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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 24, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- patrick dempsey. from "good morning america", lara spencer. and music from jeezy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, from now on, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. that's very nice. everyone looks great.
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everyone is great. i hope. it was a beautiful day here in hollywood. the sun was shining on us, but not baking us. just lightly toasted us. line cinnabons in an oven. i tell you, not a great day for the president of the united states today. not too many of them are lately. yesterday, the white house posted an instagram video that had many people upset because the president, who is commander in chief, saluted two marines with a cup of coffee in his hand. this is the video. he gets off the helicopter and you see there, he does one of those. they're calling it the latte salute. and -- [ laughter ] even though military officers are not technically required to salute unless they are in uniform, some believe that to be disrespectful, and i tell you something, it's not the first time obama's done something like this. remember that time he said the pledge of allegiance while holding a hot pocket? or when he visited that aircraft carrier with a $5 footlong? the man never learns.
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by the way, the worst part of the whole thing? can we zoom in on that? they got his name wrong on the cup. [ laughter ] s sunblock yo mamma. i guess stars are really like us. speaking of stars, the dancing ones. last night on "dancing with the stars," it was elimination night. as i do every year, before the season starts, i predict who the winner is going to be and i bet money. i predicted the winner would be alfonso ribeiro. and i also predicted that tavis smiley -- do you know who that is? okay. well -- [ laughter ] that's the problem. right there. he's a talk show host on pbs. i predicted he would be eliminated first. juf an offhanded comment i made. but he did not take kindly to it. it made him mad. >> so, jimmy kimmel, 13 people and you think i'm going to be the first one out? okay. i guarantee you, you will eat those words.
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get ready to eat a lot of crow, jimmy kimmel. so, jimmy kimmel, you said last week on abc i was going to be the first one eliminated. you know what? wrong, playa. >> jimmy: he was -- he was right, by the way. he was not the first one eliminated. but guess who was the second one eliminated? >> tavis and sharna. >> jimmy: my psychic abilities have a margin of plus or minus one. after the show, he was still upset and i'm quoting him here. he said, producers shouldn't sign up people who can't commit the time when they are told up front that the person is going to be on a book tour. i guess he's on a book tour. he said, this is not about sour grapes. i think the fans deserve to have stars on this show -- yeah, that would be nice. [ laughter ] who have the time to commit to learning the dances. he didn't have the time, why did you agree to be on the show? he makines it sound like he hado
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choice. believe me, if we were going to force stars to be on the show, we'd find bigger stars. if we are going to force people, we'd force john tratravolta. i owe him an apology, though. i was wrong. you were not the worst "dancing with the stars" contestant. you were the second-worst "dancing with the stars" contestant. you were even worse than tommy chong, 76 years old and baked out of his mind, so -- [ laughter ] i'm sorry. dancers are very sensitive, you know? this is unfortunate. this is from our local abc channel in phoenix, arizona. abc 15. this is the station my parents watch, you know, i went to college in phoenix and i think there may have been a mixup of some kind. because this is what they showed last night during the 10:00 news. >> next at 10:00, a safety alert you need to hear. how a creep is preying on valley women. and the questions he asked before he strikes. >> jimmy: well hold on a second.
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[ cheers and applause ] well, the joke's on you, because i don't live in phoenix anymore and even if i did, i never ask questions before i strike. i strike quietly. so, for my friends and family members in phoenix, i just wanted to set the record straight there. this is funny, too. an internet hoax aimed at owners of the new iphone 6. this is a new ad. it claims it has a future called wave that allows you to charge your phone in the microwave. [ laughter ] put it in the microwave, turn it on. obviously, it's a joke. but that didn't stop the lapd from tweeting this wave capability is a hoax. don't be fooled into microwaving your iphone 6. if you need a tweet from the lapd to stop you from microwaving your phone -- i say we leave you on your own. it's called natural selection. [ laughter ] we don't want a fire. we don't need anymore fires,
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especially here in california, so, let's -- do not put your iphone in the microwave. you charge your iphone in a regular oven, preheat it to 450 degrees. pop the phone in, it should be good in 25 minutes. finish it with parsley and olive oil. you're welcome. we have a solid program in store for you tonight. dr. mcdreamy himself, patrick dempsey is here. from "good morning america," lara spencer is with us. and we have music tonight from jeezy, who used to go by the name young jeezy but then he had his bar mitzvah and he's just jeezy. jeezy, by the way, had an exciting weekend. according to tmz, jeezy was at an atlanta nightclub celebrating the success of his new album. while he was there, he ordered 100 bottles of rose and a $20,000 bottle of champagne. which, that is the champagne he ordered. for $20,000.
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at least it was the large size bottle, i guess. [ laughter ] he even -- he took the bottle home with him. you see there, he's calling american express to report his credit card stolen. [ laughter ] jeezy will be here later tonight in case anybody wants to sell him anything. [ cheers and applause ] he will pay. would you like a $400 bottle of coke? [ laughter ] there's another celebration going on in india right now for -- but a very different kind. india successfully launched its first mission to mars. today, an indian spacecraft reached the orbit of mars. it's a big deal. not only did india succeed on their first attempt, they did it on a very modest budget. $74 million on the mission. which happens to be, truly, $26 million less than it cost to make the movie "gravity." [ laughter ] they were able to keep costs down by outsourcing all of the work to themselves. [ laughter ] here's what i don't get. why are we in such a rush to see
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other plan ets? if we just stop for a minute, we'd realize that the planet that we've been looking for is right here under our feet all along. [ applause ] it's called earth. congratulations to india. and who knows, if it keeps going, in a few years, maybe we'll be looking at the first call center on mars. paula deen is back. paula deen was the shining star of the food network until last year when she admitted to using racial slurs and she kind of disappeared. well, she's now reappeared. she's launched a new website called the paula deen network. for $9.99 a month, you can subscribe and see a documentary in which she tells her side of the story. that's right. paula deen is so sorry about what she said, she's even willing to profit from it. [ laughter ] but it's exciting, if you want to learn how to deep fry bologna or something. she put a promo out, and it
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really does seem like she's trying to put the past in the past. >> welcome to the paula deen network. hey, y'all! y'all, my new home that i want to share with you is packed with cooking, thousands of new recipes and a whole lot of family. >> let me do it! ♪ ♪ >> so, come on in, y'all. make it your own. make it fabulous. with the paula deen network. it really is the heart of home cooking. >> jimmy: good for her. it's never too late to try new things. [ applause ] there's so much going on here in hollywood.
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celebrity news breaks 24 hours a day. we have the number one entertainment reporter in all the business working right here, his name is guillermo and it's time now for all the latest in a special three-star edition of "mucho." tonight on "mucho" -- the clawful truth. is taylor swift's right arm a cat? we don't know! plus, guillermo's interview with dance pro turned judge julianne hough. what aren't they saying? and by george! what's prince george hiding in his diaper? the answer probably won't surprise you. it's p-o-o-p -- poop! then, allergy alert. you're never going to be which magic mike star is allergic to grains. and the chocking truth about chloe grace moretz. >> what's the secret? how do you look so young? >> um -- i'm 17? 17. 17. >> must be nice!
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all this and mucho mas. tonight, on "mucho." we are live at the hollywood and highland center. >> hi, everyone. welcome to "mucho." i'm guillermo. there's so much stupid [ bleep ] going on in hollywood today, i'm going to talk about it. are you ready? first, let's check out my exclusive interview where i find out what chloe grace moretz put on her toes. who wants to know? jimmy, do you want to know? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, sure. >> okay! roll the tape! e exclusivo. it's coming. [ laughter ] it's coming soon. >> mucho! >> wow! stick around for the shocking conclusion. now, it's time to find out who went to starbucks today.
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wow! must be hugh jackman, jimmy. i got a scoop. hugh jackman like frappuccino! >> jimmy: i don't think that's hugh jackman's cup, though, guillermo. >> i think it is. who wants a hugh jackman cup? now, it is time for my one-on-one interview where i stand up and i ask julianne hough about her latest family gossip. it is mucho intenso! how is your brother doing? >> he's good. i just spoke to him on the phone. >> oh, that's great. >> mucho! >> oh, that sound can only mean one thing. you're being pulled over by the fashion puh-leeze! jessica simpson, you call that a see-through dress a fashion?
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paris hilton, you call that dog a fashion? puh-leeze. you call that hat a fashion, pope francis? puh-leeze. forgive me. that was sweet. now, who wants to see the sho shocking conclusion to what chloe grace moretz puts on her toast? exclusivo. mucho! >> mucho! >> wow! that was wild. >> jimmy: wait, we never found out what she puts on her toast, though. >> i think it was butter, jimmy. but that was so five seconds ago. she's so 2000-late. it's time to go, but we leave you with a game of celebrity alphabetical order. okay, you put these celebrity in alphabetical order.
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kristen bell and wilmer value der ram ma. i will give you the answer next time. but until then, i'm guillermo, and this is "mucho"! >> mucho! >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. tonight on the show, we have music from jeezy. lara spencer is here. and we'll be right back with patrick dempsey. take and... aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming... not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. find out how fast aflac can pay you, at
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nothing will keep you from magnum. made with silky vanilla bean ice cream, rich caramel sauce and belgian chocolate. discover magnum chocolate pleasure. olive garden's starting at $9.99. bowl endless bowls of pasta with new sauces like roasted mushroom alfredo, and toppings like crispy chicken fritta. never ending pasta bowl, unlimited pasta, garden salad, and fresh baked breadsticks. starting at $9.99. only at olive garden. whoa, whoa, whoa. let me see those pants! jennie: my pants? amy: the court orders that you pivot, as to see the pants. so you like to look good in pants, huh? where did these pants come from? jennie: old navy. amy: how much were they? jennie: pixie pants are 25 dollars. amy: doesn't add up ma'am. jennie: all pants and jeans are on sale starting at $19, but not for long. amy: helen, can you read that back please? helen: but not for long... amy: paul, what do you think of those pants? i think the pants would be, in a better home, if they were on my legs. so... court's adjourned until we get those pants.
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helen let's go, you drive! chop chop!
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♪ ♪ you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. lower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands
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just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. >> jimmy: welcome back. tonight, from "good morning america," lara spencer is here. this is her book. it's called "flea market fabulous." it's very interesting. she teaches you how to turn other people's unwanted crap into your unwanted crap. [ laughter ] then, this is his album. it's called "seen it all: the autobiography." jeezy from the at&t stage. tomorrow night, oh, tomorrow night, denzel washington will grace us with his presence. from "scandal," darby stanchfield will be here and we'll have music from the script. please join us then. our first guest tonight has been
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playing a doctor on tv for so long, he is now legally permitted to give botox shots in both washington and california. tomorrow night he begins his 11th season of "grey's anatomy." please welcome patrick dempsey. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> jimmy: i don't know how -- [ cheers and applause ] very good to see you. >> good to see you. >> jimmy: i don't know how it's possible but you are getting more handsome. or maybe just seeing you in person. >> i have a lot more makeup on as the years progress. >> jimmy: were you acting or race car driving today? >> today i was acting. shooting today, yes. >> jimmy: i see. very good. and when you are acting, are you wishing you were out on the track? >> yes. >> jimmy: most of the time. [ laughter ] >> i love grey's. it's fun to do. but it is fun to go racing. >> jimmy: you really love it. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. >> jimmy: you have a sponsor and
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the whole deal. >> yeah, i race in the united sports car series here and i've been in europe, racing at le mans and doing stuff over there, porsche super cup and sponsors, burty rest, tag, you know, porsche. >> jimmy: the mattress? >> yes. >> jimmy: that's a weird thing to have on a race car, isn't it? [ laughter ] i could use a little bit of -- >> nap time. we've had a good time with them. >> jimmy: i belt yt you have. >> the campaign is tricky. how do you sell a mattress in racing? it's a strange combination. >> jimmy: it is the weirdest possible combination. you don't want people sleeping and driving. >> bad idea, certainly. >> jimmy: you don't want to put a car on a mattress. it will ruin the mattress. >> certainly will, yes. you don't want to be laying on one while you're doing the campaign. >> jimmy: you don't? >> no, no. it's a strange sort of message that you are sending. >> jimmy: i guess so. but you do some mattress laying on "grey's anatomy." >> whitequite a bit of it.
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now that we moved to 8:00, probably less of that. >> jimmy: you think so? has the content changed now that you guys are moving to 8:00? >> slightly modified, yes. because we're going to be airing at 8:00 and then "scandal" and the new show at 10:00. >> jimmy: less humping and more hugging? >> less thrusting, visible thrusting, yes. >> jimmy: is that disappointing to you? hey, i signed up for thrusting here, guys. [ laughter ] >> you know, after 11 years, it's okay. you can slow down a little bit. >> jimmy: it just occurred to me that mcdreamy and, yeah, the mattress, yeah, that's where it makes sense. >> beauty rest right there, perfect. >> jimmy: beauty rest is perfect for that. are you a very speedy driver in real life? >> it depends if i'm late or not. if i'm late, i drive a bit aggressively. >> jimmy: does your wife ever drive the car? >> yes. >> jimmy: she does. >> yes. i'm not necessarily in the car when she is driving, but yes. i have a hard time not driving. >> jimmy: yeah, right, okay.
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what is the fastest you've ever driven on -- not on a racetrack, like on a real highway or freeway? >> well, in germany, in the -- on the auto ban, you can go as fast as the car will go. probably about 175, 180. >> jimmy: wow. what kind of car were new? >> in a porsche. >> jimmy: does porsche know you are driving their car that fast? >> yeah, they were in front of me, so, there were three of us and we were on the autobahn. there are certain sections can you go as fast as you want and then there are signs, if you can see them, when you are going 180 miles an hour that tell you to slow down and do specific speed at that point and time and it opens back up. >> jimmy: did you three down for those signs? i assume they are written in german. >> yes. i was picking up german very quickly. >> jimmy: yes. >> and certainly the numbers there. but we had communication with walkie-talkies, so, the lead car would let us know we were getting into an area where we
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needed to decelerate and mind our speed. >> jimmy: are you aware that germans are learning to speak english from the gilmore girls? that's an inside joke. >> that's fantastic. it's a beautiful thing. television is very informative. >> jimmy: she's visiting from germany. >> that's right. where you are from? >> berlin. >> jimmy: she loves america so much she wants to come here and work in our prison system. [ laughter ] >> the american dream, fantastic. welcome. >> jimmy: and if you do, make sure to sleep on a beauty rest mattress. [ applause ] i don't know if there is a greater honor than this, patrick. there's a woman who posts on twitter and tumblr -- >> i'm not aware of this. >> jimmy: what she does is, she looks at pictures of you like this one -- >> right. >> jimmy: and she makes knit versions of you. [ laughter ]
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>> i like the likeness. it's very -- >> jimmy: it's not just the one, by the way. here's one that looks like you may have taken it yourself. and -- [ laughter ] >> fantastic. >> jimmy: the hair's a little bit off, but -- >> i have a future after "grey's anato anatomy." >> jimmy: there's a sexy pose. [ laughter ] have you had any contact with this woman, you or your attorneys? [ laughter ] here you are in front of the google car. and there's your -- >> that's great. >> jimmy: there's one more. >> and there's more. >> jimmy: there you are, there you are literally -- >> i'm going actually, sort of like superman, getting ready to become nknitman. >> jimmy: a knitted man. and there you are right there. patrick dempsey is here.
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"grey's anatomy" is moving to 8:00. we'll be right back. hi! can i help you? i'm looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don't compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i'm getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i'm not too sure what to do with my arms right now 'cause this is when i usually start throwing things. oh, that's terrifying at&t's best-ever pricing. 2-10 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at $130 a month. applebee's let the fans put thefamous 2 for $20 menu.the why did i put the bourbon street chicken and shrimp on applebee's 2 for $20 menu? because it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. hi. oh, happy birthday.
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applebee's. where fans know best. this jolly rancher.s for untamed fruit flavor. you are loved a lot. and in so many ways. and when you're wrapped in the comfort of pampers swaddlers with blanket-like softness and up to 12 hours of protection, all you feel is love. wishing you love, sleep and play.
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fatthe fire of 1880 g at the baccouldn't stop us. nor did prohibition in the 1920's. or exile from our home country in the 60's. the bacardi family didn't just survive, we thrived. because true passion can't be tamed.
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back with patrick dempsey. lara spencer and jeezy are on the way. are you a jeezy fan? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> jimmy: of course. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: you -- i have a list of some things that your character has been through on "grey's anatomy." when you were starting, did you ever imagine that the show would go on this long? this is a long ride.
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>> pretty remarkable, 11 years. >> jimmy: it's still very popular. >> yes, it's good to have the gig. >> jimmy: your character has been is the shot in the chest by the husband of a woman you pulled off life support. saved meredith from drowning after a ferry accident. discovered a close friend's brain tumor on your wedding day. got married via post-it note. found out your wife adopted and african child without you. >> hatches all the . >> jimmy: survived a plane crash. won $50 million and bought a hospital. >> for $50 million. what a deal that was. >> jimmy: quit medicine to become a pizza delivery -- oh, that's the plot to "lover boy," your movie. that was a good movie. >> thank you. >> jimmy: that movie may have inspired me to get into delivering pizzas, but i will say, nothing like that ever happened to me. >> it's funny. certainly right after the release of that movie, people
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would go, oh, i have a story to tell you. and they would go before they even got the pizza or gave them the money for the pizza, they would tell me the long story about all these women that approach them and wanted something to take place -- >> jimmy: they did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i delivered pizza for years. >> yeah. >> jimmy: nothing ever happened. a guy gave me $5 once and i was very excited. that was about it. >> but i get all the great stories every now and then. >> jimmy: when the -- >> the guys come in -- i got to tell you this story. just give the pizza, please. >> jimmy: i would like to hear the stories. i love that kind of thing. almost like you -- i think -- >> it actually happens. you got to be kidding me. >> jimmy: gave birth to a whole genre of pornography. you were one of the founding fathers of pog nor if i. i don't like to talk about it publicly, but it's something -- >> jimmy: and you got the mattress deal to go along with it. >> it all ties together beautifully.
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>> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: very, very good to see you. "grey's anatomy" returns to abc tomorrow night, 8:00 now, to make a note of it, right here. and we'll be right back. exists 150 years of swedish coffee experience. that's 150 years of experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee.
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it's part of a hershey's bar. we break it. we bite it. we sneak it. we smoosh it. we savor it. we love it. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. claritin-d presents two allergy sufferers. one tried nasacort, which could take up to a week to feel maximum nasal symptom relief. the other took claritin-d,which starts to work on allergies in 30 minutes. the moral: nothing works faster than claritin-d
12:10 am
olay presents the regenerist luminous collection. i will light up every room i walk into. renews surface cells to even skin tone. in just two weeks, see pearlescent, luminous skin. regenerist luminous. olay. your best beautiful. i will always be brilliant, never dull. new olay regenerist luminous facial oil. with 9 lightweight oils that seal in moisture for luminous skin day or night. the perfect accessory to your luminous collection. olay. your best beautiful. nothing will keep you from magnum. made with silky vanilla bean ice cream, rich caramel sauce and belgian chocolate. discover magnum chocolate pleasure. yeah now that the new iphone is here i bet it's been crazy. flashback... yes, we have the new iphone. you get 10 gigs of truly shareable data. it's two to ten lines unlimited talk and text
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starting at $130 dollars a month. not too crazy. a little bit. the new iphone is here. and at&t has the perfect plan to go with it. get up to $300 in credit when you trade in your current iphone. dave's been working on his game... morning double bogie. hey, three putt. and starting each day with a delicious bowl of heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. how's your cereal? sweet! tastes like winning. how would you know what winning tastes like? dave knows it's also a delicious source of fiber and one more step towards a healthy tomorrow. you eat slower than you play. you're in a hurry to lose, huh? oh okay! invest in your heart health, with kellogg's raisin bran no crying today...
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. lara spencer and music from jeezy are on the way. but first, my aunt chippy is very opinionated woman. if you could use one word to describe aunt chippy, what word would you use, guillermo? >> she's a sweetheart. [ laughter ] she's your aunt. >> jimmy: guillermo is also scared of her, so -- she always tells it like it is so we have people write to aunt chippy for advice about anything at all and it turns out some of you need a lot of help. >> hi, again, this is aunt chippy. thanks to all you games sending me these e-mails. i just never run out of letters. [ laughter ] let's see what this one says. dear aunt chippy. i'm thinking about getting pierced down there. but my dad says not until i've graduated high school. i might just do it anyway. thoughts?
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my thoughts are -- you should graduate. forget about getting your piercing down there. don't make that a criteria in your life. think about it for a year. after a year, you've thought about it, give it another year. [ laughter ] think about it again. think about it until you have your own kids, and then you can do whatever you want to do. but get that out of your head. can't even think about that [ bleep ]. somebody who has got half a freaking brain over here. ugh. if you have a question for me, please e-mail me at >> jimmy: thank you, aunt chippy. we'll be right back with lara spencer. kelly: okay, so tell me everything.
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jess: what? kelly: how was the date? jess: umm, it was fine. kelly: no-- i want details... what was he like? jess: i don't, funny, good smile. kelly: wait a minute-- you're blushing. jess: no i'm not! kelly: you like him! jess: no, i don't! i mean, maybe. i don't know! kelly: oh wow. ♪ this is a steak? [sighs] let's make this right. stay low and spread out.
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[yawns] nicely done. [crunch] cheezy. that's it. sprinkle it on top. enough! ah, check please. [clank] ♪ yowell he must of listened... teaching your son to share. because he is about to take that awkward photo from freshman year... and share it with the entire company. woah woah woah woah. umm... let's not do that. here you go. introducing kids mode on the family friendly samsung galaxy s5. double your trade-in to get up to $200 for a limited time from any carrier or retailer in the u.s. red lobster's endless shrimp is now! the year's largest variety of shrimp flavors! like new wood-grilled sriracha shrimp or parmesan crusted shrimp scampi... as much as you like, any way you like!
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hurry in and sea food differently. make dinner about dancing, and add excitement to mealtime with a variety of food at petsmart. now, save $8 on select nature's recipe® and pure essentials® dry dog food! petsmart®. fella who gets his salsa from new york city. new york city? uh-huh. [ male announcer ] pace has that big, bold kick. anything else just ain't right. pace. grab the southwest by the bottle.
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you need blinds. you know it. your neighbours know it. complete strangers passing by your house know it. don't be that house. do something about it. during blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale going on now. buy one, get a second at half price. blinds to go blinds for life.
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your windows don't need a facelift. just a new wardrobe. take them shopping during blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale going on now. buy one get second at half price. blinds to go is 60. boy, time goes fast. and so will this sale. blinds to go blinds for life. >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. still to come, music from jeezy. our next guest wakes up before the crack of dawn every weekday to co-host "gma" on abc and on the weekends, she wakes up early
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to buy old coffee tables and lava lamps. her book is called "flea market fabulous: designing gorgeous rooms with vintage treasures." please say hello to laura spen r spencer. >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you? i saw you this morning on "good morning america," now here you are. >> i know. yes. sleep is overrated. >> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: how much sleep do you get in a night? >> ah -- three, four? >> jimmy: really? >> sometimes five. >> jimmy: oh. >> i'm wild. >> jimmy: are you one of those crazy people that doesn't need sleep? >> my nickname is the robot. my friends call me the robot. this has been going on since, my first real job, after, you know, as a page and then i was in chattanooga and then ingot a job at wabc, 3:00 a.m. shift and -- >> jimmy: oh.
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>> since then, i was like, i'm resigned to be a science experiment. >> jimmy: did you like doing that shift? >> did i like it? i cherished the time. >> jimmy: i see. >> it was a very special time for me. me and, like, felons going to work. what's up, boys? >> jimmy: there is something peaceful about that -- i used to do morning radio and you get up at 3:30 in the morning and there's nobody else around. >> you just keep hoping that, you know, some day i'll have a job where i can actually sleep in. >> jimmy: and then you get on "good morning america." >> yes! >> jimmy: if everyone would ail agree to get up a little later, you wouldn't have to get up so early. stupid america has to get up so early. where were you a page? >> at nbc. do you remember 30 rock? i really feel he validated my time there, wearing the poll vester skirt and giving a tour and i went to katie couric
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and -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> i really did -- i was a real nbc page. >> jimmy: were the people nice to you there at nbc? would katie couric talk to you? >> yeah, she was always friendly. but she was, you know, busy. and i was wearing a uniform and being really annoying and giving tours. >> jimmy: i see. >> pointing her out like she was an art exhibit, so, i don't think she appreciated that. but i -- david letterman would hide from us. >> jimmy: he would? >> yeah, oh, my god. to the point where i thought he was, like, snuffleupagus. i worked on his show, i actually seated the audience. you would never see him. one day i got in the elevator and the door opened and it was like, oh, my gosh. it was like a unicorn and the tooth fairy all at once. i was wearing my outfit, complete dork and, like, so excited. if he could have crawled into the buttons, he would have. >> jimmy: yeah, right, yeah.
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fortunately he didn't crawl into the buttons. >> no, no. >> jimmy: now, this thing with the flea markets. >> it's a problem. >> jimmy: i'm trying to imagine. i can't imagine you showing up and negotiating. >> the gig is up. >> jimmy: you can't fight with somebody over a dollar. >> people have worked so hard and they go and find their wares and they cultivate a little collection that they bring, so, i feel totally guilty. it used to be so fun, being like, yes. >> jimmy: now you have to pay list twice. >> it's very different than retail. and that's not really what, to me, it's the joy of the treasure hunt and transforming things. it started when i was very little and now i'm a junk whisperer. i don't know what to tell you. >> jimmy: when you were a young girl, your parents didn't give you toys? you had nothing? you turned to other people's garages for entertainment? is that what happened? you turned to other people's
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filthy old things. >> i did. i did. but i like to say that i'm an example of taking a negative and making it a positive. >> jimmy: yes, yes. and what about -- here's the other thing. i've had a couple of yard sales. >> you've been or you had? >> well, both. >> you had yard sales? >> jimmy: yes. >> that would be like the mother lode. >> jimmy: i wasn't born on television there were many years, nobody knew who the hell i was. >> would you have one today? >> jimmy: i wouldn't. >> i like your house. you have good stuff. >> jimmy: oh, thank you. guillermo, where did she get pictures of my house? >> i showed it to her. >> jimmy: you did? >> for a kiss. >> we were actually in the house. imhad a yard sale. >> jimmy: when you have a yard sale, people are -- that come early in the morning are scary people. they descend like vultures -- >> no, they come and -- some
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yard sale, they hand out numbers. >> jimmy: you tell them 8:00 and they're there at 6:45 and then you if turn your back, they'll goal in your garage and steal everything. >> they will. they shoplift. >> jimmy: they are the dredges of society and you are now to there writing books with them. >> no, no, they are not. they are not. they are passionate collectors, i like to say. look, you know, i think the words, like, antiquing sounds very exclusive. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i think flea marketing or thrifting sounds very accessible and i didn't grow up with a lot of money. >> jimmy: the stuff looks really nice in here. the sort of thing i can't figure out on my own. >> you could, though. you're too important. >> jimmy: i think you could figure it out for me. you did robin's house. >> well, i did a couple things for robin. i've done, like, george doesn't need it. she has phenomenal taste. we have gone -- >> jimmy: robin doesn't, though? >> nice, jimmy. nice.
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>> jimmy: you are going to get in trouble when up get back. >> she has a beautiful house. i found a couple of pieces for her. but -- >> jimmy: the prominent designer, kathy griffin, is quoted on the back of your book. >> i did her house and she just sent me a note when she saw the book. she said, when you are coming back out to move my furniture and buy me new stuff. your budget, as usual, is $117. >> jimmy: i would imagine kathy would drive you crazy, working with her. >> it was great. she's terrified of the whole idea of anything secondhand. here is a secret. everything in her house is. i totally reinvented everything in there and it was great because she did not want to go to a flea market or a yard sale. i handled it and one day, she was like, you know, i'm curious. and that was a very bad idea. it was insulting to the family, it was -- she was horrified. she was like, i think i -- she was like, in fetal position in a corner of this person's house. she was like, why are they selling old stuff?
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she was -- >> jimmy: really? >> she was very afraid. convinced everything had bedbugs. >> jimmy: a lot of the stuff does have bedbugs. >> no, it does not. >> jimmy: just the beds. you never buy a bed. >> i do not recommend buying sheets or undergarments. >> jimmy: no undergarments. >> i draw the line. >> jimmy: that's interesting. and so, why would you do this for this people? it's not like you're not working. >> she's one of my best friends. >> jimmy: you designed the whole house? was li >> i was living out here, i was over there. >> jimmy: you just like it that much. >> it's a problem. >> jimmy: you used to work on antiques roadshow, which i love watching that show. watching&háhp &hc&. that's really where it -- i stalked them until they gave me the job. >> jimmy: did you really? >> i loved that. i couldn't do it. i was at "good morning america," my first tour, the national correspondent and i heard they were looking for a new host and i made them hire me. and i did it for two seasons but i got pregnant with my second child and i couldn't handle it. but while i was doing it, i --
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it was honestly, i felt like i was listening to -- it was like the justice league of furniture nerds. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and -- >> jimmy: they know a lot. >> we would finish taping the show and they would go down to the lobby bar and those brothers can throw back. and so, they would be at the bar and, in the lobby after we did, i keep thinking of savannah and i -- this is the first time i really got to know them. they've since become dear friends. do you know the brothers, they are twins -- they are like the wonder twins of old furniture. >> jimmy: i know who they are. what a hero that is to be. >> it's so weird. i mean, i hear myself -- >> jimmy: i don't think marvel is going to be making that one into a franchise. >> i already trademarked it. they're like, oh, my god, you see the legs on that one? the seat was so tight. it was like, am i interrupting? and they're just talking about chairs. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, this is -- you know, if you are into this sort of thing, this seems like a
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pretty good book. >> are you into it or are you not? >> jimmy: i am. >> will you go yard seaming wsa? >> jimmy: yes. as long as we can go late. like when there's nothing left. >> the rose bowl at 4:00 is the time to go, because -- dealers don't want to unload -- they want to unload, they don't want to load back up their trucks. >> jimmy: don't share all the tips with everyone. i want to get all the stuff myself. laura spencer, everybody. this is the book. it's called "flea market fabulous." it's out now. we'll be right back with jeezy. so brian at citizens said
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one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank patrick dempsey, lara spencer, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, his album is called "seen it all: the autobiography." here with the song "holy ghost,"
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jeezy! >> everybody give it up for my man jeezy. we're live, jimmy kimmel. let's go! ♪ whats in the back of my mind sittin in the back of that thang ♪ ♪ with the two double r sittin in the back of my brain ♪ ♪ anywhere but here that's what i told my chauffeur and this ♪ ♪ gettin heavy weight of the world on my shoulders think you figured ♪ ♪ it out but you don't have a clue think you on ♪ ♪ top of the world but the world on top of you i started hustlin ♪ ♪ for draws and now there's plaques on the walls think i'm sellin ♪ ♪ my soul then you can come get em all trade em all for my dawgs ♪ ♪ yea im talkin to you where did we go wrong because ♪ ♪ i dont have a clue you just wanna hit the mall and ♪ ♪ buy a new pair of shoes but it's real consequences ♪ ♪ remember the rules so i regret the day you ever serve that ♪ ♪ took five years of your life you didnt deserve that ♪ ♪ i guess power and pain look its somewhat the same ♪ ♪ i lost my dawg
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to the fame i charge it all to the game ♪ ♪ please lord forgive him you know he got that thug in him ♪ ♪ we lust for alcohol and we love women and aint nobody ♪ ♪ gave us nothin so we drug dealin you know we coppin louie loafers ♪ ♪ just to thug in em and when you made it that ♪ ♪ far you should be makin a toast got the seats reclined and i ♪ ♪ be doin the most in the back of this holy ghost in the back ♪ ♪ of this holy ghost in the back of this holy ghost i said we came ♪ ♪ so far but yet it feel so surreal hood half a mili automobile ♪ ♪ i'm talking real luxury dont feel a bump in the road ♪ ♪ we aint like the rest of these that fall over thought you my ♪ ♪ forever thought that you could be trusted man i found out ♪ ♪ you takin it really had me disgusted who am i kiddin it felt like ♪ ♪ a heart attack cause i gave you my heart and didnt ask ♪ ♪ for it back and to be honest with you i really thought ♪ ♪ we were brothers everybody in this world as long as we got each other ♪ ♪ woulda done anyything took a trafficking charge everyday on my head just to see you ♪ ♪ livin large
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gangster pitted it kills gave you your first mill ♪ ♪ and i aint tell you to blow it i aint tell you to throw it you fell a victim ♪ ♪ to pressure yea i know it can stress ya but youre only a ♪ ♪ man homie i cant be mad at ya please lord forgive him you know he ♪ ♪ got that thug in him we lust for alcohol and we love women ♪ ♪ and aint nobody gave us nothin so we drug dealin you know we coppin ♪ ♪ louie loafers just to thug in em and when you made it that far ♪ ♪ you should be makin a toast got the seats reclined and i ♪ ♪ be doin the most in the back of this holy ghost ♪ ♪ in the back of this holy ghost in the back of this holy ghost ♪ ♪ how can ya see out the windows between your shades and your tint ♪ ♪ sippin good in the back im like it im bent if it dont ♪ ♪ make dollars then it dont make any sense they sayin i owe ♪ ♪ em dollars and that dont make any sense almost fell for ♪ ♪ the bait almost fell for the hate and i'm the same that let you ♪ ♪ eat off my plate saw that from the door knew that from the go ♪ ♪ i guess this how i go sit back and laugh at ♪
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♪ the show remember back in the day took your ♪ ♪ told you tonight don't put it there and a stole your brick ♪ ♪ didn't i put ya back on did i handle ya wrong when start actin ♪ ♪ weak that means it time to be strong see i kept it ♪ ♪ so real i aint keep it real with myself i'm gone be real with you ♪ ♪ i gotta be real with myself and i'm gone be ♪ ♪ real with ya homie look you dont got me convinced ♪ ♪ is this payback for my sins i guess i need to repent please lord forgive ♪ ♪ him you know he got that thug in him we lust for alcohol and we ♪ ♪ love women and aint nobody gave us nothin so we drug dealin ♪ ♪ you know we coppin louie loafers just to thug in em and when you made ♪ ♪ it that far you should be makin a toast got the seats ♪ ♪ reclined and i be doin the most ♪ ♪ in the back of this holy ghost in the back of this holy ghost ♪ ♪ in the back of this holy ghost ♪
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>> all right. you know what this is. ♪ first to tell you trap or die thats me ok ♪ ♪ mister whip a and get a half a thats me ok ♪ ♪ mister if i'm talking you should listen game is free ok mister got two ♪ ♪ whole ones and two half ones yeah thats three ok ♪ ♪ leave up out of here with two bad ones yeah that's ♪ ♪ me ok mister rein up with bout two phantoms ♪ ♪ yeah that's me ok on that avion to the head ♪ ♪ aint but me ok never put before my bread hatin not me ok ♪ ♪ i'm a fool on that avion snow be on that liquor ♪ ♪ approach me if you want to ly i will ♪
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♪ you like a this is "nightline." >> tonight, nearly fatal attraction. >> led to her absolute obsession. >> this doctor's convinced his lover tried to kill him with poison in his coffee. the twist? he's alive. now she's on trial and his other girlfriend is sharing revealing video in court. the bizarre love triangle gone wrong. plus, branded scandal. generic drugs might seem like the best bang for your buck. but are they really eye debit call to brand new versions. >> what we found is shocking. >> "nightline" investigate what's really in your medicine cabinet. and, sing. ♪ oh >> ed sheeran used to open shows


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