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tv   Action News 5PM  ABC  December 22, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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area. >> and tonight we will see light rain as well as fog. meteorologist melissa magee is at the "action news" big board with the latest from storm tracker 6 double scan. >> and shirleen and rick, we are tracking just some light rain right now to the south of philadelphia. you could see on storm tracker 6 live double scan radar some light precipitation, light rainfall across south jersey and delaware. this is the first round of and delaware. the rest of this evening and into tonight. temperatures for the most part are above the freezing mark. it's 42 in philadelphia, 37 in allentown, 39 in trenton, forty three sea isle city but just at the freezing mark in the poconos and there there is a freezing rain advisory in effect that goes up later on this evening. so storm tracker 6 live double scan on the big picture 3-d showing you this moisture moving n there's an area of low pressure just off the coast of the carolinas and that's why we have this precipitation overhead right now. but we'll widen out the picture and the round that we are tracking that moves in for christmas eve is still off to our west. you could see this moisture that's coming out of the four corners region, this will dive
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to the south and then as we collect that moisture coming in from the gulf of mexico, you have more rain that moves in from a south to north direction. future tracker 6 showing you as we go throughout the day on tuesday evening that moisture gathers over the gulf of mexico and works its way into our region. so let's talk about what we can expect. two rounds of rain on the way tonight right into tuesday, light rain and drizzle calling for anywhere from a tenth to a quarter of an inch of rainfall on the way. then christmas eve, not the best travel concern and not the best travel day. give yourself some extra time because rain some of which will be heavy at times anywhere from a half inch to an inch of rainfall on the way. coming up rick we'll take closer look at the system and let you know if it pulls out just in time for christmas day with that accuweather forecast. >> thank you. stay on top of the changing weather situation with visit for storm tracker 6 radar. both the hourly and the seven-day forecast, the latest video from our "action news" meteorologists and our collection of weather related photos and videos.
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>> a three-year-old child remains hospitalized tonight after police say he was hit by a bullet in grays ferry. a 40-year-old man was also shot during the incident in the 1300 block of south newkirk street late this morning. police say the gunman was apparently searching for someone at a home but got into a confrontation with the 40-year-old on a porch. the gunman fired hitting the man. the gunman fired again into the home next door hitting that child. "action news" reporter john rawlins will have the latest on the victims' conditions and the search for the gunmen in a live report at the aches -- at 6:00. >> the mayor of new york city calling for peace and calm tonight in the wake of the killing of two police officers over the weekend. mayor bill deblasio asked that all protests and political debate stop until funerals are held for the officers. officers rafael ramos and officer wenjian liu were shot in an ambush on saturday. 28-year-old ismaaiyl brinsley was the gunman. he later killed himself. mayor deblasio asked the city and the country support
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the officers' families and remember that the killing was more than an attack on two police officers. >> an act of -- attack was an attack on our democracy, an attack on our values, an attack on every single new yorker and we have to see it as such. >> nypd officials criticized the mayor for in their view not fully supporting the force. the head of the city's police union says deblasio has "blood on his hands for making statements sympathetic to people protesting police brutality." the attack in new york has officers in trenton high alert. new jersey correspondent nora muchanic has that story from our new jersey news room tonight. nora. >> reporter: rick, after the murder of the two officers in new york and the ambush of two officers here in trenton last month, trenton police are ratcheting up their alert level even more after learning of a new threat against them. >> we have received some
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intelligence that indicated that there may be some potential problems out in the western sector for us. >> reporter: trenton police director ernie perry won't go into detail but says investigators are looking into a threat against trenton police officers. they are now trying to identify the individual who made it. in the meantime, an order requiring patrols to wear body armor has been reissued and cops have been told when they answer calls, to assess the situation and call for backup. >> that's why the additional personnel kind of needed to be an extra set of eyes and ears to see what's going on. >> reporter: trenton police are already on heightened alert. back on november 13th a gunman unexpectedly opened fire on two trenton police officers as they respond to do a call on wilson street. you can see at least three bullet holes in the driver's side be windshield. the suspect was killed in the ensuing gun battle. the two officers were not seriously injured but officers here are more vigilant than ever.
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>> we've gotten credible threats from throughout the country. this weekend new jersey statewide police union put out a warning to its 33,000 members telling officers they need to be vigilant about possible ambushes or people looking for confrontations. >> cars around, if they're used to going to one or two of the three same restaurants in the town that they work in, change it up. >> reporter: as the police brutality issue explodes nationwide trenton police continue meeting regularly with community members and the clergy. they were criticized by some back in october when a mural of michael brown the teen shot and killed by police in missouri was removed from the business district after the department felt it sent the wrong message. police director perry says last month's ambush of his men and this weekend's assassination of two new york city cops is a frightening reminder the danger officers face. >> they're there to protect, they're there to serve absolutely but they're also there to get home safely. >> reporter: and perry says if you have an interaction with police, it's important to follow the officers'
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instructions so the situation doesn't escalate. live in our new jersey news room, i'm nora muchanic, channel6 "action news." >> all right, nora thank you. worlds news with david muir will explain the extra precautions being taken by police departments across the country. that's coming up tonight at 6:30 directly after "action news" at 6:00. >> divers were not back out on the schuylkill river today after keys belonging to missing college student shane montgomery were found yesterday in the water. montgomery was last seen three and a half weeks ago leaving kildare's pub in manayunk early thanksgiving morning. police believe he walked into a park pentagon lot along -- parking lot along the river and somehow ended up in the water. >> the eagles hopes of making the playoffs are officially over and today head coach chip kelly spoke about how the team plans to finish out the season and they got one game less. >> ducis rodgers joins us now with the end of the season that started with some great expectations. >> yeah, and ends in a stunning collapse. still hard to believe. three weeks ago we were
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figuring out ways the eagles could get a first rounds bye in the playoffs. now it is all over. they'll play one more game sunday against the new york giants but then they head home for the post season. losing streak hit three games with a bad loss to a very bad washington team over the weekend. chip kelly says despite the situation, his team will still put forth maximum effort sunday against the giants. >> any time you don't make the playoffs in the national football league it's disappointing so not happy with the situation we're in right now but we just can't sit here and feel sorry for yourself. that's not what this group on the ground will do. we'll go back out there and train really hard and we'll get ready to play one last game against new york. >> we always talk about hitting a peek, hitting your stride in december. this team has lost three straight games in the month of december. they don't deserve to be in the playoffs the way they played. >> okay. thank you ducis. >> thank you. >> time for a check of the "action news" traffic report. >> let's go live to matt pelman in the traffic center with an update for us. >> rick and shirleen a lot of
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people might be off work for this week. doesn't matter. we still have a whole bunch of traffic an whole bunch of issues out there for the ride home on this monday including a crash here on 422. if you're headed toward the king of prussia mall, this has been giving you some problems. they just got it cleared off to the side by the off ramp for route 23. you can see penndot remains on the scene. eastbound traffic a little heavy, westbound is even heavier in the normal spots, the turnpike overpass through this point approaching trooper out past oaks. meanwhile we're still watching that crash in warrington bucks county along 611 easton road just south of kelly road there by the kc prime and the beneficial bank. our crash that we had on the ramp from 95 southbound to the vine westbound has cleared. as has the disabled bus on the westbound lanes of the schuylkill near university. we still have that broken down vehicle, they're trying to clear it out along the roosevelt boulevard. looks like they just did here northbound by ninth street. still extra heavy coming off the schuylkill through this point at ninth. down in delaware this started friday lasting through sometime in january, the ramp from 95 northbound 896 northbound in newark is closed for construction but you can get to 896 southbound, maybe
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just do the old anybody around. we'll check it again in the >> the old flip around. much more still to come on "action news" monday night. health officials warned of a bad flu season and the it looks like it's getting under way. health reporter resident nurse ali gorman has details advice. >> update on the health of becoming great muhammad ali who was hospitalized over the weekend. >> and we'll check back in with meteorologist melissa magee for a closer look at that christmas week forecast when "action news" at 5:00 continues in just a moment >> ♪
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>> protection for deportation have started to apply for driver's licenses in arizona. president obama granted the group called dreams work permtds. about 20's thousand dreamers are qualified to get licenses. crowds lined up outside of motor vehicle division officers throughout the state today after a judge barred the state from denying the group driving privileges. >> a spokesman for boxing
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great muhammad ali says this condition has "vastly improved" since he was hospitalized over the weekend. ali is being treater for a mild case of pneumonia. he was admitted on saturday. doctors hope to discharge him soon. the 72-year-old battles parkinson's disease. health officials say they were fortunate to catch the pneumonia early. >> health check tonight. local doctors are saying seeing a surge in the number of flu cases in our area. some are warning parents to be on the located for severe symptoms. >> health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman is at the big board with the details. >> the pennsylvania medical society held a teleconference today. they want to get the word out they are expecting a bad flu season and it is starting. emergency room doctor of the children's hospital was on the call. he says the number of er visits is up at chop about 20 percent for this time of year and many visits are due to the flu. they've had some kids go to intensive care, mostly kids with underlying respiratory
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problems such as asthma. care stat urgent care is also seeing a spike in flu cases even though the vaccine is not a good match for the predominant strain, it is still recommended because it will help protect against other strains. but unfortunately that predominant strain, that h3n2 is already known to cause severe illness so doctors are also warning if you have severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath, then you should be seen in the emergency room especially if you fall into any of the high risk categories, the very old, the very young and anyone with a compromised immune system. however, make sure to let the staff know that you are ill so that they can separate from you other people or give you a mask to wear. also today it is now officially winter, which means getting vitamin d from the sun will be much more difficult. vitamin d keeps our bones healthy and it may help keep the immune system strong. so you want to try to get more in your diet with foods like
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salmon catfish shrimp and canned tuna egg yolks also have some vitamin d and mushrooms grown in ultraviolet light have a good amount. milk and orange juice is typically fortified with vitamin d but you still want to check to make sure. >> looking to get vitamin d from on juice read the label and look for vitamin d fortified. don't assume that a product has vitamin d in it until you read the label and see it. >> reporter: if you have osteoporosis ask your doctor about right minute d supplements. for everyone else, studies show that getting it through the sun and from food is your best bet. since we don't have the sun right now guys we'll focus on the food. >> okay, always focus on the food. >> we know he is. >> just a minute. hey. >> thank you ali. >> more to come on "action news" tonight, the scandal continues for sony studios, north korea makes a shocking new accusation and sony
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>> ♪ >> trump entertainment resorts
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says a new multi-million dollar pledge will help keep the struggling taj mahal casino opened. attorneys for the casino says carl icahn's $20 million pledge runs through december 2015. it also comes without some of the conditions icahn initially insisted. a hearing on this latest proposal will take place january 9th. a contract dispute has knocked fox news channel and fox business network off the air for dish network customers. the two companies are locked in a contract negotiation battle. dish has more than 14 million satellite tv customers. it recent the settled a similar dispute with turner broadcasting. >> it is the busiest day of the year for ups. the company says its drivers are delivering more than 34 million packages today. and that is the highest number of deliveries on a single day in the company's history and it is double the number of deliveries made on a normal day. ups spent $500 million to prepare and hired up to 95,000
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seasonal workforce help keep up with demand. >> thousands of spaniards are celebrating after hitting the jackpot in the world's richest lottery. the lottery known as el gordo is valued at roughly $3 billion. this was the scene in madrid as people waited to hear the prizes announced. unlike lotteries that offer just one jackpot, the fat one distributes prizes to thousands of people. the top prize in the drawing is worth close to a half million dollars. >> that's a fat check, that's for sure. >> it is. >> much more to come on "action news" tonight. outsigh we go looking live from sky 6 hd, it is a nice evening, a clear evening at the jersey shore. meteorologist melissa magee has your accuweather forecast and lehigh valleys when we come right back. stay with us
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engineered without compromise and built to exceed expectations. >> ♪ >> time now for accuweather is the "action news" big boards. meteorologist melissa magee has been keeping an eye on those temperatures and the precipitation for many of us we'll see it i guess this evening, hm. >> yeah, that's right. it's really light and the temperatures aren't going to be a factor until we get into tuesday and wednesday. the big issue right now is light rain and drizzle across much of the region. here's storm tracker 6 live double scan radar, you can see
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some activity moving into philadelphia. a lot of it is south moving across south jersey and delaware and off the our west. we'll go in tighter on storm tracker 6 live double scan street level and some light rainfall moving into lancaster county, even into quarryville. even coatesville, chadds ford, oxford and newark, delaware, we are dealing with some light precipitation. now we'll take you out across areas in south jersey along route 70 and medford lakes down through hammonton even along the garden state parkway we're dealing with a it will bit of light moisture moving in from a south to north direction. temperatures are above the freezing mark. 42 in philadelphia, 37 allentown, chilly 39 in trenton right now, 43 in sea isle city but that's in the poconos that temperature hovering around the freezing mark and at 32 degrees and that's where the national weather service has issued a freezing rain advisory for carbon and monroe counties. this could lead to icy spots at least at the onset later on this evening before you get that changeover to rainfall. so we'll time things out for you.
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future tracker 6 showing you as we go throughout the rest of tonight 11 o'clock this evening just some light rain and mist and drizzle across much of the delaware and lehigh valleys. it continues as we get into tuesday, 7:30 in the morning, so this is the first rounds of precipitation that moves through. 5 o'clock in the evening tomorrow looks to be mostly cloudy but we'll dry out. now we'll show you satellite 6 along with action radar as we move you over to the west coast because round two is developing right now right through the four corners region so this dips down to the south, you tap into that moisture coming in from the gulf of mexico and from a south to north direction we track round two on the way. so here's what we can expect as we get into christmas eve a-soaking rain anywhere from a half inch to an inch of precipitation. ponding on roadways. this could lead to travel delays and you could have some impacts. now we talk about the temperatures it and will mild as we get into christmas eve. temperatures in the 60's. in fact we're calling for a high temperature in the lower 60's. the record 64 set back in 1990. the call from accuweather for the rest of tonight light rain and fog. we'll bottom out at 38 in the city, 35 in allentown and 39
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for the overnight low in dover. then temperatures will be rising as we get into the overnight hours. the five day at 5:00 showing you morning shower then drizzle, that temperature coming in at 52 degrees. rainy and breezy on christmas eve and at 61. on thursday for christmas day we'll dry out with a high temperature of 55 degrees but those winds will be gusting up to 40 miles per hour. lots of sunshine, 50 degrees on friday. saturday it's mild with a temperature of 54. so, some improvement is on the way, guys. we just have to get through the rest of today and for that matter right through christmas eve and it does get better. >> all right, thank you melissa. we'll check back in later. meantime it was a special we'll check back in later. sheriff's bike patrol unit today and there were more than -- they were more than happy to take on the as assume. members of the bike patrol wheeled into children's hospital. toys were donated during a drive. today they'll be distributed to young patients who have to be hospitalized during the holidays. members of the bike patrol told "action news" that this is one of their most gratifying assignments all
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year. >> love that. there's much more to come in the next half hour of "action news" at 5:00. one of the two people accused of robbing an elderly woman inside her own home appears before a judge. >> also a police officer was in the right spot at the right time to save the life of a three-year-old boy and his body camera was rolling at the time. >> police officers and school children together to celebrate the holidays. >> those stories and much more when "action news" at 5:00 comes right back. >> notes
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>> ♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam >> "action news" continues williams and monica malpass. >> hello again, monica is off. shirleen allicott joining us tonight. here's what's happening on "action news" this evening. a charred pile of wood is all that's left of a delaware barn that used to house more than a dozen prize horses. we're live with the details. also a former headmaster here's the verdict in his child pornography trial. and north korea throws more accusations and threats at the united states in the wake of that sony hacking scandal. >> now the details. dozens of delaware firefighters rushed to a
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hockessin horse farm last night to take on a barn fire. this video shows what they were up against. massive flames enveloped a building on the horse farm on gun club road. despite their best efforts only one of 13 prized straight egyptian arabian forces made it out. "action news" reporter vernon odom is outside the fire department and vern you spoke with one of the first responders. >> reporter: the experts tell me that the if this losses to the horses owners are literally in the millions. the breeders are make nothing statements to reporters today through their lawyer they say they're deeply grieving then want their privacy. this spectacular inferno lit up the night sky in this rural area full of farms near the pennsylvania state line. these 10 fire companies from towns in these parts were brought in to fight the blaze at the york land arabian pours harm. it took more than an hour to get it under control with the
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nearest hydrant more than a mile away. >> i could see them from 3 miles away before i got here. >> reporter: the flames and the smoke. >> yeah. i mean, it was just glowing in the sky. it was fully involved when we got here. >> reporter: the state fire marshal says a dozen very expensive arabian horses perished in this fire. one did manage to escape. the farms is quite well regarded in the realm of arabian horses known for specializing in the breeding of straight egyptian arabians like the ones seen here from their web site blending strains of pure dessert heritage horses, one male killed last night firefighters were told was worth at least $7 million because of its value. there was at least one courageous effort to rescue them. >> my wife and son made an attempt to get the horses out but it was just too hot and too intense. >> reporter: at this hour still no ruling from the state
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fire marshal as tots cause. live in hockessin delaware, vernon odom channel6 "action news." >> authorities back on the scene an apartment complex fire that claimed a life early yesterday morning. it handled at the harbor house apartments just before 2:00 a.m. heavy flames and smoke tour through the three story building. searchers found the body of a tenant during the fire fight. another resident was rushed to the hospital with smoke inhalation. 38 people now have to find another place to live. the cause is under investigation. big business news from wilmington, delaware tonight. dupont is moving its corporate headquarters from downtown to chestnut run plaza near greenville. the move is not expected to include any job cuts. dupont's chemical company is spinning off into its own business and will move into the company's old headquarters in rodney square. the switchover is expected to be complete by july 1st. >> well, the verdict is in for a former delaware prep school
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headmaster facing child porn charges. christopher wheeler was found guilty of 25 counts of dealing child pornography. wheeler was the former headmaster at the tower hill school in wilmington. he had waived a jury trial but the judge represented his verdict late this afternoon and could sentence him to 50 years in prison. a car crash knocked out power to residents in stanton delaware this morning. a pickup truck an car collided along west newport pike. the truck went right into a utility pole and took down some wires. about 1400 customers lost power for a few hours. one of the drivers was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. two school buses were involved in a collision here in west philadelphia this morning. chopper 6 hd was over the scene. this is the intersection of 56th and chestnut streets. authorities say there were no children on the bus at the time. but still no word on whether the drivers were hurt. >> a pair of robbery suspects are under arrest for allegedly
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attacking an elderly woman during a home invasion in west whiteland chester county. only "action news" was there as 41-year-old brianna mitchell was walked into an exton courtroom. authorities say she and 36-year-old leonard bernard posed as healthcare workers to gain access to the 76-year-old woman's home at exton crossing development. once inside the thieves allegedly bound her hands and stole her jewelry. mitchell and bernard were arrested in delaware. both are charged with robbery, aggravated assault and kidnapping. friends and family gathered in philadelphia's tacony section today to say goodbye to drain done tate brown. the 26-year-old was killed during a traffic stop in mayfair last week. officers pulled brown over inn and allegedly saw a gun in his car. when they asked him to get out they say brown reached for the gun and an officer shot him. brown died at the scene. investigators say the gun found in his car was reported stolen. >> now the latest on the sony hacking scandal. according to north korea
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officials, the worst is yet to come. over the weekend they accused the obama administration of being behind the making of the movie the interview and as abc's emmett miller north korea is also promising retaliation if they are attacked. >> reporter: north korea continues to deny the sony attack and says the white house, the pentagon and all of mainland u.s.a. will come under attack if the u.s. doesn't agree to conduct a joint investigation to prove north korea didn't do it. >> you want to us kill the leader of north korea? >> what. >> reporter: at issue is the cyber hacking that caused sony to cancel the release of the movie the interview. the announcement came on state run tv1 day after the u.s. accused the regime of coordinating the attack t the guardians of peace have already claimed responsibility. >> i don't think it was an act of war. i think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was very costly, very expensive. >> reporter: as a counter measure the u.s. is considering putting north korea back on the list of states sponsor of terrorisms. it came off that list in 2008.
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>> if the united states reat a yates i think it's clear there will be retribution and we're in for a tit for tat that could escalate. >> reporter: over the weekend the guardians of peace taunted the fbi with a new message sent to the hollywood reporter. >> ♪ >> reporter: the message links to this youtube title you're an idiot. it plans on releasing "the interview" possibly on line. in los angeles emmett miller, channel6 "action news." >> and world news tonight with david muir will have much more on the hacking scandal including the new threats being made by north korea and how sony may be planning on releasing the movie, "the interview." you can watch that tonight at 6:30 following "action news" at 6:00. >> it is time for the "action news" traffic report and it has been a busy night tonight. >> it has. it's kind of surprising since matt as you mentioned a lot of people probably have this week off but they're probably hitting the malls. >> right, they're going shopping, they're going to the airport, maybe they'll fly out of town, maybe they're heading
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to the temple basketball game tonight in south philadelphia. perhaps that's what some of these people are intending to do but first they're stuck in a big jam rick and shirleen on the eastbound side of the schuylkill from city avenue on into girard. that's where a broken down vehicle is occupying the left lane. so you have normal volume and that broken down vehicle giving you extra problems on the eastbound side of 76 tonight. also have problems with a crash in cheltenham along township line 73 at meetinghouse road. we're watching one in hainesport township burlington county as well along 38 between industrial boulevard and 541 there by the shop rite. have a fender-bender also here on 42 northbound side in the work zone approaching 295. mostly off to the side. not causing huge delays and we're not expecting the closure of northbound 42 tonight like we saw many of the nights last week. but down there you see watch out for a water main break huron avenue near brigantine boulevard is the intersection to avoid if you're going to do some shopping at the outlets down there. rick and shirleen, back over to you. >> all right. thank you again matt. much more still to come on "action news" monday evening.
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a terrifying moment for parents as their child chokes on a piece of candy and they can't get it out but we got the story of a nevada police officer who came to the rescue. >> and it was a holiday celebration a year in the making. we'll take you to cherry hill where there was plenty of cheer to go around and melissa, she's in for adam tonight. >> yes, shirleen we're tracking that first round of rain that's moving across parts of the delaware and lehigh valleys but another round moves in as we get into christmas eve, we'll talk about the details let you know day with that accuweather forecast. >> all right, melissa. it wasn't meant to be, the eagles officially eliminated from the playoffs. jamie apody has more from chip kelly coming up in sports. >> first here's a holiday greeting from one of our local troops serving overseas. >> ♪ >> hi, welcome to dakota air base. i'm bradley and you know my wife, and we wanted to wish
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you a merry christmas and have a nice holiday season. you can't have her back. >> hi to all my family and friends back in philadelphia am i millions you guys and hope you have a great holiday
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>> a white milwaukee police officer who was fired after he fatally shot a mentally ill black man in april will not face criminal charges. the milwaukee canty district attorney said today christopher manney won't be charged for shooting dontre because it was justified self-defense. hamilton's family says he suffered from schizophrenia and stopped taking medication. manney got into an altercation and hamilton got ahold of the officer's baton. manney fired on him hitting him 14 times. >> there is little doubt that officer manney was exposed to a reasonably risk of death at great bodily harm. they are not allowed to employ force to kill, they are not allowed to use force to wound. they are allowed to employ force to stop the threat. and as long as that threat is present, they are authorized to use force. >> the d.a. calls the death a
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tragic incident for the hamilton family and for the community. >> well, a nevada police officer saved the life of a three-year-old boy who was choking on a piece of candy. mariana and her husband rushed their son into a grocery store when he began cloaking on a jaw breaker. officer quinn abbother was offer duty and just a block weigh when he heard the call. as he was giving help to the boy his body camera suddenly switched on. >> i took the child from the father. i turned him upside down over my knee and began a reverse heimlich maneuver. come on buddy. that you go. >> the jaw breaker popped out of the boy's throat and paramedics determined he was in good enough shape to go home with his parents. >> and it's time now for sports and a sad one for eagles fans despite having just one game left this season, the eagles are not going to the playoffs. >> speaking of choking, jamie apody live in the "action news" sports center with more and this will be a bitter pill for quite some time, jamie, hm.
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>> really is. like christmas morning when you go and find coal in your stocking. waking up today to the reality that this once promising eagles season will be over on sunday without a playoff berth. how did that happen? this team was 913 after thanksgiving and now heading into christmas nine and six after a three game losing streak to start december. with the cowboys win yesterday the eagles will be spending january on their sofas watching with the rest of us. chip kelly said he's not going to start the young guys sunday, he's going to play to win. in fact hey a bit clip pea with the notion he would do anything otherwise and understandably upset about the whole situation. >> it's gut wrenching. that's what i was just trying to explain. whether we lose in the playoff game or whether we lost in this fashion they're both gut wrenching situations. we're frustrated. we still have to play one more football game. we're not going to just say, hey, new york let's not worry about it. they're not like that. they're going to be ready to play, we're going to be ready to play on sunday. >> we won't be ready to watch
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but anyway. quite the tough task for templeton night. tenth ranked kansas, it wouldn't be an easy ride. you know what was an easy ride, the ride to the game. the owls took the broad street line to the wells fargo center tonight. love it. we rode right along with them. kansas always difficult, seven and four, temple owls, know it will be tough. >> great confidence to the team. they say we can play with anybody in the country. we obviously didn't do a good job against duke or villanova. we need to do a good job against kansas. >> it can ignite program. we have to respond the right way stay focused and try to do whatever coach needs us to do to pull out the win. >> it's a good measuring stick for us. it will challenge us, push us to work on some things that we need to work on going into conference play. >> they always have an upset or two in them each season. flyers have gotten their season long eight game road trip off to a great start. they've won two in a row and
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yesterday they did it in dramatic fashion tied at three, winnipeg just 10 seconds into overtime, the nhl's leading goal scorer jake voracek scores the game winner named the nhl second star of the week, has seven points the past four games. words with flyers coach craig berube after the game. i don't know, i bet berube could still take him. what do you think. sixers have the night off, they're in miami tomorrow night. they'll try to get their second straight win and you know last night a rare argument between nerlens noel and michael carter-williams. they got into a heated battle on the bench in the first quarter. childhood friends didn't let it affect things on the court. noelle double double 12 rebounds. mcw team high 21 points as the sixers snapped a five game losing streak to pick up their third win of the season. afterwards they said it wasn't the first time, won't be the last these two boston kids go at it. >> we're going to have altercations at times and i think it made us better. i think it made us play better. the team responded and i think
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we got the lead from there. i think it was positive. >> this base flying dunk by kj mcdaniels. even better the reaction from his mom in the stands. the whole game she was screaming pass the fuel my son. this via twitter. they had to move her seat right here at one point shirleen. >> she's cute. >> i love it. >> thank you, jamie. a favorite holiday tradition continues today in cherry hill. special needs students got the red carpet treatment at the crown plaza. this was fop lodge number 28th annual christmas party. the officers have been connecting with children in the community this way for more than 40 years. high schoolers from cherry hill east and west made the decorations and a visit from the philly phanatic got everyone on the dance floor. do you expect to see a new smartphone or tablet under the tree christmas morning? >> i do yes. >> okay. make the new gifts better by
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>> the state of washington will help pay to clean up damage created by that 7 feet of snow that brought upstate new york to a stand still last month. president barack obama has declared a major disaster allowing federal aid to be sent. new york governor andrew cuomo said the storm damage totals more than $46 million. almost 400 buildings suffered roof damage from the pile of heavy snow. >> and speaking of the white stuff, nothing like that in our area. >> yeah, that's not coming our way. >> good. >> if you're dreaming for a white christmas. >> sorry. >> but if you're dreaming of a wet christmas. >> plenty of that. in fact some wetness already on the board right now. we'll show you storm tracker 6 live double scan radar showing you we've got that light rainfall moving across places in philadelphia, off to south jersey and offer to the west. we'll go in tighter on street level and you can see just to the south of philadelphia some white precipitation along the jersey turnpike there, in
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medford lakes down through glassboro, elmer, hammonton and salem even on westward into areas in pottstown, malvern, coatesville, wilmington and oxford so expected to continue for the rest of the evening hours and into tonight. just some light precipitation on the way. high temperature today in philadelphia despite a fair amount of cloud cover this afternoon 45 degrees. 2 degrees above or average of 43. this time of year. and as we get into wednesday we'll be pretty close to records across portions of the delaware and lehigh valleys so big swing in our temperatures this week ahead of this precipitation we're tracking. it's 42 in the city right now, 32 in the poconos, 39 in trenton. sea isle city 43, dover 41 degrees. here's satellite 6. rounds one moving in right now. so just light rainfall pressing in the from the south to north direction. there's a weak coastal low off the coast of the carolinas and that's why this precipitation is moving in right now. we'll take you out to the west coast and show you round two. there's another batch of energy moving out of the four
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corners. this dips down to our south and will collect a lot of moisture coming in from the gulf of mexico so from a south to north direction we'll track it and watch it as it overspreads the delaware and lehigh valleys. first round one other way for the rest of tonight. future tracker 6 showing you allege:30 still light rain and drizzle around the region. as you wake up tomorrow morning 7 o'clock in the morning still some moisture to deal with with that first batch in moves in. 5 o'clock in the evening tomorrow looks to be mostly cloudy. we'll get a break before the second round of precip moves in as we get into wednesday morning. fairly quickly. 5 o'clock in the morning moderate pockets of rainfall overspreading the region. we could find a half to an inch of rainfall on the way. it continues even as we get into wednesday evening so this is christmas eve. it could certainly slow you down if you're doing some traveling or perhaps some last minute shopping as well. thursday, christmas day along that coast some showers will linger from lakehurst all the way down to wildwood. if you wake up early on thursday morning don't be surprised if you find some light showers but all of it will start to clear out as we get into wednesday afternoon and really nor matter into
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thursday i should say. so, for christmas day we have some improvement on the way. call from accuweather for the rest of tonight, light rain and fog. we bottom out at 38 in the city, 35 in the suburbs. temperatures rising overnight. as we go throughout the day tuesday. the accuweather forecast showing you morning showers, some drizzle around, high temperature up to 52. on wednesday it's rainy and breezy, a high temperature of 61, the record 64 set back in 1990. on thursday gusty winds, a high temperature of 55. winds could be gusting up to 40 miles per hour. there's that christmas day forecast for you, some sunshine, temperatures throughout the day will be in the 50's. we'll stay in the 50's even as we close out the rest of this week into friday noon next week. watch out for the rain on the way. >> okay. >> sure will. >> thank you melissa. >> uh-huh. >> joe cocker the british crooner whose raspy voice but a different spin on sump classics likewise a little help from my friends and you are so beautiful has died. cocker also paired up with jennifer warren for the hit song up where we belong from
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the movie an officer an gentleman. the musician died at his home in colorado following a long battle with lung cancer. joe cocker was 70 years old. >> ♪
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>> septa headquarters in center city look like santa's workshop today. volunteer elves sorted thousands of toys and games for kids. for 34 years employees have filled bright red barrels with donation in the toy drive. these gifts will be delivered by septa bus to eight community organizations. >> and right now jim gardner and the "action news" team are standing by with these stories and much more at 6 o'clock. philadelphia police searching for the gunman who shot at a grays ferry home injuring a three-year-old inside. plus, safety is a major concern as officers are on alert after saturday's ambush attack on two new york city police officers. >> also bethlehem is bustling with christmastime activity.
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that story and much more straight ahead. now for man today pal mass, adam joseph cecily tynan melissa magee jamie apody shirleen allicott the entire "action news" team, i'm rick williams. have a nice evening. >> see ya'. >> good night.
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rodgers, meteorologist cecily tynan and jim gardner. >> ♪ >> monday night the 21-year-old who sued her parents for tuition was back in court today and a car slams into a home in wilmington injuring four people. but the big story on "action news" tonight is the shooting of a three-year-old
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child in the grays ferry section of philadelphia. it happened late this morning in the 1300 block of newkirk street. the gunman fired into a house and hit the three-year-old boy in the groin. also shot was a 43-year-old man. at this hour the gunman is still at large. "action news" reporter john rawlins is live at the scene of the gunfire. john, first things first, what are the conditions of the victims? >> reporter: well, remarkably both are in stable condition. that is the good news here. no doubt about it. the little boy and the 43-year-old man are neighbors. the crime today happened at two different houses side by side. a confusing double shooting. first, an unidentified gunman seeking one man argues with that man's neighbor and shoots him. >> after that altercation he fired a shot into that male striking him in there thigh. >> reporter: as the shocked neighbor retreats to his house. >> then the defendant goes to th


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