tv Breaking News ABC September 20, 2014 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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>> announcer: the following program is a paid advertisement for the food lovers fat loss system, brought to you by provida life sciences-- practical solutions for better living. >> i'm annette, i'm from studio city, california. i'm a mother of three, i weight 155-1/2 pounds. this is the heaviest i've ever been. i'm a size 10. ...and this is me now! i lost 25 pounds and went from that size 10 to this size 2 in just 12 weeks. how did i do it? i became a food lover. >> i'm a food lover and i lost 36 pounds. >> i'm a food lover and i've lost 50 pounds. >> i'm a food lover and i lost 60 pounds. >> i'm a food lover and i lost 82 pounds in eight months. >> what if you could actually
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lose weight eating bread, pasta, sweets, even wine and chocolate? when you're a food lover, there are no forbidden foods. >> i don't have to deprive myself of anything. i can have wine, i can have chocolate. i can have pasta, i can have bread. i can eat all my favorite foods and lose weight-- i've done it. >> all of the things that helped me to get so big are now helping me to lose weight. >> i tell everybody it's the best diet i've never been on. >> sound too good to be true? i thought so. but then i found out just how easy it is to say good-bye to the old me and start loving a new, leaner, healthier me. >> announcer: now you can stop dieting, stop starving yourself, and start eating all the foods you love at every meal, snack in between and lose fat faster than you ever thought possible, with the food lovers fat loss system-- 21 days that will change your body and your life. developed by health and nutrition leader provida life sciences, the food lovers
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fat loss system is the culmination of more than 15 years of research and real-world testing that gives you fast, dramatic results without prepackaged foods, complicated calorie counting and without starving yourself. the food lovers fat loss system is a simple step-by-step plan for eating more often and using the right combinations of your favorite foods to even out blood sugar levels and move your body into fat-burning mode and keep it there all day long. so you actually use the foods you love, all the same foods you're eating now, to cause your body to lose pounds, shed inches and literally turn your body into an efficient fat-burning machine, all in just 21 days. >> you don't have to deprive yourself from eating your favorite foods, but you're still able to lose weight and i think that's very important. and that's very different from traditional diet and weight loss programs. >> you're increasing your metabolism based on the way you're eating: how frequently you're eating meals, how you're combining, let's say, proteins
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even with bad carbs. if you can do it in a balanced way, you can lose weight, lose body fat and yet still eat the foods you thought you never could eat. >> i know that you can eat all of the foods you love and still lose weight, because i have lost 115 pounds. >> i'm eating pizza and cheeseburgers and i've lost 50 pounds. >> i ate my favorite foods all day long and i went from a size 18 to a size 6. >> hi, my name is annette o'hare, and i've been asked by provida life sciences to come here and tell you about the food lovers fat loss system, not because i'm a famous celebrity and not because i had anything to do with creating the product, but because i'm a regular person: a 42-year-old mother of three who used the food lovers fat loss system to lose 25 pounds and four dress sizes in just 12 weeks. it's the first weight loss program that made total sense to me and i can tell you three things: i was never hungry, i never ate a food i didn't like
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and i never deprived myself of a single one of the foods that i love. >> i don't eat diet food. i don't eat little bits of celery and little bits of this or that. i eat fried chicken. i eat french fries. i just eat these foods in the right combinations and i eat more frequently throughout the day. you can have all the foods you like, all the foods you love every day, day in and day out and still lose weight. before i started the food lovers fat loss system, i wore a size 16. this dress is a size 4... in just six months. >> since i started the food lovers fat loss program, i have lost 115 pounds. in the past, i have tried to lose weight by fasting. i would skip a meal, i would skip breakfast, i would skip lunch. i would eat very, very little and it never worked for me. using food lovers fat loss program, i have eaten more than
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i ever have in the past and i've lost 115 pounds. you do not have to get rid of any of the foods you love. my favorite meal with food lovers fat loss program is fried chicken, green beans and chocolate cake. you don't have to change what you eat. you just have to change the way you eat it. i was eating everything i wanted to eat and lost 115 pounds. and i went from a size 48 jean to a size 38 jean in one year. >> on food lovers fat loss program, i've lost 41 pounds. before i tried food lovers, i tried the program where you have their prepackaged food. it was very expensive and i didn't want to eat that the rest of my life. i tried to do a low-carb, no-carb plan and i think i lasted maybe two days. i missed eating pasta. i missed eating bread or toast at breakfast. i felt very deprived when i was on the other diets. that was frustrating, so i couldn't stick to it. with the food lovers fat loss
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program, i ate pizza, cheeseburgers, cookies, chocolate and wine, and i lost 41 pounds. i went from a size 16 to a size 8. and i've kept it all off-- i've maintained for about nine months already. >> when i first started doing the food lovers fat loss program, i realized that i had been making weight loss way harder than it needed to be. once i learned a little bit about how my metabolism works and how my body processes the food i eat, then i realized that i could really use all my favorite foods-- all the foods i was already eating-- to speed up my metabolism and burn off the excess fat. the real key was understanding how my body metabolizes carbohydrates. i had heard that carbs made me fat, but i love carbs and i wasn't willing to give them up. well, as it turns out,
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i didn't have to. see, there are two kinds of carbs: slow carbs-- that's greens, most veggies, certain fruits-- and fast carbs. the ones i love and was unwilling to give up are these, the fast carbs. that's things like bread, pasta, sweets, even beer and wine, and they can cause you to gain weight if you eat them the wrong way. but... they don't have to. let me show you what i mean. this is a typical day's worth of food, not unlike what my family and i ate before i started the plan. waffles for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and a meatloaf dinner. but the problem with these meals is they don't have the right ratio of fast carbs to protein and slow carbs. let's take a look at breakfast. it's essentially all fast carbs and that means it has the tendency to elevate my blood sugar levels, and that puts my body into fat-storing mode, basically telling it to store
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everything i eat as fat. and that was happening at almost every meal. what i learned on food lovers was i didn't have to give up any of these meals. i just had to tweak the proportions so that i had the right balance of protein and slow carbs with my fast carbs to even out my blood sugar levels and move my body into fat-burning mode. it was that easy and i didn't have to give up anything. i could still have a sandwich for lunch and my family's favorite meatloaf for dinner. but i just had to tweak the proportions and ratios to turn them into a fat loss plate and then those very same meals will even out my blood sugar levels and cause my body to burn fat rather than store it. then i learned one other thing, and this was really hard for me to get head around, since i had been a chronic dieter. it turns out, i wasn't eating often enough. see, when you go a long time without eating, like i did,
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between meals and in the evening, your blood sugar drops and your body thinks it's starving, putting your body once again into fat-storing mode at the bottom here. so, what did i do? i adjusted my eating schedule and started snacking in between meals and into the evening. now my blood sugar levels stay even, keeping my body in fat-burning mode all day long. it was that easy. you really can eat all your favorite foods and reduce your waistline every single week. >> on the food lovers fat loss program, i lost 82 pounds in eight months. what i love most about the food lovers fat loss plan is that i did not have to give up any of my favorite foods. you would think that that's what got you into this trouble in the first place, but you can eat every food that you love, you just have to eat it in a certain way so that you can keep your
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body's metabolism going. i eat cheeseburgers and i eat pizza and i eat pasta and i eat spaghetti and i eat macaroni and i've lost 82 pounds. you can have everything that you want: cookies, cake... it's all there. no food is off the table. if you eat your meals and you eat your snacks right up until an hour before you go to bed, you lose weight like crazy. it just amazed me how it melts off. in 21 days, i lost 25 pounds. in three months, i lost 50 pounds. and in eight months, i lost a total of 82 pounds. >> i get to enjoy all my favorite foods still and i've lost 48 pounds. >> i thought starving was the way to go and it turns out it's not-- it's eating. [laughs] i did lose 60 pounds by eating all my favorite foods. >> i'm eating the same foods as i ate when i was heavy-- i'm just doing it in a way that allows my body to drop fat. >> with the food lovers fat loss system, i have lost 40 pounds and 40 inches. >> i lost 48 pounds.
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>> i lost 75 pounds. >> i've lost 90 pounds. >> i've lost 94 pounds. >> i lost 144 pounds in one year. >> on food lovers fat loss system, i've lost 200 pounds. >> this program is absolutely the best thing you can do and i'm sure it's a lot cheaper than everything else you've ever done. >> announcer: now you can stop dieting, stop starving yourself and start eating all the foods you love... and lose fat faster than you ever thought possible, with the food lovers fat loss system-- 21 days that will change your body and your life. this simple step-by-step plan shows you how to use all of your favorite foods-- all the same foods you're eating now-- to cause your body to lose pounds, shed inches and literally turn your body into an efficient, fat-burning machine, all in just 21 days. >> you really can learn to eat the same foods you're eating now in a way that allows you to lose weight instead of gain it. >> this program is an excellent way to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime. >> announcer: the heart of the program is the 21 day
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metabolismmakeover. each day you just do one new thing, like learn the difference between fast carbs and slow carbs, and begin to tweak your meals into the simple, scientific proportions of the fat loss plate that will lower the blood sugar spikes and move your body into the fat-burning mode. then you'll start snacking in between meals to keep your body out of starvation mode and in fat-burning mode all day long... and literally turn your body into an efficient fat-burning machine all in just 21 days. and then you can stop dieting forever. with the lean lifestyle program, you get all the tools you need for you and your family to lose all the weight you want and be lean and healthy for the rest of your life without starving and without giving up a single one of the foods you love. the million meals menu planner will show you how to make a fat loss plate with absolutely any food, including bread, pasta, sweets, even wine and chocolate. just choose one food from each of the three sections: proteins... fast carbs...
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and slow carbs... and you've got just the right combination of your favorite foods with simple, mouthwatering recipes to make more than a million different food lover meals that will stoke your body's fat-burning furnace with foods you already have in the fridge. and it's easy to lose a lot of fat fast, because the simple scientific proportions of the fat loss plate naturally make sure you're eating the right amount of food to maximize fat loss at every meal without counting calories, points, fat grams or anything else. the classic comfort food recipe cards and the love to eat cookbook make it easy for everyone in the family to get lean and healthy while you lose fat... with more than a hundred simple, mouthwatering recipes, plus step-by-step instructions for tweaking all your favorite recipes into leaner and healthier food lovers fat loss meals, even if you've never cooked before. and on this plan, you never go hungry, because you never go for more than three hours without eating. the snack and treat guide gives you ideas for more than a thousand great-tasting fat loss
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snacks, including more than a hundred sweet treats that you can make or find in your pantry or any grocery or convenience store. snacks that will fuel your body's fat-burning furnace in between meals and into the evening. plus, you can dine anywhere. the comprehensive eating out advisor shows you how to order a food lovers fat loss meal at all your favorite restaurants, and includes specific recommendations for the best fat loss plates at more than 25 of the nation's most popular restaurant chains. and with the food lovers for life program, since you aren't depriving yourself of any of your favorite foods, you can stick with it and be lean and healthy for the rest of your life. best of all, the food lovers fat loss system is diabetic-friendly, heart-healthy and adaptable for any taste, even vegetarian. and it's virtually impossible to fail, because with the fat loss secrets day-by-day audio series, nutrition and fat loss experts from provida life sciences walk you through every step of the 21-day program, providing daily motivation and
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teaching you the little changes that will give you huge results. weight loss programs that have you attend meetings and keep track of points can cost $10 per week, every week for as long as it takes to lose the weight. that's over $500 a year. programs that ship you food every month can cost $300 or more each and every month whether you lose the weight or not. but right now, the entire food lover fat loss program-- everything you need to lose all the weight you want and keep it off for the rest of your life without giving up a single one of your favorite foods-- is yours for the one-time price of only $119.99, or just six easy payments of only $19.99. that's less than half of what it costs for just one month of delivery diet food. but that's not all. call in the next 18 minutes and you'll also receive our extraordinary 12-minute workout video series-- four complete workout videos on one dvd, ranging from 12 minutes all the way up to our famous full-length kickboxing burn,
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customized so anyone of any fitness level can get a firm, lean body at home, all in as little as 12 minutes a day. a nearly $40 value, this quick results workout series is yours free when you call in the next 18 minutes. but that's still not all. order now and you'll also receive the 7 day sizedown, an accelerated plan designed to increase fat loss so dramatically, you can lose a whole dress or pant size in just seven days. imagine starting on sunday and being a whole dress or pant size smaller by the weekend. normally sold for $29.99, it's yours free. all together, that's nearly a $190 value, all for just six payments of only $19.99. and unlike almost any other fat loss program, it's guaranteed to work. that's right: you lose weight or you don't pay. >> hi, i'm brian archibald, president of provida life sciences. we at provida are committed to providing you and your family with the very best educational
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products available. and we take that commitment very seriously. we believe that if our programs don't work for you, you shouldn't have to pay for them. that's why the food lovers fat loss system is backed by this unprecedented money-back guarantee: you can try it in your own home for eight full weeks. show it to your doctor and then go ahead and do the program and prove to yourself that this program really will work for you. if after two months, you haven't lost at least three full dress or pant sizes, if you're not well on your way to having the lean, healthy body you deserve, simply return the program for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. there's no risk, so you have nothing to lose. food lovers is the only program of its kind that actually guarantees you will lose the weight or you don't have to pay for the program. >> announcer: so stop dieting and start using the foods you love to burn fat with the food lovers fat loss system-- the fat loss plan for people who love to eat. so call or log on now.
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>> on the food lovers fat loss system, i lost 50 pounds. i tried med... you know, the doctor supervised programs. i tried-- i won't mention names, but all the programs you see commercials for, i probably tried them. the other plans didn't work because i love food. i mean, it was miserable eating because you felt guilty and then it was miserable starving yourself because you were always hungry. the food lovers fat loss system showed me how to eat my favorite foods in a way that allowed my body to continue to release weight. and it's been two years and i can eat whatever i want and enjoy life and the weight doesn't come back on. i'm a food lover and i lost 50 pounds and i've kept it off for two years. and here i am to tell you honestly this program works. >> i'm a food lover and in eight months i've lost 50 pounds. the food lovers fat loss program is definitely a family-friendly program.
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it's food that we all eat anyway and that has been the best thing. on other programs, i've been eating a frozen meal or... something that's totally different. but now, when they're eating pizza, i'm eating pizza. when they're eating cheeseburgers, i'm eating cheeseburgers. i'm not having to go and fix something different. in eight months, i've lost 50 pounds and i've gone from a size 16 to a size 8/10. >> on the food lovers fat loss system, i have lost 48 pounds and i have lost 33 inches off of my entire body. i have listened to some of the other diet programs and every time they said the word "diet," i felt like i was going to have to give stuff up. i have... i've given up nothing for food lovers. i have pasta for lunch several times a week and i eat potatoes, i eat rice, i eat cookies, i eat brownies. there are absolutely no foods that are forbidden on the food lovers fat loss system. i actually eat more now than
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i've probably ever eaten in my entire life. when i was heavy, i was eating two meals a day: lunch and dinner. and now i eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and i have a snack between each one. i have lost 48 pounds and i have gone from a size 40 waist to a size 34. >> look, nobody's saying that you can eat a whole pizza at every meal or an entire bag of cookies every night and still lose fat. we all know we have to make some changes, but what i can tell you is that you don't have to make any drastic changes and you don't have to give up any of the foods that you love. with food lovers, it's about learning how to make little changes to the way you eat that will give you huge results. so you can't eat a whole pizza at every meal, but you can still eat pizza and cookies and chips and all the other foods that you love and still lose weight. i know because i did it and lost 25 pounds and four dress sizes. and it will work for you too. >> announcer: call or log on now
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to try the complete food lovers fat loss system for just six easy payments of only $19.99. best of all, you can try it for a full eight weeks risk-free. do the entire program. if you don't lose at least three full dress or pant sizes in the first eight weeks, send it back for a full refund of the purchase price. you lose weight or you don't pay. plus, call in the next 15 minutes and get two bonus gifts free. first, our extraordinary 12-minute workout video series-- four complete workout videos on one dvd-- a nearly $40 value free. plus, you'll also receive the 7 day sizedown so you can lose a whole dress or pant size in just seven days-- a $29.99 value, it's yours free. all together, that's nearly a $190 value, all for just six payments of only $19.99. so call or log on now. >> on the food lover fat loss system, i lost 100 pounds in 10 months. i have always had a weight issue. i was always the largest in my class. my name is matt, they called me fat matt, that was always
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a thing, so... it was really a struggle and it was really tough. i've tried every diet under the sun. there was always successes with losing weight, but it was through deprivation, so as soon as i would get off of whatever that diet was, i would gain it back. so the biggest thing with the food lovers program is that we're eating the same things now that when i gained the weight but... except for now we're eating them and we're actually losing weight. it's counterintuitive, but it works. on the food lovers fat loss program, i lost 100 pounds in 10 months. i was a size 50 when i first started and now i'm a 38... 36 in some jeans. >> on food lovers fat loss, i have lost 50 pounds in 10 months and i'm down from a 16 to a size 8. my husband ordered the food lovers fat loss system and at first i thought it was totally ludicrous. i'm like, "there's no way this is going to work. i can't eat this much and lose weight. but i said, "o.k., i'll try it. i'm gonna, i'll do it with you." and i did it and the pounds starting coming off. i wasn't hungry, i ate anything i wanted.
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and i... i'm amazed. i'm amazed. on the food lovers fat loss system , i lost 50-1/2 pounds in 10 months. i've lost almost a total of 34 inches, i've lost eight inches in my hips and almost nine in my waist. you can lose weight on the food lovers fat loss system and eat the foods that you love. i've done it. i was skeptical in the beginning, but it works. >> when i first heard that i could still eat all my favorite foods and lose weight... well, honestly, it sounded too good to be true. but, i gave it a shot and in just 12 weeks, i lost 25 pounds and i lost eight inches off my waist and five inches off my hips. food lovers makes it easy, because it's the only program of its kind that actually guarantees you will lose weight or you pay nothing. there's no risk. the only way to truly know how easy it is to learn to use all your favorite foods to actually lose weight and keep it off for life is to try it for yourself.
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it worked for me and i know it will work for you, but you have to pick up the phone and call. the next food lovers success story could be you. >> i was skeptical when i saw the infomercial. i had my doubts, but i thought, hey, it's a money-back guarantee-- what have i got to lose, other than weight? i lost 30 pounds and 33 inches in about six and a half months. >> all you're doing is eating and then you're eating the foods that you like. what else is there to it? >> you can eat all the foods you want to eat and you will lose weight. >> i am living proof. i lost 55 pounds. i went from a size 20 to a size 8 and i am practically 70 years old and i am here to tell you, it works. >> announcer: call now to try the food lovers fat loss program risk-free so you can stop dieting, stop starving yourself and start eating all the foods you love and lose fat faster than you ever thought possible. you get the 21 day metabolism makeover, which walks you step-by-step through every meal
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and snack and shows you how to use the food you love to jumpstart your metabolism. each day you just do one new thing, like learn the difference between fast carbs and slow carbs, and begin to tweak your meals into the simple scientific proportions of the fat loss plate that will lower blood sugar spikes that can cause weight gain and move your body into fat-burning mode. then you'll start snacking in between meals to keep your body out of starvation mode and in fat-burning mode all day long. and you will lose pounds, shed inches and turn your body into an efficient fat-burning machine, all in just 21 days. and then you can stop dieting forever. with the lean lifestyle program, you'll get all the tools you need to lose all the weight you want and be lean and healthy for the rest of your life. the million meals menu planner will show you how to make a fat loss plate with absolutely any food, including bread, pasta, sweets, even wine and chocolate. just choose one food from each of the three sections: proteins...
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fast carbs... and slow carbs... and you've got just the right combination of your favorite foods, with simple, mouthwatering recipes to make more than a million different food lover meals that will stoke your body's fat-burning furnace without counting calories, points, fat grams or anything else. the classic comfort food recipe cards and the love to eat cookbook make it easy to get lean and healthy with more than a hundred simple, mouthwatering recipes. the snack and treat guide gives you ideas for more than a thousand fat loss snacks, including more than a hundred sweet treats that you can make or find in your pantry or any grocery or convenience store. plus the comprehensive eating out advisor shows youhow to order a food lovers fat loss meal at all your favorite restaurants. and with the food lovers for life program, you can be lean and healthy for the rest of your life. and it's virtually impossible to fail because with the fat loss secrets day-by-day audio series, nutrition and fat loss experts from provida life sciences will walk you through every step of the 21-day program.
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weight loss programs that have you attend meetings and keep track of points can cost $10 per week, every week, for as long as it takes to lose the weight. that's over $500 a year. programs that ship you food every month cost $300 or more each and every month, whether you lose the weight or not. but right now, the entire food lovers fat loss program is yours for the one-time price of only $119.99 or just six payments of only $19.99. that's less than half of what it costs for just one month of delivery diet food. and best of all, it's guaranteed. try the food lovers program for two full months. if you haven't lost at least three full dress or pant sizes, simply return the program for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. you lose weight or you don't pay. plus, call in the next 10 minutes and get two bonus gifts free. first, our extraordinary 12-minute workout video series-- four complete workout videos on one dvd-- a nearly $40 value free. order now and you'll also
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receive the 7 day sizedown, an accelerated plan designed to increase fat loss so dramatically, you can lose a whole dress or pant size in just seven days. a $29.99 value, it's yours free. all together, that's a nearly $190 value, all for a one-time price of only $119.99 or just six easy payments of only $19.99. so call or log on now to try the food lovers fat loss program risk-free. if you don't lose at least three full dress or pant sizes, simply return it for a full refund of the purchase price. you lose weight or you don't pay. call or log on now. the preceding program was a paid advertisement for the food lovers fat loss system, brought to you by provida life sciences.
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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently looking for a small group of motivated individuals who want to work directly with his team and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so, if you've always had the desire to ge
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