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tv   Action News  ABC  July 17, 2014 1:36am-2:12am EDT

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she was a recent art school graduate with a promising future, but that all ended for laura araujo when she was kill unday night and
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then stuffed in the duffle bag. tonight, this man, 22-year old jeremiah jackson is behind bars, charged with her killing. it is wednesday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is the arrest of a man who lived in the same apartment building as his alleged victim, and the motive was robbery. "action news" reporter kenneth moton is live at police headquarters with all of the details, kenneth. >> reporter: jim, we now know victim for the for her life. police say there was a violent struggle inside that boarding house where she and the suspect lived. wednesday evening, homicide detectives are briefly back in the mantua boarding house where 23 year-old laura araujo was beaten and strangled. they came out with an item wrapped in the brown bag another piece of evidence against woman's neighbor in the building, 22-year old jeremiah jackson. >> just glad to be out of school, moved into a building and did some kind of freak kills her like that. >> reporter: jackson confessed the killing the art institute
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of philadelphia graduate sunday and dumping her body in the duffle wag in kensington monday morning. >> mr. jackson believed that she had some mob which her large amount of cash, based on the vehicle that she was driving. >> reporter: police say that toyota rav4 was used to transport the decease wood man before jackson set it on fire in south philadelphia, suffering burns and dropping his cell phone. fire investigators who interviewed jackson at the hospital heard the victim's last name on the news, and realized that it match the suv's registration and alerted homicide. >> we don't know when, in fact, he attack her. whether she interrupted a burglary or progress or whether she was exiting the building. >> reporter: investigators say araujo had been here at 40th and brown streets for about a week or so and about to move out because she felt uncomfortable. her parents toll us tuesday she didn't hang around with trouble her neighbor say she appeared to be out of place. >> she looked, very timid, and
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not like she belonged, you know, this far down, i would think, more on campus, kind of a young lady. >> investigators say they found some victim belongings in jackson's room, his rap sheet including theft, robbery, gun charges and now murder, jim. reporting live from outside philadelphia police headquarters tonight kenneth moton for chan will he will six "action news". >> thanks, kenneth. about 30 people hit roosevelt boulevard in felt evenville tonight to remember samara banks and her three young children they were struck and killed on this stretch one year ago trying to cross the highway at second street, a fourth son survived. two men, one of lancaster and a philadelphia resident were charged in the crash, the city has renamed the site where banks and her children were killed, in their honor. the search is on at this hour for two gunman who started shooting late today at a playground in philadelphia's west oak lane. two teenagers are in the hospital tonight. "action news" reporter dann
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cuellar has that story. >> reporter: frantic parents rush to the simon's recreational center at 1600 east walnut after learning of the shooting. >> i just got a phone call saying that i'm picking my kids up because is there a shooting. >> reporter: police say play ground was crowded with kids when a shooting broke out at 4:45. fourteenth district officers would arrive moments later to learn that two young men had been shot and an 18 year-old in the groin, and listed in critical at einstein medical center. a 19 year-old shot in the thigh. he is in stable, also in einstein. >> in doubt, about 20 to 30 teenagers, young adults playing basketball on the basketball court. they were very young tender aged children with young parents on the playground. >> reporter: worried parent came looking for their kids, although they were relieved to learn that in kid was hurt after 11 shots were fired from to second separate semiautomatic weapons. they were upset about anyone in their right mind, bringing and firing guns at the a play ground.
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>> it is a sad thing, it is very sad, very sad. we cannot leave. we don't have anywhere else to send them. >> the kids are supposed to be at cheer practice today, and they canceled the practice. >> i was angry because i was trying to get to the top so i could be in the good part of the team. >> reporter: but because of this, it is holding you back. >> yes. >> reporter: late tonight police continue to look for 29 men responsible, they do have their work cut out for them. the one victim who is able to speak tells investigators he has no idea who shot them. live from northwest detectives, i'm dann cuellar for channel six "action news". >> thanks, dann. police in bethlehem have arrested 17 year-old brian sanchez osoreo and charged him of trying to rape and murder a lehigh university student. police found the victim unconscious in her campus house at 3:20 this morning. the the victim says she awoke to see her attack over her and he tried to extract will her. sanchez is behind bars in lieu
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of hundred thousand dollars cash bail. the school board in ollie berks county reaffirmed a controversial move tonight. it moved the start of the new school year up by five days, and gave parents the okay to excuse their children from classes, on those days, if it conflicts with family vacations. critics say that this amounts to fraud and they have asked pennsylvania's attorney general to investigate. the family of slain philadelphia police officer chuck cassidy was on hand tonight, to unveil a new mural dedicated in his memory. paid for by the city, a wall at the penn crest gym, in northeast philadelphia, is now adorned by this painting, by jonathan of the mal arts program. officer cassidy spent many hours working at the gym academas killed in the line of duty by an armed robber in 2007. this was graduation night in blue bell for 50 police cadets of the montgomery county municipal academy. the the new officers have
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completed 800 hours of training, but many of experienced, in the military and other professions, and, among the proud parents "action news" executive producer rick williams, his son joel, that handsome young man right there, was in the graduating class, tonight. a philadelphia judge has stripped away, the city's authority to tax lap dances. admission fees to strip clubs in philadelphia are already taxed at 5 percent. the city wanted to extend the amusement tax to semi private dances but three clubs appealed. they would have owed more than a million-dollar in back taxes, interest and penalties. philadelphia's tax review board sided with the clubs and that decision has been just upheld in common pleas court. and some institutes cherry hill location is now warning have to close by september 15th because of financial challenging. campus provides education, and training for careers in health
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care and technology. it is trying to find other institution that is would allow the 256 students to transfer. well, tonight the story behind the story, of the wedding proposal last friday that has been seen by thousands of people on the internet. well, it business to get a far greater audience as told by "action news" reporter sharrie williams. >> i was like totally shocked. >> reporter: mary is a bride to be after two and a half years of dating her fiance, chris, popped the question. >> i pick out the ring, and i was ready to go with everything. >> reporter: proposal happened here at logan square, when it seemed like a moment just between the two of them has become quite the talker on the internet. >> i had no idea. >> reporter: six abc photographer dann sheridan was taking a walk around the fountain at logan square when he spotted a man hiding in the bush west a camera. it turns out it was chris's brother, mike, recording the proposal for family keep sake. sheridan then grabbed his camera to help out, in hopes
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of giving the couple a professionally shot video of the special moment. >> i knew at that moment, i knew something cool was going on, something special was happening. >> reporter: quick clip of the couple's big moment then ran on "action news" friday night during the closing credits, capturing the couple's excitement and mary saying yes. >> he asked me and i just have been on cloud nine ever since. >> reporter: from there people began to ask who is the lucky couple? so we posted the moment on our six abc social platforms and eventually tracked the couple down. >> i think it is so nice, really nice like really the greatest moment in my life is shared. >> reporter: a wedding proposal planned for weeks that now has a little something extra to add to the story. in northeast philadelphia, sharrie williams for channel six "action news". and, still to come on "action news" tonight the first in my series of one on one interviews with news makers, tonight philadelphia school superintendent william hite, plus surveillance video
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captured more than crimes, this time a 200-mile an hour twister. and two potential turning points in the israeli palestinian crisis, one a moment of carnage, the other a chance for calm, adam. jim, after our second heat wave of the um iser, cooler air is flooding in from the north and west, we will talk about somewhat chillier temperatures for july in that accu weather forecast. iconic 1970's band and current pop idol joined forces in south philadelphia promising we will rock you. plus chase utley on what the phillies need after the all-star break, "action news" continues in just a moment.
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♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive.
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israel and hamas have agreed to a five hour humanitarian pause in the nine day battle. respite is scheduled to begin
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in about three hours and 45 minutes. but there was no let up today, as this was the most controversial event of the battle so far. four boys, were seen running on a gaza beach, and apparently looking for scrap metal when they were killed by a strike from an israeli naval vessel. the first shell hit a nearby shipping container used by hamas security forces. president obama warned russian president putin that his actionness ukraine have consequences, like a weakening economy and diplomatic isolation. at the same time u.s. and european union imposed new economic sanctions on russia because of russian support for separatists in ukraine. and just released surveillance video takes us inside of the powerful ef4 tornado that level parts of the nebraska, exactly one month ago. 200-mile an hour wind gusts ripped build to shreds, sparks lit up the streets, and only feet from propane tanks leaking fuel.
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even a lightening bolt was caught on camera. two people were killed, about two dozen more were injured. california death penalty has been ruled unconstitutional. a u.s. district court judge ruled that long unpredictable delays have led to an arbitrary unfair capitol punishment system n35 years, 900 people have been sentenced to death in california, only 13 have ever been executed. but elsewhere the supreme court is allowing capital punishment just tonight it reject the last minute appeals of a missouri inmate convicted of murdering three people. john in middleton was executed by lethal injection at 8:20 tonight. on health check tonight, any son a b vitamin recommended for lowering cholesterol may do more harm than good. in tests at northwestern university prescriptions strength any son users had higher risk of serious side effects such as die beat, stomach bleeding, infections and muscle problems. past studies cast down on
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niasin's ability to lower heart attack or stroke. with the the new evidence some doctors say niasin is just too risky for routine use. rutgers university is raising tuition for the coming school year. the university's board of governors approved a 2 percent hike starting in the fall, despite appeals from students and some state officials for a freeze in tuition. last year, the school raised tuition by 3.3 percent. a typical in state student from new jersey would pay about $25,100 to live on the rutgers camden campus with meal plans and $500 more, in new brunswick. well, tonight we will begin a new project called gardener 101. we think there is an opportunity to come to know the region's news makers on a more personal level. to meet individuals who are not necessarily in the head lines, but who are making important contributions to our community. our initial one on one is with william hite, the
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superintendent of the philadelphia public schools. >> from hite's first day on the job as superintendent he has been trying to manage a district desperately short of money. now after 5,000 layoffs, 31 school closings and threats of massive program cuts the the crisis, continues with hite's very expensive plans for district wide reform on the back burner. and still, there is the deficit. >> is it fair for a reasonable person to think that improving public education in philadelphia is a losing battle. >> yeah, i mean from a regular person's point of view it may appear that way. sometimes i think that way. i don't think it is never going to work. i to think that it can work and i think we're so close. >> what you are saying is sometimes you get discourage. >> there is no question about it. sometimes i wonder if
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individuals who all proclaim that education is critically important actually support that with actions. >> reporter: hite seems to be resilient and relentless and perhaps those characteristics were molded on the football field. yes, hite was a four year player for virginia tech university starting in 1979. maybe he was not lesean mccoy but the guy had speed, moves, and grit. >> you played football at virginia tech. >> indeed. >> reporter: what is there about playing football in college that prepares you for the kind of work thaw are doing right now? >> i mean it is preparation depending on a team, it is being purposes full and intentional. it is dealing with setbacks over and over again. it also provided me with an opportunity to get out of the city where i grew up, to learn how to work with other groups
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of individuals, to learn how to live and learn with populations that i was than the necessarily exposed to as a child. so i value that as well. >> reporter: do you think you are a good superintendent. >> i think we can always get better. i could be clearer, about what
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objectivity he was a charismatic guy, and obviously having quite an impact on a lot of people in the philadelphia school district. >> you can tell i look forward to the next one as well. we're looking forward to cooler weather, july. >> yeah. >> break in the heat and humidity looking at double scan live across the region, any of the tropical moistu is now well off t the east, are go for the next fif d like, a ttle bit o relief, so to speak in t ddle ninety-one sunday. ninety on monday.
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ninety-oon heat wav number two becau ee consecda of90 o abov aoday wl drop t 83 degrees and we should b at that number tomorrowe, ma degree less in some locions. as we lookat the numbers though it is veryor coble to the north west intoemd, 70 sr but numbers to the south will also collae andnote that is warh urban heat isld effect in hiof all of that coretet concrete kind ofholds te evening and slowly radie it dun, oler as we look satellite ap moving in. clearing thatinup in eastern new england.those number overnight in the upper 50's north and west, 6in trentn.indod fairly clear sky i breath of fresh air continues for thursda unseasonable and ale eastern half of the country, 83 with low humidity. that high pressure will drift
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to the east on friday, carbon copy, lots of sun, 85 degrees and we will have low hontinuinge week. much better day at the shore tomorrow. we will have cloud cover and rain this morning. pleasant. 78 degrees at 11:00 in the morning. eighty-one at 3:00 with the water temperature coming in at 61 degrees. your day planner for tomorrow, temperatures about, 4 degrees below average, again, morning sunshine, giving way to some bubbling clouds in the afternoon due to that cooler air, we have seasonably cool air, about ten to 15,000 feet above our heads and that interact was that july sun and then the clouds will form. exclusive accu weather seven ony fot ecplat of85atrday 8refthecreasecould i tuesday,o t no in aernooed inctllmidwest2 porsphia.
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>> two memb of queen d we asteappearan
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well, phillies getting ready to begin the second half of the season, what does chase utley have to say about all of this. >> he knows his team has a lot have of problems, jim. chase utley has been rubbing elbows with all stars, soon it bakes to reality. atlanta.the 11 games beloin g ws what iam ies. thkte have ith consistent as we need to be. we have put some good streaks together and followed it up with a long bad streak. so, we have not found that consistent point just yet but i believe we can. >> carlos ruiz is set to begin a rehab stint with clearwater
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tomorrow. chooch has been out nearly three weeks with the concussion. he missed 16 games. the team hopes he willba tgh to. sixers ha a in ket to rs. in fact, the game is udeay0 evn eng. s anklenry biith a160 rrthe secarter. they8 p. gausew momentsdiushivion team's future. he madtw things veryclear, ferll b a yo team stany cull not up overnight. >> un i'matiet, we' t gog to see be patient.there is no other. we have to develop our s. defense. delo ou right ves to make o team
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the world cup increased interest in soccer hopefully double for union. they have played better as
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ovulate. union hosting new york red bulls, and that is ppl park. ninth minute, no score, check out the moves, connor casey right her that is nice. his ninth of the season. 1nil union. second half action, 69th minute, sebastian le to, word of the penalty shock union win three-one to snap a seven win home less snatch. tiger woods is just hours away from the open championship at 4:04 a.m. our time. woods has played two rounds of competitive gavel since back surgery in march. he feels he is cleese. >> each and every week i have gotten stronger, and faster, and the not probably not at the level i think i can be at as far as my explosion, through the golf ball but i'm pretty darn close. >> how is your explosion through the golf ball. >> when i play golf, i
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>> yeah, so does you it was all about family at kip cooper norcross academy in camden, at contacted my held family festival for fun, with everyone, from face painting, to the giant inflatable slide, plenty to do, festival was free for families living in the landis square and cooper plaza neighborhoods. there was lots of fun for free tonight at franklin institute in philadelphia, science museum held a monthly community nights so there was no charge, families had a ball finding out what makes the world and all of us, tic. jimmy kimmel live next on channel six, "action news" continues in the morning. jimmy's guest tonight, bob newheart and music from spoon. "action news", back at 4:30 # with tamala edwards, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rodgers with traffic. for "action news", i'm jim gardner, good night.
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