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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 20, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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hsubufight ♪ i'vef got mo'nes t roar aghe get monet-ment. good morning, a. herteam's how about that mo'ne davis? loving that on the cover of we expect to pes, news chief i correspondent brian ross tracks gorn authenticity of have video but the barbaric scenes leave little doubt about what happened. hopeetn safy. mother, ofhiut an
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photojournalist thiingesy, fo but stillho hope freedom and seeing my family once again," he said "but that ship has sailed." it shows another hostage, identified in the video as .o the oobama, feb posting like jim, they are jnts," robin. >> there are more americans out there. >> we are told there may be as many as two or three other americans in syria being held by this terror group. >> thank you, brian. >> okay, guy, thanks.
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more from the white house and jon karl is traveling with the president at martha's vineyard this morning and, jon, the president first heard about this on his way back to martha's vineyard from the white house. >> reporter: that's right, george. this went item to the president. he was briefed aboard air force one on his way to martha's vineyard shortly after the video went online and, george, this comes just after the president had congratulated u.s. troops on some of the heaviest bombardment we have seen on isis targets in iraq that for the first time forced them to retreat and give up territory that it has gained. but the white house has until now downplayed the threat that isis plays, the immediate threat, to american targets saying that they are focused in the region but, george, this video suggests that this battle may have eer a new and more dangerous pha part was that -- or one of the pose disturbing that executioner spoke fluent english with a british accent, .
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the b cameroneat to deal with it and president warned this fight against isis is g time. >> reporter: he sure has. he said that there is no end te on this in terms of u.s. military involvement in iraq and the battle against this group will be a long one. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. >> it will be a long one. we move on now to that massive flash flooding and dramatic rescues in the southwest. raining waters from monsoon season rain trappeigr homes and brandi hitt has the latest and joins us from phoenix. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: robin. this neighborhood is just escape.meth used to be that take >> just hit me like a wall. >> reporter: monsoon rains unleashing raging floods.
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>> the power of water to do this is unbelievable. >> reporter: 5 inches of water falling in just a few short hours leading to at least a dozen rescues. watch as officers knock out the window of this elderly woman's van pulling her out of the vehicle to safety. people trapped in their homes waving a white sheet for rescuers who dropped down from above and pulled them to safety, as well. this home, knocked off its foundation by rushing waters. a tree the only thing keeping it from being swept going down the river. >> reporter: trailers, mobile homes and cars were no match. washed away by that rushing brown water. the flood submerging 15 miles. >> we h is gone. mud knee-deep aswh's left. the >> it's not supposed to just howth front door is now fit
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off the ground. the governor of arizona saying startling pictures. thank you very much and, ginger, you'll tell us what's going on. >> monsoon storms are often extreme but we don't always see them in such populated areas. this is what happened yesterday. the strong storms training over themselves just parked north of phoenix. some places, our highest total we could find over a half foot of rain much that's a lot wn you put it on that desert land inlaces where people ve. w, nextay, how much more do we ? bday you get a littlereak e fueling some moisture going into thursday and friday kind ofqueeng bet th means more storms possible thursday into early friday. something else would be the northern plai dama possible and large il. i'll detail a whole lot more about this coming up in your nation's weather. but for now back to you. >> okay, ter a relatively cig no
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tear gas or shots fired, a grand jury is expected to begin hearing evidence this morning about the killing of michael brown. attorney general eric holder will be on the scene today and abc's jim avila is in ferguson right now. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, george. as you say, a big day on the ground here in ferguson. first of all, as you mentioned, the attorney general of the united states, eric holder, on the ground to meet with his fbi agents and possibly visit the killing scene. and just a few miles away from that, the grand jury will meet for the first time to hear evidence in the killing of michael brown. this morning, a grand jury will hear what officer darren wilson, scene here in newly released video, told investigators about the broad day much light shooting of the unarmed 18-year-old which has the police union concerned enough to speak out this morning. >> he has been vilified in the media and by the politicians and we felt it was necessary that we had to come out and just ask for due process for darren wilson.
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>> back to the designated area. >> reporter: overnight tensions high after police say some demonstrators hurled bottles at officers, nearly 50 people arrested and 3 loaded handguns confiscated by police. but trying to prevent the violence from escalating some residents quickly joined hands forring a peaceful barricade between police officers and crowds. >> they urge calm and peace. >> reporter: another rough night for residences like donald harry who lived through many intense nights. out your backyard you've seen tear gas the whole nine yards. >> tear gas, rubber bullets. g,> we'll start with breaking news, six children held hostage in suburban chicago. a standoff with p stretching into the second day and abc's gio benitez has been tracking the story overfight. good morning, gio. >> reporter: dramatic video of the s.w.a.t. team rescuing a child from an ongoing hostage situation at this home in
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suburban chicago. officers were called to the scene in harvey, illinois, because of a burglary in progress. >> i had heard like two gunsh gunshots. >> reporter: when they arrived around 1:00 p.m. they found at least five children and one adult being held against their will. >> these victims have come out, the hostages themselves, an 11-year-old was able to articulate what's going on. >> reporter: police exchanged fire with the man inside. one officer was shot in the arm. an hour and a half later, a second officer was wounded. police closed down the block and evacuated neighbors as day turned to night, some relief. when an 11-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old were brought out to the porch carried off to safety by s.w.a.t. teams. and right now police believe two children are still inside that house held hostage along with four adults including the gunman. we still don't know the motive or if there was any at all -- >> also break overnight a new burst of aggression in gaza.
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israel launching air strikes in response to dozens of palestinian rockets which were derail the ongoing diplomatic snow i been tearing through hundreds of acres near yosemite national park forcing more than a thousand people to evacuate. that fire is now 30% contained. and check out this video from inside a liquor store in oklahoma in the middle of tuesday's magnitude 4.2 earthquake, the shaking sending several bottles to the floor. luckily did not cause any major damage or injuries. health and cwide recall alm butter that could be con tame natured with salmonella. among the products recalled are private label brands sold at whole foods, trader joe's, kroger and safeway. more details, go to on yahoo! breakfast at this cafe near san francisco nearly ending in disaster when two cars crashed.
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one of them nearly hitting diners. you can see it. the guy behind the wheel was running away from police who wanted him on a domestic abuse charge. four people got hurt during this chase. and check out this dash cam video from russia. can you see a motorcyclist collide with the back of a car, flip and then, boom, he sticks the landing on the roof. >> get out. >> let's look at it again. it's almost too good to be true. >> one commenter on youtube raised a reasonable question in my view, he was fast enough -- he is fast enough reflexes to successfully land on top of the car but not fast enough to avoid hitting the car in the first place. finally, some breaking bacon news, this is one of the greatest culinary innovations in the history of mankind in my view. a new restaurant opening soon which will incorporate bacon into every single item on the menu, bacon doughnut, sushi, a hot dog made entirely with bacon. i believe topped with bacon, as well and a bloody mary lovely b.
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the bad news you'll need a passport to dine here. the restaurant is in montreal. there is one vegetarian option, it's called going hungry. we should say next week one week from today is international bacon day. we're celebrating with a little bacon on the set this morning. >> a little bacon? >> a pound of bacon. >> with a side of defibrillator if anybody needs it. >> bacon sushi. >> that seems wrong. >> it can't be raw. >> if that's wrong i don't want to be right. i'll be here all week -- i won't actually. >> about another hour. >> oh, wow. we're going 0 shift gears and get the latest on texas governor rick perry. turning himself in to face abuse of power charges making quite a show of it. hundreds of supporters rallied around as he declared he would be vend indicated in court and abc's ryan owens has the story. >> all: perry, perry. >> reporter: it might be the most choreographed jailhouse
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surrender in recent memories. texas governor rick perry sends out a press release he's turning himself in on felony charges then he does it. in front of dozens of cameras and hundreds of supporters. >> i'm going to enter the courthouse with my head held high knowing the actions that i took were not only lawful and legal, but right. >> reporter: on live television texas' longest serving governor walks through the booking process and has this smiling mug shot snapped minus his new glasses per jail policy. the possible 2016 presidential candidate walks out like a rock star. >> i'm going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being. and we will prevail. >> reporter: then promptly tweets a picture of himself enjoying an ice cream cone. if it seems like perry isn't taking these charges seriously, it's because he's not. a grand jury indicted the republican governor friday over
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his handling of the drunk driving arrest of the democratic district attorney here in austin. perry wanted her to resign. when she didn't, he used his veto power to stop milon dollars in f forpe anabusethat e less political wuras merica," ryan abc news, ites ol t bu sce became the firutteari. cover of "sports illustrated" which i think is even better than a wheaties box taking social media by storm. check out me of the wefoun is a 13-year-old girl and then here's another one. we've got a little wh another one. we've got a little wh aboutmyentist thech t
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usalmay tonemimic telogy intuitel all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup.
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group. good morning, i'm tamalaedward. 7:ne karen rogers we had some trouble on 95. what is it looking like nowly. >> multi vehicle accident, tam, valving a truck a van three cars and just literally during the commercial break w watched them pull the last vehicles out of here. this is 95 southbound past the vine street expressway. this accident was blocking all lanes. as we switch to the camera view of i-95 at girard you can see how jammed this traffic is even though that accident has just cleared. the jam is already here. we're jammed from approaching the betsy ross bridge to past the vine street expressway southbound on i-95 a 32 minute
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ride. 33 minute ride just had a live update from woodhaven to the vine. slow speeds down to about 10 miles an hour on i-95. schuylkill expressway also 10. no accidents, it's just your normal morning volume past the boulevard to belmont. the traffic lights still out here 34th street and grays ferry avenue so police are directing the scene. watch for that one, tam. >> thank you karen. let's take a look at sky 6 hd over the clouds over south jersey. david murphy will they turn into something as the day goes along. >> looks like clouds and sun today, tam. going to be a little bit on the humid side. let's get you to your numbers. we're at 71 degrees in philadelphia currently, same thing in wilmington. some spots still in the 60's. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, it's warm today, a high of 85, clouds and sun and a bit on the humid side. if we see rain it probably holds off until late tonight and it's probably going to be mainly in the northern and western suburbs. tomorrow there's affability of off and on showers ax high of 82. best chance is probably north and west of i-95 tomorrow, although we'll vol to look out for those. maybe a thunderstorm mixd in tomorrow and then mostly
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cloudy on friday, 78 with just a spotty shower. the weekend still looking good, tam. >> okay, good to hear that. we'll send you back to "gma" and see you back here in 30 for weather, traffic and breaking news. tudent aotbuf th m
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chanelle: teachers like ms. harris made me feel like i'm part of a team. not just on the basketball court. but in the classroom. ms. harris: chanelle is not just a star athlete. she is a star student. chanelle: i headed to clemson university where i can combine my love of sports and learning- and maybe even win a championship. ms. harris: i wouldn't bet against her. or any of my students reaching for their dreams. ♪ mountain of volunteers and the
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tide that rolls ♪ >> brad paisley, what's not to love about this man? sharing his country nation there, so many fans joining in for his new hit, he's been leaking tracks left and right off his new album, having a lot of fun with that we are so looking forward to having him live next friday, our big party in the park. it's always a good time when brad paisley is around. >> always one of the highlights of sum sfler when he comes by and he has a unique sense of humor. >> true. >> yeah. >> that's coming up. also this morning more on nba star ray allen, a convict of a startling home invasion. his wife woke up to find teenagers in her bedroom and this morning we're hearing her dramatic 911 call and why allen is very angry with the police response. >> wow. a new warning for parent, the scam targeting young people on instagram using their favorite celebrity pages to rip them off. what you need to know. a big announcement ahead
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from the duggars, stars of "nine teen and counting." a big announcement. it may not be what you think. coyo details about the murder of a wealthy american woman vacationing in bali. her body is back home. her teenage daughter and the girl's boyfriend are still in custody and abc's linsey davis is here with the latest. >> reporter: we spoke with her attorney last night. he says his client says she's innocent. that she's grieving, pregnant and distraught by the death of her mother and the idea that listening to this if she's found guilty she faces death penalty by firing squad. this morning, the body of the american woman found stuffed inside a suitcase in bali is back in chicago while her daughter and daughter's boyfriend remain on the indonesian island accused of her murder. >> i want to stress she's innocent. >> reporter: 18-year-old heather mack and her boyfriend 21-year-old tommy schaefer both from chicago were arrested last week.
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>> no cameras. >> reporter: one day after 62-year-old sheila von weise mack's body was found outside of the upscale st. regis resort where they were vacationing. the body was stuffed inside this silver suitcase left in dd resulting from a blunt blow. heather mack who says she's two months pregnant claims an armed gang murdered her mother and that she and schaefer managed to escape. >> the key thing right now is just to have a thorough investigation. >> reporter: but investigators say surveillance video shows the mother and daughter arguing in the hours before the murder and local police say the couple later called for a taxi placing several suitcases inside before walking back into the hotel to check out and never returning to that cab. this morning, the is also in bally investigating. >> they could conceivably ask the fbi to conduct a forensic
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examination in bali. >> reporter: for years sheila mack lived in this mansion in chicago. >> shocked. i still can't believe it actually. >> reporter: police became a familiar sight here called 86 times over the last decade mostly for domestic disturbances. in 2011 she claimed her daughter forcefully pushed her causing her to break her right arm. mack was arrested and released but now they face case of premeditated murder which carries a maximum sentence of death. the bali police chief says he believes the murder was or thn the united states telling abc news they are devastated and while the mother was encouraged to d s she never pressed charges against her daughter for those previous domestic incidences. >> brutal story. thank you. now to that invasion of nba star ray allen's home. police releasing the 911 calls from her wife home with their children when a group of teens
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broke in last week and allen is angry none were arrested. >> i was dead asleep but i saw flashlights and i heard voices so i sat up in bed. >> reporter: listen to these 911 calls just released by the police. the wife of former miami heat star ray allen reporting wakinog ndur>> igstf look at this picture. oh, my god, look, he's got aat >> in police reports obtained by ftitenth wring mattm ketti tomn see. we are "good morning america" but we're global in our thinking, respect we, ginger? > especially when we s
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n' any hom hwe st vnt p frontal boundary and back here in the northern plains, parts just east of the rockies and yhaait west actually you're looking at some 2 to 3 inches overall 1 to 2 in that purpl >> thanks, ginger, david murphy here on the terrace. a fair amount of clouds but some rays of sunshine breaking through. as we take a look at your exclusive accuweather 7-day, a high of 85 today, a bit humid. rain possible tonight far north and west of philadelphia and some showers again >> all that weather brought to you by walmart and i will be practicing my italian weather terms now. >> just do this.thg. > e newonetistdavrait >> just do this.thg. > e newonetistdavrait xehe yr o-bo
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we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and a little after 7:42 back with a spreading scheme. young fans si she wasesta opics posdeb ri >> reporter: here's how it works. cyberthieves post promises of big bucks in the comment section that accompanies celeb posted picsome. this one posted under one of beyonce's photos says, make 2,000 to 10,000 in 20 minutes with a phone number to call. so what happens if you dial in? abc affiliate kbue found out. >> what's going on, bro? >> reporter: like many scams it involves reload packs to refill prepaid deb dit cards with cash.
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the scammer asks for the security p.i.n. on the back of those reload cards and tells them they'll add money digitally just by adding a few zeros to t' not total gonna getbi card.d it all and disappear. it's money that adds up. now, instagram was notcommenot on peopl ieon r'tdmeyit wero >> it's not totally illegal because you won't get caught. >> the new standard. >> that's really safe. >> bottom line, don't give your p.i.n. to anyone ever. >> thanks, mara. coming up the college graduate suing her alma mater and barnes & noble claiming she hasn't seen a penny from her very popular backpack design. and why "mean girls" stars,
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tina fey, she was the teacher, dan and lindsey lohan. hey, bryan cranston back with a sidekick. oh, yeah, we'll tell you why. come on right back. ♪ [ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. it's the stuff of science fiction... minus the fiction. and it is mercedes-benz... today. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers taco bell brought back these ronathem a question...sked would you get a breakfast burrito from a burger place? you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald mcdonald taco bell's new grilled breakfast burritos: just a buck twenty-nine. ♪
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♪ ♪ we're just getting caught up here. now to the battle over a
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backpack. a graduate from a top fashion school says her school and barnes & noble are profiting from her design and she hasn't seen a dime. now she's fighting back and gio benitez has that story for us. >> reporter: this morning a former graduate student from the prestigious new york college fashion institute of technology is taking on her alma mater and megabook store chain barnes & noble suing them both over this. >> i feel a little betrayed. >> reporter: diana says she designed the everything backpack in 2010 as part of a class assignment. she claims f.i.t. then entered the bags into a back to campus contest with barnes & noble who named rubio and her design the contest winner. >> i did receive the formal paperwork that goes with it. if someone is going to produce your bag, a signed waiver but i did not sign it. >> reporter: the bookstore which sells the bag for $39.95 credits rubio as the designer on its website. the tag inside the bag even displays her name but diana is suing for copyrighturument shecs
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to learn the circumstances and p on fact-finding if appropriate do right by ms. rubio scombt. this is the backpack at the center of the case. the court will be comparing this bag to diana's drawing and inside that bag, remember, her name is written inside in the tag. itht i you go on you'll find the reviews on here 4 1/2 out of five stars. >> it's a cool bag. sounds like she's got a really good case. there will be a lot of students that will be looking in particular and seeing how this shakes out >> that's right. >> absolutely. coho olha takrs dvery>>s n greo k,it rr ir $12 dealsagofrh at
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even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. ♪
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[ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. rice, corn and black bean salsa,gr lom our lunch combo menu timo lpps i love the taste. alwacowa aki no f
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cccksure bn r thit ue idtlaqu cdesea grtinhanellurccua cameron mathison is your se
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coach as we say -- >> good morning, america. come on, guys. keep going. whoo-hoo! >> yeah, cameron is keeping up with michael strahan there. >> he's impressed dan harris and starting his one hour live workout. yeah, he does have some arms there. he's with a group of our intrepid "gma" interns in times square and that workout is going one hour straight and sometimes the hardest thing is getting to the gym and we are taking away that obstacle and brought it to times square. >> riding specifically equipped bikes and their instructor, you rt>>em. onioyn
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ifeal poxieporteouin.ngueity tw w t n hilati we. pngur rpinns d. ea aorter:ee y ervi, w esal thi ticod>>o o there. w likay weatwe hsoet and the cooler coast. look at portland today, 78. seattle, 72 and medford, 86. you guys out of breath yet? >> i can't hear anything. >> he's got his headphones on. he's working
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>> thanks, ginger, david murphy here on the terrace. clouds mixing with some sun right now. temperatures around 70. 85 is the high today, a bit o humid side. clouds and sun mixing. tonight there could be a shower north and west of philadelphia. a little bit more of that on >> all that weather brought to you by panera bread and a nice wipedown. george? >> earning his dessert and crown the winner right now our "gma mix and mash-up." our buzzfeed foodies went head to hid, the s'moresicle, bannoli and blueberry pietacos. the winner is blueberry pietacos. emily, you did it again. why don't you put it up there? three in a row for emily. you have the wafflebrown sandwich, the pimento cheeseburger corn dogs on tuesday, blueberry pietacos. that doesn't mean you've won
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overall yet. >> she does have -- >> she's the only one -- >> we got no shot. >> which dish. which dish? that's what we'll find out. which dish won overall. was it the wafflebrown, pimento cheese-burger corndogs or blueberry pietacos. vote right now. go to our website on yahoo! to cast vote and reveal the winner in just a bit and coming up in just a second, pierce brosnan here live to tell us about his new spy thriller.
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♪ yeah, you know him as james bond. i go back to "recommending continue steele." yeah. meet "the november man." you know who we're talking about. pierce brosnan, back on the big screen playing a spy for the first time since those days as 007. it's a pleasure to have you here in the studio with us, pierce. >> thank you, robin. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> yes. >> watched it last night and i said the biggest compliment i saw it on the screen or at home going to watch it on the big screen when it cops out a couple of weeks. it's one of those popcorn movies. you not only star in it you produced it. >> i produced it with my
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partner. after "goldeneye" looked like it would be a success i formed a company to make manufactures and create my own projects and this is one of them. we've -- this "thomas crowne" and "matador" and chip away. this one took about five years in the making. bill granger wrote these wonderful books and we optioned book number seven, there are no spies and you have now "the november man." >> it was worth the wait. it was worth the wait. you got to slip back into that spy role. that again re has been very good to you. >> it has paid the rent. it has put the kids through school. it's been very good to me, i must say. you know, bond, my days as bond were magical and it's the gift that keeps giving. and, you know, it has allowed me to create my own company and make my own movies so just a blessing. just nothing but great today for it all. >> you're full of gratitude.
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this one as i was saying, yeah, it's a big cat and mouse kind of caper and suspense and but it has heart and added is your protege. you trained your wrote day and go into retirement and you're brought back and go head to head with the young man that you helped create. >> well, we found this wonderful actor luke bracey who plays mason and that was the appeal of the story. and we are actually going to make another one, relativity, our studio signed us up again because they loved the movie so much. if this continues on luke bracey could be push this young man out there and do his thing. >> we'll let people take a look and they will decide too. here it is, "the november man." >> i don't get you, devereaux. take your shot. >> tempting. give away my position, though. always willing to die for the
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cause, hey, mason? ? here's the enemy. you taught me that. >> i haven't finished teaching you yet, son. >> here i am about to take you down all the same. >> you're not going to take me down, kid. >> oh, yeah, you still had some tricks up your sleeve there. >> good, well, one should. >> never let it go. we had a lot of interest on you on social media as always and someone, coco from facebook asks this, how does this new character, you are playing compare to the james bond role you played in the past? >> well, they're both agents, but the character that i play, peter devereaux "the november man" is pretty workman like. there's no gadgets, you know, there's no one-liners, witty one-liners and yet same actor, different characters, same kind of spy danger, guns. >> all that. that keeps us coming back again and again and really when you look at the bledsoe of your work and the different things you've
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done including "mrs. doubtfire". >> right. >> and you, pierce, what you said about robin williams on instagram was incredibly moving. he really touched you. >> he did. he touched me. his passing last week just cut to the quick as i think has done with all of america and the world. he was such a wonderful man. such a human man. such a kind fellow and just, you know, made the world joyous. >> i love how you said how the first time that you met him in the trailer mrs. "mrs. doubtfire" and he was -- when you went into the trailer. >> ridiculous. yeah, it was the very first day of shooting and they said do you want to meet robin. i said, of course. went in the trailer and there was robin kind of ugg boots and shorts, hairy legs and hawaiian shirt and hairy arms. he was a hairy dude, you know, and there was the head of mrs. doubtfire. hello, pierce, you're so handsome. ooh, look at you. come over here and sit with me. you know. >> so you met robin and
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mrs. doubtfire all at the same time. >> i really worked with mrs. doubtfire. it wasn't until the end of the movie that robin popped his head in at the end and said we did it. oh, robin, there you are because i get to work every day and he'd be in the makeup. >> oh, well, thank you for sharing those thoughts. i know it's very personal and you have a lot going on. these movies, family. it's a good time to be you. >> yeah, my son is getting married at the end of the week, sean and his girl sonia so big heart, big love, the whole clan is here. >> well, you are a delight. wish you all the best going forward and you can see "the november man". it opens nationwide next wednesday, august 27th. you'll see my face in the place, yes, you will. coming up, the hottest all new girl group, grl live. come on back. [ applause ] ♪ i'm on vacation tonight ♪ i'm going to leave you behind ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] we are back now with music's next big thing, grl. the hottest new group around. well, girls, come on in with their first new album, it's called grl. now my girls are jealous back home. we'll hear "ugly heart" in just a minute of the i love the title of your band, grl. it stands for girl. you took the "i" out. >> we're all individuals but we really shine when we come together and unite as a group and we really hope to inspire that message of unity and friendship among girls cross the board. >> no lead singer. all in this together. >> that's right. >> excellent. you came together from the u.s. and canada and britain. how did this happen?
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>> well, it's a long story. try to cut it short. i was a member of grl and i came from london when i was 17 and moved to los angeles with robin antin and helped put grl together and paula -- >> we all knew each other from the industry and robin was the magnet that brought us together. >> then you got to work with pitbull. >> yeah, we did. mr. worldwide. >> that was fun, right. >> yeah, it was very fun. >> okay, ready to do some "ugly heart"? >> yeah. >> let's do it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] grl is in the house. ♪ ♪ hey
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♪ maybe i'm just crazy maybe i'm a fool ♪ ♪ maybe i don't know how to love but maybe i do ♪ ♪ maybe you know more than me but this much is true ♪ ♪ this little heart and brain of mine say we're through with you ♪ ♪ and i wonder does it blow your mind that i'm leaving you far behind ♪ ♪ i wonder does it stop your heart to know you're not my sunshine anymore ♪ ♪ okay you're pretty your face is a work of art ♪ ♪ your smile could light up new york city after dark okay you're coverboy pretty ♪ ♪ stamped with a beauty mark but it's such a pity a boy so pretty with an ugly heart ♪ ♪ hey ♪ maybe you'll get married and
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she will kiss your feet ♪ ♪ while i give all my rides away i won't lose no sleep ♪ ♪ maybe on your honeymoon you'll think of me but if you don't won't shed a tear ♪ ♪ yeah i can guarantee ♪ and i wonder does it blow your mind that i'm leaving you far behind ♪ ♪ i wonder does it stop your heart to know you're not my sunshine anymore ♪ ♪ okay you're pretty your face is a work of art ♪ ♪ your smile could light up new york city after dark ♪ ♪ okay you're coverboy pretty stamped with a beauty mark ♪ ♪ but it's such a pity a boy so pretty whoa with an ugly heart ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> it's so good being here. this one is for you, new york. ♪ okay you're pretty your face is a work of art ♪ ♪ your smile could probably light up new york after dark ♪
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♪ okay you're coverboy pretty stamped with a beauty mark ♪ ♪ but it's such a pity a boy so pretty ♪ ♪ with an uh an uh an ugly heart an uh an uh an ugly heart ♪ ♪ so okay you're pretty your face is a work of art your smile could light up new york city after dark ♪ ♪ okay you're coverboy pretty stamped with a beauty mark ♪ ♪ but it's such a pity a boy so pretty yes whoa with an ugly heart ♪ ♪ okay you're pretty your face is a work of art ♪ ♪ your smile could light up new york city after dark ♪ ♪ okay you're coverboy pretty stamped with a beauty mark ♪ ♪ but it's such a pity a boy so pretty so pretty so pretty with
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an ugly heart ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard. because you work. now capella university offers a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath, and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know. so you can get a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn about all of our programs at oh yeah. about your dream car? yeah. red convertible with racing stripes. cool! [curiously] how'd you know? you've been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yep. "muscle car money." i could win up to $100,000, or a ford mustang gt. (announcer) wanna see your dreams come to life?
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you could scratch your way to instant winning today. fuzzy dice. nice. [announcer] the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. oh, yeah it's the song of the summer. ♪ why you got to be so rude ? and friday the hottest part of summer. awe you have to do is -- >> put some magic in your morning. presented by claritin. ♪ how you like me now
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"good morning america" is brought to you by chico's, your destination for fall fashion. visit chico's and >> you're moving and grooving. how much do you love grl? [ cheers and applause ] >> these lady, thank you. >> you're watching that pierce interview, weren't you? >> yeah. >> and we got a contest outside we got to decide. >> they were so great. i think robin fits in with them, as well. a lot of fun. grand finale of our "gma" mix and mash-up showdown. our friends at buzzfeed cooking it up. the wafflebrown sandwich and blueberry pietacos. emily, you made all three along the pimento cheese-burger corndogs. there it is, the winner is pimento cheese-burger corndogs. oh!
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emily, key us in. what is the secret to your success? you dominated this competition? >> i think it's something like putting pimento cheese in a hamburger and then frying it in corn dog batter. >> it works every single time. >> we have to present you with the golden spatula. thank you. >> put this on the mantel. >> we're going to share it. we're going to share it. >> you did great all week long. thanks to you. thanks to buzzfeed. the big winner, the pimento cheese-burger corndog and want to thank everyone for this all week long. you have a great day. get the recipes on our website at on yahoo! >> let's check back this with cameron real quick. how are you doing over there. >> we're finishing up. >> i did notice that. >> good jobs, guys. >> big announcement tomorrow. "dancing with the stars" will reveal the new judge.
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>> ♪ >> good morning. the city of philadelphia will host a pep rally at city hall at 6:30 tonight for the taney dragons. the dragons mo'ne davis will pitch for the team tonight in the little league world series playoffs. she's the first little leaguer to end up on the cover of sports illustrated. and we'll have a live update on taney's big day coming up on "action news" at noonch it's 8:56 on this wednesday, august 20. i'm tamala edwards. let's go over to karen rogers for your last look at traffic. good morning. >> good morning, we have a messy accident on i-95. this is northbound past the blue route. an accident involving a vehicle favoring the wrong way and sideways. the force of it dented the guardrail. we've got fire crews, police, ambulance, emergency workers all blocking the two left lanes i-95 northbound past the blue route so really jamming from the commodore barry bridge to past the blue route at this point and this accident still a problem out
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here in the gore point. you see the flashing lights in east falls on the boulevard. this is found at ridge avenue and watch for slowing here approaching broad street to the schuylkill, tam. >> thank you, karen. let's heads over to meteorologist, david murphy. you say it's clear for now but that can change later. >> a few clouds around but we're looking dry right now. feeling a little bit muggy, tam. take a look at temperatures. we're at 74 in philadelphia as the numbers keep climbing up through the 70's and eventually into the 80's. today's high is 85. accuweather says it will be a bit on the humid side today. we'll see clouds mixing with sun overall. tonight there could be a shower or thunderstorm far north and west of philadelphia. some possible showers again tomorrow at times, 82 and a stray shower on friday. still looks good for the weekend, though. >> thank you david. coming up on "action news" an noon a mail main delivers recall on peanut butter over salmonella. it does include local organic food stores. live with michael and kelly next up here on 6abc.
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have a good wednesday. go dragons. >> ♪ (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots.
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all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, one of hollywood's hottest, hugh jackman. plus, from the "the fault in our stars", actress shailene woodley. also, it's your chance to win big at "live"'s "summer escape tune-in to win." and we go out with a bang with a visit from science bob. ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and
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michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪
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