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tv   Action News  ABC  July 25, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the >> good morning it is 5:00 a.m., friday, july 25, matt o'donnell is off, eva pilgrim is joining us. we're following breaking news this morning. >> a grizzly discovery in south jersey overnight. a delivery man finds a body dump on the side of a road. >> we're learning about the suspect who opened fire at a delaware county hospital leaving one woman dead and a doctor wounded. >> the phillies eagles fans, the birds report to training camp today. >> the wait is over to get out of that terrible sticky weather, it's here, david has that and matt pellman is looking at the roads.
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>> reporter: we have sunshine getting ready to pop up over the horizon with the lack of any significant cloud cover around. there's a large area of high pressure that dominates us keeping us sunny and keeping the humidity low and knocking out the clouds. it's a gorgeous day ahead and a nice evening if you have plans out. if you're heading out to work or school, you might have summer classes. college kids summer session, sure. 60 degrees in wilmington. allentown, 56 degrees really cool and comfortable, low humidity everywhere across the region. 71 degrees by 9:00 a.m., 79 by noon. 3:00 p.m., 84 degrees that's going to be the high folks, a little bit below average, 81 degrees by 6:00 p.m. gorgeous day, nice evening. if you have lance to head out in the yard and do a barbecue. you picked a great night for it. 72 degrees by 8:00 p.m.
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comfortable. when we come back we'll talk about the weekend call, a couple of changes there. >> reporter: i took couple of summer courses at temple, i'm buying what you're selling. good morning, mr. murphy, we're live in southwest philadelphia by international airport. we had construction by i-95 this morning all the crews are cleared out. watch out for a bumbley road southbound -- bumpy ride southbound toward 420 because of the milling they are doing in that area. all the work zones have cleared out i-95 the schuylkill expressway and the residential all nice and clear at this point. there's a crash in abington along brookdale at tarlg he -- arlington avenue. they are working near willow grove, they should be clear, soon, but watch out for the crews. the in burlington the can camden
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county we have construction along 70 at elm wood road, restrictions until 6:00 p.m. tam. >> and we are starting this morning with breaking news, the search is on for the person who dumped a woman's body on the side of the road in camden county. a pizza delivery man made the disturbing discovery on will ton's landing road near aerial road. the action cam was at the second scene at a nearby home. police are looking for a known suspect who took off in the victim's car. we'll stay on top of the to stoy and bring you any details as they come in. investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a gun fight inside mercy fitzgerald hospital. i happened along landsdown avenue at 2:15. the shooting did not takes place in the mercy fizz -- fitzgerald hospital itself, but across the
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street in what's known as the wellness center. katherine scott has more. >> reporter: teresa hunt lost her life. she was the case worker who accompanied the alleged gunman, richard plotts to a meeting with his psychiatrist. he remains in critical condition he underwent surgery at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. >> i left to go to the pharmacy. i got halfway there, you got to go back, doctor and two patients got shot. the shooter is still at large. >> reporter: police rushed the wellness center at mercy fitzgerald hospital. after 2:00 p.m., a mentally troubled richard plotts of upper darby walked into the psychiatric unit. plotts and dr. lee silverman
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were in the office. >> they opened the door saw him pointing the gun at the doctor. the worker shut the door and called police. seconds later there was gunfire. detectives believe plotts shots silverman in the head. the doctor pulled a gun and hit plotts in the torso twice and once in the arm. they are trying to figure out who shot hunt. they also he had problems. >> you could tell there was strange. you know, that he needed help. >> i seen him where he had medication, or there was drugs involved, so i stayed away from him for that reason. >> reporter: many are hailing silverman for his actions. many believe his actions saved the lives of others. >> he saved other people from
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being in harm's way. in an unorthodox or unusual way, other doctors save lives, to. >> reporter: if plotts survives he'll be charged with first degree murder. coming up in the next half-hour, hear from his ex-wife. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> our coverage continues at where you can follow the latest developments throughout the day. >> in the middle east tension over israel's showdown with hamas intred to the west -- spread to the west bank. palestinian protesters clashed with troops they are talking about expanding the ground offensive against hamas in gaza. meantime, u.s.a. has lifted a ban on the flights to the tel
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aviv. >> a child pornography bust in new jersey netted 14 systems. these are the faces of the men accused of posing the explicit and illegal material. among them a healthcare expert from cherry hill. and a man who worked at first presbyterian church and seeking to become a youth minister. two of the men are school bus drivers in mays landing. >> eagles training camp begins in south philadelphia, the birds offering hope for sports fans suffering through meade mediocre ity. we'll have live reports from camp later today on "action
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news." i know one person who is excited for the eagles. >> reporter: i pretty much any sports i'll watch it. >> he is the ultimate fan, soccer, baseball, football. >> reporter: the eagles look good, they were great last year they were interesting to walk offensively and we're expecting more of that this year. as we look outside we are expecting sunshine up over the horizon. sky 6 across the region shows a tranquil region, we are looking at comfortable conditions, as you step outside, too. take a look at temperatures, 747 degrees in philadelphia. 67 -- 64 in philadelphia, 57 in reading. low humidity as you step outside. you'll see the stars out, the cloud cover is well to our south. high pressure is buildings in definitely a day for shades if you're on the road.
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in allentown, 82 degrees, lots of sun, nice conditions in allentown. down the shore a nice afternoon, as well. if you're on the beach, ocean temperatures in the low 70s. getting up to 82 for the high, tons of sun and low humidity. in philadelphia, a nice day today, pleasant, lots of sun, 84, low humidity, winds are not that strong. a gorgeous day, if you have plans to be out this evening, it will be nice. 83 by 2:00 p.m. your high of 84 around 3:00 p.m. 82 by 5:00 p.m. and dipping into the 70s during your evening, so nice. if you're heading to the phillies great night for baseball, arizona in town, 79 degrees for the first pitch, and 71 in the 9th inning. le if you're heading to ppl park a nice night. saturday, starts out sunny,
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clouds build, but late in the arching there's a chance of a thunderstorm popping up in the poconos. ful sunday, 76 and better chance of afternoon thunderstorms. might see heavy thunderstorm on sunday. down the shore, same story, 84 sun to clouds on saturday, probably staying dry down the shore until programs at night. sunday 84 afternoon thunderstorms it will feel more humid on sunday. the checking the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 84 in philadelphia today, sunny and nice, 88 on saturday, with sun giving way to clouds and there could be a late-day thunderstorm in the northern and western suburbs. i think if anything happens in philadelphia it will hold off until nighttime and probably late at night at the shore. sunday more humid, 89 and a better chance of thunderstorms popping in the afternoon on sunday, and some of them could be strong and gusty. le monday could feature more thunderstorms, still humid, as has been the case all summer long, the humid stretch doesn't last that long, and tuesday we get into a nice refreshing
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weather pattern, okay. >> next up, and new this morning, an inmate takes the law into his own hands and clears his name of murder. >> dolls dumped on doorsteps rattle nerves in one community out west, police say they have solved a creepy case. >> reporter: nothing to be nervous about here in torresdale this morning, we're looking good along state road at will i understanden avenue along -- linden avenue. >> the office printer doesn't put out paper, it puts out pancakes. we'll
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>> welcome back you're taking a live look here, sky6 live hd looking out over the airport, cool start to your day,ve hd 65 degrees, again, a day i want back in the house for a sweater. it's going to be a lovely 84. david said it's going to be great. >> i still have my sweater in my lap. >> reporter: good idea to keep the sweater in here. it's chilly in here. king of prussia, the crossroads of montgomery county, maybe it's only matt o'donnell that calls it that, i don't know. this is the ramp from 422 to the eastbound side of the schuylkill expressway. they are in the process of reassure facing the ramps. the crews are gone they will
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return sunday night and work during the overnight next week. as the sun comes up over the king of prussia, the traffic on the ramps connecting the highways is moving well. northeast extension northbound side past lansdale they are knocking out the right lane. where are they closing the northeast extension this weekend. this weekend it's southbound between lansdale and mid county midnight until 6:00 a.m., sunday morning. they will send you over to 309. if you're out and about the in the overnight hours be ready for that. there's a crash at brook dale avenue and arlington avenue. a traffic shift at 6:00 p.m. between the turnpike connector and route 206 in bordentown. maybe shore bound early this friday morning, things are looking good upon the ac expressway, garden state
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parkway, route 50, route 40. no problems reported by any of our friends using the waze app. a brooklyn woman is charged with second degree murder. they got into a disagreement over rental before brown went missing. she pleaded not guilty at her arrangement yesterday. a chicago man is reunited with his family after spending 20 years in prison, he studied the law behind bars. he contended that police doctored a lineup photo to manipulate a witness, because he was in a gang, authorities wanted to put his face to the crime. a new jury agreed there was questionable policing. sanders is suing police in civil court and hopes to become a lawyer. >> the phillies and diamondback open a series at citizens bank
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park and the trade deadline is less than a week away. ryan howard has not played yet. chase utley knocked in the game winning run. the phils won, 2-1. of they salvage one game in the four-game series. cole hamels was dominant pitching 8 innings of one run ball. phillies may play howard the 70 million that's owed on his contract if that's what takes to get rid of him or they are rethinking about releasing the struggling slugger. reachers find a style issue way to lower their risk of heart disease. >> reporter: i want to thank nancy my twitter follower for tweeting in this sunset picture
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last night from stone harbor this morning. isn't this gorgeous. your afternoon call, hour by hour, your airpo
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>> we are hoping that traffic is not more than we can bear this that traffic but down in bear, we have a new crash to w0u679 -- watch out for. it's a crash at dupont highway at hamburg road taking out the left lane. details coming in now. meanwhile, the ben franklin bridge looking good, four lanes ready to come westbound into center city. sunday morning, 6:30 to 8:00 a.m., they will close the ben entirely for a charity bike race. at that point you'd be better off on the betsy ross bridge or the walt whitman bridge instead. >> reporter: matt, in some cases we're in the 50s and 60 throngs. it's a refreshing start. 9:00 a.m., 71 degrees, low humidity a gorgeous day.
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winds will be light. we don't have any rain reported in our most commonly traveled destinations, no issues for you flying out and taking a vacation trip on friday. the union tonight, tonight is going to be great, ppl park 78 the start of the game, 74 the 90th minute, get out and enjoy the weather. >> at commonly used morning after pill is suitable for heavier women. it was alleged that the drug did not work in women weighing more than 176 pounds. the european agency said the data is too limited to conclude that the pill loses its effectiveness in heavier women and the warning should be deleted. a cdc initiative in the mississippi delta is getting
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both done at the same time. barbers and the cdc health workers checked the men coming through the door. many found out they have high blood pressure and didn't know and others borderline high blood pressure problems. we have america's money. >> reporter: good friday morning to you, topping america's money, 60 recalls are taking a toll on the gm bottom line. the all the maker's second quarter profits were down for 2 1/2 careers. sales are steady, however. look closely at your next bag of lays potato chips. the flavored chips are in smaller bags that means $50 million for lace. car let johansson lucy
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plays a party girl who becomes super human. that's america's money, i'm rina ninen. why some california homeowners found creepy dolls on their doorsteps. >> a pizza delivery man makes a deadly discovery in south jersey overnight. the latest on the investigation that new guy is like a donut, tasty.
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yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! [ female announcer ] aveeno® introduces new positively radiant targeted tone corrector. it helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. what are you waiting for? aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™.
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>> a gesture of goodwill had one california neighborhood creeped out. someone left porcelain dolls of the homes in is an -- san clemente. police say no crime has been committed. empty morning buzz, they say all press is good press, get your name out there. alaska airline is getting good press over pancakes. they have something that's called pancake printers. they spit out fluffy pancakes on
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command. they are in seattle anchorage and l.a. and portland. it's made with fresh healthy and all natural ingredients. and the man was invented by a polish australian man who wanted to automate breakfast for his family. he came up with this, and alaska airline said we'll take four. >> just get the butter and you're good to go. >> i think it will make your weekend mornings better. >> he is on to something. >> a twitter hits a campground down south. several of the victims are from our area. >> we have more on the latest plane disaster this time in africa. more on the investigation when "action news" continues.
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so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. because the more you know, the more we can help you. at farmers, we make you smarter about auto insurance, cut. lower. shave. chop. and drop your insurance rates. if you want to save hundreds, talk to farmers. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ [announcer] the more you know, the more you save. talk to farmers and you could save hundreds on your auto insurance. call 1-800-910-2222 today. >> breaking right now on
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"action news," a dead woman is dumped on the side of the road in south jersey, we're gathering details on this gruesome discovery. >> the investigation continues into a deadly hospital shooting in delaware county. the accused shooter's ex-wife is speaking out about the incident. >> there are local ties to the deadly tornado that tore through a virginia camp ground. hear from one of the victims who came home to delaware overnight. >> good morning, 5:30, matt o'donnell is off, eastbound eve joins us, let's go over to david whose talking about a great day in accuweather and matt pellman is in for karen. >> reporter: today is great. we have sun coming up over the horizon and lack of he any cloud cover. high pressure building this will keep winds light and keeping us under the sun and insuring that we remain with a low humidity patt


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