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tv   Action News  ABC  December 26, 2014 1:36am-2:12am EST

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delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours with an coughing can really be disruptive. advanced time release formula for all day or all night relief. bianca! [cheering] delsym. silence is relief. man (sternly): where do mr. mucus: to you work, with it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. i'm good all day. [announcer:] mucinex keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 hours. let's end this
1:39 am
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soure of entertainhen "ew" has join a bigger silv to the scene and eva pilgrim i heard from movie goers tonht she josle froe stor eva. r may head to eo todayre pull movir for one christmas m here to s movie annie.>>ng ts partf many families holiday trad>> openinmyts as v do somethg resentsreg o do. pretty much. i was board.
1:42 am
but s new movies out and l go pick a movie. ne of the hottesttic is this wha want to see. the film sepms roun a plots to assasne pre norm core he. roun a plots to assasne pre norm core he. t week sonyl meetingst of sevals r associated with thema birt of very i baby boy. tons not only thatrae but increr t joy. off.ursday night. i' williams. very christs and
1:43 am
ur the story on "action n eng is baby on board. inf boy born during the os thefe. deli" reporterhae willm is live out o see, sharee. you nd rick, this is truly the ne saw this coming a baby hd up being a get for his mothd also thewoers that i to help. >> i can't hearing ary my halted.he twlainke. the next thing you no the l stp wanted tow what ready to give birth there on the train. baby on christmas on the l. couit feeter son beganol with his cellpho camera.>> we hr
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abo 1166 15, eastbound, 15, eastbound, woman in labor for msl tra. >> daniel cabans works ths we line andst to resp>> i rushed downstai.>e was. e baby was coming. >> i was like hey, guys, get glovh had his gs ready. i s you, come on.get was joinedy id mom.g rel james th help deliver t unl will call cord w the e baby's neck other than tha healthy boy. it's called christmas m unfole for pass ts is like a joy to see a >> there tell us there wil of s.
1:45 am
y days. you t say chris day. all s say blessing. i already s itg for me 2:55 thisther o afte sear and also receing and that pd today. as f mom and baby they're done fine at hnn uni hospital. livr city, shae will "chne quite a story. tha, sharee. g we're arg from a park attendant instruction s eve. andr core was manninthe stand he seasons 5 restaura wd newspae conv. 38-d michelleim up and iiy asked for another valet's one then up here window hit
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the grass and drove trai she nd to get aw.>> jumped ono the. gd she would stop once on her hood he pt acc on 20 feet before fall he then smred the scene scar a burger kg parkg lot in mid pain town a whh vehicle was dam in t case. > it's not what anyone wod tyn tree.stmas a car and e 100-foot tall timber tpd took out power lis and ted electrically ten the border ande we are down ac the
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as part of united es it looks clear the was al. if today or tomorrow oks nice and queue eicr e lower 0. ves monday. air that been usu warm over the several d this knock open the door as get into sunday night and morn. even is no terribly impr this time year peen it will ultimat ultimately gool. pe in control headed to home. g 350.southwes stng of the funn system out e west, 54 or 55 for
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hi and even surprised, evene funnel systems cl to the delaware val they're still far to the he pick up everything degr and once age low 50s. devrl days temper prd clouds, ts abou and then we goat sunday, s g, sawn and cl and cg up late he day and coul couple shs cg up late he day and coul couple shs ditcm to time. s in the region. most and chilly. not n cold. and forecastoow delae valley we move nor in philadelpa, 50 mil. tren wilmp 50. unth mostly sun sky. t a 7 day forecast. cg cloudy 50 d therenday a couple shs
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lod from time to time n loot a wash. e your to around at 350ing off thuray and l withn 30s. 's quiet and no snow. all rightu g medicalt ay from homeidt mis christmas today. one of santa's e came md this was no ordinary eh, you don't want that one.
1:51 am
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yea, actually i do. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up.
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i can't sleep when i'm all stuffy. i take offense to that. i'm not going to argue with a talking ball of mucus. i think you're being a little hasty... he's not with me. mucinex fast max night time. multi-symptom relief plus nasal decongestant. breathe easy. sleep easy. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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christmas day traditi le pre food, family, nba open tv. james makg return to miamme of the sea he got an ovaon on and dwaye the former mes 30 in return and hef gavee cavs a lead and got a techan on the rim and
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heatk it from there. and christmais a day for peace on and good wilt men and how aut good will tos fellow competito on twit theywi and sent t thei of the fist poem was night before chs all throue not a creu was sturing not y a mouse and colorado rock stockings were hung with a chimney with we're and it was jimmy kimmel is next and weand. conte 4:30 tomorrow morn rogers, m jim od evening and once aga mer od evening and once aga mer ou
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od evening and once aga mer ou hey, guys, in honor of tomorrow's annual cul-de-sac sale, i... wrote a little ditty. you guys wanna hear it? play it! play it! oh, absolutely! (bobby) absolutely! yeah. oops. dropped the pick. (chuckles) okay. guys? oh, screw it. ♪ listen up, jack, there's a sale in my sac ♪ ♪ if you watch movies on vhs ♪ or you'd like a 10-year-old dress ♪ ♪ or if you collect toy submarines ♪ (lowered voice) is it almost over? ♪ or dirty old figurines (whispers) i hope so. (whispers) oh, yeah. ♪ tell your sister not to bail ♪ ♪ tell your brother who's in jail ♪
2:01 am
♪ it's the annual gulfhaven cul-de-sac... ♪ (falsetto voice) ♪ sale that was good. second verse different than the first! ♪ it's the sale that everyone goes to ♪ ♪ -- captions by vita-- well, this looks like the last of it. why are you selling our ice cream maker? because we've had it for two years, and you've made ice cream exactly zero times. maybe i'll make some now. let's see. all right. all we need is, um... some milk, some sugar, cream. we throw this bucket into the freezer for an hour. then we have to take a mixing apparatus and... screw it. 5 bucks? done. i hate yard sales. it's just a bottom-feeders buying and selling each other's trash. oh! a pair of used crutches! sword fight? yeah! bottom-feeders. hey, are you selling the ice cream maker? 5 bucks.
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sweet! is it easy it use? it's easier than... ellie, little help? it's easier than... jules after a bottle of wine and a compliment on her calves. you think my calves are nice? i'll take it. oh! how much for this fine dish towel? hmm. 35 cents, you say? (clicking) okay, well, the nickels are jammed. how about 30? (coins clatter) well, this is horrible. i love yard sale season. a time for buying, a time for selling. time for finding that perfect pressure cooker you never knew you always wanted. and the cycle continues. you buy a bunch of crap, no one buys ours, and our garage becomes the dump site for all the unwashed losers of gulfhaven. maybe if you're not so snarky to our customers, we'll actually be able to sell some stuff this year. what's the fun of having a yard sale if you can't mock the lowlifes that shop there? pfft. if we sell the nordictrack and the old-timey popcorn machine,
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we'll be able to fit your truck into the garage. okay. i will keep my nasty thoughts to myself... thoughts like your little carny change belt makes me wanna empty the coins into a sock and beat you over the head. we're off to a good start. you wanna help? this yard sale is the perfect chance for you to get rid of some of this crap. (clatter) crap? everything on this boat serves a purpose. how about this broken tv? that's my piggy bank. this... empty paint can? early prototype of penny can. that thing could be in the hall of fame one day, buddy. what about this? (object thuds) what the hell is this? it sounds like there's a bunch of dirt in it. (rustling) those are ashes from your great-grandpappy robbie cobb. well, that definitely surpasses the duck skeleton as the creepiest thing on the boat. i was his favorite grandson, and his dying wish was for me to scatter those ashes on a roller coaster. crazy as that is, my main question is, what is it still doing here?! i mean, didn't he die, like, 15 years ago?
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i've been busy. you know, the boat always needs fixin', and hanging out with your mom takes up a big chunk of time, and i've got beard maintenance. what--what's up with all the questions? man, who made you king of the boat? hey, enjoy that bundle of extension cords. if you ever get 'em untangled, you're gonna love 'em. he's never getting 'em untangled. that doesn't bother you, taking his money for something that might not work? laurie, you don't get yard sales. people just wanna buy something for 50 cents. if the thing works, it's a bonus. i don't think that's right, jules. i think that you should think about karma. i'm not talking about my friend karma davis, the fiercest female wrestler in all of tampa. you know she once put one of her opponents in a figure four leg lock so tight, they never got out? they're like siamese leg twins now. that is super. i'm gonna give that some thought. (singsongy) check it out! (normal voice) i got these bagpipes, this stuffed porcupine, a stranger's wedding video, and... (singsongy) a shake weight! (rattles)
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and to think, if we ever get divorced, half of that will be mine. it's a 50-cent pack of cards. no need to mull it over. i thought you weren't gonna be snarky to the customers. i thought so, too, but then a bunch of losers invaded my yard, and i changed my mind. are you even physically able to not be snarky? i am, if i'm not surrounded by idiots, which is almost never. okay, prove it. if you can be not snarky for one whole day, i'll get rid of all this stuff i bought at the yard sale today. last five yard sales. deal. but if you lose, you have to wear this inflatable sumo suit. (shouts indistinctly) deal. hey, jules. how's the, uh, suction on this vacuum? when i turn it on, it makes a loud noise. so i'd say good and sucky. i'll take it. all right. here you go. hope you love how much it sucks. you told me that vacuum barely works. well, i decided to focus on the "works" part and ignore the "barely."
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that's just good salesmanship. (sea bird calling) oh. i just got crapped on by a bird! no, jules. that was karma. you just got crapped on by karma. oh, would you stop it, laurie? there's no such thing as kar... ugh! (exhales) birds fly in flocks, okay? that's how it works. i'm not getting any poop. (gruff voice) ahoy, landlubber. look what i got at the yard sale for $5. (normal voice) don't i make a great sea captain? stern! jib! (imitates sea captain) scurvy. you look like a guy wearing funny clothes. what if i talked like this? (imitating new england accent) there's a perfect storm coming. park the car in harvard yard. oi, mate! come here. there's a storm on the brew. you start sellin' fish sticks? dad, i think i know why you haven't spread grandpappy's ashes. you start thinking about how embarrassing it is to be descended from a man that would make such an insane request, and you're worried about how that reflects on you, and that maybe that says something negative
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about who you are as a man-- damn it, travis, i'm afraid of roller coasters! why do you keep torturing me? (sighs) didn't see that coming. okay, i got $43 in cash money and an assload of change. oh, it's like a weapon. uhh! i could take out a bear! mm! wow. great haul. i couldn't sell anything. what were you selling? oh, the usual-- cds, dead wife's shoes, used scalpels, forceps, surgical masks. oh, come on, tom. sometimes you just don't think. you might've boned the sale, but at least you didn't jank your karma by lying to everyone. there's no such thing as karma, because if there was, i wouldn't be celebrating with this bottle of bubbly. (corks pops) (laurie screams) (horror movie theme playing) (slo-mo voice) tippi, no! i'm not even gonna say anything. okay, you know what? i am. that was karma!
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how their holiday glscent made me feel,ing which inspired this song. ♪ feel the air with joyful noise ♪ ♪ ring the bell and raise your voice ♪ ♪ let there be peace on earth ♪ ♪ let there be peace on earth ♪ ♪ lift your light and let it shine ♪ ♪ let it shine, shine, shine! ♪ glade sparking spruce. feel anticipation. feel glade. sc johnson, a family company. and i quit smoking with chantix. people who know me, they say 'i never thought you would quit.' but chantix helped me do it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures.
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don' take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i'm a non-smoker, that feels amazing. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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we are gathered here to celebrate the tragically short life of big tippi. (voice breaks) oh, god. it just gets harder every time. come here. look, i know we go through this pretty much every year, but, uh, this is insane. big tippi is family. so zip it, cap'n crunch. big tippi, you were the best thing to come out of los angeles. except for the fake academy award i got for best supporting lover. (kisses) there is no greater tragedy
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than outliving your own wine glass. (door closes) (playing "amazing grace") when did you learn to play the bagpipes? (panting) middle school band. a friend told me it would help me get girls. turned out it really wasn't a friend. more like a clever bully. so sorry about big tippi, jules. what a terrible accident. this was no accident. this was karma. your wrestler friend from tampa? no. no, i lied, and now the universe is pissed at me. laurie, please help me get the universe to like me again. at least you're honoring tippi's memory and not wussing out because you're afraid of a loop-de-loop. ordinarily, i'd be machine gun snarking this moment. (imitates rapid gunfire) (makes gurgling sound) (penny clinks) that's just about the saddest game of penny can i've ever seen. (penny clinks) so you're afraid of roller coasters. ever since i was a little kid.


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