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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 9, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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face. >> oh, that was so adorable. my favorite story of the morning. >> g >> g good morning, america. breaking new details on the ambush in two uniformed police officers eating lunch. a married couple waiting to kill. they just wanted to get rid of as many as they can. their rampage moving to a nearby walmart. why they claimed it was the start of a revolution. new details about bowe bergdahl, the freed soldier saying he was tortured by the taliban kept in a cage after trying to escape. bergdahl still recovering but hasn't spoken to his parents yet. abc's brian ross in the middle east to track down the taliban swapped for bergdahl's free many do. diane sawyer is here with her exclusive no holds barred interview with hillary clinton.
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what she could have done differently in benghazi, making millions of aleving the white house and breaking her silence on monica lewinsky. >> no leg cramps tonight. >> lebron james bounces back. how do you like him now? he turns yoga into victory at the nba finals and how his secret at one magical movie got the spell on the spurs. >> and good morning, america. what a night for lebron james and angelina jolie is the answer. >> apparently he went the night before. a little yoga the morning of, but that's the way you answer your critic. >> whatever it was gash. >> dropping 35. >> tree pose and disney. >> it works every time. >> i could have told him that. >> more on that later. we have a lot to get to beginning with that deadly
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rampage in las vegas. we're learning more this morning about the killers. the couple reportedly had extremist anti-government views and they were out to kill cops. abc's ryan owens is in las vegas and has the latest for us. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. behind me is the shopping center where this all happened. police say this young couple came here hunting for police officers to kill and they found them. >> we have two officers down, we're performing cpr on both of them at this time. >> reporter: police say a man and a woman are responsible for so much bloodshed in this las vegas shopping center. officers haven't identified the cop killers by name but overnight police and the fbi searched a nearby apartment complex where neighbor s say a couple were well known as militant and talked about their plan to murder police. >> they were going to kill as many officers that they can and
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do away with themselves and that -- because they actually told us they didn't believe in the government, the feds or cops and just wanted to get rid of as many as they can. >> reporter: neighbors say they were white speupremacists and ty report they found swastikas in the apartment. at 11:22 sunday morning the couple walked into this pizza restaurant and made good on their threats. ambushing two officers on lunch break. 41-year-old alyn beck and 31-year-old igor soldo were killed. the review journal also reports the killers draped the officers' body with cloth showing a revolutionary war era flag. >> just told me to tell the cops that it was a revolution and he had just killed two cops inside cici's. >> reporter: they weren't done. five minutes later at 11:27 more shots fired inside this walmart. witnesses say the gunman yelled "everybody get out" but not before one of them killed a third victim, a woman, just
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inside the front door. the duo then exchanged gunfire with police before retreating to the back of the store. there they carried out a reported suicide pact. the woman shooting her partner and then herself. the two officers who were murdered are husbands and fathers. one of them has three children. the other, a newborn baby. george? >> oh, that is so sad. okay, ryan. thank you. we turn to the brazen terror attack on the biggest airport in pakistan. the taliban contemplating responsibility this morning for an assault that has left more than two dozen dead. abc's muhammad lila has the details from pakistan. >> reporter: this is karachi this morning. pakistan's biggest city, its airport in flames. the attack lasted five hours with gunfire and explosions echoing through the night. it started just before midnight. at least ten militants all wearing police uniforms stormed
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into the private vip terminal at jinnah international airport. these were some of the weapons, machine guns, suicide vests and grenade launchers. in all, over two dozen people were killed including the ten militants who made it dangerously close to the runway where several planes were parked overnight. karachi doesn't have any flights to or from any american cities, but some of the world's biggest airlines do fly here. the attack putting the airport in full lockdown, smoke from the explosions towering into the sky and the army moving across the runway. some planes filled with passengers were stranded for hours on the tarmac unable to take off because all air traffic was closed. one passenger tweeting "heavy firing started again, full panic on board" and later "the fear of death, what i and hundreds of other people have experienced." the taliban are claiming responsibility for this attack saying that this was revenge for
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a u.s. drone strike that killinged one of their leaders last year. in response every major airport in this country is now under high alert and a very concerning thing about this is that it took so few people to breach security in a place that should have been so well guarded. george? robin. >> that is very concerning, thank you. new details on bowe bergdahl, the freed american soldier telling those treating him in germany he was tortured by the taliban. bergdahl is also not speaking to his parents just yet and abc's brian ross is in qatar where he went looking for the five taliban swapped for bergdahl's freedom. brian. >> reporter: good morning, robin. while the merits of the deal are being hotly debated the men released from captivity because of it on both sides are facing decidedly different receptions. the five taliban leaders greeted as heroes amidst luxury here in
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qatar. while sergeant bergdahl is undergoing a much harder transition at a u.s. military hospital in germany. this morning, an official tells abc news sergeant bergdahl is now describing cruel mistreatment while in the hands of the taliban being kept in a cage in the dark for weeks at a time after he tried to escape. he is reported to be doing well physically but according to a senior u.s. official he is still not pen tally prepared to talk with his mother and father, bob, who according to people who saw him this weekend has now shaved him waeld.ekend has now shaved it's a much different story for the five freed taliban leaders. now free in doha, the capital of qatar allowed to travel wherever they want in this place of conspicuous wealth and opulence. the government will provide the men and their extended families their own villas as they have already done for the taliban with this headquarters compound in one of the city's most
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the government has told the taliban not to talk with reporters and no one answered when we went to the door of their headquarters. hello. abc news. while the five taliban leaders have been kept hidden from public view since their arrival one week ago, congressional critics worry there are no restrictions on their communications with other taliban leaders. >> it allows them to prepare for what's next. that's going to be joining the fight. >> reporter: but secretary of state john kerry told cnn the five taliban would face grave consequences if they rejoined the fight. > don't think anybody should doubt the cacit of the united americans. >> reporter: the 4-year-old emir who rules this country has promised u.s. his government will close eye on the promised u.s. his government will close eye on the five leaders ty here. report on te highly
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crcalof qatar and its monitoring terror fund-raisers, raisin questions out this countr can questions george. >> it is going to be a difficult out tomorrow. diane sawyer airs tonight and, diane, right to it. you pushed her hard on the benghazi attacks that cost four american lives. >> is there anything you personally should have been doing to make it safer in benghazi? >> what i did was give very direct instructions that the people who have the expertise and experience in security -- >> but personally you -- >> that is personal, though, diane. i am not -- i'm not equipped to sit and look at blueprints to determine where the blast walls need to be or where the reinforcements need to be. that's why we hire people who have that expertise. >> i wonder if people are looking tore a sentence that begins from you, i should have.
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i should have. >> and you are going to hear what she said to that tonight. so many questions on benghazi because we know a lot of people think it's a central question of leadership if she runs for president and of course we go back and forth on really you think, really think she hasn't decided yet coming up tonight. does she want to leave this life of advocacy for girls and at the same time the privileges she sheds of doing her own schedule which includes so many speeches and i think a lot of people have focused on the fact that she and president clinton are making a lot of money. >> it has been reported you've made 5 million making speeches. the president's made more than $100 million. >> well, if you -- you have no reason to remember, but we came out of 9 white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for
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houses, for chelsea's education, you know, it was not easy. bill has worked really hard and it's been amazing to me. he's worked very hard, first of all, we had to pay off all our debts which, you know, you had to make double the money and pay off the debt and get us houses and take care of family members. >> but do you think americans will understand five types the median income in this country for one speech? >> well, let me put it this way, i thought making speeches for money was a much better thing than getting connected with any one group or company as so many people who leave public life do. >> and she does make a lot of speeches for free, of course, to the group she cares about so much. but tonight, george, we will talk about everything. everything. we're going to talk about the marriage. we'll talk about monica lewinsky. we'll talk about age and i'm going to take you around her home, this home that she says is
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really a new sanctuary for her for the first time in 20 years as she lives her private life so it's all coming up and we have some laughs about dealing with hair in the public life. >> perennial problem. >> yeah. >> a lot coming up. we'll see a lot on "world news" and much more at 9:00 eastern. thank you. hillary clinton w be here li wit robin tomor right harris in for amy. the important's other top story. >> re looking forwa the important's other top story. ds people to evacuate. dane right now with the hot windy w pusing flames ten square miles. one couple look at this was forced to move their wedding at one couple look at this was forced to move their wedding at didsee right there the flames were creeping up. they managed to snap a couple of rather dramatic pictures before quickly relocating their party. millions of americans struggling to pay off their
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stud loans could be getting some relief today. ce that he is expanding a progam t caps student loan payments at 10% of a borrower's monthly income. he es not need approval from bu the president is as with large debts to be able to refinance their loans. new frustration this morning in the search for that missing malaysia airlines flight 370. investigators admit now they may have to start looking in an entirely different area of the indian ocean because of new theories about the plane's speed and direction. victims' families are taking matters into their own hands and tr $5 million so thean offer a reward for informati the plane's fate. the manhunt for those three inmates who pulled of daring helicopter escape from in country. now expanded into - th to be connected country. now expanded into - th to be connected jumped on to a green chopper
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that landed right in the prison courtyard then took off all in a matter of seconds this. actuall the second time in escaped by helicopter last seen flying west. this morning, lebron james is revealing some secrets this morning, lebron james is revealing some secrets mi rig for gam two of the performance in game one which he had to leave early because of leg cramps he came roaring back last night leading them to victory. how did he do it? first he says he sneaked out to movie, "maleficent," the night before the game all by himself. no friends, no security which is appare very rare and then sunday morn he got up early and to yoga class at his hotel along with two complete strangers who must have been yoga may not be the only alternative training technique he employs. which he is beli to be meditating on the bench which gives me an enormous amount of comfort. rge i, neither of whom
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bask a lot of very good reasons, we share something in common with lebron james. meditation. love that scene in the yoga room when lebron walks -- hey, how's it going this morning. >> apparently it worked. he was a different man. withon james. >> one thing. one. >> he's 10% happier today. > well, maybe. i'll send him a copy. after california chrome's fairy tale r came to an end. his owner outraged and ranting about the sports rules after he hs falling short of the triple crown. lindsay czarniak has the latest. >> a wild weekend of emotion that saw heartache turn to drama. his trainer art sherman told me chrome gets to rest before he gets ready to race again this fall and he gets to do something that we're really not used to seeing him do, be a regular horse. >> it won't be a triple crown
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this year. >> reporter: this morning the triple crown favorite california chrome is recovering back home with a bandaged right foot after slicing it during saturday's belmont stakes. >> they're off in the belmont stakes. >> reporter: the injury is sidebar to the disappointment that played out when chrome failed to win the triple crown tying for fourth place. >> -- has won the belmont stakes. >> it shifted from the horse to his bombastic owner. >> it's not fair to these organizations. >> reporter: steve coburn enraged at being beaten a horse that only ran this one to his three. >> it's all or nothing because this is not fa to these horses that have running their for the people that believe in them to have somebody come up -- this is a wow coward's way off. >> brushing off his wife, his comments sparking a waif of backlash. >> sore loser rant.
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>> social media lit up with the #soreloser. >> could have been gracious about it. that's the rules. they didn't break any rules. >> reporter: many including chrome's trainer expected an apology but instead coburn doubled down for now. >> hell no, i do not regret it one bit. >> california chrome is fourth. >> i don't regret a damn thing i said because it is. you know, a triple crown means three. if you go to baskin-robbins and ask for a triple scoop and get one you'll be upset about that. >> reporter: only three of this some show up at the ree of this one you'll be upset about that. some show up at the ree of this >> but the truth is that's how it's always been done and that, guy, is one reason the triple crown is so hard to accomplish. isn't happto be dragged into >> i mean, he had a lot worse comments, yes, absolutely and everyone was like, stop while you're ahead.
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>> steve coburn will be here live with his wife later on this morning and maybe changing his tune from what he told you yesteay "good morning amerca."1o p>> to say a rocky thank you very much. now we turn to the tonys. a blockbuster high energy celebration of broadway's best. it was also a very big night for two of our favorites, hugh jackman nd neil patrick ha ♪ >> hey, man. >> hey, you. >> good to see you. >> doing that bouncing bit. >> yeah. ♪ sweetest taste i've known oh yeah if you got some sugar bring it home ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> bringing it again of course he won for his performance in "hedwig and the angry inch." >> quite a night. now to severe weather in the forecast. happy to welcome in meteorologist cecily tynan. you're in for our honor mooning ginger zee. >> and thinking she's probably
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not watching this morning. >> i think not. >> it's okay. >> thank you. nice to be here. i wish i had nicer weather to talk about. we have severe weather. 30 million people in the path of a severe weather. we're talking about the risk for isolated tornado, hail and high winds all the way from texas into tennessee. your local forecast coming up in 30 seconds, first the select cities. >> reporter: hi, everyone, david murphy here with an update from accuweather. cecily is looking good in
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new york. we have rain moving toward the northeast and getting into trenton and bucks county. elsewhere it's lighter precipitation through south jersey. be careful if you're out there on the roads. we have cloudy skies and temperatures in the 60s in most neighborhoods. the temperature high of 82 warm and humid. another round of showers and thunderstorms possible >> more from cecily coming up. new details about tracy morgan's critical condition. also "gma" investigates. would your kitchen pass a restaurant inspection? but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days
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>> good morning, everyone i'm matt o'donnell. 7:26 on this monday, june 9. got some rain out there and troubles on transit, let's go to karen rogers. >> reporter: all kinds of problems with the wet weather. norristown manayunk line is
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suspended, someone was struck by the train at east falls. 15 minute delays with the trenton line because of signal problems. 42 northbound you're jammed. a lot of extra shore traffic and northbound at 295 we have an accident blocking the two right lanes. in fact a 53 minute ride that's huge from the ac expressway to the walt whitman bridge, matt. >> live picture, ben franklin bridge delaware river, we've got some rain out there setting up to are a rainy week. david murphy here you are with the accuweather forecast. >> reporter: got the umbrella back up, now, matt, we have light sprinkle activity on the terrace right now. as we look at storm tracker 6 live double scan most of the steadier rain is moving to the north an east of philadelphia. those in trenton and southern bucks county are getting the worst of it resign. it won't be that much longer maybe an hour or so before we see it push away from the region.
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67 degrees and muggy. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, high of 82. warm and humid, clouds and sun, later in the afternoon and evening more showers and thunderstorms are possible. in this humid air mass there could drenching downpours mixed in. the same story tomorrow, warm and humid, drenching showers and thunderstorms, sticky and bumpy through friday, matt. >> we return to "good morning america" featuring our own cesily tynan doing the weather for ginger zee. tell cecily how she is doing on
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♪ in the house tonight >> ooh. blocked there but jimmy kimmel's winning streak continues. there he is against da mark cause cousin, a little one-on-one. damarcus did have to play a bass throughout the whole game which might have helped just a little bit. >> jimmy having someone ride a tricycle against him. >> two in a row. >> a victory is a victory. all to get everybody set for the nba finals that's all square at one game apiece. also ahead, the latest on tracy morgan. the comedian still in critical condition. the driver who caused the deadly accident heading to court this morning. then "gma" investigates. will your kitchen pass the same high grade inspections as a
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restaurant? what you need to know this morning about health violations in your home and if your breakfast is safe? we have a new miss usa. she was crowned the surprising talent that helped her knock out the competition. we will get you that in just a little bit. >> knocked out is the key word right there. but first we are going to bring you up to date on comedian tracy morgan. still in critical condition this morning fighting for his life in a new jersey hospital. the trucker who caused the deadly crash is expected in court later this morning. and abc's gio benitez is outside the hospital in new brunswick, new jersey. good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning, robin. right now police are telling abc news that the preliminary belief is that trucker dozed off right before the crash. kevin roper, the man who police say slammed a walmart big rig into tracy morgan's limo is set
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to meet a judge today for the first time after that horrific middle of the night crash saturday morning on the new jersey turnpike. morgan and three others are still in critical condition right now. the comedian recovering from a broken leg, people you are, nose and several ribs. his rep telling abc news the "30 rock" star is more responsive. morgan's driver recounting the frightening moments. >> felt like an explosion. i just remember the impact and the vehicle going by, seeing a little bit of the walmart truck by go. we didn't know which way was up, which way was down. >> reporter: the limo driver kicking the window out to get help. >> i climbed around heard tracy screaming for help but couldn't reach him and pull him. >> reporter: 35-year-old roper rammed this into their limo. on their way back to new york from a stand-up comedy show in delaware. sor
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sources say it swerved but hit it causing it to lose control, slam into other cars and overturn. his longtime writing partner james mcnair died at the scene. roper turned himself in after the crash charged with one count of death by auto and four counts of assault by auto. walmart has placed him on administrative leave and promised to take full responsibility if the accident was, indeed, caused by their company's driver. and morgan right now still in critical condition as we said. we're also told he had surgery on his leg sunday but he could be here for several weeks. robin, george. >> all right, gio, thank you. prayers going out to all. we turn to the latest on that 12-year-old who survived a brutal stabbing at the hands of friends who lured her into the woods to fulfill an internet fantasy. she's out of the hospital and ryan smith has new details about the spirit that helped her survive.
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>> amazing story. just over a week since the 12-year-old girl was stabbed repeatedly by her two friends. she's at home even went shoe shopping with her mom while her community shows her support. >> she's amazing. she's gotten through something that most people wouldn't get through. >> reporter: this morning, a community rallying aroune of at home trying find a new normal after endure ago at home trying find a new normal after endure ago unspeakable crime. she loves french class. she loves animals and she's a typical 12-year-old. she likes to do what every 12-year-old likes to do. go see s and go shopping with her mom and she likes to just have fun. >> reporter: and while she recovers, a much darker picture emerging of her two alleged attackers, morgan geyser and anissa wire. according to the complaint the seeds of their plan planted in october when they visited this
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website and learned of the internet legend of slender man and told police we have to kill to prove ourselves worthy to the slender. they began code words, cracker meant knife. after the killing, geyser told police "it was weird that i didn't feel remorse." now waukesha fighting that and a baseball game thrown in her honor and in order to meet legal expenses they launched hearts for healing raising $40,000 so far for a girl they describe as funky, suborn and most importantly a fighter. >> she is very happy to be back at home and she's looking forward to continuing this progress of healing with -- with her family here by her side with her brother by her side and of course with her pets there by her side too. >> reporter: the next court date for the two accused is this wednesday. the victim tips her recovery at home and watching "full house" with her beloved pets by her side. >> that's one way.
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time now for the weather. ginger zee on her honeymoon but great to welcome cecily tynan from our philadelphia station. >> even though it's a rainy morning. we had a night weekend. live to a weather shot at my hometown of philadelphia, the beautiful city of philadelphia, the weather a little bit ugly, though, and this system bringing the rain will continue to push to the east and cooling off temperatures gem in the 70s after a weekend of temperatures in the 80s. in the meantime, the desert sout. >> reporter: thank you, cecily, david murphy on the terrace. we're starting to dry out here, some showers moving through the northeast portion of the region. today's high, 82. warm and humid, more showers and >> this weather report brought to you by by progressive.
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>> always got to show love to your hometown. >> philly love. >> when you said philadelphia cream cheese. >> every chance i'll say philadelphia. coming up, "gma" investigates would your kitchen pass the same high grade inspection as a restaurant? what's being revealed about health violations in your own home. new details about the stalker caught at sandra bullock's home while the superstar was sleeping. options to choose from. you a rf huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive.
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they put the hash browns on the inside? who needs a one-handed breakfast! have you tried one of these things! [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here. the new a.m. crunchwrap. eggs, bacon, cheese, and a hash brown inside.
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eggs, bacon, cheese, this father's day, let's turn our hero into a superhero. let's give him the power. consult with his sidekick, and equip him with all the super toys he needs. all on a mild mannered budget so he can spend some quality time back in his lair. then, come out strong and save the day. let's do this.
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more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. ryobi impact driver, drill, batteries, charger & case just $99 bucks. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. ♪ we're back at 7:40 with
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"gma" investigates and on the agenda this morning, your kitchen. how clean is it really? we had a professional health inspector and our own dr. richard besser visit a few home kitchens to find out and the answers might surprise you. ♪ >> reporter: in new york, it's easy as a, b, c. every health food violation gets you points. 13 points or lower an a. 14 to 27 a "b" and 28 points and above is the scarlet letter of dining out "a c." i'm in new jersey to find out are america's kitchens up to the same standard? >> violate you for this one. >> reporter: "gma" investigates teamed up with kervyn mark. we came up with a "gma" home kitchen inspection sheet to score violations based on new york city's point system and then started knocking on doors. >> no, thank you. >> i'm with abc news -- >> come on in.
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>> wanda says she keeps her refrigerate irpacked to feed her four young children. >> is it cold enough? >> important to have a thermometer in the refrigerate story make sure it's working. 41 degrees or less. >> okay. >> check the rice. >> right now we're at 45. >> 45 so that would be a violation. >> lots of food. you want it colder. >> yes. >> reporter: that's not the only temperature she needs to worry about. >> you have a meat thermometer. >> you want to make sure that's cooked to the proper minimum temperature. >> oh. you can drop into the food and cause contamination. >> we also checked under her sink. no signs of mice, but -- >> little bits of food, not only feeding your family -- >> with a few other violations wanda's final total, 40 points. >> i have to give you a "c" grade. >> around the corner, christian's kitchen which
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appears spotless. >> nice clean sponge. all the chemicals are stored away from the food and vents are clean. >> look a little closer. >> this expired milk will cost a few points. >> has a funny smell to it -- >> that and other issues gave him a "b." >> beautiful kitchen. over at jennifer's kitchen. >> wow, nice. >> separate cutting boards. no cross contamination. >> this one is for fish -- >> vegetables. >> and this is for poultry. >> but the mom of three was shocked to find she's violated a major rule about leaving dinner out on the stove. >> i try and have dipper ready at like 5:00 but i'll let it sit out on the testify until 8:30. >> wow! >> you can't put it back in the refrigerator. it accumulates -- >> all i'm thinking of it's made with cheese -- >> lucky for her that seven-point violation wasn't on our list. >> i want to show you something.
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>> look inside her dishwasher. that's mildew. >> is that making my dishes dirty. >> no, but it can contaminate if not treated properly. >> a couple of other violations gave her 12 points. just squeaking by keeping an "a." >> i got an "a." >> overall these home kitchens were making the grade? that's awesome. >> violations -- >> that's expired. >> like expired food or not having a meat thermometer could be easily fixed in an afternoon. >> wanda the woman who got a "c" is on the case. >> that's what i'm going to do as soon as you leave. >> fantastic. >> now, one other violation we saw in several of the homes was deeply depthed cans and there are a couple of concerns here. one is with botulism. it can damage the seam and lets bacteria in. the other concern is with the can lining, with the deep depth some of the lining could flake off int our food. so but you don't need to throw
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aw the can, take them back to y >> you should get a discount when -- that -- sometimes they sell them like that when it's depthed. it's smaller than your finger, it's fine but a deep doupts -- >> don't take the riso >> all right.letcont. find the perfect person for yosf online and why dating sites may not be the answer. >> ooh. day all week long. le' ta a look at sara haines about to give one lucky father the big daddy of all surprises and check in with her in a little bit. >> we can't wait for that. a new miss usa crowned last night. why she's a knockout in more ways than one. we'll explain. we'll explain. come on back. ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> all right, congratulations.
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♪ it was a buzzi night on social media. the nba finals and tonys were spectacular and there was another big event, miss usa. that was something. >> i slept through all of it but come with me to the skoernl. the woman who won, so much chatter about the unique woman, nia sanchez from las vegas, nevada. there she is. check out the big moment when she won. i think we got some pictures. >> nevada. a few facts about your new miss usa as a child she and her mom lived for awhile in a women's shelter. afterwards she learned tae kwon do and she's now a black belt. in fact, she says given the high rate of college sexual assaults
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all young women should learn self-defense. remarkable young woman but there is another contestant who truly had twitter burping up. she's miss indiana and a lot of commenters seemed to appreciate her full i physique and tweets including one we have that says i love how miss indiana isn't crazy skinny. and there were a lot of others in that vein. this one says dear miss indiana thank you for looking like an average woman. i have to say, though, she is not -- she's -- that means she's pretty skinny if that's average, yeah. >> nothing average. nope. yeah, it was -- i caught a little bit of it. wow. and miss nevada, cool as a cucumber. >> yeah, very excited for her. exactly. coming up kicking off an entire week for fathers, the big daddy of all surprises coming up live. >> it's going to be fun.
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>> father's day is coming up. got to show some love to daddy. you'll see. i had this chronic, deep ache all over. it just wouldn't go away. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain.
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lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can plan my days and accomplish more. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i'm feeling better. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today.
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then i found lyrica. (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! running here. running there. running into things. running out of things. making runs. running out of more things. making more runs. running to. running from. running around in circles. sometimes you like running. but wouldn't it be nice if you didn't always have to? introducing target subscriptions. free scheduled delivery of your favorite essentials. now running out no longer requires running out. hurry in and try our new santa fe chicken quesadillas or the delicious bacon ranch. served with fries and your choice of soup or salad. chili's lunch combos starting at 6 bucks.
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co: until you're sure you need a hotel room bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. i don't need it right now. bentaste-free andr, dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. frozen arnold palmer. it's the coldest arnold palmer around. what you got there? frozen arnold palmer. i think you got me beat. introducing dunkin's new frozen arnold palmer coolatta. get any small coolatta for just $1.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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grilled chicken flatbread from dunkin'? take notes, people! it's delicious! grilled chicken is now at dunkin'. try the delicious new grilled chicken flatbread with ancho chipotle sauce today. america runs on dunkin'. still ahead on "gma," the man who sit down for a month. was it good or bad for his health. we'll reveal the results coming up on "gma."
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>> new video on "action news" where firefighters put out a blaze at a building under construction in chester county. a smoky blaze broke out at 6:00 a.m. firefighters had the flames under control in 20 minutes. 7:56 matt o'donnell, karen rogers is joining us with a look at the roads. >> reporter: manayunk norristown line was suspended because someone was struck by a train. we have signal problems, trenton
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line it's so taking longer. it's an hour ride from the ac expressway from the walt whitman bridge. hue delays. in part because it's monday and people are down shore. we have an accident at 42 blocking two right lanes. they are in the process of clearing that right now. we're looking at fort washington, 309 appear accident northbound right here. matt. >> thank you very much. let's go to david murphy who has a rainy accuweather forecast. i do, knee jerk reaction grabbed the umbrella, but the rain is dieing down in philadelphia. you can see how there are pretty decent showers pushing way from at this time and probably inundating parts of northeast philadelphia and southern bucks county and up through trenton. a few lighter showers lingering in south jersey. all this is in the process of clearing. 68 degrees in the city feeling muggy. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast we're going for a high of 82 this afternoon,
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warm and humid, clouds and sunny breaks. during the afternoon and evening showers and drenching thunderstorms are possible at least in some aerials. unsettled -- in some aerials. unsettled tomorrow high in the mid 80s. >> let's head back [ joel ] i'm billy joel, and new york is my home.
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there's no place like it in the world. my favorite place is long island. it's an endless beach, from long beach, to montauk, to long island sound. with incredible fishing, teddy roosevelt's home, and the first port in the u.s. come discover your favorite part of new york. ♪ i'm in a new york state of mind ♪ plan your summer vacation at there's something for everyone.
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♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and you're going to want to stand for this. is sitting really harmful to your health? the man who put it to the test. ♪ and a perfect fit. no more returns, the new service that could revolutionize how you shop and you don't even have to try before you buy. and hollywood's newest superstar sneaks in to see her own movie. how shale lean woodley fool her fans at the "the fault in our stars" this weekend. hangover. >> the most unlikely duet. psy and snoop dogg burning up youtube overnight. wait till you hear who is really behind it as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. >> yay!
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>> a whole bunch of kis under 14 are right there. they are there for midnight red, the hot new boy band. check them outside getting mobbed by fans who were here so, so, so early. they're going to perform their new hit coming up. if you haven't heard of them yet, you will. >> oh, yeah. >> so right now people like midnight red, midnight red, trust me, especially if you're -- you are your younger kid comes home from school just say midnight red. >> how did you read there. >> i'm not going to read yours. also ahead, we are celebrating father's day all week long. hey, george would say there's sara haines live with the new york jets cheerleader about to give one very deserving dad a big surprise kicking off our big daddy of all surprises this
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week. >> big surprise, indeed. cheerleaders. plus, this story is trending big overnight. looking for love online. why you may be doing it all wrong. the best way to find your perfect match. why dating sites may not be the answer. dan harris in for amy. let's get some news. we start with the details about the two police officers gunned down. they shot the two officers as the men were eating lunch and killed a woman at a nearby walmart. police say the wife then fatally shot her husband before taking her own life. the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack on the pakistan airport. they stormed a terminal at the karachi airport opening fire with a machine gun and a rocket launcher. more than two dozen injured. also happening right now,
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riot police firing tear gas at crowds of protesters in brazil days before the world cup kicks off. subway workers are on strike demanding higher pay joining other protesters furious over the costs of hosting this tournament. new concern about the health of pope francis this morning after this weekend's historic prayer summit with the israeli and palestinian presidents. the vatican says the pope has been forced to cancel some of his meetings today because of fatigue. vatican watchers say the 77-year-old pope has been going nonstop and simply needs some rest. a suspected prowler at the home of actress sandra bullock is under arrest this morning charged with burglary. police in los angeles say they found the suspect in bowel lock's backyard possibly trying to break in around 6:30 in the morning on sunday. the actress was home but she was uninjured. and if you need a little
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inspiration to start your monday, take a look at this. check out 14-year-old high school wrestler hundi gandee. he gave his 7-year-old brother a 40-mile piggyback ride in michigan. young braden gandee has cerebral palsy and cannot walk on his own. before long a caravan of cars and others joined him. he did this to raise awareness on this disease and to inspire new research for a cure. incredible stuff. >> uh-huh. >> 40 miles. >> 40 miles. >> a michigan man. >> yes. >> that is lovely. thank you, dan? pleasure. "pop news" is coming up. let's get weather from meteorologist cecily tynan from our philadelphia station wpvi and, of course, she's in for ginger on her honeymoon. >> i am so impressed by the crowd standing out in the pouring rain. good morning from louisiana. i am, of course, looking for philly people. this beautiful lady, miss
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metropolitan 2014 julia ray but as you can see by her shirt you can take the girl out of philly but not the philly out of the girl. i owe her a $20 bill for that we need sunshine. let's head to the west coast. fog this morning will burn off first sun >> reporter: thanks, cecily, david murphy on the terrace. we're under clouds and there are showers around the region. they are in the process of moving toward new york city during the next hour or so. 82 degrees is the high, warm anticipate humid, clouds and sun, later today there could redeveloping of showers and drenching thunderstorms. tomorrow a shower or thunderstorm possible all over again, warm and humid, 83. 81 and humid again on wednesday. back to "g.m.a." and cesily. >> as can you see rain has not dampened the spirits outside
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here. lara. >> all right, cecily, thanks so much here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first in "pop news," how the star of the number one movie right now snuck in in disguise to check out out. she wanted to see how it was doing. and then the man who did not sit down for an entire month and the surprising results of that experiment. new ways to shop online so you can find the perfect fit the first time. no returns needed. all that and the daddy of all surprises coming up live on "good morning america" here in times square, sara haines has that. ♪ "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by nexium. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription.
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♪ is timeless. it's there for your first breath... and your second wind. love carries you through smiles... and tears. and never leaves your side. ♪ so neither... will we. ♪
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whoa! introducing the kohler touchless toilet. honey, check this out. what's up? the no-touch flush for your home. whoa! get yours today at the home depot. ♪
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♪ well, i wear my clothes like this because i can ♪ [ female announcer ] when it comes to softness, shapes and styles only kleenex brand has it all. find your style then flaunt it at mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [ bottle ] ensure®.
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thit's not the "limit yoursh hard earned cash back" card . it's not the "confused by rotating categories" card. it's the no-category-gaming, no-look-passing, clear-the-lane-i'm- going-up-strong, backboard-breaking, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every single day. i'll ask again... what's in your wallet? "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪
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♪ ♪ i can't stop this is all the rage right now. psy, do you remember psy. "gangnam." going viral. brand-new hit, "hangover." very unexpected collaboration with snoop dogg. >> ah. >> it was revealed last night on jimmy kimmel's game night special which is always -- that's been a hoot. it's already this -- this video racked up almost 4 million clicks. 4 million. >> see if it's going to go past a one height wonder. >> he's done it. >> and snoop dogg flew all the way to south korea to make the video saying he felt like he was starring in a martial arts movie. >> remember george did the dance? >> it was around my christmas tree. i think he just did it because i wasn't feeling well.
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>> we cued that video up? >> it has been destroyed. >> i see. hey, let's get "pop news," shall we? good morning, everybody. we begin with shale lean woodley and fooled fans sneaking into a showing of "the fault in our stars" wearing a curly brown wig. she would have pulled it off except her co-star joined her and exposed her real identity and shared this photo on instagram. >> yep. >> she had a great time and i dare say she had a hard time finding a seat at the film because it beat tom cruise's "edge of tomorrow" for top spot at the box office taking in over $48 million on its opening weekend and said it when she was here for that george clooney movie, she is so talented. >> both getting great reviews. >> congratulations. it was a beautiful weekend for a bike ride. a naked bike ride. >> how would you know that? >> i usually participate but
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this year i missed it. thousands of folks in portland, oregon, who decided to, well, let their gear hang out and pedal for the 11th annual world naked bike ride. this is a protest, a friendly one at that that promotes bike riding as an alternative to driving cars. the rides are actually held in more than 75 u.s. cities. but portland's is believed to be the largest with more than 8,000 naked riders. >> is that the best way to get the message out? >> well, we just covered it. >> jay, we covered it. >> wish they had. >> yes. >> well played. well played. oh. and then finally in more music news, sir mix-a-lot's "baby got back" is such a classic. it became class cal when he teamed up with the seattle sympathy. listen up. ♪ i like big butts and i cannot lie, you can't deny when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist ♪ >> the audience as you can see
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up on their feet. can you imagine, you go to the sympathy -- >> look at her go. >> that's twerking technically. >> no, not twerking. >> look at the sprinkler in there too. >> i don't know what that is. >> oh, look at her. the lady in the black dress, i mean -- >> can we get her on the show. >> first violinist. >> this is all part of the sonic evolution project which commissions new orchestra work inspired by seattle's music icons like the one and only sir mix-a-lot. >> we need her here. >> the lady in black go that's it. that's "pop news." >> great way to start the week. "the heat index." for audra mcdonald, became a broadway record setter scooping up the prize for best dramatic actress for playing billie holiday and topping angela la e lansbury and so many are talking about her emotional acceptance
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speech. listen to what she thanked her parents for. >> i wanted to thank my mom and my dad up in heaven for -- for disobeying the doctor's ors and not medicating their higheractive girl and finding out what she was into instead and pushing her into the theater. >> that's an important thing to remember right there. that's something. >> it really is. and her entire speech and there's just something about her. i know a lot know her from tv but you should go -- do yourself a favor and see this woman on broadway. incredible. incredible. >> and harnessing that energy into yet another performance. >> what she said about her parents. you know, there are a lot of people who believe in medicating their children and she was just a shout-out and saying, hey, that's not always the case. >> found out what she cared about.
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>> such an individual personal decision. a new study indicating more are turning to social networking sites like facebook and twitter when it comes to looking for love online. "the washington post" breaking down the research revealing that now more people are having success in social networks than traditional dating sites. according to the study nearly 21% discovered their spouses online and tied the knot between 2005 and 2012 met through social networking sites. >> do you think most people are using social networking sites to find a match or life or a match for the next couple of hows? >> for a moment. that's to be debated. >> speaking from -- not personal experience, just research gathered over the year. >> yeah. >> this was a legitimate study. it was authored by a university of kansas professor and found this number represents about the same amount of people who met offline through school. >> see.
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>> you have shared interests, shared passions. had happens. >> you reconnect with people from high school you might not otherwise have been able to if you moved away. yeah, i totally believe that. >> i love how your little mind works. >> he's working the sixth day this happens. >> i read an article -- have you heard of -- there's an app called tinder like tells you about people in your neighborhood. i don't think that's looking for a meaningful rela pto too tay of the tinder conversation. i -- >> is that that bad? we digress. burning up "the heat index" our own ginger zee. she found her match. photos that we are so happy. >> they did not -- >> they're trending all overline. ginger and her now husband ben tying the knot in an intimate affair in her home state of
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michigan. looks beautiful. we miss you. walking down the aisle she wore a pinin acha gown along the shof lake michigan. >> i love this one. >> after saying "i do." very small wedding, a55 guests dancing to her brother's band the outer vibe and called the night perfect. not surprisingly the weather was just perfect. >> i ran into them on the street and i was talking to ben, this was a couple of weeks ago asking how he's feeling. he said i'm anxious. i said, what are you anxious about. i just want to get married to this woman. i just want to have it over with. >> they are so beautiful. on their honeymoon and hopefully not watching this right now. please, no. >> yes. >> we wish them the very best. she'll be back soon. imagine not sitting down for a whole month. that's what the auth of an "new york" magazine said he did
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to improve his health. abc's bianna golodryga has the >> reporter: for most americans taking a seat makes up to 60% of her day. >> good morning. >> reporter: 15 hours of sitting at the who was commuting by car and watching a few hours of television on the couch. but are we sitting ourselves into an early grave? >> sitting all day is basically the worst thing that americans do every day. >> reporter: dan decided to kick his chair to the curb for an entire month and in the new issue of "new york" magazine he chronicles his experience. 30 days of eating meals, working at the office and even reading bedtime stories to his kids all while standing at attention. >> okay, so this idea came to you how? >> i have wanted for many years to find a way to sort of kick myself out of my rut of being a guy who just goes to work and sits down all day. >> reporter: gave yourself certain allowances.
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driving and bathroom, sleeping. >> sleeping. >> reporter: kois says the time on his feet helped his health and demeanor. muscle mass in my calves. i was insanely productive for that entire month and slept really well. >> reporter: he said there were some downsides. >> i was definitely a very grumpy ma i was call in constant chronic pain. rock star poses to relieve the prt an over the course of 30 days, kois walked more than 92 miles and took more than 8,000 steps per day for a total of more than 240,000 steps that month. full disclosure i purposely decided for the sake of good television, it would be entertaining to follow his daily routine at home, reading a book, riding the subway to work and even watching television in the comfort of being seated while asking him to stand. so it's changed your day-to-day behavior. >> i hope so.
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i mean i do stand a lot more. obviously standing up 18 hours a day is not the solution but having a more active lifestyle which i happily have been able to sort of shock myself into really did help. >> reporter: for "good morning america," bianna golodryga, abc >> we asked dr. richard besser to stick around and talk more b. indicates that sitting too much can take years off your life. >> i yeah, i mean this is really can take years off your life. re a l of studiesthis is really s s to people w more active and found prolonged sitting is linked to all kinds of althproblem. beioverweight, high blood disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer like colon, breast and cervical and back pain. >> what's the connection between somuc and cao-> well, it's pret inteing slows down so you'll put on weight but your insulin levels
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rise and your body isn't able to use it as well. that insulin can set you up for a pro of cancer. self is >> yeah yeah, that can promote cancer and what they found was exercising once a day doesn't undo the effect of that long standing?>> a a year ago i got standing and i changedm really. > y set it up so you're stdng you arms are at the right height ergonomically and monitor is at eye level. it is fantastic. >> that's a great way to go but ar way you can t way to go but get ten minutes of standing. >> what if you go to a job where you don't have a choice. hou when your phone rings stand have an occasional meeting standing up. the added benefit it will be shorter and the other thing, get up and walk around. you know, w ahe
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defhelp. undo some of that. i think that's a smart way to start. >> i don't feel so bad we make our audience stand. i felt bad about that. we're helping them. >> good for their health. >> i'll do this. another tip when you're throwing to the next story get up. >> there you go. also in "the heat index" buying clothes on line can be a time saver sure but sending them back because they don't fit, not so much. now abc's becky worley sizes up some new innovative technology that could change the way you ♪ >> reporter: you buy something online, it arrives, and according to retailers more than 30% of clothing bought on the internet is returned so now they're trying new technology to help us get the fit right. websites of like nordstrom, macy's and others use true fit. you create a profile telling it the brand and size of the
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clothes you already own and then when you're looking at other brands online it uses that fit information to help you pick the right size. >> i love these jeans. they fit me like a glove. but true fit says i should order one size bigger for two different brands that i'm looking at online. i order based on the true fit recommendations -- >> i think they're too big. >> reporter: next based on the size of my beloved cole haan size and sneakers they recommend a size 9 in the top siders. the verdict they fit perfectly so it helped on the shoes but not the pants. it's subjective and add like with pandora or netflix, the more a shopper uses it, the better it will get at relling shoes and clothes that fit and flatter and adapts as it learns more about personal preferences. true fit isn't the only company doing this. a totally separate company viewed true & co does it for bras, plus a cosmo quiz of sorts.
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where they are tight. how your girls hang top or bottom heavy. out to the edges or lopsided. >> of the five bras, four fit. not bad. and then levi's as hair curve i.d. that asks you to identify the shape of your hip, tummy and backside. am i slight curve or a demi curve? i don't know. i ipg with it and pick demi curve, the result -- >> i am pleasantly surprised. i guess i am a demi curve. so while the technology isn't perfect, new tools to get the right fit are worth trying on. for "good morning america," becky worley, oakland, california. >> looking good, becky. coming up we're celebrating father's day all week long. we have the big daddy of all surprises coming up live. >> and california chrome owner steve coburn, he's here, has a big message. maybe he's changing his un. >> yeah, yesterday he was unrepentant.
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>> 8:27 new video this morning of an accident along the rails. a pedestrian was killed after being struck by a train at indian queen lane in east falls. septa and police are on the scene. >> reporter: because of that accident we're having problems with mass transit. manayunk norristown line is suspended. amtrak signal problems experiencing signal delays. we see the flashing lights in the camera in center city this is the vine street expressway, westbound, disabled vehicle blocking the center lane at 23rd. this is creating a jam up westbound from i-95 to 23.
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in new castle, 495 is closed between terminal avenue and 12th. we're seeing extra delays on i-95 or use 295 in new jersey. >> lingering rain out there, david. >> reporter: let's show you on storm tracker 6 live double scan most of us this moved to the east and parts of south jersey and southern gloucester and burlington counties seeing some of this. those of you down by the shore seeing a sprinkle. steadier rain around trenton. 63 degrees, muggy, clouds. this afternoon, clouds and sun, 82. later in the afternoon after 2:00 we'll be on the look out for another round of spotty showers or drenching showers or thunderstorms in the humid air. tomorrow more showers and thunderstorms, matt, high of 83. still humid a little unsettled the rest of the workweek. >> back to "good morning america" and 6abc guest star
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cesily tynan who is filling in for the
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♪ don't keep me waiting ♪ take me home >> a whole lot of excitement for midnight red they'll play their new single coming up in just a little bit. over to robin with some special geoffs. >> i'm here with steve coburn co-owner of california chrome who expressed his anger very forcefully after his horse fell failed to win the belmont stakes and triple crown and his wife is here, as well. we'll talk to them in just a moment but we -- in case you didn't see it, this is what steve said. >> it's all or nothing. it's all or nothing. because this is not fair to these horses that have been running their guts out for these people and for the people that believe in hem to have somebody
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come up -- this is a coward's way out. >> oh, we can see you were there trying to get to him. steve, you were talking with dan on "good morning america" and he asked if you had any regrets to what you said. you emphatically said no, no regrets. how do you feel this morning, steve? >> very ashamed of myself. very ashamed. i need to apologize to a lot of people including my wife carolyn. first of all, i need to apologize to the winners, they run a beautiful race. their horse won the race, they deserve that. i did not even to take anything away from them. so i want to apologize to everybody associated with tonalist, his trainer, mr. clement. i sincerely apologize. i want to apologize to all the horse racing in the world.
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i want to apologize to my wife carolyn who literally stood behind me since we started this journey. i want to apologize to my partner perry martin and his family. >> people are going to say the reversal now -- i mean it's very good of you to own up and people were highly critical because it was such a wonderful story leading up to this giving people such hope. carolyn, what were you trying to tell your husband on saturday then? >> i'm going to be honest, i don't remember exactly what i said. i just know, you know, he was very emotional and i was trying to calm him down and remind him that he was speaking loudly, but exactly what i was saying i don't know but i know what i was trying to get across to him. >> and so having time to think about it and giving credit to
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tonalist was the victor. >> yes, he was. >> so what would you want to say especially to everyone that followed that horse and its owners? >> congratulations. you've got a fantastic horse and he deserved to win. he won the race fair and square. he deserved to win. >> and how is california chrome? we know that he was injured coming out of the gate. >> well, he made contact with another horse and he got stepped on really bad on his right front foot and tore some of the foot away. but he'll be all right. he'll be able to race, you know, again. it's going to take probably ten days to two weeks to heal him up. but, you know, and i need to apologize to art sherman and his family, our trainer and everybody that's been on this trail with us and i need to apologize to the world and america, our fans that have written us and given us so much support, i apologize. i sincerely apologize. >> we can see the emotion and
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you are an emotional man and, i know part of it as we were saying was such a great story and so many -- >> this is america's horse. i wanted so much for this horse to win the triple kraun for the people of america and i was a very -- i was very emotional. very emotional. >> did anything contribute to that emotion? was there celebrating going on beforehand as -- >> it's just emotions of the whole journey, all coming together at one time. >> well, this is a lesson for us still because everyone was just so enthralled with the story and part of it was that you were new to this and i know joking a little bit about the name d.a.p., you know, people who follow know what that stands for, and having the jackass as the logo, but having to learn.
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is that what you think this was also part of a learning process for you? >> yes, it is. it's a learning process for us and i'm going to do better. i'll promise you i'll do better. >> what do you want to say to your husband now? >> i am proud of him for coming up here and doing this and it was something that we needed to have done and i hope -- i hope people can see him the way he is because this -- that wasn't the way he normally is. he's a very compassionate man and if people could have seen behind the scenes the children he talked to, the children he embraced, the young lady in the wheelchair at the preakness and handed her a bouquet of black-eyed susan, a bill boy in kentucky that was mentally challenged that we're going to
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send a picture to and some of our hats, you know, people could see that part of him, they can forgive the other part that happened and i just -- you know, it's been this last year we've given so much joy, this horse and our journey and our story has given so much joy to so many people and i hope this 30 seconds isn't going to destroy all of that. >> california chrome will run again? >> yes, he's home. >> yes. >> he left yesterday -- no, sunday, sunday was yesterday at 11:30 he got there about 3:30 california time and he's doing good. >> all right. well, carolyn, steve, i know -- >> thank you so much -- >> it takes a lot to come -- >> thank you so much for having us back. i needed to do this. i needed to do it because i was wrong. >> well, very big of you. we appreciate that. still learning. all the best.
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>> thank you so much. >> all the best going forward. another check of the weather from sicily tynan in for ginger zee from wpvi. >> light rain in times square but i want to show you the severe weather threat today. it extends from west texas all the way into tennessee. we're looking at the threat of large hail damaging winds, even some isolated tornadoes and with that, heavy rain, flash flood watches or flood watches i. >> reporter: thank you, setly looking good in -- cecily, looking good in new york. lots of clouds on the terrace. we have showers this morning and clouds and sun, a warm high of 82. this afternoon and tonight there can more showers >> this report has been brought to you by angie's list. >> we want to take a break. that was some apology right
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there. >> quite an interview. >> absolutely. coming up surprise of a lifetime for one very deserving
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♪ i'm on top of the world yeah >> time to kick off our big daddy of all surprises week by celebrating one very deserving dad. after his best friend was killed on 9/11 he stepped in, raised
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his friend's children just like his own and today he's about to get a big thank you from both of his family, sara, we cannot wait for this. sara haines, tell us where you are. >> hi, george. right now we're number the bropgs at a firehouse and we're getting ready to surprise a very special man a longtime lieutenant in the fire department and right in here, has no idea we're here. excuse me, lieutenant mac, is there a lieutenant mac here? >> hi. how are you? i'm sara with "good morning america." >> hello. how are you? >> i'm going to take you on a little walk. live on television. look right in the camera and wave to your friends. it is live tv so we'll quick pop a mike on you. don't be nervous. >> i'm sure you're wondering why we're here. i wanted to tell you we are here not to honor you for the work here but at home as a dad. father's day is right around the
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corner. >> yes. >> we have been speaking with your kids. >> okay. >> who shared your beautiful story and we all fell in love with it at "good morning america." >> all right. thank you. >> you might want to get your kleenexes ready. ryona' watching toda and george stephanopoulos has >> vinny hall lohr ran and mac were the best of friends from the get-go. even into adulthood they shared everything, every holiday, every family function and almost every game played by the new york jets and joined the fire department together and on september 11th, vinny perished leaving behind his wife, marie, their five boys and a daughter on the way. larry stepped in. >> he helped keep everything together when we couldn't. >> he would take us to camp trips, he'd take us to hockey games. >> he had his own family through
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all of this and for a lot of people, just managing your own is a lot. >> reporter: larry has two children of his own. >> if i could describe him is the best dad ever. he's been so good to the hahall family. >> reporter: the hallorans say they never will forget what he did. >> i love him. his smile is contagious and you just can't help be happy whenever you're around him. i used to call him uncle larry when i'm younger and i didn't even know if he was or wasn't my uncle. >> he himself is the gift and he's given that to my family and to so many other people. >> he never had to do all of those things he did. >> and the kids might not say it and i might not say it but he's important to us and he's a great example for his children. he's a great example for my children. we're better for knowing him and having him in our lives. >> reporter: this morning --
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>> surprise. >> you're the best father ever. >> we honor the memory of one father. >> thank you, larry. happy father's day. >> and the gift of another. >> we love you, larry. >> ah, thank you. >> you've impacted so many lives. how do you feel watching that? >> just blown away. house meeting or nonsense and jimmy is my delegate and i didn't expect anything like this and i love those kids like my own. >> we've got some more surprises for you. i understand that as much as your family is your passion, you're also a big football fan, right? >> yes. >> is it the jets? >> yes, it is the jets. >> good, because that saves everything i'll bring to you right now. the best way to celebrate you is with a tailgate, the ultimate tailgate and we brought all these lovely people, your kid, the halloran kids. come on in here. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> love you. >> i love you. >> all: larry, larry, larry. larry. >> thank you. thank you. >> all: larry, larry. >> thanks a lot. >> a couple more surprises, though. so, larry, before we go, we had one person -- we had someone that wasn't here but wanted to send you a very special message. okay. so we'll have you take a look right over here. >> okay. >> hey, lieutenant mac, joe namath here and good morning america, folks, aha, lieutenant, i want to thank you for your years of service to our beloved city of new york. i know you spent many a football sunday with the kids and make sure they were wearing the green and white, okay? i also know you are a wonderful father and a great role model. so, man, from one dad to another, i want to wish you an early happy father's day and go,
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jets! >> joe! ♪ >> well, we have another new york jet here, former wide receiv receiver, wayne -- >> oh. >> come on in. >> oh. >> oh. >> oh, my. >> we were so impressed with your dedication to your family, best friend's family, the fire department here, we wanted to give you an early father's day gift and have you, your kids, the halloran family come to the september 22nd game against the bears and stay in one of our luxury suites. >> beautiful, beautiful. i'll be honored. >> when you get a chance come out to the jets training facility and we'll have nick show you around. >> beautiful. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. thank you. >> okay. so right over here. in this chair. we're going to have him sit the way you should at a tailgate party and thank dinah shore barbecue for the amazing food and up in the bronx we'll send it back to you in the studio. >> awesome. >> that was great. what a big finale he's getting there. >> oh, look at him. >> coming up here midred is going to perform. >> well done. if hard to top that. that is amazing. that is absolutely amazing. ♪ feels like the end♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪there's no place to go you know i won't give in♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪no, i won't give in ♪keep holding on
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♪ hey yeah crash a party like we don't care ♪ ♪ we rock the party we got it locked down call up all your friends so we can take this down ♪ ♪ chip me go all out hit it like a leader ♪ ♪ tonight we'll kick it like beckham do girl my only goal is to score with you ♪ ♪ then we go all out work it like a leader ♪ ♪ like a leader and we are graduating from the school for cool ♪ ♪ play it stupid play it dumb play 'em all like fools hell yeah ♪ ♪ let's crash a party like we don't care whoa oh ♪ ♪ hell yeah said i want it all right here whoa let's go ♪ ♪ we're gonna make your head
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spin it round and round we're going to take you there let's get loud ♪ ♪ hell yeah let's crash a party like we don't care ♪ ♪ this will make your heads spin round round round ♪ ♪ round round round ♪ ♪ it's no illusion the baddest hands down like the way you move how you bump and grind ♪ ♪ let me take control work it like a leader ♪ ♪ and we have graduated from the school for cool play it stupid play it dumb play 'em all like fools ♪ ♪ hell yeah let's crash a party like we don't care whoa ♪ ♪ hell yeah said i want it all
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right now and right here whoa ♪ ♪ we're gonna make your head spin round and round we're gonna take you there let's get loud ♪ ♪ hell yeah let's crash a party like we don't care ♪ ♪ here we go this will make your heads spin ♪ ♪ round round round round round round ♪ ♪ this will make your heads spin ♪ ♪ turn out the lights and lose yourself tonight touch somebody's body ♪ ♪ it's all right to lose yourself tonight if you want it want it ♪ ♪ and take your chance and do just what you do do just what you like ♪ ♪ and take your chance do just what you like whoa ♪ ♪ yeah yeah hell yeah we're gone ma make it
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happen like you don't care ♪ ♪ we a ♪ this will make your heads spin round round round ♪ ♪ round round round [ cheers and applause
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♪ i'm on top of the world "good morning america" brought to you by the qui quicksilver card from capital one. earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase. >> it's just monday. what a morning thanks to everyone up in the bronx with our huge father's day surprise. happy father's day to larry. >> that was such a great surprise. big day tomorrow, as well. we've got r5 coming in to perform live and tonight on "nightline" "pretty little liars" they're going inside. see you tomorrow. >> hello, everyone, 8:56 on this monday june 9. still talking about mass transit with karen rogers and traffic. >> reporter: hey, matt.
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we have an update with mass transit. manayunk norristown line is running with limited service. better news there. trenton is back to on time. we had problems with mass transit, they are starting to ease up. northeast extension past lansdale a multi-vehicle accident five vehicles involved blocking the left lane. expect delays right there. we had delays in new jersey on 42. even now a 41 minute ride from the ac westbound to the walt whitman bridge. an accident has cleared by 295. >> we're talking about rain out there with david murphy. >> reporter: we are, matt, rain is pushing north an east of philadelphia. you can see heavier cells east of trenton and south jersey is looking at light sprinkles. they are pushing away. 69 degrees feeling humid on the
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terrace. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a warm and humid high of 82 this afternoon. we'll transition to a mix of clouds and sun, later in the day perhaps after 2:00, 3:00 we'll be looking for another round of spotty showers and drenchers mixed in. tomorrow, warm and humid, 83. wednesday, still humid, 81. thursday, showers and thunderstorms. matt, the weekend we're probably drying out ascertain looking better. >> that weekend, i'll tell you what, david -- "live" with kelly and michael is next. and michael is next. we have myth busters, niki m
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9:00 am
announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, award-winning recording artist nicki minaj. and a sharp and poignent interview with adam and jamie, the "mythbusters." also, performing her latest single "try," colbie caillat. plus, from the new series "murder in the first," taye diggs. he's joining kelly at the co-host desk. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and taye diggs! [cheers and applause]


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