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tv   Nightline  ABC  June 11, 2014 1:07am-1:38am EDT

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and now you get hit again. this time by joint pain. it's a double whammy. it could psoriatic arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks your joints on the inside and your skin on the outside. if you've been hit by... find out more about psoriatic arthritis. take the symptom quiz at and talk to your doctor. bread.
1:08 am
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>> jimmy: back with gerard butler. time for the twofie shootout. the competition, we went out on the street with the cell phone to see how many selfies with two people. the rule is, strangers we approach. you have to get two eyes and a mouth in the shot.
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my eyes and mouth have to be in the shot. the other person's eyes and mouth. same for you. i went first. here's how that went. >> twofie shootout! >> take your position. on your mark, get set -- [ buzzer ] >> selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. hi, selfie. hi, selfie. hi, selfie. selfie, please. selfie. hi, selfie. how are you? selfie. selfie. selfie. [ horn ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i get credit for that one. i get credit for that one. i said, i get credit for that
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one. it was upside down. i actually don't get credit for that one. i did pretty well now. we will add these up at the end. let's see how gerard fared. >> twofie shootout. >> gerard, take your position. >> can i do a selfie? >> can i get a selfie? >> selfie. >> hello, you. >> selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. hey, how are you, man? good to see you. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. hello. hello. >> selfie. selfie. selfie. selfie. hey, selfie. selfie. selfie. >> yo! >> selfie. >> jimmy kimmel i am taking you down. [ horn ] >> jimmy: that was solid. this is going to be tough. >> yeah. >> jimmy: let's go through add them up. we'll start with mine.
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ooh, i don't get credit for that one. still zero. one. two, three. four. five. oh, no, you are right. six. seven. eight. nine. 10. oh. nothing. oh. okay. 11. 12. and just -- is there any other? any others. 13. 13 is my number. that's pretty good. i think the last time i got eight. >> no. >> let's see how gerard did. one, two, three. four. ha-ha. that doesn't count. five. six.
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seven. eight. nine. oh, my god. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. you win! >> yeah! we'll be right back with megan good! ♪
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1:16 am
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>> jimmy: still to come, music from matisyahu. >> jimmy: you know our next guest from the movies "anchorman 2" and "think like a man." now she combines those titles in "think like a man, too." it opens in theatres june 20th. please say hello to meagan good. >> i'm good. >> jimmy: very good to see you. you got married since the last
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time you were here. >> yes, i did. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the reason i mention that, specifically is because i know your husband has a lot of jobs, right. >> yes, he does. >> jimmy: preacher, motivational speaker. executive. author. yeah. g >> jimmy: he is doing a lot of work. >> yes. >> jimmy: and writing a become together? >> yes, writing a book, called "the wait." well we waited to have sex before we got married. >> jimmy: yeah, why would you do that? why would he do that? is really what i'm wondering? >> thank you. i think because i have been in a couple relationships. i was like this really isn't working for me. i wanted to do something different. spiritually what i bleelieved i should have done. >> jimmy: that is different. >> it was very different. it's been amazing. >> jimmy: how long was the wait? >> a year. >> jimmy: that is quite a wait. so you guys -- wait, so you met, you got married one year later.
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>> no, we met eight years prior on a general meeting. and then, we reconnected on "jumping the broom" a movie about a young woman who waited to have sex with her husband before she got married. >> jimmy: you must be a real method actor then. whose idea was this? >> both of ours. he had been celibate for almost 11 years. >> jimmy: what? >> yeah, because he is a minister. so he didn't want to get up on the pulpit and do this thing and not doing what he was saying. >> jimmy: that's what most ministers do. >> well not mine. >> jimmy: wow. that is remarkable. so you guys wrote a book. is this like a "how do" seems pretty self-explanatory. >> no, you know what. you would be surprised. obviously we all know it is tough. but there were tricks we learned. that helped. >> jimmy: give me one trick. ha-ha. >> one of them was, you know, parting ways, time to part ways.
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you feel like it is getting too hot and heavy. >> jimmy: never go near each other. chapter 8. wow, that is something else. so, at the wedding now this must have been, did you rush through the ceremony? okay. thank you. >> the crazy thing is that we wanted the wedding to be when the sun went down. go down at 6:00, 7:00 that evening. >> jimmy: the sun was off schedule. >> it really stressed me out. we waited look an hour and a half. worked out fine. i had a bridesmaid that didn't show up until 20 minutes. >> jimmy: are you kidding, you were waiting to consummate your relationship and your bridesmaid was late. >> yeah. prescripti >> jimmy: do you still speak to her? >> i do. >> jimmy: harshly, right? >> no. she is an interesting person. bigger than life. >> jimmy: a pain in the -- what you are frying to strying to sa
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love her. everybody knows. this must be on everybody's mind at the wedding. awe thought was the topic of all the speeches. at one point, a cousin i love off to pieces. he got up, said this spiel, he knew he couldn't wait, he was working out, kind of just went totally left. at a certain point he has eight aunts. they were looking like are we talking about this in front of everybody. it went, really, really left. needless to say that was the topping of everybody's speech. >> cleto: i wou >> jimmy: i would think so. had i been giving a speech it would have been the topping of moon as well. your movie is about a wedding also? >>y, yes. >> jimmy: in las vegas. set in las vegas. >> yes, yes, complete craziness. we actually were working a majority of the time. but when we weren't working we were people watching you. know you got to know all of the lady of the night s as they go about their business. the person at the same gambling machine every night. you are like, oh, my god. >> jimmy: i grew up in las
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vegas. when someone would visit. i would point hookers out to them. >> i got that good. >> jimmy: they were never hookers. i would point out random women. they would be like, really hour, do you know? you just know when you are here. how do you know? when there is a hooker around? will that be in the book? >> no, that won't be in the book. you just know. they're watching everything. paying attention. they kind of look do their whole thing before they move in. start the conversation. and then you see them leave with an unsuspecting guys. then you see them back not too much longer. so, you know? >> jimmy: you learned a lot in las vegas, what you are saying? >> yes, yes. i did. >> jimmy: it's something else. great to see you again. congratulations. and you recommend the whole waiting thing? >> i do. i do. i do. yeah, i love it. >> jimmy: did your husband go, like, oh, what a mistake i made? >> no, i think he is very happy. this is honestly the happest i have ever been in my life --
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happiest i have ever been in my life. >> jimmy: because of meeting me. really very sweet of you to say. >> i think it is because of how we approached everything. and we really learned the physical part of it later. we really got to know each other. >> jimmy: listen, come back when this book comes out. i want to interrogate him too. >> yeah. different time. >> jimmy: megan good, everybody. we'll be right back with matisyahu! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] mara: it's easy to lose your way in a place like this.
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ms. winnie earle: kids in paterson face lots of obstacles - but nothing can stop their determination. mara: my dream is to be a pediatric nurse. ms. earle taught me if i work hard - i can do anything. ms. winnie earle: mara had so much potential, it was my job to help her reach her goals. mara: now, i'm headed to college to study nursing! ms. winnie earle: there are so many talented kids like mara - and they all deserve to live their dreams.
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thanks to megan good, gerard butler, and ran out of time for matt damon. "nightline" is next.
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and here now with the song "surrender" matisyahu! ♪ ♪ ♪ go figure pull the trigger while i simmer in the sun tell my lady i'll be with her ♪ ♪ when the summer's come and gone you are the moon on the rise you are my tide ♪ ♪ you are the one sing the song of creation and an anthem for the young in my next life ♪ ♪ could i take another turn surrender surrender two eyes make the prize ♪ ♪ live the life i know why dove cries stars shine ♪
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♪ and i fly through the night with my sights set on the next bet ♪ ♪ my life is not set yet i got no regrets cause to get where i'm going ♪ could i take another turn could i burn another day could i move like a prince slay the dragons in my way ♪ ♪ i'll be dancing in the wilderness 'til my dying day i'll be dancing ♪ ♪ on the grave of the brave i have slayed in my next life surrender ♪ ♪ surrender my vision surrender my vision ♪ surrender my vision
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we run for the mountains we will run for our lives ♪ ♪ say you are a nation of slaves with no sight but i surrender my vision to your glory ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ it's the story of a silent sky ancient eyes ♪ ♪ new baby blues and old brown horizon i surrender to your glory ♪ ♪ i surrender my vision glory to the king of creation surrender ♪ ♪ surrender [ singing in foreign language ]
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight -- >> why this model is tempting fate. as potential shark bait. >> behind her! >> tonight with beaches closing from the west kes coast to the coast, because of predators, what's the cost of dancing with the sharks? plus, two of a kind. they're as close as sisters can be. but when they were born they
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were even closer. our robin roberts celebrates an 18-year journey with some very special twins. >> and the fault in our stars. the it girl of the moment, shaileen woodley stars in the hit movie of the summer and the inspiring real life story behind it. >> thank you very much. >> and political earthquake, as we go on the air we have the latest on the massive tea party victory tonight over eric cantor. but first, the "nightline" five -- >> i tried depend last weekend. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. >> depend gives you fit flex. our best protection. a smooth, comfortable fit. get your free sample at >> if you suffer from
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good evening. nothing clears a beach in summer quite as fast as a shark sighting. so what happens when some of the deadliest predators on the planet meet a professional mermaid? this woman is on a mission to show we're all mistaken about these maneaters and she is willing to leave her fate in their fins just to prove it. here is abc's matt guthman. >> reporter: right now, you are thinking -- "this woman is shark bait." this professional mermaid has no air, fenz ins or mask and locke lead boots. seems a death-defying dance,
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swarmed by 16 foot tiger sharks in the bahamas some of the deadliest on the planet. frasier's mission to become the first human to plant a kiss, yes a kiss on a beoat sized shark without any protection. you surrender yourself to the animals yet not a nibble, attack, or aggressive motion at all it seems. >> there was not one single moment where i felt the shark was trying to attack, was interested in eating me. >> they could have killed you in a second. >> no matter how much safety precautions we took they could have eaten men a -- me in a second. >> reporter: it is to show that their reputation is dead wrong. which is why this isn't the first time showing humans getting cozy with the ocean's apex predators. >> there really is experience. >> reporter: mark healy is a surfer self proclaimed water man in hawaii. >> that moment when you are
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close enough to a large shark to touch it. there are things you see as far as muscle definition and, things that never really transfer on to film. that just, really are impactful. >> reporter: there are shark savants like mark healy and then thrill seekers like this australian who used a cage sort of. >> i tornado arouurned around, shark, threw the cage behind me. and kept me from getting eaten. got to thank the cage, really. >> reporter: don't try that at hope. then there is this guy from florida who caught a ride on a whale shark in the gulf of mexico. >> i decided you know what i should maybe go try to swim with them. i might not be able to do it every again. >> it is also look this thrilling, exciting adventure. people want that now. people don't want the ordinary


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