tv Inside Story ABC September 7, 2014 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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>> is this beginning of the end for a philadelphia congressman? inside story starts right now. good morning everyone, i'm matt o'donnell. it is sunday, soapt -- september 7, 2014, let's meet our insiders of the week. jim eisenhower, and similar plat and jan ting. >> i have throughout my careers as an elected official never been involved in any illegal
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conduct. that's my position. i would never do anything to embarrass my family or constituents. >> we know gregory nailer pleaded guilty in a campaign failed run for mayor. his son has been charged with stealing federal funds and the inquirer is saying democrats are being pro active to prepare to replace his name on the november ballot, michael nutter, seth williams, darrell clark and bill green. he has not been named the target or charged with anything, should he resign or stand and fight. >> i don't think he should resign. these are gossipy tales about a case that u.s. attorney's office has not confirmed. he is presumed innocent. i don't think he has any reason to resign. >> clearly they are lunching forward toward him, given what
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we know about the case about gregory nailer. >> it's not clear that the prosecutor will bring charges. if if -- if he does bring charg, the congressman is a in a strong position. the democratic bosses are not worried about losing a seat to a republican. there's no internal pressure to force him out. frankly if he is charged he'll stay put and fight and thinks he'll get re-elected. >> he is going to fight, that's the bottom line. it is interesting to me how the democrats are putting names out there to start talking about, because people are. let's be clear, the inner circle is talking about who would be the best person. there are some concerns. >> he needs pr training, sounds like politician speak which doesn't go over that well, and b, that's my story and i am sticking toilet.
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that's one thing. -- sticking to it. that's one thing. he made a good point, he referenced kurt wildon on the eve of his fight with joe sestak, sestak won because a week before the election, the feds stormed into his office and apparently conducting a widespread investigation nothing ever happened to it, after the election. so that's a card those smart to play. >> let me defend my former colleagues at the u.s. attorney's office, they don't storm. that's not the way things are done. >> they had helicopters. and they didn't bring a case, which to me shows good judgment. >> the other thing that rubbed me wrong way about the congressman, his repeatedly being quoted as saying i'm not a
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lawyer. whenever powerful people say i'm not lawyer beyond what's going on -- i can't understand what's going on. they are surrounded by lawyers, and for them to say that is denial. >> with the conviction in virginia of the former governor and his wife. things are kind of changed, because in that case there was not strong evidence of a kid pro question -- quid pro quo, but the jury was convinced that he he was taking money and it was wrong. that's a change. >> was anyone surprised that mayor nutter's name would come up in the scenario of being pro active in replacing fattah. >> there's a lot of about what mayor nutter is doing next. >> will he step down? i think it's he is a legislator
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by later. if nutter does resign to become a congressman, who becomes mayor? darrell clark, does anyone want to run against an incumbent? >> something we'll continue to follow. a new poll has tom wolf with the largest lead yet, 5% of the vote support, govenor tom corbett, 24%, undecided that keeps coming up i don't know whose, which is what undecided is 19%. >> that's what that means, matt? >> reporter: the national journal released an an article saying pennsylvania will be an automatic pickup saying tom wolf has it. meanwhile, the harper poll has the race much closer, wolf 52%, corbett, 41. another development, rene i know you know this, the republican
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governor association, people speculating maybe they will pull out of pennsylvania and put their money in other governor races where they know they have a chance. where why are we getting these contrary bit and pieces of information is to where this race is. >> a lot of rumors my colleagues said that before we want on the air. as far as the polls, to me it's not an issue, whole come out and vote. the demographic also where they vote at. will people in philadelphia come out and vote? there are so many mixed messages around the polls, bottom line we have to get the message out better and do it in the right way. i still feel he has a fighting chance i feel he'll continue to be the governor, we have no problem with that. the governor has to come out and keep fighting and whether they like wolf's jeep or not, that's not running the jeep.
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the commercials are okay, but i care. >> where does governor corbett get his votes. he is not going to get them in philadelphia or the southeast. >> he'll get some. >> in the t he has allen -- alienated so man people in the penn state think. >> i don't think they will come out. in the southeast, a lot of folks tend not to come out and vote. you can do the poll and where are we polling at. >> here's how you get people to come out, tell the other guy they will raise your taxes. >> we're starting to see the deluge of television advertising, but people can make their own judgments. the corbett attack ads have not been effective. people say of course it's campaign time. in contrast the wolf ads have been pretty darn good.
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the consensus is whether you support the guy or not. his ads are good. >> that's a good point, first of all there is and natural inclination among the electorate to step back and not support negative ads if they are not accompanied by an affirmative case. the whole problem for governor corbett what is his affirmative case. >> if you look at the west he is from the west, normally you would think pittsburgh candidate would get votes out there. wolf is not from philadelphia. so he can't run against him as an eastern candidate which negates some of that. >> could that be a problem in getting out the vote in philadelphia where city residents don't have an attachment to the candidate, the democratic candidate. i think normally in a non-presidential year, the turnout will be low. in philadelphia, though, the resentiment built education cuts
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is -- about the education cuts is very strong. >> i still don't see people coming out and voting the way they need to. that will make a difference. i don't care what the polls say, that has happened before, someone was ahead in the polls and they lost. >> eric cantor? >> okay, smarty. [laughter]. bottom line is, he has a chance. the republican governor's association are going to hang in there. >> can anyone answer this question, given that chris christie is the head of the rga does that have a big factor with the money ending up in harrisburg for campaign costs? >> of course. >> christy is helping out his bud. >> he been all over the country raising a ton of money for republican governors incumbents and he will at this point to do that. him. >> why doesn't corbett call up
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and campaign for him? >> he's been in pennsylvania. >> i've got to give you props. you're turning the lemons of this corbett campaign you're amazing. >> talk about spin. very good. >> i learned from my friends. i'm a spin master. christie is coming to pennsylvania this month to republican state committee to speak, why don't you come? >> joint appearance, corbett, christie. we'll cover it as a news story. we talked about the schools here, the philadelphia schools open monday, the funding situation hadn't changed. harrisburg has no immediate ps plans to allow philadelphia to raise the cigarette tax. to fill the budget hole. superintendents william hite back off his threat to not open on time, but they are opening with reduced staff and services.
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him the fact that hite has showeds hand there, what does he have to go forward to convince them what he wants them to do. >> i think everybody is looking toward the november election, they are counting on a big change in state government in pennsylvania which will positively effect schools not only in pennsylvania, but across the state. will that come too late? i don't know, but that's the big hope on the horizon. yes they want to get the cigarette tax if they can, the big change they hope is coming on november 4th. >> that will not make a big difference right away on number of 4. >> november 4th. >> because you're not going to change the legislature. 89rs will be -- the rs will be in control and governor corbett will still be governor.
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when he does, you all owe me dinner and drinks. >> mcdonald's is up the street. >> i did not say that. >> one of the key players here that has not stepped to the forefront is the fica board. the last time this happened back on 2009 when i was on the board, mayor nutter was trying to get an increase in the sales tax and the fica board played a strong role if you don't get this, we'll reject your budget and deprive the city of a huge amount of revenue. that increased his leverage in harrisburg. i'm looking to my former colleagues there to get in the fray. >> sam katz? >> right. >> former governor ed rendell is betting against philadelphia. he served as philadelphia's mayor, everybody knows that. he is talking about the 2016 democratic national convention on a new york radio station.
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he said philadelphia has the edge to attract the "d" nc, but he said brooklyn is a slight favorite because of notion's superior wealth. >> the charlotte convention in 2012 ran a $25 million deficit which the democrats had to pick up. they are acutely awear of that, new york's one big plus they can raise the money. the second plus is the clintons, they are based in new york, if the clintons wants it in new york city, that's going to be a tough -- >> that may be behind what governor rendell said. >> he is going to say whatever he wants to say. >> full disclose you -- discloe i'm on the committee to get them
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here. governor rendell was on the record trashing the site. they will have to commute from manhattan. they have the barclay center, what else do they have. >> we had the convention in philadelphia, it was a great convention. >> i think it's true brooklyn would be a nightmare for the delegates. brooklyn has become the locust of hardship youth culture, if you're trying to get young millennials involved in the political process and recruit them as active democrats that might not be a bad political play. >> pennsylvania is a swing state and new york is not. inside story comes bac
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>> the nude photo celebrity controversy. some people are saying it's the fault of the celebrities. the fbi has been trying to find who plucked private photos from jennifer lawrence and kate upton and others did it. i'll read what ricky gervais said. he caught heat for this. ful a lot of people thought he was being insensitive.
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on the on the other hand, a lot of people told us, why are people taking these photographers. and putting them in the cloud, is this the celebrities fault. >> it's like saying blame the victim. you could fight credit card frawght e -- fraud by not having a credit card. there's good reason for carrying a credit card and not a good reason for posting the photos in the cloud. >> there's no such thing as privacy any more. but we have to start from that pro peck -- prospective. it's ashame. the other thing this raises for me, who takes naked pictures
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themselves. i don't look at myself in the mirror [laughter]. it depends on what you look like. >> take matt for example. >> he could do that, right? >> celebrities are accused of being narcissistic. one of my favorite books of all time, 1984. him and george or well is so right, and we want for one thing, who was taking the privacy away from us, not the government it's us. do you think that something like this will be a watershed moment we'll take an issue like privacy and move it back to center. >> look at the celebrities who become stars because of a sex
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tape. they decry it and adopt, there are stars who have no discernible skills like kim kardashian. >> and it sells. like you guys said i don't come. the bottom line, you said it along time ago, nothing is private, rene. it's going to come out no matter what you do. people are hearing your phone calls, your credit cards, you have to know these thing, if it comes out, we'll never get our privacy back. >> you don't think so. >> it's going to get worse. >> youth culture there's a whole generation now that has grown up without the sake of privacy. >> they don't know what it is. and they don't respect it. >> so the standards move with the pendulum don't you think, stuff gets out about certain
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people, and they think that's no big deal. >> e-z pass that tracks where you are in your car wherever you go in the world. it can be tracked down to the corner of the intersection. and we don't think about that. isis has been using social media and horrible things have been happening that we've seen. the violent terror group that wants to create its own islamist search, the beheading of stefn stefn -- steven sotlot are you starting to feel like we did after 9/11. >> isis wants a one-on-one confrontation with the united states. we saw this isolation trend
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after the war in iraq. people didn't want to be engaged in the world. people have been looking at the situation and saying we don't want to be over there, so somebody has to do something about this. him isis is drawing us into that one on one confrontation they want. >> it was 6 months ago, that 7 months ago, called isis the al qaeda jv. how do we go from that to this? >> you look at the message that the president delivered and joe biden said, the gates of hell. it was more popular. >> the bottom line, people are scared in this country. pulling from what you said larry, people are not sure or don't understand if the obama
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administration inside whether a they need to do and how they need to do it. >> for the president to say i'm bringing all the troops home and has done so, could this be one of the things that that could make him reverse his pin on that? >> that's the hope among certain section of the foreign policy establishment. he'll have credibility he's been a dove up 'til now. i don't know if that's the case. you know when he said we don't have a strategy yet it was one of those moments where a line crystallized something in the american mind. >> that was the fear. >> but if you look -- >> to me the model is what president clinton did with bosnia, get a coalition, mainly airstrikes, separate the parties and put troops on the grounds
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>> inside stories of the week starts with jim. >> matt apologies to rene. if governor corbett were to lose this election he would be the first governor in the history of the commonwealth to not be re-elected. >> thanks, jim. >> rene. >> my inside story, i know i've been saying i don't come, but i care -- i don't care, i do care about step it up america, it will higher five thousand minority women in three different states for i.t..
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it trains you for 30 months. i did the graduation and it's phenomenal. >> i want to give props to a guy, beyond why he took the job, william hite whose been getting a lot of heat lately. open three experimental public schools this school year, there are no books, it's all technology based. it's open to every public school kid they have a lottery. it's the future of education, while we're doing the funding crisis hite is thinking about the future. >> more and more pollsters are predicting the republican party will take control of the u.s. senate elections in november. something happened in kansas that may upset the apple cart. incumbent pat robots seemed to be cruising, the democrat has withdrawn in favor of a well funded independent candidate and the republicans are starting to
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panic. the whole question may be in doubt because of what happened in kansas. him. >> eagles open the season anybody wants to predict? >> 11-5. >> i have to defer to rene because she knows football. >> they are going to win. >> better than last season. >> 10-6. they will win the division and they will do a little bit it makes me happy to go on the computer.
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