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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 11, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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play the lead. >> you wrote it with me in mind? >> jimmy: yeah, i wrote it with you in mind. >> jimmy, i'm honored. i mean -- i'm bowled over.
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>> jimmy: really? >> yeah, you know, anything you want to do, yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> you have to do. as long as -- as long as not playing, like, god or a president or doing any narrations. >> jimmy: okay, well -- thanks so much for coming -- >> no, no. >> jimmy: it's -- i'm not quite finished with it. >> i want to read it -- >> jimmy: just -- >> i want to read the thing. >> jimmy: okay. >> and it was at that moment i realized jimmy kimmel is a dumb ass. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- morgan freeman. julianne hough. "this week in unnecessary censorship." and music from ingrid michaelson. with cleto and the cletones.
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and now, in all honesty, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. that's very nice of you. thank you, cleto. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. we have a -- we have a great show for you tonight. we have all the ingredients for a great show, anyway. julianne hough, ingrid michaelson and the one and only morgan freeman are here tonight. and -- i'm going to see if i can get morgan to do his morgan freeman impression. i've heard it's among the best. we're getting into a very special time of the year right now. maybe you've noticed this already. it's pumpkin spice season. this is when, would without any
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warning, every store you go into has something flavored pumpkin spice. lattes, tea, muffins, doughnuts, scones, they even have pumpkin spice oreos now, for real. they're tan on the top and orange in the middle. like hooter's girls, really. the pumpkin spice craze is overwhelming here in los angeles. we don't have weather here. so, the only way we know what season it is is by how our coffee is flavored. oh, peppermint, better start my christmas shopping. pumpkin spice must have the best p.r. person in the world. it's squirreled its way into everything. there's beer, shampoo, m&ms, poptarts, bagel chips. are there pumpkin spice bring ms. i'm surprised they don't come out with a pumpkin spice iphone 6.
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>> jimmy, big was! >> jimmy: what? >> they just came out with a pumpkin spice iphone 6. [ applause ] >> jimmy: what did you say? that's -- go back out and try it again. >> all right. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. i tell you what, i'm surprised they haven't come out with a pumpkin spice iphone 6. >> jimmy, big news! >> jimmy: what, guillermo? >> they just came out with a pumpkin spice iphone 6! >> jimmy: that was a lot better. that was so much better of. [ applause ] i wonder how many times in a row we could do that. [ laughter ] anyway, enough with all the pumpkin space. pumpkin spice advil. don't mind if i do. this is crazy. new york, there's a new condo development and we're all very accustomed to hearing how much some of these condos in new york cost. this one is receiving parking spots for a million dollars. a million dollars to park your
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car. wouldn't it be cheaper to just get a ticket every day for the rest of your life? [ laughter ] park wherever you want. the new condos are located at trendy address in soho. they'll be available to residents only on a first-come, first-serve basis. i have to admit, they're pretty nice. >> prime location. clean lines. post-war concrete. newly renovated ventilation. convenient to restaurant, shopping and all the vibrant culture soho has to offer. boasting 150 square feet. give your luxury vehicle the lifestyle it deserves. starting at a million dollars. the spot at 42 crosby. unparalleled parking for people who are going to hell. >> jimmy: well, that's not necessarily true, is it? [ cheers and applause ] this is -- i don't want to bring everyone down, but apparently taylor swift and katy perry are fighting.
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according to my sources which are a group of 12-year-old girls i ran into across the street, this is true. in the new "rolling stone," taylor swift said a new song is about another female entertainer. she said the woman tried to sabotage her tour by hiring a bunch of people out from under her and when she said it, people immediately speculated the woman was katy perry, which was all but confirmed when katy perry sent this cryptic tweet, she said, watch out for the regina george in sheep's clothing. so, apparently this had something to do with backup dancers who left taylor swift. it's hard to follow. so, i'm going to break it down using emojis if you don't mind. now, taylor swift, the blond with the microphone said inflammatory things about a person we presume is katy perry, that's the brown haired emoji. she implied that katy, i guess,
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stole three backup dancers away from her. then katy perry tweeted that taylor is a bad person, even though she acts all nice and now their relationship has turned into this. [ laughter ] i hope that sums it up. [ cheers and applause ] that's -- by the way, i believe -- that's what newspapers are going to look like in the future. you know, usually when you hear katy perry versus taylor swift, it's a drunk bachelorette party over what karaoke song to sing. miley cyrus is now making art. that's right. beginning today, the art work of miley cyrus will be on display at the v magazine gallery in new york. the exhibition is called dirty hippy. this is real footage. it's a collection of artwork miley made. it's the -- [ laughter ] finally answers the question, what if miley cyrus got her
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hands on a hot glue gun and a wheelbarrow full of weed? she threw a stick of dynamite in a skittles factory. i have to admit, i'm not educated when it comes to this kind of art. i invited an art critic to talk about it. and he actually brought a piece from the collection with him. please welcome hunter browning. where is -- oh, there he is. hi, hunter. thank you for being here. [ applause ] now, is -- so, the art, is it interesting to you? >> yes, very much. >> jimmy: what about it do you like, exactly? >> well, it's marvelous dance between color and lines, form and function, value and void. >> jimmy: that piece you brought with you, it's -- it appears to be a sex toy with charms hot glued to it and it looks like there'sglued to the top. >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: okay, so, why is that significant? >> it's an explosive interpenetration of a sensuous
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being that's conspireing to create a vibrant, witty and hidden statement. >> jimmy: and what statement is that, exactly? >> miley is making a dangerous, yet whimsical, comment about a feral relationship, sexually, with unconscious vilification. >> jimmy: yeah, but what is the comment that miley is make, specifically? >> listen, dude, i have no [ bleep ] clue. i'm -- i'm a big dodger fan. i wanted to be a sports writer! i -- there wasn't anything open so i got this art critic thing. i mean -- do you think i give a [ bleep ]? about this bedazzled vibrator? i don't! >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> i really, really don't! >> jimmy: take it easy. take it easy. i'm very sorry. i don't want to put you in this position.
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>> well, you should be. >> jimmy: okay, all right. thank you very much. hey, you forgot your -- you forgot her sculpture. >> stuff it in your ass. >> jimmy: oh. [ applause ] but i don't want to. he was very rude. very, very rude. hey, what -- what's up, guillermo? >> i'm here with pumpkin spice iphone 6. >> jimmy: oh, you are? [ applause ] you are? >> it's good. >> jimmy: go back in the hall. >> all right. >> jimmy: one more time. it's thursday night, and it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ applause ] >> security is at the core of apple pay. but so is privacy. we are not in the business of [ bleep ] your [ bleep ]. >> like, you know, my mom's like, you need to [ bleep ] three or four different guys at
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one time and just have a lot of fun. mom -- >> okay, what about the guy yesterday that [ bleep ] the guy in the [ bleep ] with his foot? >> unnecessary roughness, number 84. [ bleep ] the defender in the [ bleep ]. >> i have to think the code, the summer into fall code. no physical ailments other than that. >> you didn't mention that when you [ bleep ] me earlier. >> don't try and [ bleep ] me. >> so, i walk into the studio outside, kevin harvick's [ bleep ] just hanging out. >> women [ bleep ] women. >> what am i looking at? >> this is my [ bleep ]. >> this man says, i would let you [ bleep ] my mother for mario to make me a pizza. >> oh. >> i'm going to say it very clearly [ bleep ] my drawers. >> i know my husband and andy cohen have very long [ bleep ]. >> i just [ bleep ] wonder woman. you really think you can [ bleep ] me? >> i'm not trying to [ bleep ] you. i'm trying to stall you. >> stall me? for what?
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oh. >> jimmy: tonight on the show, we have music from ingrid michaelson. julianne hough is here. and we'll be back with morgan freeman, so stick around. turn the trips you have to take, into one you'll never forget.
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11:50 pm
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. tonight, a lady who knows a paso doble when she sees one. she is a new full-time judge on "dancing with the stars." julianne hough is here. then, this is her album, it's called "lights out," the very gifted ingrid michaelson from the at&t stage. next week, jane fonda, key and peele, from "modern family," ty burrell, kaley cuoco, ike barinholtz, david muir, len goodman, anthony anderson. and we will have music from mastadon, fall out boy, bastille, and paolo nutini.
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so -- and i will be here, too, not that it matters. our first guest tonight is a screen acting legend who needs no introduction and no one could make his introduction sound as good as he could, anyway. his newest movie is called "dolphin tale 2" and it opens tomorrow. please welcome morgan freeman. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i tell you what -- [ cheers and applause ] we're all excited to have you here. [ cheers and applause ] you -- i feel like i'm in the sequel to batman. i feel like batman right now. how are you? >> i'm fine. what do you mean, you feel like you're in batman because i'm
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here? what -- what? >> jimmy: because you -- because you were in batman. you didn't know that? >> yes, jimmy. i knew that. >> jimmy: you did know that, okay. >> i was in batman. still don't understand why you -- >> jimmy: i don't understand, either. there's no point. >> you told me you were strange and i said, now, come on. >> jimmy: speaking of strange, we had a great conversation the last time you were here. at least i enjoyed it. i don't know about you. but you told us some things that i never knew. you once reported seeing a ufo. you -- do you remember this? [ laughter ] you -- turned out to be a hot air balloon or something like that? yes? you were arrested for hitchhiking, i think you told us. >> you ever hear this statement, jimmy, you find you're in a hole, stop digging? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tell it to those chilean miners. >> yeah, right.
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what, they got out. they're fine. >> all of them. [ applause ] that was pulled from three years ago. you know, this -- i think it's going to be the 20th anniversary of "shawshank redemption," and that's this fall. is that the movie people mention to you more than others? >> more than anything in the world. >> jimmy: more than anything else. it's on television all the time. it's such a great movie. and it wasn't a big hit when it first came into the theaters, true? >> no, it wasn't. >> jimmy: why do you think that is? >> because nobody could say sh -- shank -- sham -- >> jimmy: shamwow is the word you're looking for. >> yeah. no, actually, i don't care how you market a movie, if word of mouth doesn't get hold of it, it's not going anywhere and nobody could say "shawshank
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redemption." >> jimmy: really? i think there's a channel, where it runs on a -- [ laughter ] >> certainly think so. >> jimmy: i cannot be released if i get caught in it. i will watch the whole thing, no matter what point i join it, because it is such a good movie. is that a movie you look back on ever? do you stop and watch it yourself? >> i don't -- come across it, really. >> jimmy: you don't? >> no. no, i -- maybe twice in the 20 years have i come across it. >> jimmy: are there movies that you are in that you've never seen. >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. any jump to your head? >> jimmy: why did you decide not to see it? never got around to it? [ laughter ] never got around to it. >> yeah, all of that. >> jimmy: that's when you know you're a movie star, when there are movies that you are in that you've never bothered to watch. [ laughter ]
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do you or have you ever had a nickname? >> yes. yes. until i was maybe 16 years old, i was called junior. >> jimmy: junior? >> junior. >> jimmy: is there a senior? >> there was. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> but it wasn't a real senior. i didn't have the same name. just have the same first and last name. but i don't have a middle name. >> jimmy: you don't? >> i do not. >> jimmy: let's give you one! [ laughter ] wouldn't that be something? we march right down to the dmv and say, give this man a middle name! you know what i think would be a great -- [ cheers and applause ] >> now, don't, don't, please, please. do not encourage this man. [ laughter ] in this venture. >> jimmy: you have ever shoplifted anything? >> no. >> jimmy: have you ever been
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hypnotized? >> no. >> jimmy: never? have you thought about it? >> yes, tried. that's how i know i never have been. >> jimmy: do you ever get mistaken for other actors? >> ah -- once i was in the airpo airport, dallas/ft. worth. i'm down with my cap and my glasses and stuff and the guy comes over and says, i know you're trying to be incognito, but i recognize you. i said, oh, really? he said, yeah, samuel l. jackson. [ laughter ] and i said, no, i'm not. he said, you're lying, but -- but i understand. >> jimmy: have you ever done karaoke? >> ah -- there are two ways to look at that, jimmy.
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yes and no. >> jimmy: yes and no. i see. you have a particular song that you will do in karaoke? >> if i did karaoke, i would probably, because i'm a baritone, like frank sinatra, so, whatever he sings, i can sing on that key. >> jimmy: so, sinatra. >> pretty close. >> jimmy: is the way to go. who taught you about the birds and the bees? [ laughter ] >> biology teacher. >> jimmy: you learned it in school? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what grade? >> i didn't learn anything about sex, but the birds and the bees, i learned. >> jimmy: oh, i see. who taught you about sex? did you ever learn about, somebody sit you down and -- >> i'm still working on it. [ laughter ] is there -- is there a role that you would like to play that you always thought, oh, i'd love to
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do this and you haven't had the opportunity? >> yes. >> jimmy: what? >> lots of stuff. >> jimmy: yeah? anything in particular jump out? >> there was one character, i really, really, really wanted to play. it was a deputy united states m marshal during the frontier days in the 1870s and '80s. he was a real person, and all of american history, you probably never heard of him. but there he was and i wanted to be him. i wanted to play him. >> jimmy: and nobody ever took you up on it? >> well, you have to do that to sell. i could do it myself. but now, you know, we got it set up but i can't play it. >> jimmy: you know what i suggest and you don't need suggestions from me, but if you started out getting a middle name, things would ease up for you. i mean, i really think -- [ laughter ] everything could -- we're going to take a break. morgan freeman is here with us.
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♪ ♪ ever come out? >> not much. not since panama died. hardly even coax her out to eat. >> you ever try bacon? it works with my cat. >> jimmy: that is morgan freeman and harrick connick jr. in "dolphin tale 2." it is the sequel to "dolphin
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tale." is it the same dolphin actor? >> same dolphin actor. yep. you can't fake her, because she has a dolphin tail. >> jimmy: yeah, she has a dolphin tail. >> no, doffed. a doffed tail. >> jimmy: that's the technical term for the tail? because i just say she's got a cut-off tail. >> you can say that if you weren't quite as sharp as me. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] well, that's clear. >> see? >> jimmy: how about the dolphins themselves? they always say that dolphins are very, very intelligent animals and i wonder. >> no, i think they are. i really do. i've been with them, out in the ocean. i'm a blue water sailor. i have a boat that i take out in the ocean. and very often, when you're in deep water, here they come. i had a pod of 100 that come by and they just play around with you for awhile and they just
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seem to be able to hear what they're saying, when they -- they go off and they play, come back, they say, hey, was that cool or what? >> jimmy: i think part of why we like them so much is they look like they're smiling all the time. >> no, they really aren't smiling. but you're right. we think they are. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so it looks like -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you feel like, when you come back after however year, year and a half since you worked with the dolphin, do you feel like the dolphin recognizes you? >> no, because, no -- i don't really interact with the dolphin. the first movie, i did more than the second movie. so, no, i didn't get the impression -- >> jimmy: you and the dolphin have not kept in touch? >> no, no. not only that, she doesn't text. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it's hard to with the doffed fail. are you a texter? >> that's the only way you can
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get in touch with me. i hate the phone. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you go on the internet, like, are there websites you regularly visit? >> no. >> jimmy: never go on? >> no, i mean, i go on -- yeah, i go on, i go on msnbc, see what the headlines are, all the little things you don't get in the paper. >> jimmy: right. because i wouldn't even -- i really wouldn't imagine you texting in the first place. i would think you'd be a guy that -- that you would not be interested in touch. but yeah, there it is. you've got a blackberry, so, you are a little bit behind the times. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: guillermo -- don't we have a pumpkin spice i own ovipr there? >> yeah, i do. >> jimmy: that's not for you. do you like animals in general? >> yes. i do. i have a herd of horses, a mess of cats. there was an entire gaggle --
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[ laughter ] of geese on my place. >> jimmy: friendly? >> i -- i don't know. we don't interact. >> jimmy: you don't, yeah. some of those birds can be very nasty. >> they can be. particularly if they have goslings, you know what those are. >> jimmy: i do. ryan gosling, he's an actor. i have guests on the show all the time. [ applause ] very handsome. >> i'm just going to stop talking. >> jimmy: you have thought about fairchild as your middle name? morgan fairchild freeman? >> we were sitting next to each other in a restaurant, believe it or not. >> jimmy: you and i? oh, morgan fairchild. >> morgan fairchild, beautiful blond lady, about that tall, and i morgan freeman -- >> jimmy: yes. >> were sitting close to each
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other in a restaurant a few years ago. all right? >> jimmy: okay. that's the whole story? [ laughter ] >> what did you want? >> jimmy: i don't know. something i could share with the dolphins, perhaps. >> i sat with morgan fairchild in a restaurant. >> jimmy: did you do one of those things like you do when you're driving the same car as somebody else, you go, hey, we're both morgans. >> yesterday a lady in a car just like mine, only herps was white and mine was red. >> jimmy: you gave her the nod? >> well, i beeped and she gave me the thumb's up. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i would hope she would. can i tell you what happens to me? >> no, what happened to you? [ applause ] >> jimmy: when i'm in my car and i see -- it has to be the same color and model car as i am, i'll give them one of these, they almost never respond and it makes me crazy! but i'm not morgan freeman. >> well, there is that. >> jimmy: i'm not even morgan
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fairchild, for that matter. >> you're not. you know what i would do if i was you -- >> jimmy: what would you do? >> i'd quit doing that. >> jimmy: morgan freeman, everyone. "dolphin tale 2" opens in theatres tomorrow. we'll be right back.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. julianne hough and music from ingrid michaelson are on the way. but first, as you probably know, rappers, hip-hoppers and the like, off use strong language to express themselves. which makings it easy to forget that they were once babies and have moms. so, every once in a while, we ask the mother of a famous rapper to read some of their own child's lyrics. we've done this with wiz khalifa's mother, big sean, t.i. and tonight the woman who gave birth to mac miller. >> hi, i'm mac miller's mom, and this is from the song "watching movies." >> it's a strip club, see some hos that i went to school with. out in lon down like lennox lewis. i'm just trying to make better music. get this money, share the profits, now this craft getting read by students. smoke some weed, get [ bleep ]
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while i do it. how's that? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, mom. we'll be right back with julianne hough. wanted: men and women for true scotch.
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we grew up at, like, same like-mindedness, so, for us, we're more like a team and the same thing with the other dancers, cheryl, mark, i've known them since i was 10. i'm really just judging my friends. >> jimmy: i see, wow. so, you will not give him preferential treatment? >> if anything, i'll be hoarder on him. >> jimmy: that's not fair,iter. >> that's true. he doesn't seem to need help. he seems to come close to wink if not win every single time. >> i have nothing to say to that. i don't know. i don't know, though. because honestly, i'm kind of excited about this one contestant who, his name is not aaron samuels, it's actually jonathan bennett. he was in "mean girls."
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you guys remember that? >> jimmy: right. >> super hot. i remember last year, he tweeted me and he was like, my trainer, you have a really nice butt. and i was like, oh, my gosh, like -- this is awesome. i'm going to totally go on a date with him. like, this is so cool. and then i found out he's gay, so, that doesn't work, but -- anyway. >> jimmy: i have a feeling if -- >> my heart is broken. >> jimmy: if anyone can turn him around, it's you. >> that would be the only unfair advantage. >> jimmy: so, you are saying if people tweet obscene remarks at you -- there's a good possibility you will date them. >> i will go on a date. >> jimmy: how about that? >> i'm not judgmental. >> jimmy: what a great tip. let's go through some of the contestants this year. lolo jones, yes. she's an athlete, olympic, like, bobsledder, right? >> she's ripped. her arms are amazing. >> jimmy: these athletes are typically good. >> they have the mind set. they have the discipline and the
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focus. >> jimmy: where as the actors don't necessarily have that. >> no. >> jimmy: what about this? this is betsy johnson. she's a designer. >> i am so excited about her. i actually watched their first meeting, her and tony and she did a carl wheel. >> she looks like she's crazy to me. >> crazy awesome! >> jimmy: this is, oh, antonio sabato jr. >> cheryl gets the hot guys. >> jimmy: yeah. >> he's got it in his blood, right? >> jimmy: why did they dress anyone like this is 1986? let's see. do you know who this is? >> oh, yes. >> jimmy: this is from my youth, not yours. >> i just came across a delorean the other day. >> jimmy: that's lea thompson. chef was she was in "back to the future." this is -- who is this? >> this is sadie. she's from "duck dynasty." >> jimmy: right. >> she is adorable. and super fun. i'm excited to watch her dance,
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because you can tell she's just out there to have a good time. >> jimmy: is she a good dancer? >> i have no idea. i have not seen anybody dance yet. >> jimmy: you have to study this stuff. >> i'm winging it, guys. >> jimmy: alfonso ribeiro. now, do you remember, when i was a kid, besides being on "fresh prince of bel air" and he had the carlton dance, by the way. >> oh, i know. it's before my time, but -- >> jimmy: he used to have vhs videos you could order where he would say, like, can you dance? can you rap? >> really? >> jimmy: yeah. he was a professional dancer. >> i did not know that. >> jimmy: see, you got to know this stuff. >> i got to do the research. >> jimmy: michael waltrip. he's a nascar champion. i was talking to dale earnhardt jr. last night. he said he's going to be terrible. [ laughter ] >> he's got a fan base, though. >> jimmy: he definitely does. this is randy couture. >> yes. >> jimmy: who is he dancing with?
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>> karina. >> jimmy: god help her. >> i would actually say god help him. because she is a huge fan and she's fan girling out. she named her dog after him. >> jimmy: she did? maybe they'll make love then. [ laughter ] >> furry puppy babies. >> jimmy: do you know who this is? >> yes, i do. >> jimmy: tommy chong. will he be allowed to smoke on stage? >> i think he's going to have a good time and i think his partner peta might have a second hand good time. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we have a couple more. this young lady is a star on youtube and she's dancing with derek. >> yes, she is. >> jimmy: is derek single? what's going on with him? >> that's exactly what i was thinking when i saw them. but she's 18, which is, i mean, legal, but -- [ laughter ] but -- you knoll whaw what? she's really a great girl.
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>> jimmy: she's for bullying or against it? >> what does she look like? she's against it, of course. >> jimmy: this is janelle parrish. this is your guy right here. who you found out -- >> this is my twitter butt guy. >> jimmy: what a shame. and this is -- tavis smiley. >> i'm hoping to see some fun come out of him. >> jimmy: he's going to be eliminated the first week. >> is that your prediction? >> jimmy: and sasha obama. that's quite a get for you guys. >> that would be amazing. >> jimmy: wouldn't it? keep your fingers crossed. you never know. well, it's very good to see you. we'll be watching all season. i'm going to be gambling on this as i always do. >> you always do. >> jimmy: if you would be so kind as to pay attention to whom i belt on -- >> okay. >> jimmy: and maybe be -- a little bit forgiving. >> i need the money. >> jimmy: don't worry. if the person i like wins and you give some unusual scores, there will be payment. >> awesome. >> jimmy: julianne hough,
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everybody. "dancing with the stars," monday at 8:00 on abc. we'll be right back with ingrid michaelson.
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>> jimmy: i'd like to thank morgan freeman, julianne hough and apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, this is her album. it's called "lights out." here with the song
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"girls chase boys," ingrid michaelson. ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm a little let down but i'm not dead there's a little bit more that has to be said ♪ ♪ you played me now i play you too
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let's just call it over ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ chase girls chase boys chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ i'm a little bit home but i'm not there yet it's one to forgive but it's hard to forget ♪ ♪ don't call me i won't call you too let's just call it over ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh
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it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ chase girls chase boys chase boys chase girls i got two hands one beating heart ♪ ♪ and i'll be alright i'm gonna be alright yeah i got two hands one beating heart ♪ ♪ and i'll be alright i'm gonna be alright ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪
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♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ ooh everything is going to be fine ohh ♪ ♪ everybody loves you baby ooh everything is going to be fine ♪ ♪ ohh girls chase boys chase girls ♪ ♪ ohh it's all the same thing girls chase boys chase girls ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight -- oscar pistorius, not guilty of murder. >> how do you feel? >> the shooting of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. >> hi, i'm oscar's date tonight. >> all a terrible mistake, according to the judge. but that doesn't mean the bladerunner's out of trouble. more verdicts to come could still mean up to decades behind bars. plus, these daredevils are racing into dangerous surf on a quest to conquer one of the world's biggest waves. seconds in this killer wave could be the difference between life and death. so, can they capture it all on camera and come out alive? and, britney's back and working it. she shows our michael strahan how. on tour


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