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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 14, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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good morning, america. happening now. 80 million on watch as severe weather sweeps across the country. trucks overturned on interstate. families rescued from high waters. lightning barely misses this woman. the storm strands passengers on the monorail in disney world. breaking overnight. a new weapon in the middle east crisis. thousands leafing their homes in gaza. many taking refuge in classrooms, amid new warnings about a ground invasion. gotze! >> a wild finish to the world cup. germany stuns argentina in overtime. meet soccer's new hero, supermario. and this joyful selfie snapped
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center field goes viral overnight. ♪ freeze frame, freeze frame he was trying to show off. it went oh, so wrong. the groomsman who kicked off the wedding with a bad split. millions calling it the worst wedding photo ever. how many more things can go wrong in a wedding photo right there? >> not many. >> not many. how about germany yesterday. mario gotze, at the end. knox it right in. one of the best goals of the world cup. >> and they were great throughout, germany. well deserving of the victory. and amy is in nigeria with malala. the 17-year-old just celebrated her 17th birthday. let's get to the wild
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weather. so many people in the cross hairs. ginger tracking it all. >> the heat and humidity, very summer like. you have almost 100 severe reports just yesterday. a patch work of unbridled weather coast to coast. >> wow. >> reporter: in oregon, amanda racing to get her horses inside when -- [ screams ] >> reporter: -- the lightning knocking her father to the ground. flash flooding from illinois. to new york. and in tucson, firemen rescuing an 8-year-old girl and her father who had to climb a tree, escaping the rushing waters. parts of arizona seeing an inch of monsoon rain in just eight minutes. central ohio, whipping winds rolling this rv, its owner still inside. in oklahoma. hail pounding the roads. >> we're if a rain delay.
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>> reporter: rain coming down in buckets in baltimore ending the yankees-orioles game in the fifth inning. the happiest place on earth, disney world, not immune to the weather. a spokesperson for our parent company says power outages left one chain of monorails stranded on the track. their than 100 passengers taken off. nobody was hurt. today, areas could see winds topping 60 mile an hour, an isolated tornado, or large hail, from northeastern arkansas, parts of tennessee, kentucky, and here along the east coast, the isolated tornado threat from new york city, parts of new jersey, philadelphia, too. a lot to look at. the cold air is what everybody is talk about. tomorrow morning, chicago could break a record low. 50. this will be pushing south and east. getting into even mississippi, we're talking the northeast. i'll be talking all about it
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coming up. >> all right, ginger, thanks. to the crisis in the middle east. a new rep in the fight. israel shooting down a drone overnight. the death toll is rising. and a ground offensive could be next. abc's alex marquardt has the latest. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, robin. 80% of those kills so far here in gaza are civilians. the secretary general saying too many palestinians have died and is leading international pressure for a cease-fire. this morning, hamas unveiled the latest weapon in its arsenal. sending a drone along the coast into southern israel which destroyed it with a patriot missile. this, as israel pounded the gaza strip overnight. now, more than 1500 strikes since the operation began. palestinian militants continue firing waves of rockets. so far, no israelis have been
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killed. while the death toll here is soaring. over 170 dead. almost 1300 wounded. here, some of the 18 members of this family, including three children, who were killed when israel targeted the head of police. he survived. israel accuses hamas of using civil yans as human shields, showing how they try the avoid civilian casualties. in this video, calling to tell residents, they have five minutes to leave. thousands have fled their neighborhoods after israel warned it would bomb. now taking refuge in school classrooms. i hope to god we can break israel, this woman told me. and win. the reality is no one on either side is winning, or showing science of letting up. israel is stepping up its campaign against hamas. all indications are this could go on for quite some time. robin? george?
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>> let's get more from chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz. international pressure building for a cease-fire. secretary of state john kerry has stepped up contact with both sides. >> he has. he's spent so much time here, george, as you know over the last couple of years, trying to broker a peace agreement. there is nothing to show for that this morning. there are so many crises that he's dealing with. afghanistan, iraq. hard to believe, i was just there two weeks ago in baghdad, covering that conflict there. it's only getting worse there. now we're here today. the diplomats have only so much band width when they're dealing with things. they have to prioritize. it's very, very difficult with what is going nonthe world. >> you look at the world right now. pierre thomas talking to the attorney general yesterday, said he's never seen a more dangerous time. >> i think that is right.
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it's what it was ta was talking. you can't prioritize. there is so much potential for people to build up safe havens. >> thank you, martha. let's get the rest of the top stories from dan harris. coming in on monday again for amy. >> anything for the team. good morning, everybody. a breaking story north of philadelphia. about 100 homes evacuated because of a mice tiysterious o the basements. high readings of a volatile organic compound have been taken, but they have not determined what it spp no official report of anybody getting sick. out west, extreme fire danger. a wildfire if southern oregon, so intense, that the firefighters had to be evacuated. just to the south, man growing marijuana steaccidentally start
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this huge fire. the ground is shaking in oklahoma. seven small earthquakes in just 14 hours. the largest, a 4.3. some scientists are blaming the controversial oil and gas drilling process called fracing. a fire started in a plane's engine just taking off from newark. a woman snapped this picture because the plane was circling really low and making a loud noise. the pilot of this air india flight called in. >> the flames coming out of the number one engine? >> are you sure you saw flames? it might have been dust. >> there was something going on over there. there's smoke. >> not what you want to hear. several tires blew out when the plane landed. nobody got hurt. overseas, the cruelty of nature. you spend most of your year living through the winter in siberia. you finally get a few beach days, this happens.
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the temperature drops 30 degrees. giant hailstones come barrelling out of the sky. i didn't know they had beaches there. no one was hurt despite the lakt of shelters. ginger zee is standing next to me staring at me with evil eyes. >> head shaking. big news out of the music industry. behold the latest band to sign a huge major record deal. check it out. ♪ these kids are in the eighth grade. they're a heavy metal group from new york city called unknolocki the truth. they started when they were 10. they signed a deal with sony worth nearly 2 million bucks for five records. these are also very sweet kids. not long ago, they let an old, decrepit man practice with them in the basement of their
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parents's home. they're like, wow, we raided a nursing home for gnaw drummer. >> taking a cut? >> i get no cut. i get some street cred, which is all being erased as a result of this conversation. they don't sing yet because their voices have not changed. >> is heavy metal coming back? >> they're bringing it back. >> you say street cred, it takes away your street cred. >> i have to agree. >> just a little heads-up. >> i thought we were friends. but that's cool. >> it worked for me, dan. >> try one of these, dan. >> tit's just is ththe start of morning. we're going to move on to gas prices. good news for your wallet. a big drop in prices after a spike at the start of the summer. the timing is good. rebecca jarvis is in chicago with this story. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: hi, robin. good morning.
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it's relief this monday morning for drivers all across the country. prices in the last week have dropped about a nickel. and you're seeing the national average this morning $3.61. as prices have been really falling since spiking earlier this summer. one of the big reasons is that oil prices have been dropping. earlier on, mid may, we started to see prices go above $100 a barrel on all of the tension in iraq. it did not end up hitting oil supplied. oil prices have been dropping. in 13 states, americans are paying less than $3.50 a gallon. >> that's great news. what could drive prices back up? >> all the news you have been hearing this morning. that conflict in the middle east. if gnat does flow over into oil supplies, that could certainly hit prices and also the hurricane season is a big issue because that can five up gasoline prices as well. >> we have to remember that.
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have a good time there in chicago. we're going to turn to a possible break through in determining alz hheimer's. the first one is a simple eye test? >> yeah. promising news. this is coming out of the international alzheimer's meeting. the eye is the window into the brain. doctors are doing in this study, they're looking for bright dots in the back of the eye. in the retina, which are visible often times in patients with alz him -- alzheimer's. we call that sensitivity. that's promising. the hope is this test can be used to screen for it before the onset of symptoms. i literally just got off the
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phone with the chief of a hospital in philadelphia. he said this work is being done in los angeles, philly, all over the world. you see a lot of experts working on something. very promising. >> diminished sense of smell could be a sign? >> yes. for a lot of the same reasons. the nose tells us how the brain is functions. decreased sense of smell in patients with alzheimer's. there's a promising way we can screen. now to the dire and desperate search to find those more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by the terror group in nigeria. one of the most famous young women in the world, pakistani human rights activist, malala, just celebrated her 17th birthday on friday. she's in the country of nigeria to help secure the release of these girls. amy is there. spoke to her exclusively this
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morning. >> reporter: robin, good morning. it's malala day around the world. her mission began early the morning in abuja. she's meeting with the president of nigeria to urge more action from the government looking for the missing girls. this as the group responsible for the kidnapping released a video nok mock the efforts to bring back our girls. malala in nigeria, bringing with her worldwide attention. i know you have a birthday wish. >> this year, my wish would be to see nigerian girls going to school and the girls that were taken being freed. >> reporter: they risked their lives to meet with the girl who stood up with the taliban. >> i was hearing the story that girls are being kidnapped. i didn't know what the parents would be feeling. all of them were crying. it made me feel like crying. my father was crying as well.
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>> reporter: she plans to be the voice of these desperate parents when she meets with the president of nigeria today. you're just 17 years old. that's a lot of pressure. how do you feel about walking into the presidential palace and speaking your mind and speaking for the familiefamilies? >> i'm hopeful my voice will have an impact and will reach to the president and he'll take action. i'm representing people. the people of nigeria. >> reporter: and representing the hundreds of girls abducted by boko haram. five teenagers who escaped staired their story. this girl said her father was shot and killed. 18-year-old rebecca says she's afraid but malala's presence here is bringi ining hope. >> she goes and tells our president, bring back our girls. >> reporter: in this newly released video, they make fun of the message. >> bring back our army. >> reporter: if they're listening to your words right
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now, what is your message? >> what they're doing is impacting the name of is lam. it's not the real islam. they should think about their own sisters and their should release those girls. it's a request, it's a request, please. [ chanting ] >> all: bring back our girls. >> reporter: in the end, she believes this will work. >> it will be our voice that will defeat the terrorist activities and the terrorism here. >> reporter: malala will address the nation later today. some of the escaped girls and families of the missing will join her on stage. she'll be highlighting a new initiative, #strongerthan. i'll have more on that and my interview with malala and the kidnapped girls next hour. robin? >> thank you, amy. do share what you're stronger than. that is a remarkably strong young woman. >> no question.
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quite a game, lara. >> what a game, robin and george. to the world cup, germany beating argentina in overtime. the player earning the nickname super mario. the game sent some fans over the edge. an overnight celebration turning to chaos. police in argentina firing tear gas and rubber bullets as a group of vandals hurled rox and destroyed store fronts. 20 officering were hurt. 60 people arrested. >> gotze! it's mario gotze! >> reporter: the unrest coming just hours after a memorable finale to the world's biggest sporting event. >> germany, deserved champions of the world. >> reporter: germany beating argentina, 1-0, in overtime. with at least 1 billion watching across the globe. before the game, carlos santana,
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pumping up the crowd. there were celebs in the stants as well. from david beckham to rihanna. eb heads of state like russian president vladimir putin and angela merkel. germany winning at the final whistle set an all-time tweets per minute record ps even katy perry tweeting, brb, going germany. the holiest among us were not immune to the commitment. the rivalry pitting pope francis against pope benedict. memes galore. it was a game. what a moment. >> no question. a lot of hot weather out west. >> that is true. nevada in a heat advicery.
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boise, 102. for now, the local forecast in 30 seconds. >> reporter: good morning, i'm meteorologist karen rogers with your accuweather update. just a couple of showers moving through right now, more storms coming later today. it's let's look at the center city skyline, 76 degrees already. hot today, 91 and humid, as well. watching for the strong storms we could see a shower at any
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point. the best chance of the storms is later this afternoon and into this evening. >> and in the southwest, where you don't have the monsoon rain, it will be hot. where you do, it will be cloud cooled. coming up, the trial of the accountant accused of brutally murdering his boss. one father's crusade to keep kids from being left this hot cars. is this the most disastrous wedding photo ever taken? what led to this epic fail?
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] there's a simpler way to fluffier eggs. i can't believe it's not butter! the simpler way to delicious fluffy eggs.
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and pro plan® wet cat food cans are only 65 cents! ♪
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>> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, 7:26 mud, july 14, let's head oaf to matt pellman with a check of traffic. starting on 42. good morning. monday morning in the summertime means we're pulling people away kicking and screaming from the
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beaches. it's heavy from the ac expressway to 295. watch out for extra congestion on the ben franklin bridge we have three westbound lanes available. only two eastbound lanes into camden because the two right lanes are blocked for on going construction. malvern, along 202, this is our southbound traffic past 29 heading toward exton moving on the new pavement this morning, northbound in the normal spot with moderate volume. watch out for a crash in pottstown on the ramp 422 eastbound to 724. >> let's go to sky6 live hd hd and take a live look out over delaware toward the ben franklin bridge. you can see the sky is looking gray, sort of gives us an idea of what's going on event i will. >> reporter: we have a couple of sprinkles in the area.
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it's humid, as well. let's look at storm tracker 6 live double scan. we have shower activity pushing through. it's light at this point except for the cluster we see off atlantic city along the coastline. more storms developing later this afternoon into the evening. it's 0 hot and humid, 91. strong to severe storms. more storms tomorrow, 87 is the high. >> we'll take a short break and go to "g.m.a." anticipate see
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good morning, america. we're bringing the heat. whoo! yeah. >> this is great. >> and we love these audition tapes. all part of our 5-alarm firefighter challenge. perfect song, safe and sound, by capital cities. our finalists are here. never felt so safe. they're all competing for a $10,000 prize going to their department. >> we appreciate all they do. you're right. they've been walking the halls. everybody is like, wow. >> so many, i think it's a fire house here. >> they would know. >> they would. also this morning, so many people heading out on the water. and "gma" investigates looking into boating safety. our team capturing this
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precarious rescue on tape. boat is sinking here. what you need to know to stay safe. >> really important information. a new study revealing how much stress can affect your waistline. i think we all wondered. why stressful eating could be worse for you than you knew. >> yes, i have a bucket of french fries from last night that will attest to that. and the memorable wedding photo for all the wrong reasons. don't kick the bride in the face. we're going the hear from the man behind this opepic fail. actually, it's a bridesmaid. but don't kick her either. >> that's rule number two. >> rule number three we can't say. first, the murder trial of an accountant charged with shooting his boss who allegedly caught him embezzling money. the jury will be back behind closed doors this morning. an important piece of evidence
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is released. the dramatic 911 call. >> reporter: the morning, a michigan jury deliberates for a third day the fate of andy brown, the seemingly timid accountant accused of killing his 70-year-old boss. a key part of the case, this 911 call. >> what's going on? >> my boss is shot in the head. >> is he breathing at all. >> no. >> he's beyond help? >> reporter: the traumatized secretary on the line who also testified in court find the body of david locey on the morning he was shot to death last year. >> i just got here. oh, my gosh. >> is he breathing. i need you to check and see if he's breathing, okay? >> yes. >> i know it's hard. but you can do it. >> reporter: before police arrive, tammy rules out sd and names a suspect. >> you have an idea who did it? >> we think so, yes. there was an argument here yesterday. and --
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>> okay. >> oh, my god. >> who was he in the argument with yesterday? >> andy brown. >> andy brown? >> reporter: prosecutors say his boss found him stealing money. he lost his license once before after being convicted in 2005 of embezzlement. >> if his life was about to fall apart, he was going the take mr. locey with him, the man who gave him a second chance. >> reporter: investigators found gunshot residue on brown's clothes. he's pleaded not guilty. no gun was ever found. and, there's the mystery of a suspicious footprint at the scene. >> there's a print, a shoe print from the killer's shoe that doesn't match andy brown's shoe. >> reporter: for "good morning america," bazi kanani, abc news, washington. >> we're going to bring in dan a abrams to weight in. what do you thing is going on?
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>> i think there's a divide on the jury. they had a question. the judge wouldn't say what the question was. he read back the jury instruction. he asked the jury to quote reset. there may have been a division. they may have suggested to the judge they're having issues. as a result, the judge says to reset. >> what could be dividing the ju jury? >> this is not an easy case. there's a lot of evidence that makes it look like he could have done it. the motive, the gunshot residue. cell phone records in this case. but there is no dna. no blood. there is this mysterious footprint out there. and so i think it's possible that you have some jurors focusing on that legal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt and saying, wait a second, even if we think he did it, maybe that's not enough to get proof beyond a reasonable doubt. that could be the divide. >> that could be. we'll find out soon enough.
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thank you, dan. one dad's response to the georgia toddler left to die in a hot car. he's trying to raise awareness to show what happens in a sweltering vehicle. linsey davis has the story. >> it's 86 to 90 degrees outside. and i'm sitting in the car with the windows rolled up. >> reporter: it all started with one dad so outraged by another father's actions, he issued what he called a hot car challenge to parents around the world. >> i want to know how it feels to be left in the car. and, sitting in the backseat, strapped into a car seat with the windows up. >> reporter: his name is terry bartley, a father of three from north carolina. >> i was losing air. hot, stuffy. like i was hitting in the micro wave. >> reporter: he was hoet rate issed to make the video after he saw news koecoverage of
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22-month-old cooper harris's death. >> children being left in hot dars. >> a 5-year-old boy found dead inside a car. >> reporter: at least 17 children have died in hot cars this year alone. bartley is hoping his hot car challenge will raise awareness. >> there's a lot of people out there that felt similar to the way i felt. >> reporter: since posting his video at the end of last month, it's been viewed more than a million times, inspiring toers take the challenge. >> we got the dog if the car. look how bad she's panting. >> please don't let your children and animals stay in the car for any reason. >> reporter: parents across the country joining forces, saying enough is enough. it only takes about 10 to 20 men ou minutes for a car to heat up to deadly temperatures. the man who started this, said
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he could only last for about 1 minutes. children are not able to withstand the heat as much as adults. >> hope the campaign can make a difference. time for the weather. ginger? it's been a little bit of everything all across the country. >> i wanted to start with heat and humidity. the places that deal with that type of could-be dangerous weather would start in the mid-atlantic and the northeast. washington, d.c., cloudy skies. they'll see storms throughout the day. some could become severe. i put out this whole alert to anybody riding the subway with me. it's a clinical deodorant kind of day. just do that. for all of us. 90 for raleigh. dallas, just hit the first 100 of the year. 101 today. 94, houston. it's a psa, i have to do it, eddie. right? it's important. the rain in the panhandle of texas. just north and west of new york there. could see three-plus inches
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through thursday morning.. >> reporter: thanks, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers. it is 76 degrees and sticky out here. here's the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, hot today, high of 91, humid, as well. we could see a shower at any point. strong storms developing l >> all that weather brought to you by mitsubishi heating and cooling. >> i have been on the subway with you in the not too distant past. >> and you were like this in my face. >> now we know who that was directed at. a little punchy. >> just a wee bit. coming up, the modern-day mary poppins who says we have lost control of our kids. and "gma" investigates, the potentially serious danger on boats. the dos and don'ts before you head out on the water.
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they say it's what's on the inside that matters. guess the mcmuffin doesn't think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... ...we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. [bong] wrapped and grilled to go.
7:40 am
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the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. scheck it out.? i just saved 15% on car insurance in 15 minutes, so i took a selfie to show everyone how happy i am. really? because esurance saved me money in half that time. can i...? oh you can be in it! no need to photo-bomb me. hashbrown. selfie. yeah... that's not how it works. 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia.
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back now at 7:42 with "gma" invaes gates. the dangers of pleasure boating. so many people out on the water right now. so many boating accidents are totally preventable if you follow simple rules. matt gutman has the details. >> reporter: this year's july4thfire works are just finishing up when frantic calls
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come over the radio. >> we have a serious collision out here. the boat is breaking apart. >> reporter: a deadly collision. three boats, 20 passengers. a harrowing situation. >> people are in the water. i'm pulling one in right now. >> three are injured. one not breathing. >> reporter: four people died. >> this is probably the worst accident i have seen in my 11-year history. >> reporter: last year, 4,062 boating accidents. 736 in florida alone. do we know what happened? >> we believe once the fire wwos display ended, traditionally, people try to rush to the nearest marina. >> reporter: george and his team at the fish and wild life conservation commission are the primary law ens formt agency on these waters. we wanted a closer look. we tagged along with him and his team for three days. what kind of things are you looking for when you scan the or rising here? >> he's listening to the radio. he's maintaining a proper
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lookout. making sure he looks back occasionally. it's constant vigilance. >> reporter: on a quiet day, still plenty of action. this boat is being pulled over by fish and wild life baud it's moored right in the channel. they say it shows a lack of common sense. and this jet skier may have broken rules. >> did i do something wrong? >> yeah. you had that open and you don't have a life jacket. >> reporter: he's not wearing a life jacket and his lanyard, the cord to turn off the jet ski should he fall into the water. today he's ticketed. what is the single dumbest thing you have seen? >> kids not wearing a life vest is my pet peeve. bow riding. people riding in the front of the boat with their feet hanging. time and time again, a father rides over a daughter. >> reporter: sure enough, a few bow-riding right in front of us. today, they're cite also. what is the number one key for boert safety here or anywhere? >> the bottom line is don't operate a vessel while
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intoxicated. wear your life vest. pay close attention to what you're doing on the water ways. >> hold on. >> reporter: back on pra troll, a crisis unfolding. a boat full of passengers, sinking. and few of them know how to swim. a few more minutes, this boat would be underwater. with the help of this boater, they get everyone to safety. >> they started panicking. >> reporter: if you hadn't been there, the boat would have gone down. >> for sure. we would have had one or two deaths because a lot of the people on board did not know how the swim. >> reporter: of the 560 people who died in boating accidents last year, 77% of them drowned. 84% of those were not wearing life jackets. fortunately, today, none of those 11 boerts became part of that is itstatistic.
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>> saved only people. >> thank you, matt. life jackets are key. coming up, why it took 17 doctors to diagnose actress kristen johnston and what you need to know about your health. and we'll hear from the man who is racking up millions of sues with this epic wedding photo we show you over and over. we have the details. the story behind the story. that one right there. yeah, come on back, folks. right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese.
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andsfx: car unlock beep.airy treats you'll 100% enjoy vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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[server] dreaming about your wedding, huh? [customer] yes! actually. [server] with a big ice sculpture and a string quartet? [violins playing] [customer] yeah. how'd you know? [server] you've got the new instant game from pennsylvania lottery. [customer] yeah. $1 million golden ticket, with 5 top prizes of 1 million bucks. [narrorator] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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all right, now, over to social square. the wedding photo we have been talking about. yes, people look at it. abc's mara schiavocampo has the story. >> it's a picture worth 1,000 words and a few million views online. a photo shoot during a beach wedding led to this painful moment being called the most disastrous wedding photo ever. >> i was kind of thinking, i wish i could stay up here and fly away. >> reporter: 28-year-old tyler foster, cousin of the groom, said he wanted to try something different. he jumped. and then -- >> whacked the brides made in the head and split my pants. >> reporter: luckily, the bridesmaid got a kick out of it. >> she was laughing, i guess, after she picked herself up. but, she wasn't hurt, really, or anything. >> reporter: foster then decided to publish the cringe-worthy moment online and stays reactions have been priceless.
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>> people started saying this is the worst wedding picture ever. this guy ruined his cousin's wedding. did the bridesmaid die? >> reporter: as for the newly wed's reactions, foster said they support him for better or for worse. now that photo has already racked up more than 6 million views on reddit. maybe not so surprisingly, he might have had a little too much rum punch before the picture was tak taken. just a little bit. >> that's the back story. >> mystery solved. it just wouldn't go away. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can plan my days and accomplish more. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression,
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or unusual changes in mood or behavior or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i'm feeling better. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. then i found lyrica. ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup.
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the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. there you go. it at us. so it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. yes, this week the kids invited us to their place. sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. but look at all this food we've got. yeah we got this delicious kfc meal and they threw in 2 extra sides for free. for free! and i love what you've done with the drapes. are those your bedsheets? [laughing] ♪
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i love the taste. always smooth, never bitter. my cup of coffee is always awesome when i go to dunkin'. man: i see the steam rising off the cup, 'cause you know it's a fresh pot. man: one cup a day for sure. two if need be. and it's usually "need be." dunkin' -- your place for coffee.
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>> good morning, i'm tamala edwards, 7:56 on this monday, july 14. let's head over to matt pellman we're heading into the 8:00 a.m. hour, see what the traffic looks like. we have a problem for past steel day. we have a downed tree taking out the right lane. traffic northbound is locked up coming away from 452 through this point as you head to the blue route, 476. meanwhile, we have a downed pole in parksberg stay on old
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wilmington road as the alternate. we have a crash along south guff road at trinity lane. we have a crash blocking the left ramp at 325. traffic is jammed as you head toward 8th and vine. >> sky6 live hd looking down the shore in cape may, new jersey, just a gray pal -- pallet with the water and the sky. >> reporter: we have a light shower north of cape may. you'll get it in atlantic city and surf city. you'll see the heavier storms off the coastline. most of us are dry, but it's humid. here's the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, a hot, humid
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day, 91 is the high, strong storms develop later this afternoon into the evening, they could gusty with damaging winds, more storms tomorrow, 87 is the high. that's it for us, we'll send you to "g.m.a." and see you in 30.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. is all that worrying making your fat? the new research revealing you could be packing on almost 11 pounds a year and not even know it. and, modern day parenting. in crisis? the expert nanny saying it's time for parents to start doing less and ask their kids for more. it's a medical mystery. 17 doctors, countless tests. actress kristen johnston opening up about her shocking diagnosis and the treatments that are saving her life. ♪ safe and sound all that, and the firefighters competing in our 5-alarm challenge, as we say --
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>> all: good morning, america. >> good morning, america. and there they are, our friends from capital cities. the men behind "safe and sound." also the sound track to our 5-alarm firefighter challenge. and -- >> he's trying to win the dance contest before they start. >> it looks that way. we're excited to have them there. zblrnlt and the three finalists here this morning. the best of the lip-sync videos chosen by you. these, boy, i gotta tell you, they stood out. >> they did, robin. now, the teams you voted for are here live to face off in a series of challenges this week. the winners will be taking home $10,000 for their fire department. so, let's meet them, shall we? from mcallen, texas.
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the mcallen fire department. >> we got spirit. all right, guys. good to see you. oh, boy, they're ready. from tacoma, washington. the tacoma fire department. >> love it. yes. >> and our final team, picked by viewers friday afternoon. here they are. from alabama, the gulf shores fire rescue. >> all right, guys. and lady. >> uh huh. that's right. that's right. and all three teams are going to be showing us some of their dance moves live this morning. in a -- it's a friendly danceoff to the song that you're hearing right now. >> a lot of friendliness. first, the news. dan harris is in for amy. she's with malala in nigeria today. we'll have more from her later. now the dan. >> thanks, george. start with 80 million
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americans bracing for another day of violent storms after another weekend of wild weather. powerful monsoon storms drenched the southwest. a father and his little girl forced to climb a tree. in ohio, a truck driver had to rescue his dog after high winds knocked the semi truck on its side. more than 100 people had to be rescued from the monorail. an ominous new development today that could escalate tensions. this morning, israel said it shot down an unmanned drone along it's southern border. the militant group hamas claims it launched the group. there is no evidence that it was armed. thousands of palestinians have left their homes to go to shelters. this morning, the vatican is disputing quotes from pope francis in a recently published interview in which he reportedly
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claimed that 2% of priests are -- engineering off the coasf italy this morning. new video of the "costa concordia," the cruise ship that capsized two years ago being successfully refloated so it can be towed away. crews forced air into the ship. trying to raise her one deck at a time. looks like you'rer ipad cou make you sick. allergic nickel in the tablets. a boy in california had to be hospitalized. the nickel in the ipad's coating is one of the most common allergy-inducing met also the. finally, check out this huge fish one guy just caught. jack maguire was on vacation in
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alaska when he hooked this 482-pound halibut. it's nearly eight feet long. it took several people to reel it in. jack came home with 100 pounds of fish meat for his freezer. here's the twist. jack doesn't like fish. fortunately, his wife does. hay plan to throw a fish fry for the neighborhood. back to you. >> good work. >> 100 pounds of fish? >> 100. we're about to do something on stress. we're stressing out because jen ashton is not here yet. she's supposed to come running in at any second. no stress. >> take your time, jen. >> maybe we could tell them about this. >> i will. the study proves that stress can make you fat. not jen ashton, of course. she's jogging in. thank you for making it. as you take your breath. i'll summarize. it found that your body burns more calories after a stressful event. burns fewer.
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it also says you combine that with high-fat comfort food, it could add up to 11 pounds a year. >> right, now. when we're stressed, kind of like now, you reach for the comfort food. that can pack on the calories. what was interesting about the study was it found our metabolism slowed down. 100 extra calories adding up to ten pounds. that science is not so hard and fast. you don't know what you might be doing differently the next day. it's just awareness. >> what is it about comfort food? for me, it's popeye's. my friends know, ooh, you have had a bad day. >> the foods are highly processed. high in fat, sugar, calories. that's not a shock. what we know conclusively is
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they activate the reward centers in the brain that are the same centers activated when people use drugs. so this is -- this is real. >> wow. >> wow. >> we can't avoid stress. it's a matter of coping, meditation is a great way to do it. if you're going reach for something, like popeye's or oreos, have a big glass of water first. >> moderation. moderation. >> what helps, too, counting to ten before you say, i'm going to dig in. >> no, no. >> i'm trying. >> no, spicy with fries. >> that's real. >> how about morning menu? going into social square to deliver it. here's what's coming up. in "pop news" is katy perry clueless? i don't think so. why she could be ready to roar in a brand-new role. plisry illness nor kristen johnson. one of our favorites. why it took 17 doctors to diagnose it. and the three finalists from
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the 5-alarm firefighter challenge. they're warming up. going head to head for a major prize. all that coming up live on "good morning america," here in times square. don't go anywhere, baby. introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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say goodbye to the same breakthrough in break time.a introducing the new bacon clubhouse. loosen the tie, punch the clock, and grab 100% beef or premium chicken on an artisan roll with apple wood smoked bacon and big mac special sauce. it's the best thing to happen to lunch since...lunch say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. and she gave me advice. she said, "dad, go pro with crest pro-health." [ male announcer ] 4 out of 5 dentists confirmed these pro-health products helped maintain a professional clean. crest pro-health really brought my mouth to the next level. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love.
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what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. when the pressure's on... osteo bi-flex, only secret offers clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel with 100% odor protection. secret clinical strength. of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. ♪ ♪ ♪
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guy: woman: but, but, jimmy.♪ the one you want. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds. woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. for lovers. welcome back, everybody. time for a little "pop news." shall we? >> let's do it. >> we begin this morning by one star who may be roaring to broadway. katy perry, far from clueless about the classic movie. well, the filmed screen writer, and director, amy heckerling is
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in the early stages of writing a script for broadway. perry has shown interest in playing in it. the movie crow ating more buzz. if her schedule does not permit, iggy azal eea would be a good f. heckerling with two great choices for one great idea. >> brilliant. >> our girls would gro crazy. and so would dan harris. >> i would. a bit of a mauzic snob, pu i'm a big katy perry fan. >> that was for you. >> thank you. >> they all are. >> it's love all for tennis superstar novak djokovic. the first title being willabledon. the second, the title of
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husband. the 27-year-old serbian star tied the knot with his childhood sweetheart this week. djokovic dedicating his five-set victory against federer to rstic and their baby on the way, proving it is truly a love match. >> a beautiful couple. you now he was feeling it. coming off the win at wimbledon. >> perfect time. congratulations to them. and then, well, everybody, i hope you're enjoying national nude day. it is, in fact, national nude day. a liberating holiday. first celebrated in 1976. dan, you celebrate, right? >> 1976, oh, yeah, i -- well this is a family show so we have pixellated. i have never felt so free. this may also be tend of my
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journalism career, which is freeing in itself. >> today is just start of national nude recreation week. the founders of the holiday have recommended you celebrate by either skinny-dipping or perhaps answering your door naked. i'm not sure i'm doing it right now. or do "pop news." i'm not sure your boss recognizes this holiday. mine does. so i'm fine. please check before celebrating at the office. >> have you had conversations with our boss that i didn't know about? >> he's celebrating right now. >> oh, i see. >> the entire control room is celebrating. they just didn't have a big enough pixellator. >> whoa. >> so close, lara. so close. >> just on this side of the line.
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>> thank you, lara. let's get some weather from ginger. >> i just have this impaj of james goldson now that i can't get out of my head. no, really. and lara was talking. you could see a cold front on national nude day. yep. all right, so good morning, everybody. let's turn this thing nice. this is shannon, from greenville, michigan. this here, celebrating her 10th birthday is -- >> gabby. >> saying good morning to everybody. let's get to the forecast. severe weather to talk about. the damaging winds and hail the largest threat. isolated tornado threats there in the northeast. after the heat and humidity of today, the sticky air is going to be going away. boston dropping to 73 on >> reporter: hey, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers with your accuweather update. it's 76 and it's warm and humid out here.
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let's look at the forecast. high of 91 hot and humid, strong storms developing late this afternoon into the evening, it could produce damaging winds and flooding rain possible. tomorrow, more storms, 87 degrees for your high. wednesday, 82 degrees, thursda >> it's like 50-50 out here for those who will celebrate national nude day and those who won't. so i'll keep doing my workout. >> the "gma" flash poll. no pun intended. >> are we -- >> i'm sure we'll get blamed for it. first up in the heat index. actress kristen johnson talking to "people" magazine about a rat wl a rare disease. paula faris has her story. >> reporter: from an out of this world funny alien on "third rock
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from the sun." >> women are trouble. i should know. i've been one for two weeks. >> reporter: to a single and sometimes desperate divorce attorney. >> i'll have the shrimp cocktail. >> reporter: she's played it all. now the 46-year-old actress is opening up to "people" magazine about the rare form of lupu sx that turned her world into a real-life me call mystery. >> it was like swimming through mo lasses. >> reporter: she said she new something was yong last summer when she had trouble climbing a flight of stairs. >> i couldn't walk. it was incredible. >> reporter: after four months, a battery of tests, and 17 different doctors, johnston was finally diagnosed with lupus sms myelitis. a neuroroj call disorder that attacks the spine. >> when i finally found out what
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it was, i had treatment. and started feeling a little better. >> doctors say if she waited a few more weeks to seek treatment, she could have ended up a quadriplegic. >> reporter: it's the latest perm battle for her who came clean about her struggle with alcohol and pain kills in 012. >> stlst so much secrecy. i think it keeps people sick. i do. >> reporter: still sober and now in remission, johnston is back at work. and thankful to be alive. >> yes, yes, yes. it was such a life-changing experience, this five-month journey i went on. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> so glad she's speaking out. we hear from so many people who battle lupus. there's not enough discussion and awareness. is the middle initial on its way to becoming a thing of the past? a piece in "the new york times"
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that talk about it. >> no, no, i love my initial. >> it seems like every generation, people are using them less. they say it seems too formal. john f. kennedy. frankl franklin delano roosevelt. mary j. blige. >> i like it. >> what is it, dan? >> b., for beef cake. benjamin. >> dan beef cake harris. and yours are -- >> r. triple r. >> i use it with my signature. >> you are? >> r, robert. >> yours? >> christine. rhymes with pristine. >> makes as much sense as beef cake. it's a nice tradition. thing we should keep it. >> i do, too. let's get behind this one. >> we're united on this front. also next up in the "heat
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index" two big stars send mag jor message. john legend's new video for you and i going viral right now with more than 6 million views. it features women of all shapes, sizes, and races including his supermodel wife, chrissy teigen. and "orange is the new black" actress laverne. they're looking into the mirror as he signings they're beautifu. a similar message, colbie caillat. the video for her song, try. women baring their natural beauty. she's saying you don't need to try to be someone we're not. >> george and i were talking about this. kate has had to cut her hair shot. she was devastated. i was laying in bed with her
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explaining, your hair does not define you. it's what you are inside. if you listen to the words of the john legend song, that's the message. you tried on every dress in the closet. you were fine many hi eyes a half hour ago. that's maumg we can give all of our girls and ourselves. >> i embrace all your imperfections. you're that beautiful. >> all your curves and all your edges. >> all my imperfections. thanks, lara. >> those are both great. check out those songs. and burning up the "heat index" one little girl's dream of becoming a princess is coming true, thank to her daddy. he discovered an 800-square mile patch of desert. between egypt and sudan. he laid claim with a flag. a lot of legalities.
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he says his stake is legitimate. the family calling the spot, the kingdom of north sudan. >> will they get a seat at the united nations? george could weigh in. >> i'm not sure i want tone courage this either. >> you know what? what a father won't do for his little girl. so i thought that was interesting. and also in the "heat index" a modern day mary poppins saying parenting is in crisis. the nanny, emma jenner is author of a new book called keep calm and parent on. deborah roberts has the story. >> are you down with the pizza. you have left table. to me, that says you're done. >> come on, jordan. >> reporter: sound familiar? >> i was ding myself a favor. if they eat, they eat, if they
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don't, they don't. >> reporter: emma jenner is a modern-day mary poppins. a proper english nanny. after years in the home trenches, she says in a new book, "keep calm and parent on" that modern parenting is in crisis. first problem, fear. you say we're afraid of our children. how so? >> if a child is about to have a tantrum, a lot of moms, i see fear in the body language, their face. kids are clever. they know, gosh, if i throw a tantrum, my mom will give me what i want. that's what they do. >> reporter: she says we allow bad behave your because we have lowered expectations. the ipad is a shot cut parents shouldn't be taking. what do they do then? >> you have to show them how to behave. if day don't, you say, we're leaving. we're leaving because you're not
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going the ruin it for everyone from t in the restaurant. you leave. >> reporter: worse, we have lost the village. these day parents don't want to get involved in other people's troubles. >> i'm always looking for better ways to parent. having someone here to observe and kind of guide us and point us in the right direction, that's great. i wish i could have that all the time. in fact, can you move in. because i have a spare room. >> reporter: emma says there is hope. if parents are willing to set clear boundaries, stand firm, and remind their children who is boss. and one more thing. after 17 years of caring for other kids. emma's having a baby. are you going to remember to put yourself first? are you going to practice what you preach? >> i am. i am indeed. at least i hope so. >> reporter: we'll see if emma can walk that talk when she answers to the word mom.
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she's worked with hundreds of kids and their parents. she insists discipline doesn't have to be a negative word. putting yourself ahead of your children is not such a bad idea. they need to know you have a life, too. you're a person too. >> this is a story i want to see a followup on. >> two to three days yorks can change some of those habits. >> good advice. >> great seeing your son here with you. hey, mickey. hey, coming up. cameron diaz is here live. don't go anywhere. "good morning america" is come lg right back. >> heshe's going to be a hoot.
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>> good morning, pink slips are expected to go out today to about a thousand workers at trump plaza casino in atlantic city. the owners are planning to close the casino by september 16 because of a sharp drop in revenue during the past two years. 8:27 i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to matt, you say you're starting in delco again. >> reporter: big delco delays because of this, a downed tree from last night taking out the right lane. they have a wood chirp on the -- chipper that's good progress. it's a parking lot coming from 452, penndot and police on the scene, as well. northbound by girard there was a broken down vehicle that's gone,
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otherwise normal delays on i-95 and the schuylkill expressway. have a crash at south gulph road at trinity lane and steer away from one at 322 at copy land school -- copeland school road. >> let's head over to karen rogers, you say it's an important day concerning weather. >> reporter: yes, i'll show you storm tracker 6 live double scan, nothing more than showers near atlantic city, the heavier stuff is off the coastline. later today into tonight. it's hot and humid, 91 for your high. strong storms in fact we're under a slight rick for severe weather and flash-flood watch begins at noon today. and then we get more storms tomorrow, 87 degrees for your high. now, wednesday it's dry and humid, breezy and cooler, 83. thursday, low humidity really refreshing high of 83, tam. >> that's it for us, we're sending you to "g.m.a.," that
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last half-hour, we'll see you in 30. #
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] there they are. performing the megahit "safe and sound." here live this morning to perform their new single adds well. and that song so perfect for what we have here this morning. firefighter challenge. everyone here getting warmed up. >> so exciting. they are ready. to give it their all, as they always do. fire departments across the country. fire departments across the country have been sending us their lip-sync videos to that hit song for our 5-alarm firefighter challenge. oh, my. this morning, the finalists are
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here live gearing up for a series of challenges. this week, they're fighting for a $10,000 prize that goes directly to the fire department. we kick off with a friendly, live danceoff the. they're ready. not holding back. >> they're all in shape. >> somebody is going to pull a hammy over here. we should say, amy is in nigeria this morning with malala. amy is there to tell us about malala's new campaign to inspire people all over the world to save those little girls kidnapped by the islamic fu fundamentalists there. cameron diaz and jason segel are married couple. they try to recapture the romance by making an intimate video. when it gets away from them, it's a hilarious comedy.
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it's called "sex tape." take a look. >> it went up to the cloud. >> you can't get it down from the cloud? >> nobody understands the cloud. it's a mist prip all that's happened here is a minor syncing mishap. >> this is not minor. >> you know what? i'm on there, too. >> nobody wants to watch you. nobody cares about the guy. st the woman that has to live wit forever. >> amen. we're excited to have our dear friend, cameron diaz, here with us. i was watching it over the weekend. so relatable. people say, sex tape, how is that relatable? >> you're about to do the press, the only thing people are going to focus on is the sex tape of it all. it's really just such a fun, sweet story about two people who love each other and ne that they're married to the right people. but they're just having a bit of trouble fitting in that thing you do with that person. you know. >> very morning friendly.
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thank you. >> exactly. >> there will be a lot of people that watch it and go, yes. and you and jason, i mean, i know it's a reunion of "bad teacher." w but you can tell you trust one another. you have to be comfortable. >> we're doing silly thing that with another person might be really awkward. and, maybe inappropriate. but we're jus, we kind of describe it as a locker room sort of vibe. lots of high-fives. team -- let's go team. okay, what's our strategy here? between jake, the director of bad teacher, that we all worked together. the three of us kind of in those more sort of moments that are a little bit more -- could be more awkward, it was like, me and jason kind oup of with jake above us going, just a little to the left. it's not really. you know, you're like this is kind of strange. >> it is national nude day. so it's good that we're talking
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about. ? what are we doing dressed? >> don't start. don't get the control room started. it's fitting we're talking about this. last time you were here, your great book, body book. fantastic. a lot of people have picked it up. i have picked up "esquire." you on the cover. an amazing article. that really, you're just so comfortable. you're embracing maturity and you're about to turn 42. >> yeah, i'm really excited. i think we need to change the conversation about aging. among amongst us women in our society, it's a privilege to get to grow older. not everybody gets to do it. you never know when this is going to end. i feel like, as you get older, your life gets better. you have more wisdom. you let go of the things that don't matter. if you do the work, make sure you're constantly moving forward, not trying the stay somewhere that you can't anymore. there's though such thing at anti-aiming. reversal of aging. all you're ever doing the moment
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you're born is moving forward and, you know, growing not just in age and experience. i like to take that and move forward and have a better life. >> you have shared that with so many people. you have entertained us for years. there is something about your spirit that picks up with a lot of people. you're big on the social media. so many people -- >> i have pulled back on the social media myself, personally. >> why is that? >> it's not my instinct to share what i'm doing. isn't that weird? >> this is the first time that we have seen this much of you in a movie. you decided to pull back? >> i wish i was better. i'm not of the era of, hey, i have something to share. it's my breakfast. here you go. not my instinct. >> you have still very popular. people are asking about that. i want to get to a couple of questions. one via twitter. no, this was on facebook.
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lori asked, what would yo you do if what happened in the movie really did happen to you? >> first off, it just wouldn't happen. i don't thing -- technology hates me. i think it's a personal vendetta. i think it's like, i have stepped away from it. i wouldn't test it. i wouldn't test it. i wouldn't even put it on a -- put myself in the position to -- to for it to be uploaded into the cloud, which i think is one of those things that we haven't get mastered. >> we saw that in the film. like he said, no one understands the cloud, even was like, amen. >> if they called it the vault, i would have been more comfortable. a cloud up sin waits it moves across the land and drops its content randomly across the world. i'm not into that. i want stability. i want the vault. >> and you're a true girlfriend. i had something on my nose when we came on, she's like, oh, get
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that. that's the mark of a true girlfriend. >> i wasn't going to let you go on national television like that. >> i appreciate that. jase listen be on this week. >> you're going to have fun. thank you so much for your time. >> "sex tape" opens nationwide on friday. i met some friends out here that got the dance with the rockettes all the way from mississippi. i was talking how hot and sticky, it feels like mississippi, right? >> it does. we're used to this weather. >> they're leaving tonight. if they are, they'll run into storms. phoenix, that is camelback mountain. i've climbed that a time or >> reporter: thanks, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers it's warm and humid out here with storms on the way. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, hot and humid today, high of 91.
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strong storms this afternoon into the >> and all that weather brought to you by lara, i see you over there. >> all right, ginger. things are about to heat up. the teams, the three teams competing in "gma's" 5-alarm firefighter are here behind me. gulf shores, tacoma. and mcallen. we're going kick off the competition today. it's all in good frun. it's a friendly danceoff. the cap city men are going to help me judge it. actually, you guys are going to judge it. we're going to start it with the boys from mcallen, texas. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ you could be my luck even if the sky is falling down i know
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that we'll be safe and sound ♪ ♪ we're safe and sound ♪ >> all right, tacoma. ♪ ♪ i know that we'll be safe and sound ♪ ♪ safe and sound we're safe and sound safe and sound ♪ ♪ we're safe and sound ♪ safe and sound we're safe and sound safe and sound ♪ >> nicely done. here they come, gulf shores, alabama. ♪ you could be my luck
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♪ i know that we'll be safe and sound ♪ ♪ >> wow. come on in. amazing. amazing. amazing. hard to choose. hard to choose. ryan, and sebu. i mean, sebu, ryan, not easy here. which team did your song justice? >> you're going to make me decide. >> i'm sorry. >> i liked some of the extra stuff. the shirt stripping was a nice touch. the throw at the end was great. >> almost a cheerleading move. >> very coordinated. >> i'm hearing this from the control room. we'll make you wait. the winner will be announced in our good-byes. remember, the danceoff won't impact the final 5-alarm challenge results.
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we'll let you know. vote for your favorite at on yahoo!. coming up, capital cities taking over times
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if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even... more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price. every friday, mr. booker connects with his friends at the senior center to enjoy a nutritious hot meal. which gives him the energy he needs to connect with his bowling league and maybe pass along a few pointers. when older pennsylvanians make the most of programs supported by the pennsylvania lottery,
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like hot meal programs, we all benefit. learn more at the pennsylvania lottery benefits older pennsylvanians every day. we want to go back to amy in nigeria for more with malala. the teenager who inspired to many with her story of survival and determination to help all
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young girls get an education and get ahead. they're there to meet with the girls that escaped from boko haram. >> reporter: good morning. today, as malala urges the nigerian president to do more to fete the girls released, she's announcing her new social movement. malala has proven she's stronger than a bullet after surviving a taliban attack less than two years ago. >> she was stronger than violence. >> she was stronger than oppression. >> she was stronger than fear. >> reporter: now celebrating her 17th birthday in nigeria, she's asking others to share their strength. >> what are you stronger than? >> reporter: with the youtube video and the hash tag stronger than. >> i say i'm stronger than fear. violence. than terrorism. i'm stronger than every kind of thing that stops me from getting education. so, we invite you to share your
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feels and say what are you stronger than. i'm hopeful that everyone will say we're stronger than any kind of violence and fear. >> bring back our girls now, and alive. >> reporter: her message gives hope to the families of the more than 200 missing dpirls in the country. several of the young women who escaped say they're stronger than their fear. >> i go back to school, if they admit me. >> reporter: you want to go back to school? are you afraid? >> yes. >> reporter: but still you want to learn? >> yes. >> reporter: this 16-year-old says she's still too scared to go to school. saying she doesn't want the see a book bauds it reminds her of what happened. one day you want to go back to school? >> yes. >> reporter: what would you like to study? >> i want to be a doctor. >> reporter: how important is hope? >> it's very important. hope is keeping me alive. it's hope that is giving this -- this strength to those girls who are in the abduction.
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and it's hope that is giving strength to everyone in nigeria. this is a story of strength. >> reporter: and with the new social initiative, she hopes to empower people in africa and across the globe. >> there are so many issues around the world. i want to speak for girls in nigeri nigeria, those homeless in pakistan. in iraq and many other countries. i have many, many dream. i have many, many goals. i hope people will support me in this goal. >> reporter: right after the interview was over, she told me she's already looking forward to next year, when she turns 18 and can nigh around the world solo. rite now, her father accompanies her wherever she goes. she, like most teenagers, is craving the freedom of adulthood. >> i know in the weeks and months to come, you'll follow up on this whole stronger than message. do a series of special reports on the power of women and girls. >> that's right.
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our new series, #girlpower will profile women around the world changing lives. >> cannot wait for that. thank you very much. we want to know what you're stronger than. tweet us using the hash tag stronger than. when we come back, capital ci
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they are one of the hottest indie pop bands in the world. capital cities have kept us safe and sound all year. now they're back to perform their latest single. here's one minute more. ♪ ♪ don't wait for an invitation
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no need for reservations ♪ ♪ this life is an exploration and you've got to see what i see in you ♪ ♪ i've got what you want in it more the sun will shine the sun does shine we can't wait one minute more ♪ ♪ the sun will shine, the sun does shine ♪ smoet ♪ ♪ just think of a destination i'll be your transportation we'll find there's a kind of place that could only be seen with the naked mooind ♪
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♪ i can't wait one minute mur the sun does shine the sun does shine ♪ ♪ we can't wait one minute more the sun does shine the sun does shine ♪ ♪ ♪ there's a key that opens the door will you find it in time ♪ ♪ take your time don't take too long ♪ ♪ there's a map that's washed ashore will you find me find it ♪
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♪ unleash your imagination two stars one constellation bright lights just to guide the way can you see ♪ ♪ what i see in you ♪ watch and wait one minute more the sun does shine the sun does shine ♪ ♪ we can't wait one minute more the sun does shine the sun does shine ♪ ♪ i can't wait one minute more the sun does shine the sun does shine ♪ ♪ we can't wait one minute more the sun does shine the sun does shine ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ]
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we're getting close. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, again.
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to capital cities. love the sound. love the music. we know you're on tour with katy perry right now. >> we are. >> thanks for making time for us. >> today was the warmup for the firefighter danceoff. the official competition starts tomorrow. lara, do the honors. >> the dancing of ready? oh, i have to turn this on. gulf shores! [ cheers and applause ] >> good morning, residents of the montgomery county community that was evacuated last night because of a volatile organic
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compound are calling skippack township before entering their homes. we'll have the latest on the investigation coming up in a live report at noon. 8:56 july 14, i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to matt pellman for the last look at traffic, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam, they are trying to turn the downed tree into sawdust along i-95 at 320, everybody is funneling over to the left side of the road northbound toward 352 toward the blue route 476. in chester county watch out for a crash at copelapped school road. elsewhere in chester county we'll have restrictions along 362 from today until august. we have a crash in hill town southbound at hill town pike. >> let's go outside to karen rogers i know we're waiting for
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rain to come in, what's it looking like now, karen? >> reporter: it's warm and humid, and it is gray. the best chance of the storms will be late in the day and evening hours. strong storms that could bringing damaging winds and drenching downpours. hot and humid high of 91. more strong storms tomorrow, 87 degrees for the high. wednesday and thursday we get a breakfast, it's dry and cooler an breezy and feeling refreshing by thursday. >> coming up on "action news" at noon, more than a thousand trump plaza employees brace for pink slips. and your ipad could cause an hey pal? you ready?
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9:00 am
announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, captain of "the last ship," eric dane. and hot summer health tip --


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