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tv   Action News at 4pm  ABC  July 16, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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victim, who was later identified as laura araujo, had the same last name. he then contacted the home side. >> the body was found monday morning in a vacant lot, she was stuffed in a duffle bag and wrapped in a blanket and was found by someone that was going through trash in that lot. she was a graduate of the art instutd of philadelphia, she was between homes and went to live in a boarding house in the mantua section of philadelphia, and had been there only a week and police tell us she had an uncomfortable encounter with the suspect a week ago and that made her decide to move on she also interrupted him sunday night going through her belongings and this happened during the course of a robbery, she was beaten and
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strangled and dumped in philadelphia. police did a good job in philadelphia putting it all together arriving at the name of a suspect. he arrived at crozier medical center and then here for questioning and we are told he has confessed and he is charged with murder and a bunch of associated crimes, and he will face the charges at a preliminary hearing down the road. the police did a quick job of wrapping this one up. live at police headquarters, david henry, channel 6 "action news." >> amazing how they put that together. thank you david, our coverage of this breaking news story continues on our 6 abc news app. now, to a first check of the accuweather forecast, on a day that brought us some relief from the humidity. meteorologist, adam joseph is live outside this time around, and it's a lot more comfortable
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today adam. >> it's nice to be out here and that heavy weight to the atmosphere has lifted off of our shoulders. we have the heat and we have the humidity that started on sunday at 91 degrees, 90 on monday and 91 yesterday and the tropical moisture pushed out. as we take a look at the temperatures north and west, we are only in the upper 60s to low 70s, in the great lakes and the ohio valley, that is impressively cool for this time of year. really the peak of the summer across the 48, those numbers are pretty your impressive. moisture is heading east of boston and northern maine, we are catching a break with sun and clouds now, and the evening planner temperatures drop, not very far only to 74 at 10:00 with a mainly clear sky.
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when i come back we'll talk about this beautiful stretch of weather and how long it lasts in the accuweather forecast. >> like the sound of that, thank you adam. a south jersey man was arrested after causing a scare at a day care. workers found a loaded gun in his daughter's diaper bag. walter perez is live now with how this happened. >> reporter: investigators don't know why the gun was in the diaper bag but they know it's a stolen gun and in the possession of a convicted felon. employees of elcent ro daycare center found this gun loaded with hollow point bullets. >> it's a weapon for maximum damage, it's a stolen weapon from philadelphia in 2009. >> investigator says the weapon was found soon after the infant was dropped off at the day care
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and the baby's mother. authorities were quickly notified and police went to williams home and he admitted the gun was his and he was arrested. he has a criminal past including a drug dealing possession. under new jersey law that precludes him from legally owning a firearm. police chief scott thompson says this is a potentially irresponsible development. >> one would think if you are legally carrying a firearm, you wouldn't want it in proximity to a child especially an infant. >> neighbors say this story is unbelievable. >> everybody here, we don't have those problems here and to hear that happen, with a child 11 months old, that is very disturbing. >> i have grandkids i bring around and to know that is in my
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block is very scary. >> williams is now being held on $50,000 bail and the mother whose identify is not released is not facing charges. but authorities have taken the 11-month-old and she is in custody of the state. >> pretty unbelievable walter, thank you. our delaware newsroom is following developments in a cold kasz. today police identified a body found in the woods nearly two years ago. ian michael withrow recognized his tattoos, his remains were found in november of 2012, police are not sure how he died but that he was dead for three months before someone discovered his body. at least four palestinian boys are dead after israel inten if ied their attacks in gaza
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today. they were between the ages of 9 and 11, israel promised to step up the attacks after hamas rejected a cease fire agreement. they warned people to get out by 8:00 this morning. u.s. secretary of state, john kerry, says that the u.s. is talking to both sides to try to stop the violence. >> our concern is to have the legitimate cease fear and see if we can find a way to stop the conflict of killing so we can get to the real issues that are underlying it. >> the latest round of violence in gaza is going on for nine days now and results in the death of 213 palestinian and one israeli. lawmakers took a step to find corporate executives
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criminally -- it makes it a crime for corp officers to lowingly conceal an accident that poses a risk of injury or death. if passes executives could face fines and five year in prison for failure to comply and they say it's just common sense. in our day to day lives we don't behave the way corporate executives behave. a neighbor would not sell a car to another neighbor who he knew had an ignition failure that would put the driver in peril. this is in connection to gm's faulty ignition switches. a man was heard in philadelphia when he fell into an uncovered hole in the middle of the sidewalk. on the 6100 block of vine street, can you see the huge hole that is there as part of the construction project, medics rushed the man to the hospital, they said it has a back injury
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but is in stable condition. >> still ahead here on "action news" at 4:00, someone broke into the kennedy compound and wait until you hear why he told police he did it. plus, when we send our teenagers out on the road, sometimes the safest cars just aren't in the budget. now we look for the safest cars
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here at the big board now, if there is a new driver in your house in the market for a car, there is a new list you'll want to see. 83% of parents that bought a vehicle for their teenagers say they bought it used. the insurance institute for highway safety complied their first list of safest used vehicles for teens because they understand that a new car is not in the budget. and along with teen immaturity, the type of car your child is
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driving could contribute to the crash rate of young drivers, here are your recommendations. they say young drivers should stay away from high horse power, because they will be inclined to use it. the bigger, the heavier, the better. when it comes to protection for a crash, there are no mini cars or small cars on this list. now, of course, you must also check the safety ratings, and along with that, you should look for electronic stability control and in fact they say it's a must. >> this is a life saving technology that helps drivers maintain of a vehicle when they go around a curve or slippery roads, and it's been shown to reduce single vehicle crash risks by half. >> it's used cars they recommend on this list range from $5,000 to $20,000, a full list on, along with their
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recommendations. important for all parents sending their kids on the road, they are nervous in the first place. more than 200 people are sick after swimming in a lake in washington. the center for disease control is joining in the investigation, this is in horseshoe lake outside of seattle. they are treated for cramps and nausea and other sick tims. they all went swimming in the lake this recent weekend. they are taking samples to find out the source of that problem. police in massachusetts arrested a man that broke into the kennedy compound and he was apparently looking for pop star katy perry. james laquau was wearing a captain america shirt when he was taken away by police. laquau answers when kennedy called to his son. they found him in the kitchen and when they asked him what he was doing, he said, looking for
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katy perry of course, he is charged with breaking and entering. to business now, a strong day on wall street, the dow picked up 77 points to close at an all-time high and the s&p picked up a little more than 8. time warner stock shot up today after news that it rejected a buyout bid for rupert murdochs 20th century fox, worth $80 billion, it sent time warner stock up 17% today. they owned cnn which they would have sold to avoid anti-trust concerns, both company says they are not currently in talks. apple is teaming up with ibm to create new apps, the companies wfr once rivals but now they want to put out 100 new apps for iphones and ipads, they will target the customers that
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have devices that are preloaded with industry specific apps. >> pretty incredible to see apple and ibm team up. never thought that would happen. time for the "action news" traffic report. lets go live to matt pellman. >> it's one of most magical days of week, it's hump day, behind friday and saturday and sunday, and magical nonetheless, and we have issues on the roadways this afternoon giving us delays, schuylkill expressway westbound side, bumper to bumper traffic out to the vine, slows from montgomery to belmont and an earlier wreck on 95 northbound by allegheny that gave us extra heavy conditions in the northbound lanes and across town on the vine street expressway, only 295, in camden county, one left approaching 42 and all lanes are open and still slow in that area. in pemberton, a crash near
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birmingham road. and a crash in florence involving an overturned vehicle along 130 at the turn connectsers. the southbound lanes of route 1 are shut down from the business one split. and white road. stick with business one as an alternate there. lets grab the ipad and do the commuter report on the hump day afternoon, a crash along baltimore pike close to the granite one mall and you can see 6 miles per hour for congestion for that crash. >> happy wednesday to you matt. >> a buck county school bus driver will likely lose her drive, that put a young passenger in danger, and now rick williams has the details.
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>> reporter: thank you, the employee involved in all of this, is apparently devastated that she mistakenly left a 4-year-old child in a vanna loan for four hours. the child was suppose to be dropped off at the circle center in croyden, buck county, she forgot about the toddler who could not speak. we'll hear how the mistake happened and the actions take and to prevent a similar accident. and -- we'll also show you the inspiring and after photos, some of the stories we are working on for you tonight on "action news" at 5:00. >> we'll certainly see you then. tonight on "action news" at 11:00 we begin a new series of special reports, jim gardner one-on-one, jim sits down with news makers from around the region, getting to know them on
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a much more personal level. he'll talk to people you probably never heard of but thord achievements speak volumes tonight jim speaked with superintendant william hite. and how to pay for even the most basic needs of school children across the city. does he regret taking the job and see light at the end of tunnel and you can see jim at 6:00 and then tune in for the full piece tonight at 11:00. >> a great series, can't wait to see it. >> later a customer service call goes horribly wrong, the nightmare call, and what they are saying about it now. you can get accuweather any time with our 6 abc news apps.
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the pools are open and the water is fine, and can you bet that kids in trenton had fun cooling off at the martin luther king pool on brunswick avenue, the official announcement of all five of the city pools. they are free for residents and can be accessed seven day as i week. it really taking you back. >> on that note time for the accuweather forecast. >> lets go back outside to adam joseph. >> a cool down now from mother nature, a little bit of cloud cover upstairs but you know what? a beautiful day. the number on city avenue, we are away from the 91 of yesterday, sitting at 82 degrees, the dew point is 75 with that oppressive humidity, with the northwesterly wind at 5 miles per hour. as we look at the numbers to the north and west. mid to upper 70s, that is it in
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chester, lancaster, berks and it's lehigh valley. chester 83 degrees and southern new jersey and delaware anywhere from upper 70s to 80s, hammonton 85 and no sea breeze, with temperatures at the shore of 80. 51 in mt. pocono and still holding ton to the low 60s in south jersey and below 60 for the summer for dew points extremely comfortable outside. and how it will feel outside tomorrow, friday, and also into saturday staying in the 50s, so the heat and humidity will not return for at least the beginning of the weekend. as we look at some of that heavy rainfall, we have lingering downpours at the shore early this morning. they are now kicked to the north and east, east of boston and we have high cloud cover upstairs
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and the cloud cover begins to break up here this evening and overnight tonight, if you go to ppl park, clouds for the union game and comfortable, the starting temperature is 80 degrees, and by the 90th minute, a temperature of 74. overnight tonight, upper 50s in the northwestern suburbs, under a lot of stars, 63 in wilmington and 63 in dover, with the comfortable air open up the windows if you can and let your air conditioner take a break. upper 70s, that is it for highs north and west, 82 in philadelphia, and 81 degrees in dover in the afternoon. looking at your four day at 4:00, impressively cool air in july. this is the peak of the summer heat. we typically get around here. only 83 tomorrow and low humidity and a beauty 85 and sunday 85 and higher human on sunday and 86 and a thunderstorm
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in the afternoon. we'll let you know of any oppressive heat and humidity in the seven day coming up. until then enjoy this beautiful weather for july. >> i will thank you. a new donation make its easier to dig for history. lowes is building a much needed fossil -- the building will store supplies for community dig. for the hero volunteers program. what is buzzing next? >> the rocky statue brings people here but not so much the rocky musical in new york city. rocky musall the chickenk city. in your grocery store is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment... and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company
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does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. time now for the buzz, a month since radio icon casey
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kasem passed away, but his body has yet to be buried because of family drama. his stepmother jean refused to bury him and will not tell them where the body is kept but they believe at the funeral home in washington. they went head to head over his care and rights. and his children hope that he will be buried at forest glen cemetery in california.hat he those are part of his final wishes. and rocky, the broadway version of the iconic film is hanging up its gloves after a rough time at the box office. the musical will play its final audience on august 17th and the show received mixed reviews and declining ticket sales after tds debut.
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it's just not making it on broadway. >> i would have banked on it working. thanks alicia. a live report coming up with the teenager trying to rape and rob a college student. >> a tornado ripped through a small town leveling everything in its path. and the fight over a cold beer, why they say that convenience stores can only sell their brew
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"action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, shirleen with allicot and brian taff. >> hello again, 4:30 and "action news" continues with a true arack in aaphobe. why one man sacrificed his home to kill a speed spider. >> and a customer service call that take its to a whole new level. the 18 minute interrogation, and the company's response. and a story both heart breaking and heart warming, a father grieving the loss of his newborn, turns to the internet,
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asking help me heal. the response he got blew him away. >> rights now a 17-year-old boy is facing charges accused of breaking into a college students home and trying to rape and murder her. john rawlins live in bethlehem with all the new details. >> reporter: well, this starts at about 3:00 a.m. this morning with a pair of 911 calls from two different roommates saying that a third roommate, a victim was screaming in her room, when police arrived to a house on carlton avenue, they found an intruder leaving pulling up his clothing and sweating profusely. >> he faces charges of trying to rape and murder a lehigh valley student overnight. they called what happened in this blue painted house an atemmed burglary, neighbor says
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there was a significant police response. >> moved the curtains and i noticed a van and it had crime scene investigation, normally they don't send a van for no purpose and i assumed it was something serious. >> the victim was found blue in the face and marks of strangulation and gasping for breath. she awoke with the suspect standing next to her bed and he grabbed her around the throat and commenced strangling with her with his hands, she fought back scratching and hitting and biting and this neighbor responds to the assault. >> i see lehigh studenting up on this block here, and that is crazy. i'm speechless, i didn't think that would happen. i didn't expect that to be the problem. >> this is video we shot a few minutes ago, the suspect leaving his arraignment here, he said he
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arrived from puerto rico a month ago and would start work at a fast food place tomorrow and that is not likely going to happen, he says he is broke and bail was set at $100,000 cash. live in bethlehem, john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." we are learning more about the murder of a young art of philadelphia institute graduate. 22-year-old jeremiah jackson was charges with killing his neighbor, laura araujo, and leaving her body in a duffle bag in a lot. we'll have much more on how they figured out jackson was a suspect and what he was allegedly after. philadelphia police said one big mistake landed a criminal in handcuffs, mark beaver is charged with two robbery after he left his debit card at one of scenes, he allegedly pulled a
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knife at the clerk at the luk oil station and the employee chased him away and he dropped the card with his name on it, police linked beaver to the robbery on knights road earlier that same day. the delaware county bomb squad scoured a neighborhood, in upper darby, the noise was reported afternoon today. once experts secured the scene they realized it was from a security device and police superintendant mike chitwood says it was cut from store merchandise and tossed it into the mailbox. we are learning more about the crash of a small plane in knowledge. the amateur built aircraft scratched into a yard several miles away from the central new
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jersey airport. it was registered to a hillsborough man but they have not released information on his condition. there is no word if there was anyone else on board. over to the big board, with chopper 6, 360, hovering over wilmington this is the site tomorrow of president obama, as he makes the case for infrastructure improvement. if we use chopper 360, can you see the shouldered portion of i-95 over the christina river, workers are busy getting the bridge back open. the president will use the bridge as a backdrop for highway funding that he says congress has failed to provide. that bridge closed when a huge pile of dirt dumped beneath it threw it off kilter and caused the structure to move.
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it will only pay for projects of may of 2015 and the president says that is insufficient, a long-term plan is needed to avoid the yearly fights that put both jobs and roads as risk. back here chopper 6 360 on the board and the bridge today. we'll be there tomorrow to hear the president lay out the plans and have complete coverage here at 4:00. >> thank you brian. protecting the waterways got a whole lot easier for police. the marine unit has a brand new state of the art safe boat, it was unveiled in south philadelphia this morning. it featured a sonar and camera capable of transmitting clear video back to a remote command center. now to meteorologist, adam joseph, this time yesterday lightning was lighting up the skies, big difference now.
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>> last tuesday, we all need a nice break and mother nature finally cleaning her act up, so to speak. get it together. >> as we take a live look right now, looking from the philadelphia international airport, sky 6 camera, the dew point has dropped from the mid-70s to the low 50s, that is the breath of fresh air you are feeling with the northwesterly wind at 5 miles per hour. 81 in cape may, dew point of 60, look at the folks riding the waves, the ocean temperature is freezing, it's 61 degrees, a little churned up from the storms the last couple of days, maybe you go bay side, the bay side of cape may and 80 as you get towards rehoboth side of the bay. we'll talk about the accuweather forecast and how long this break
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will last. >> i'm wimpy, 71 for me thanks. can you always get "action news" and accuweather with the 6 abc suite of news apps, they are free at the apple and android stores. the first state is hosting a paw draw competition to redesign the animal welfare license plate and the winning design will be reproduced and sold for $50 with proceeds benefiting shelters that spay and neuter strays. >> and still ahead, did you know that taurus gets special discounts at bloomingdales, one of bargaining secrets we'll reveal ahead. the maddening interrogation one couple endured when they tried to stop their comcast service. and spiders got the best of him
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and his house. what one man used to kill an intruder. and matt pellman is back with i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo.
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ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at new video takes us inside the powerful tornado that leveled the town of pillger, nebraska, last month electric lines were sparking when they went airborne with 200 miles per hour winds, and security cameras recorded a lightning bolt inside of a farmer's co-op, coupled with what looked like an explosion. employees and customers were shocked after the video was recovered. the footage forced them to relive the terrifying moments they spent hiding in the security vault as the tornado touched down. >> we were all getting sweaty and jittery watching it and relieving it basically. nebraska lawmakers have asked the federal government to fast
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track aid to the hundreds of victims that lost everything in that storm. convenience stores in indiana are fighting a long that forces them to sell warm beer. the hoosier state is the only state in the country that regulates beer sales on temperature. they say it gives them an advantage over stores that keep them over room temperature. they call the law unconstitutional and a lawsuit is filed against the state of indiana. a new weapon in the fight against competition, i give you taxi charm school, they are taught to be courteous and standout in a good way. taxi drivers have long battled a gruff stigma and now new competition from companies like uber and lift. now they hope this hospitality class at south seattle college
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will steer them in the right direction. now the big talker, it's a story that you our viewers cannot help but share. a plea, so heartfelt and heart breaking it has 3 million views on our facebook page and 52,000 likes, this is sophia a baby girl that never made it home from the hospital, her father took to red-it with this photo shop request, since she was always in the hospital, we were not able to remove the tubes can someone remove the tubes from this photo. they took some liberties with the color and back grown and then a sketch of sophia that someone did by hand and then a rendition in black and white. >> the next person writes, i doubt you'll get to see this but i tried. >> someone writing, my son is 9
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months old and i couldn't sleep without trying. >> this story now, a san francisco man's efforts to cancel his comcast service turned into a complicated saga. the customer service rep badgered him for 15 minutes and so mind blowing robert block taped it. it has millions of plays on sound cloud. >> why don't you one the number one rated internet service and tv service available. >> because that is what we want to do. >> why is that not what you want to do? >> it's none of your business. this phone call is an amazing representation of why i don't
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want to stay with comcast. finally selfies are burning up social media and now you can take a reverse shot image and burn it into your breakfast. go ahead and toast yourself and pop up a healthy slice of toast, the vermont toaster is offering personalized toasters for $75. whole wheat or rye and butter or jam, for which i bring you this. you knew it was coming and i think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. >> oh, no. >> i'm biases. >> the last thing i want to see is my breakfast. >> no selfie toast. no, no. >> it's kind of cute. have you admit. lets get another check on the roads now. matt pellman is here with an update from the traffic center. >> well, traffic definitely bites as we head only on this
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wednesday afternoon brian and shirleen especially here on 202, what a mess southbound approaching 29 great valley and you can see the accidents and the emergency crew attending the victims and blocking both lanes. it's a parking lot, as you come south from 252 approaching 29, i would definitely stay clear of that, use business 30, lancaster avenue and stay on the new jersey turnpike, if are you bailing out heading downtown, watch out there is a crash past pottstown pike in west goshen taking out the left lane, on the big picture, normal stuff on the schuylkill and 95, normal means really slow, northbound on 95 by the betsy ross bridge, here is an abnormality in gloucester county, in harrison township, a car on fire on 55 southbound approaching 322, taking out the right lane, as you travel south
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down towards the clayton and franklinville avenue, and a wreck in camden county along somer dale road and one along mount holly, and it's overturned vehicle crash in burlington county along 130 at the turnpike connecter, and they have reopened the southbound lanes of 1, and the police activity has cleared. >> all right matt thank you. even the firefighters task of responding to this house fire, they conkeep a straight face. the seattle homeowner accidently sets his house ablaze while trying to kill a spider. the guy uses a blow torch, and fortunately he
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if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even...
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more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price. now to the accuweather forecast, we are still laughing at the selfie, the picture that won't die. >> i wonder whose face will be
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the last one on there as you eat all around. any way, we are gidding because it's a beautiful day outside and we can enjoy and relax and sit back and take in the breath of fresh air so to speak. we look at the action cam, pleasure boating going on down the delaware there at the ben franklin bridge and i'm sure anyone that has one of these boats can crash the party and show up down there. the accuweather live lineup, the temperatures and numbers that are extremely cool for this time of year, in the nation's heartland. we look at double scan live after a couple of violent days, nothing to track as everything is to the north and east and numbers are falling to 79 in allentown and 81 in wilmington and 82 in millville, with a northwesterly wind, no sea breeze at the shore today, temperatures equally as warm as they are inland in the lower 80s, as we look at the numbers in cincinnati, st. louis 77 and
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wichita just 64 degrees, chicago 71 and this is 20 degrees below normal for this time of year. an impressive cool shot so to speak, from canada, with a large high pressure. that is why some of the storms are so strong. there is the storms lifting into new england now and the low near ottawa, it's spinning back from toronto to the great lakes, replacing the area of low pressure is high pressure coming in on thursday, so this fresh air will continue unseasonably cool for the east to mid to late july, 83 degrees, that is it with low humidity, the humidity comes over us with a carbon copy and lots of sun, and the human on the extremely low side. from you down the shore tomorrow, a lot better than
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today. 61 degrees and the water temperature, that has dropped considerably, the ocean is churned by the storms with pleasant sunshine and high temperatures of 81 in the afternoon. a lot of stars tonight and very comfortable, 58 in the suburbs, 65 for center city, and one of those nights can you open up the window, and get free air conditioning going on that remains the case the last few nights. low 80s the next two days with full sunshine, and saturday sun and clouds and 85 degrees and low humidity, and not bad on sunday, the humidity will come up we little bit in the afternoon and if it does rush in there could be a thunderstorm sparking in some spots late in the weekend and 76 and a touch warmer come monday and unsettled at times and 87 and more humid and sticky tuesday into wednesday and upper 80s for highs and pop-up thunderstorms so the next 3.5 to 4 days,
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amazing for the middle of summer. >> love it. >> saving next. >> secret savings tips so secret, i didn't know about them until today. you will not want to miss this.
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it is time to save with 6 abc with some secret bargaining tools revealed from a discount pro, mark elwood is the author of how to shop in a discount world. you can score unadvertised deals first by asking the right questions, he got 35% off prada, he asked if there was a discount if he paid cash and he said
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there is. make the right friends and make a friendship with the sales rep. you can get sales and discounts that the general public doesn't know about. when shopping in department stores, you can score better deals at the stores than the outlets, presales, this is usually reserved for vips, ask when is it and can you shop it. the presale is the holy grail, best selection and best prices. >> and ask for a competitive price with competenters. and bloomingdales if you happen to be visiting new york city, miami, chicago or san francisco, they offer 10% off out of towners. and toiletries go on sale every six weeks, never pay full price,
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when your favorite stuff goes on sale stock up. finally at 4:00 today, hot summer days often have adults craving a cold brew and it turns out our species is not alone in that. >> give me back my beer. that is my beer. >> look at that, a crustacean filming it stealing its beer. the crab scudled up to him and stuck its claw in the bottle. the poster decided to give up telling the party crasher go ahead. we should be on the lookout for a drunk crab, he kept staring at him taking it away. that is so awesome. for brian taff, alicia vitarelli
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and adam joseph i'm shirleen allicot, brian and i along with adam and ducis rogers will be back tonight for "action news" at 10:00 on phl 17. now we send it to rick williams. coming up n on "action news" at 5:00 tonight. we are following new developments in the murder of a recent college graduate, "action news" is live with the latest on the killing of laura araujo coming up. and now a child left on the school bus a school bus driver can now lose her job. those stories and m
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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. we begin tonight with new d developments in the murder of a recent college graduate. police have charged the neighbor of laura araujo of strangling her dumping her body in kensington. woe begin with the murder of a recent art graduate of the
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institute of philadelphia. sara bloomquist is live outside of the suspect's home with the latest. >> reporter: well, in a late afternoon news conference, police announced charges against 22-year-old jeremiah jackson. they both live in the boarding house with six other teneantten they are reeling over the news that jackson is the man that allegedly beat and strangled their neighbor. >> police say that 22-year-old jeremiah jackson killed 23-year-old, laura araujo, a recent art institute grad moved into next door. >> the motive is robbery and mr. jackson believed that she had some money with her. a large amount


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