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tv   Inside Story  ABC  January 4, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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>> you your identity your wallet and cyber security, next on inside story! hey everyone, i'm matt o'donnell. it is sunday, january 4 2015, happy new year, this is inside story, talking cyber security with congressman pat meehan the 7th district of pennsylvania, primarily in delaware county. thank you for being here. >> good to be here. >> you have security technologies you deal at this a lot. chick-fil-a was telling its customers some of the credit cards were cropsed and sony -- compromised, sony.
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target staple, dairy queenpf chang. ups, i could go on and on. why can't he stop this from happening. >> companies you identified there is and incentive to gain economic benefit from stealing identities. you have listed that long litany of companies who have been affected and more importantly americans, millions of americans whose identity has been compromised. of course that's a separate issue from the more significant issue with sony, but to the average americans whose identities have been compromised, it's very real and it is part of the future wear facing. >> who is more care atlanticless the modern consumer who posts information on facebook that could lead to identity theft the government not caring about it or the companies? >> all of the above are
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partners in this. there is a reality we could be doing a lot more. we talk about cyber hygiene. 80% of the kind of things that are cluttering up and stolen on the internal could be impacted by better cyber hygiene. we have a lot of to do to do ourselves to protect. there needs to be things to be done in the industry. slow movement toward the kinds of technologies that they have adopted in europe, you can have chips in cards that would be an impediment. that's one of the kinds of things that need to be done. very sophisticated operators will get around the systems no matter how effective you put them on. that's where the sonys find themselves. there a gap to be bridged between the companies trusting the government and the government trying to work with the companies to fix the problems and protect consumers
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better. >> we've come along way. the reality in the past, companies wouldn't come forward because they were afraid of being identified. now, the issue we have is for the government and the private sector to communicate in real times. there's liability questions that impact that. we're working in washington to create a better capacity to protect individual privacy and enable real time communication. 90% of the internet assets is in the private sector. information is gamed by the security agency, and things like that we have to talk in real time to protect against these threats. >> inyou receive briefings from time to time, north korea, this is a regime that could not feed it's on people and somehow their internet got turned off and for
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sometime. do you think they have hacked sony? >> hey -- yes i do. they've training to impact the internal. this is the ability to use limited resources and affect global policy. they are a perpetuate -- child who is looking for attention. people believe we took a significant step with the breach of sony. this is not the first time people used information not just to get economic benefit but to use it, to in effect not just embarrass, but make sony react to them in ways that are different than we've ever seen before. >> you're going to start your third term on tuesday in congress steve sclese the
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majority whip, i know he may not have met this group and spoke to them in the 2002, may be speak to white supreme iests. >> do i support him? yes i do. i go as the democrat from new orleans said, there's not a prejudice bone in his body. he'll have to make people understand the significance of what he did. >> will he come out of it? >> there's no genuine intent on his part. ten years he was the one that repudiated duke and talked about on the record how much he found his opinions abhorrent. >> on the scale of one to ten
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how much more productive will this congress be than the last one even though it's fully republican? >> it can be more productive. >> five, six seven. >> if we get to five it's more than we done in the past. i think things will be better. >> congressman meehan, thank you for joining us on inside story. we'll be right back! of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you.
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>> we're back with our panel on inside story. let's introduce them and see who they are. jim eisenhower. >> good morning matt. >> rene amoore. >> happy new year. >> right back at you. >> communications executive nia meeks. >> and head of the chester county gop. good to have you here. you want to mention something about cyberrer security given the interview with congressman meehan. >> it points to the fact that we need to recruit more younger people into government anticipate public service. when we thinking about these things the bureaucrats of old might not be as on it when it comes to issues in cyber space. younger people this is second nature. it underscores the need to refresh and renew our public service. >> you rarely see a senator walk into a wall because he is
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texting. >> you mentioned something about meehan being on the ways and means committee. >> it may limit his way to be involved, he will fight in the security matters but unfortunately we'll be losing him there. >> let's talk about tom wolf he will become governor on january 20th. big problems coming up, it will not easy. listed three of them. probably not that much of a surprise. preexisting problems, the budget is the main thing. it's a mess right now. number two unforeseen events, black swans thinks you can't predict they just happen and you have to deal with them. number 3 institutional gridlock. you have an republican governor
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who couldn't get a lot done with a republican majority legislature. what do you think about wolf's prospects as he becomes the chief executive in harrisburg. >> any governor coming in recent history in pennsylvania, faces many of the same issues. tom wolf has a couple of things going in his favor. won by a huge landslide first elected governor to defeat an incumbent governor which is significant in harrisburg. he showed in his career and when he was in the rendell administration he can work with both parties. there's a fear among the public they are sick of gridlock. that has an affect on politicians, always we heard from congressman meehan, saying let's get things done. >> will the republicans work
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with wolf? >> wolf made a lot of problems, and he thinks of obama care which will make insurance companies upset. which can we do with pension and liquor privatization. he will exphiewn -- have to communicate. he doesn't have a cabinet secretary that he announced. this is january, when will we hear that, i'm concerned he's moving a little vo. >> vo -- slow. people who know him know he is a methodical person. once he gathers information he'll make the decision and set the course. >> the communications component is essential because governor corbett for his flaws and pluses one major flaw was communication, he did not -- whether something was good or something so great you need to tee people up for he did not do that. this governor moving in has to
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set the stage so everyone knows where things stand not only with the policy, but the policy maker. he has to communicate that way. governor corbett did not talk to the people in the legislature in his own party. >> hopefully wolf will learn from that. >> legislative leaders put him on notice before we can raise taxes we need to get liquor privatization done. in the senate they want to get things done there too before raising taxes. unlike rendell rendell governed with a republican legislature he had experience coming in. the other thing that he didn't have which wolf has to deal with is a much more conservative western pennsylvania legislature that will make the job difficult. >> if you remember the
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legislature wanted to put rendell in short panels you're a philadelphian you're coming up here we're not going to have it. >> he was the speaker. >> when you look at the majority of the membership on both sides look we all know, when it comes to harrisburg, it's philadelphia versus the state. philadelphia is not a favorite son or daughter with this state. wolf does not come from philly, he comes from york. he speaks to these kinds of things and he does not -- >> he is more of an ideologue than rendell. talk about a progressive income tax and billion dollar plus tax on marcellas shale. >> is that going to happen? >> those are all winning issues those issues polled great in the election against tom corbett.
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he was against those things and went down in a resounding defeat. i don't see a controversies in these issues. >> if you tell western pennsylvania which has its own wealth we're going to tax your wealth and send it to philadelphia it's not going to happen. >> it's not going to happen. >> the marcellas tax there's no way to get changes to the state income tax. which is another proponent to the plan to give more money to education. right there it blows up. >> the public engagement you have to bring them into the conversation. the late governor mario cuomo you basically run on poetry and run on prose. >> do it often early.
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>> january 20th it's going to happen. let's talk about charter schools in philadelphia, we had another one close walter d. palmer told the students you can't come back. the high school closed earlier in the year. it was trying to stay open, didn't have the funds. there are other charters that closed in december, solomon closed in 2013. there are 40 new applications sitting in the office in the school district. is this are a canary in the coal mine? >> this is the case where the adults couldn't getting together and do the right thing. the charter school took in more kids than apparently the agreement they had with the school district allowed them to, so the school district went back after the money. charter school couldn't afford
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to pay the money ultimately it's the kids who suffered here. >> the charter school law is set up, if something doesn't work it closes. that's what we're seeing happening here. there's the extrapolation this shows why the district is better than charter. we have to get out of that either/or conversation. we have a combined portfolio. seven out of ten parents would prefer something outside of the philadelphia schools. if you have that disconsent you'll need -- discontent, you'll need additional choices. >> i can tell you from person experience in cases i've been involved in with fraud at charter schools there's got to be more oversight. >> the district doesn't have enough money -- >> some look at it as a big piggy bank, you get x amount of
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money for whatever students you enroll. sometimes people have no experience, a lot of corruption you see case after case coming out of the u.s. attorney's office getting indicted for charter school fraud. >> there's a whole charter school movement, i'm against fraud, you cannot color all charter schools behind the cases which is a minority. there are some people whole fight to the death who say public schools are public schools. >> because they are public schools. for 675 kids, you know to be out there hanging now is ridiculous we don't want our kids to suffer. the parents are in a panic. the parents said one thing the board said another. the oversight. we have to make a decision, get something in place to make sure this doesn't keep happening.
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it's an on going cycle. there's too many things that are happening in education that are making our kids suffer and they are not ready to go to college or get a job. they can't get into accepted into college because they can't get out of high school because we're not doing what we need to do. >> all of us have to be invested and involved when it comes to education it can't be i don't have kids in the school system, i don't have to worry about it. >> they have tonld -- to understand the parameters what it comes to charter. the same thing would happen if you have your kids in a private school or parochial school or public school. you need to know the leadership. >> that use to be the was when you sent them to public school. >> you used to have teachers that would come to your door and say what's going on. you had a different type of
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engagement when mothers did not have to work, some of them were at home and did engage. >> as a catholic school grad, the catholic school system in philadelphia is at trophy and closing schools right and left this my personal opinion they are a fantastic option. him. >> it's hurt the city we talked to bill k. he keller about this. school choice around crusades philadelphia neighborhoods you would see less people move out of the city for educational choices. charters schools look, parents i represent a number of charter schools and visited a number of them in philadelphia. the parents are as excited as anyone, they are safe and clean and kids learn. the teachers can correct the curriculum you don't get that in
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a typical public school. you see a diamond you don't see in the traditional public school. >> that's fine, but we have to change whose going to be looking at who. that's my issue we let it go too far and look what's happening. this is not the first charter school when is it going to stop? >> let's jump to 2016. it's 2015 and we're talking about 2016. cnn released a new poll for the republican nomination, 23% jeb bush and 13% governor chris christie that's a ten point difference. anyone surprised by this? >> no. >> it's about name i.d. at this point and jeb has the name i.d. i can tell you in my capacity as chairman of the party i've never gotten so many e-mails from unsolicited conservatives if jeb
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bush is the nominee i'm leaving the party. common core is hurting him. >> the irony of that, it's the second time i said iron my this morning. as a hillary clinton supporter i'm not speak fogger the clinton campaign but the main component we would be concerned about is jeb bushies a formable. >> how do you recognize this? >> he is going to have to go out and talk about some of the good things he did conservative tinges things he did in florida. else the state's most popular governor there ever. >> he is going to the inauguration of the florida governor rick scot. >> after he goes to the cowboys game? >> i'm not getting into that. >> chris christie is chris christie. people see him as a bully.
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you can't tell people to sit down and shut up, that hurts him. >> some people in this reality tv world we live in, they think that's funny. >> that doesn't mean they are going to vote for you. >> the statesman, with the republican party it's more like we're going to tell you what's going on. to those folks he is a peeling. for but those with moderate discussion they are looking at jeb bush. >> people are looking for candidates that are willing to stand for something. jeb bush announced he would not be attending steve king's whatever it is in iowa. because he is antiimmigration. he is the only big name republican that's not going.
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inside stories next.
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>> cueing up inside stories of the week we start with jim. >> matt i know you're a music fan this week marks the birthday of the king of rock and roll, he elvis pressly. john lennon said before elvis there was nothing. >> he is so right. i'm a big elvis fan. >> a company in bryn mawr they are talking about people with their resolution, they are getting folks together to run a mile or two miles or three miles and come together and talk about your resolution so you'll continue to do them all year. i'm going out to run and talk about my resolution whatever it might be. >> thank you. >> 20 years ago in philadelphia we started something absolutely fantastic, the martin luther king day of service it's not a day off but a day on. a lot of people want to get involved take this opportunity torched a property not -- to find a project not to do it
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just one day but throughout the year. we need you. >> pope francis had suggested new year's resolutions. take care of your relationships with others, transforming your faith into life and your words into good works especially on behalf of the needy we should remember that in the up coming year. purify your tongue in a sense of word and look after your work doing it with enthusiasm and humility and competent and passion and spirit that knows how to thank the lowered. >> i had a resolution it was related to social media i don't like it any more. i'm going to change it. i'm going to listen more. which is my job here, i'm supposed to listen to you guys. >> listening is one thing but actively listening. >> it's very interesting listening to you guys.
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thank for you joining me, i would like to thank congressman pat meehan for joining us. it's the first inside story of 2015. thank you to have watching i'll see you monday morning on "action news"! >> i'm new hampshire along with eva pilgrim. -- i'm nydia han along with eva pilgrim. >> police officers from across the country are saying goodbye to a slain new york city police officer. a car crashed into a reservoir in south jersey. >> the sports world is remembering a well-known sports broadcaster who died today.
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quite the man. >> those stories next on "action news." # (vo) at jennie-o, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over
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regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. >> good afternoon it's sunday, january 4. i'm nydia han along with eva pilgrim. >> right now thousands including many from our area have


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