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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 8, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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personnel from five companies are on the scene right now aid nothing this search. also new this morning unattended cooking may be the cause behind a deadly overnight fire in philadelphia ogontz neighborhood. >> lets get to "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer, she joins us from the scene where fire fighters encountered tough conditions nicole, good morning. >> reporter: they did, good morning to both of you. fighting fire and also fighting frigid temperatures unfortunately, it was just too late for a disable military veteran living inside. inside this row home in ogontz a deadly fire rips through the first floor claiming the life of a military veteran who appears to have been difficulties abled. >> they found one older adult male on the first floor. this person was transport ed to the hospital by medic 29, once he got to the hospital he was pronounced. >> reporter: victim's death marks the city's first fire fatality of the year. fire officials say the home had working smoke detectors and the elderly victim may have been cooking. >> right now it a appears that the origin is first floor kitchen area. we don't necessity for sure. we are still investigating but that appears to be where the origin is. so we want to remind people we want to make sure you don't leave your cooking unattended. >> reporter: fire, which was placed under control in a half an hour, displaced three family members who were not home at the time. fire fighters and temperatures. >> and this firehouse, adrenaline rush is down, and
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so it is difficult after the fire during the initial and steps like that. >> reporter: once again fire officials believe that the fire may have started, in the kitchen area there on the first floor, right the now, the investigation is still underway. the official cause of this fire, still unknown. that is latest live... >> nicole brewer reporting from the scene we apologize for that audio break up there. also new overnight family forced in the cold as fire fighters battled another fire in grays ferry. "eyewitness news" at 1300 block of grove street that fire was quickly placed under control but it did not take licensing before water from hoses caused some very icy conditions. code blue are in effect in philadelphia and several counties in new jersey, due to the dangerous cold. delaware declared a code purple and opened shelters all across the state. it was 13 degrees in center city philadelphia overnight. folks waiting for buses say that the secret is layers, and same for those who worked outdoors. a coat is not enough at times to dig out hats and gloves, too. >> i got a hoodie on underneath this and a sweater and another shirt. >> how does it feel. >> okay for the the moment. >> where is your hat and gloves. >> i'm too busy getting kid ready in the morning and i forget to dress myself. >> his ears must be freezing. >> everyone hide from the cold. check this out, skaters at river rink in penns landing they say temperatures are perfect, great backdrop to enjoy winter fest. in delaware a code purple is in place to help those with
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no place to go. "eyewitness news" at a warming shelter. when temperatures dip below 20 degrees, new castle kent, sussex county open up heart term housing locations and provide hot meals for the homeless. code purple add advisory in delaware is similar to code blue in pennsylvania and new jersey. you also have to be very careful about frostbite in this type of weather. doctors say it can set in very quickly. the just within a matter of minutes in some cases. the colder the more windy it is, the greater the danger. ex-speaksed skinnies most vulnerable and being wet will make frostbite happen faster. for more, we have put together a cold weather survival guide for you. you can find that on our web site at cbs i'm sure you are in the happy, you are not in the sky deck. thankfully mercy on a daze like this. it is very chilly outside as we have been discussing it. it really is truly dangerous if you are out in this cold for too long and not adequately prepared. so extra heavy layers absolutely required and you you can limit your amount of time in the cold we advise that too. some of you you may not getaway if you are a postal worker or something like that we will solute the work you are doing today, thank you so much. storm scan three bright sunny clear as a bell, it looks beautiful outside, both pleasant valley middle and high school in broadheadville. look at that beautiful sunlight over the mountain there. it is only 5 degrees. it feels like sub zero ease liz when you factor in the wind. currently in mount pocono you are at a goose egg zero. ten is the official
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temperature at the airport right now in wilmington millville and atlantic city. it will generally just feel like below zero across the board here for a few more hours. now that the sunnies up it will help us rebound out of the sub zero territory but there are some spots where you may not get there like the mountains because we have such a hole to dig out of with this kind of a chill. now it does appear that we will see temperatures ease up by tomorrow. in the meantime you cannot go by these numbers. officially we expect to hit 20 for a high with full sunshine and less wind toward the end of the day but it will feel no better than single digits at any time. we have to stress it one more time bundle up adequately and take care this cold is no joke. vittoria. also make sure that your maintenancing your vehicles as well. if you are traveling county line and doylestown road i know it is off the beat and path for us, at least off of the roadway but we have pick up our camera a vehicle fire. thinks our second vehicle fire today. usually in weather like think are not used to seeing vehicle fires. maybe a spin out, an accident but vehicle fires we primarily see in the summertime but that is not the case to daze. if you are traveling anywhere or before you leave or maybe you are off today take time out to maintenance your vehicle this fire is being extinguished g news there make sure you are taking care of yourself as katie mentioned by bundling up today but your vehicle is really important too. it is for safety of everyone not just yourself is. we have an accident on 422 westbound on on ramp from arm and hammer boulevard. fuzz are traveling in that area you will notice delays.
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we will fine delays on i-95 schuylkill, vine street expressway and fire lex in kenneth suare. red clay drive at fall brook drive and watch out for delays in new jersey transit ukee. we'd like up to date our break news from france where a shooting has killed a police officer and wounded a city street sweeper. the officer was shopping to investigate a traffic accident when a gunman opened fire. the the gun man is still on the run. it is not clear if this morning's shooting is connect to yesterday's murder of 12 people at the office of a paris magazine. two suspects are now considered france's most wanted. another suspect has surrendered. alfonso van marsh brings us up to dayton this investigation. >> reporter: the bells of paris's notre dame cathedral chimed today, in remembrance of victims in yesterday's deadly mar kerr. >> earlier this morning police raided a french apartment as part of the massive manhunt for two remaining fugitives whom authorities say carried out the attack. now they are circulating this wanted poster with new aim ages of the men said kouachi and his three two-year old brother shariff. the massive manhunt for french nationals began yesterday. officials say the suspects stormed the paris offices of charlie hebdo with machine guns and opened fire. the masked gun entered gunfire with police outside. in the end, 12 people were dead including the magazine's editor, several cartoonists and two police officers. >> this appeared to be well organized, well plan well executed. >> reporter: in a video released just days ago a french gee had in syria issued
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a chilling order urging follow tours commit violence in frank for helping in the u.s. led effort against isis. al cade called for the murder of charlie hebdo's editor for depictses of the prophet mohammad. authorities have not yet determined if either group is behind the attack. alfonso van marsh for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. cartoonist angered over the attack in paris are responding by picking up their pen and honoring their fallen collogue. first one here ready drew first, another say weapons of mass creation. in philadelphia, pulitzer prize winning cartoonist sidney wilkinson was working her her response for today's daily news. wilkinson says the attack will not change how she did his her job. >> that would disrespect my collogues at charlie hebdo they deserve better. >> if you want to see more cartoons from around the world just h op on twitter and search the hash tag jesuis charlie. happening today viewing for west chester university senior shane montgomery will take place. loved ones are invited to saint john the baptist in manayunk from 5:00 to 9:00 tonight. second viewing is set for tomorrow before the funeral mass starts at 10:00 in the morning. search teams gathered at the church after he went missing on his waste home from kildare's irish pub thanksgiving morning. the his body was pulled from the schuylkill river on saturday. priest limb nature i hearing is scheduled for donna krupp the montgomery county woman charged with setting her neighbor's home on fire last month. pennsylvania state police say that she blamed limerick
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township police detective ernie morris for her son's incarceration on unrelated charges. the fire destroyed the detective's home and killed the family cat. well burglars in bucks county make off with very pricey items we will have latest on the search for the suspect. car seats, ovens and more high tech, we will look at gadget that could make your life easier. then how long wind, so cold, they sting. if you have to be outside make sure you bundle up. katie will have your latest on our dangerous cold on the other side, we will be right ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. good morning, everybody. look at this beautiful view. so pretty. wouldn't it be awesome if it were july with this view right now. so, so pretty. >> tease me. >> i know looks can be very deceiving. it is is he true right outside live neighborhood network crystal clear blue skies, bright sunshine all week long. it is january. so sun angle low in comparison
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to what you find in july. that solar energy will not warm things up that much despite storm scan being totally in the clear. the as we go through the day-to-day. i want to zoom it around and we will keep zooming things out, lake enhanced snow still falling but way to the northwest at this point. here's the next clipper system starting to emerge from alberta canada and that will go across the u.s. as they tend to do it will reenforce the chill for us yet again. what we are looking at here is the dip in the jet stream this blue line that basically not only helps steer storm systems but it also separates the coldest from the warmest air masses. so by friday that clipper i sipping past us. by sun take we will see the jet basically easing up to the north. so we should see temperatures rebound a little bit. the here's where we stan right now. 10 degrees at the airport feeling like sub zero. meanwhile all the waste down south in nashville, birmingham, it is colder then it is here so, we're not the the only ones obviously right. even officially on the thermometer in columbus ohio you are sub zero right now. here's the thing, i show you three day forecast because you have to plan it out right. the just make sure this little mental note thaw take a couple degrees off, at minimum 10 degrees from the the what the air temperature is. you cannot go by these highs foreign next three days it feels more like single digits at best today. tomorrow more like the the teens, and then by saturday back in the deeper freeze, again as that clipper i showed you settles in and drop on the thermometer again, vittoria. good morning everyone.
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if you are traveling out and about, i know we're looking at a pharmacy right the now but the reason why we're looking at that is because we had an earlier disable vehicle that was a vehicle fire. this was our second vehicle fire of today. the just a reminder that even in the snow not only in the summertime you have to check those fluids and maintenance your vehicle but even in the winter as well. make sure you are taking extra precautions to be safe out there. that looks cool. we saw a breeze of haze running by the camera here. we are looking at ben franklin bridge as we are's traveling in the westbound direction approaching eighth and vine, that is where you will hit that blip of a rush hour. traveling on 95, schuylkill expressway, still seeing delays in the same old spots. it is eight credit 15. you will anticipate that volume. sun glare is a affecting your excite. 422 westbound at on ramp from arm and hammer boulevard, we have an accident situation there and it is causing volume. if you are traveling around kenneth square we have a fire location at red clay drive and fall brook drive and if you are traveling mass transit septa are to the most part you are doing okay. there is no we are seeing 30 minutes affect the northeast corridor erika. now just a horrible story. a officer in st. petersberg florida says he saw a father throw his daughter over this bridge into the the water. it took search teams an hurry to find that five-year old girl. they tended to resuscitate her but she was pronounced dead overnight. the suspect was pulled over in the next county. the the officer said he he began pursuing the the vehicle when it went by him at a
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hundred miles an hour but not able to catch up to it in time. the the new years start on a sour note for bucks county resident burglarized while they were outside celebrating. three homes in the meadow brook development and two homes in the wood land development in lower makefield township were targeted new years eve. the crooks broke in through the back door and made a beast line for jewelry valued at hundred thousand dollars collect dip hi. a heart shape phillies pendant with the name engraved on the back and a bracelet made up of brazilan gold coins. another burglar toy report this morning this one in point breeze. we have video too. suspect caught on tape here inside of that home on cross street december 17th. he was able to get in by pushing a window air conditioning unit. once inside you see he opens up the door for his accomplice. when the alarm goes off we're told they runaway. police say ate peer they got away empty handed. police in gloucester township new jersey need her fining this man right here wanted for stealing eight baseball gloves from the sports outlet store in glendora november 29th. they are valued at $1,400. bill cosby takes the stage in ontario for his first performance of the new year but not everyone was happy to see him. protesters yelled at ticket holders outside of the venue. they were angry that cosby was still allowed to perform there despite more claims that he sexually abuse wood men. three new accusers came forward during a news conference with attorney gloria alred. would the men describe being
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drugged by the embattled comedian and then assaulted. >> my next recollection was being back in the dressing room alone with cosby. i was laying down. cosby was on top of me, kissing me forcefully. >> last thing i republican that night was walking down the hall way and none of the women can take legal action as they happened beyond the statute of limitations. our time is 8:18. we are not only ones suffering through this bitter blast. >> reporter: deep freeze grips much of the nation i'm don champion in new york city which a look at the the impact from the mid woes to the northeast. but first here's what is coming up tonight on the cw philly. [ female announcer ] knows her way around a miniskirt. can run in high heels. must be a supermodel, right? you don't know "aarp." because aarp is making finding the career you love no matter what your age, a real possibility. go to to check out life reimagined for tools, support, and connections. if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at >> while homeless numbers are down nationwide, or capitol is another story. >> a lot of folks are swarming for the city. but that's dramatically driving up rent. >> see how one man beat the odds with a little help from his friends. >> home sweet home. >> i love my little home.
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it's all mine. >> the story isn't over with him finding housing. this is a long process. i think housing is the first step. >> on "the 700 club," annual consumer electronics show continues in vegas. >> c net's car is suboy shows us how your home and car are getting, smarter and more connect. >> reporter: car seat will soon have a new way to protect babies. intel's child monitor is designed to a alert parents that their baby is still fastened in the car seat so the child is never left behind. >> we have blue tooth communication to a cell phone app, that tells us if it is clipped or unclip. >> your car and home will be more connect then ever. the automatic device plugs in the car and connects to the next smart thermostat. >> on your way home and predicts when you get home so your home will be heated just in time for your rifle. >> hydrogen fueled toyota does not just give you gas but power you home for a week in an emerge i. >> basically wharf here is your own power plant built in using an inverter thaw can use to charge and do other functions. >> reporter: to make things easier lg introduced first of its kind twin washing machines. you you can do a large load and smaller load for delicates at the same time. 70-dollar perfect bake scale
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does away with measuring cups and tells you right ingredient needed for a recipe. difference here it is connected to a smart device whether it be a phone or a tablet abe it measures in real time on the tablet itself. >> flower power h. to o can water are plants for your in three weeks when you screw in the bottle in the sensor. fitness trackers are now pared of the connect home. misfit flash can turn on and off the new $49 misfit bolt, smart light bulb. the bright ideas for the connect smart home of the future. in las vegas i'm kara suboy for c for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> so many cool ideas good all very cool. cex featured plenty of advance necessary tv, or huge curved or even flexible. the those are wildly expensive as you might imagine but one technology is actually getting more affordable, it is those 4k tv. named for the 4,000 pixels side to side likely to be your next tv purchase. the the problem though while your tv is all fancy there is not a lot you can watch in that resolution. >> there is no hk tv channels now or in the foreseeable future. netflix and amazon, but their library are very small. it will be a couple years before the 4k content become available. another piece of tv news sony is turning to android to run smart new tv rather than using its own operating systems. >> future is now. >> how about that. >> flexible tv there is so many things out there. >> i know. >> all right. well, i cannot wait to see the next track heading to this oil tycoon's ex-wife.
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>> she has shot dunn a check 975 million-dollar, saying it just ain't enough. well, take a look, made out to sue ann arnell the former miss ham. ham is a billion air and he cut the check as part of the divorce settlement but sue ann wants more because she helped harolde mass the fortune. harold says his wallet is light these days because of the falling price of oil. his wallet is a little light. >> heart list of people to turn down a check for billion dollars. >> i have never seen it. >> do you see writing on the check, 954 million. >> i would be all what were you expecting... a little garnish? introducing longhorn's bold flavors, bold price for $12.99. the fire grilled triple bacon sirloin. the shiitake truffle mushroom sirloin. or the garlic provolone sirloin. all with salad and honey wheat bread for just $12.99. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. now try our slow roasted shaved prime rib sandwich or the rest of our steakhouse lunch combos starting at $7.99. a desperate search this morning for a worker trapped in the collapsed silo in bucks county. chopper three over the riverside industrial complex on the 7900 block of north radcliff street in bristol township. an alert officer noticed it at 3:00 this morning and called for backup. it is unclear what time the collapse actually occurred or if they have pinpointed the man's location. we are told the silo is used to store non-hazardous powdered cement. we will update you throughout the morning. right new lets update your
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forecast with very cold one here's katie. >> it is ukee good morning everybody. you have to make sure you are bundling up adequately on a day like this. this triggers memories from last winter when we had that polar vortex just bringing us the cold air out breaks. one after another and prolonged spell of cold, thankfully as i see easing on the thermometer down the road here but very quiet. bright blue, beautiful sky. it the just looks are very deceiving. the here's how it feels outside right now. everyone sub zero, say for wildwood the one and only spot on this slew of observation that is has turned to positive territory but still feels like single digits. the that is best we can hope for today. you cannot go by actual thermometer for next few days. reenforcement coming in from canada with a clipper tomorrow clicking in the breeze. maybe flurry or snow shower north of the city. we are back in the 20's on sat kay. vittoria. thanks katie. good morning. traveling on the roosevelt boulevard earlier i would say ten minutes ago all lanes were blocked in the northbound side of the boulevard approaching broad street we had an earlier accident there cleared very quickly. but you'll have have residual delays stemming back toward schuylkill expressway. between 76 and broad street in the north bound direction expect that delay southbound expect delays approaching 76. on i-95 in bucks county disable vehicle this is our third over heated situation so make sure your maintenancing your vehicles in this cold. >> lets do it again at 8:55. up next on cbs this morning could there been a recipe for finding lasting love? more local news weather traffic and sports we're on the cw philly. go thank you cable. for the slower
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elderly man living inside, lets take a look the the home you see here in the 1800 block of roselyn street. we are told the fire started in the rear of the home in the kitchen area and then extended through much of the first floor. when fire fighters arrived they found that man in his 70's who appears to have been disable. he was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. this marks the first and hopefully the the last fire fatality of the year. he was alone at the time of the fire but we are told three family members have been displaced from that home. at this point investigators haven't released the official cause but they believe cooking may have been the cause. >> right now it appears that the origin is the the first floor kitchen area. we don't know for sure. we are still investigating but it at appears to be where it originated. we want to remind people if you are going to be cook, make sure you don't leave your cooking unintended, especially cooking taking medications that make you drowsy. make sure you don't leave your cooking, to make sure we don't have a fire. >> reporter: these temperatures are the lowest we have seen all season. chief urged folks to use caution using space heaters leave up to 3 feet of space if you are going to use one of those devices. also, if you are a person with disabilities you want to make sure you have an escape plan in place that accommodates those disabilities. again, this investigation still underway but that is latest live from ogontz, nicole brewer, "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. there are some other things you need to be aware of of around the the house, in this dangerous cold.
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number one is chimney fires. creosote build up can cause those fires. you may want to burn a fire once a gay to get rid of that and only use seasoned wood. also keep an eye on the roof please because ice can build up causing your gut tours come crashing down. a third thing toys look for freezing pipes, wrapped pipe in the coldest areas of your home and trickle the the water out of the faucet to prevent those pipes from freezing. >> you cannot forget burr pets in this evenings stream cold. a new law in philadelphia means you can be find up to $500 if you leave your dog outside when temperature hits 20 degrees or colder. if you see a dog alone out in the cold, anytime when it is this chilly you can call act philly at (267)385-3800. there are families who you have to keep warm. coming up at 8:33, another cold morning. >> another cold morning and it will be cold that he is we fine of the next seven days just because of the wind chill values. even though thankfully the worst is beginning to ease up a little bit it is still out there and doesn't matter which direction that wind is coming from. it won't really as it eases up feel too much better than single digits today. we are at our worst or bottoming out what a beautiful view. it is so funny how in the dead of winter looks can be so deceiving for you. it is a gorgeous looking day. not just atlantic city but every where else. bright blue skies, full sunshine. we will need those sun glass west all of the other winter weather accessories. heavy coat required. extra layers wouldn't be the worst idea he but storm scan
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is empty. we will go out to the wind chill values and we will expect to feel in better than below zero for next few hours here. temperatures are starting to ease up, places like wildwood for example has turned into positive territory with feels like values. feeling like it is three or 4 degrees at this point which isn't that great but it is better than it is in the poconos. as we go through the day don't go by these numbers. you have to knock ten to 15 degrees off. it will feel like single digits around the region as a whole today. although thankfully worst of the wind is tapering, vittoria. good morning everyone. if you are traveling out and about on the roads you'll find rush hour delays on i-95 schuylkill expressway vine street expressway, parts of the blue route but lets address another disabled vehicle a a third, that has had occurred in an overheating problems today. you don't think of that on snow days or in weather conditions where we're experiencing now. but we do want to point out it is just as important to take care of yourself and bundle up as it is to take care of your vehicles. this is i-95, on the shoulder earlier where it was smoking. it does seem that they are getting things under control but unfortunately i wanted to point that out because things do happen like that. elsewhere we are moving you now to take a look at traveling on 476, not too far from macdade boulevard a disabled vehicle situation on the shoulder notice traffic is moving by but still we are seeing incidents with disabled vehicle occurring all over the maps. give yourself more time. speed sensors reflecting rush
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hour. traveling new jersey transit expect delays from the northeast corridor 15 minute delays for river line, ukee. thank you. shooting this morning on southern edge of paris has killed a police officer and wounded a street sweeper. the authorities have not linked shooting to the terror attack on a paris magazine which left 12 people dead. police continue their manhunt for two suspects in yesterday's shooting. thirty-four year-old said kouachi and his three two-year old brother shariff, 18 year-old suspect has surrendered to police. all three are believed to be opening fire inside the offices of charlie hebdo, a satyrical magazine that caricatured the pro phet mohammad, one person described that scene. >> it was a very horrific scene with everything broken inside. many bodies inside. >> today is a national day of mourning in france. last night more than 150,000 people gathered for vigils all across the country. france has raised its terror alert to maximum. region is waking up to a new reality and their newspaper headlines reflect that. jim bitterfiled this report from paris. >> regions are waking up to some very graphic headlines, very graphic reports in their newspapers. here's what figure row said this morning freedom assassinated, liberty assassinated but there seems to be disagreement. here is what they said they won't kill our freedom. and probably most unusual head line came in the sporting newspaper which almost never deals with these kind of events it said in this head line freedom zero and
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barberi12, means 12 victims of this attack yesterday. the the french will have a day of mourning most unusual in this country. it is a dramatic event. the president has called in president sarkozy to come to the presidential palace this morning for a meeting. it is a show of unity, the president stressed unity yesterday in his speech saying that the only weapon we have against terrorist is our national unity. so from that level there is a lot of political activity this morning and a lot of things to try to reassure people among other scenes that are quite unusual we have seen today is the arrival at the airport the third the airport a military troop phone into par toys backup the police on the streets. quite an unusual site. jim bitterman, cnn paris. also from paris today route front page of the french speaking newspaper in lebanon calls it a version of the september 11th attacks but on prethought. this one page in black read a common theme on line and on print. in london times called it an attack on freedom showing a still shot of video moments before a police officer was executed. the same image in new york where the post called it a cartoon massacre, reference to controversial cartoons published by charlie hebdo. new york daily news shows that graphic image even closer with the headline no mercy. president obama is in arizona a this morning to discuss ways to improve america's housing market but it is the the hotel where he is staying that is grabbing headlines right now, it the is
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called point hilton swaw peak resort. local native americans say president should stay somewhere else because that word is a derogatory term for a native american woman. the obama administration says the president's travel plans are dictated by security need. well, once again is there enough cold to go around. we will tell you how other parts of the country are handling the bitter blast. terrifying trip for one family when their minivan slams in the back of the big rig and that is just the beginning. then sleeping, thousands of feet above the ground, two climbers are scaling a massive cliffside and they are taking cameras with them. we will show it the to you on the other side. as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds so files go out in a snap. don't miss your last chance to get $300 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. just call 1.888.774.4418 today. white out conditions is blamed for deadly 18 car pile up on a western pennsylvania highway. thinks some of the wreckage on i80 in clarion county. two people were killed
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including a trucker hit the by a car when he got the out to help other victims. thirty more people were hurt in the chain reaction crash. police say that snow made it virtually impossible for drivers to see. and talk about a terrifying ride for family in this van, a tractor trailer dragged them down a northern michigan highway for 16 miles. the truck driver had no idea that the van hit his truck during a snowstorm and then got wedged right beneath the bumper. it took almost 30 minutes for police to arrive and pull over that semi. >> 16 miles of complete and utter, hoe less necessary. he had no control of anything. just pure instinct and reaction at that point. there was in way to prepare for that. >> van's horn and lights broke in that crash so they could in the use them to alert the truck driver. amazingly in one was seriously hurt. much of the nation is grip in the same extreme cold we are, feeling right now. there are even getting below zero wind chills in the deep south. don champion has a look at how people across the the country are coping with these bone chilling temperatures. >> reporter: cold temperatures alone don't send us a shiver down your body the frigid wind will. the so cold in south carolina farmers covered their crops to protect from frost. in memphis construction worker andrew pride pick the wrong day to work outside. >> have you wrapped uptight, you ain't wrapped uptight you will be cold. >> reporter: for yet another day bitterly cold air is blowing across much of the country, dropping temperatures, into the single
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digits. >> we have got wind chills and warnings from the border with canada right down into central florida and along the gulf coast, so many looking at sub zero wind chills out the door. >> reporter: deep freeze is so dangerous school district in south caroline boston has canceled or delayed classes today. cold air caused black ice to form on roadways and in chicago, fire fighters like randy davis battled fires with ice sickles on their uniforms. >> when you get ice like this it gives you a shell so your body temperature stays warmer. >> reporter: some workers in chicago escaped the cold by using a 5-mile long heated walkway, built underground and connects 50 buildings downtown. >> i'm on my lunch break, getting ready to go to macy's. >> reporter: on top of the cold air cities like chicago and milwaukee are bracing for another round of snow today. don champion for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. great reminder. it could be so much worse katie but still so cold outside. >> it is, and we will take you out to our eyewitness weather watcher network one more time will here and show you observations you have been sending into us. we will start off with the 9-degree temperature reading here other last hour from john, from morrisville. he has bright sunshine but he is so cold in yardley where he actually took this photo. i want to take you out wide here. this was in norrisville but this is the ice crystals outside his window here in norrisville once more. lets take you out to, we will go town to 11. in the much better. allie temple has bright sunshine in merchantville.
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he has a westerly flow. 13 miles an hour win speed. meaning that temperature of 11 definitely feels colder then it reads on the thermometer. we will jeff you one more, check in with lou in norristown full sunshine for him as well. that is the the store a cross the board. only 8 degrees. looks are deceiving. when you look outside it looks beautiful. lets go next to our skies cammers here over center city. thinks facing south from our very own rooftop and it is beautiful, bright, blue skies. but lets throw current conditions over this. 10 degrees officially at the airport. still with the breeze out of the west to make it feel like more like well below zero. sub zero across the board in fact looking at some of these feels like values. the next up we will look at current wind around the region. notice the direction, more than anything, still five to ten, but it is turning more westerly. it is not as harsh as a result, wind chill advisories have been since lifted, except the for the the poconos everybody else is in the clear from those. but it is still cold. don't let your guard down in other word. here's the the next clipper system, this thing, man, this is booking it across minnesota right now. that will take a path just north of us, but it will reenforce the chill and i could see some maybe picking up a quick flurry or snow shower overnight into tomorrow morning with that. mostly just dealing with cloud, blustery conditions, yes, it eases up on the thermometer but with the wind kicking right back in it will once again feel no better than the teens, torey, over to you. thanks, very much, katie. traffic wise you're traveling
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in the teens and in some areas, less than. that we will look at 95, rush hour, traveling out and about you will notice sun glare. i-95 southbound delayed from the northeast down to the vine. this shot the not too far from the betsy ross bridge. northbound is doing okay though. that is a bright spot if that is where you are heading. let's talk about the roosevelt boulevard. now usually we don't usually have that northbound delay at this time but we do this morning because earlier all lanes were blocked as a result of the accident approaching broad street. that has been cleared but we are still trying to recover from that. so both sides of the roosevelt boulevard is delayed between broad and schuylkill this morning. definitely good idea to give yourself more time once you get to the schuylkill expressway you will run into some more traffic westbound and eastbound not only around roosevelt boulevard but vine street expressway and traveling throughout conshohocken. as we look at speed sensors. eight is your average on the schuylkill expressway affecting the boulevard. vine street expressway also affected to and from the schuylkill and traveling on the blue route and pennsylvania turnpike we have those minor delays in the usual spots. mass transit watch out for delays for new jersey transit ukee. lets give you a quick update on our breaking news from this morning. chopper three over bristol township bucks county where a worker is believed to be trapped in the craps have of a cile owe near the the delaware river. a police officer on routine patrol discovered that collapse. also some breaking news from overnight in france, a suburban paris police officer is dead and another person critically injured. this is after a shooting earlier today. the violence comes as french
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authorities search for two suspects in yesterday's attack on a paris satyrical newspaper. twelve people were killed in that attack. a third suspect is now in custody. a disable veteran is first fire death in the city of philadelphia in 2015. fire tore through the veterans home on rose lynn street in ogontz about 1:00 o'clock this morning. the cause has yet to be determined. we will be right back. >> while homeless numbers are down nationwide, or capitol is another story. >> a lot of folks are swarming for the city. but that's dramatically driving up rent. >> see how one man beat the odds with a little help from his friends. >> home sweet home. >> i love my little home. it's all mine. >> the story isn't over with him finding housing. this is a long process. i think housing is the first step. >> on "the 700 club," ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. a pair of climbers are halfway up what is called the world's hardest rock climb. >> they are trying to climb a half mile section of granite in california's yesemite national park. jeanie moos caught up with them on their way to the top.
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>> reporter: don't look down, don't look up, you are looking at climbers who have fallen for something called the don wall on the vertical rock form nation in yesemite national park. >> yesterday was day eight. >> reporter: it is easy to lose track of time when you are climbing a 3,000-foot wall a free climb meaning using your hands and your feet finding ledges occasionally jumping using ropes not to climb but to catch you when you fall. after several years of planning and training tommy caldwell and kevin jordanson are living their dream. they do their dreaming on the wall each night when they pitch their tents suspended. >> there is a crazy arctic wind storm happening to day. sketch and tommy chose to climb in winter so their hands won't sweat and more friction on between rubber soles and rock. why is kevin staring at his hand. >> we are taking a west day because our skin took a beating. >> reporter: edges can be razor sharp and resort todd paper for protection. tony says he wake up twice a nice to apply lotion to his hand and forget filing your nails with an emery board. the climbers, sand their fingertips to keep them smooth. it is divided in to pitches. they have gone over highest one pitch 14. >> it gives me fits because you'll feel totally fine and then your foot will pop off. >> they will do a lot of falling over two to three weeks they estimate the climb will take.
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>> what is on the menu up there. >> breakfast sandwich with cream cheese,al monday and cucumber. >> you will eat with those fingers. jeanie moos, new york. >> at least they are eating well. >> they are. >> that is a rock wall in the gym, no more complaints. >> wow. sand your fingertips for a while, keep them smooth. >> yes. >> in a big way. >> i could never. i'll tell you what thinks something you might look at and think i cannot go outside. bundle up adequately and you will be okay but limit your exposure to this this kind of cold. these are not the actual air temperatures if you still sub zero. wildwood right now this observation is the only spot that has since busted into positive territory here. meanwhile, yeah, this is true arctic cold my friend. forecast high of 20 degrees. that is already 20 below our normal average, and it is coldest it has been since last january. but it won't feel any better than single digits. rough stuff, torey. >> rough stuff not only weather-wise, but traffic wise we have sun glare now, we already were at a slow start for rush hour. this is schuylkill around city avenue, but with sun glare out there you will notice more of the ohio down. this is a look at 42 freeway where delays bright spot and i'll leave with you that bright spot but if you are traveling the majors you know i-95 schuylkill and vine you'll find usual and traveling mass transit, new jersey transit the for northeast corridor they have been experiencing delays close to 30 minutes. if you are heading in and out of penn station do keep that in mine. >> good head up.
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>> yo, adrian rocky is back and he wants you to be part of his latest movie. the new movie -- you didn't like that. the new movie is called creed. sylvester stallone trains creed's grandson to fight. >> they are coming to philadelphia they need extras. the casting director will be in our studios tomorrow morning to let you know who they are looking for, and what you will need to do to become an extra. >> when did a polo that was who killed him in three or four. >> four. >> well, his grandson is doing his thing now. i hear it will be g we will see. >> we should get for it. >> we will be an extra. >> she's in the park. >> "eyewitness news" continues on the cw philly. for more local news weather traffic and sports we are on cbs >> talk philly coming up next on cbs-3. we will be right back with one more check with the forecast and the on the roads as ukee does his thing. ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. good morning i'm erika von tiehl. a fast moving overnight house
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fire claims life of an elderly a man in ogontz. flames tore through this home on the 1800 block of rose lynn street just after 1:00 this morning. fire fighters rescued a man in his 70's who we're told was a disable veteran but it was too late. he died at the hospital. this tragedy marks philadelphia's first fire fatality of the year. those fire fighters battling more than just fire the cold too lets check with katie, good morning. >> that is the case out there, erika, good morning. this morning definitely one of the coldest we have had in a long time since basically last winter, and last january, but we do have bright blue skies, that is one bright spot no pun intended off our forecast here. just a beautiful sunrise overhead and full sunshine today. problem that is sunnies not going to help us out very much. we will get to you 20 degrees for daytime high, frigid for normal and then factor in there is still enough of the breeze to make it feel no better than single digits. the mostly cloudy breezy cold tonight with the clipper passing by and northern portions of the delaware valley. but by tomorrow wind will kickback in when we ease up on the thermometer. it will feel like teens and stuck in the deep freeze gannon saturday despite full sunshine again back in the 20's vittoria. >> we have same thing traffic wise katie, traveling on the schuylkill expressway you're traveling less than 20 miles an hour on a lot of the parts of the schuylkill westbound delayed a approaching boulevard out just past gladwynn, sun glare is also a big factor making thing even slower than usual on the majors. jumping over into new jersey it seems like things have
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cleared out nicely on the 42, 55, you may have lingering pockets but nothing major. seven is your average on the schuylkill. twenty's traveling on i-95 they are expecting delays going to and from the schuylkill on the vine street expressway. watch out for this accident on the southbound side of 73 for 295 and delays for new jersey transit, erika. >> that is "eyewitness news" for now talk philly coming up at noon on >> lies deception, and a lot of duck. the beardless brother from the robertson clan alan and his wife, lisa share what kept their own dynasty together. and then...keep calm and carry on. >> it provides us with a sense of well-being. >> wendy: it may just save your life. >> chronic stress negatively impacts the immune system. those are chemicals that are very important. >> wendy: on today's "700 club." >> pat: well, welcome to "the 700 club." once again the fanatics are claiming to be disciples of islam have struck. the nation of france is on high alert today as the hunt continues for two of the brutal killers in yesterday'
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