tv Inside Story ABC October 19, 2014 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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>> an inside story candidates forum next! good morning, i'm matt o'donnell. we are focusing on the delaware senate race in delaware. we're pleased to bring the topics delawareans are interested in and we'll ask confess of the candidates and late on closing statements. we have chris coons the democrat and incumbent. and businessman kevin wade, the republican candidate and challenger. >> let's talk about ebola. it's good that's been in the news, something that people are frightened about, people are afraid about perhaps an outbreak
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occurring in the united states which has not happened. the virus miew -- mutating or becoming more contagious, it has not happened. mr. wade would you support more drastic measures compiling a new fly list from getting people from west africa from coming here. >> i'm glad i am the only one on the campaign scene calling for the suspended traffic for the ebola-effected areas africa. since then others have stepped up with the same thoughts. we need to put the safety of our your family, all american families first. now, my opponent is the chairman of the senate subcommittee for african affairs. as chairman he has been
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stubbornly refused to speak up for what i would call prudent precautions to spend the traffic until the crisis passes. he has spoken publicly and frequently of the need to maintain communications and traffic back and forth and i think that doesn't help us and it doesn't help them. we would have no ebola in this country if it wasn't for passengers coming from that part a of the world. and we cannot bring our important help to africa, if year not healthy ourselves. >> of course we need to continue to look at how to strengthen the testing and row instructions that we are -- restrictions that we are putting in place at our hospitals and communities so our public health system remains fully prepared for any potential outbreak. the reality there are no direct flights from these countries to the united states, they go to other countries. after speaking to the cdc and
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those in the lead of our health response, we cannot strand the thousands of americans who are serving in the countries as missionaries and doctors and arms forces. look thousands of americans will die from flu this fall, yet we are not taking extreme measures some are suggesting to deal with the flu outbreak. we lost one person in the united states to ebola. we need to invest more to make sure that our public health system is fully prepared to deal with this. my position is to respond in developing a treatment, a vaccine and dealing with the ebola at the source of the three countries in west africa. >> i want to talk about cyber crime. target depot, acme, all of which have locations in delaware have been attacked by cyber chris, delaware is the -- cyber
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criminals. >> should federal sources better protect these companies. >> we need to have the expectations of privacy. you'll notice about a pattern of the folks, they are retailers not credit card issuers or banks. the credit card companies many of which call delaware home have made significant invests moving against the next cyber attack. we need to make sure retailers and credit companies and banks know when they share information with law enforcement, so we can coordinate our national response to the wave of hacking attacks we're facing. we should incentivize actions against those companies that don't take steps against privacy
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to impose fines on them when they don't protect the privacies of consumers. >> what do you think, mr. wade? >> reporter: i work in data, we have to understand that the data i shared with any firm be it a credit card company or federal government is not information it's my data i'm sharing it for their purposes. they need to held to account should she lose it and putting my financial situation at risk. while enhancing the standards, we need information the federal government contains and controls. the lapses and gaps and the many ways to penetrate the obama care website. to address the situation let's
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not target home depot, or target, let's target those who have our information on lone for their use. >> do you think the level of federal income taxes, delawareans of all incomes pay right now is correct and are they getting value? >> we have a fiscal crisis in this country. we have in the past four years racked up four of the 6 largest federal deficits in american history. all of us as citizens have an obligation to help us through this fiscal crisis by paying our taxes. this is a civic responsibility. however, the federal government has a responsibility likewise not to waste a single dollar that we spend. our first crisis is federal spending not the level of taxation.
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let's correct the waste, fraud and abuse, let's streamline the programs, let's run the operation of government as if it was a well run small business, and then we can bring down the tax rates which people would benefit. >> who would you seek to reduce taxes for? >> everyone. >> we managed over the last four careers to make significant reductions in our deficit. it's been cut by more than two-thirds, that means as a member of the budget committee, i have had to cast very tough votes, to cut spending in areas we cut too much from. i hope we find a bipartisan path forward where we close tax loopholes to insure that successful corporations and healthy individuals will pay their fair share and we spend
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less time and money sustaining the system. many are paying the higher rate under their income than the wealthier americans. in large part our challenge has been that one party refuses to come to the table and discuss closing tax loopholes while the other refuses to make structural changes and entitlements. we don't have an easy path forward. for one candidate or one party to say we should cut taxes across the board for everyone, doesn't recognize economic reality. >> so i make it clear, you advocate fixing rather than that cutting, fixing loopholes. >> we can reduce rates by closing loopholes and increase revenues by reducing tax rates. >> delaware's minimum wage will go to 8.25.
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it's higher than the federal rate which is 7.25. the would you support raising the federal minimum wage and would you support it to $10.10. i do think it's appropriate for delawareans to get a raise. there are more and more folks working harder and making less. it goes against what it means to be american. the more important step i support in congress is to index the i happen increases in the minimum wage to inflation. rearnl have congress -- rather than have congress raise the minimum wage it will rise over time as the cost of living rises. if the minimum wage goes up, the
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folks spend in our communities on gas and items and rent. >> mr. wade. i support the minute wage increase because delawareans support it. let's talk about the improve the starting wage. the starting wage is what matters. when i came out of high school three days after high school i want to work in a steel mill at 18. i made more than the minimum wage. my starting wage was more than the minimum wage. our economy is broken we have failed leadership that doesn't have the right solutions to bring the 18 and 19-year-olds into the workforce. let alone recent graduates from dell state university of delaware. we need to help young people set
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them on a career of their own choosing. i think we can look a couple of states that can give us inspiration. there are place in texas and north dakota mcdonald's is $15 and driving a truck with a little bit of overtime can make $100,000 a career. we need an economy that's prosperous. >> do you support the affordable care act as it is, would you seek to change it or change it altogether and bring in something new. >> reporter: i had mixed emotions about the affordable care act until september 2013 when as a founder and operator of a small business i received an notice from our insurance broker, that my wonderful health
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insurance was canceled by obama care. my views have changed because i believe the president's promise, do you believe the president's promise if you like your health insurance you can keep it period, because i wasn't able to. i know the affordable care act wasn't read by people, what i do they defend it now. it's a monster. we need to put the beast down, but we have to understand that folks have anxiety and concerns while losing their health insurance when they lost that job. i'm defining a program called neighbor health where people who don't have insurance but want it can do voluntary work in the community. >> sometimes it's hard for folks to remember what our insurance situation was like before the affordable care act. in delaware, more than 09,000
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folks had no health insurance, and equally those who earned health insurance through their work discovered it had loopholes when they needed it. surviving cancer meant being kicked off insurance because you had a preexisting condition. children with birth did he -- defects were thrown off after being in the nicu. does it need to be improved? yes. one of the most recent things i was able to do in a bipartisan way was to help the volunteer fire service deal with an unexpected cost of the affordable care act. it has to be improved but to describe it as a monster that has to be put down misses the impact on millions of americans on an insurance system that used
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to be discriminatory and denying it to folks who needed it most. >> mr. coons, isis, do you think isis and other terror groups that exist in the middle east suppose pose a specific threat to americans here in this country and would you support sending u.s. troops on the ground in a combat role to fight isis. >> well, matt, one of the obligations of service in the senate that i take seriously is supporting our fighting men and women. over the last four years i've had the chance to be with our national guard and their families as they employed to afghanistan. and dover air force base as a family welcomed home the remains of their son or daughter or husband or father or loved one. i am tired of war and delawareans are wary of war. after our long conflicts in iraq or afghanistan. the idea of sending troops back into harm's way i welcome or
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embrace. isis has made clear that they are determined not just to harm or massacre civilians in syria and iraq, but to behead innocent american journalist but to stop them. the president owes congress and the american people a strategy that deals with the complexity of the region can engage syria and iraq with allied forces on the ground. this is a vital issue that the american people must stand up to. >> it's an issue that the president must take before the congress to achieve a war powers resolution, he cannot take this country into war on a pen stroke. let me put a couple of things out of here. as delaware senator an independent voice in the united states senate i need ton if the president has a strategy to commit major military operations
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in the middle east. that that looks like eisenhower on d-day and less like colonel custer at little big horn. before i give my assent, my aye my yes to a war powers act there's something i need to see done first before we march men and women off to war more brutal than we've seen on a iwo jima. i need to know that every single promise to every single veteran is kept. when this happens i'll consider the president's plan in the middle east. thank you. >> thank you
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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the border states, many fleeing drugs in their own country. should they be sent back home and placed back in danger and their lives be put at state. >> they did not just appear, they crossed a broken border. it hurts people on both sides of that border. because we haven't maintained border security on our side. the security on the border which is airtight enforced by the gulf and the drug cartels. no one crosses that border without paying a price, you pay hundreds or thousands of dollars or you agree to act is a drug courier, it explains that part of flood of heroin that is devastating every part of delaware. or in certain circumstances a young woman uses her body to pay passage. anyone who crosses that border as controlled by the drug cartel
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has to pay a price. these children are sad and unfortunate. but frankly i have a 7-year-old granddaughter, if she was found 50 miles from home or 500 miles from home. there's only one place i would like her to be brought, that's back home. not to return to a dangerous situation, but i think the situation in central america is somewhat exaggerated. >> mr. coons. >> the reason we have uncompanied minors to stay here in some cases is because of a bipartisan 2008 law signed into law by president bush. it's something we have to recognize of there are thousands that made a difficult long journey from three central american countries who have tried to cross the border illegally. most of them will be sent back to their home countries as they
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should be. some will be allowed asylum where they can present clear and credible evidence that they face threat to their safety should she be sent back to their countries origin. that's in keeping with america welcoming real refugees and enforcing our immigration laws. the crisis at the border has been easing with young children but remains with an on going challenge points to our broken immigration system and need to reach comprehensive immigration reform that deals with border security first. >> i want to get an answer about marijuana. delaware has its own laws. in terms of of a federal role do you think that the federal government should try to reorganize the laws of the countries we have colorado and washington state that allows recreational use of marijuana. >> should we rethink this? >> ink we shall rethink the
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impact on the war on drugs. i think we should not send people away for illegal possession. it's important we hold back and watch what's going to be the impact on families and criminal justice on revenue, on the economy and the culture of these states, frankly drugs are dangerous and we need not to move too quickly. >> as the strong supporter of the 4th amendment you're right to privacy. i don't care what any delaware citizens consumes in his backyard or in his own home. i don't want to see intoxicated people joining the driving population, but what a person does in his own home that's the right to privacy. snerms of these two -- in terms of these two states, i think those are mistakes, every state has
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>> i wanted to give the candidates a chance to give you closing remarks we start with republican kevin wade. >> reporter: thank you, matt, i meant to thank the audience for being with us this morning. we are in uncharted waters as a nation and the people in delaware. we have heroin flooding across the southern border. we have policy makers in washington who don't understand the consequences of weakness and indecision as it effects the middle east. we have a porous border. we have leadership that won't take the prudent common sense steps of temporarily spending the flow of inbound traffic from the ebola-effected areas africa. we have learned through our history that in times of great crisis america will see its way threw because neighbor to neighbor, american to american,
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well stand shoulder to shoulder if need be as a united people to do what's right not only for the moment, but more importantly for our children and grandchildren. i ask you to vote for me on november 4. >> i have to cut you off. >> democrat chris coon. thank you for watching and thank you kevin and matt for this discussion. i hope you had a chance through the morning debate to learn about my visions and values. i believe in delaware's workers that's why he worked to grow middle class jobs. i believe every delaware student should have better access to opportunity that's why i'm trying to make sure more children go to college and can afford it to get there. the it's not easy to get things done in washington, that's why we work across the isle and help our firefighters, i know i'm helping some of the people i care deeply. i hope i have the chance to earn
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your vote this november 4 and i pledge to keep working across the aisle to make progress to the state we love. >> senator chris coons the incumbent from delaware and his challenger, kevin wade the republican. i hope we helped to inform the voters of delaware, election day is november 4. your choice right here. thanks for watching inside story, we're back next week!
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>> announcer: starting right now on abc's "this week" -- this morning, ebola in america. the two nurses still in treatment. how did they get sick? who else is at risk? and why were so many mistakes made? the travel ban on ebola countries, is the white house about to reverse course? plus, new warnings from the ebola hot zone. this morning we're separating the facts from the fears. countdown to the midterms, 16 days to go. ebola scares shaking up the race for senate control. who's ahead now? and a brand-new poll on 2016. the surprising name at the head of the pack. and the francis effect. the storm brewing over the pope's latest call for change in the church. from abc news, "this week with george stephanopoulos" begins now.
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