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tv   Action News  ABC  October 7, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT

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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with rick williams, sara bloomquist, and meteorologist, david murphy.
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good afternoon in the news this noon, a trial begins for the former head master of a prestigious private prep school. but the big story this noon is a vow by philadelphia teachers to fight back after the school reform commission canceled their contract yesterday. >> the move means that thousands of teachers and nurses and counselors and school staff will have for the first time pay for a portion of their health premiums. david henry joins us outside of washington square with reaction. >> the teachers returned to their jobs this morning, no evidence of any kind of job action but they do return to their classrooms with more uncertainty about the future than ever before. >> it's scary what is going on right now, as a teacher i'm
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scared. >> the teachers are still a bit shell shocked. the district unilaterally broke their contract. the district says it will save $54 million in the first year and more after that. teachers headed to work at greenfield elementary this morning, says they don't necessarily oppose a co-pay for health care but it's the pay cuts. >> they are here supporting the children and do what they can for the children and buying our own supplies. the school district doesn't have the money and we are putting out the money for that. >> over the past few years, the cuts have been deep as the district grapples with a shortfall. 5,000 staffers are laid off and facilities have been closed. >> they are been bargaining for a new contract with no pay raise. >> we have a lot of thinking to
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do on whether or not we can afford to live here. >> sophia and her husband both work for the school district and they have two children in school. now with the pay cuts, they are considering leaving. >> my kids go to philadelphia schools, and i was so saddened this year looking at the buildings, broken stairways and broken windows. >> a familiar quandary for many people in the city. mayor nutter weighed in with his take on it. principals and janitors alike taking pay cuts off the last to years, they have already agreed to similar health care benefit changes, i support this and i hope others can see it for what it is. >> reporter: well one way or the other this will end up in court. the src filed a preemptive
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challenge that the court has the authority to cancel the teacher's contract. david henry, channel 6 "action news." >> david thank you. the ceo of cooper health system and his wife are being remembered today in trenton, new jersey, a huge line of mourners streamed in for the memorial of john and joyce sheridan, lawmakers past and present are among those that came to pay their respects. >> very smart, very, very intelligent man, went from one field to another field. >> he brought a level of respect and digity and a wealth of resources through his network through the state of new jersey to bear to the city of camden. >> he was a resource in the best sense of the world. he was a republican but never served for republicans, he served for the people. >> the sheridans died in an
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arson fire at their home on september 28th details of the couple's autopsies have yet to be released. police are investigating a shooting. a man in his 20s was shot in the stomach, he was rushed to the university of pennsylvania and died a short time later. the search for suspected cop killer, eric frein, entered its 25th day today and is he still on the run. police discovered a letter revealing how he ambushed the troopers and escaped. he is accused of shooting and killing brian dixon on september 12th and another trooper was wounded. a former head master of a
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prestigious delaware school. christopher wheeler is facing counts of child pornography. he waived his right to a jury trial that means that a judge will decide his fate. he was head of the tower hill school until the charges came to light. if convicted he faces minimum mandatory sentence of 50 years in prison. they say that a child brought drugs to a preschool and tried to pass them out to other children. >> they were in a backpack from her mother, and she thought they were candy and started to hand them out. 30-year-old ashley tul was arrested and charged with maintaining a drug property and endangering the well fair of a child. her 4-year-old and two other children are in the custody of a
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relative. >> the berks county district attorney believes that a batch of synthetic marijuana may have been laced with heroin, it has resulted in 55 visits to the emergency room in reading over the last three weekses and half of them in the last seven days. the synthetic drug is inexpensive and easily accessible. anyone with information on the source of this drug is urged to call the d.a.'s office. in north philadelphia, a home was damaged by fire overnight. the action cam was on the scene here in the 2200 block of west dolphin street near 9th street, firefighters were called to the scene at 3:30 this morning, when they arrived flames were pouring from the home, and nobody was hurt and the cause of the blaze is under investigation. turning to the weather situation, the showers we saw
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are long gone, but for how long, sky 6 hd looking at the ben franklin bridge in the distance and the camden skyline, plenty of clouds out there now as the sun tries to peek through time to time but the sunshine may not last. a chance of rain and thunderstorms in the accuweather forecast. keep the umbrellas handy, meteorologist, david murphy joins us outside with another look the the forecast. >> reporter: a little late in the year to be talking about thunderstorms but we could see that. stormtracker 6 live double scan shows you that along with an increase in cloud cover comes the threat of very light rain and i'll go in tighter and most of this is on the other side of delaware back in the state of maryland and smyrna is beneath this. most of this is highlighted in shades of green and there is a lot of holes in the rain and that indicates a light rainfall on the way. maybe enough to make the roads
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wet, if it holds on long enough. maybe it may start picking up more of that. the areas i would look for now is newcastle county, delaware and southern chester county over the next hour to two hours. slow moving and light at this point, we have breaks in the clouds and sunshine through the morning, with the rain moving in from the southwest, there is not a lot of it, it's accompanied by thick clouds. 68 in philadelphia, feeling pretty comfortable with light winds and milder temperatures, as we go later in the afternoon, a high of 75 and that low of 60, both of those numbers well above average. we'll take a closer look at the next round of rain and those possible thunderstorms, on future tracker 6 ahead with the seven day. >> thank you david. of course stay on top of the changing weather situation at the new, visit
12:10 pm for storm tracker 6 radar and the hourly and seven-day forecast and our collection of weather related photos and videos as well. a new jersey bankrupt court is hearing arguments over the sale of revel casino. brookfield management won it with a $110 million bid. it cost them $2.4 billion to build the casino. but a florida developer wants a new auction process claiming it was not fair. meanwhile, donald trump is no stranger to the problems plaguing the city, he sits down one-on-one with our own jim gardner, he discusses his own problems and the issues that atlantic city is fashioning now and how he might fix them if he
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were running it's city. see jim gardner one-on-one with the donald tonight at 11:00. more concerns in spain as a nurse becomes infected by the ebola virus. and those hand free features in your car to prevent distracted drivers may be doing the opposite. our call to action volunteers are standing by to help you with any issue you may have.
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of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®.
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imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. in syria, despite coalition air strikes, the border town remains under siege by isis militants, you can see the isis flag flying over a village. if isis controls the town they will control a 60 mile stretch of land that boarders the turkish border. health officials in spain have placed three more people under quarantine for ebola where a nurse is infected.
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the nurse had cared for a spanish priest who died from ebola, hers was the first case that transferred out of liberia. gay and lesbian couples are getting married in the south for the first time ever in regions long opposed to the unions, yesterday the supreme court turned away appeals from a handful of states, progress was made in richmond, new jersey, after the high court's decision to stay out of the legal debate. this couple was the first to exchange vows in virginia, they defend marriage between a man and woman, issued a statement blasting the supreme court's decision. the administrators say that the childhood staple is raising
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red flags with insurance companies and a case in oregon is raising concerns about other types of playground equipment. staff there will have to start emergency training after a boy fell off the monkey bars. the school says they
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pehabits of cleaning theirld dentures with toothpaste, and dentures are very different than real teeth. they're about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. it's unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor-causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning it a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend using polident. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday.
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two new studies are raising questions about hands free s systems in cars.
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they found that most activated systems still require too much attention from drivers, they found that the systems increase the amount of distraction a driver has to deal within essentially increased their chances of having an accident. they tested 167 drivers that used the systems to make calls or change the radio, driver his slower reaction times and increased levels of distraction, we'll have more coming up at 12:30. it look likz it can be a very merry christmas for retailers, the federation is predicting that spending will increase by 7.4% this old day season that is a percentage point higher than last year and the highest rate in three years. turning to elth check this noon if you feel the need to reach for the cup of java in the morning it could be in your dna. they found six areas of the
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human gene that is linked with slightly higher coffee consumption, in how the body breaks down caffeine or the stimulating affects. it may help doctors identify patients in getting extra help and cutting down on caffeine intake. now the "action news" team is working on news stories beginning tonight at 4:00. >> here is alicia vitarelli with more. >> mens health magazine is telling what it said about women and sports, that is coming up in big talkers, weeks after dozens of nude photos of her online, jennifer lawrence is speaking out, why she says this hack should not be called a scandal. >> don't forget can you take us with you on the go, if you have
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not downloaded the free 6 abc news app, watch us live streaming on your smart phone or tablet. accuweather is
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the nobel prize in physics was awarded to three scientists for perfecting the led light. the scientist at the university of santa barbara share its with to japanese scientists, for the technology used to light up computer screens and smart phone, it's a crucial component in producing white light for leds. now david murphy is here
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with more from accuweather. >> stormtracker 6 live double scan -- i shop on a dime and it looks good. >> rain south and west of the philadelphia, most of us are looking at an increase in cloud cover, if are you in kent county, and smyrna it's likely you are picking up a sprinkle but this is really light rain and some of it may be evaporating before it hits the ground. this area here with the darker shade of green, might be something that has a better chance of hitting the ground. >> if we go out wider, basically we are looking at light rain, light precipitation. if you are up in philadelphia, or northern suburbs you may have to wait, or down in newcastle county, that is a different
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sto story, maybe light rain in the next hour or two. we have basically cloudy skies over the area now and a little earlier in wissahickon creek and along the creek bed there was sun breaking through the clouds at time, and a pretty picture on the action cam this noon. highlights for your forecast, we have sprinkles and showers popping up and tonight there is a chance of a thunderstorm and in some spots it would be strong. we'll talk more about that in a moment. in the rest of the forecast, after some mild days we are coming into cooler air. 68 degrees and winds southwest at 15 miles per hour and temperatures similar with the clouds building in the region. 67 in wilmington and some spots in the 70s down south, wildwood 72 at the noon hour, winds are on the light side and some spots are in the teen, and all still
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coming out of the southwest drawing in that mild air. social media is alive this morning. tom my twitter follower, snapped this picture but as we look at future tracker, we are in for a lot more cloud cover and at times a sprinkle or shower popping through in some neighborhoods. at the same time we are on the lookout out west for more showers building in and by 10:00 or 11:00 tonight when adam and cecily are on the air with stormtracker 6 live double scan, they are likely to have more precise building of thunderstorms particularly in the northern and western suburbs and overnight they could cruise over to the shore, from atlantic city north they could be the strongest. sun and clouds in allentown and maybe a thunderstorm later tonight as you just saw, 68 degrees and a couple of showers popping through at times, with a
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mix of clouds and sun otherwise potential later tonight of a thunderstorm there. 75 degrees is your high today in philadelphia, in philadelphia, a spotty shower, overnight tonight we'll be getting down to 60 for an overnight low, we have a high of 75 today and clouds and sun, and a shower around and a thunderstorm could pop. clouds and sun on wednesday and most of the rain done with a high of 73 and back to the 60s for thursday and friday, friday looking like a rain day with periods of showers and saturday we may have lingering showers as well. >> thank you david. hundreds of seniors got moving this morning with a musical sendoff from the mummers. this is a senior strut a one mile walk at boathouse row, they attended a fair and learned healthy cooking tips and got
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screenings. more ahead in the next half hour of "action news" at noon, what a member of the utah jazz lacked in height made up for in heart. that story is ahead. and no need to pay on the new jersey i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now.
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hello again, here are some stories we are following for you on "action news" at 12:30. a multimillion-dollar bid is on the table to buy the revel casino. and a bar fight in wilmington between two women is caught on video and police are searching for a suspect. and the latest on the outbreak of ebola in texas. and now more on the revel casino, in atlantic city. a judge could approve the sale of the casino today. chad pradelli is live outside of the court with the latest on the proceedings. >> at laest check the owner of polo north, ben shaub is on the
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stand. stakes are high if you are a casino worker in atlantic city. if the judge should approve bridgefield's $110 million bid for the casino, the gleaming structure will remain a casino. brookfield provided some assurances that prior revel casino workers would get priority for any new jobs. glen shaub was the initial bidder, he has indicated that medical issues prevented him from a chance to counter bid during the auction process and is asking that the process be started over, he wants to turn it into a state of the art university for geniuses.
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>> if he loses out, the judge indicated there would be a $3 million breakup fee if this sale goes through this afternoon. it's unclear when revel will reopen as a casino. >> chad thank you. dozens of residents are back in their homes after a carbon monoxide scare forced them out overnight. first a fire broke out at 10:00 at the glen court apartments in full croft. it was contained to one unit but the carbon monoxide filled the area in the entire building and 90 residents had to be evacuated. a delaware county man plead guilty to driving while intoxicated with his young nephew on his lap. harrison was spotted driving erratically in august. they noticed a young boy sitting
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in his lap steering. there was a 9-year-old child in the back seat as well. police are looking for a woman involved in an assault at a local bar. at whispers bar at oh gons avenue. a woman came behind the 25-year-old victim and hit her in the head and body. and she cut her with glass. anybody with flgs on the woman's identity is asked to call police. and now two ebola patients receiving care in two american cities and now a nurse getting treatment outside of africa. elizabeth herr is tracking this story and joins us with more. >> we'll begin with the latest from dallas, the patient, thomas eric duncan remains in critical
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condition but at this hour officials remain optimistic that there will not be a local ebola outbreak, at this hour, still no one in dallas is showing symptoms. >> hoping to save thomas eric duncan in the hospital for nine days now, doctors are turning to an experimental anti-viral drug, the drug has never even been tested on humans but with his condition worsening, the fda approved the option on a temporary basis. >> it's still speexperimental medicine. >> they are not sure what they will he use to treat the patient in omaha, after contracting the virus in liberia possibly while cleaning a contaminated car. >> he longs strong, he gingerly waived to us walking off the
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plane. >> and the first person to contract the disease outside of west africa, showing the disease can spread in developing nations. this nurse in spain testing positive after treating an infected priest in sierra leone. >> this caused staffers to walk out in protest. >> i don't think it was a good idea to bring back those doctors from africa to madrid. >> they could be treated locally with the same effective medicine and probably with more humanity. >> meanwhile, protecting americans, a priority for president obama who again today stressed he is considering beefing up screening methods traveling from west africa and traveling here to the u.s. i'm elizabeth herr channel 6
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"action news." >> the michael j. fox foundation is suing a new jersey institute. he says that the lab there killed 26,000 samples to treat parkinson'ss disease. they have contracts with the lab and they have not commented on the suit. legendry philadelphia broadcaster, bill campbell died yesterday at the age of 91. he called games for the eagles, sixers and warriors. wilt chamberlain's 100 point game was called. and merril reece called him the greatest in the history of philadelphia broadcasting, he will be laid to rest on saturday.
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a new poll suggests that republican governor tom corbett is improving slightly in the polls against his challenger, tom wolf. the quinnipiac poll found corbett leading by 37 percentage points, wolf 55% and corbett 38, according to a september survey, showing wolf over corbett by a 24 point margin. election day is november 4th. he debate between wolf and corbett is tomorrow night in pittsburgh, can you see it live on 6.2, or that one hour debate begins at 7:00 p.m. turning to the forecast now, it's dry out there, and rain is likely this evening, lets get the latest from meteorologist, david murphy, at the big board. we saw some precipitation this morning but we shouldn't put the umbrellas away? >> not just yet but most of us have to wait late this afternoon or this evening to see the rain,
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the bulk of is in baltimore and there is a break away cell trying to push its way into newcastle, delaware, it could be close to the dinner hour before we start to see rain drops push into philadelphia. if you are in allentown or trenton and eventually we'll be on the lookout for thunderstorms in the west that could push their way across the region late tonight. we are seeing a buildup in cloud cover but that is not knocking down the temperatures much. we have thanks to a southerly flow nice numbers popping up in the region. 71 in pottstown and 69 in chester and as long as we continue that southerly flow we'll continue to tap into milder air in the south than will keep us mild this afternoon. same things going on in south jersey, we have 70s along the shore, close to it, in cinnaminson 69.
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and as we go through the rest of the day, 72 at 2:00 and by 4:00, 74. by 6:00, 71 and after 6:00 most of us will start to see the showers built in and eventually a thunderstorm. lets show that to you, future tracker 6 shows you off and on showers here or there. but it's later tonight by 10:00 or 11:00 that we expect to see potential for downpours and thunderstorms and they will eventually push to the shore where at times they can produce severe weather and by 5:30 in the morning tomorrow we begin to clear out, sure would be nice if that could happen, we have a total lunar eclipse tomorrow morning. the moon is low on the horizon, shaded red, its what we call a blood moon, the sun rays are refractured and we are left with
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the red. hopefully it's clear in the western sky, we'll be scouting it out and trying to get you pictures of the blood moon. if you have headed down atlantic city on the atlantic city expressway, you'll notice something special. no tolls. every tuesday this month, turnpike officials are waiving the eastbound fees at the pleasantantville and egg harbor tolls. more to come on "action news" at noon, hands fry is suppose to keep you focused on road but some say it's not doing the job. and a little boy with cancer is getting a chance to live out his basketball dreams. the heart warming story is next. plus, david murphy returning with your exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast.
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the buffalo bills say that a fan in the stands gave them a boost on sunday. they are trying to find out who shined a laser pointer at the bills players. bills begans believe they have identified the person responsible after sharing screen shots of tweets bragging about what happened. buffalo did pull off a 17-14 win. well, distracted driving accounts for more than 3,000 deaths a year in distracted driving deaths. and now keeping your eyes on the road could put you more at risk. alicia vitarelli is here to explain. >> we know the dangers of texting and driving but a new study out from aaa shows new technology that is designed to keep our hans on the wheel and
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eyes on the road may be distracting of a new aaa vort out this morning claims these types of products offered by cell phone makers can increase driver's mental distraction. >> they are stealing attention from the diver so they are not paying attention to the road. they tested voice activated systems from auto makers. two of the most voice activated commands, first changing the music. >> play cd. >> and the second voice dialing. >> call john doe. >> researchers found the less accurate the system the more distracted the driver, on a five point scale, toyotas was the least distracting, earning the low evident cognitive distractive score, 1.7, that is
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the same level of distraction as lift being to a book on tape. the most distracting among those tested was chevrolet's system, that aaa's singular study focuses on research related to cognitive functioning to no correlation to increased crash risk. >> aaa found this, is interesting, if you use siri to send text and social media, even if it's hands and eye free on the road, that was even more distracting than any of those in-car systems. apple says they have products that offer minimized distraction products that they did not test. >> just drive safely. >> the nba preseason got
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underway and a young basketball fan joined the lineup of his favorite team. >> 5-year-old jp gibson joined the court with the utah jazz on a one day contract. warming up with players three and four times his size, it did not tim date jp, he is battling a lot of with leukemia, and this made his dream a reality. >> to see him go out on the court with the jazz, there aren't words to express. we are so grateful. >> jp's dad says his son all had a natural interest in sports, so the one-day contract was a dream come true. >> so cute. >> a great story. still ahead on "action news" at noon, why going out to eat
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doesn't mean have you to ruin your diet. why are you looking at me? that story and
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health check this noon, show that restaurants are serving up healthier options. they surveyed restaurant chains and found that the menu items did not change however newly introduced items contained 60 fewer calories than their traditional selections. david murphy is back with accuweather, no rain now but later. >> yes, later this afternoon the best chance most of us have of seeing precip. most of the region is dry and there are sprinkles and showers trying to make it into newcastle county, delaware, and most of these falling apart. stormtracker 6 live double scan with a really nice image of
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where the stuff is, coming in live, and we have a sprinkle on the other side of newcastle county and up into chester county. everything else is falling apart and it's like there is a wall there at the delaware state border and most of this falling apart before it heads in. later on this evening, in coats town and norristown picking up the light stuff. this is a look at the schuylkill river, and some sun poking through the clouds earlier and now a lot more clouds around. 68 degrees currently in philadelphia and your winds are light running anywhere between 8 and 14 miles per hour across the region and 11 at the airport. there you see satellite with a little bit of predawn rain that came and went and then breaks in the clouds and now more rain to the south, not a lot of it but most of it is light. and then we'll be watching for
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the other stuff on the other side of pittsburgh gaining steam tonight and barrelling in from the west. for the right of the afternoon, future-cast shows us mainly dry and some sprinkles and some late sunny breaks and then into the evening hours, we have a better chance of seeing more showers and heavier downpours, by 10:00 until 11:00 tonight. adam and cecily is on the air, they are liable to have storm tracker up and running for you with developing thunderstorms coming in from the northwest. some of these coming to the shore and along the way we have gusty strong winds from some of these storms, what to expect spotty showers, some of you will see them. in some corners of the neighborhood an isolated thunderstorm that will bring winds and thunderstorms always produce lightning and take cover in they head your way tonight.
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today's highs low to mid-70s, closer to 60s along the coast ain spotty shower cannot be ruled out and clouds and sun and if you are headed to the playground, check out storm tracker, before you head out. perhaps on your smart phone with the 6 abc storm tracker app, temperatures of 75 by 3:00, but a chance of a light spotty shower around. as we roll through the day, 73 by 5:00 and 69 by 7:00 and 66 by 9:00. into the evening we have a better chance of showers building in. clouds and sun and most rain holding off until the end of the day, we cannot rule out a spotty shower or sprinkle. and it looks like all of this drys out before the rush hour and maybe early clearing tomorrow and look to the west for the blood moon, a total
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lunar ellipse visible in the western sky before dawn and then we get the sun back and 73, back to 66 on thursday and rain and in the 60s by friday, it's gray with left over showers. stay on top of the changing weather situation at, you'll find the storm tracker 6 radar and watch videos from our meteorologists and see our collection of weather related images. betsy johnson was eliminated in "dancing with the stars" last night. she thanked her partner and the show for a wonderful experience. alfonso carlton broke into a danc
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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i'm tom wolf. these are my parents. we look after each other. but too many seniors have no one. and harrisburg politicians don't seem to care. as governor, i'll create a registry so families can check backgrounds of care providers. and, i'll increase access to home health care, so seniors have the option of staying in their own homes. after all, seniors have earned that right. we certainly have! tom wolf. democrat for governor.
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now is your chance to be the next contestant on who wants to be a millionaire. head to dave and busters this thursday night. the auditions are first come first serve. the new host, terry cruz visited our studios last week to talk about the show and the contestants. if are you looking for distraction this noon, check out these stories at like this one, a powerful photo of a man praying with a soldier at the airport. it was posted by a country music star on facebook and now it has gone viral. and a skateboard loving dad is wasting no time in teaching his
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son the sport and they may look like ordinary dogs but the black labs love to eat apples. go to some of those stories are appealing. >> ha, ha, ha. >> stormtracker 6 live double scan shows you that most of the area is dry and we have light showers and sprinkles that are mostly in maryland trying to push up into newcastle county. and a little break as way and as we go later and later into the afternoon and evening, there is a better chance for all of us to see some of that. a mix of sun and clouds with the temperatures in the mid-70s, and more of the same temperature wise, 8 to 16 miles per hour winds and down the shore cooler 68 to 70 is your range of highs today. >> thanks david. that will do it for "action news" at noon, don't forget to join us for "action news" at
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4:00, 5:00 and [ man ] look how beautiful it is. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need
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and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you.
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go long. >> announcer: today on "the chew" -- start pillaging your garden! because every single meal is going to be fresh from the farm. and there's plenty of fruits and veggies in this wine-soaked pairing from mario. then the star of "forever," ioan gruffudd is about to unearth a cheesy stuffed shell favorite. plus, clinton's squashing the secrets behind fresh new takes on spaghetti and fondue. and it all starts right now on "the chew." [ cheers and applause ] >> good afternoon and welcome to "the chew." [ rooster crows ] that sound can only mean one thing. we're about to have an hour of food fresh from the farm. today we're bringing you meals