tv 2020 ABC August 19, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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areulld guy penuritugdaulbar - ivtheies oposy you ry th a nhis esryg b that dpu c ife road.t le rndses iv, . omau paranoid walg g gi i ever e.>> hju >> about two and a half hours later, then things basically hit the fan. >> he's smashing my house! >> smashing your house? >> reporter: when we come back, forget the fence -- he's going to take out the whole nighborhood. >> yeah, now he's tearing the neighbor's place down. >> holy jesus. i gotta watch all of this. >> reporter: you will, too. next. ♪ milk and cereal ♪ ♪ cereal and milk ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ ♪ cereal and milk ♪ ♪ k -- e -- double -- l -- o-- double good ♪ ♪ protein to help you rebuild like you should ♪ ♪ great tasting grains to help you recharge ♪ ♪ put a spring in your step ♪ ♪ so you keep livin' large ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ ♪ cereal cereal ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ ♪ cereal cereal .... make your morning shine with delicious kellogg's cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's cereal and milk. see you at breakfast.
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♪ oh no, we have a dress code here, and it's not see through. next! whoa, this is a lunchbox not a halloween bag. so sorry - this lunchbox is already at capacity. rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese. a good source of protein and calcium, and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet... and not a "have just a little" buffet. because what we all really want is more. that's why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50% off all new smartphones. like the htc one m8 for windows or android. built to inspire envy. come get your more with verizon.
10:03 pm
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neighbors from hell continues. >> reporter: dan davis and his neighbor barry sweigle have been skirmishing over this fence for years. >> he'd knock it down. we'd go put it back. he'd knock it down and we'd go put it back. >> reporter: so, like a run-up to a miniature war, dan drew his red line in the sand -- literally with spray paint --
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rightly guessing the squabble was about to turn nuclear. >> so, i drove down to rite aid, got two disposable cameras, came back, because i just had the feeling he was going to do something. >> reporter: dan's no photographer. in fact, he's all thumbs, but still managed to fire off these shots just as barry's dozer is about to take its first bite. >> and i heard the bulldozer start. he was coming up our fence line. and immediately, he started tearing out my retainer wall, he took my fence out up to this point. and i thought that's exactly where he's going to stop, but he didn't. >> reporter: oh, no. barry is just getting started. and his thirst for destruction is not likely to be quenched, especially with a 30-pack of cold beer riding shotgun in the dozer. >> what shocked me was when that house started moving. it was -- and i look -- look something like that. gets my curiosity up, and i'm interested.
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>> reporter: who wouldn't be? and thanks to a neighbor's cell phone video, we have your exclusive ring side seats to barry's rumble in the rubble. watch this. >> he's smashing my house. >> smashing your house? >> my house -- he's trashing. >> reporter: and listen to this 911 call. dan's doing play-by-play as his own catastrophe. >> now, he's back and running over my truck. right over my new diesel pickup. right over the top of it. it was a hell of a nice pickup. and when i seen him go over that truck i -- holy jesus! i gotta watch all of this, you know? >> reporter: the method to this madness suggests barry is nothing if not thorough. demolish house -- check. crush pickup -- check. up next, the power poles. >> you better get some cops up here with some guns because this son of a gun is crazy. >> 911 emergency. >> somebody hit the post. >> somebody did what? i'm sorry, to the power line? >> there's people walking around
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it. >> what a crazy -- they should shoot that [ bleep ]! >> somebody's gonna shoot him. >> where's the [ bleep ] cops? >> reporter: by the time sheriff's deputies scream onto ryan drive, the electric lines have been flash-dancing with 115,000 volts. by now, the entire neighborhood is in panic. by now the whole neighborhood is in a panic and with very good reason -- -- like a crazed storm trooper, barry has suddenly changed targets, blasting through several back yards and fences on his way to demolishing two more neighborhood homes. after punching a hole in the side of a third house, he takes aim at the main residence of dan and mary davis, where mary is napping -- dozing as it were -- on a sofa. >> i was inside, right behind this window almost.
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>> reporter: what was once a window. >> yeah, and i kept hearing the noise, louder and louder. but i was, you know, about half asleep. and my dog was acting funny. >> reporter: ernie had every right to feel a little peculiar. all hell's breaking loose out there. mary's bedroom takes a direct hit. >> and i see a lady standing in the doorway, and i'm just, like screaming on the top of my lungs, like freaking out, "get out of the house! get out of the house!" >> reporter: next, barry takes out mary's office. then the living room where she'd been sleeping. on foot now, deputies cortani and backes race to catch up. >> we were ramped up. there's no two ways about it. >> and the information we're getting of what we're potentially dealing with. >> yeah. everybody's screaming, screaming at us to shoot him. >> reporter: did you have your guns up on him? >> i had my gun aimed at him, and i got his attention by waving my free hand. he looked, and he immediately surrendered. >> reporter: barry was booked on charges of malicious mischief, burglary and assault with a
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bulldozer -- which by the way sits in a chain-link jail of its own -- seized as evidence but a tad too big for the sheriff's weapons lockup. >> i think this was my first ever bulldozer-as-weapon-of-choice case. >> reporter: for more than a year, he shuffled between jail and a psychological facility. with time served and time off for good behavior he will be off next month. and guess who's none too happy about that -- >> i'll tell you. our justice stinks. >> reporter: these days, dan davis has the look of a man whose dog just died. in fact, ernie passed away a few months back. mary is housebound with health problems. >> my wife is 76 years old.
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i'll be 76 in september and here that butthead is getting his meals cooked, his beds made, his clothes washed. >> reporter: the bulldozed buildings have been replaced and the wreckage of last year removed, but the davis home had to be rebuilt from the foundation up. and it's still not ready for them to move in. >> we feel that we've been incarcerated longer than that man has for the sentence that he got for the damage he done to us. >> i think the system's kinda screwy. i think he should be struggling. we should be sitting on the gravy train like he is. >> reporter: still, a restraining order will keep barry from returning to his home for at least ten years. most of the old equipment and antiques are gone except for this logging skidder, a hulking reminder of what one angry man and one big dozer can do. >> and it's quick, and it's loud, and it's noisy. and every time his brother started it up over there, it scared the crap out of me. >> reporter: as for the final tally of damages, it runs like this. pickup truck -- $40,000.
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tractor -- $16,000. boat -- $8000. various homes and buildings -- $300,000. images of barry's neighborhood block party -- priceless. next there goes the neighborhood. >> squatters. they're just defiant. >> squatters taking over mansions for free. it's legal and this guy is teaching them how. are you saying you have some kind of authority here in north america? when neighbors from hell returns. gers and toes. i'm here to talk about bums. how do you look after your bum? (woman laughs nervously) i use wipes and toilet paper on a normal basis. why? because you feel cleaner. i don't know what that is. are those the... these are wipes. you can't have one without the other. bonnie and clyde. they go together.
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would you use these? i would. absolutely. if you don't have a clean bum, what do you have? feel a clean so fresh it can only be cottonelle. [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. ♪ ♪ ♪ trouble makers. ♪ dreamer of dreamers. ♪ ♪ we are the y-a-o! ♪ (chinese singing) ♪ oh... oh... oh... oh... ♪ this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills.
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afternoon arrives and feeling good but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain... when jamie says... what's that like six pills today? yeah... i can take 2 aleve for all day relief. really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. get all day arthritis pain relief with an easy-open cap. moms know that no two mouths are the same. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. it's great on strawberries apples...
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bananas... rice cakes... raspberries... toast! [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. everybody's excited about the back to school savings at staples. from the customers to the staples associates. with guaranteed low prices on sharpies. you'll flip out! now go tell your friends. staples, make more happen for less. are those made with all-beef, karen? yeah, they're hebrew national. but unlike yours they're also kosher. only certain cuts of kosher beef meet their strict standards. they're all ruined. help yourself! oh no, we couldn...okay thanks hebrew national. a hot dog you can trust.
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>> they still refuse to leave. >> reporter: becoming a squatter from hell. >> my house has turned into a battleground. >> reporter: like the recent airbnb house guest in palm springs. >> a squatter nightmare. she says the guy that rented it won't leave. >> reporter: but if you want to hear what may be the craziest, most outrageous squatter story, you got to go to boca raton, florida. a city synonymous with conspicuous consumption, designer clothing, designer dogs and bombastic boats. welcome to the aptly-named golden harbour drive, where everyone's back yard is right on the water. >> rocking the infinity pool. pretty good look. >> reporter: it is a tony enclave that not long ago played reluctant host to a strange and uninvited guest. >> this is it right here. >> reporter: mike avirom lives here and notices something odd transpiring at a house on his block. this is a sweet house. it is a $2.3 million, 7,500 square foot, plus-sized palace. the previous owner had money
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problems, signed it over to bank of america and moved out. now a stranger is moving in, without paying a penny to the bank, and he's not alone. a bunch of guys pull up and move into this beautiful house and tell you they are establishing an embassy. >> an embassy for their mission. >> reporter: their religious mission? >> they're going to have transient families coming in and out in accord with their ministry. >> reporter: and your response to this was? >> i don't think that's going to fly. >> reporter: it gets even weirder, quickly. the new occupant posts paperwork on the house, saying nobody can enter without an invitation and two types of i.d. on the elaborate forms, the name of the man who now claims ownership, andre barbosa. neighbors google him right away and up pops the facebook page of a 23-year-old brazilian, an aspiring hip-hop artist who calls himself "loki boy" after the norse god of mischief. that is when neighbors call 911. >> they've changed the locks.
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they've put a no trespassing sign out, and they're moving in. >> all right, i'm going to have an officer dispatched as soon as possible. >> we called the police on these [ bleep ] right here. squatters, they're just defiant. >> reporter: the cops show up and speak to loki boy, who you can see right there on a neighbor's cell phone video. but here's where what seems like a clear-cut trespassing case gets truly crazy. loki boy presents the police with this document, which stops them in their tracks. loki boy is claiming something called adverse possession. >> the notion is that someone can move onto a property, fix it up, take care of it, and after a period of time it's their property. >> reporter: it is an obscure, but very real, law that is on the books in all 50 states. if loki boy stays for seven years, the mansion is his. so this kid was pretty clever because he was using language that was very confusing for you and your force. >> absolutely. >> reporter: thus begins a
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bizarre stalemate, with loki boy occupying the house day after day. police, prosecutors and the bank are in a state of confusion and paralysis. which is a lucky break for loki boy, who, meanwhile, is living large, working on a new rap video with the mansion as a backdrop. was that frustrating for you? >> very. >> reporter: more than four weeks into this thing, lyn houston, a nervous next door neighbor, has had enough of this squatter from hell. >> i was going to do anything to get rid of him. anything. >> reporter: you were willing to buy that house? >> yes. >> reporter: you were going to take out a mortgage? >> no. >> reporter: just pay cash? >> yes. >> reporter: cash for this house to get this kid out? >> yes. >> neighbors outraged to find out a squatter -- >> reporter: when her phone calls to the bank are not returned, she alerts the media. >> we have a hard to believe but true story out of florida. >> reporter: the nervous neighbor is convinced that the nightmare here on golden harbour drive is connected to something much larger. >> i believe there's somebody much more important, much
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higher, much wealthier behind him. don't know who. >> reporter: we decide to do some digging. remember those weird documents loki boy posted on the front of the house? there is another name on there, james mcbride, who, as we learn, is the founder of a mysterious group called divine province. >> we can take back all this property that has been taken from us. >> reporter: mcbride is an ex-con who's done time for cocaine importation and run-ins with the irs. he says he hasn't paid federal income taxes in 26 years and claims he can teach you how to live like him. mcbride is very suspicious of the media, but he agrees to speak exclusively with abc news. what is your connection to andre? >> he's a member of the divine province. >> reporter: he says he didn't know in advance about loki boy's mansion takeover, but he now supports him fully.
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it's lawful to move into a house -- >> absolutely. >> reporter: that's not yours, and say, this is mine? >> correct. >> reporter: but there are many other laws mcbride feels he and his followers are not subject to. how? he shows me a seal he says was a gift from pope benedict himself. what can you do with this? >> it means i can now give orders or issue decrees that the vatican and the roman curia must follow. >> reporter: are you saying that you have some sort of papal authority here in north america? >> in the globe. >> reporter: in the globe? >> correct. >> reporter: so you have primary control of the earth? >> correct. >> reporter: that seems like a lot of power. >> i understand. it is. and a lot of responsibility. >> reporter: this may sound ridiculous, but the fbi is not laughing. there are an estimated 300,000 people in this country who share some version of mcbride's belief that american laws do not apply to them. some of these people are using
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tactics like adverse possession to take over vacant homes. >> why did you decide on this house? >> why not? it's a beautiful house. >> reporter: meanwhile, back on golden harbour drive. with media attention reaching a fever pitch, the cops mount a raid. >> we showed up here, opened the door, walked in, no one's here. >> reporter: they haul away loki boy's stuff and change the locks. 51 days after it began, the nightmare on golden harbour drive ends with a whimper. loki's house of cards has tumbled down. he has sneaked off quietly. and the mansion has now been sold, legally, to this guy. zev freidus, a successful boca raton realtor. >> i live with my two children, my daughter amy and my son aaron. >> reporter: and what about the squatters? >> so i knew this was the house
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that had the squatters, but that was about it. i don't think it effected the value of the property. >> reporter: zev's purchase brings a huge sigh of relief to neighbors like becky davis. >> hey, how you doing? >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. you know how infamous your house is, don't you? >> i know, well. >> the neighborhood was very, very frightened. he was just scary because we didn't know anything about him. >> reporter: and remember james mcbride, leader of divine province? he recently learned the hard way that he is, in fact, subject to the law. just last week, among other things, he was convicted of impersonating a diplomat and he's most likely going back to prison. >> i think the whole neighborhood feels safer. >> reporter: if anything good has come out of this ordeal, the neighbors say it's that they've grown much closer. here they are throwing a victory celebration over the eviction of the squatter from hell, complete with a surprise guest. >> okay, loki, come on out! >> reporter: a loki boy impersonator. ♪
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10:28 pm
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last one you'd expect folks to fight over. but this vacant house on east liberty street is the hottest property since good old nehemiah hubbard founded the town 200 years ago. oh, what a fuss over a little fixer-upper. this all started in 2007, over a simple real estate deal, correct? >> right. it was the property next -- next door here. >> reporter: meet rick and cindy krlich. longtime hubbard residents. they say all they wanted was to buy the property next door. one problem, it wasn't for sale. these folks, john and marlene clemente, had inherited half the house. the other half was tied up in court, but rick krlich tried to buy it anyway. even though it had been in the clemente family for generations. >> i says, well, you are not getting my land. that's not right. it's my family since 1922. how could you do that? >> the clemente family called me up, and they told me to take my bid off the table, and if i didn't take my bid off the table, we'd be bitter enemies for life. >> reporter: rick never got the
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house, but he says he's still paying for what he did. as the town fire chief, clemente had lots of friends. and suddenly, rick and cindy say it seemed like every single one of them was driving by, honking the horn. and it wasn't to say hello. >> the clemente family conspired together to organize a horn blowing campaign against us. that's really what this is all about. >> reporter: ask not for whom the horn blows. it blows for rick and cindy krlich. >> in the beginning, it was a hundred times a day. >> a hundred times a day. >> a hundred. >> reporter: so they began planning their payback. their house now bristles with expensive surveillance cameras. as we were looking them over, just watch what happened.
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>> the last camera's down here on the tree. >> okay. oh, somebody just honked their horn. did you hear that? >> yeah. >> was that a friendly honk? >> probably not. >> reporter: rick says his ear is now finely attuned. >> do certain makes and models have a particular sound? >> yes. you can tell an import horn from a domestic horn. >> reporter: who are these horn blowers? not just people in the town, but people who work for the town. firefighters including some from the department john clemente ran. and police. and here's one of hubbard township's finest, not serving, not protecting, just honking. it's enough to wake the dead. this hearse caught ten times. and would you look at this. the horn on the bus goes -- an education for hubbard's next generation of horn blowers. rick and cindy renamed their dining room, the evidence room. there's more in the basement.
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>> there's hundreds and hundreds of photographs and discs and stuff here. >> you're like a detective. so when did people start blowing the horns? were you recruiting people? >> no. >> no. >> -- telling them to -- >> no. >> --get this guy out of town? >> no, nobody. >> no, that's what he tells everybody. >> reporter: john says he can explain everything. his son's girlfriend and some of her friends would occasionally blow the horn but he says that was just their way of saying good-bye. >> when they would leave the house, the girls would toot their horn. just to let them know they are leaving. >> reporter: a little toot. "yeah," rick says, "like this car leaving the clemente's driveway at four in the morning." does the city of hubbard have a horn blowing epidemic? >> an epidemic? no. we do have a problem in one particular area. >> reporter: we patrolled around town with the police chief, jim taafe. >> at some point, people began blowing horns. but it became clear at another
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point that, on occasion, it was used to harass the person that lived here. >> reporter: krlich began taking horn blowers to court. he says he got orders of protection against more than a dozen people. and he didn't stop there. he started suing. somebody beeps. rick sues. beep. sue. at the trumbull county courthouse, the legal paperwork is piling up. rick is now suing no fewer than 40 alleged horn blowers, including the clementes. >> this isn't my job, and i don't want to do this. and i'm sad that i have to. >> reporter: krlich versus everybody. it seems like the town of hubbard is against the krlichs
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and everybody is in on it now. >> well, why wouldn't you be against him? >> if you beep your horn one time, he'll take you to court. just a regular beep. >> reporter: does the city of hubbard want the krlichs to leave? >> oh, i believe so. >> reporter: do you think you have made matters worse? >> we don't how else to stop it. >> reporter: we knew it was a long shot, but we asked both sides if they would consider mediation. >> we would love it for it to stop. but how do you get everybody in hubbard to come to a meeting and -- >> now there's a thought. get everybody in hubbard to come to a meeting. oh yeah, rick. that's just what we're gonna do. it's the "20/20" bbq peace summit. but will the warring parties or anyone else bother to show up? find out when we come back. show up? find out when we come back. t a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back.
10:35 pm
this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ now available at walgreens. introducing olive garden's tuscan trios lunch. start with our unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks for $6.99, then make it a trio by adding 1 of 9 irresistible sides, like our creamy fettuccine alfredo for $2.99. tuscan trios lunch at olive garden. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet... and not a "have just a little" buffet. because what we all really want is more. that's why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50% off all new smartphones. like the htc one m8 for windows or android. built to inspire envy. come get your more with verizon.
10:36 pm
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we return to neighbors from hell. >> reporter: which is the real hubbard, ohio? the peaceful city that claims to be the official home of the nicest people? or the horn blowing bedlam captured on rick and cindy krlich's surveillance cameras? >> this is stalking. >> reporter: has it become a living hell for you? >> yes. >> oh, absolutely. >> definitely. >> reporter: they say horn blowing bullies are ruining their lives. how do you get out of this situation? >> we really don't know. >> reporter: former judge billie colombaro says she knows how it might be solved. >> well, we're on our way to see mr. krlich and cindy. >> reporter: on a gray and rainy friday, she came to hubbard to try to mediate the noisy feud. the minivan diplomacy begins at the krliches'.
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>> hello. >> hi, there. >> reporter: the judge says mediation has a better chance without cameras. >> guys, you can leave. out of here. >> reporter: three hours later, judge billie emerges with a slice of coconut cake, but no deal. >> he's thinking about it, and that's a good first step. >> reporter: next stop, the clementes', the people rick and cindy say organized the horn blowing harassment in the first place. >> hi. >> reporter: another marathon session, but at the end of the day -- >> my assessment, they're just not ready for mediation at this point. >> reporter: it looks pretty hopeless, but the next day, clear skies and a new plan. "20/20" throwing a peace and reconciliation barbecue complete with banners, balloons, and burgers. we even hired a classical guitar quartet and an acappella group, hoping their harmonies will inspire.
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we all just arrived on the scene we got about an hour before everyone starts arriving. we've invited the entire town with full-page newspaper ads. it was a big story. >> a national news magazine trying to broker peace. >> reporter: think we're going to come to a happy medium over hamburgers and hot dogs today? >> sure hope so. >> this is between two people and the whole city is involved. >> reporter: we do want to welcome you to the hubbard, ohio, peace and reconciliation barbecue. the big question, the clementes
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and the krliches. if they don't show up, the peace and reconciliation barbeque is a bust. we heard conflicting reports. they were coming. they weren't coming. and then, surprise, suddenly there they are -- john and marlene clemente. and then we got word rick and cindy krlich were on their way. >> i think it's a little bit overwhelming for both of us. >> reporter: and there they were, in the same place at the same time, for the first time in years, not counting courtrooms. are you nervous? >> we don't know who is here. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: for a moment, we thought we had a breakthrough. the krliches' representative vic rubenstein confronts the clemente's attorney, jim wise, insisting they go ahead with mediation. >> can we hear that from mr. clemente's mouth, that he's ready to mediate? >> my clients have always been willing to mediate. >> well, then let's get it on. >> reporter: but is he willing to compromise? >> that is up to him. i can't answer that. >> reporter: the lawyers for both sides made brief statements, but the krliches and clementes themselves spent the peace and reconciliation
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barbecue avoiding each other. here are john and marlene. rick and cindy are way over there. but we did accomplish this. we got people talking, and better yet, listening. >> we had drivers driving past my house, beeping at this man's truck and standing in my drive enjoying my son's birthday party. >> reporter: that story brought kelsey back to the microphone. >> if somebody drives past your house and honks at somebody's car at your son's party, we can all feel for that. >> reporter: and there was this moment, when rick's mom got a little overwhelmed. >> it has been hell for seven years for my son and his wife, and they're good people. >> reporter: a neighbor who came to complain ended up showing compassion. >> well, let's hope it's all stopped. >> i hope it stops. >> this stops it. i don't like what happened. >> reporter: so maybe this
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wasn't the end, but it sure felt like a new beginning. next neighbors and their weapons of revenge. tossing dog poop and using hi! can i help you? i'm looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don't compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text and for a family of four, its $160 a month. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i'm getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i'm not too sure what to do with my arms right now 'cause this is when i usually start throwing things. oh, that's terrifying at&t's best-ever family pricing. for instance, a family of four gets 10 gigs of data, with unlimited talk & text, for $160 dollars a month.
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sleepy, sunny san marino, california, neighborly relations can explode. >> in this country, when someone puts [ bleep ] on your doorstep, they're telling you what they think of you. >> reporter: that's what happened. and it's dirtied the name of san marino. >> when they think of san marino, they're gonna think of the poop zone. >> reporter: watch the security camera evidence. a man picks up a bag of dog poop, not from his own dog, it was just lying on the sidewalk, and flings that feces onto a neighbor's doorstep. >> i was stunned. this is shocking to the whole community. >> reporter: because the man caught on camera lobbing that little numero duo, none other than the man in the big chair, the mayor. and mayor dennis kneier has gone the way of nixon, he resigned. we've been trying to get in contact with you about the whole dog poop thing. >> well, i haven't gotten any messages. and i'm really busy now. >> reporter: he's just woken up.
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>> are you a psychologist? >> i'm not. >> and neither am i. and i can't answer your question other than to say it was a mistake. i was tired in the time that i did it. it was a mistake. >> reporter: dr. ari novick is a psychologist -- an anger management expert. >> we all have made judgment errors. >> he said he was tired. >> deprivation can do that. but there's never an excuse for throwing feces on your neighbor's yard. >> reporter: the neighbor in question is this guy. >> he says, "it got a little bit heavy, and i decided to drop it." and this little bag was less than half, you know, a pound. >> reporter: was a small dog. >> it was a small -- yeah, a small dog. >> reporter: philip lao is a regular thorn in the ex-mayor's side. now making political capital out of projectile poop to stop mayor kneier's agenda in its tracks. >> he's proposing painting bike lanes along the road. we had fought against the tennis lights. >> reporter: so you are a concerned citizen, not a pain in the butt?
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>> that, well, that -- that's what i would think, you know. >> reporter: lao thinks this was an act of vengeance. did you have a beef with mr. lao or -- >> no. >> nothing. >> no. well, we have disagreements in terms of he comes to the city council and he objects to things. >> reporter: has it ever crossed your mind to throw poop at his house? >> yes. you know, when i saw the video and i thought, hey -- hey, since he can do this, i can do. but my wife talked me out of it. >> reporter: if you live in a city, chances are you have a neighbor from hell nearby. comedian hal sparks has one. >> i have a neighbor who has a tree. a gooey, sappy tree with white fluff. it tars and feathers my house. your neighborhood is a family you didn't choose. >> reporter: but these days security cameras, like mr. lao's, make it much harder for those nasty neighbors to get away with it. steve miller lives in posh palm beach gardens, florida.
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one day he noticed a bag of dog poop on a bush in his manicured front yard. >> then i noticed there were another ten bags in there, so i went to the store. bought a video camera. mounted it on the house. just let it run. and it caught all the action. >> reporter: a dog-walking neighbor was regularly dropping doggie doo-doo off at steve's house. on this video evidence, he was given multiple tickets and a little punishment to fit the crime. >> they also made him come back and pick up his droppings. >> reporter: all 11 bags of -- video is now a deterrent. or should be. >> imagine if there was a hidden camera viewing everything you did, how would you wanna be seen by others? >> reporter: some now take the law into their own hands. publicly shaming them with a play by play critique of their late night karaoke playlist, posted in the building. if you're going to be woken up after two hours' sleep, it might as well be to a herd of morons singing "tiny dancer."
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he ended the review with three simple words, "i hate you." >> that's the way to handle it. it's charming. it uses creativity. it embarrasses them. it gets the entire neighborhood on your side. >> reporter: and you haven't behaved badly! >> no, you haven't. >> reporter: which brings us back to san marino, california, and poopgate, and mr. lau, who caught the mayor behaving badly throwing poop onto his property. did a little part of you think, "yes. we got him"? >> yes. yeah, of course. >> reporter: the mayor resigned, apologized. he's all about humble pie. >> i don't know what else i can do. i can't turn back to june the 7th. >> reporter: but mr. lau and others aren't finished. they want him off the city council. you seem like a very nice chap. he seems very nice. it's a beautiful neighborhood. >> why can't we get along? >> yeah.
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