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tv   Action News  ABC  October 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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>> sunday night, a nursing quarantined in newark speaks out about the treatment and what she says is the unfair policy
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keeping her in isolation. >> a community show of support for a family that lost their son to entrovirus. >> and the big story on "action news" a vote bicep ta to authorize a strike. >> 5,000 drivers, mechanics and cashiers the okay to walk off the job and that may not happen any time soochbility why the vote? "action news" reporter david henery is live in south philadelphia with the full story. david? >> sarah, over 1,000 septa workers met here this afternoon and voted to authorize ruinon leadership to call a strike if they feel it's necessary that doesn't necessarily mean there will be a strike any time soon. >> it is what it is. it's the nature of my job. i have a union job and i'll support the president. >> his president, willie brown had nothing to say after the authorization vote. >> what's the holdup here and the issues. >>:00, tomorrow 4:00, tomorrow at 4:00. tomorrow at 4:00.
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>> there will be a press conference. >> tomorrow at 4. >> why all the sickcy today. >> there is none we're tiling guys to come tomorrow at 4. >> brown would not say if the buses, trolleys or subways will be rolling tomorrow. there's no indication there won't be. strike authorization may be a warning shot for septa management showing the union means business. 447 septa employees have been working without a contract for months now and they're losing their patience and can't accept what septa is currently offering. >> we waited and waited and waited and we have been patient and been understanding and it's about our future. we want our rights and benefits. >> i have 32 years with this company and put my heart and soul to work here. and now they're going to take that much away from us? i can't do that. >> septa says it continues to negotiate in good faith. management says it has no indication that a work stoppage is imminent. and they have prepared a service interruption plan if the
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situation changes and workers at today's meeting say they don't want to strike but they're at ready as they can be. >> we're ready to walk out and strike. and it's just nobody wants to do. it but it's unfair to be treated a certain way. and have to put up with certain things. and in order for them to see we're serious that we have to walk. >> well, they authorized a strike. but when it comes if ever is anyone's guess at this point. one good sign for commuters, no one here today was happeneding out picket line signs. live in south philadelphia, david henrey, "channel 6 action news." >> david, thank you. it was another picture perfect day today. sunny skies, moderate temperatures and bit of a breeze. sometimes more than a bit of breeze. how can we dare hope for more weather this workweek. meteorologist melissa magee is outside soaking up the sun as it sets. not much sun left there melissa. she's got a first look at the forecast. >> that's right, sarah, we're in store for changes as we press
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into the workweek ahead. the sun is getting ready to set here in philadelphia. and as you mentioned, we did have dpuingty winds to contend with earlier today. that activity is dying down. in the poconos earlier today, 46 miles an hour. atlantic city gust of 3 miles an hour. 37 in philadelphia and allentown 36 mile app hour wind gusts and millville a gust of 35 miles an hour. gusts right now currently in philadelphia coming in at 23 miles per hour. good news. wind are starting to diminish from where they were earlier today. evening lab planner showing 63. and lower 50s 10:00 tonight. we'll talk about what is ahead. winds relax into tonight. i'm tracking brief warm-up early this week and trick or treat that is the big question i'll give you a preview of what all those trick or treaters can expect for halloween this friday. i'll have the details and answers coming up in the accuweather forecast sarah. >> stay on top of changing
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weather situation with visit for stormtracker 6 radar both hourly and 7 day forecast and latest video from the "action news" meteorologist and our collection of weather related photos and videos. >> delaware state police are piecing together the details of a serious accident in talleyville. it happened before 10:00 this morning near the intersection of shipley and wilson roads. two vehicles collided forcing suv into a light pole. one woman was seriously injured. a mother and two small children were treated for minor injuries? all were treetd at a local hospital. >> police voorhees township were searching for a 58-year-old man that suffer from dementia. john meecham was seen 6 a.m. and walked away from flicker center for mentally disabled adults. he had an id bracelet with contact information. if you see him please contact vorhees township police. >> a nurse quarantined in new jersey is blasting a new rule
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that kept her in isolation despite the fact she tested negative for the virus. she did ain't view on cnn she arrived newark, lib tirks friday, when officials learned she was working with doctors without borders in sierra leone she was pulled off side and since anyone isolation in a tent in newark with no symptoms. >> i heard from my maerm last night that called me concerned and said governor christie just said in interview that you were "obviously ill" and this is just so frustrating to me. first of all i don't think he's a doctor and secondly he's never laid eyes on me and thirdly, i have been asymptomatic since i've been here. i feel physically completely strong and emotionally skuingted. the guarantee is result of new policy by new jersey and new york officials. top federal officials say close monitoring of medical workers
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for symptoms of ebola are sufficient enforcing them into quarantine could hurt the effort to stop ebola more than it helps. >> delaware valley college in doylestown students did their part to help the victims of ebola today. they packed more than 272,000 meals then shipped them to liberia and sierra leone. students worked in two hour sthoyvts pack up the meal and hope to provide nutrition for more than 700 children. >> a couple from new jersey who lost her son tonight row virus received amazing show of support today when dozens of children and their parents showed up to the smiles for eli fundraisener hamilton. "action news" reporter annie mccormick was there. >> kids in their halloween best traded trick or treat for smiles at smiles for eli party sunday in hamilton township. 4-year-old morgan bellman knew exactly who today was about. >> why are we here today do you know. >> for eli. >> she's one of many missing classmate 4-year-old eli waller
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that died september 5 becoming the first cop firmed fatality in u.s. from entrovirus d 6le he was a triplet and sitsers were not affected and days after his death state, local and schools officials worked to decontaminate the school later fell ill and tested negative for the virus. days after losing his little boy andy waller and family got the courage to start the first day of school foundation which folk yous on helping students with special needs in eli's honor. >> he was involved in special education and benefitted greatly and teachers in school helped him trenl inducely. >> we're looking to help special needs students starting off on first day of school experience maybe gather supplies like back packs and outfits for kids as they start school. >> am ill ton business owners organized the event money collected here and $10 cash donation for halloween pictures goes to a donation.
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>> they also donate aid check from eli's classmates. >> the things that make me feel better doing stuff like this we have a group of connected and happy and helpful and really generous people helping us out. >> and the funding raised here will help special ed programs around the hamilton township area. eli's family says if this program grows, they would love to help more programs across the state. in hamilton township, annie mccormick, "channel 6 action news." >> a philadelphia woman made history in the jewish religion today, rabbi debra waxman was inaugurated first female president of jewish reconstructionist movement and seminary and more than 100 congregations nationwide. each again ration must reconstruct the religion to keep up with evolving spiritual needs and remain relevant. >> task of progressive judeism is identifying what are those values so worthwhile that we
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should voluntarily submerge our individual desires to them? >> rabbi wax man's inauguration also marks the first time a woman has become president of both a seminary and major jewish movement. >> much more to come on "action news" tonight a bizarre scene at poling plays in ukraine where a man dressed at darth vader demanded to do. >> and first preparing for worst how local firefighters are learning more skills more familiar to counter parts out west and eagles taking open the cardinals and arizona right now. jeff skversky has an update on the game when "action news" jeff skversky has an update on the game when "action news" comes right
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>> the main goal today was to learn to best protect homes and effectively utilize the water supply. in hawaii officials are
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going door too door trying to owe vaciate neighbors there threatened by lava moving towards their town. lava moving 10 yards every hour towards the town of pahoa on big island neighbors are being asked to be ready to evacuate over the next fave days or so. it's been active since 198 with lava streams moving towards pohoa over the past two years. >> ukranians voted in landmark parliamentary at this poling plays a man dressed as darth vader showed up to vote ride ago top a truck. victor changed his name before the election to darth vader and prowls streets of city with promises to turn ukraine into gal aktic empire when he went to vote he was turned what way after he refused to take off the mask but then did take off the mask. >> the annual halloween costume
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contest blows out of final weekend of the count halloweenp spooktacular. the children with the top three outfits and best family costume got prizes. >> halloween for youngsters of all species. dogma spa spa in wayne held a halloween party for pups. some dogs were still on the clock and radnor police ked unit showed off skills. for some the event was enjoyed from a couple fortable seat. >> sports is next on "action news" and. >> and former eagle michael vick got a shot behind center for the
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work.
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donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> jeff skversky has a check on sports and eagles embroiled in a tough match-up now. >> if we go to 6-1 you have to do a better job offensively. if the eagles continue this run after the bye week here they very to run through number one defense at stopping run. today in arizona they have to do it without arguably their mvp darren sproles out with a knee injury and they're struggling right now on offense as you can see. eagles down 14-7 in the 3rd quarter larry fitzgerald had 80 yard touchdown in opening minute of third. eagles nine penalties 88 yards.
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they're struggling rights now. hopefully they can figure it out. talk about brotherly love in arizona today eagles linebacker emmanuel acho older brother sam is linebacker for cardinals and as you can see they're torn what team to route for. they're wearing half eagles and half cardinals jersey they're all confused who to root for. >> i see your jersey you have the it's like half cardinals half eagles jersey and eagles hat. so which way are you leaning? >> for both of them. >> come on you have to be rooting for one, right. >> no both of them. >> yes. >> we want a good game. we want them to be happy and may the best team win. today is a very difficult day for us. >> i can imagine. >> they don't know what to do mom obviously torn every other nail was painted red and green. exclusive interviews with eagles' coach chip kelly all
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that and more on eagles game day final after "action news" at 11. nobody is worse in the red zone in the eagles two turnovers today and they were reportedly trying to get help out there among the handful of teams calling tampa 6' 5" receiver jackson the trade deadline is tuesday. eagles and houston next week against former penn state coach bill o'brien and houston texan star foster 151 yards on the ground and three touchdowns. text yaps snap the three game losing street losing to texans. >> going head to head, seattle down three, 47 seconds left. russel wilson to luke wilson no relation other than teammates. 2 yard game winning touch down. seahawks defending super bowl champs win 13-9. >> michael vick take over the quarterback duties for jets today in buffalo.
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well it doesn't go so well. vick throws interception and fumbles twice and asked who will be quarterback next week coach rex ryan says i have no idea. jets turn the ball over 6 times today. game full of mistakes. even bills mess up. how about sammy watkins showing off. caught from behind. i think we're watching too many desean jackson highlight tapes. jets lost 7 straight. jeff carter, mike richard and defending stanley cup champs up next for flyers. tuesday at home at the wells fargo center since the flyers traded two away they have won two cups, flyers zero. flyers back to work in vor here's after a win over the red wings. flyers won three games so far and backup goalie ray emorry won them all. coach would not commit to either as their number one guy. he says they will do what's best for the team. >> it's my job to be stop the puck.
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you know i have not done a good enough job with that. fy had done a better job we would not have this conversation. >> that's a team game. and all these guys are valuable guys that we need to win hockey games and you have to use your team that's part of it. nobody is bigger than the team. nobody. not one player. >> chief going with the hot hand who that will be tuesday against kings we will see. >> all right. jeff thank you. up next on "action news" tonight meteorologist melissa magee has your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. first a preview of what's ahead on world news tonight. >> coming up the nurse back from treating ebola patients in africa now held in the hospital against her will and hero teacher that stopped the "high scho >> meteorologist melissa magee
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has the accu waem forecast. you said it would be windy and it was windy. >> winds whipping today winds relax the rest of tonight. and the workweek off to a pretty good start. we'll show what you is going on -- i was going to say weekend. >> you wish. >> no we're done after today. it's dry and quiet across much of the delaware and lehigh valleys. outside we government we'll show the picture outside. action cam was outside earlier this afternoon looking up at the sky in center city and a nice, blue sky and comfortable conditions aside from the wind and it does look like we'll get a break in the wind litter on this evening. we'll talk about some of the weatherhead lines on this sunday afternoon it was definitely
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windy across much of the delaware and lehigh valleys and philadelphia had winds gusting as high as 37 miles an hour. and it will be chilly in some spots west of 95 corridor with frost advisory in lancaster. wind speeds sustained 10 miles an hour in wide wood to 21 miles an hour poconos and these windy conditions will subside later tonight. frost advisory is posted for lancaster county. good idea to protect any of your sensitive plants and sensitive vegetation frost advisory goes into effect 9 a.m. monday. high today in philadelphia above average despite west to northwesterly wind. ang this time of year is 63. record 78 setback in 1920 as you look at numbers across the delaware and lehigh valleys. that's above average. poconos 49 degrees. reading 60le. allentown and lehigh valley 60.
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sea isle city in lower 60s. satellite 6 and action radar you see it's dry and quiet across the region. fair amount of cloud cover now moving across the area in upstate new york and new england and most of pennsylvania staying mostly clear all the way down across the mid-atlantic west ward to ohio valley. all about the temperatures the next couple days. future tracker 6 showing you 6:00 in the morning most locations on the chilly side. 5 in philadelphia, 37 in poconos and as we get into the afternoon hours on monday 4:30 in the afternoon not a bad finish to the td day. temperatures seasonable, these numbers keep climbing with warm front lifting north by us is tuesday. check out the numbers by then. with the south wrlly wind 70s along the 95 corridor and by tuesday afternoon 70s north and west of town and comfortable lainghurst to wildwood by tuesday afternoon. the call from accuweather the rest of tonight mostly clear.
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winds continue to diminish. 45 in philadelphia to 38 suburbs with west to northwesterly wind. here's the exclusive accuweather forecast. monday, seasonable start for you high temperature 64. warmer for you tuesday high of 74. wednesday sunshine and showers around. high temperature of 67. in the wake of this front midweek it gets cooler on thursday high temperature of 59 and on friday lots of clouds around and have to track the forecast closely on friday because that is halloween. models not in agreement but it looks like possibility of showers or rain late friday with cooler changes next weekend. we'll monitor any changes with that, guys. >> i cannot have a wet princess. >> no you can't. >> she'll be cute regardless. >> that's true. >> melissa. >> world news sunday is next on chapel 6 and "action news" returns tonight at 11. >> for the entire "action news" team i'm sarah bloomquist we'll >> for the entire "action news" team i'm sarah bloomquist we'll see you back here at 11:00.
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welcome to "world news tonight." quarantine outrage. the nurse back from treating ebola patients held against her whether in a hospital tent. are they going too far. high school horror. the hero teacher in the first year of her job running towards the gun fire. tonight, the homecoming prince turned gunman. the young girl whose life he took. why does he target he is best friends. slow motion of disaster. the burning river of lava, the homes in the line of fire and the homes ready to evacuate right now. too hurt to work. a beauty contestant. a dancing hamster. off the job. and tonight, investi