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tv   Action News  ABC  June 10, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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entertainment in hd. plus watch live tv anytime with the fios mobile app. redefining what tv can be. that's powerful. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and with matt o'donnell, tamala >> ♪ >> hello everyone, its 6 o'clock on this tuesday june tenement we're following developing news. >> a frightening ordeal for a philadelphia restaurant owner who came face to face with armed intruders overnight. >> you will see a man standing helpless in an elevator as it shoots up 30 floors in a matter of seconds. >> flooded roads an new jersey and her children in need of a rescue. ann accuweather says it's tracking the threat of more showers.
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>> also have fog out there. details from david and karen. good morning. >> getting a little foggier out hero terrace. i wouldn't say it's super thick but that's certainly something to keep on your mind. showers and thunderstorms on storm tracker 6 live double scan, it's the go the beat on that. you can see most of the active precipitation is in chester county, berks county and getting close to parts of montgomery county. as we go in closer and start this in motion that's a pretty heavy hitting thunderstorm. not that it's necessarily producing gusty winds but it is producing heavy downpours and you can tell from that movement that it isn't going very quickly so you're looking at that heavy downpour sitting over you for awhile as it comes through. areas close to newark, delaware, now picking that up. parts of new castle county am i also want to go in closer on this cluster of showers that have begun to spring up over parts of south jersey and delaware and these are getting very close to philadelphia. the airport there. just about ready to get overtaken by that so things are starting to go south a little bit this morning. clouds across the region right now with some of those scattered showers. you can see some breaks in the
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clouds to the southwest so we're looking at another clouds with some sunny breaks kind of forecast today. but it's still very warm and humid and unsuit told. 70 degrees right now in philadelphia, 72 in wilmington, 67 in allentown. as we roll through the day, it is going to be another muggy one. 73 by 9 o'clock. by noon up close to 80 and then we hit that high of 83 and the other part of the forecast, like yesterday, is that threat for a scattered but drenching downpour producing shower or thunderstorm straight through the afternoon and into the evening. karen, i'll have more on storm tracker 6 and future tracker 6 tracking the future of this rain today, okay? >> all right, dave. a lot more of our roadways are getting wet right now certainly more wet than they were a half hour ago. we're looking live in chester county, this is the 30 bypass near 113 and that's your eastbound traffic. we can see that people are moving slowly in this area because the vein coming down at this point. you see the low clouds as well obviously so with the roads being wet it's starting to slow down just a bit more and volume is building between 340 and 113. some of these next may be headed to the schuylkill and
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202 and it's a much different shot right here. here we're looking dry on the schuylkill expressway east of 202, that's your eastbound traffic towards the blue route. really looking good at this point. you're dry and the low clouds not as much of an issue on the schuylkill expressway. looking at the big picture, schuylkill is in pretty good shape. on i-95 we have this disabled vehicle, it's southbound near girard. it's offer to the right shoulder. some slowing in that area looking about 31 miles an hour. not seeing any slowing. no remember they had that construction that began overnight last night from girard to allegheny that kind of extended that and three lanes still opened at this point. not seeing a problem right there. delaware, 495 shut down if both directions between terminal avenue and 12th street. a lot of people taking i-95. we see delays with that, not just yet. right now it's a 16 minute ride so i-95 northbound in that area and southbound looking pretty good, matt. >> thanks karen. developing this morning a philadelphia restaurant owner fell victim to a home invasion overnight. the robbers climbed in through a second story window. "action news" reporter
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katherine scott is live at the scene. >> reporter: good morning. good morning, matt. police were here for hours gathering evidence. they also were able to locate some surveillance cameras in the area. they're hoping this footage to help in this investigation. that 68-year-old victim does have bruises around her wrist according to police. however she did refuse medical treatment and she owns this property here on the 1300 block of west olney avenue. police say she has owned the tavern and restaurant downstairs since the 70's and she lives upstairs. this happened in her apartment upstairs. the employees and patrons of the bar told police they didn't hear anything. the victim told police that around midnight she had been asleep upstairs when two men broke in through a back second floor window. they had flashlights and they shined them in her face. they tied her up using her clothing and extension cord and demand money. when she told them she didn't have any they ransacked the place. >> they actually ripped doors
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from the hinges of a closet. they overturned and broke furniture. they emptied out drawers. they emptied the contents of the drawers onto the floor. they did a lot of damage. >> reporter: about an hour after those robbers left, the victim was able to free herself and call flynn 11 around 1:30 this morning. once she inventoried everything in her apartment the only thing she noticed missing was a small caliber handgun she has registered to her. this all remains under investigation. live in olney, katherine scott, channel 6 "action news." >> developing overseas here the pentagon says five american troops were killed in an attack in afghanistan. it happened yesterday in the southern province of zabul. this is file video of the same region. none of the troops shown here were involved in this latest incident. an afghan soldier was also killed in the attack. >> it is six:05. new here at 6:00 a.m. berks county police need the public's help to identify a body found below a bridge. officers say the man fell
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50 feet from the warren street bypass in muhlenberg township on sunday afternoon he had no id on him and no relatives have come forward. police are asking any driver on the bridge that might have seen something around 4:00 p.m. on sunday to please give them a call. and from our new jersey news room, a reminder that trenton will elect a new mayor today. voters will go to the polls for a second time to choose between two candidates in a runoff election. paul perez on the left and eric jackson on the right were the top two vote gets in the special election to replace disgraced mayor tony mack. mac was convicted on federal corruption charges and kicked out of office. polls just opened at 6:00 a.m. they'll be open until 8 o'clock tonight. and cyber crime may not involve guns or other acts of violence but a report shows crimes of the keyboard still do a lot of harm. maribel aber is live at the nasdaq in times square. good morning. good morning, tam. cyber crime is costing the world economy $445 billion a
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year, that's almost 1% of global income according to a report by the center for strategic and international studies. this report ranks cyber crime close to drug trafficking in terms of damage to economies worlds wide. advanced economies are hit hard accounting for almost half the economic losses. victims of a crash of a saturn ion are suing general motors to reopen the set. passenger was killed and the prosecutor was prosecuted for a felony offense. gm paid $75,000 to settle the case. the victims are accusing the automaker of fraud alleging they knew the defective auto was at front. dow nasdaq and s & p finished. dominos using technology to make sure your pizza gets you to like apes as a result it's called the steady pizza a cubed shape device that uses what looks like a gyroscope to
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compensate for the movement of the vehicle. if the car or delivery mostly cloudy slides left or right your pie stays flat. you know, matt the steady pizza that would have been a cool science project. >> this is like one of the best inventions ever. i think that's really cool. thank you, maribel for telling us about it. heavy rains force the rescue of a mother and her five children in north jersey. a mother was driving her children to school yesterday and approached what she thought was a puddle at an intersection in newark but the water rose too fast and trapped them inside their minivan. the woman panicked but also called 911. now as you see they were all safely rescued. download our storm tracker 6 app for your apple or android device. you can access our radar system so you can be prepared when more storms approach especially today, tomorrow, all the way through friday. >> it is going to be that kind of week, just keep -- i've got a facebook text from my friends saying they were stuck in the car yesterday, they couldn't get out there was so much rain. >> funny thing if they had gone 10 miles doyne the road they would have been fine. that's the nature of the storms we'll be experiencing
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forest of the week. storm tracker 6 shows you a cluster of thunderstorms off the coast, another cluster just to the west of philadelphia and extending up through reading. everybody else is dry right now. as you take a look at this thunderstorm a little bit closer to philadelphia, that's a pretty good thunderstorm. it's producing a lot of lightning. it's not a severe storm because it's moving too slowly to provide us with any real super gusty winds. the biggest issue with this is that heavy rain that is moving so slowly that it is taking awhile for it to cross any given area. you could be dealing with this heavy stuff for maybe 20, 30 minutes and that's going to be enough to put some ponding and puddling on the roadways. it's also pushing into parts of new castle county, newark right now seeing some thunder and lightning and of course that heavy rain pushing through mushroom country and chadds ford is probably going to catch a little bit of that before too much longer. towards the east in gibbstown and woodbury a couple of smaller little cluster of showers is starting to pop up.
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chester also seeing some of this. then if we go out a little bit wider you can see that philadelphia international airport right now is seeing one of those pass through and more to come. philadelphia dry for now but some of that lighter stuff probably hits us a little bit later and i'll leave you with the wide view, reading also look, at moderate to steady rain but it's real that thunderstorm down south that's producing the heaviest downpours. as we take a look outside, we have cloudy skies, muggy conditions and in some cases some fog. in center city i don't think you would call that fog 'cause it isn't all the way down to the grounds but it's certainly low lying cloud cover that's obscuring the tops of some of the sky scrapers. 70's degrees in philadelphia right now and it is muggy. still just 67 up in allentown and sea isle not reporting but we've seen numbers in the upper to mid 60's there as well. future tracker 6 between now and 8 o'clock shows you that there is the possibility of some of these showers and thunderstorms developing through the region. they're not going to be everywhere all at once but where they hit they could produce some heavy downpours. by noon there's the chance of some lingering shower activity and then later in the afternoon when we start to get warmer you'll see some of this
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stuff firing up again, again clouds, some sunny breaks and occasionally a passing shower or thunderstorm. this is the 6 o'clock view. not raining everywhere but the possibility of some stuff exists by 11 o'clock there's probably a lot less out there. in allentown, we're going for a muggy one and a warm afternoon, too, a high of 82, clouds, some sun, humid an thunderstorm obviously possible. and down the shore, also, you know, choppy on the beach. 66 to 68 in the water. a high of 76 but clouds only a few sunny breaks and a shower or a thunderstorm is also possible down at the shore at times today and tonight. 83 is the high in philadelphia. clouds, some sun, humid, a passing storm and as we roll through the day you can see how we are in the low 80's pretty much through the afternoon with that high of 83 probably around 3:00 or 3:30. tonight at the ballpark, muggy. 79 degrees for the start of the game. phillies and padres. 74 by the end of the game and there is the chance of a spotty storm that could delay things. tomorrow we'll have a warm front really kind of a stationary front that backs
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down over the region. it will be warmer down to the south and west of philadelphia, a little cooler to the north and east but still humid and still a bit unsettled tomorrow. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, a high of 83 today, warm and humid with spotty showers and thunderstorms. tomorrow a little drier overall. a slight chance of a shower, 79. and then thursday and friday i would say thursday afternoon and through the day friday a chance of more drenching downpours. friday's probably the most active day of all but i could see some of this on thursday afternoon as well. for now, saturday, probably drying out quickly in the morning and sunday is looking good for father's day. hey, hey. >> good day to get those ties on. >> and the after shave. >> that's right. >> thank you, david. 6:12 now. next on "action news" more stories you did not see last night including the man in this tower of terror who shot up 30 feet in a matter of seconds and survived. karen. >> we've got a new problem right on i-95. you see the flashing lights and the jammed up traffic right here. i'm going to tell you where this is and how slow it is. we're going to check out the fog in other areas as well
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coming up. >> all right. and a shark bite closes a nearby beach. find out where it happened and how the victim is doing later on "action news." >> ♪ know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today.
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ms. winnie earle: kids inse paterson face lots of obstacles - but nothing can stop their determination. mara: my dream is to be a pediatric nurse. ms. earle taught me if i work hard - i can do anything. ms. winnie earle: mara had so much potential, it was my job to help her reach her goals. mara: now, i'm headed to college to study nursing! ms. winnie earle: there are so many talented kids like mara - and they all deserve to live their dreams.
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. you're taking a live look here on sky 6 hd out at the airport and it continues to be really foggy out there. you can see the slick run ways and the foggy air. i just took a look at the faa web site. there are no ground delays. >> karen has found more fog on the cameras. >> we're looking live hee. this is i-95 northbound at the scudder falls bridge. just a seconding a i was showing you the flashing lightsly there was an accident right here and it was northbound blocking the right lane with police and penndot on the scene and looks like they just moved it out of here and it's hard to tell isn't it because you can't see much going on out here. we have reduced visibility in this area but what you can probably see is how jammed traffic is in this area with this accident that was here a manipulate ago blocking the right lane i-95 northbound at the scudder falls bridge so coming into new jersey you'll be dealing with that. we've switched our camera view. this is route 100 at 113 in lionville chester county. you can see the rain really coming down and it is affecting traffic having wet roads out there and the reduced visibility in spots.
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see the fog from this camera view that's lower, it isn't that big of a deal in chester county, more the wet roads that you're contending with. no major problems on route 100 at 113. taking a little through here on the northeast extension, if you're coming from quakertown or lansdale looking at tweeds like 61 miles an hour. no problems on the northeast extension. we've talked about the visibility. let's bring in the visibility reports and show you where it's worse right now. .8 in philadelphia international airport. just .3 in trenton and near zero visibility right now in mount pocono but you're looking at other areas in mostly five to 10-mile visibility in new jersey and delaware at this point so it's just some areas that are getting hit hard by the fog and want to watch for that. if you're not dealing with that as a weather related problem, how about this, storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we have some areas with thunderstorms, even some heavy rain in newark, in wilmington right along route 41 in chadds ford, route one near the media bypass as well you're starting to get some
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cells moving in as david has been talking about south of the city near woodbury in new jersey and on the new jersey turnpike as well. so, a couple weather-related issues. the rain and the fog so you're dealing with that this morning, matt. >> thank you, karen. brand new video here poster on youtube shows a horrifying ride on an elevator in chile. the man enters on the first floor, the elevator malfunctions. you saw it begin to rise before the doors even closed. the man is frantically hitting the buttons trying to stop it. the elevator though shoots up 30 floors in just 15 seconds crashing into the building's roof. the man suffered serious head and leg injuries. it is unclear what caused the elevator to freak out. >> details continue to emerge about the husband and wife team behind that deadly las vegas ambush. investigators say jerad and amanda miller were motivated by extreme antigovernment views. they also say they were intent on murdering police and were vocal about those plans. the pair gunned down two
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officers in a restaurant on sunday draping their bodies with a don't tread on me flag. the couple then killed a customer who couldn't fronted them in a nearby wal-mart before carrying out their suicide pact. >> 6:19 now. under attack a teen is shaken up by a close encounter with a shark at a delaware beach. >> nationally ranked philadelphia h
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>> the beach at cape henlopen state park will open an delay this morning because of what appears to be a shark attack. it happened late yesterday. a 16 year old boy suffered garbs to his left arm but was able to bat away what is believed to have been a shark. lifeguards and marine biologists will make sure the beach is safe before swimmers are allowed to venture out into the water at cape henlopen today.
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>> frightening story. we have a new accident just coming in to us so i want to take you to the maps because we're hearing it's involving a vehicle that went off to a ditch here. this is lincoln drive at kelly drive. emergency crews responding to the scene right now. this just happened much watch for this new accident on lincoln drive. let's take you outside right now and show you what it looks like on 422. here we are at trooper. that's your eastbound traffic there generally jammed from 29 to 23 and you can see those folks eastbound driving into a bit of fog there, too, dave. >> just like yesterday, karen, most of the area dry at any given point but at times some of you are going to get a heavy downpour and that's what we've got right now. heavy downpour and that's what southern chester county starting to push into parts of delaware county and new castle county delaware, that's a pretty decent thunderstorm and it's moving fairly slowly, too, so once it gets on top of you it will take awhile for that heavy downpour to diminish. there are a couple of scattered showers that popped up over parts of south jersey. these are coming through the area around philadelphia international airport and pushing into center city as
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well. so, a little bit bumpy out there today. if you're dressing the kids i would recommend umbrellas going to school and on the way home even if it's dry where you are right now just because we have the potential in this humid air mass today of a pop-up shower or thunderstorm just about any time anywhere. 73 by 9 o'clock, 79 by noon and in the low 80's for the afternoon, your high is 83 at 3 o'clock and some scattered downpours possible today. tam. >> thank you, david. a survey of the nation's best hospitals for youngsters has children's hospital of philadelphia on top. chop tied with boston children's hospital for the top spot in the eighth annual rankings of the best children's hospitals. u.s. news and world report ranks the top 50 pediatric hospitals every year and rounding out the top five are cincinnati children's hospital, texas children's hospital, children's hospital of los angeles and children's hospital of colorado. >> yet another award for chop in philadelphia. 6:23. coming up at 6:30, the two children facing charges in a disturbing case of animal cruelty. >> up next the lehigh valley
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grad who took a brave stand >> up next the lehigh valley grad who took a brave stand for anyone frozen arnold palmer. it's the coldest arnold palmer around. what you got there? frozen arnold palmer. i think you got me beat. introducing dunkin's new frozen arnold palmer coolatta. get any small coolatta for just $1.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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grilled chicken flatbread from dunkin'? take notes, people! it's delicious! grilled chicken is now at dunkin'. try the delicious new grilled chicken flatbread with ancho chipotle sauce today. america runs on dunkin'. >> new here on "action news," the reading school district has appointed a new superintendent. khalid mumin is from philadelphia. he has been superintendent of carolyn county public schools in maryland since 2011. he will replace carolyn today purzell. she was fired in november. >> all students who complete their senior year will have a
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chance to walk at graduation but not everybody gets a standing ovation for it. this is new video of the emotional moment that jared brown received his diploma. these were first steps that the park land high graduate has taken in three years. brown was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was just two years old and thanks to a lot of hard work and determination brown now knows that nothing can stands in his way. >> don't ever give up. >> he goes like this. >> i mean, that finished it for me. >> jared plans to become a sign language interpreter and it's a skill that actually he taught himself. >> great accomplishment there. 6:27. accuweather is tracking the chance for pop-up storms. meteorologist, david murphy has your day planner next. >> a fire ball outside of philadelphia international airport. see more of this fire at the af
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at >> ♪ >> new on "action news," a shocking case animal cruelty in new jersey. the boys accused of doing it are younger than 10 years old. >> a shuttle bus erupts in fire outside philadelphia international airport. hear witness reaction to the raging flames. >> storm tracker 6 live dub scan radar will be working hard all day today as high humidity means a good chance for pop-up storms. >> got them right now. you see them there. good morning, everyone, 6:30 on this tuesday. >> little cloudy, a bit of fog here and there around the terrace. storm tracker 6 has the big story this morning for parts of the region and it's that thunderstorm that's just to the west of philadelphia pushing through new castle county delaware and in through chester county getting closer to delaware county now. as we start this up it's moving very slowly. this is not a severe storm but it is producing strong
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downpours and they're taking awhile to get past any given area. so ponding and puddling and slow going beneath this stuff. we have a bit of this that has begun to open up over philadelphia, pushing in towards center city right now and up toward northeast philadelphia, also cherry hill beginning to get some lighter sprinkles but you can really see that stuff officer by chadds ford pushing into new castle county as the heavy hitter this morning. it's muggy right now, a temperature of 70 in philadelphia, 66 in allentown and 68 in sea isle city. as we roll through the day it stays warm and humid. 73 degrees by 9 o'clock, by noon, 79. 83 is your high around 3 o'clock and then back to 80 by 6 o'clock. clouds occasionally giving way to some sunny breaks just like yesterday and at times there will be that pop-up shower or thunderstorm and in any neighborhood where that happens to hit today we could be look tag drenching downpour. karen i'll take another closer look at those showers and thunderstorms on storm tracker in a moment and we'll also have future tracker six to give you a better idea of how the rest of the day is going
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to play out. >> all right dave. looking live at some of the roads. they're wet and you can see the fog. this is 202 at 29 northbound traffic headed towards the schuylkill and you see the ongoing construction over there so watch for some wet roads, not looking particularly bad right there on 202. let's go back to that camera shot and we can switch actual to i-95 and show you what it looks like there. we are seeing some building volume in places like here on i-95 at girard. this is your southbound traffic starting to get pretty jammed generally slow from cottman down to girard. we see southbound traffic building. you see the low clouds in the distance here but you can see the road surface is not really wet on i-95 at this point near girard. looking at the big picture though we are seeing slowing in a lot of spots. early i think on because of the wet roads as well so we're looking at 29 miles an hour here westbound on the schuylkill expressway past belmont. i-95 we had a disabled vehicle off to the right southbound near girard and you're seeing about 19 miles an hour right there so particularly slow. we do have an accident, that
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sounds pretty nasty on lincoln drive. we're hearing it's involving a vehicle that went off to a ditch. it's northbound lincoln drive at kelly drive so watch for that one, tam. >> thank you karen. we begin with brand new details on a developing story out of southern afghanistan. five american troops have reportedly been killed when a coalition jet mistakenly bombed them. it happened yesterday in the southern province of zabul. this is file video of the same region. none of the troops you see here were involved in this late of the incident. officials say the jet was called in to help ward off a taliban attack but for some reason dropped a bomb on american forces. much more right ahead on "good morning america." and also new this morning a new jersey humane society has filed charges against two young boys for the disturbing death of a pet. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn is live in the sat center. she's got the latest on the story. good morning, erin.
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>> reporter: being charged with mutilating their neighbor's rabbit are both under 10 years old. the burlington county humane police are investigating. they say back on may 21st the lop eared rabbit's hutch was damaged and the pet was missing. well, its body was later found discardd in a nearby creek near the mobile estate section of southampton township, new jersey. this was a beloved pet and police are still trying to figure out exactly why these young boys would carry out such a hideous act. >> we just believe it was possibly a random act, possibly retaliation. that is still under investigation right now. >> reporter: the new jersey state police are also investigating because of their young ages, the boys' names will not be released. a tentative court date is set for june 24th. i'm erin o'hearn in the satellite center. back to you. >> okay, erin, thanks so much. it is 6:34 and we are at the "action news" big board to tell you about a frightening
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fire that raged on shuttle bus at philadelphia international airport. it happened near terminal e. luckily not around much stuff, though. take a look at the video. flames shot up from the front of the bus and quickly engulfed the entire vehicle. own the driver was on board and was able to get out. witnesses nearby could not believe what they were seeing. >> it was just blazing away. it was actually just the cabin, the front end at first and then obviously, you know, it escalated into, you know, what appears to be a bonfire. >> all arrival roadways around terminal e were temporarily shut down while fire crews exextinguished of wished the flames. authorities do not know what caused the fire but suspect anything criminal. >> in delaware officials will hold a briefing on the measures taken to repair the i-495 bridge in wilmington. deldot has already noticed some of the tilted columns are returning to their original alignment after a dirt pile below the span was removed.
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the crews also plan to conduct an under water inspection this week and install additional underground monitors to detect future shifts in the soil. download our free 6abc news app tour traffic updates an list of road closures when you're on the go. the app is available now at the apple and google app stores. >> the first audit of the veterans' administration has been released since accusations of patient mistreatment and coverup surfaced and officials have pegged philadelphia's center for further review. the audit reveals the city's veteran medical center had the most new enrollees in the state who waited as long as 60 days for an appointment. more than 1100 veterans spent two months waiting to be seen. the average wait time was a little better, 43 days. 94 percent of patients are getting an appointment within 30 days. five other va centers in pennsylvania including horsham's will require an additional review. supporters of public education staged a sit-in
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outside a political fundraiser in center city yesterday. at the fundraiser governors tom corbett and chris christie. a handful of protesters were arrested and later released. the demonstrators from both pennsylvania and new jersey are critical of their respective leader's decisions to cut education spending in philadelphia and camden. >> keep that umbrella you had yesterday in the bag and the car because there's a good chance here and there you might need it. >> yeah, heavy downpours, too, possible again today. in fact we're seeing some of that right now. storm tracker 6 live double scan with our special double scan technology giving you a great live look at exactly where these thunderstorms and showers are and they are mainly to the west of philadelphia going in tighter here you can see that's heavy rain coming down through wilmington, back just to the east of newark, delaware and then in through chadds ford. there's a little bit of a bow at the front of this but the storm itself is moving so slow that it's not exhibiting stng eugh wind gus to ma it aever srm. sically the issue is the in and if i go ahe and add some ofhatpecial sto tracyou right in through here is
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all even gray and that is storm tracker's way of showing you that this is all rain. there's in hail falling in the middle of this so again not a severe storm but obviously one that is producing a lot of rain. there's the live scan so you can tell as that scan goes through, this is exactly where the rain is right now. i want to go ahead and start littl b f y'lahe tha it's very slowly moving through areas around wilmington pushing in toward delaware county. there's media, the delaware county seat and i can see this pushing up into media perhaps over the next half hour or so. philadelphia also getting a little bit of lighter stuff and more scattered precipitation but this is the real big heavy hitter and i want to go ahead and leave you with that wide view. in reading there's lighter or more moderate rain that's also slowing you down with just wet roads. same thing in northern chester county and montgomery county starting to pick up some of that as well but this is the real area of concern right to the south. as we go outside we've got cloudy skies, muggy conditions this morning and at the airport the fog that we have been talking about potentially
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developing during the morning hours is now beginning to get a little bit thicker at philadelphia international airport. no word on delays just yet but that's something to keep in mind if you're flying or for that matter if you're driving around. 70 degrees is your current temperature, dewpoint 67. that's pretty high number for your dewpoint and that indicates that muggy air. winds are light out of the east-northeast at five. future tracker 6 showing you what the rest of the day is likely to amount to. and between now and 8 o'clock it does look like there will be more of those scattered showers and perhaps some drenching thunderstorms here or there across the region. we get up to noon it's a little bit more of a spotty precipitation pattern. most of are you dry. and then you get into the warmer part of the afternoon and that's when we'll be on the lookout for the development of more of these drenching showers and maybe a couple of thunderstorms. by 6 o'clock, there's still a bit of this around and then we get up to about the 11 o'clock period and there's less and less. so again like yesterday it won't rain everywhere and it won't rain all the time but where it does there's the potential of that drenching downpour. as we take a look at the forecast for today we're going
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with a warm muggy day, 71 degrees by 8 o'clock. 77 by 11 o'clock. and then we're in the low 80's for the rest of the afternoon with a high of 83 probably hitting around 3 o'clock. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, today's high 83, warm and humid. a passing shower or drenching thunderstorm can't be ruled out. still humid tomorrow but a better high of 79 and while there is still a chance of a shower or maybe a thunderstorm .verall it looks drier then on thursday particularly in the afternoon more heavy drenching showers and thunderstorms are possible, a high of 79 and through the day on friday with a cold front ana gdg5, warm and humid morning. otherwise we see improvement and father's day sunday is looking sunny and warm and probably not as humid. >> thank you david. a reminder 6abc on "gma" week continues. our own cecily tynan is backfilling in for ginger zee who got married over the weekend. adam joseph takes over laid eight this week and we'll speak to cecily live from there "gma" studios in about 10 minutes.
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>> it is 6:41. more brand new stories up next on "action news." distracted diagnosis. the doctor -- a doctor is suspended for something he was caught doing on his cell phone according toy during surgery. >> a dog ended up in this middle school yearbook and there was a very good reason. karen. >> and he looks so cute, why not? we're looking live here on the blue route near baltimore pike and you see that traffic southbound as you head towards i-95 generally jammed from the media bypass to macdade boulevard. we do have delays on the details on that when "action news" (vo) after 50 years of designing
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>> ♪ >> 6:44. it is tuesday. hello everyone. the waves lapping at the beach here at cape may, new jersey. don't see any fog here but we do have some in other areas plus storms moving from the west. >> time of the morning when things start to slow down. that's what we see behind karen rogers. good morning. >> that's right. the schuylkill expressway always a good bet for that slow traffic. 1346 our areas it's raining pretty good. as we look live on the schuylkill near city avenue you can see the roads really not terribly wet here, just a little touch of fog maybe in the distance. that's not causing a big problem. nonetheless we're looking at heavy traffic westbound on the schuylkill expressway. you could see it right now and you're looking eastbound at, a 23 minute ride from the blue route to the vine, westbound a 22 minute ride so getting pretty heavy in both directions but this particular shot showing that westbound traffic really slowing up right there. i want to take you to the new jersey overview right here. i'm looking at some of these slow speeds that have popped up. only 16 miles an hour on 55 northbound as you head around
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that curve to 42. even 42 itself 23 miles an hour so that's pretty slow. let's pull in a camera view of 42. this is your northbound traffic right here and i've seen this get heavier just during the commercial break so we can see the wet roads at this point so it's raining out here now and that's slowing things down. we're seeing the fog as well. it's now a 25 minute ride just had a live update on the air from the a.c. expressway to the walt whitman bridge and those are sensors telling you exactly what people are traveling right now. so to give you an idea and so you can see it kind of slowing up right before your eyes right there. let's also mention here some of the delays we're picking up in delaware. 495 remains shut down in both directions here between terminal avenue and 12th street. we've seen some extra heavy traffic on i-95. it's now a 24 minute ride from 896 to 202. that may be in part because of the extra volume. you can take that neff story 95. you could take 295. it's a much better ride right now so it might be worth it. one of the reasons you may be extra heavy on i-95 in delaware is because that's where we're seeing some of the
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heaviest rain centered. on storm tracker storm tracker e scan, look at these areas of red and yellow. those are really good downpours right along night. 95 stretching through newark through wilmington and up towards the pennsylvania line and chadds ford you're getting a thunderstorm right now. you can see those slashes there showing you the lightning that's happening as well as the downpours and along the route 1 media bypass in philadelphia we can see some of those cells that just spilled into new jersey onto 42 and the new jersey turnpike as well so be careful as you're traveling out there in some of that heavy rain, tam. >> thank you karen. a doctor in washington state had his license suspended for allegedly sexting during surgeriesly according to the state health department dr. arthur zilberstein was the anesthesiologist during these operations putting the patients at risk. the seattle doctor is also accused of having sex at the hospital and accessing medical record imaging for personal gratification. dr. zilberstein has 20 days to request a hearing.
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new this morning as well, donald sterling says the deal is off. an attorney for the los angeles clippers owner says sterling pulled his support for the team sale and still plans on suing the nba. sterling's estranged wife shellie agreed to hand over the team to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer for 2 billion do. donald sterling had agreed to ink the deal but bacteria out after learning that the nba will not be revoking his lifetime ban and fine for making racist remarks. >> another new story on "action news." a loyal service dog in texas has a photo in his owner's seventh grade yearbook. he hasn't left rachel's side in the last four years so it only makes sense that the dog is pictured beside her in the yearbook for the santonio middle school. rachel has suffered epileptic seizures since birth and needs a companion to accompany her everywhere in case she experiences an episode. good dog. >> good dog indeed. it's 6:47 and up next meteorologist cecily tynan
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joyce us for a live preview of gma. >> storms moving through the meteorologist, david murphy has the storm tracker 6 update hey, i lost my debit card. do you guys do instant replacement? what just happened? check your wallet. no. no way. your debit card should arrive in 7-10 business days. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again.
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at td bank. >> 6abc week continues on "good morning america." >> let's go over to "action news" meteorologist cecily tynan she's filling in for ginger zee this morning. it was great to watch you yesterday. tell us what you've got coming up today. >> reporter: oh, thank you. you know, i do first all have to mention yesterday right
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after we did this live feed diane sawyer ran in and offered me a foot massage. >> wow. >> reporter: my life is complete now. yeah, i was like are we still on? i didn't take her up on the offer, though, but it was just nice to have the offer. it is a crazy morning here at "gma" because i have been walking around and there's a lot of security and i thought, wow, you know, it's because of me but, no, not at all. hillary clinton is here. she will have an exclusive live interview here on good morning america so that's really big. also ryan smith is live in las vegas, new information on the suspects of las vegas shooting. bob woodruff is in brazil. the world cup will be starting days from now. will they be ready and also i'm really looking forward to this, robin roberts has an interview with girls who turn 18 years old today and their twins but they were born conjoined twins and it shows that they can lead really a healthy life and we'll see the
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bond that they have and most importantly, i will be talking about the weather. so, hopefully you tune in here on "good morning america." i'm having a lot of fun near. i miss you guys but i'm having a great time. >> cecily doing a fantastic job representing philadelphia. >> reporter: thank you. >> all right, we'll see you soonism and adam will be here on thursday. thank you. >> how much fun to see her up there. not so much fun trying to commute around the area this morning with the wet roads. let's go o outside live and show you what it looks like. we're wet, we're jammed. this is 30 bypass here at 340. eastbound traffic particularly heavy for this hour. jammed from 340 to pass 113. looking at your bridge overview we want to remind you the betsy ross bridge, 35 miles an hour speed restrictions because of the conditions, dave. >> storm tracker 6 live double scan on the big board and karen the big issue this morning has been that cluster of heavy showers and thunderstorms to the west of philadelphia. this is about the distance that these storms are covering
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had -- in a half hour. heavy earlier rain assuming this does not change its current composition. more stuff looks like it's pushing out of new castle county delaware into parts of salem clown and -- salem county. wide view shows all second cluster of storms perhaps getting its act together and maybe clipping cape may county later on. if you're dressing the kids umbrellas to school and on the way home just in case they get caught with one of these spotty showers because there's going to be more of them in this warm and humid air mass as we go through the day. day part forecast and your
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>> give yourself some extra time this morning. a wet slow ride on i-95 southbound traffic jammed from cottman to girard, northbound that new construction zone we still have three lanes opened and northbound lincoln drive at kelly drive a nasty accident. vehicle went into a ditch. >> warm and muggy today with temperatures getting up into the 80's this afternoon. your high is 83. at any time there could be a spotty shower or a thunderstorm. of course right now they're in new castle county delaware chester and delaware counties in pennsylvania. keep that storm tracker 6 app handy on your cell phone today because this stuff could pop up just about any time and i'm tweeting out lynx to our radar on twitter all morning long. >> of course we'll be back in
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30 minutes. david and karen will make sure you know what you need to know traffic. for me and matt we hope you have a great morning. >> cecily, you're next. >> "action news"
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good morning, america. breaking news right now -- five americans killed in afghanistan. in what appears one of the worst friendly fire incidents ever. a deadly air strike after coming under enemy fire. hillary clinton is here for her first live interview about her new book, answering questions about benghazi. will she testify? the claims of being, quote, dead broke when they left the white house. and her health. no holds barred, only "good morning america." the dramatic police chase on live tv in l.a. at over 100 miles an hour and then ditching the car and taking to the rooftops. the wild ending to this. and beating the


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