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tv   Action News 600 PM  ABC  October 1, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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up stared master bedroom. john sheridan died at the scene and his wife was taken to the hospital where she later died. and a 7-year-old boy was hit and killed at the 3600 block of north 15th street. he darted out into traffic and the child was hits by a brown buick lasaber and was dead on the xoon. we are learning more about the pennsylvania state trooper that was killed yesterday, trooper david kendra was killed during training in conshohocken. that is where david henry is now live. >> reporter: yes, investigators are trying to unravel how this tragic accident could have happened. in the meantime, trooper
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kendra's colleagues remain in shock over the sudden loss of this promising now law man. >> it's news you never want to receive and it's very difficult. >> trooper david kendra was stationed at the skippack barracks for less than two years but stood out as an up and comer. he was recognized as trooper of the month and that promising career was cut shore at the montgomery county training camp puss, he was attending firearms training in the classroom where a police instructor was demonstrating how to break down and clean the firearms. they say that the gun he had misfired and he was hit in the head. he was flown to the hospital where he die aid short time later. family members and colleagues escorted his flag draped coffin,
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david kendra was just 26 years old. he grew up in philadelphia and grad yatded in 2006, in 2010, he graduated from temple university with a degree in criminal justice and two years later he graduated the police academy when he graduated in 2013, the colleagues there say that trooper kendra brought intensity to the job. >> was proud to be a state trooper and showed it. no matter the severity of call and you can count on him to be there. >> he just recently bought a new house with his fiance and now instead of planning a wedding, his family is sadly planning a funeral. david henry, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you david. pennsylvania state game officials will not let the
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hunting season start this weekend in seven northeastern pennsylvania townships, that comes after state police reveals that two pipe bombs were found in the woods where they are searching for accused cop killer, eric frein, is he on the run since september 12th, they say he ambushed and killed corporal ryan dixon and injured another trooper at the barracks. the revel casino may not stay shutderred for long and the property has a new owner after a multimillion-dollar bid was accepted today. john rawlins has details. >> reporter: they are a great business company and corporation and know how to run a business. this business owner brookfield management asset has a history of running casinos, the company
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bought it for a song, 5 cents on the dollar, it has deep pockets and staying power. he spoke to us via skype about the announcements. >> you check all the boxes you think you need to check coming into the market. >> these closings this year cost thousands their jobs, 2,000 among it's 3,000 laid off at revel. >> they hope to be rehired there. >> we are crossing our fingers and that this is a good step forward. a revived revel can't come soon enough for some. >> like rolling chair operator. rick ruffin. >> business is slow on the boardwalk, i got evicted, it's hard to make a living. >> the proposed sale for $110 million must be okayed by a bankruptcy court judge and a
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hearing is now set for next tuesday in federal court in camden. in atlantic city, john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." and earlier today i sat down with billionaire developer in donald trump in new york city, as you know he once was a big name in new york city, the company that own the trump taj mahal, he was not positive on the challenges that meet the new owners of the new revel. >> it's not a great location it's too far up and they need more rooms, they didn't build a second tour, even though they spend 2.8 billion, they didn't build enough rooms and even the rooms in the big tower, they weren't build. >> it's very tough. >> we were talking to trump for a future one-on-one interview to see if he was considering a
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return to the atlantic city boardwalk. we'll air the interview next week on "action news." a late night blaze destroyed several businesses in atlantic city. the fire started just after 10:00 last night. on the 1100 block of atlantic avenue, it quickly spread to adjoining businesses with apartments on the second floors. everybody managed to get out safely and the red cross is assisting 17 people including six children displaced by the blaze and we have no word yet what sparked the fire. >> delaware county officials are now investigating a train pedestrian accident in sharon hill, the accident happened at the sharon hill train station of sharon avenue, the victim was struck by an outbound wilmington newark train and no word on the victim's condition and service is suspended as police conduct
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an investigation. people caught with small amounts of marijuana in philadelphia will now avoid a criminal record, mayor michael nutter signed the bill that lessens the penalties for anyone carrying an ounce or less of the drug. it comes with a $25 fine and using the drug in public comes with an additional $100 fine and maybe community service. now it costs smokers $2 more to buy a pack of cigarettes in philadelphia. it is expected to raise $82 million a year for philadelphia schools. >> tom corbett and tom wolf traded comments in a debate. vernon odom was right there. >> reporter: the gloves are coming off here on october 1st,
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the debate on all news radio was the face-to-face platform. they accused each other of cooking books and who is to blame for deficits and downgrades in the state's credit worthiness and the governor's cuts in state funding to schools. corbett claims the funding cuts are not really cuts for the first 17 minutes the incumbent was on the defensive. >> they are pushing for additional money and i understand that everybody wants additional money but there is tight budgets now. >> some of the money would go back to the localities allowing drilling but hundreds of millions of that could go to fund education. >> they are in two different worlds when it comes to jobs and the pennsylvania economy. >> we were ninth in the nation in job creation and we are now 47th, ahead of arkansas, alaska
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and -- you are using the numbers incorrectly. one more clash in pittsburgh and then they will focus on turning out their natural voter basis. challenger wolf had a hefty leave, and in modern times no sitting pennsylvania governor has ever lost a second bid. vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> still to come on "action news" tonight. serious competition went down at the senior games. and looking for the real mccoy on the football field. the issues facing the running back this season, that is coming up. a nice start to october and temperatures in the 70s and there is cold air over canada that is moving our way over the weekend right after the rain i'll have the details in the accuweather forecast.
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those stories and much more when "action news" continues tonight.
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the center for disease control confirmed four cases of entero virus 69 in new jersey. that brings the total numbers of cases in new jersey to seven. all have been released from the hospital and are recovering, the virus has sickened 472 people in 41 states since the middle of august. students in montgomery county kicked off their school
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day by combining education and exercise, the children from hallowwell elementary school took a walk with their teachers and learned about healthy eating and bicycle safety and the importance of a good lifestyle and making good decisions. they were competing for the gold in plymouth meeting earlier today. the senior games were held at shriners temple and lisa thomas-laury has the story. >> three senior living facilities competed. the lutheran home of lafayette hill and pauls run retirement. there were wheelchair races, a bean bag toss. some were more proficient with getting the bag in the box than others but there was cheers for all that tried and the famous soccer challenge. a pair of mummers past timers
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were on hand for musical support. ♪ on the way to cape may >> every year members of local communities participate for local bragging rights. >> making up your mind what you are going to do and you do it. >> what was your strategy for the competition? >> i put both hands on the wheel and turn me and move me. >> i am glad i came here to live. it's a lot of fun. >> bill won several medal, a former temple running back but the oldest living running back in the nfl. >> they drafted me as a first pick. >> they experience pride and comradery and team work and come out and have a gait time.
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>> the artman home took third place and pauls run second and the mass onic village of lafayette hill took first pl
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chip kelly is putting the issues on the running game on the offensive line and mccoy is putting it on himself. eagles running back, lesean mccoy, the leading rusher last year has only 39 total yards in the last two games, jaime apody has move as the eagles fight to get the run game going. >> mike tyson says everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face and we got hit in the face. >> they are getting hit on their
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run game. lesean is only averaging 2.7 jareds per carry and in 2013, he averaged double that. but he can tell that you struggling like this isn't fun. >> it's frustrating, knowing the time of player you are and you want to put the numbers up and if teams do come in and try to stop you and they are successful with it, that is a frustrating moment, the best running back in the league and to not get him going is frustrating, that is something we have to get better about man. >> and they allowed them to rush for over 100 yards so far, is this the game that shady breaks out of his shell. >> i got my boy lane back and moved tye back to his original position, we'll find out and see what happens. >> but for some reason it doesn't, don't expect mccoy to mentally check out. >> i know what i can do, it
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doesn't bother me much. at the end of the day i know who i am. >> all right jaime, speaking of running back, the darren sproles won the special teams player in the nfc after the 82 yard punt returning he has over 200 punt return yards that is more than the eagles had for all of last year. we kick off on sunday at 11:30 and then eagles game day final after "action news" at 11:00 on sunday. and big man, nerlins noel has big expectations talking about going to the eastern finals think before we get ahead
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of ourselves, noel and the sixers back at stockton college, for training camp. fellow rookie k.j. mcdaniels showed up today, he was a no show yesterday. he finally agrees to a one-year deal, we go over it and it took a lot of -- a long time to get it taken care of. we hope to be here longer, i am looking forward to everything. >> cliff lee is on track for spring training, with an elbow injury, carlos louise is okay after having arthero scopic surgery on his left shoulder, this kid gets his shot at 9 years old. he impressed soccer scouts so much, a team in rome gives him a contract to start out in their
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youth academy. 9 years old. 9. he is just riding a bike. 9. >> thank you jeff. >> and if you didn't know it by now, you can get the latest news, weather and sports on the go with the knew, the new smart design changes the size for any device for your smart phone or tablet. check it out by visiting any time
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have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.
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on a scale of 1 to 10, you
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put today at an 8. >> and 8 plus. >> typical fall weather, stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that most of our region is rain free. however, there is one shower kind of an elongated shower in berks county, heading towards 422 and sinking down to the south associated with low pressure over new england throwing clouds our way in this one brief isolated showers. the accuweather headlines show that it will be a quiet week but i'm tracking a soggy saturday, the first half of the day we are looking at a soaking, at 11:00 you can see the band of rain in the heart of the lehigh and delaware valley, working off the coast in the afternoon hours and slowly clearing out from the west to the east and saturday morning we are on the wet side, behind the system we dry out and
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the sunshine is back but we have a blast of some cool air, big dip in the jet stream allows chilly air from canada to move down, afternoon highs on sunday only in the low to mid-60s, it will feel like the end of october by sunday. hello october though, the average high 72 degrees, we were 1 degree higher than that with a high temperature of 73 degrees, by the end of month, temperatures drop and the average high for halloween, the 41st, only 62 degrees, and typically in october we get 1.18 inches of rain and that is wa we can use with a dry september off a dry summer. allentown 68 and millville 66 and reading 71 degrees, notice cooler temperatures along the coast, make sure this is where the cloud cover is generally, the spin is up over new england
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and bringing a soaking rain to cape cod, this is what is tossing clouds in our direction. the one area of isolated showers in parts of berks county. the low pressure moves away from us and we'll bring morning clouds and gives way to afternoon sunshine and a high of 74 degrees, on friday, partly sunny and on the warm side, 75 degrees with winds from the south and this is a system that brings us rain, overnight friday through the first half of the day on saturday. the next 12 hours, quiet and lots of clouds and a little bit of spotty drizzle late tonight and areas of patchy fog and 52 in the suburbs and 52 in center city. you like today and you like tomorrow, afternoon clouds and sunshine and 74 degrees, friday a nice day, partly sunny skies and 75 ahead of that cold front that brings us a wet start to saturday, it looks like about a half inch, some peeks of
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sunshine in philadelphia and areas to the west and sunday bright sunshine and an october chill, 64 degrees is the high. and it doesn't last long and temperatures rebound up into the 70s so sunday great day for sweaters and jackets if are you going to the link. >> thank you cecily. the wilmington family is getting much needed home improvements thanks to a foundation that meets with children's needs, they just finished the bowman home and darren has cerebral palsy and cannot make it to the second floor so the ati foundation stepped in and raised money for the first floor with a handicapped accessible bedroom and bathroom. this is expected to be finished in about three weeks. world news is next on channel 6 and "action news" continues at sock on phl 17, with brian taff, shirleen allicot, and ducis
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rogers. and join us for "action news" at 11:00 here on channel 6. for cecily tynan, jeff skversky, and ducis rogers and the entire "action news" team, ♪ this flu season... remember this. your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young. so we made fluzone high-dose vaccine... for people 65+. fluzone high-dose vaccine has a high high higher... dose of antigen... for a stronger immune response. fluzone high-dose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. it's not for anyone who's had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone.
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so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine. theredelaware just like us. fire companies in the state of something went wrong with the new health care law that threatened to shut us all down, and then chris coons got involved. chris did one heck of a job. he got senators in both parties to see that there was a problem. they fixed it, so now volunteer fire companies can stay in service. most guys in washington just want to argue. but our chris coons got results. i'm chris coons and i approve this message. it's not easy to get things done in washington, but i'm working hard to find common ground.
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welcome to "world news tonight." several breaking stories. the first case of ebola in the u.s., and we now know who this patient is. and the frantic race to find everyone he came in contact with. the children, the schools being cleaned tonight. letters sent home to parents. and we ask, why was he sent home from the hospital the first time he went? dr. besser standing by with your questions answered. also breaking, the held of the secret service out of a job tonight. and this evening, the other dangerous moment, the president in the elevator. storm warning. more than 40 million americans bracing for extreme weather in the next 24 hours. and look at this. when you're a target and have no idea. the accused pick pocket cause on tape. just 45 seconds and she has everything she wants. th