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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 6, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- emily blunt, from "shark tank", daymond john, and music from the birds of satan. with cleto and the cletones. and now, fasten your safety belts, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for being here
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tonight. thank you for joining us on "air conditioning appreciation week" in los angeles. it was very hot today. it got up to 98 degrees here in hollywood. in the valley, it was over a hundred. this is not a good week to be a superhero out on hollywood blvd. truth be told no week is. but especially this one. on the plus side, i guess the heat is good practice for when we all go to hell. which we will. i was in new york for the last couple of days. yesterday morning in new york i swear this is true, for breakfast, i ordered a hot dog as an appetizer for breakfast. then i had the main course of three eggs and a bagel. and about six pickles. and then i had four slices of pizza on the way to the airport. which, for me, is a show of restraint. anything less than a whole pizza is a win! we've got a fun show for you tonight with emily blunt, the
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birds of satan and daymond john from "shark tank." can we show the machine? and also we have a group of very brilliant young students here from purdue university they are the winners of the rube goldberg contest this is a contest that pays tribute to rube goldberg a cartoonist who would draw these elaborate contraptions designed to complete very simple, very mundane taskes this machine has one purpose it zips up a zipper and we are going to show you how that works in about 7 minutes. guillermo, you are going to be the guy, you are going to be the zipper guy. >> guillermo: all right. >> you have seen the video in the elevator, this happened after the met gala. tmz got the footage. you have seen, probably solange
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in the white dress having word with jay-z and pushing and punching and then as the security guard pulls away kicking jay-z as well. for whatever reason, beyonce stayed out of it completely. this is like the opposite of the aero-smith song, in the elevator. so, anyway, after this, now beyonce has been posting pictures of herself and solange on her instgram, they're okay. there are reports that jay-z and solange are jewelry shopping yesterday. there has been a lot of speculation. nobody knows what prompted the fight. any way, it was the moment who sits there, watching security video all day has been waiting for his whole life. something's finally happening. but, just because we don't know what happened doesn't mean we can't try to guess. cnn headline news put a panel of talking heads together to try to figure it out. i think they had an interesting take on this. >> the woman we think is beyonce staying out of the fray.
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let's get a panel together. >> what are you thinking? [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: the dog's opinion is just as valid as any of the other experts. meanwhile -- there is a new leaked tape of clippers owner donaldster long tod -- sterling. another private conversation made it to the internet. not only need to take donald sterling's team away, they got a conversation with a rapper named maz ra te mazarati. he regales his friend about v. stiviano and the positive impact he had on his life. >> here is a poor girl, a mexican girl.
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never had anything in her life. never had anything in her life, never had clothes, never had food. i meet her she is a fabulous body. she loves to have sex. and she, she is just fun. and i think, what if i gave her some money, what if i helped her, and what if i helped her family? god was good to me. >> that's true. >> i want to do it. and i did it. >> basically what you did was change the whole family's life? >> i changed the whole family's life. i changed it. >> jimmy: yes, you did. you changed their lives. they changed your diapers. it was a win-win. [ cheers and applause ] >> look at how well it worked out. >> jimmy: did you know donald sterling has famous parents? dr. and mrs. sterling, his mom and dad. part two of his interview with
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andersen cooper aired on cnn. if you missed part one monday. may be the first time i have seen an apology that was more offensive than the thing being apologized for. for some reason he lashed out at magic johnson, saying magic has aids, hasn't done anything to help the african-american community and magic is trying to use the scandal to trick him into selling the clippers to him. last night andersen cooper sat down with magic who took the high road here. >> the notion that i want his team. if i was going to trick somebody, deceive somebody, be dishonest to somebody, steal somebody's franchise, it's going to be the los angeles lakers. let's make that clear right now. >> putting that on the record. >> it won't beep t the l.a. clippers. [ cheers and applause ] even when they win, the clippers can't win. magic won't hold a grudge against donald sterling.
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if he saw him in public he would say hello. i would love to be a fly on the wall. magic was going to be here. maybe we will try to get them together. right? you guys aren't invited. this is something, i noticed an unusual trend over the past week, criminals whose names match their crimes, like this guy we showed last week. >> police dharncharged an ottaw with an indecent exposure. police say 62-year-old donald popadick was charged with an indecent act and mischief. >> jimmy: a flasher, donald popadick, today the story in new england, wracking up d.u.i.'s. >> a massachusetts woman arrested on a seventh drunk driving charge. brenda drinkwater, handing over her liquor store rely the instead of her license. >> jimmy: drinkwater, very good advice. third, another story about a flasher, this one from rockhill, north carolina.
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>> rockhill police charged a man they say dropped his pants at waffle house. a police officer says ryan smallwood dropped his pants to his ankles. [ cheers and applause ] >> what is he smiling about? it's like dr. seuss is writing the news. this is amazing. this happened yesterday in bakersfield. a 4-year-old was playing in his driveway when the the dog comes in, attacks him. when all of a sudden the family cat charges out - and chases the dog off! the mom checked the kid to make sure he was okay then ran after the dog and the kid gets the the boy gets up and gets the hell out of there. a hero cat! are you serious? like dogs -- like -- i bet someone got an extra fancy feast to reward her for that! hey we have something special for you tonight. as i mentioned a moment ago a rube goldberg machine is a machine that accomplishes a
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simple task in as complicated a way as possible. basically, it's an intentionally delightful waste time. every year since 1983, college students compete in the annual rube goldberg machine contest. teams of college students from all over the country design and transport these machines and enter them in a competition. each year they assign a specific task for the contest, and this year's task was to zip a zipper and with us tonight the winning squad, the purdue university rube goldberg team. come on out! how are you? welcome! welcome. welcome. congratulations. thank you for coming. all right. so here we have -- adam, david, becca, jordan, andrew and ben. and you guys are the winning team. they said you have to come up with something that zips a zipper. >> yes.
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so, per competition rules you have to have a 6'by 6'by 6'machines 20 steps or transfer of energy and has to complete the task. and zip it zipper. did it in 75 steps. >> jimmy: how do you get this in the back of your mom's car? >> the whole machine -- the whole machine splits in half. and it is still quite a mess. takes all six of us. we some times have to bring extra outside help. >> jimmy: the whole thing is built out of stolen merchandise, true. >> not stolen. repurposed. >> jimmy: where did you get it? >> dumpster diving. around the college looking for garbage people do not want. >> jimmy: is one of your jobs, dumpster diver. >> we try to throw jordan into the dumpster. >> jimmy: jordan in the smallest. the idea again is you complete a simple task in a complicated way. this year you guys introduced a
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human into the mix, that's not been done. >> first time in competition any one has put a person inside the machine. rube goldberg's cartoons centered around someone. a great homage to say, why don't we put some one in there and get back to the roots. >> we have a human for you. a number of them working here at the show. why don't you reveal the human. there he is. his name is guillermo. guillermo is going to be -- don't know if we call him the guinea pig. the hamster in the wheel. attaching something to guillermo's zipper. of his jacket. funnier the other way i guess. now you guys. i guess you need a quarter from me, right? you guys are going to, should i do this? >> hand the quart tire >> hand the quarter to guillermo. >> jimmy: guillermo. i will hand you a quarter.
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everybody pay close attention. keep your eye on the gumball. >> no time for breakfast in the morning. so you grab a gum ball. that will freshen your breath. you go ahead that hits the arm. that goes all the way and releases the golf ball. and it goes. oh, that was supposed to be cologne. and we're off. calibrating your own personalized theme song. everybody need a jam in the morning. wait for contact. ♪ ♪ >> now it is breakfast time with tea and toast. >> now, just to entertain your dog, you don't have to. now you have to check your home work if you are a child star on the great shark wars of 1852. >> didn't lose a guy that time. >> favorite hobby. in the morning. >> finally.
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zip it zipper. >> oh, there it goes. it's zipping. it's zipping. it's zipping. [ cheers and applause ] >> pretty great. >> nicely done! >> how do you feel, guillermo? >> great. great. this is nice. >> jimmy: so easy, huh? >> guillermo: ha-ha. >> sell it to the gap. they can put it outside the dressing room. thank you. unbelievable. congratulations. on the big win. the purdue university rube goldberg team. tonight on the show from "shark tank" daymond john is here. we have music from the birds of satan and we'll be right back with emily blunt.
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♪milk and cereal (cereal and milk)♪ kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. shouldn't breakfast always be k-e-double l-o-double good?
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thjust got cooler withwn creamy avocado. packed with tender turkey, black forest ham, lean roast beef and every veggie you can dream up. all on freshly baked bread.
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msbut they meet them withts determination and drive.
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chanelle: teachers like ms. harris made me feel like i'm part of a team. not just on the basketball court. but in the classroom. ms. harris: chanelle is not just a star athlete. she is a star student. chanelle: i headed to clemson university where i can combine my love of sports and learning- and maybe even win a championship. ms. harris: i wouldn't bet against her. or any of my students reaching for their dreams. [casino sounds] [casino >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [dog bark] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly]
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[loud kiss smack] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [party sounds] >> librarian: shh >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [fly buzz] [hand clap] >> announcer: 888 the worlds leading online casino has arrived in new jersey. join now and get 50 free spins for the chance to win $1,000,000. every spin could win you $1,000,000. absolutely free. >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] join now. must be 21 years old and in the state of new jersey to play real money. >> jimmy: tonight on the program
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he's the founder and ceo of fubu and a shark on "shark tank," daymond john is here. with us tonight. and then a new band from taylor hawkins of foo fighters this is their self- titled album the birds of satan from the at&t stage. they brought lots of smoke machines. tomorrow night shailene woodley will be here, aasif mandvi will join us, and we'll have music from iggy azalea. and we have a new show for you on friday with nathan lane, adam carolla, and music from royal blood. please join us for those. >> jimmy: our first guest is a very fine actress and human being whose hard work has earned her a bafta award, a golden globe and even a baby daughter. you can see her show complete disregard for the time-space continuum alongside tom cruise in the new movie "edge of tomorrow." it opens in 2-d, 3-d, and imax june 6th, please welcome emily blunt.
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♪ >> you look fantastic. hard to believe you had a baby this century. never mind four months ago. >> three months ago. >> jimmy: three months ago. >> yes. mother's day. lovely. we want to santa barbara. really nice. >> did you take the baby? >> baby came with us. most mothers like to be left alone with a glass of champagne. not now. when she is a teenager. >> jimmy: send her to a boarding school or something. for now, cool. your husband tweeted this very, very cute picture. this is one of those binkies. pacifier. >> binky.
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almost as big as her face. >> jimmy: oversized binkies are all right rage for kids. >> for adults maybe. >> jimmy: i came and visited you shortly after you had hazel. >> brand new. the way he holds the baby. seems wrong. >> hold her? he was burping her. >> jimmy: had her in a weird chokehold. >> death lock. how steven segal hold his kid. yeah, like over the face. there was a weird. >> the new method. >> jimmy: my kids are too big to burp. >> put your hand under the armpits. rest your finger. looks like she is choking. she is not i promise you. >> jimmy: that is the new thing. always a new thing. >> you get really good burps out of the kids. really good ones. >> jimmy: satisfying. >> we go, yeah. really weird.
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>> jimmy: a whoopi cushion or something. i don't know the new stuff. you know, of course, i am having a baby. >> all kind of new kits. >> jimmy: can you still feed them meatballs. >> you can, yeah. you don't need to mash them up. you can put a few in their mouth at the same time. >> jimmy: are car seats a thing? >> no, no, you don't need those. just fling them in the trunk. they're fine. they roll around. it's good for them. >> jimmy: very, very protective. that's good. do you need baby monitors or give them a phone nowadays? call me if there is any trouble at all. if you feel like crying -- >> she's really independent. not crying. >> jimmy: you are about to go on publicity tour, where are you going? >> going to london, paris, new york. we are doing this crazy 24-hour
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premiere in 24 hours in three different countries. this is tom cruise's idea, of course. not something i came up with. not something i would think to do. >> jimmy: not something anybody would do. you have to do it with the baby now? >> actually. i think she might go back. three countries, 24 hours. she'll lose her mind. >> jimmy: will she go to london with you? >> she will come to london. my mom is excited. i am going over early so mum can have some time. >> jimmy: your mother, the first baby. >> first grandbaby. she is so excited. she is, i think more excited by the kit that you need. like the stuff. you know, she called, i have a bathtub with hammock. i have pampers, sensitive wipes, fancy feet that i borrowed from nicky. changing pads. changing covers, and a sterilizer you. know she is like, so excited. the whole thing. more of the stuff. i'm like hazel is also coming. >> jimmy: you can put her in all
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those things. that is very cute. what about the flight, nine, ten hours. >> 11 hours. >> jimmy: my goodness, what are you going to do? >> give her some sleeping pills. that's also what you do nowadays. yeah. all new tricks. yeah. >> jimmy: you just really have to hope it goes well, right? and hope that the people on the plane aren't jerks. that's the problem. that makes me mad. weren't you a baby once? >> i am going to use that line? >> jimmy: a good line to use. yeah, hopefully you won the have to. hopefully you get somebody nice. if strangers offer to hold the baby will you allow them to hold the baby? >> no. no. >> jimmy: aren't people cleaner on the plane, isn't it sterile or something? >> dirtier, all the recycled air. >> jimmy: right. don't let any body touch the
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baby. do people give you advice how to do things? >> i felt like i got more when i was pregnant. i feel look now, i had so much advice while i was pregnant. i remember going to this party. i walked in. and, no one said congratulations. everyone just said i was really pregnant at this point. who is your doctor, what is your birth plan, are you going to breast-feed? onslaught of questions? >> jimmy: you should have a birth plan. >> i have never done this. >> jimmy: that's why they're feasting on you. have people let up? >> people have let up. you do get sent books. i have so many books. >> jimmy: too many books. i feel look my parents didn't read any books. i feel like my mom show she didn't smoke, started smoking. while i was in there. just because it was like, the thing to do. >> the thing. martinis and a cigarette. >> jimmy: look how great i turned out. speaking of things turning out great.
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i saw your movie. it is fantastic. really great. we'll show a clip. called "the edge of tomorrow" and emily blunt is here with us. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ well, she is less than excellent. but nicole doesn't need to be a one woman it department. i don't? you really don't. luckily for nicole, and her dad, there is a place where he can get personalized instruction from someone who knows their stuff. the samsung experience shop, only at best buy. trade in a working smart phone and get up to a $200 best buy gift card toward the purchase of your samsung galaxy s 5. [ female announcer ] you never know what might come your way. a 24-speed bike with 7 gears you will never use.
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using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. that's why we reimagined the range using a tri-ring burner. from the lowest simmer to the hottest sear, perfection is yours... almost. ge. reimagining home. [cell phone chime]
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yeah! [giggling excitedly] [splashing water] c'mon! (announcer) ready for a little fun? you could scratch your way to instant winning. play the pennsylvania lottery's new instant game, $1,000 frenzy, with 8 top prizes of $300,000. it's kinda fun to make a splash. keep on scratchin'. >> all right. let's go again. left, left, left. keep your eyes open. again. again.
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again. again. wait. wait. i think i'm any okay. >> jimmy: that is emily blunt, tom cruise, "edge of tomorrow" what a good movie that is. it is going to be huge. >> i hope so. poor tom, poor tom just gets killed. [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: groundhog day. >> sci-fi alien war. >> jimmy: it was robot octopus monsters in it. you were physically fit and tough in the movie. >> did train. >> jimmy: because tom cruise does his own stunts. does that put pressure on you? >> you want to do your own, as well, so he is not the only one. >> jimmy: does he tell that beforehand. like before, when talking about doing the movie. you know. >> he did talk about it.
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and it's going to be hard, you know. i was like, you know. he was look you have to do your own stunts. i was look all right. i will do my own stunts. challenging shoot. >> jimmy: challenging, do you mean horrible. >> the suits. heavy armored suits. they weighed like, between 85 and 100 pounds. like his suit weighed 100 pounds. i think this movie must have been the hardest movie he has ever done. >> jimmy: really? >> i remember, there was a day in the trailer, a drop ship, get dropped out of. size of a sardine can, the set. we were boiling in these huge suit. camera equipment. camera guys. no space. people were crashing into each other. we are hanging in these harnesses with like the full weight of the 85 pound suit and body weight on your groin which is not fun. hanging there like this, between takes waiting for them to get ready and we're like, and i look at tom, and i can just see that,
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insatiable positivity, is starting to unravel. and it was just amazing. i looked. and he is like pouring sweat. i'm hanging there. and i just went "boy this really sucks." he looked at me and he went "it's a challenge." and i went, i said, "tom, it sucks." he went, all right, fine it sucks. i broke him. i broke him. >> jimmy: you broke his spirit. >> broke his spirit. >> jimmy: when you are in london with tom, your hometown, do you take him around to places? >> he came out with us a few times. >> jimmy: he did. did you break him there too? >> i did. it was the disgusting matt damon's birthday party. >> jimmy: 30 years with those parties. >> what a loser. so, john my husband wanted to do something kind of crazy for him. because he flew to london and spent his birthday with us. i don't know if you heard of the
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club called the box. >> jimmy: no. >> it's like a kind of burlesque stroke sex club. >> jimmy: what do you mean by stroke? >> i mean people aren't having sex. >> are they having strokes. >> a lot of people having strokes. >> a freak show. weird things that go on that are supposed to make you cringe. tom loves matt. tom want to come. earlier i think he thought it was going to be like a nice civilized thing. i e-mailed him. tom, change of plan, we're now going to go to this club called the box. i said just wanted you to know you may not feel comfortable with this it's kind of like a sex club. he wrote back and said
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[ bleep ]. he said just don't let me walk out of there alone. >> jimmy: wow. wow. >> he didn't. >> jimmy: the movie came out great. whatever you had to put tom through, whatever spirit you broke in him. >> poor tom. >> jimmy: the movie did come out great. called "edge of tomorrow" opens in theaters june 6. emily blunt, everybody. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] people all over the world know us, but they don't yet know we're a family. we're right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we're already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
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[casino sounds] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [dog bark] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [loud kiss smack] >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [party sounds] >> librarian: shh >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] [fly buzz] [hand clap] >> announcer: 888 the worlds leading online casino has arrived in new jersey. join now and get 50 free spins for the chance to win $1,000,000. every spin could win you $1,000,000. absolutely free. >> man: yeah [speaking excitedly] join now. must be 21 years old and in the state of new jersey to play real money.
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>> jimmy: our next guest started his hugely successful fashion business while he was still waiting tables at red lobster. now, he sits in judgment of other would-be entrepreneurs watch the season finale of "shark tank" friday night at 8:00 here on abc. please say hello to daymond john. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] boy this shark tank, i really enjoy. when they pitched this idea, i thought this is terrible. it is going to be gone in two weeks. yet it gets more and more popular. >> i thought it would be on two weeks as well. >> jimmy: you signed up for it anyway. >> i did. free trip to l.a. hang out. look at crappy companies. >> jimmy: the experience from
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being a successful businessman to a television star, how have you enjoyed senate. >> you know what, i enjoy it, it inspires people. the flip side of it is, i get pitched everything from everybody anywhere. >> jimmy: i bet you do. >> that is a problem. >> jimmy: everyone has an idea. >> everyone. >> jimmy: wherever they see you? >> wherever they see me. my old school teachers call me. and they pitch me ideas. and they go, i go weren't you the one that left be make in the 7th grade. they're look you are still holding on to that. it was a misunderstanding. >> jimmy: do you hear them out? >> i hear everybody and walk away. >> jimmy: has any body said something that you thought was pretty good. >> often times, besides black people everybody thinks all black people look the same. some times when people pitch me they think i am ashy larry from the chapelle show or celo.
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i'm ashley larry from chapelle they leave me alone. >> is it possible celo gets pitched things. >> didn't know if i need to buy lotion or learn to sing. either way. >> jimmy: neither would hurt, really. what is the worst of all of the pitches you have heard, what's the worst one? >> worst one on the show was the guy we wanted to put surgically implant blue tooth in your neck. >> exactly. then you had to plug your neck in, in the middle of the night. a rod that plugs your neck. and you had to get a surgery. >> jimmy: you did not invest. you were the pragmatic shark in the group, right? >> you know what, i grew up, poor. i came from the hood. everything in the house can be fixed with cinder block, vice
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grips or electrical tape, right. so when people come on the show and they want $2 million for this and that idea. i think about the everyday people at home who are going, i don't have a job, why would i give this person a million, $2 million for this crazy idea. so i am the guy that goes, this is just, just go work hard. come back with sales. then maybe i'll invest. >> when you started working at red lobster at that point did you think i want to go into the restaurant business or just a job for you? >> a job for me. i just thought maybe i could get a job in hotel restaurant management. i was a waiter at red lobster. the problem was this, i was at red lobster at the worst possible time when they introduced cheddar bay biscuits. i was a waiter. looking for tips. people would come in and have, four or five, baskets of biscuits, and bounce. leave no tip. i thought there had to be a better way. >> jimmy: do you go back to red lobster? >> once in a while. i eat the cheddar bay biscuits
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and do the same thing. >> jimmy: you do? when you started out. you started fubu, the clothing company. for us by us. and is this something that you would have pitched on the show like shark tank? >> i would have pitched it on shark tank. i think i probably wouldn't haven't made it past kathy. i would have came on said, i have a couple shirts. for advice. ki kids who love hip-hop by kids who love hip-hop. l.l. cool jay wears my clothes. i have ten t-shirts. >> jimmy: for two years -- >> two years i would put them on video. kevin o'leary, said why don't i put it on a t-shirt. and put it out there. every shirt i sell, $5 royalty. >> jimmy: he is not an us, by the way. >> for us by us does not include canadian white people.
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>> good thing, i may have gotten to deal with barbara. she can't count. you start out with the small t-shirts. i remember a story, l.l. cool jay, wore a fubu hat. in a gap commercial. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: he told me something about this. was that shug that you planned. >> you know the time. hip-hop was becoming popular. and i bleach the conversation, l.l. felt insulted when they called him, i want you to come in and rap and get people in the store. we thought rap was for african-americans. my daughter is 16 years old, white. and talking about fight the power and -- the police. maybe we want those people in the store. they asked l.l. to write the copy. >> jimmy: remember, a great commercial actually. >> it was.
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rapping fact. in the commercial he goes for us by us on the logo. they ended up spending $30 million airing a fubu ad. and fubu skyrocketed. it did. now, everybody at the gp and advertising agency. you know what they found ought a year later, they found out the demo they were trying to hit increased 300%. the kids thought they could get fubu in the gap. so they called us up. we gave each other a big sloppy wet kiss. and we reaired the add another $30 million. and fubu took off. >> jimmy: did they ever put fubu in the gap? >> no. they didn't love it that much. >> jimmy: congratulations on the success of the show. and season premier of "shark tank" airs friday night at 8:00 here on abc. we'll be right back with music from the birds of satan. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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>> jimmy: i'd like to thank emily blunt, daymond john, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first this is their self-titled, album making their network tv debut with the song "thanks for the line." the birds of satan. ♪ ♪ ♪ they can't disown you if they never owned you one more reminder that you'll never find her ♪ ♪ its always the same you're playing the game walk through
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the door just to hide ♪ ♪ you're goin nowhere thanks for the line another contender for you're never ender ♪ ♪ another decision with constant revision its all who you know its all just a show ♪ ♪ walk through the door just to hide your goin nowhere thanks for the line ♪ ♪ thanks for the line what you
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can't erase too much in this space falling all around you ♪ ♪ one more just about to where's the sacrifice and all that good advice trust the voice inside you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you walk through the door just to hide you're goin nowhere
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thanks for the ♪ ♪ you walk through the door just to hide you're goin nowhere thanks for the ♪ ♪ you walk through the door just to hide you're goin nowhere you're goin nowhere ♪ ♪ thanks for the line thanks for the line thanks for the line thanks for the line ♪ ♪ thanks for the line
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ i have nowhere to hide ♪ you can never let go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a necessary evil ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a necessary evil ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ all the time ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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tonight a special edition of "nightline." burned. arson squad under fire. they call them the best arson squad in america. two fires today already. >> with a fearless new leader and a canine secret weapon. there seems to be no stopping them. >> we have got to find the time again. >> until the questions started coming. tonight we are going into the fire, investigating the investigators. a report months in the making, examining both side. >> i was being framed for a crime that i didn't commit. >> did the arson squad accuse innocent people? >> it ruined my life. >> good morning, fire marshal. >> how will they respond when "nightline" turns of the heat? but


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