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tv   Action News  ABC  October 7, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning everyone, it's 6 o'clock on this tuesday, october 7th and we have news you didn't see last night. >> fire and potentially deadly fumes force nearly 100 people out of their delaware apartment. >> philadelphia school officials touch off a big battle with their teachers by canceling their contract. >> accuweather is tracking canceling their contract. and another chance for rain later today. >> details, details, details with david and karen. good morning. >> good morning, guys. let's start you on storm tracker 6 live double scan. about an hour ago we had some fairly significant although light sprinkles and showers on radar and now you can see in the last 15 minutes that most of these are really dying down. i had been advising kids stepping out for the school bus and the walk to the bus stop a little while ago to take umbrellas. now i don't know that it's real that necessary because all of this is kind of falling apart and you can see that out to the west of us we are also looking at drying conditions
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and even throw there's some clouds out there we do expect some breaks in the clouds as we roll through the day. temperatures right now are the other part of the story and they're not too bad. 64 degrees in philadelphia. 59 in allentown. 60 in reading. remember how we had some early morning temperatures in the upper 30's yesterday. well, a much different feel today. and as you head outside to the bus stop, a couple of spots might still have a spotty shower or more likely sprinkle but in most cases you're just looking at mainly cloudy skies and those temperatures in the low 60's. as we roll through the day it's going to be mild later. by noon up to 69. by 3 o'clock, 75 with a mix of sun and clouds and then maybe a few more clouds by 6:00. 71 there. karen, there is the chance of another late day sprinkle or shower in a couple of spots. i think there's a better chance of hour shores and, more showers maybe even a thunderstorm tonight. more with that coming up. >> in the meantime roads are a little damp. we have something happening here on 422. right at 23 westbound looks like a medical emergency. there was a vehicle off to the side and we just saw an
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ambulance pull up to the scene right now so something we're watching. it's not causing a problem here, 422 westbound at 23. just keep an eye on this. it's mostly off to the shoulder. otherwise eastbound you have to big delay yet. if you're coming from pottstown or limerick you're still looking pretty good. this poor guy ran out of gas. a disabled truck here off to the side in northeast philadelphia. i always let mine get too low so my biggest fear. grant avenue at the boulevard so watch for this. we have this vacant fire in a row home. you may still see some crews on the scene in north philadelphia. dauphin street at ninth street. just stick to diamond street to avoid any problem. and outside we go again. this is i-95, that's your southbound traffic headed towards center city. a little building volume but southbound at cottman here and again from allegheny to girard but no big delay just yet. that one is sure to come, tam. >> thank you karen. new this morning, a fire and gas leak forced 92 residents of a delaware county apartment building to sleep elsewhere for the night. elevated levels of carbon monoxide filled the glen croft court apartments in folcroft.
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fire damage was not widespread. the house fire -- the firehouse in folcroft avenue is set up as a red cross shelter until the co levels are safe. at least 21 people stayed there that night while dozens more had to go find shelter elsewhere. and the reds cross's red paw response team is now caring for two cats and a dog. philadelphia teachers remain stunned over a sudden move by the school reform commission. members terminated the teachers contract forcing instructors to pay for a portion of their healthcare coverage. "action news" reporter david henry is lie at school district headquarters to tell us why this may be just the beginning of the legal battle. good morning, david. >> reporter: well, good morning, tam. and the school reform commission is already headed to court trying to head off a challenge by the teachers. the next move is up to the teachers after yesterday's surprise announcement. this is the first full day of school after that announcement. will the teachers take some kind of a job action? will they have a sickout? that all remains to be seen but in the meantime, their union reps are
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fighting mad. >> perfect example of the total, total disrespect for the teachers and other school employees who work in the school district of philadelphia. >> reporter: union leadership was outraged after the surprise announcement yesterday morning. the school reform commission unilaterally canceled its current contract with the teachers union. the district will now be impose agnew health plan that will save about $54 million a year. currently the teachers may nothing for healthcare. starting in december, they'll have to pay for a share of their health benefits, about 27 to $71 a month. >> almost every american i know and every district in the commonwealth except for one, the teachers pay for their healthcare. >> reporter: the district and the teachers had been bargaining for a new contract for almost two years. the district says it can't wait any longer for concessions. the schools have been battered by an unprecedented financial crisis over the past few
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years. 5,000 staffers have been laid off and 31 facilities have been closed. the district says the money generated by teachers health plan co-pay will go toward reducing class size and restoring guidance counselors and other basic needs. >> what we're trying to do is get resources back into schools. we're also trying to take the least onerous way to do that and it's why we took wage reductions off the table. >> reporter: the teachers union says this is part of a union busting strategy by governor tom corbett. the governor appoints three members of the src and the mayor appoints the other two. school advocates say teachers are already unfairly burd gleaned the -- burdened. >> the teachers are buying paper, they're doing two jobs for the price of one. they have a lot of nerve saying the pft members don't sacrifice. that is an outright lie. >> reporter: it is still
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unclear whether or not the school reform commission halls the -- has the authority to cancel the teachers contract like they did yesterday. the src is already in court asking a judge to rule that they do indeed have that power. live at school district headquarters, david henry, channel6 "action news." matt. >> thanks, david. [cheers and applause] >> drivers honked in support of picketing teachers outside ridly high school in folsom delaware county last night. teachers contract expired in june. they have remained on the job but say they have reached an impasse with the district. their demonstration continued inside last night's school board meeting. the teachers say their main issue is over prep time and say salary and benefits are not as contentious an issue. >> the search for eric frein has entered its 25th day. he's suspected of killing bryon dixon. law men continue to comb the woods in price and barrett townships. authorities revealed they found a letter that they think
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was written by frein. two senior law enforcement officers say the note details how frein ambushed and shot two state troopers, one of them fatally and then escaped. >> happening today, a bankruptcy court judge will take a look at the proposed sale of the revel casino and hotel in atlantic city. the owners of revel had accepted brookfield as said management's bid of $110 million last week. the canadian company wants to reopen revel as a casino. florida developer glen straub put in a lower offer and continues his efforts to try and wip the property which cost $2.4 billion to build. straub wants to open the property as a think tank. retailers expecting more people to buy more presents for the holidays. maribel aber has this encouraging economic news live at the nasdaq in times square. hey, maribel. >> reporter: good morning to you matt. holiday sales could jump as much as 4.1 percent this year. that would be the strongest gain in three years. the estimate is from the national retail federation. it says stronger job market will give consumers more money
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to spend this year. why the average mile per gallon for all new vehicles sold last month dropped to 25.3 miles. that's down from the record low high of 28 monials august. it can comes as more light trucks and suv's were told thanks to the improving economy. the data comes courtesy of the university of michigan transportation research institute. stocks split yesterday as investors profits over worries of an economic turn down. futures look to a lower opening. it's taking a lot longer to get through the drive through line at fast food chains. the average wait time has jumped by 40 seconds this year to three minutes 40 seconds. fast food trade magazine qsr clocked the times at 17 chains. it says the longer wait times reflect more complex fast food dishes and more pressure on workers to get the orders right. matt and tam sometimes it's just better to go inside. >> yeah. i do that all the time. you see people lined up all the way out to the highway.
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>> just go in. >> just walk in. >> they should deliver that stuff with drones. >> and they probably will, too. >> storm tracker 6 live double scan. >> good idea. >> no waiting. then the drones will be backed up. right now we've got really not much rain left over. there's a little bit of a sprinkle here or there but it's the main batch of precipitation pushing up past new york and as we take a look outside, we have cloudy skies across the region and not a the lo of wind. every now and then the wind popping up to about 10 miles per hour. we can go ahead and take a look outside if we would. there you go. there's the airport. okay. and not a lot of rain out there at the airport, either. just a little bit of bouncing with the camera. currently in philadelphia we're at 64 degrees. not too bad considering how chilly we were yesterday. we had some numbers in the upper 30's. not now. 63 in millville. 59 in allentown. that's not too bad. 61 in trenton. 60 in reading and 63 as you head outsides in wilmington. mid 60's down the shore. i've added that always on seven day on the left hand portion of your screen for those of you watching in hd.
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future tracker picking up on the idea that there's not that much rain left. maybe you see a sprinkle or real quick light shower but it's gone over probably the next half hour or so. midday you can see how there might be some sun breaking back in and i think that's going to be the flavor of the afternoon. yeah, there could be a pop-up little quick hitting sprinkle or shower someplace but generally speaking you're looking after sun mixing with clouds, warmer conditions and it's later on tonight where we get some showers and by 10 or 11 o'clock maybe even some thunderstorms barreling in. if we see a thunderstorm later this evening or later tonight it could feature some gusty winds and downpours so that's something to keep in mind. the model has most of this up to the north. i'm going to allow for it just about anywhere. the best chance of that will be later in the evening and tonight. up in allentown sun and clouds during the afternoon, a late day sprinkle or shower can't be ruled out now that we're getting rid of this morning stuff. 73 is your high. down the shore we're going for a high of 68. sun mix wind gust clouds. late day or evening shower possible and maybe eventually a thunderstorm down the shore.
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and in philadelphia, more of the same. we've got that sprinkle and shower activity dying away right now so it's sun and clouds through most of the day. a warm high of 75, particularly if we do manage to break the sun out. that will make it easier get to that 75. late in the day a sprinkle or shower passing through and later this evening a shower or maybe a thunderstorm and winds and today up to 16 miles per hour a-little bit breezy. here's how we get there. 64 degrees by 8 o'clock. by 11:00, feeling a little bit better upper 60's. then 73 by 2 o'clock with that high of 75 probably around 3 o'clock this afternoon. and you just saw breezes not all that super strong. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast slows a high of 75 today with clouds and sun. most of our rain later on will be in the evening and at night. thunderstorm can't be ruled out. tomorrow it looks like any showers are done before dawn. we'll be here early with radar just in case there is anything still popping put it looks like it ends quickly. then sun in the afternoon with a high of 73. it looks bright and breezy on thursday, a high of just 66
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but dry and shades we had. then on friday another system brings clouds and periods of rain. friday could be kind of wet at times. friday night could be kind of wet at times. great. i signed up for the snack bar at my kids' football game. and then saturday cloudy with some lingering showers off and on, not a washout, 66 the high and you might have seen it looks like it's in the 60's for the eagles game and dry. >> yeah. okay. fair enough, david. thank you. 6:12 now. up next more stories you didn't see last night including the new jersey father accused of delivering an illegal hit on his son's youth football coach. >> children's health is at risk when her win ends up at a delaware day care. karen. >> checking out the scene here in chester county. 30 bypass at 322 just a little building eastbound volume, not too bad just yet. we'll see what it looks like on the schuylkill coming up next. >> and we will see the $4,600 toothbrush. it's not even electric. next in tech bites. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. you're taking a live look here out across penn's landing over the ben franklin bridge. 6:15, 63 degrees right now. >> what are you seeing out there with the plethora of cameras at your disposal, karen? >> hundreds of cameras to choose from. no big accidents in our cameras right now. we're just looking at some building volume. this is the schuylkill expressway. eastbound traffic here in montgomery as you head towards the curve can. i would say a little building volume from montgomery to girard. nothing terrible yet. roads a little damp in some spots but we have a new accident over here. it's in cheltenham so watch for it on church road and new
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second street. that accident just coming in. meanwhile we had this disabled truck. guy ran out of gas on grant avenue at the boulevard. that's cleared so fortunately he's doing all right now. in lower merion montgomery county route 23 conshohocken state road will close between holly road and hague geese ford road from 9:00 until 3:00 today for construction. so stick to hague geese ford road or lancaster avenue. construction in mount laurel until 7 o'clock blocking two lanes on the turnpike southbound between exits five and four. but no big problems out there just yet. no real weather issues other than some sprinkles in the morning and later on today as well some showers. 64 degrees the current temperature in philadelphia. it feels pretty good this morning unlike yesterday morning which was so cold. in fact temperatures 20 degrees warmer right now in allentown and 23 degrees warmer in philadelphia and in millville about 15 degrees warmer in philadelphia right now. so as you step outside you don't need the heavier jacket that you had yesterday morning. a high today of 75, tam. >> okay, like that. thank you, karen.
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new here at 6:00 a.m., a new jersey father is under arrest for an assault at a youth football game. joseph oleske is accused of tack lung the coach of the toms river indians. witnesses had to break up the fight. witnesses say he did nothing to spark the attack. delaware trooper says a four-year-old brought heroin to a selbyville day care and then tried to pass it out to the other children. investigators say 249 bags of heroin were in the little girl's backpack. she thought they were candy and started giving them out to her friends. 30 year old ashley tull faces numerous charges including endangering the welfare of a child. tull's four year old and two other children are now in the custody of a relative. >> hands free technology in your car could be doing more harm than good. here is abc's reena ninan. >> reporter: in today's tech bite competing for your attention those hands free is this in your car.
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they're supposed to prevent distracting driving maybe doing the opposite. aaa found most voice activated systems still require too much attention from drivers. smartphone sales are down because so many of us already have them. and samsung say its profits should turn around this quarter with the introduction of new models. with european regulators satisfied facebook's purchase of what's app has been purchased. no significant changes are expected for the one dollar a year mobile messaging service which cost facebook about $22 billion. this $4,000 toothbrush isn't sonic, it isn't electric. the handle of the luxury toothbrush is solid titanium and took four years to research and design and it never needs rechamping. those are your tech bites. i'm reena ninan. >> ♪ >> if you have that kind of money you should not be spending it on a toothbrush. >> okay. >> 6:18. police search for the person who stole one family's entire
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halloween display. >> a south jersey library carves the wrong phrase in stone and getsd into latin. david. >> earlier i was recommending an umbrella with the kids but now that the sprinkles and you could get away without it. jacket probably not a bad idea although temperatures aren't that bad. temperatures for you next and yo a remote that lives on your phone. more wi-fi in more places. a movie library you can take wherever you go. internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast.
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and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ >> toy soldiers are striking a pose. san francisco designer dan aim abramson recently embarked on a kick starter campaign to create yoga joes. each joe features a different position downward facing dog, warrior two, cobra. child's pose, easy pose and ahead stand. >> i did a few those possess this morning. >> you did. >> my husband wasn't with me but he would rather battle. let's take a look outside and check out 42 at creek road. we have a new problem
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southbound, an accident right on the shoulder. you could see the flashing lights. police are on the scene with this one. it's not causing a big problem. the heavier volume is northbound that you might expect on 42 but just watch for the southbound accident just coming in. another new accident in cherry hill camden county, 38 westbound near the cherry hill mall drive and northeast extension at the lehigh tunnel, southbound tunnel closed for overnight construction so watch for this and expect some northbound delays, dave. >> temperatures aren't too bad this morning. most of us in the 60's. on the big board karen and the winds are running in the single digits so not too shabby there, either. if you're out to catch the bus or the el, looks like we'll be up to about 65 by 9 o'clock and then we get to a mix of clouds and sun through most of the day with a high of 75 degrees by 3 o'clock. not too bad. now, once we get later into the afternoon and especially into the nighttime some more showers are probably going to develop and later tonight there could even be a thunderstorm. at the airport we had all green airplanes on the big board the last time we checked went still do. that means no major delays. looks like newark new jersey has developed some of those showers that we had earlier and hopefully you're a-okay
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getting out on time on your flight this morning, tam. >> okay, thank you, david. new research suggests restaurants are actually serving up some healthier options. researchers looked at menu offerings at 66 of one hundred of the largest restaurant chains. they found average calories did not change but newly introduced items on average contained 60 fewer calories than tad additional menu selections. >> philadelphia broadcaster bill campbell died yesterday at the age of 91. campbell called games for the eagles, phillies, sixers and warriors. he was there to call the eagles nfl championship in 1960. and wilt chamberlain's 100-point game in hershey. campbell is in the basketball hall of fame. merrill reese called him the greatest in the history of philadelphia broadcasting. >> it is now 6:23 and coming up at 6:30 the ebola out break has spread to a new continent. >> also in our next half hour michael j. fox takes on a medical mishap in new jersey. find out why the actor's
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foundation is taking action find out why the actor's foundation is taking action against it's on?research oh yeah. with who? the citizens banker lady. she made things way simple for me, like how to deposit a check from my phone. she's even gonna send me alerts if my balance gets too low. total special treatment. you do know the alerts don't come from her personally, right don juan? mr.tobin, you forgot your phone! thank you. you left that there on purpose, didn't you? yeah. wow. award winning mobile banking from citizens bank. it's one way we're helping you bank better by keeping things simple.
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geico motorcycle. >> this is a sort of horror film for one philadelphia family. it captures the thief who stole their halloween decorations including the pumpkins the kids grew. the ghostly app paris makes her way back and forth from the port richmond house to her car at 5:10 sunday morning. the victim who liver on the 2800 block of castor avenue says the only thing the thief
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couldn't take were the lights and probably because they were wired to the inside of the house. >> a phrase etched onto a library in south jersey is getting lost in translation. it is on the side of the new library and town hall in moorestown. the stone cutting was supposed to be the latin motto we confirm all things twice. the edging actually reads we second guess all. the edging actually reads we the phrase to say we encourage all. the building was rebuilt after a fire destroyed it in 2007. >> it's 6:27. meteorologist, david murphy is tracking another round of rain coming in later tonight. >> a new jersey mother is waiting to find out if her son virus that killed one of his young classmates. hear from her next on "act
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>> philadelphia teachers head back to class this morning without a contract. we have more on the stunning move by the src. >> doctors diagnose the first ebola case outside of africa. we'll tell you how leaders are working to try to contain the out break. >> police arrest a man wanted for a brutal attack on a woman in chinatown. authorities want to know if he may have attacked before. >> good morning. 6:30 now on this tuesday, october 7th. let's get a quick look at what's going on with weather and then also traffic. we've got dave murphy and karen rogers. good morning. >> so much more comfortable out here on the terrace today than it was yesterday because it's not as chilly. i want to give you a quick look at storm tracker. we have been following some sprinkles and showers through the morning but most of them have died out no. there's a little bit coming in over the chesapeake bay just to the east of baltimore so we might not be totally done but looks like if anything else does pop through it will be quick and very light. beyond that there's some breaks in the clouds out to the west and we eventually expect to see some sunshine returning today. here are the temperatures and boy, this is a good part of
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here are the temperatures and 64 in philadelphia right now, not a lot of wind, most of you experiencing single digit winds right now. 59 in allentown and that's one of the cooler spots. 60 in reading, 61 trenton, mid 60's down the shore. and as we roll through the day, it is going to be mild later on. 65 degrees by 9 o'clock with perhaps a sunny break or two. 69 by noon and 75 by 3:00. that's your high. and notice how we are looking at more of a mix of sun and clouds as we get into the afternoon hours. by 6 o'clock clouds might start to get a little thicker, 71. while i can't rule out a sprinkle or shower later this afternoon looks like the next round of rain probably holds off until later tonight. i'll have more on that including the possibility of a gusty thunderstorm mix in there late tonight. that's all coming up with future tracker 6 and the seven day. karen. >> all right dave. we have a new problem and it looks like an accident waiting to happen. we're live in center city, this is the vine street expressway westbound at eighth street. a disabled vehicle right in the left lane and you're coming upon this as you sort of come around this curve so be careful. i've been watching cars swerve around it.
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expect slowing coming west from 95. vine street expressway disabled vehicle in kind of a bad spot there in the left lane none place or flares on the scene with this one. you see the school bus is trying to pull around right now. we've got an accident in montgomery county. it's here on church road and new second street. one in cherry hill in a busy area, 38 westbound right at cherry hill mall drive so look for that accident. let's check in on this accident in our cameras. new jersey, 42 southbound and we can see police on the scene. looks like they've got a tow truck on the scene with this accident. it's off to the shoulder so look for that. your heavier volume is northbound and that's where you're starting to slow down but a 16 minute ride from the a.c. expressway to the walt whitman bridge isn't too bad yet. some building volume but a few accidents out there this morning. matt. >> thanks, karen. the philadelphia federation of teachers plans to fight the school reform commission's sudden decision to cancel their contract and force them to pay healthcare premiums. the stunning move came in a last minute special action meeting yesterday. the scrapping of the contract dismantles the teaches' health
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and welfare fund. the district says the change will generate more than $50 million which will immediately be used in the classrooms. superintendent william hite says this option is better than mandating layoffs or salary reductions. >> in the fiscal environment which we are facing we all have to share in the sacrifice in order to provide our children with what should be very basic resources. >> the teachers are buying paper, they're buying supplies, they're doing two jobs for the price of one. they have a lot of nerve saying that the pft members don't sacrifice. that is an outright lie. >> teachers say they did not create the district's financial crisis and shouldn't be forced to fix it. they will fight the move in court. >> happening today, the man charged with murdering a baby and her grand any other king of prussia is expected back on the witness stand. raghunandan yandamuriian is accused of kidnapping and killing saanvi venna and murdering her grandmother.
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during testimony today yandamuri may claim that he was coerced by two men into helping them commit the crime. prosecutors argue only yandamuri was involved and that he did it to get money to ease a gambling debt. the former headmaster of the prestigious tower hill school in wilmington goes on trial today on child pornography charges. a judge will decide the fate of christopher wheeler. prosecutors say more than 1400 images and videos of child porn were found on here's home computer. they were discovered while police looked into allegations that wheeler sexually abused three boys decades ago. wheel sorry not charged with that sexual abuse. >> 6:they are now. governor christie expected to attend this morning's memorial service for the ceo of cooper health system and his wife. john and joyce sheridan died the same day someone set fire to their home in somerset county, new jersey, on september 28th. details of their autopsies have yet to be released.
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the sheridan memorial service begins at 11:00 a.m. at the trenton memorial following an open house for visitors at 9:30. a private funeral will follow. >> the white house is calling the ebola virus a national security threat. president obama says his administration is considering new screening protocols at overseas airports and in the u.s. he didn't get into specifics during his statement yesterday but the president did offer this perspective. >> because of the measures that we've put in place as well os our world class health system and the nature of the ebola virus itself, which is difficult to transmit, the chances of an ebola outbreak in the united states is extremely low. >> ebola has not infected anyone here on u.s. still to. however, two patients are being treated here, one in texas and another in nebraska. and a new case of ebola has been report in there spain and this one is ringing alarm bells because it's the first case contracted outside of west africa. a spanish nurse was infected
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while caring for a patient who had come to europe from africa. a four-year-old new jersey boy is home from intensive care as his family awaits the results of testing for the enterovirus. the child attends yardville elementary in hamilton township. over the weekend the cdc confirmed that the classmate eli waller died in his sleep from the virus. the other patient's mother tabatha vassey has spent a lot of sleepless nights waiting on her son's results. >> now he has no symptoms of cold right now. we just have the wheezing and the shortness of breath that's still going on. >> i'm crossing my fingers that it's not it but there's another side to me that i have a feeling it is. >> the staff at yardville has been ordered to wipe down surfaces daily. health officials say the only way to really preventer the spread of the frightening virus is to maintain proper personal hygiene. >> the michael j fox foundation is suing a new jersey medical institute. the lawsuit was filed against the coriell institute for medical research in camden.
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the fox foundation says lab workers there destroyed 26,000 samples of blood and spinal fluid collector for a study of parkinson's disease. fox has been battling parkinson's disease since 1991. the suit claims the samples were lost because workers left a freezer door opened. fox's foundation has contracts with coriell. the lab has not commented on the suit. >> speaking of parkinson's disease i have the great honor of being the honorary chair of this year's parkinson's walk when which happens on saturday morning. >> okay. >> right next to the art museum. you probably have been hearing about that because they have been doing a lot of commercials about it. >> good. >> really like to see that you. it's a great cause. all right, storm tracker 6 live double scan and we are looking at basically dry conditions. i want to go in tighter just to the south and the western portion of the region because you see another band of light sprinkles and showers pushing across the chesapeake bay pushing in the direction of middletown, salem.
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maybe close to wilmington. this is not a lot of rain real light. it could be something that comes up and bothers you over the next half hour to maybe 45 minutes. as we take a look outside we're looking at some clearing over philadelphia. and we are expecting overall a mix of sun and clouds as we go through the day. looks like we might see some of that early. 64 degrees is your current temperature. dewpoint 52 and your winds south-southwest at 13 picking up a little bit now wind wise but not all that horrific. i'm going to bring in that always on seven day on the left portion of your screen for those of you watching in hd. future tracker shows you by 6:30, 7:00, 8 o'clock, not a whole lot more rain, maybe just a little sprinkle here or there. by noon we may see a little bit more of that sunshine breaking through and i think that's probably the flavor of the day. not that we can't see a passing pop-up sprinkle or shower this afternoon. most of the day will be dry and most of you won't have to worry about. that it's later in the evening hours when more showers could develop and eventually later tonight and future tracker keeping this pretty late
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tonight, could come a little sooner than this but this is the idea am you may actually transition into some heavier showers and perhaps a gusty thunderstorm or two. that wouldn't be out of the question later tonight and overnight so if you hear a rumble of thunder even though we're late in the season for it you want to take cover from it. what to expect tonight? spotty showers any time from late this afternoon in through the evening and then later on an isolated thunderstorm that could produce gusty winds and downpours. hopefully most of you miss out on that. as we go through the day, temperatures are going to treat us pretty nicely. we're at 64 by 8 o'clock and then 68 by 11:00 and your high today of 75 probably around 3 o'clock. notice how we are going for that mix of clouds and sun during most of the day. and then clouds thickening a little bit as we go late into the day and in the evening ahead of that next round of showers. high temperatures today just about everybody in the 70's. even allentown 73. we might stop in the upper 60's closer to the shore in a couple can of spots. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, so today's high is 75, clouds and sun overall. a late day or night time shower followed by a later
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thunderstorm tonight. and then tomorrow it looks like any rain that's left over from this will probably be done before dawn. of course we'll be here in the morning just in case there's something still popping but looks like it dries quickly. in the afternoon we see sunshine returning and a high of 73. and then thursday bright and breezy, cooler, 66 but still on the sunny side. on friday, another system rolls in and we get clouds and periods of rain through the day. sometimes it will just be a shower. other times there might be a batch of steadier rain. that continues off and on into friday night. and then on saturday, it looks like some showers linger off and on, mainly cloudy skies, a high of 66. probably not a washout on saturday but a little damp at times. the eagles game on sunday looks dry. >> good. >> okay. >> it is now 6:40. up next including the terrifying moments for two planes on a taxi way overseas. >> there is evidence in a chinatown rape case, a the least police say there is that leads detectives to believe the suspect has done it before. karen. >> live on 422 past oaks we see that eastbound traffic already starting to get heavy
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from oaks to 23. we have a couple of accidents to check on, a disabled vehicle and a new house fire, all the details when we come back. >> ♪ >> and a disturbing animal discovery in central park in new york city has stumped top new york city sleuths. what's going on? it's up next on "action news." >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> 6:43. taking a live look at jersey shore. a little wind blowing there on the beach and we had little bit of rain here and there this morning.
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>> let's go on over to karen rogers. see what things are looking like. not good there trying to get into the city. >> a handful of issues pop up in the last 30 minutes. looking live here in center city. this is the vine street expressway westbound at eighth street. we had this disabled vehicle right here in a bad spot in the left lane. remember, there were no police on the scene. now we can see police on the scene with this. they pushed it off to the right at this point. so, police are here. a tow truck is also out here. police are assisting but still expect slowing coming west from i-95 and you can see that right here on the vine street expressway in center city. looking at the big picture right now, let's check some of these overall speeds. down to 16 miles an hour on i-95 southbound near girard. 15 miles an hour on the schuylkill westbound past the boulevard towards belmont and on the schuylkill expressway eastbound near girard about 28 miles an hour. we have this fire location in north philadelphia, dauphin street at ninth street. it's in a row home, a vacant row home but just watch. you may still see crews around
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there. diamond street would be an alternate for that. in sanatoga we have an issue here, it's a new problem, a house fire sanatoga village lane near pleasant view road. you may see crews coming to the scene. you might want to give them a little space there and stick to sanatoga road as your alternate n cherry hill we have an accident in a busy location at 38 westbound right at cherry hill mall drive so watch for some slowing on route 38. and in new jersey, we're back out with our cameras here checking on 42. we had an accident southbound right here. it is cleared so now the southbound traffic is looking okay. this is your northbound traffic here as you head towards the city coming in from turnersville or deptford and it's now a 19 minute ride from the a.c. expressway to the walt whitman bridge. for the most part the roads have been just a little bit damp. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing those little spring sprinkles we had have mostly moved out. shower activity towards wilmington along the i-95 corridor as david has been following that so we may see a couple sprinkles in the area. for the most part roads just a
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little bit damp right now, tam. >> thank you karen. this is new here at 6:30. pictures show two 737 passenger planes clipping each other in dublin, ireland. the wing tip of one plane scraped the tail of the other 737. both air flights were taxiing on the runway. no injuries were reported. an investigation into the incident is now under way. >> police say they have captured the man who beat, sexually assaulted and robbed a woman inside her business in chinatown. investigators also tell "action news" that he has confessed to the attack. 29-year-old brandon menley will be charged with rape and attempted murder. surveillance video shows the attacker smiling and laughing during the incident over the weekend. the victim who was alone offered him $600 to stop and he took the cash and took off. police found menley had a homeless shelter nearby and say the demeanor during the attack makes it even more disturbing. >> like something that he's used to doing in terms of he may have done this before. whether it's been in this city or someplace else. >> police are looking into
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whether menley has done this before. he does have a prior arrest for drugs in pennsylvania and disorderly conduct in florida. investigators in new york city remain baffled about the dead black bear that turned up in central park. a dog walker discovered the dead cub underneath a bush yesterday morning. officials say the baby animal had signs of trauma and cuts to the body. authorities believe it may have been dumped there. no bears are missing, though, from any new york zoos and, well, of course the species is not native to central park. >> 6:47 now. interference. an investigation under way after an nfl player claimed that something, not another player blinded him during a key kick. good morning america has that story coming up next. how can i avoid maintenance fees?
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why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip
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and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. so you can breathe and sleep. i to the acidity in any never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. >> time now to get a sense of what's coming up on "gma." >> amy robach joining us live from the "gma" studios. give us a sense, amy. >> reporter: matt and tam great to be with you on this tuesday morning. coming up next on "gma" we're talking weather. dangerous storms in the midwest and south overnight packing large hail and strong winds over 60 miles an hour. ginger is tracking it all as that severe weather now makes its way to the northeast. and then new developments in the ebola crisis. the victim being treated in texas is now receiving an
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experimental drug and we're learning about that first person infected with the virus outside of africa. cecilia vega has all details from dallas. then a new problem for pro football. the buffalo bills complaining to nfl security officials that someone pointed a laser at their players during sunday's game. we'll have much more on how this distraction from the stands could possibly affect your team. >> and then we have a big night of drama on "dancing with the stars." alfonso gets perfect 10s as carleton does the carlton. there he goes. betsy and tony booted from the ballroom. that couple flies all night long will join us here live coming up next and it's all coming up on "good morning america." matt and tam. >> thank you amy. i can't do the carleton. >> i bet you can. >> i tried many times. >> did you really. >> even a how-to carleton in five easy steps. i got to two. >> all right, let's help you. five easy steps to getting to traffic and work today.
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i-95 approaching cottman, you're kind of jammed at projecting cottman and from bridge street to girard so a little bit avenue slow go but no major accidents. we have a new accident in hatfield so watch for this. this is just coming in. meanwhile mass transit on time. if you have to take mass transit no problems there, dave. >> i'm not going overboard with rain gear for the kids even though there are a couple sprinkles and light showers possible as we go through the next hour or so. jackets probably a good idea but even the temperatures aren't that bad. we're going to be up into the 60's as you step outside this morning in just about all the neighborhoods and then this afternoon 70's so t-shirts definitely work. numbers across the region, 59 pottstown, 59 in saint davids but a lot of 60's closer to the i-95 corridor. a lot of 60's right now in south jersey. and up and down the state of delaware and even where it's 58 it's not going to be that way for long. as you are shopping today, running those errands not a bad day to do it. 65 by 9 o'clock. your rain is gone at that point. 69 by noon. 75 is your high today at 3 o'clock and then 71 by 6 o'clock.
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a little sprinkle in through here is possible but the better chance of the next tonight. we'll behere's an idea. start shopping a new way. start maximizing. at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. maxx style. maxx savings. keep you standards high and your spending low. fashion, family, home. maxx what matters most to you. maxx life at t.j.maxx. [but the more you learn abouty insurancyour coverage,bout it. the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this.
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and cider makers. they're located all across our great state. come raise a glass to your favorites. plan your fall getaway at there's something for everyone >> ♪ on "action news." a fire and carbon monoxide fumes force 92 residents out of their delaware county
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apartment building. 21 residents of the glen croft club apartments in folcroft spent the night at the firehouse. philadelphia federation of teachers and the school reform commission may soon find themselves facing off in court. the pft opposes the src's decision to cancel the teachers health and welfare fund. teachers will may a healthcare premium. the src will ask a judge to approve the contract cancellation. a bankruptcy court considering the sell of the revel hotel casino. two bids have been put in. a judge in camden will have the final say. >> let's go outside live and check on the schuylkill expressway near the conshohocken curve. eastbound traffic jams from the blue route to the curve and past the boulevard to girard. westbound heavy from the boulevard to gladwyne. not terrible right there. no accidents but a new accident coming in right now in langhorne, lincoln highway at rising sun avenue involving a motorcycle. it's mostly off to the side, dave. >> most of our earlier predawn showers are gone but there's another little one coming up out of baltimore, up the i-95
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corridor so those of in you new castle county delaware around wilmington might pick up a little bit of that. that's really polite. overall we're dry for the most of the day. by noon 69. by 3 o'clock, 75. that's your high. another round of showers and maybe a thunderstorm possible >> okay. we'll be ready. "gma" is next. for karen rogers, dave murphy, tamala edwards, i'm matt o'donnell. have a great tuesday and we'll see in you about 25 with updates. >> see ya'. >> bye. >> "action news" is sponsored in part by the jeff d'ambrosio auto group. destination downingtown. minutes from king of prussia and the delaware state line. featuring chrysler dodge jeep ram skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!!
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♪ with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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7:00 am
. good morning, america. and breaking right now, severe storms affecting millions. golf ball-size hail, pelting homes and cars. back yards completely iced over. power cut off to thousands as a new powerful storm heads north. and breaking overnighting with the two ebola patients fighting for their live preponderates experimental drugs that could be their hope. and the first infected by the virus outside of africa. personal foul. a laser pointed by someone in the stands into the eyes of a player in the nfl game. a dangerous new tactic that could change the game ♪ it's