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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 15, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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scene on grant avenue on blue grass road with more information , jan. >> reporter: nicole and ukee, good morning. new information into "eyewitness news". i was just able to speak the with the water department spokesperson who says these crew where is able to get in earlier this morning, got right to work and as you have just said shut off that geyser. the the water is no longer flowing. they were supposed to be back on the scene around 8:00. they got here 15, 20 minutes before that and quickly shut down the the water. you can see what is left behind is a whole lot of ice that ice coating those branches and all over the ground in front of the trees this main broke at 7:00 last night. water crews worked hours trying to get a fix in place last night but at the end they had to return to the scene this morning. this main break looked like a geyser for hours overnight here on grant avenue and blue grass road and at the height of the break water was shooting 200 feet in the air. the philadelphia water department says that 10-inch main is a fire service connection no water service had had been impact in the area. at last check when i talk to that spokesperson he said as far as he knows still no customers are impacted however, that could being changing soon now that they have had to shut off a couple vales varies. he is getting that information as we speak. good news is as far as we know no one is impacted right now. crews have been working on the problem. it had been a tricky situation. it became very icy. one worker was injured and had to be taken to the hospital in stable condition and because it was still so unsafe last night they had to stop and
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that is why they had to start back working this morning. take a look at some of the problems they had earlier. >> it is a challenge finding proper valves but we are working as quickly as we can to get this shut down. >> reporter: again, back live here on the scene this is a look from chopper 3hd over this scene this morning. now all we see is ice covering those branches and the ground around where that water main break happened. again that spokesperson was talking about the problems they had before but they were working very quickly to get the problem fixed and they got back out the here on the scene and had gotten it fixed for a minute but as we take a look the the water is gushing again into the air. so a very fluid situation out here this morning, so, developing story, we will check back with the spokesperson and see what is developing and we will bring it to you as soon as we get it. reporting live from northeast philadelphia jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". thanks, keep us updated. new this morning all lanes are reopened on the portion of i-95 in mercer county, new jersey. a fatal accident in hopewell township shut down this part of the highway for hours. authorities tell us that the the driver was killed when their car slammed in the back of the parked tractor trailer. ukee. police searched the parent's home of kyle crosby in gloucester township. authorities removed his infant daughter from the house and placed her in the care of child protective services. crosby is accused of killing his wife 26 year-old erika crippen. >> we cannot eat or sleep. we have been walking these
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floors all day. we are praying to god that he will make her way and break through. >> erika crippen's body has not been found. she was last seen two weeks ago after a night out with her husband. kyle crosby was arraigned on murder charges on tuesday. also this morning the red cross is helping a home owner who came home and discovered a fire in the kitchen. she was able to escape safely but her dog did not make it out. this happened just after in midnight on marsdale place in sicklerville and causes still being looked into. traffic and weather together. lets go to the weather center and katie. >> things are tranquil in the weather department all courtesy of high pressure building in. we have a decent cloud deck out there but i'm confident that the clouds will thin out and, after all is said and done here. and, on storm scan not having a easy time picking up on anything. that is how we like it. when we throw to satellite coverage back overtop, we do still have that cloud cover in place. and, eventually again it will thin out. temperatures have as a result of the clouds stayed within just, you know, the steady range here. it hasn't changed all that much. but in philadelphia, we have 30 degrees at hours. it looks like it will start to moderate up now that the sunnies up and we will see some sunshine. 23 degrees is how it feels when you factor in what is actually a modest breeze but just enough to make it knock five or six or 7 degrees off feels like value but it is nothing that is outlandish. that is how the forecast looks. nothing that outlandish or outstanding for us as we
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expect temperatures to reach seasonal territory, upper 30's. twenty-seven down the shore or poconos. chillier up in the mountains obviously but this is quiet weather and we will keep it the that way as we head into the upcoming weekend with a few minor little things that happen along the waste but overall in big storm for our area, the not until sunday vittoria, over to you. >> thanks, katie, good morning everyone. we are still talking about i-95 and that earlier, multi vehicle crash and overturn vehicle, and still trying to recover from. still blocking off ramp from the philadelphia international airport, southbound and, decided, and traffic diverted on i-95 trying to exit through the airport. it is causing a big mess. and, philadelphia international airport your best alternate would be bartram avenue. we will continue to get a little bit on that and still clearing out that and off ramp is still blocked. taking a look at ben franklin bridge big old delay is there approaching mid span down toward eighth and vine on the westbound side of the ben. heading eastbound construction blocking right-hand lane but we are used to that by now. we are not seeing major delays in the eastbound direction. the delays will be on a few of our majors in pennsylvania. twenty-three is your average on. ninety-five, down through the vine. twenty-six on the schuylkill, would i say barely moving westbound at city avenue for sure affecting southbound side of the boulevard and we have scattered delays on the blue route, pennsylvania turnpike and 422 ukee. developing overnight caesars entertainment main business unit has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
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caesars entertainment operating company says its casinos, including atlantic city will continue to operate. company struggled after mythsing out on the casino boom in asia, nicole. ukee an ohio man is arrested for allegedly plotting to blow up the u.s. capitol. his post led the fbi right to his location. cbs news correspondent susan mcginn is has the latest from washington d.c. fbi officials say they have stopped 20 year-old christopher cornell as he was taking the final steps to travel to washington and execute his plan. a according to the criminal complaint his plan was to kill employees and officers working in and around the u.s. capitol. his plot was foiled outside this gun range in southwestern ohio. while he allegedly bought two semiautomatic rifles and 600 round of ammunition police were waiting outside to arrest him. >> by that time the agents had come across the parking lot and two agents were on top of him, two or three. >> reporter: court documents show corn hole used the twitter name shown here, posted materials and other information on line supporting isis. his father says he was a kid who lost his way. >> i believe he was really vulnerable and i believe he was co hersed in lot of ways. >> reporter: last summer cornell told an fbi informant i believe we should just wave jihad under our own orders and plan attacks. lawmakers here on capitol hill are praising the fbi for stopping the plot they also remain concerned about the growing threat of home grown terrorist. in a statement house home land security committee chairman michael mccall pressed the
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administration to work urgently to encounter violent islamic streamism in the u.s. white house plans to hold a summit on the matter next movement susan mcginnes for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. just hours before that plot was uncovered security was increased at delaware air national guard base near new castle. there is no specific threat, but officials noticed several cars stopped at that base this week to and for ask for directions. the national guard is reviewing surveillance video and. >> 8:08. france is holding funerals for four staffers at satyrical newspaper charlie hebdo who were kill in the terror attack on their paris offices. a car hit into a police woman guarding the presidential palace and left the scene. she suffered minor injuries, two people under arrest paris prosecutor's office says incident has in linked to last weeks deadly a tax. pope francis gets a rock star welcome to the first ever visit to the philippines. an enormous crowd cheered the pontiff as he arrived in man philadelphia he waved in on the the terror attacks saying there are limit to freedom of expression and, someone's faith. officials expect up to 8 million people, to attend a papal mass this sunday. philadelphia cabdriver takes a ride of the life time hear about his huge tip for a ride that took one minute. >> yeah, pretty good. plus another woman comes forward with a familiar abuse accusation as begins bill cosby but this case is different from the other accusers, we will explain. suing six flags, find out why a new jersey woman says
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she was embarrassed at the amusement park. >> ♪ yeah, we shook off yesterday's snow down the shore, right? >> no doubt. >> now katie has her eye on the winter warm up. >> that is what i'm talking about. >> i'm not trying to shake that one off. i can get into that. >> bring it. >> we will be right back. what we eat and drink can stain our teeth. new colgate total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. for a healthy white smile that lasts. new colgate total lasting white. we're following breaking news in west deptford gloucester county where a fire is burning at a trailer park. you can see there fire fighters are on the scene but at least one trailer unfortunately is a total loss. this is willow woods mobile park at crop point road. "eyewitness news" has learned one person suffered serious burns and was taken to the hospital. there is no word on how it started, ukee. investigators are trying to figure out what a sparked this frightening fire on the school bus. toms river bus burst into flames yesterday morning. driver and an aid were only ones on board ape the driver smelled something burning. after he pulled over and got out the busy ruperted in
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flames. luckily no one was hurt. fire investigators are trying to determine what caused a century old prison to go up in flames in sunbury, pennsylvania. twenty-nine alarm fire destroyed north um ber land county prison about 40 miles north of harrisburg. male and female inmates were evacuated and in moved to correctional facilities in neighboring area. no one was injured. the causes under investigation. two corrections officers and eight prisoners were killed when a prison bus skated off a highway in texas. the bus slid down an embankment and collided with a train. bus was transporting inmates from a facility in abilene to a stage hand in el paso when the crash happened yesterday. another corrections employee and four other prisoners were injured in the crash. local 13. the lets check that forecast. >> good morning nicole. as we look at is what going on in the atmosphere it does not appear there is a lot happening. we have a satellite thrown on top of here. if it were strictly radar we would not see much of anything. satellite is key. we have an inversion. it is basically capping atmosphere. the we are stuck with some cloud right new but there will be breaking up of that cloud cover. let me step out so you can see some of that sunlight trying to bust through that cloud cover in the live neighborhood network and eventually will win the the battle. part of what you need to bust up the inversion is direct sunlight. even though it is not the highest sun angle it will help things along. we are too breezy for my personal taste tomorrow but we are expect to go see sunshine and that goes for today. we have got some clouds and
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some sun will break through and stuck in the 20's. ski lovers are totally digging this forecast. new looking ahead to sunday not the best situation for snow making here or skiing just in general because there is a storm we are tracking. it will be a new coastal system. because we're warming autopsy head of it, it will likely be a rain producer. the as it spins up we may have enough cold air on the back edge that it end with snow especially north of the city. it is something to keep an eye on. next few days overall pretty darn quiet. by sunday watch out for that next storm to be brewing. on monday formatter inn lieutenant are king day and all partaking in the the day of service it is blustery and chilly but it will be clearing. vittoria. good morning everybody. if we are traveling on i-95 southbound off ramp to the philadelphia international airport. we have an accident there. notice majority on the shoulder but it is still compromising the right-hand lane. regardless the off ramp is closed trying to get to the airport using southbound side of i-95. if this camera would swing around notice a backup to go with this. if you are trying to get to the airport your best bet toys take bartram avenue one more time. as we head in the schuylkill expressway, that is your eastbound delay. traveling east bound you're delayed from the western suburbs down into center city. there is no point in me breaking up the delays, it will feel slow that whole way. might find a break where we are traveling well for about three to four minutes until we run into another problem. give yourself some more time westbound even though it looks okay around this area of girard, it is not. approaching vine and then
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again from the boulevard out through gladwynn. speed sensors down to seven. to second one on i-95. southbound from the northeast down to the shrine. no major delays for mass transit. nicole. first woman to claim she was assaulted by bill cosby within the statute of limitations had has come forward. chloe goins filed an official complaint and met with lapd detectives yesterday. she claims she was assaulted at the playboy mansion in 2008 when she was 18 years old. she's one of 20 other women who were sexually assaulted by the 77 year-old comedian. >> is there power in numbers. because at some point when a young lady becomes abused until there are others that come out and support what they have to say, it is a very scary thing especially when you are one person and against an incredibly rich, powerful man. >> one of cosby's show scheduled for next month in massachusetts has been canceled. the comedian denies the allegations and has never been formally charged. a new jersey woman says that she was humiliated in front of her children and dozens of strangers at a local amusement park. "eyewitness news" new jersey reporter cleve bryan explains why she's suing six flags great adventure. >> reporter: having only one arm and one hand with three fingers does not stop jacqueline win ther from doing her duties as moth however and paralegal. >> i was not brought up handicapped. i was never told i could not do something. i just did it. >> reporter: last june while chap roaneing her daughter's field trip she had a reminder of her disability after boarding this roller coaster.
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>> this guy comes up and says you have to get off the ride. i said what do you mean i have to get off the ride. he said we don't meet our safety standard. >> reporter: although she rode dozens of coasters without being told she had adequate arms or fingers she left that one humiliated. >> i didn't want to make a scene in front of my doubt are. everybody is looking at that why is that lady getting off the ride. >> reporter: winter says supervisor let her ride the roller coaster but she was too embarrassed. attempts to address the issue with upper management had been ignored so january 7th her attorney filed a discrimination lawsuit under the americans with disabilities act. >> you have to judge people based on their actual capabilities what they can do and not based on appearance. >> reporter: since 2011 accidents near buffalo new york where an amputee veteran fell from a roller coaster some parks have revised rules for disable riders. on he will tore owe riders must possess one naturally fully formed and functioning arm absent prosthetic device and they define a functioning arm a forearm with the ability to be flexed at elbow and three full fingers what the ability to hold on with a firm grip. winter says even if the judge decided it was okay to prevent her from riding she should have been treated with more dignity. >> i just never had anything like that happen to me ever before. >> reporter: i reached out 206 flags great adventure and they don't comment on pend ing lawsuits. winteres case has not been assigned to the judge but she hopes they will start to make changes to the policy before opening for the next season n jackson i'm cleve bryan "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> our time is 8:19. coming up, it is a big morning
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for movie bufs. oscar nominations are announced and we will have them live in just a few minutes. and selling her skin why this woman want a tattoo stranger names on her body and relatively low price that she's asking. but first here's is what coming up tonight on the cw philly. nabbed. booked. locked up. case closed? you don't know "aarp." because the aarp fraud watch network means everyone can protect themselves and their families from scams and identity theft. with local alerts, tips from law enforcement and the inside scoop from former con artists. real possibilities to stay ahead of the bad guys. if you don't think beat con men at their own game, when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. it is time it is almost
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time anyway to unveil this years oscar nominees, will your favorite movie get nominated for best picture? we will see it live coming up in about 15 minutes right here, on the cw philly. stay tuned for that. speaking of big names, ukee, los angeles artist wants to be a name dropper, of sorts, 22-year old, is offering to tattoo anybody's name on her own body. ten bucks buys a word or two. it doesn't have to be your name anything, from there a sliding scale depending on how much space you want to take up. gore wants to go head to toe for a art project she called absurd and beautiful. >> i never had so many people worry about my career before in my life but my friend all like do it, you will do it anyway. >> that is very interesting. >> if you are interested go to kick, her fund raising efforts hope to raise $6,000 to cover the costs. >> that is crazy. >> it really is. >> what? >> she's into it. >> she thinks it is art so have at it. 602nd ride turns into a trip of the life time for a philadelphia taxi driver. >> so much for 20 percent tip, he got a 22,000 percent tip thanks to a generous passenger. the let's show you receipt showing a $989 tip for a $4.31 ride. that was last month. driver pick up a man at second and market and drove him a mile away over to columbus and race. that is when the the mystery passenger said wow make it a great night and gave that huge tip. freedom taxi says credit card company would not reveal the the mystery tipper's name. >> wow.
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>> nicely done. >> what a nice thing to do. >> that is a thousand bucks. >> yes, up deed for $4 ride. >> both feeling good right now. >> sure. >> did he something nice and makes you feel good. >> on that note we will take a short break. we will be r right back. i'm ukee washington. crews with the philadelphia water department have finally shut off that huge geyser following a water main break in the northeast. chopper three with this view, with the water shooting hundreds of feet near grant and blue grass. it left behind that icy icy situation there, kind of a mess but looks pretty and main broke around 7:00 o'clock spewing water in the air for more than 12 hours. again we're told that the main was just shut off and even came back on during jan carabao's rorrer. now it is shut off again. no customers impact. lets get your forecast with katie in the weather center, good morning. >> none of the nature made ice to worry about for next few days. things are very tranquil for us. we are expecting cloud cover that we started off with to thin out for some sunshine and it will be a very quiet day. we expect storm scan three to stay nice and quiet throughout the day with some sun and seasonal chill. high of 37. we will drop down to 27 with nothing more than a handful of cloud. looking forward in the forecast breezy for sure as a weak cold front crosses through but otherwise we will see sun yet again. saturday looking good. chilly. but sunny. by sunday a new storm system
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is brewing. as early as sunday afternoon we will see rain moving in. vittoria. >> thanks very much, katie. finally i can report some good news for anyone traveling on i-95. i-95 southbound earlier accident compromising the entire off ramp to the philadelphia international airport has been cleared and off ramp a has been reopened. good news on i-95 there traveling elsewhere we have an incident on 476, as they are zooming in here, it looks like somewhat of a disable vehicle situation blocking right lane not too far from media swarthmore. traveling on 476 northbound we are seeing delays, between area of i-95 and media, ukee. thanks variety tore y our next update 8:55. we are keeping it live and local on the cw philly. you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ clear and cool and a typical january morning outside, we cannot complain too much katie will be along with the forecast in just a couple minutes. head up on the roads,
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traffic is moving on i-95 near the the airport after an earlier accident. vittoria will look at all of the road, we will do traffic and weather together in just a few minutes. good morning thanks for joining us. after more than 12 hours crews get control of the major break that spewed water hundreds of feet in the air in northeast philadelphia "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao is live at grant avenue and blue grass road with the update now jan. >> reporter: water crews return to the scene just before 8c and got straight to work and it seems they have now pinpointed the problem and shut that water off. you can see behind me the geyser is gone. all that is lefties a lot of ice coating the the trees and ground surrounding the water main break. i was able to speak with the water department spokesperson and he says crews are still working so we may see that water turn on and off a couple more times before they get everything straightened out but once again problem does seem to be under control any now and water had has shut off but this was a long job. chopper three was over the scene over northeast philadelphia this morning as water gush for close to 13 hours. what is left behind is a lot of ice this looks more like a geyser at grant avenue and blue grass road. at the height of the break water was shooting 200 feet in the air. the philadelphia water department says the 10-inch main is a fire service connection. so no water services have been impacted, in the area. i'm told that could change as cruises continue to work this morning but so far still no impact. that is the the good news. crews had a tough time working here last night. one worker was injured and had
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to be taken to the hospital in stable condition. because the the working conditions became unsafe, icy crews had to stop for the night but they return to the scene just before 8:00 this morning and it looks like they have a problem under control. back out the here live on the scene in northeast philadelphia again, no word right now what caused the main break to begin with but you can see crews working. we have heavy machinery moving n we have water crews on the other side of the building still working to make sure that water does not turn back on in our last live shot. certainly water main breaks are typical this time of the year with the freeze and thaw cycle. we have had quite a few of them throughout philadelphia over the past couple of days but certainly nothing like this one. reporting live from northeast philadelphia jan carabao for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> thank you. police continue their search for a burglary suspect who targeted a southwest philadelphia a church. surveillance cameras captured the bandit on the move on the 1600 block of elf wood avenue. that man broke through a side window at straight gate church december 13th and then took copper piping and plumbing tools. police tell us the that the church is under renovation. >> church is good for community and renovating the church bringing the people in the community together. then we have people just taking advantage. >> police say stolen copper is valued at $3,000. suspect was driving a dark suv. if you can identify him please call police. another brazen crime this one caught on video. philadelphia police looking for a man who stole an officer a's bicycle in washington
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square. the officer left his bike in the lobby when he went up to the fourth floor to handle a call. a few minutes later the man walked away with that bike. >> 8:33. lets check on that forecast. >> forecast is a quiet one for now, nicole. we have cloud cover helping to limit the amount of any really change that we have seen on thermometer throughout the course of the morning and hold temperatures just below in many spots. we have looked at this an old picture january chill, and. and, as of yesterday 32 degrees, we made it this month where we were only getting up to freezing, or not even necessarily that high depending on the day. meanwhile, we could see that on sky cam three there is some reflection, that was really trying to peak through there and will get there but because of the cloud, we have held tough at 30 degrees. that hasn't been much movement on the thermometer. notice over north central, pennsylvania just below storm scan three those cloud are thinning and that is a sign of things to come. and end up with sunshine. chilly i'll give thaw but it is january. we don't have too much in the way of wind. twenty-seven is the high up in the pocono region. headlines as a whole are quiet for the next few days but there is, yep, a new storm brewing for sunday a coastal storm though at this point primarily expect to be a rain making storm for our area. that will let you know as things evolve there but cold will be right back at it as we approach martin luther king day, vittoria.
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>> good morning everyone. i-95 is still being affected by rush hour traveling southbound, out of the area of the northeast down through the vine primarily approaching betsy ross bridge down through the vine street expressway. traveling south and northbound around the airport we have cleared up that volume from that earlier accident. definitely a bright spot. unfortunately not every where. roosevelt boulevard slow from broad street to the schuylkill. once we get to 76 speed septemberrors are dropping. 6 miles an hour is what we have westbound and eastbound heavier around city avenue. eastbound traffic will follow out of the western suburbs down toward the vine to and from the schuylkill on the vine another slow spot. seventeen on i-95. traveling westbound side of 422, still seeing volume out of oaks down toward 202 and tacony palmyra bridge is opened so that means 73 is closed. we will not jump over bridge there but you can use betsy ross. no delays for mass transit, ukee. emotional tribute to a philadelphia police officer kill on the job. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones explains the memorial comes as her convicted killer is granted a reprieve on death row. >> reporter: vaird was first female philadelphia police officer killed in the line of duty. she was gunned down during a botched bank robbery in the northeast in 1996. marking the night and year of her murder wednesday night the four three-year old mother of to was remembered. her brother was a among those in the crowd at mt. airy church and god of christ. >> my whole family misses her deal i. >> reporter: christopher rooney, known as cool c, was recently granted a stay of
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execution after governor tom corbett sign his execution warrant in november. the the 44 year-old was convicted, and sentenced to death in 1997. vaird's brother says he is a forgiving person but he still to this day clearly struggles with the emotions surrounding his sister's convicted killer. >> it is tough but i'm supposed to forgive as being a christian. >> reporter: have you forgiven him. >> yes, it is hard very, very hard. >> reporter: vaird is remembered as someone who had a passion for helping others, philadelphia police as well as abington and septa police were among those who attended the memorial which served to honor law enforcement. >> in the day and age which we are in where all of the people are under fire, it is really nice to see folks take time to show their gratitude. >> reporter: as for rooney, he maintains his innocence. vaird's brother contend he has mixed emotion about whether or not he thinks the the rapper should be executed. in mt. airy todd quinones, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". happening today, president obama plans to revive his push for paid leave. he is expect to call on congress to let workers earn up to seven paid sick days each year. the the the president is also expected to outline a plan to help states create paid leave programs. new jersey is one of only three states to provide such a benefit. today is also the last day to enroll in the federal health care plan if you want coverage by february 1st. if you have not finished signing up there is an enrollment drive a happening all day. enrollment experts will be on hand to help people get
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coverage that they need. today's drive is a at congresso on west somerset it runs from 10:00 to 5:00 o'clock tonight, it is a joint effort between congresso and get covered america. ♪ what is the word ♪ >> all right. word is oscar nominationness all 24 categories are being announced live right now from beverly hills. you are looking live, once again, and where it is all going down, lot of anticipation, best film, best director. >> such an exciting time of the year. get excited for films. i get excited for red carpet. either way an exciting day. i think they are about ready. >> here we go let's listen in. >> welcome, what an exciting morning. thank you alfonso and jj for kicking it all off. chris, let's continue. >> for performance by an actor in the supporting role the nominees are. robert duval in the judge ethan hawk in boyhood. edward norton in bird man or the unexpected virtue of ignorance. mark ruffal o in fox catcher and jk simmons in whiplash. >> for performance by actress in the supporting role nominees are patricia arquette in boyhood, laura dern in wild, key a knightly in the imitation game emma stone in bird man or the unexpect virtue of ignorance and merrill streep in into the woods.
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>> for achievement in make up and hair styling, the nominees are. >> bill c orso and dennis for fox catcher. francis hanon and mark collier for the grand budapest hotel. elizabeth, and david white for guardian of the galaxy. >> for achievement in costume design nominees are... for achievement in cinema graphy the nominees are... blank for adapted screen play the nominees are... for original screen play the nominees are... for original score the nominees are...
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in the best foreign language film category, the nominees are... for achievement in directing the nominees are... for performance wye an actress in a leading role, the nominees are... for performance by an actor in the leading role the nominees are... and finally, we are pleased to announce the films selected as the best picture nominees. they are...
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wow, there you have it. for a while there i didn't think selma would get the any love but selma got some love there in the end. >> indeed. >> and bradley cooper jenkintown's home. >> local guy. >> best actor and american snipper for best film. >> pretty exciting jennifer aniston getting the snub, she did not make list for best actress. >> indeed. >> oscar nominee american snipper hits theater every where tomorrow. based on the real life storm irv navy seal chris kyle sent to iraq and becomes a ledgend on the battle field. when he returns home he struggles to leave the war behind. what was it like to play an intense role? you talk with him. tomorrow you will be sitting down with the pride of jenkintown also his co-star siena miller to talk about that movie nominated for best picture. so there is very exciting. >> get somome reaction to his nomination today. you know he is pumped. it is his second time. hans simmer was nominated for inter stellar. we are update to go day's top stories including a geyser in northeast philadelphia when we come right >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me.
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>> i was born deaf and then my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly. >> when they took that second scan and it came back completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. okay buddy what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. updating our breaking news this morning that geyser water main break, has been shut off within the hour. >> fire service connection at grant avenue and blue grass road in the northeast burst about 7:30 last night. no customers were a affected bye water skyrocketed more than a hundred feet in the air for more than 12 hours. one worker is recovering from injuries. also breaking news, one person has been rushed to the hospital with serious burns after a fire at a gloucester county trailer park. one trailer was destroyed, two others damaged in that fire at willow woods in west deptford. developing overnight caesars entertainment business unit a has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. the caesar entertainment operating company says its casinos including atlantic city will stay open. lets get a check of the forecast with katie. >> good morning, nicole
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everybody. we will check one more time with the eyewitness weather watcher network. we will start off with 27 degrees sent in from jeff moore, these have a little hint of sunshine. that is all we're finding here. a little hint of sunshine that is bit. 29 degrees. i love that name. very modest breeze as well. ape one more are 32 degrees. and, and that cloud deck is expect to thin out. we will show view quickly. we don't have a lot happening here. what just happened there there we go. we will, try that again. we have a system off to the the south that will pass us by to the south, and then by tomorrow there is a new front that will sweep on through and as it does we will bring nothing more than a breeze. quiet weather overall, all things considered despite the fact that we have movement in the atmosphere. we do expect sun today, tomorrow and saturday. by sunday a head up a new storm is set to develop. vittoria, back over to you. good morning everyone. we will have rush hour take a look at schuylkill expressway heading in the eastbound direction out of the area of your western suburbs down through the vine it will be slow. it will not be a strip of traffic the entire way, we will have breaks but it will feel like that. traveling on the ben franklin bridge still the case from new jersey into pennsylvania. we have a big backup there. eight is your average on the schuylkill, traveling on the 20's on i-95 and whole lot more on the other side so stay with us, good morning as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload
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speeds as fast as your download speeds so files go out in a snap. don't miss your last chance to get $300 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. just call 1.888.774.4418 today. our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don't get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you. coming up at 8:5 one last check. >> we have talk about that next storm system on the way and we have quiet weather but sunday we have an eye on the possibility of the storm and its looking like it is basically a guarantee that we will have a storm. right now primarily it looks like a rain producer, heavy rain producer but may end with some snow, we will keep you on top of everything as it all starts to evolve, vittoria. >> thanks very much, katie. we have rush hour lingering all over the map. twenty-one on i-95, nine on the schuylkill expressway, whole lot of red, that is volume, on both side of the schuylkill primarily eastbound between approaching boulevard down through the vine street expressway. traveling on the boulevard commuting southbound approaching the schuylkill expect delays there and usual delays on 422, 202 and westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike.
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mass transit is great. >> thanks, vittoria. year or so ago a little boy sleeping with his beloved dog went viral. >> now the popular pair have some company check this out. theo and bow welcomed his little sister last fall. i cannot take how cute these kid are and that little puppy. she was born in september and mom just has been documenting the duo turn three on instagram. jessica will publish nap time with theo and bow next month. >> that will be great. >> that is so cute. >> that is how i sleep. >> all stretched out. >> yes. >> no room. >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at cw philly. for more local news weather traffic and sports we are always on cbs >> check us out on talk philly on. progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh good morning, we have some breaking news right now in radnor, delaware county. eyewitness cam video shows swat responding to investigate a reported threat in the area of county line road and lancaster avenue. we have learn that a military veteran who was currently imprisoned indicated he would
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somehow cause harm to either a person or property so swat went to the home to pennsylvania make sure there were no explosives or weapons. we are toll the scene is now clear. now lets get a check of the forecast with katie, good morning. >> good morning, nicole. things are quiet once again in the weather department high pressure taking control allowing to us see these clouds thin out for sunshine and we don't have any wet weather in the next few days but here it is, we are looking at radar and satellite, it is one and only thing that is showing any signs of life here at local level but we expect to keep things quiet overall. seasonal chill, eventually some sun through the clouds and partly cloudy skies tonight and drop down to 27. moving forward in the forecast temperatures will stay in the mid to upper 30's. by sun take we will warm up to 46 degrees, also mark the the arrival of the next coastal storm which right now looks like it is primarily a rain maker. it could end with some snow we will keep an eye on that possibility for you and by tuesday it is completely long gone vittoria. >> good morning everyone. we have rush hour affecting i-95 in a big old way behind me, if you are commute nothing the southbound direction we will have delays out of the area of the northeast and vine, through the construction zones of both cottman and girard where it turns into a squeeze. between northeast and center city it will feel slow that entire length. traveling on the roosevelt boulevard southbound we have delays approaching the schuylkill. that has to do with the schuylkill i you are jammed. 11 miles an hour, and 20's is what you are traveling on the roosevelt boulevard.
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traveling on the pennsylvania turnpike expect westbound delays and an accident affecting frankford and solly in the northeast section that could be potentially route 66 trolley, nicole. that is "eyewitness news" for now, join us a the noon for talk philly. i'm nicole i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. ♪ >> gordon: well welcome to "the 700 club." the f.b.i. has arrested an ohio man for plotting an attack on the u.s. capitol building. his plan was to set off pipe bombs inside and then gun down as many government officials as he could. >> terry: 20-year-old christopher cornell expressed support for isis on twitter, but he is described as a lone wolf with no former ties to any terror group. caitlin burke has the story. >> reporter: an ohio man is behind bars today accused of plotting a home-grown terror attack. he wanted to wage jihad in the u.s. inspired by al-qaeda and isis. >> according to the f.b.i. the plan was a deadly
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