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tv   Action News  ABC  August 19, 2014 1:36am-2:12am EDT

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a child t riding h bicycle on a nicemereng
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is struck by a pickup truck. in most cases it's a hit-and-run but instead it's hit and help. the assistance still has the neighborhood up and arms. monday night. jim is off. i am monica malpass. the zigging and zagging response to a rescue of a young injured boy. kenneth moton is live at st. chris's hoit the f story.kenneth. little boy is doing better after he was rushed to saint christophers. the driver then showed up at the hospital. >>reporter:a driver of a chevy silverado seen in the picture, slammed into the 9-year-old on the bicycle. they rushed to help the boy. it was the frantic driver that
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shook him. >> i didn't see him breathing. then i looked and saw the stomach moving. he shoved him in the car. he didn't say nothing. he took off. >>reporter:the driver drove down frankford avenue with the boy and flagged down the police. the officer took the child. they thought that the incident turned into a hit-and-run. >> i had two kid was my own. i was terrified. i have a 5-year-old. she walks everywhere. it scares me. i hope that he gets taken to justice. >>reporter:the guy reappeared a short time later for saint christopher's for children wherd forurs. th name is julio and the >> julio is condition. think expected a full recovery.
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>>reporter:some good n there. thhe the aid investigators say that the driver is interviewed. they have his check, monica. kenneth moton "channel~6 action news." thank you. this is how the streets of ferguson, missouri looked a little while ago. the national guard took over the controls from the state police. and despite the calls to allow the press their constitutional freedoms. as we go live, we see a lineup of police in gas masks. it's a peaceful scene. now they are using sound canyons to try to disperse the crowd. it's a tense and chaotic scene. it shows how volatile it can be. and despite the autopsy on
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michael brown, the officer has not been÷aç charged. >>reporter:today the missouri national guard is helping to secure the street was ferguson. >>president barack obama:i will be watching over the next couple of days to assess if it's helping rather than hindering progress in ferguson. >>reporter:called in after a night of this looting and molotov cocktails and gunshots fired at police. officers were responding with armored trucks and teargas. an officer shot and killed an unarmed teenager michael brown over a week ago. darren wilson shot brown after he was physically assaulted by the teen and his friend. the county medical examiners hand their autopsy reports over to the prosecutor's office confirming that the cause of death was gunshot wounds to the head and chest. the preliminary results showing
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that brown was shot at least six times, including twice in the head. >> there is no gunshot reduce on the skin surface. so that the muzzle of the gun was one or two feet away. it could be 30 feet away. >>reporter:they are conducting a third autopsy. they tell robin roberts all that they want is justice. >> what is justice to you? >> we are fair arrest this man and make him accountable for his actions. >>reporter:a grand jury could start to hear evidence on the case by thursday. and more on "nightline" after jimmy kimmel live. >> we are updating our website. you can find more information on
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the much independent autopsy of michael brown and the arresting photos of the confrontation between protestors and police. back here, two people are questioned between a ranger. and dann cuellar has the latest. dann. >>reporter:monica, with two in custody the detectives want to question a third man that was seen videotaping the attack. they say it gives them all a black eye. it was last year that the city built a multi-million skateboard park. it is known as pain park filled with enthusiasts enjoying their sport. they prefer love park. they are angry over the assault on a park ranger by fellow
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skateboarders. >> they are going to put the image to us. to do something like that it's over the line and disrespectful. >>reporter:they are trying to forcenforce the ban at love par. they took curtis tanner into pottstown into custody. it was sunday that they caught up to tanner. he is seen on the video assaulting the ranger. >> i lost my cool. i know that i messed up. i know what i did was wrong. if i cotake i i could take it b. i would apologize. >> he did not fight back. he was afraid that he would lose
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his job. >> he's not in philly. he crossed the line. it was not cool. >> he ruined it for the rest of us. the problems are not why we are not allowed to ride most spots and kick us out. >>reporter:tanner and his friend charged with assault and a third person is sought for questioning. i am dann cuellar. "channel~6 action news." thank you. dann. a couple was attacked near the intersection of the brewery hill drive last night. they took off towards the art museum. the police are still looking for the suspects. still no suspects in the murder of an elderly man and his washington square home.
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the collector was eccentric but no known enemies. he was found beaten in his living room by workers that came to his home. he had a heart condition. they are horrified and also frightened. and the officials are working out deals of two mysterious deaths at sea. it involves the gen ko challenger that is talked on the river near trenton. two men were stabbed off the bethany beach. one died. the spectator in the water jumped overboard. hong kong is also investigating. they are trying to stop the bleeding from a hacking breach t. includes half hacking breachl security numbers and addresses
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and phone numbers. the attack happened in april or june. anyone that was treated in their network or referred by a doctor in the last five years, is affected. the hospitals in our area include chestnut hill hospital, pottstown, phoenixville and jennersville and salem memorial. don't take it for gospel so to speak. the pope is wanting to attend the families of philadelphia next year in italian. >> in translation "next year i would like to go to philadelphia for the meeting of the families. then i have been invited to the congress an and then in new yor.
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he gave his first addresses in english during his korean trip. they saw it as a test run for an american visit. there is no official confirmation from the vatican. that usually doesn't come until six months before an event. still ahead on "action news," they warm of an imminent eruption with global impact. plus, the president talks of a military victory against the philadelphiaists ifundal mental. >>the answer in and jamie apody is not from one of the stars. "action news" continues tonight
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back to the unrest in ferguson, missouri where we just told you there appears to be clashes. this the first night without a curfew by the governor that was lifted after two nights a. national guard is assisting the county and state police. there are some arrests. we are seeing more tension in the last 10 minutes or so. it's unrest after the shooting of an african teen by an officer. the man was arrested because he was waving a gallon jug of liquid. they didn't know what it was. on the safe side they put him under arrest. it's a hostile standoff between the police.
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the kurdish force recaptures the largest dam. isis seized the mosul dam on august 7th that gave them access to power and the water reserves. it's a major step forward. >>president barack obama:if that dam was breached it could have proven catastrophic that could have threatened thousands of the sizzle yans and endangered our politicians in baghdad. >> the u.n. health agency urged ebola-impacted countries in west africa to screen passengers. and nancy writebol was able to see her husband david through the glass of an isolation room at the atlanta hospital.
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she worked in liberia where she contracted the disease. rick perry will be booked and fingerprinted and photoed. fennfelony charged were handed n against him. they are fighting the two counts. perry was the first texas governor to be indicted. he could get 109 years in prison if convicted. they are having profoundly different reactions to governor perry's legal troubles. tom corbett removed the video endorsing corbett from its website. it doesn't want the indictment to be a distraction. and chris christie as chair of the government association came to perry's defense saying "he
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has complete faith in perry's honest and inthreat." and integrity. it revel had itsay they would close today. they are bleeding money losing $1 million a week. they hold revel they must stay open until labor day. the hotel is scheduled to close on september 1st. the gaming is the next morning on september 2nd. they hope to find a buyer at the bankruptcy auction. the beachgoers enjoyed a
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culinary world tour. the tropicana casino and resort ra the taste of the quarter. and the chefs could barely keep the place full. it benefited the united way of atlantic county. >> you see the cosmonaut toss a box from the space station. it's 260 miles above the earth. it has instruments to measure the temperature and pressure and cameras to peer down on the planet. could a massive volcanic eruption be in the alert. there were swarms of the earthquake since saturday the
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country's largest glacier. will it be minor or shoot ash into the atmosphere. the last one in 2010, stranded some 10 million travelers around the world. not what most folks want to hear. let's hear about the weather. we are voting for minor. and minor problems with the weather. stormtracker 6 double scan showinnditions out there. we had a few clouds here and there.along the park capturing this gorgeous video after sunset.n is setting at 8:. are gettingd down summerand te. and mn 66. and seae 74.
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there is uick humidity philadelphi atghtly two days humd will be increang as we get more moisture in the atmosphere. satellite 6 along with action radar, showing that that low pressure we talked about last week it went over us it would bring us a soaking rain. high pressure nudged it down to the south. they got the soaking rain in southern virginia and north carolina. we are getting a bit of the cloud cover on the northern fringe. this really will maintain its strength. tomorrow is a nice day. a mix of cloud and sunshine. any rain stays well down to the south. on wednesday the high pressure moves away from us. the warm front tries to get here. our luck runs out on thursday as the low pressure moves south with the path.
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we could have showers and thunderstorms. it depends where the low pressure heads. the bulk of the moisture stays to the south. thursday is unsettled. down at the shore it's a great beach week. clouds a sun. at 11:00, 77. by 3:00, 78. the u.v. index is high. a comfortable 75. 8:00 in the morning sunny skies. by 11, 78. by 2:00, 81, by 5:00, 84. the exclusive seven-day forecast comfortably warm a high of 84. on wednesday it's more humid. y a and thurs cloud upcoumid. tyth ofkoff theh-arterby t we .
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s moday we bump it up eges [ thatachemc weonthme.cllc g exic anjoy country music along with crowd. theyed to brett aldridge to philadelphia. the mission to support
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jamie is here after a disappointing road trip. the phillies have good news.
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the phillies lost 7 of 9 to face the mariners. the mariners won 10 of 12. do you believe i never saw "star wars." no way. i know. the rbi double gives the phils a 1-0 lead. and three-run homer. the first homerun since july of 2011. the phils up 4-1. and jerome williams struck out four. the phillies win it 4-1. williams first win as as phil. many are over the ice bucket challenge. i had to show you chase utley. into it. the best one yet. and the coldest. it's the one pre-season game that your guys are peeled. and shady mccoy should take part. he hurt his big toe during a
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joint practice with the patriots. he is working through it. >> my toe is really bothering me. during a game it was kind of real sore. a couple of days before that i played through it. it was hurting really bad. i got an mri and x-rays it's oh! the name your price tool! you tell them how much you want to pay, fine. and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. i told you to wear something comfortable! >> desean jackson wearing this is a polyester blend! number 11. washington held off johnny whoa! uh...little help? manziel, 24-23. i got you! unh! you don't want to miss the it's so beautiful! pre-season game. man: should we call security? the steelers and eagles kick off no, this is just getting good. the name your price tool, still only from progressive. at 7:30. the eagles are
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anywhere. the kids from center city are giving us a lot to cheer on. they take on a team from las vegas. this team can kit. they scored 25 runs in two games and yes miss monet has taken the nation by storm. >> i don't like all the attention. everything is about me. they don't see the whole picture without my teammates. without my teammates i would not be here right now. >> she caught the eyes of the
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pros. >> a lot of congrats go to them and hopefully finish up strong and do well. >> when you are 12 or 13 years old. high school is going to be boring. >> i see monet davis she is pretty good. one jersey, that is good luck for me. i need a jersey i can represent for philly. >> how about the kid that put little in little league. 4'8". lee martinez. he homers for mexico. you can't see him. his teammates fall down. will be in williamsport as we follow the tan taney dragons.
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we continue at 4:30 with matt o'donnell and carrasquillo witkaren rogerswith traffic. for cecily tynan, ducis rodgers, i am monica malpass. have a good night tonight. ♪
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the world famous fries you love,
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