 2015 the big unit. randy johnson. all 6 feet 10 inches of him. he won 303 games cy award five times. john smoltz is also in. he won more than 200 games and saved more than 150. no one has done that. in the infield craig biggio is on the way to cooper town. norristown's own mike piazza just missed the cut. inductions ceremonies are july 26th. spring training, family is just a month and a half to go. erika. >> thanks, ukee. 7:50. felicia rashad comes to bill cosby's defense. what she's saying about sex a assault claims against her former tv husband. plus this. the new bro mance is coming to theater i'm susan ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪
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word is bill cosby's tv wife back in the day is coming to his defense. felicia rashad is quoted assaying sexual assault allegations against cosby are orchestrated. she business 411 reports they spoke with rashad at a movie lunch in. she said forget these women what you are seeing is a destruction of the legacy. someone is determine to keep bill cosby off tv, and it has work. sting got bad news about his broadway show. there was an all-star party in new york. >> hollywood laid out red carpet for new wedding comedy. susan marquez has tea tails in your eye on entertainment. >> ben afflict will be a big winner on tonight's peoples choice award. gone girl star is receiving the prize for favorite humanitarian. for his work to help the communities of eastern conngo. >> ♪ >> sting will see curtain go down on the last show. the rock star join the cast last month hoping to revive ticket sales but producers say it was not enough and the show will close in late january. >> here in hollywood a big turnout for world premiere of the wedding ringer. >> josh gets stars in desperate search of i have desperate man. hailey sweden is the bride they want to impress. >> 90 percent was unusable the other 10 percent is what
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you see on film. it was just us laughing. >> reporter: wedding ring arer opens up nationwide january 16th. an all-star crowd celebrated the national board of review awards. a most violent year, won for best film and its star oscar isaac for best actor. he tied with michael keith even in bird man who is nominated for a golden globe. >> it the is exciting. i'm extraordinarily grateful. >> reporter: clint eastwood was chest even for best director for american snipper. that is your eye on entertainment. susan marquez cbs news hollywood. you may recollect night tonight's host, co-star allison janne and anna ferris. they have been preparing for weeks. forty-first annual peoples choice award will be airing tonight at 9:00 o'clock. you can watch it right here on cbs-3. we will be right back. good morning i'mer company von tiehl. yesterday it was snow to day it is cold and the wind katie, that has taken it back. >> that is what will end up being the x factor thaw will net is the most with this forecast,er contact yeah, good morning everyone. we are seeing skies clearing out a little bit. certainly not the same picture as what we saw this same time yesterday but you can still find a few little speckles of purple out there and it is lake effect wind driven snow flakes, that are flying nothing that will stick in accumulate but you might see a few of those flakes out there as the the day goes on. it means there will be a limited sunshine out there today but more than anything it is just cold outside. 26 degrees.
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feeling more like the teens. wind chill advisories, take effect tonight, and generally this evening across the board as we will bottom out to eight and feels more like negative territory when you factor the the wind in. tomorrow is coldest day. we will stay chilly here right through the the weekend vittoria. good morning everyone. still dealing with problem on 476, because you are noting that both northbound and southbound we have an earlier accident activity on both side of the roadway right around route one. so traveling in and out of that area give yourself more time you will need it. ben franklin bridge not awful and if you are making your way in to philadelphia, we have a slow down down toward eighth and vine but not the entire length. if you are traveling, on the commodore barry bridge we have speed restrictions erika. >> thank you. next update 8:25. next up this morning director of selma talks about brereaking down barriers in we asked women use dove bar for 7 days with no mirrors. on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. i know what you're thinking, but this is new and improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. new and improved i can't believe it's not butter. it's time to believe. we are following breaking news from paris france. there are reported 12 people, dead including two police officers after a shooting at the the offices of a satyrical
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newspaper. amateur video appears to show part of the attack from the vantage point of a far away, rooftop, police and an eyewitness say mask gunman with automatic weapons barged in the offices that morning. the president of the france has called it a a terrorist attack. the country has raised it terror alert level. now officials a say they will meet in an emergency session and security has been increased at places of worship, media offices shops and transportation locations. cbs news foreign correspondent claire is award tells us that muslims have condemn the satyrical newspaper in the past for publishing characters of the profit mohammad among other controversial sketches. >> this magazine charlie is full of char it tour. that is officers were firebombed after a public a issue that was guest edited by mohammad and they received threats again in 2012 have after publishing caricatures of the profit. the at this stage in one has claimed responsibility for this a attack but we
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