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tv   Action News  ABC  July 23, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and with matt o'donnell, tamala >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 6:00 a.m. on this dnesdayjuly 23rd. matt o'donnell is off. erin o'hearn is joining us. here's what's happening. >> accuweather is tracking a big spike in the heat and humidity and the threat some late day thunderstorms. >> rescuers free a six week old baby from a locked suv and we have the video that you will only see right here on "action news." >> new at 6:00 the sign the times. a berks county woman shares a strong message with misfits on her block. >> and also we've been watch something breaking news.
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here's the latest downtown center city. the cher tan hotel has been evacuated after the smell of smoke forced officials to take emergency action. the action cam is live on the scene there right now. you see all of those people who were evacuated out of their rooms just having to sit there and wait. investigators say smoke started coming out of the basement. they believe it was caused by a malfunctioning electrical breaker. we're hearing that the breaker tripped. there are no reports of injuries and crews are setting up fans to try to clear that air out right now. stay with "action news" and for the latest updates. but for right now let's take you over to matt and david. karen is off to find out about your weather and track and it just sounds like a really hot day coming our way, david. >> it's going to be a cooker later on. actually feels fairly comfortable on the terrace right now given that the sun is still trying to work its way through that some clouds. satellite and radar shows you some coastal cloud cover. generally speaking nothing super significant over the area and we expect it to be a fairly bright start. keeping our eyes on that stuff out to the west of us, showers and thunderstorms that will be
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with us in the northern and western suburbs later this afternoon and maybe philadelphia waits until the evening for that. 72 degrees right now in philadelphia, 69 in allentown, 72 in sea isle city. your dewpoints are a bit on the high side and will probably be hovering between 65 and 70 today and that means once the sun gets over the horizon and starts to break through the clouds in particular, it will feel rather humid this afternoon. in fact our high temperature as we take a look at where things are going is going to be up in the low 90's but the heat index in philadelphia will probably make it feel like it's closer to 100 during the height of the afternoon heating. that 92 at 3 o'clock isn't the worst of it. we'll hit a high of 93 around 3:30 before dipping back to 89 by 6 o'clock. again late this afternoon there is the chance of some thunderstorms popping and that will continue into tonight. i'll have the latest progression on future tracker 6 coming up. matt, what about roads on this rainless morning. >> i like it best when all i have to talk about, david, is construction and that's been the case so far this morning. but it's not the case anymore. we have some more substantial problems now including delays
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on septa's norristown regional rail line. they're on outbound trains headed towards norristown away from center city, they're about 25 minutes and they're saying because of equipment problems. so, manayunk norristown line outbound delays this morning and there's a new crash right here on the schuylkill expressway. it's right at the end of the ramp from the blue route northbound to the eastbound schuylkill. one of the vehicles involved ran off the road. you see the crews attending to the people in that vehicle its a little bit hard to make out the vehicle itself because it's in the brush much this was the other vehicle involved here. and you have police and answer, penndot all on the scene and while most of the activity is off to the side here along the schuylkill eastbound, it could cause some slowing because you know how it goes, people slow down to see what's going on. elsewhere on 76, not a lost big problems. no delays yet coming south on 95. we have a pair of issues in the city. in center city that fire department activity at the sheraton we just told you about is closing 17th between vine and race. that's a southerly street that many people use to get down to
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the parkway. maybe stick with 15th or 19th by logan square and there's a fire location in west philadelphia. good idea to avoid girard avenue between 60th and 61st. tam. >> okay, thank you, matt. >> ♪ secretary of state john kerry has landed in jerusalem. he's there in his continuing efforts to gain a ceasefire agreement between israel and hamas. he engage in ceasefire talks in egypt for the past couple days but without success. airlines have canceled their flights into israel as of yesterday after a rocket fired from gaza landed in a regulation dench cal area about a mile away from ben did youian airport in tel aviv. israel continued its shelling of gaza. about 630 palestinians have been killed and the un says three out of every four have been innocent civilians. 28 israeli soldiers and two civilians have been killed. >> the bodies from malaysia flight 17 are finally leaving an airport in ukraine for netherlands. a ceremony at the ukraine airport took place moments ago before the plane headed off to
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netherlands for the painstaking work of identifying the bodies will take place. u.s. officials say they have no direct evidence linking the russian government to the downing of malaysia flight 17. senior u.s. intelligence officials say the jet was most likely shot down by russian fa11 surface-to-air missile. they believe the missile was fired by russian backed separatists in eastern ukraine most likely by mistake. the missile strike killed all 298 people on board. >> 6:05. investigators have not yet decided other exact charges against a mother arrested after leaving her newborn in an suv while she shopped. a concerned crowd recorded the rescue and that's video that you will only see right here on "action news." "action news" reporter katherine scott is live outside of special victims unit. she's got more on this story. good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam. i just want to start by saying that baby is doing okay. he was checked out at the saint christopher's hospital and then placed into his father's custody. investigators are now
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consulting with the district attorney's office to try to determine what charges this mother will face. let's go to that exclusive video that "action news" obtained by an "action news" viewer who saw the commotion and then started rolling her cell phone camera. this happened 6:30 monday evening outside wal-mart on franklin mills boulevard. you can see people gathering there. they're looking around in the parking lot after a six week old boy had been left in a silver 2005 toyota highlander. the witness described how people were worried for the baby's well being, they're talking about breaking out the car window. after a few minutes a police officer arrived and that was around the same time the child's mother came out of the wal-mart. she was handcuffed and taken into custody. the officer got the car keys, firefighters and paramedics were on the scene and they retrieved the baby from the vehicle. witnesses were relieved the baby wasn't harmed. one says she can't believe people continue to leave babies in hot cars. >> i was annoyed and aggravated because why would
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you leave the baby in the car? and i didn't understand why they weren't breaking the windows out trying to look for keys am i mean, personally i would have busted the window in order to get the baby out quicker but it was just really hot and just not necessary to do that. >> reporter: at this time it's unclear how long the baby was left there. so far the name that of woman, the mother, has not been released. live at the special victims unit, katherine scott, channel 6 "action news." >> new this morning police in delaware county have relieved a sketch of a plan they say tried to lure a girl into his car. investigators in nether providence say a man drove up to a teen girl yesterday morning on providence road in the area of strathmere court. he told the girl he was delivering food and that he didn't know the area and asked her to get into his car to help him. she smartly said no and walked away. if you think you recognize this man, call police. yet another car maker is dealing with a sizable recall. maribel aber is live at the nasdaq in times square. a lot of ignition problems with these cars.
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maribel. >> reporter: absolutely. good morning, tam. well, chrysler now here recalling about 792,000 older suv's tuesday for ignition switch problems. jeep commanders from 2006 to 2007 and grand cherokees from 2005 to 2007. so the issue is only linked to one accident. but ignition switch problems have caused the recall of millions of vehicles this year. of course we know general motors currently under investigation for a similar issue. all right online ticket seller stub hub is the victim of cyber fraud. reporting that the company was targeted by a massive international cyber fraud ring. thieves bought tickets using more than a thousand stolen accounts and authorities led by manhattan d.a. cyrus vance will announce the details and arrests today. finally stocks pushed off concerns over geopolitical unrest in ukraine and gaza and picked up the pace with some positive earnings reports. right now futures pointer to go a you here open. that's the late nest business news from the nasdaq market
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site. back to you erin. >> thanks maribel. new on "action news" a berks county woman has some choice words for anyone causing trouble on her block. in fact, nancy has spelled it out for all to see. the sign posted to her house in reading warnings that drug activity and loitering near her front porch that needs to stop. >> i don't want it in front of my house. at least if you want to do it over there, you do it over there. you respect my house. >> i think it does send a message that people are watching, listening, that they're not going to put up with it. >> and police say they do have a crime mapping system to beef up patrols in problem areas and they do arrest people on private property who are there without permission. >> turning to david now, i'm just bracing myself for the coming heat. >> it's going to be a sticky one. at least it gets better tomorrow. >> that is good news. >> storm tracker 6 live double
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scan shows you that we are dry for the morning commute. and as we take a look outside sky 6 showing a broadening sunshine and brightening conditions across the region. sky 6 across the area showing us that and there's the sun trying to break through the clouds in hd. how about them apples? yesterday we start add new feature on the full weather forecast here on "action news." we're calling it the seven day always on and for those of you with hdtv over there on the left side of your screen you can get a little preview of the seven day but we'll all take a look at it in about ninety seconds. 72 degrees in philadelphia, 71 in wilmington, 67 in trenton right now, 69 in allentown. the sun just breaking through the clouds can but so far it doesn't feel all that bad. but it will begin to feel much more humid pretty quickly this morning and then continue that way through the day. looks like we'll get sunshine with increasing clouds as we head into the afternoon and then after about 2 or 3 o'clock well north and west of philadelphia we'll be on the lookout for at least a few spotty pop-up showers and perhaps some rumbles of thunder. once we get into about 6 o'clock there's the chance of
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some of this coming in and breaking apart around i-95 and another line coming in later tonight and that's the real big one. it looks like at times tonight we'll get some thunderstorms that could produce gusty winds heavy downpours and perhaps some isolated cases of hail. also lots of lightning with these, too. so, if you have plans to be out and about tonight you want to keep your eye on radar. storm tracker 6 app, another good night for that. by about 1 o'clock in the morning we'll see this filtering closer to the shore. if you're in south jersey or closer by the shore you might get woken up by a rumble of thunder. down the shore not too bad avenue day considering that the rain will probably hold off until very late tonight. 86 on the 3 o'clock thermometer down on the beach. 81 at noon. u.v. index will probably still be running fairly high especially early in the day before the clouds get thicker and your ocean temperature is in the 70's up and down the beach. that's not bad. in philadelphia a lot and humid high of 93 with those
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late storms possible, something may pop in the afternoon around i-95 but it looks more likely that we see that at night in the city. 75 by 8 o'clock, 84 by 11 o'clock, hitting 90 by about 2 o'clock and staying there for the rest of the afternoon. again, those late storms possible. if you're headed do you know the ballpark tonight 86 for the first pitch, 79 in the ninth inning can't rule out a thunderstorm at some point particularly in the later innings. tomorrow the morning we may still be getting rid of the last of the showers and thunderstorms. a couple of them potentially popping but in the afternoon the sun comes back and the humidity drops. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, 93, humid, late storms today, most of them holding off until night but in the afternoon you'll have to keep your eye out. and that end tomorrow a morning shower or storm giving way to afternoon drying, lowering humidity and a pleasant high of 82. friday still looks absolutely gorgeous. sunny and nice, low humidity, a high of 84. perfect summer afternoon and friday night great for the union, phillies or whatever else you want to do outside. warm but not too humid on saturday, lots of sun '88.
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89 on zinn and humidity probably keeps back. might get a stray thunderstorm in the afternoon on sunday. >> these weekends have been great. >> for the most part. >> don't say it. >> that's right. don't jinx it. all right. it's 6:13 an close call for a four legged friend. an abandoned pitbull survivors a brush with desk. now the search is on for the person responsible. matt. >> good morning to you tam. live along 422. so far so good for those eastbound travelers, just a little bit of building volume as you get towards 23 but if you're getting on the schuylkill expressway from here, we have problems on the eastbound side and the latest on the regional rails is coming up when "action news" continues on this wednesday
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. >> ♪ . taking a live look through sky 6 hd at the ben franklin bridge. pretty shot there. the sun a little haze. it is going to be hot and humid today. 73 degrees right now. we're looking at a high of 93 but could feel much warmer because of all that humidity out there. >> but even through the haze, matt we can see those flashing police lights behind you. >> yeah, they stand out don't they. i guess that's the idea tam and erin. good idea they're out here assisting with the accident on the schuylkill expressway eastbound at the ramp of the blue route 476. one of the vehicles did a little unintentional off-roading ended up hire in the brush. i know it's a little tough to make out because of all the
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bushes and the trees but you may be able to see part of the vehicle there. the good news is the ambulance pulled away, no fire crews, just police, penndot a couple tow trucks on the scene and everything is off to the side. so you can get by as you come east on the schuylkill but expect that good old gaper rubber necking delay as you come eastbound here by the blue route 476. we had some delays for those of you headed out of town on the manayunk norristown regional rail line because of some equipment problems. they say they've fixed those problems. everything on or close to schedule at this point and that's the case with the other regional rail lines as well. but a couple issues in the city. the route 15 trolley is stopping and starting this morning. not going farther west than 59th and girard because of a house fire along girard avenue between 60th and 61st and in center city we have that fire department activity at the sheraton as a result of it 17th is closed. maybe stick with 15th or 19th instead. on the big picture starting to slow on the southbound side of 95. it's that time in the morning from past the betsy ross
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bridge into girard avenue and over on the new jersey turnpike couple work zones for you to watch out for. one in burlington county on the southbound side near exit six taking out the right lane for most of the day today and in gloucester county the left lane is out exit two for 322. that should wrap up by 10 o'clock this morning. tam. >> a pitbull rescued after nearly choking to death in awbury park in north philadelphia. they found the dog tied to a chain link enclosure with electrical tapeta tape and a cable. the dog was exhibiting signs of choking. officials are asking anyone who can identify whoever abandoned her to please call them. >> there is a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of this individual. this dog almost perished just being tied up there. >> now named venus, the dog is being treated at the spca
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shelter hospital and she is expected to survive. >> time now is 6:18. the immigration crisis hits home. undocumented central american youngsters are staying at a berks county home for children. >> also the phillies going up against the giants put in the overtime but they don't get the payoff. david. >> follower nicky in malvern reports 70 degrees at this hour and that jibes pretty well with our maps. 72 in philadelphia. some spots in the 60's. mug go out there. getting hot and humid. mug go out there. getting hot and humid. we'll bring you do you guys do instant hey, i losreplacement?ard. (snap!) what just happened? check your wallet. no. way. your debit card should arrive in 7-10 business days. it's time to bank human again. get debit cards on the spot, and no monthly fee checking with just a $100 minimum balance at td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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let's go to matt pelman. he told you about this moments ago because of the traffic implications. good morning. >> yeah, tam we've been trying to make out that one vehicle that's off to the side there in the brush. you see one of the other vehicles involved right there in the middle of the screen vehicles involved right there penndot's there. this is all unfolding in west conshohocken along the schuylkill expressway eastbound side at the end of the ramp from the blue route, 476 northbound. at this point all the activity is off to the side but as always people are slowing down to see what's going on. here's the ben franklin bridge, our good buddy ben, we have our four westbound lanes coming into the city so no delays yet. eastbound the right lane remains blocked for that ongoing construction that seems like it may never end. on 422 northbound side building volume but not jammed yet. david. >> thanks again to all of you who have been tweeting in and facebooking me with your vacation pictures this summer. joanne went to juneau alaska and that looks like awhile breaching. later she was up at the national park in alaska and
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that's mount mckinley. send me pictures on twitter or "action news" facebook page i'll be glad to share those with everybody. i love. that we got your bus and el forecast. 78 degrees on the station stop at 9 o'clock, 87 by noon, 92 by 3:00 your high today is going to be 93 degrees and then we drop down to 89 by 6 o'clock. high humidity today and we're also looking at the possibility of a late thunderstorm in the northern and western suburbs. got to show you the airport quick. green airplanes, yup, all green. no big travel delays at the airport right now, guys. >> all right, david. quick look at sports. the phils will try to turn around their home series with the san francisco giants tonight after losing a tough one to the giants last night in 14 innings. san francisco's brendan crawford hit a bases loaded double in the top of the 14th to put the giants ahead eight to five. they went on to win nine to six. 6:23. coming up at 6:30 katherine scott has exclusive video of a hot caress -- car rescue.
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>> reporter: a matter faces infant in the car. we're live with the video you'll only see o
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>> new here at 6:00 a.m. the crisis at the border hits closer to home. three republican congressman representing berks county visited bethany's children's home to speak with undammed children from central america staying in heidelberg township. lawmakers say many of the children had tragic stories
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about the journey to the u.s. >> we spoke to a girl and she had nightmares at night. she can't swim. crossing rivers apparently on makeshift rafts. >> officials say the children will remain at bethany children's home for about 10 days before their families arrive to await immigration hearings. >> 6:27 now. accuweather is calling for a sticky and stormy day. meteorologist, david murphy has the updates next. >> we continue to follow breaking news in center city where a hotel had to be we've got a live update coming up what can i get you?
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[customer] oh, sorry. i was daydreaming. [server] dreaming about your wedding, huh? [customer] yes! actually. [server] with a big ice sculpture and a string quartet? [violins playing] [customer] yeah. how'd you know? [server] you've got the new instant game from pennsylvania lottery. [customer] yeah. $1 million golden ticket with 5 top prizes of 1 million bucks. [narrorator] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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>> breaking right now a center city hotel has been evacuated. we are live on the scene. you see the people there. with updates on what caused problem. >> only on "action news"
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cameras are rolling as a crowd discovers a six week old infant left alone in a hot car. >> accuweather is trafficking a midweek spike in the heat and humidity that could trigger a round of thunderstorms later today. but let's go right back to that breaking news story coming to us from conshohocken montgomery county. a nasty crash on the schuylkill expressway near the blue route and police are starting to investigate this as a possible road rage incident. two cars crashed and one car ended up in the bushes, you see it there to the left your screen on the side of the expressway and we know that one person was injured. we're working to update their condition and chopper 6 will be on that scene shortly and we're going to bring in david and matt pelman who is in for karen. david is going to start with your accuweather and then matt pelman will pick up that traffic. good morning. >> after you, matt i think is how we're going do it. >> sounds good. let's return to the situation along the schuylkill expressway, guys, the one vehicle is off the road into the bushes. looks like they're backing it up making a little progress with pulling it out. the ambulance, though, we had on the scene has left the
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scene but you see that the tow truck and police remain here. it's all on the shoulder of the roadway. road is the schuylkill expressway eastbound side in west conshohocken right at the end of the ramp from the blue route, 476 northbound. so, you're going to pass this if you're coming east towards the conshohocken curve but at this point the lanes of 76 and the lanes on the ramp are open. so, you're getting by without a huge problem but some people are tapping the brakes as they pass this scene along the schuylkill. also a couple issues in the city including a house fire along girard avenue in west philadelphia between 60th and 61st. as a result septa's route 15 trolley is not operating farther west than 59th and girard. that's where all trolleys are starting and stopping and in center city we have the fire activity blocking 17th street there by the sheraton. head for 15th or 19th instead. 95 southbound side speeds now in the 30's and 20's as you come away betsy ross bridge and head in towards girard. on 95 at the work zone at
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cottman moving okay. slowing earlier has dispayed. 95 in delaware still on time, 12 minutes either way between namaans road and 495 but of course 495 remains closed. david i think we're used to that one right now. how does it feel outside. >> a little on the mug seaside. take a look at satellite as we have got not a whole lot of cloud cover locally. lots of sun early but we're keeping our eyes thon thicker cloud cover out by pittsburgh and the rain on the other side of eerie pennsylvania. late this afternoon some thunderstorms are possible out of that in our northern and western suburbs. we'll probably haul off mainly in the evening hours to see most of that as we head in towards philadelphia. my twitter follower mike in shanksville reports 68 degrees in montgomery county. temperature across the region a lot of upper 60's and low 70's right now. 69 in allentown, 72 in philadelphia, 71 in wilmington and it is a bit on the muggy side. dewpoints right now are well over 60. any time you get over 60 that means humid air.
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that's 71 in dover, that's oppressive humidity and some of us may get that high elsewhere as we go through the day. speaking of high that's where the temperature is going. we're going all the way up to 93 this afternoon, we'll woo hit that at about 3:30, humid conditions and thunderstorms building in north and west in the afternoon and then later tonight in philadelphia for the most part. when i step inside we'll show you the progression of those storms on future tracker 6. erin and tam. [laughter] >> all right, thank you, david. and we are following more breaking news coming to us from center city. the sheraton hotel has been evacuated after the smell of something burning forced officials to take emergency action. the action cam is live on the scene right now. , see all the people milling around who were evacuated out of the hotel waiting to see when they'll be let back n they've been out there on the street for about two hours now. now investigators say a circuit breaker malfunctioned and that sent smoke into the basement area. the fire alarm started to ring and then that forced the evacuation. the crews are now ventilating the hotel. they've got fans set up.
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there are no reports of injuries but at this point it's unclear exactly when those guests are going to be allowed to get back into the hotel back no their rooms. stay with "action news" and for updates. going on to another big story this morning, a mother is in some hot water with philadelphia police for leaving her baby in a hot car. only "action news" has video of the moment that a concerned crowd rushed to that child's res consume "action news" reporter katherine scott is live outside of special victims unit. she's got more on the ongoing investigation. good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam. and in that video you could hear people talking about breaking out the car windows in order to get the baby out of the car but that didn't ends up hang. authorities did arrive on the scene and do that. but we'll get to that in a minute. investigators are working with the district attorney's office to determine what charges this mother will face. so let's get to that exclusive video obtained by "action news." it was shot by an "action news" viewer who was in that parking lot and noticed the commotion and started rolling. it was around 6:30 monday
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evening outside the wal-mart on franklin mills boulevard. you can see people gathering around there, they're looking around the parking lot a6 week old boy had been left in a silver 2005 toyota highlander. the witness described how people were getting anxious for the baby's well being and after a few minutes a police officer arrived. that was around the same time the child's 35-year-old mother emerged from wal-mart. she was handcuffed and taken into custody. the officer got the car keys. firefighters and paramedics were on the scene. they retrieved the baby from the vehicle to the relief of witnesses. >> makes no sense whatsoever 'cause there's never any reason to leave a child in the car. not only just the heat but god for bid if there was a car accident, if the car was hit, anything could have happened. the child could have been, you know, stolen out of the car. anything could have went wrong. >> reporter: at this point there's no word on how long the baby was left there. he was taken to saint christopher's hospital to be checked out and then placed in the custody of his father. again no, word on what charges
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will be filed. we're live at special victims unit, katherine scott channel6 "action news. >> glad to hear that baby's okay. thanks katherine. new this morning police believe an argument sparked a late night shooting in west philadelphia. officers found the victim lying in the 4900 block of west thompson street next to a mountain bike. the 41-year-old man is in critical condition with gun slots to the head face and chest. the suspect was spotd in a blue or dark colored vehicle. police are reviewing surveillance on the block hoping to get a good look at the shooter. >> ♪ >> it is 6:36. israel is asking the u.s. and europe to let flights resume into the country. for now that's not happening amid concerns about security and possible violence. airlines canceled their flights yesterday after a rocket fired from gaza landd in a residential area about a mile from ben gurion airport in tel aviv. the sterns are following this news closely. their 15 year old benjamin is
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at a camp in the northern part of the country. the sterns are getting a lot of text messages from benjamin indicating he's fine. they understand why airlines have canceled their flights but they're confident that such flights really would be safe. >> god forbid could that be my son's flight, but again, i have the utmost faith in israel that they are not going to let anything like that happen. >> benjamin stern will be coming home soon on a nonu.s. carrier. >> happening today, the speed limit is going up on a stretch of the pennsylvania turnpike. drivers can now go up to 70 miles an hour between the blue mountains and morgantown interchanges. the rest of the highway will maintain the 65-mile speed limit. officials say they want to bring the turnpike up to speed with other major roads in the state where 70 miles an hour zones are becoming more common. >> all right, let's talk about the heat and humidity that we've got going on today. it's going to feel really oppressive. >> yeah, it will, especially i think in urban centers and places where it's going to get
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a little this afternoon tam. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows you we're dry for the morning commute, though. always like to be able to report that as you you're getting out the door. as you take a look outside sunglasses are appropriate as there's plenty of sunshine over the airport and elsewhere around the region. we are starting out a bit on the warm side. as we look at current conditions once again today we are adding that new feature to the left hand of your screen for those of you with hdtv and, hm, doesn't seem like it wants to do it this half hour. anyway we've got a little always on seven day that we're going to try to get together for you. 72 degrees is your current temperature in philadelphia, 65 is the dewpoint. winds are out of the south southwest at 9:00 so not all that strong and as we take a look at future tracker it's going to be a dry sunny morning. in the afternoon after about 2 or 3 o'clock you'll see the development of some showers and thunderstorms and some of these might actually get a little bit blustery as we go later into the afternoon,
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okay? and then we get into the evening hours after about 8, 9 o'clock and we start to see even more action all the way up to 10:30 some of this is coming in from the north and west and some could feature strong gusty winds, downpours obviously, you can see that with this red and also lots of lightning. wouldn't be surprised if a couple thunderstorms later tonight produced hail as well. then this gets across the i-95 corridor by later tonight, probably after midnight we start to get it down into south jersey and over by the shore. it might be one of those nights where if you're over in south jersey you might hear a rumble of thunder waking you up at night. 74 by 8 o'clock, by 2 o'clock 90 degrees and then 93 is your forecast high. we'll probably hit that around 2:30 or 3:00 this afternoon and then 5 o'clock 91 degrees is still a pretty hot temperature and with high humidity we'll probably have heat indexes making it feel in the upper 90's maybe even close to 100 in some urban centers. high temperatures, 90
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allentown, 93 in philadelphia, in the 80's in south jersey. down by the shore the mid 80's. not quite as intense along the beach f you're at the phillies game tonight expect it to be muggy, humid, there could even be a thunderstorm popping through. looks like the best chance will be in the later innings or maybe as you're walking to the car. 86 degrees for the first pitch, 79 in the ninth inning. if there is a delay i think you can ride it out and they probableological get that game in tonight. that's my call. and then tomorrow in the morning we still have a littlestover precipitation. by 10 o'clock we might even have a thunderstorm rumbling through but then that gets off the coast by about lunchtime and in the afternoon we expect the return of sunshine and improving conditions tomorrow. in fact humidity goes down tomorrow, too. your exclusive seven-day forecast, humid today, 93 degrees, hot and we've got a late thunderstorm possible on the northern and western suburbs, most of the action holding offer until tonight around philadelphia and points south. and then tomorrow a morning shower or storm gives way to afternoon clearing, a high of 82 with lowering humidity, that's good. then we get into friday and we've got sunny and nice conditions for you, absolutely
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gorgeous day with a high of 84, low humidity and great evening on friday to go out and see the union or the phillies or do anything else out and about. 88 degrees with sunshine on saturday. then 89, a tad more humid on sunday. might even see a stray afternoon thunderstorm on sunday, okay? >> okay, thank you david. it's now 6:41 and up new there's brand new information on a hotel evacuation in center city. we'll bring that you update next. matt. >> its a sunny and somewhat slow situation here on the 30 bypass in chester county. eastbound side from 322 through this point at 282 we'll give you the latest on our crash along the schuylkill "action news" continues on this wednesday mor
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i love the taste. always smooth, never bitter. my cup of coffee is always awesome when i go to dunkin'. man: i see the steam rising off the cup, 'cause you know it's a fresh pot. man: one cup a day for sure. two if need be. and it's usually "need be." dunkin' -- your place for coffee.
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>> and we continue to follow breaking news out of center city. the situation has just been placed under control at the sheraton hotel. more than two hours after crews evacuated the entire building due to the smell of something burning. hundreds of guests as you can see have been standing or sitting outside for quite some time now. investigators say a circuit breaker malfunctioned sending smoke into the basement area. the fire alarm started ringing which forced the evacuation. crews are currently ventilating the hotel. there are no reports of injuries. at this point again it's under injuries. guests will be allowed back insides. stay with "action news" and for updates. chopper 6 hd has just arrived on the scene of more breaking news, this in
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conshohocken montgomery county. police are investigating a possible road rage incident on the schuylkill expressway near the blue route. you can see two cars crashed and and one car ended up in the bushes on the side of the expressway. that's to the left of your screen and we know that one person was injured and we're working right now to find out that person's condition. >> and let's update you on traffic in general and go right to matt pelman and he's starting were you that scene that erin just gave you the latest on the breaking news. good morning. >> i am and they've made some progress with it tam and erin. they pulled the vehicle that was over here in the bushes out attached to the tow truck its kind of behind that truck but at this point all the activity is still off to the side of the roadway. police and penndot are still there. this is unfolding along the schuylkill in west conshohocken eastbound side at the end of the ramp from the blue route 476 northbound to go east on the schuylkill. this is normally a slow spot in the morning so it is slow at this point from the blue route into the curve but not
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substantially slower than normal even though people are slowing down just a bit to see what is going on off to the side of the roadway. meanwhile we continue to follow the situation at the sheraton. unhappy people there i think sitting outside on the sidewalk this morning and 17th street is closed to drivers. that's a southerly street that a lot of people use to get down to the ben franklin parkway. can't use it this morning so maybe use 15th or 19th around logan square instead and in west philadelphia we're watching a house fire along girard avenue between 60th and 61st. that means that the route 15 trolly is not going farther westth street. shuttle buses operating out to 63rd but on the regional rail front everything is on time. had some earlier delays on the norristown line. they have been cleared out. meanwhile in bucks county don't forget that in bedminster township fretz valley road closed throughout the day today, 113 an alternate around it and on the new jersey turnpike in burlington county southbound exit six saw construction taking out one lane, tam.
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>> thank you, matt. brand new here at 6:30, two kayakers posted this amazing whale encounter on youtube. the couple was in argentina when they spotted the sea creature swimming near them. didn't take long it to arch its back and lift the kayak out the water. >> the costa concordia starting its final voyage. this is was video taken of the ship. it struck a reef near the island in january of 2012 and tipped on its side killing 32 people. tugs and dozens of other boats will guide the crippled ship on a five day journey to genoa. there it will be scrapped. >> 6:47 now. it's been a busy news morning and "good morning america" will continue our coverage of the malaysia airlines flight 17 disaster. we'll get a live preview from them coming up next. david.
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follower dory in western chester county reports 73. we'll be back in a minute with some more area temperatures and your daypart forecast. going to be hot and humid later. >> of course you can get the top stories as soon as you wake unin the morning. just download the 6abc news app at the apple and goggle
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>> i'm thinking that i wish i would have worn a vest today. it's going to be hot out.
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>> yeah. >> not looking so hot on 95 at the moment. we've got a broken down vehicle southbound side that just popped up by the betsy ross bridge taking out one of the center lanes. speeds just in the 20's there and they stay slow as you continue south on down toward girard avenue. over on 42 northbound side again building volume but no major delays yet, david. >> mild on the big board this morning and a little bit on the mug go side, too. 69 pottstown, 67 saint davids. low 70's in chester and center city. 70 out in coatesville and as far west as new holland. some 70's on the map in glass grow cinnaminson, 71 in sea isle city. up are 60's in the central heart of south jersey and a lot of low 70's from hockessin delaware to dover. if you're running errands in the morning is the time to do it. in the low 90's in the afternoon. your high today is 93. humid and late today there's a chance of a thunderstorm particularly in the northern and western suburbs. later tonight we'll all be dealing with that. >> all right david.
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time for a preview of "good morning america." >> we'll check in with our friend amy robach. we know you're starting with an update on the mideast. good morning. >> reporter: that's right, aaron and tam great to be with you bone this morning. coming up next on "gma" we're talking about anxiety in the skies this morning after the u.s. bans flights to israel's international airport in tel aviv after it was nearly hit by a rocket. it's causing chaos in the air and on the grounds. we're live from j.f.k. international airport with the latest on that. and then happening right now, the mh17 victims' bodies are being returned to their loved ones in the netherlands where there will be a day of mourning across that country. we'll have much more on what's happening there. plus, big mystery at the brooklyn bridge. police are trying to figure out who scaled the world famous landmark and then replaced american flags with white flags, the universal sign of surrender. we're live from the bridge with the details. and then we ask you and we already know the answer, are you sick of those annoying
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sales calls? well, this morning we have the secret tip from a real life former telemarketer that will help you put a stop to them for good and then we have singing sensation ariana grande joining us live all coming up next on "gma." >> that's a big slow. we'll take a short break so brian at citizens said
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one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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>> ♪ >> and here are updates on our top stories. the cher tan hotel in center city was evacuated this morning when officials found smoke coming out of the basement. smoke coming out of the that supplied electricity to the ballrooms tripped. there are no reports of injuries. chopper 6 hd is live over another breaking story this one coming from conshohocken montgomery county. police are investigating a possible road rage incident on the schuylkill expressway near the blue route. one person was taken to the hospital for evaluation. >> happening on the eastbound side. the good news is everything is off to the side and a lot of the vehicles that were there investigating the situation have cleared out. just a little bit sluggish in those eastbound lanes as you come east of the blue route through the conshohocken curve. david. >> james checks in on twitter from easton, pennsylvania and it's 70 degrees up there in the lehigh valley. we are at 72 in philadelphia and going on up from there. 78 by 9 o'clock, 87 by noon. humid by 3 o'clock. 92 degrees and your high of 93 probably around 3:30.
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we're still close to 90 at 6 o'clock and late this afternoon in the northern and western suburbs we'll be on the lookout for some thunderstorms. they're going to work their way down toward philadelphia tonight. hydrated. for us at "action news" we hope you're off to a good start.
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good morning, america. developing now, anxiety in the air. travelers thrown into chaos as the u.s. bans flights to israel after rockets rained down a mile from the airport. a delta flight turned around in midair. michael bloomberg ignores the warning flying overnight there to prove it's safe. >> new details in the growing mystery at the brooklyn bridge. the american flags replaced by these bleached white flags. the massive security breach at one of america's most famous landmarks. how they pulled it off and what was the message they were sending? >> looked at him. just stole all this stuff. >> caught on tape. this vigilante confronts an alleged shoplifter outside walmart. the video going viral right now. how the good samaritan is fighting back on facebook. ♪ the sta


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