tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 3, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am EDT
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visit elkins on route 37 in marlton or on line at "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- gwyneth paltrow. terry crews. and music from shawn mendes. with cleto and the cletones. and now, believe it or not, here is jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. welcome to our crowd [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a terrific show here for you tonight.
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we hope, you never know. but -- gwyneth paltrow is here tonight to detoxify us. and to support "stand up to cancer," a special airing on tv networks, including abc, it is a big sumulcast. as you know, cancer research desperately needs funding because none of them came up with the idea to dump a bucket of ice water over your head. and tonight, very interesting, he got his start on "vine" and would sing popular versions on vine, he became so popular he got a record deal. his first single debuted at number one on itunes, he is 16 years ñiold. so maybe vine has a purpose after all. you know how it works, you shoot a video maximum six and a half
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seconds long. which made recording his new album a little bit tricky. >> you have heard his new cover songs on vine, now, shawn mendes presents, the first ever vine album, featuring 100 songs in the exclusive song format, i heard it through the, don't stop -- and the stones classic. i can't get no ♪ ♪ that. thank you guys. >> all of your favorites are here. smells like teen, party in the u. take the long way, ebony. and the mega hit. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ and i -- >> yes, they're all here.
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order now and you also receive shawn's original single. >> we don't have the time to be sorry ♪ ♪ ♪ guys, you're ama -- >> don't delay, order shawn mendes's vine today. available. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so tonight, shawn is making his late night television debut at 16 years old. you know what i was doing at 17 years old? nothing. humanoid robots are on the way. a japanese billionaire's son announced he will begin to ship robots to the united states starting next summer. they go on sale in japan. in february, these robots cost about $1900, and this is what they look like. it is cute, but i tell you
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something, the cute robots are the ones i don't trust. the cute robots are hiding something. look at ryan seacrest, for instance, they make them cute to get our defenses down. this must be what the native americans felt like when the pilgrims showed up. all of these people are white and silly, what could they possibly -- small pox! they have human features, a limited range of motion, and dance awkwardly, and even make corny jokes. that is not a robot. that is everyone's dad, is what it is. let me just tell you i welcome our new robot and would love to take him out for a froyo, or motorola, i don't think they will enslave us at all. i surrender to them. pat robertson is the host of the
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show on since 1966, a religion-themed talk show, but he also talks about other things you wouldn't expect him to talk about. like food, in fact, pat has been talking about it so much we have a guy on the show, we decided to cherry-pick. here they are, pat robertson on food. >> well, i've been saying that for a long time. i really love whole grain bread, i'm a great fan of beans, black beans, navy beans, they're wonderful cereals. oatmeal is one, there is a shredded cereal, the lord spoke to me about peanut butter. >> what is this -- is this a black thing? >> it is, pat. >> jimmy: it's for everyone. sounds like someone has the munchies. >> attention, shoppers and smoker, cvs, the drug store
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announced today the corporation is changing itself to cvs health, and they're no longer selling cigarettes. the ceo estimates the company will lose about 2 billion therea year not selling cigarettes, because it is part of their customer health. you will still be able to get four pounds of candy in the candy aisle. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and the competitors like walgreens and rite-aid have no plans to follow suit. as much as they understand the consequences of smoking they also understand the wonderful consequences of making $2 billion a year. for customers coming in looking for nicotine, this is real. they have a section for stop smoking aids. i didn't even know you had a smoking aids. i will say -- it's a good thing, but if they really want to demonstrate a commitment to
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health and wellness, get rid of the automatic doors. if you can't push a door open you are not allowed to buy a two-liter bottle of mountain dew. this comes from our affiliate in detroit, he tracked down scammers, guys selling parking lots that were not theirs. everybody knows the tradition of reporting is blurring out the faces of the people in the story in order to protect the identity of the alleged criminals, but turns out it is not so easy to do. >> fridays, downtown detroit, tens of thousands of people flocking to the lions game and the eminem concert. so why are these guys running from me? >> because i busted them for scamming people. >> how much money have you made scamming the people?
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>> maybe about 50 or $60. >> but not john. >> have you ever been homeless? ever? >> jimmy: no. and if you keep your head behind the blurred guy? thank you. and one big story this week was the release of nude photos of a large number of celebrity women. hackers got photos of they say about 100 stars, including jennifer lawrence and kate upton, it is believed the thieves gained access to their cloud account. you know, i have a friend who is a celebrity and she doesn't like to use the cloud because she doesn't trust it. i told her, this is the safest thing you can use, i told her this is a multi-billion dollar corporation because do you think they would allow hackers to get in and damage their reputation? and then this happened.
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the moral of the story is never listen to me. there were a lot of photos, there is debate about whether or not it is wrong to look at it. it is wrong, but guys are mostly perverts, and we do things wrong all the time, right guillermo? >> guillermo: right. >> jimmy: we went out on the hollywood boulevard and asked men have you looked up the leaked celebrity photos? so we went out and together we're trying to guess whether that guy has or has not looked up the celebrity nudes. you have it? all right, let's go. >> have you looked up the leaked celebrity nude photos? >> jimmy: okay, that is paul. mostly yes's, a bit of no's. >> i have not looked it up i followed the story on the news. >> do you plan to look it up? >> yes. >> jimmy: all right, we got off
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to a good start. >> i'm from canada. and my name is gordon landon. >> have you looked up the leaked celebrity photos? >> jimmy: has gordon looked up the leaked celebrity nude photos? any yes's? well, there is one yes, all right, and it is gordon himself. >> yes. >> had you ashamed of yourself? >> no, why should i be. >> jimmy: well, we're ashammed for you, gordon. his interests include pornography. >> have you looked up the leaked celebrity nude photos? >> jimmy: and nicholas with a tattoo on his chest and an open shirt looked it up. all right, we're about half and half. >> yes, i have. >> and? >> and jennifer lawrence is a goddess, and i would do anything
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to see it in person. >> are you ashamed of yourself? >> not even a little. >> are you really, really creepy? >> moderately. >> jimmy: well, i guess he is honest. we'll pass this along to jennifer lawrence's security detail. >> i'm from ohio. >> have you looked up the leaked celebrity photos? >> jimmy: has he looked them up? some people say yes at the beginning but some changed their mind. >> i did. >> and? >> i thought it was crazy news to be spitting out. but sexy. >> who did you see? >> jennifer lawrence was my most prized vision. >> jimmy: i'm sure she will be quite flattered to hear that. >> my name is christopher dennis. and i am from hollywood, california. >> have you looked up the leaked celebrity photos? >> jimmy: all right, has our hollywood boulevard superman who
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stands for truth and justice and the american way looked up the nude photos? we say? we're about half and half on this one, too. >> i do periodically. >> but the ones that just leaked? >> no, i have not. now i have a task to do when i get home. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and due to the x-ray vision, that would appeal to him. but i don't know. one more. >> mike, dallas, texas. >> have you looked up the leaked celebrity nude photos? >> jimmy: what is it about michael, everybody says yes immediately? >> i have not looked them up? >> why not. >> because i try to give my wife to give me naked pictures, she won't do it because i'll put it on the internet she says, so i won't do it because this will confirm what she is saying. >> jimmy: that makes sense, and
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we have music from shawn mendes, terry crews is here. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ abc's "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by sear's, performance starts here. come into the sears event, plus you can save more on appliance super buy like 42% on this kenmore refrigerator and 43% off this kenmore laundry pair. get free delivery on all appliances over $399. sears, performance starts here. (postal worker) hey! millers!
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(mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, friends. tonight, the new host of "who wants to be a millionaire" and one of the stars of "brooklyn nine-nine," terry crews is here. and then, from toronto, a real-life internet phenom. what did i say? internon? there is no such thing, that is like something i my dad would say, yeah, i looked it up -- anyway, this is his debut cd, "the shawn mendes ep." music from shawn mendes. tomorrow, sarah silverman will join us. taraji p. henson will be here, and we'll have music from hunter hayes. and friday, an çó all-new show with terry bradshaw, the trailer park boys and music from the kooks. so we have much to look forward to. >> jimmy: our first guest is an accomplished actor with an emmy,
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a golden globe and an oscar to prove it. and, on top of that, she serves as producer and presenter of "stand up to cancer," which airs live on 31 broadcast and cable networks including this friday night. please welcome gwyneth paltrow. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi. nice to see you. [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know, i'm not sure how to tell you this. but i feel like we have a lot in common. i do. i feel like i'm the male gwyneth paltrow.7j paltrow or -- >> i mean, i could have it
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wrong. >> jimmy: well, you would know if anyone -- i love, except for the talent and good looks, i'm like you -- i signed up for goop the minute you put that website on, because i saw you running around with mario bertalo, you have a firewood stove -- >> oh, i'm so into you right now. >> jimmy: by being into me, you're being into yourself. >> i had no idea you were a cook and foodie. >> jimmy: oh, i am. i bought my wife a pair of shoes from your website a couple of weeks ago. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: well, thank you very much, they didn't fit, but thank you anyway. either they didn't fit, or she didn't like it. she didn't declare it one way or the other. i do love it because you have very good recipes there. i just like all of that stuff. >> thank you, i really enjoy
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doing it. it is a lot of work but i really love it. and i love -- >> jimmy: do you work hard on it? >> i do, every day. >> jimmy: oh, every day, so you're very involved in it? >> well, yes, it's my -- >> jimmy: well, like martha stewart, for instance, she doesn't even exist, yeah, she has nothing to do with that stuff. the real martha stewart moved to switzerland like 15 years ago so she doesn't do any of that stuff. but you're really there doing it. >> i really am there doing it. yeah, we all wear a lot of hats. and i love the food and travel and all that stuff. >> jimmy: did you cook dinner last night, for instance? >> no, last night, what did we do last night? i was on drugs so -- no, i wasn't. i can't remember. >> jimmy: usually that gives rise to even more eating. >> yeah, exactly. that is my memory lapse, oh, i know, we went out because it was my kids' first day of school
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today so -- >> jimmy: oh, how did that go? >> it was great, they seemed really happy, they got off the bus and were smiling. >> jimmy: they went on a bus? >> yeah, actually this was their first year on the bus, i take them on the bus and pick them up on the bus stop. it is very cute, they feel very independent. >> jimmy: i guess so did they go to the same school you went to when you were growing up? >> no, no, they went to a real school. i went to a school here -- i and now the school is a really good school and a really reputable school, i mean, at the time -- i mean, it was great, but i didn't learn anything. we used to meditate in the mornings. and then, we had one teacher who was really into that song, "sexual healing," by marvin gaye
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-- >> jimmy: what? what grade is this? >> this is fifth grade. so the meditation was every morning in fourth grade, but in fifth grade we came in to sexual healing, and then we would dance and stuff. >> jimmy: to sexual healing? is this teacher in prison? >> quite possibly. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah, and it was strange, we didn't really learn like math or anything. but -- he had this awesome like emotional movement class thing where our movement teacher would like bang a tamborine, and she would say every time i bang a tamborine, make a shape to express your feelings. and we had a great time. and then i went to a real school in new york city and was like the moron. >> jimmy: well, you probably were better at making yourself
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into a shape than anybody. >> yeah, i mean, the bell would ring between classes and i would be like shape. like i was posing. >> jimmy: one of my all-time favorite songs was the duet you did with huey lewis from the movie, cruisin. i have never sung a duet with him. i had no idea you were a great singer. the surprise had an impact, were you surprised that that song became a hit because the movie was about karaoke. >> i was surprised. i still will be in some random hotel lobby somewhere or a store and that song still comes on the radio, it is mortifying. >> jimmy: is it? >> yes, i mean, it is a good song and everything, but it is
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just embarrassing when you're somewhere and have to hear your own singing voice. >> jimmy: are you uncomfortable hearing yourself? >> yes, it is horrible. >> jimmy: i'm a terrible singer, but if i could i would re-record all the albums and just listen to myself sippinging them in th car. >> that is disturbing. >> jimmy: yeah, i know, nobody wants to ride with me, were you a huge huey lewis fan when you were a kid? >> yeah, remember like when mtv started, and there was a video on every other -- i thought he was super hot. i was into his whole, like golfing sort of regular man thing. there was that song "if this is it," remember that song? it is my favorite. >> jimmy: yeah, they were buried up to their necks in the beach. >> yeah, why? >> jimmy: just to torment the
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claritin-d presents two allergy sufferers. one tried nasacort, which could take up to a week to feel maximum nasal symptom relief. the other took claritin-d,which starts to work on allergies in 30 minutes. the moral: nothing works faster than claritin-d new all-you-can-eat be the fcrosscut ribspplebee's and discover their tender bone-in flavor. just don't be the last to try them and their three irresistible sauces. i'm serious. do not be the last person. new crosscut ribs are now all-you-can-eat for a limited time. only at applebee's. and come in late night for half-price apps. [ femdegree improved too those taking steps to improve, with new degree motionsense. the only antiperspirant that releases extra protection as you move, to keep you fresher long after secret fades.
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call my friends or non-friends or people who hate me and say please help. >> jimmy: do people say no? >> yeah, some people say no, they're traveling. >> jimmy: and then do you say i hope you get cancer and hang up the phone? that is what real producers do? >> really. >> jimmy: yeah, the good ones. >> thanks, i'm happy to know that -- >> jimmy: i know it means a lot to you, your dad, who was a movie director passed away from cancer and that is a really nice thing for you to do for his memory. >> well, the thing that is about this organization that is so incredible is that they group all the best scientists together, they make these little dream teams. so instead of one guy working alone for the nobel prize or all the credit, they sort of busted the walls down and all kind of put these amazing groups together and the advances that they're making in cancer treatment are really incredible. and you know, this event raises a lot of money. it is in countries all over the
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world. and we have amazing people performing -- >> jimmy: who is going to be a part of it? >> we have musically, we have dave matthews, the who, ariana grande, my daughters are very excited about that. >> jimmy: oh, i bet. >> we have so many stars, robert downey jr. >> jimmy: oh, yes, we know him from that movie. >> jennifer aniston, ben stiller, the list goes on and on, amazing people who you know are really coming out to support us. >> jimmy: how old were you when you started acting? >> well, my mother is an actress. >> jimmy: right. >> and technically, technically speaking, first time ever on film i was in her stomach. >> jimmy: really? >> i was in utero, she was doing an episode with peter falk, on
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colombo, they had shot it. she was pregnant, they had to do reshoots, by that point she was nine month's pregnant, so by this point i was already cut out of the movie. >> jimmy: oh, no, cutting room floor, so did your parents try to give you advice? >> yes, they didn't want me to be an actress. but i -- you know, i convinced them otherwise. but my father was very protective of me. and the first movie actually that i ever got offered was to be in the vanilla ice movie? remember? there was a vanilla ice movie? >> jimmy: cool as ice? >> cool as ice. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: really, the lead role? >> yeah, and my dad wouldn't let me do it. >> jimmy: oh, wow, he made a really good call there! he wouldn't let you do it? >> no. >> jimmy: did you fight with him about it? >> i was like well, dad, it is a
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part in a movie, he was like nope! >> jimmy: wow, you could have had an oscar a lot sooner than you did if dad had not ruined it for you. that was something, who wound up getting the part? >> you know, i didn't actually see the film. >> jimmy: you didn't? because it was too difficult? >> i was too choked up. >> jimmy: i do remember the movie poster, and remember it saying something to the effect of when you have a heart of stone there is only one way to melt it. just add ice. >> oh, nice. >> jimmy: you know what? maybe there will be a reboot. maybe you and huey lewis can do the next "cool as ice." well, it is very good to have you here, thank you so much for coming. "stand up to cancer," watch it, it is on every channel there it. gwyneth paltrow, we'll be right back. so what ya got on deck? skyfall. lean in, then some pinterest, you? ♪ ♪
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like i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speed match. upload speeds as fast as your download speeds. join now at verizon. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, terry crews and music from shawn mendes are on the way. but before we get to that, my wife and i recently had a baby, a daughter, and of course, my goal is to make sure her life goes as smoothly as possible. so, to prepare, because it has been many years since i had a little kid, i sat down with some kids to ask their advice on parenting. and this is what i learned from
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a young man named charlie. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: so i just had a baby, and since you're a kid i thought i would get some advice from you. okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: where do they come from, babies? >> i'm a kid, don't ask me that. >> jimmy: do you know the answer? >> no, yes and no, but the answer is kind of wrong. >> jimmy: well, what do you think the answer is? >> i don't want to say it out loud. >> jimmy: oh. why, is it a secret? >> no, it's just wrong. >> jimmy: it's wrong or it's right? >> okay. i actually don't really know. >> jimmy: oh. >> and i also -- what i'm saying is i don't really know, but i also don't need to know. >> jimmy: you don't really know, but you don't need to know?
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>> yes. >> jimmy: all right, well, thank you very much. you have been very helpful. actually, you haven't been that helpful, but it was fun talking to you. >> what? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he has been helpful. we'll be right back with terry crews. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by at&t, mobilizing your world. on the cover. d here we go... whoa, no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but trust me. are you kidding me... at university of phoenix, we think you should be able to try before you buy. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period. so you commit to your education with confidence. get started at
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: all right, welcome back, still have music from shawn mendes, you know our next guest from his collaborations with chris rock, adam sandler, and sylvester ñistallonement. he is the new host of "who wants to be a millionaire." please welcome terry crews. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. >> hey, how are you guys doing?
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>> jimmy: you're beautifully dressed, festooned, i think you might even say, wow, you got the socks, shoes, the whole thing. >> i got some money now, hey, who wants to be a millionaire? terry crews wants to be a millionaire. >> jimmy: well, hosting the show is the best way to do that. you have had an unusual career path, even being an actor and hosting a game show. you started playing college football and went to the nfl. and you wanted to be an artist when you were a kid, i know that. >> when i saw star wars in 1977. i thought this is what i'm going to do. i was a painter, drew, i thought special effects was my thing. i had no doubt that in front of the camera was where i would be, not at all. >> jimmy: when you played professional football, you were drawing then? >> i was painting -- what happened, i would get cut from a team. i played on six teams in seven years so that happened a lot. so i would go back in the locker
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room and ask the players if they wanted their portraits painted. >> jimmy: after being cut? >> yes, that is how i survived. i was always on the end of the roster, never a big superstar, always a draft pick. i mean, humility gets you far, you got to make the money, humble yourself. the big stars would be just like -- oh, give the little brother a painting, oh, give him some money. and it was really kind of cool, the thing is, i was very, very good. >> jimmy: you are very good. i have some of these paintings, and you did these while you were playing? >> while i was playing, i was known as the artist football player. that was my thing. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, they were all by hand. my mother would be so proud. i would do baseball players -- >> jimmy: wow, did these guys chip in to get their portrait painted? were they like no, we don't want
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one, but we'll do all three -- >> they would give me like five grand, i would survive off that. my whole family survived off that. >> jimmy: this one looks like a photograph. >> yeah, i would do air brush color pencil, my whole thing was art, i had an art scholarship before i went to football -- >> jimmy: you didn't tell the guys on the team about that, right? >> well, you know, i have to say right now -- >> jimmy: you got to be careful, he is about to -- wow, these are really, really good, now you brought your portfolio along. i am very interested in this kind of stuff, and not just athletes but animals. >> i brought the portfolio, and disney, before i started acting, that was one of my things. >> jimmy: wow, look at all of this stuff. i had no idea! >> i love this stuff! >> jimmy: oh, that is great. >> my mother would love this. you know, it's funny. i come from flint, michigan, all of you guys from flint,
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michigan, know what it is like. what was wild is that my first job at entertainment, period, i drew courtroom sketches for the worst murder case in flint, michigan history. >> jimmy: really, when was that? >> this was back in 1992. no, excuse me, it was earlier than that. 87 -- >> jimmy: '87. >> i was a freshman, 18 years old, in college. and that was my first job. and my father said you are going -- i'm going to get you a job, we're going to go down to wjrt, and i said oh, no, they're going to laugh me out of here. he said my boy can paint, give him a job. and you know what? the guy said yes, i'll hire him. all of a sudden i got a job. i'm sitting there working, this is back in the day before cgi, this was before any computer
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graphics. when theyhb(4ñ had an accident actually painted like a cop car in a square behind the guy, like the news, all the news had graphics. so if there was a murder you drew the chalk line and showed the little body. and showed the police lights and the whole thing and i did that every night. and what happened was the sketch artist for the courtroom was not able to come and they said terry, we need you to come in. the other guy is from chicago, he can't come. we need you to do this. and i went in and pinch-hit and became their artist. and the station manager was like you're going to be big, you're going to be somebody really big. and it was crazy, that was my first gig in entertainment. >> jimmy: that is pretty exciting. [ cheers and applause ] >> i have lived several different lives, jimmy. >> jimmy: and now you're the host of "who wants to be a millionaire." it is very strange that you and meredith and cedric the entertainer and regis are the
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gang now. >> yeah, they're my homeys now. i remember being broke, got cut from the nfl, moved out to l.a., and watching it the first time it came on, seeing regis, i was like man, i want to be a millionaire. and to be hosting this is nuts to me. i mean, and another thing is, i'm so invested. because i want the guys to win. i am literally -- anything legal that i could do to get them their money -- that is what i'm trying to do, man. >> jimmy: are you helping them get the right answers? >> i'm repeating the question, i'm like dude, the lifeline, you got three lifelines, i'm not trying to trick you. i'm trying to get you paid. because the thing is, you know, times are hard. people are coming in there trying to get their money, they look at me like i know the answers, it's funny. you're asking a former nfl football player what the answers are. i don't know.
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i am sitting there thinking about what i'm going to eat tonight. they were like he knows the answer, i'm like man, this suit is kind of warm. and i have to look very important and whatever. but my deal is, i give you everything you need to win. that is what i want to do. >> jimmy: that is good! >> i want a millionaire. get that money, make it rain on people. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and then, if they win do you then talk them into commissioning a painting? or how does it work? >> now, this is another thing, i am too emotionally invested. >> jimmy: in the show? >> what happened is, it's weird because it took me by surprise. i love everybody that comes through. so when they lose, i'm crushed. i'm absolutely crushed and then had they win i'm so up and down by the end of the day my wife is like baby, are you okay? i'm just like, i'm just emotional right now because these people are playing for their families and kids. they have a sick kid or something they want to get the money for. they're trying to move out of
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their father's basement. and you're like man, give them the money, man! and i get too involved. you know? >> jimmy: well, why do i feel like you're going to wind up losing money on this show? just cutting people checks. >> i have already, it's good to win, wait outside in the parking lot. >> jimmy: well, it's good to have you here and very nice to meet you. everybody, on wednesdays, starting next monday, we'll be right back with shawn mendes. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dicky: get more music from tonight's artist, at itunes/shawnmendes.
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minute oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing
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for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank gwyneth paltrow, terry crews, and apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, from "the shawn mendes ep", witr the song "life of the party," here is shawn mendes [ cheers and applause ]1
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♪ i love it when you just don't care i love it when you dance like there's nobody there ♪ ♪ so when it gets hard don't be afraid we don't care what them people say ♪ ♪ i love it when you don't take no love it when you do what you want cause you ♪ ♪ just said so let them all go home we out late we don't care ♪ ♪ what them people say we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes cause we don't have ♪ ♪ the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party i'm telling you ♪ ♪ to take your shot it might be scary
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hearts are gonna break 'cause we don't have ♪ ♪ the time to be sorry "oc$ so baby be the life of the party together we can ♪ ♪ just let go pretending like theres no one else here that we know slow dance, fall in love ♪ ♪ as a club track plays we don't care what them people say we don't have ♪ ♪ to be ordinary make your best mistakes 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry ♪ ♪ so baby be the life of the party i'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary ♪ ♪ hearts are gonna break cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life ♪ ♪ of the party come out tonight come out tonight
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there's no one standing ♪ ♪ in your way come out tonight come out tonight we don't care what ♪ ♪ them people say we don't care what them people say we don't have ♪ ♪ to be ordinary make your best mistakes 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry ♪ ♪ so baby be the life of the party i'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary ♪ ♪ hearts are gonna break cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life ♪ ♪ of the party yeah yeah [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ you can't walk the streets at night you're way too short to get on this ride ♪ ♪ no i'm not no i'm not hey're tryna tell me that i gotta be home when ♪ ♪ the streets lights glow you can't watch your tv show i will watch what ♪ ♪ i wanna watch no, i won't listen to you do what i want to do and i will walk ♪ ♪ this road ahead one hundred miles on my hands do i need to show you ♪ ♪ guess i gotta show you and if you don't believe me now i'll flip the whole world ♪ ♪ upside down do i need to show you guess i gotta show you
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watch me swim ♪ ♪ across this lake fly through the sky in my superman cape watch me walk ♪ ♪ across this wire tip toe through the coals of a blazing fire watch me fly this kite ♪ ♪ in the rain i'll jump rope with my ball and chain come by and knock ♪ ♪ on my house of cards if it falls i'll rebuild it from the start i won't listen to you ♪ ♪ do what i want to do and i will walk this road ahead one hundred miles ♪ ♪ on my hands do i need to show you guess i gotta show you and if you don't ♪ ♪ believe me now i'll flip the whole world upside down do i need to show you ♪ ♪ guess i gotta show you do i really gotta show you now really really really ♪ ♪ gotta show you now do i really gotta spell it out i-t i spelled it out ♪
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this is "nightline." >> and she says she dropped 100 pounds thanks to hypnosis, and some say you can get the benefits of surgery without ever going under the knife. and never say justin bieber is a stranger to the mug shot. he is not alone among his famous friends. so what happens when a mega watt celebrity is thrown into jail? tonight, the guy who struck gold bailing out the rich. and remember that
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