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tv   Action News  ABC  July 17, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> we're working on several developing and new stories didn't see last night. firefighters respond to a philadelphia home due to reports of fumes and find a couple dead inside. we're live on the scene with how they are relate to do a top city official. >> a temporary cease-fire in gaza. >> president obama will be visiting delaware today to talk about the 495 bridge that remains closed at this hour. >> good morning, out there, it
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is 4:30 right now. it's feeling a little bit nippier than the past few days. let's find out what to expect with meteorologist karen rogers. >> reporter: you can expect this morning to be nice arena refreshing. normally we would have an overnight low of 70 degrees. quakertown 61. warrington, 62. 59 in saint davids. 59 in kennett square, 64 in center city. temperatures in the city 6 degrees below average. 59 in hammonton. some of the 50s on the the map early this morning. refreshing, but you have to be prepared for that. the humidity is so low, we have dewpoints overall below 50 degrees, so feeling nice and comfortable. this lasts not just today, but into saturday. satellite and radar showing the clouds trying to push their way out east of the city of philadelphia. we'll see mostly sunny skies and
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dry. no more storms to talk about, we're on the quiet stretch. a nice high of 83 degrees, temperatures 4 degrees below average, so not too bad, but feeling refreshing. what's in store for your weekend, the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast coming up. matt and tam. >> we begin with breaking news, a gruesome discovery in philadelphia overnight. two bodies were found in the house in the strawberry mansion section of philadelphia. katherine scott joins us live at the scene with what we know so far, good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, matt there are a lot of unknowns, police are trying to figure out the victims are identified as gladys and ruffus perry. their nephew is donald carlson. we spoke to him a few minutes ago. the crime scene unit is on the scene. there were no obvious signs of
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trauma. the home is located on north spangler street in strawberry mansion. police responded to the home for the report of a person screaming. it was their 39-year-old daughter who found them unconscious in a stairwell. they pronounced on the scene. the fire department went in with meters, but they didn't find any fumes. carbon monoxide will be ruled out. it appears the residents were horders. carlson said his aunt was the oldest of 12 was the matriarch of the family. gladys was a nurse at hanheman for many years. >> she was a person that everyone leaned on in the family. they lived in the house for over 40 years. >> at this time there's no obvious cause of death. there are no obvious signs of trauma to either the 66-year-old
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female or 79-year-old husband. although they were pronounced on the scene, cause of death is unknown at this time. >> and family members last spoke to this couple yesterday. their daughter was stopping by when she discovered them in that stairwell. you can see the crime scene unit is here right now. we're told an autopsy will be had so they can determine the cause of death for both these people. we're live in strawberry mansion, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> new on "action news" a shooting critically injured a man in north philadelphia. the action cam was on the scene at north 7th and west shiller street. police responded to the scene when several 911 calls came in. the victim's name has not been released. a football standout from delaware is under arrest for
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witness intimidation trying to get a witness to change his testimony about a homicide. small wood is about to enter his second year at west virginia. he is being held in a jail at that state awaiting an extra digs hearing. >> the search is on for a man who opened fire on a crowd you had playground in west oak lane. two teenagers are shot, one in critical condition. this happened before 5:00 p.m. on the 1600 block of east walnut lane. two men fired 11 shots from semi automatic handguns. an 18-year-old and 19-year-old were hit. it's fortunate that nobody else was injured, as well. investigators are taking a look at surveillance cameras in the area to see if they could get a look at the suspects.
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>> israel and hamas are in the midst of a 5 hour humanitarian cease-fire to allow civilians to stock up on food and water and other necessities after ten days of fighting. taman bradley has been monitoring the fighting and cease-fire. >> reporter: today in gaza a cease-fire. the united nations got them to cease-fire for five hours to people could stock up on supplies. israel has to take the actions to defend its citizens as any formal country would. >> reporter: wednesday was another bloody day, chaos an anguish after israeli airstrikes on a gaza beach. four boys were killed, two brothers and two cousins between 9 and 11-year-olds.
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at least 222 palestinians have been killed and many more wounded health officials say. hamas is fighting backfiring rockets an vowing to continue the attack unless a cease-fire includes border close you you -- closures and release of palestinian prisoners. president obama called for a hard cold truth. >> we've all been injured in the battle. >> reporter: hours before the cease-fire israeli thwarted an attack of militants who snuck into israel through a tunnel and israel launched mayor airstrikes. >> "good morning america" will continue our coverage of the crisis in the middle east after "action news."
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president obama takes his pitch for better roads and bridges to delaware. he'll use the on going repairs as the 495 bridge for as a platform to improve infrastructure nationwide. the highway trust fund is expected to expire next month without a renewal jobs will be slashed and projects stalled. we know the identity of the couple whose engagement was captured by an "action news" photographer. dan sheridan was taking a walk around a fount of logan square and saw a man hiding in the bushes, it was chris who was taking video of chris who was going proposing. mary said she was thrill that
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she and her future husband were able to share a personal moment. >> i think it's so nice, really the greatest moment in my life is shared. >> the video has been watched 50,000 times on i posted it on my facebook page if you would like to see it there. >> very sweet. it's 4:39. a deadly explosion rocks a midwest neighborhood. >> a hero cop brings a toddler who kneel drown back to life. you'll see that next. >> reporter: we're starting off on the cool side. we'll have a good amount of sunshine today, how about that weekend? coming up in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast.
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all the chicken in your grocery store is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment... and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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does this. i never know what kind theof adventure awaits. that the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month. well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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>> 4:42 this is a day we can save on the peco bill. and you don't need to water your grass, because you've had two inches rain over the last couple of days, i'm saving you left and right. storm tracker 6 live double scan, we're saving double scan, because no precipitation to track at the moment. let's head outside, we have partly cloudy skies as we look live on sky 6. well go ahead and look outside or we don't have to, that's okay. let's check the current conditions there you can see sky6 hd looking at philadelphia international. 68 degrees, that dewpoint, nice and low, 53 degrees, looking good. that's because the winds are out of the north northwest and light. the pressure 29.90 inches.
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looking at the temperatures around the area. in the low 60s in the lehigh valley. 68 in the city. just a couple of degrees below average in the city. some of the suburbs in and around the area in the upper 50s, satellite and radar showing we have a fair amount of clouds east of the city of course overall we'll see mostly sunny skies, we'll see a good day with sunshine mixing with clouds. you can almost see high pressure that's starting to dive in to our north and west, that will protect us from any storms the next several days. we have a new improved forecast for you in the seven-day forecast. for today, if you're heading to the shore, 11:00 a.m., 78. 3:00 p.m., 81. uv index is very high. the ocean water temperature is low, though, 61 degrees, it's nice and pleasant day at the shore. really, everywhere we're getting a breath of fresh air today. unseasonable cool for this time of year.
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normally we would be in the 8 upper 80s, about 83. low humidity, as well. tomorrow, high pressure is in charge and the temperature sneaking up a little bit to 85 degrees, but below average for the next couple of days. here's a look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. refresh going, low humidity, good -- refreshing, good amount of sunshine, low humidity, tomorrow, mostly sunny skies, 85 degrees, and low humidity. the weekend is looking dry. saturday partly sunny, 85. sunday partly sunny skies, a touch warmer, 86. the temperatures inching back up to average. monday, clouds and sunshine maybe feeling a little more summer like, 87 with a chance of a shower or thunderstorm. tuesday you notice it's more humid and warm, 87. warmer still on wednesday, 89 degrees, humid and chance for a shower or thunderstorm.
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the next few days, dry and beautiful. >> we'll take it. 4:44. philadelphia police are trying to sort out the details of a double shooting that led to a car crash in north philadelphia. police responded to reports at lawrence an cumberland street before 8:00 a.m. they found two men with gunshot wounds in the car and bullet casings littering the street. witnesses say the gunmen took number of a pick up truck. >> time to take the first look at business. i noticed this ad campaign in paper. use a single key. take everything off the key ring the worry is that the weight of the other items could trigger the ignition to turn off. gm will be back on capitol hill with more testimony about the delayed recall of millions of
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cars. it could be a bad day for people who work at microsoft. the largest layoff of 12,000 jobs stay with us with "action news" later today with theup date. stock bounced back on wednesday, right now the futures seem to be pointing to a lower open. this one is interesting, amazon is reportedly considering an all you can read description service it's like a netflix for ebooks. for the 9.99, kindle will have all they can consume. >> matt do you think that will move me away from newspapers? >> i think so. a exploded leaving a man burned, the woman who died was 27 years old. officials say when the man who was injured attempted to light a
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cigarette in the upstairs of the home the entire house exploded. people who lived in the area felt the blast five miles away. new on "action news," an ohio police officer performed an life saving rescue. he was wearing a police issue body camera as he responded to call for help. a 2-year-old had fallen into a swimming pool. francis connor was found lifeless in the backyard swimming pool. the toddler is okay and running and playing. georgeer christie is hitting the road. here why this could be his most significant out of state trip yet. >> a man shows us how not to try to kill a spider. >> reporter: and don't forget that our 6 our 6abc what can i get you?
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[customer] oh, sorry. i was daydreaming. [server] dreaming about your wedding, huh? [customer] yes! actually. [server] with a big ice sculpture and a string quartet? [violins playing] [customer] yeah. how'd you know? [server] you've got the new instant game from pennsylvania lottery. [customer] yeah. $1 million golden ticket, with 5 top prizes of 1 million bucks. [narrorator] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today.
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the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. >> good morning, let's take a look at some of your traffic cameras. you can see that sign rightc there, telling people you've got to merch over here on -- merge over here on the walt whitman
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bridge. only the right lane is open to traffic. good news the work will be clearing out shortly. no major delays from the airport to at this time. let's go to i-95 at the delaware state line. traffic on i-95 moving well. of course, 495 is closed in wilmington. president obama will be speaking from the area near the closed runway. his visit will give local closures and traffic stoppages we'll be talking about that in the coming hours. matt. >> reporter: good morning, everyone, at the big board talking about the travel forecast. if you're heading to the state of texas, you could see the worst delays of any airport across the country. these thundershowers will be severe, they will affect dazzles and houston, could be a trouble spot if you're flying today. here's the national picture and here the airports that you could see delays. florida seeing thundershowers as typical of any summer day, really. i talked about dallas fort worth
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and houston, denver seeing thundershowers later today. you could see delays there. from an gets that low cloud cover, it could clear out in the afternoon, but you could see delays in the morning. out in the midwest including chicago, everything okay, everything up and down the east coast, aside from florida, atlanta, boston, aside from these trouble areas it should be a good day for those needing to go somewhere else. >> happening today, closing arguments in federal court by the traffic court ticket fixing trial. the judge also routinely dismissed tickets for friends and politically connected. defense lawyers said they did nothing more than practice judicial discretion and most people received leniency whether or not they had connections.
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chris christie is visiting iowa. the governor is planning to visit 12 more states, as well this summer. as chair of the governor association he is crisscrossing the country to support candidates. it's no secret that christy is weighing a run for president in 2016. a philadelphia judge has stripped away the city's authorities to tax lap dances. admission fees to strip clubs in philadelphia are taxed at 5%. lawmakers wanted to extend the so-called i musement taxes to other dances. but three clubs appealed. philadelphia tax review board sided with the clubs and that decision was upheld in common pleas court. all new in the next half-hour of "action news" a wild bank robbery out west ended in a gun fight and three people dead. we'll give you the details. >> it was one of the biggest
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nights of professional sports. a look in a
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>> a man nearly burned his home down when i tried to kill a spider. frustrated by not being able to catch it, he created a makeshift blow torch and let it fly. that set the a wall and ceilingt
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on fire doing $60,000 damage to the rejt home. the -- rental home. the red cross is providing temporary shelter for him and another resident who are homeless. >> middletown police officers searching for a brazen thief who targeted a big-box store not once, but twice in two days. scrergts released this sure -- investigators released this surveillance video. you can see he wears a prosthetic leg. he stole a chain saw on june 28 and came back june 29 and stole another chain saw. the espies were held last night. michael sam the first openly gay
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nfl player delivered a powerful speech after accepting the arthur ash courage award. drake was the host of last night's introduced the lance cam, which is like the kiss cam, except you blow into someone else' ear. >> fierce flames and huge plooms of smoke prompted evacuations out west. >> new this morning, police are investigating a gruesome discovery inside a home in philadelphia. a live
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5:00 am
>> good morning, 5:00 a.m. on this thursday, july 17 we're following breaking news. >> reports of fumes lead philadelphia firefighters to a home, when they peer inside they find two dead bodies. >> a california city


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