tv Action News ABC January 21, 2015 1:36am-2:12am EST
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>> here's your question of the day: stay tuned for the answer. has helped thousands of people let go of all the hassle that comes with selling or trading in. we make selling your car truck or suv fast, safe and fair with three simple steps: one -- get your free online valuation. two -- drive to your local car-buying center. three -- walk out with a check in as little as thirty minutes. buying cars is all we do. all makes and models and no dealership pressure we'll even settle your loan or lease. so, don't wait. get your free online valuation now at
1:38 am
>> the answer to that question was ostrich. welcome back to celebrity week here at millionaire. i'm here with the amazing terry and heather dubrow. and they have $68,500 in their bank. now, congratulations. you have made it to round 2, and now you are playing for the really big money. your next question is worth $100,000. it's time play classic millionaire. [cheers and applause] >> we have no lifelines. >> you are just 4 questions away from the million. and the good news is, from here on out, if you get a question wrong, the worst you can do is leave here with $25,000.
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let's take a look at your $100,000 question. because there are over 30 million of them in the u.s. there's about a 1-in-10 chance that you're a member of what largest protestant church in america? >> i'm gonna go with "e," jews. >> [laughs] that's us. [laughter] what? >> that's not on the board. >> there's no rabbinical studies category? >> no. um... >> i have no idea. >> i think it's... i have no idea.
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>> i have no idea. >> no. no clue. >> we have no lifelines. >> no lifelines. >> you know what, honey? $68,500 is so much money and that's gonna feed a lot of children, and i don't want to risk a guess--even though we'd get 25 grand--i mean, i just think $68,500 is ton of money. there are kids in this program that, you know, we provide backpacks for, and it's their only food for the entire weekend. and it's a really amazing organization. people don't realize, because orange county is such an affluent community, you know that there are so many families and kids in need that go hungry. and the more money we can give them, the better. i am gonna vote that we walk away with our $68,500, which is a ton of money. >> yeah. >> and how lucky we are to be a part of this and how grateful we are to have been here. >> yeah.
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>> and i think that's... >> our final answer. >> our final answer. >> that's your final decision? >> yes. >> all right. the dubrows have decided to walk away with $68,500. the correct is... baptists. hey. that's our show for today. we'll see you next time on millionaire: celebrity week. closed captioning sponsored by: constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life.
1:44 am
♪ > "tion new"elawe vl lding news progra with jim rdn. > ts isn't the clipper that will hit the tri-state area torrow,ut a little snow got the lehigh vall in the mood onight. i wot be a big storm, b the ting of t snowould cause big proemsurinthe ening isuesday nit a the big ory on "action news" tonight ist jt enough snow at just the wrong time. l'set right to meteorologist
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cily tynan and live double scan rar. the system i am tracking is close to 1,000 miles away from u southf minnpolis wts known the clipper. ey arfast-moving. h don'tave loads of moiste b iis moving in from t west by midday hours. nd really intensifying in time for the evening commute. furetck shing as the l rssure really reemerges off the coast and startso enhance the snowfall ts is when we will see heavier snow. y see the timing, that's at 500 tooevening. tat's thproble the timing with the system. he weather service posted wintereatheadvo for mt f the sthern par of o vewinar. not a srm system where the farther nth y e the more sn you se tislipping to e soh, enhancg t snow generally uh of philadelphia. he timine from nn 'til 3:00
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ithe afternoon. e snow it pushing in. :0 to 8:00 is when to speck the steadiest snow in time for the evening commute. ad erything endg from the uthwesto the northeast betwe 9: anmnht. t is a faiy fast-moving yst. ave meome adjustments to the snowfa accumuli map and i will talk aut that and ack not one, but two dition possibili snow i the accuwther seven-d fort. > alrigh cecily. wat bubbling up from the reet in t orbrook section philadelphia tonight could spell tuble overnight. t water depare is trying cap the leak east of city avenue. ay left orwater could freeze i black ice. h con new morng tm tracki the quk-moving snow syem overnight and having the latest updates startgt 4:30 a.m. ♪♪ > presidentarack oba ud hs next-to-st state of the union speech torge americans
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to turnhe pagen yea of onomic troues. ecenterpiece of tonighs address is what pundits call oma's robin hd tax propols to te from the rich and giving to in this case the middle lass. > accting an enomy whe only a few of us do spectaculay we. ee we commit ourselves to an eco that genates risg incomes d chanc f everyone w makes the efrt. aplse] >> oba said he wantso raise taxes on the wealthy raisi the ait gns tax to 28% on come over $500,000. a by erasing an inheritance ophole allowg theenet fisheryiesy -- beficiaries to eape. ad a t cred for families wi two working spouses and pansn of the cld care tax cdit. her taxes on the wealthy also
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pingor the $60 billion to make comnity colleges free. ith republicans in firm control f both houses of congress it s ao certain tt these higher taxes won't be approv. fcose obama knows that and he cou be trying to set an agda for the next demrat who rs for president. a obama spent considerabl time talki about fighting tror, syria, iran and american edership abroad. nd ao the need to combat cyber terrorm.>> nooi naon no hacker should be able to shutdown our nworks, steal our trade seets or inve the pvacy of filies especiallyur kids. we are making sure the governnt can cbat cyber reats as we haveone to coat terrorism. >> and calling on congress to tter meet the cyber rrorisc threats. >> and speaking to a the house
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in republicacontro both of ouses. ad t response delivered by e freshman ceer. > americans haveeen hurting. u when we commaed solutions tooft whingn responded wth e same stale mindset that l faid policies like bamacare it is ainet that gave us political talng points not rousutions. > there are a number of irst-year lawmakers in our ea. congresonalelegatn attendinghe firsttate of the uon address. w gorction from so tem tit. > the idea that we' going to rermur tax code to make it mo fair to make it more equitae and make sure work is rewarded and pay is incredibly iortant. ad ihouthat aspect of his sech washe stngest, the rt w most excited toer happen. a hopeful we can find areas we c agree on. d hrd some things i know w will disagree onbut that
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tnate of waingtond. and hefly will find common sense solutions. and in harrisburg the form owner of a budding fly opa, and former m.i. and meer of the peace corps. > i wl support and defend -- > this ishe scene as tom wolf ookhe oath of office. tnight focus of the inauguraonov to hershey d celebratio nd walr p is live in hershetog. wlte jim, as you can see it stl vy loud and festive at t hshey lodge. party celebrating the trap situion of tomolf from bunessno politician. itetingne of the campaign titude decred duringis iugural address that he will
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e an uonventnal golf nor. three simple things. js that pay schools that tch and third a government that works. > and the first few hours of govern the york cnty democr sied executive ords bring ecutive branch employeesrom accepting gifts, anout log t no-bid contacts wi firms. dhh bigger fish to fry. a $2.3 billi deficit working th the legislatu run by the g.p. ad nde says tt he faces allenges his the right mn f the job. > all of the rublicans here wa nsi reform want to pivatizthe liquor ores. otn the wish list. nd he ges them a chance to ade o things onheir wish st and modify things. > and he shared with us his
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sire to ild a bipt senc - bipaisansh.>> andts gat he has a philadphian with him because phadelph is key in ecomic developme. > during tonight's post inaugural celration in hesh nominatinghe workers helping m whh st november. >> i want you to have aood ime. reay party, celrate the ctory and let's get to work omorrow. tank youeryuch for everying yove done. >> now t past inaugural balls were black tie affrs wi fireworks and parades. a his ent incluteded edededed -- inuded an art show and is dance party. uonveiol indeed. wlteperef chne6 "ti new" > thk you. >> o coverage of gernor tom wf's inauguration since on
1:53 am w ha a slide show of phoaphs from the ceremony d p tonight. ls you can watch wolf layout his vision in the full inaugal adss vio. a bucks county jury has been eused f the night withinhe s ur and a ha retning tomoow to decide the fe of the former sportscaer don tolfso kay afteri hrs of delibeti the jury and sent me by the judge after 9:30 ter a 12 1/2 hour day and after ccernf ice on the rdwaythe jurhere n 9:00 in the trial of don tollefs trying to dide if he frauded people and chits out of thousandsf dlars. and tyorked tohhe dinn hr with a seriesf requests about 8:45. sing to see a list of victims and restitution amounts owed
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which the judge agreed to let em see. sed to see the away games in the eagles' schedule. teud said no rely on mory. tey aed to have the tesmony f o tssereread and the judgeaid no to at also saying they havto rely on memory for that. t jury heard from tlefson servg as his o attorney. epeating s bad businessman defense, saying he wanted to help kids and intended to repay people for trips they d not g. nw it up to the juryo dede the verdict. ere is t prosecutor tonight. > they are a hard-worki jury d i he no qrrel with them taking as long as it tes to gt iright. am very confidenthat heill d that. >> for his rt don tollefson deed comment on the avi of his torney. te ris expected to return at:00 tomorw morni to resu thr liberatis.
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le at the bucks county courthsin doylestown. >> findi a philadelphia uni bs glty of arson, violence and threats to conactorsnd hiring union rker and docrty convicted of all counts in his fedal racketeeng case. psecuto ye cir with 11 other members and all pled guil. herty faces 15 to 110 yea in prison. > a robber used a demd note and sll silver box with wires produedingr iat a hold up in center city philadelph. ad forne nobody was hurt a the somebody ran from the public first bank after getting cash. > and still to come baisti lea the biden sidents soti aew
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irection >> a the bridge collapse in oh with aipple eect in new esey. >> and a reue comingo t d in carrage. >> and i was trackingnow on e way tomr and detail on how it affects wre you live in the accuweaer forecast. > and extra sly stallone. d wt unt you see the selfie tourists got. >> and ducodgersith the in overtime dramatic fason w the rals from pittsburgwhen "tionews" continues tonight
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it doesn't get much easier than picking 2 things. you pick 2, and... you're basically done. look for pick 2. coming soon from the pennsylvania lottery. easy to play. simple to say. shooting outside of vice-psident joe biden's dware me surday nht ke not capablef harming anody inside. h bidens were not ther
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bc ns aed tsew informati from the officials th knlge of the iestigati.recover sll cases match a hand gun. b t home itself is set way ck from the road. he investigation is now shifti focus to whether the sting was met to send a msager if it was just coincidence tt it wasearhe ie-esent's home. >> bensalem pice say this 3year-fath sexually assaulted two young girls during sleev parts at his home. t 9- and 10-year-old victims of friend of david husch's dghter. oe ia girl scout and dctivesre investigang if the are other victs. hey s the molestation occurr ov a yearnd a half. > icy roads tnunday rning on t blte a nightmare a a radnor pole oficern theidd of it ierly. e experienced both triumph and spair."actionews" reporter kenneth
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lked to the policoffice >> and the radnor township pn onhe when it haened. iw icy and happened qck. freshff a 12-hour shift and o his way home sunday morning spting a car tt slaed io t wall. he jumped out to help when more vehicles we sliding and cshing. > the ne three mines y har e the bangs. r eti sding into ea ther. > wh nthrou yo mind at that point? >> i heot to work that's i a the traingicked in. he former cop with radnor for a yr helping when a tractoair jaknifed. a first encounting thos brennanrom lansde nconscious andh andern fom delawa. >> a he wasn't sponng. dthe wife in the passenger at screaming for help and help
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or her baby. > and getting andeon's wife to safety and they worked to save the trapped baby. tewo survived but andern d e oth drir died. an gallagher just thankful that hwas er o god ya god ya glad somebody was there. > a praising other off-duty ofcer w came upon the pe up sunday. ih more bad weather coming our wis warning, sl down a if you don't have to go out, d't. ken icould te days to remove ccrete that crashed into an o interstate with deadly rul. aconstruion worker killed whenn overpass demolished silcoapsed. a the tractorrdv wth nor injuries. n it prompted new jsey to der a safy revw every strucradicient
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srucray-defit bmmg sructay-deficientrge i the gden state. a quite cruncand a makeover in camden getting ndery. ad t fir sig ruced to rubble, a ev the mayor got bend the controls. n ty pn to demolish hundreds of building hy often bome dg stash hoes and they have the goal to bud housing. > and a must-do in ilelia a run up the steps the meum of art. n gup of frien surprised wen th did that surday and sylvester alle was the at t top of the step pe from lancaster county and his two out-of-town friend were able to get a sfie wh roc iself.
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tallone said to e group you guysre fast making look ad. e is in up to shooting "creed" the latest rocky inallment. ca you jt imagin >> yo adrian. >> how they reacted when they sw hi > tt's fanttic. e needs to visit more often, help the tourism. come to town. >> a the accuweaer orecastso problemsn town ad elsewhere. some snow coming to down. ong tbe an upsiddown srm. the higr accumulationhe rther south you are not north. a tonight no pcion flli fmhsksut temperates are droing and the actns cam looking at lan sare toght. loudy ses a the meraredroppg bo feezinovnit. tereoulde few areas of patchy bla ice. id have a few snow showers today a also some f evelin philalpa stilabov reen 33. mlvillelrey dn to 27 egrees. alento 2
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edi 28. wimiton 31. tlantic rport 30 drees. w do haveome fog in pottstown -ile visility. d the probl with fog, iis oisture. i is wo e ground. y ot moiure on the roads oulde freezing on the untreatesurfe be careful for black ice in the overnight hours and early foam morning. stelte 6 along wi actio radar showi we do have se ods hereuilding right now. mtly clou skies. he storm system im traing isot a blockbter storm. iis sth of minneapoli he swirher intsifng as it moves east but mong out to s. o lingeri long b caung oblemf the commute. nd 8:00 tomorrow morning tempaturebew frzi. cd bareas ever black ice but thg falli from t sky. a we head into the afternoon u'll notice e snow
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developi in the western suburbs arod 3:00. outh jersey and delaware above rezing. frst ces in as rain t quickly p in t coldir d changes over to snow. a5:00 really heavy snow across sth jersey a delaware. pilalpa misng t on a t ofhe action unt tomorw vnin i really thk theain pblems ae sou of philadelia. t's all outf here by inight. epect owfa, t areas nting e snow the poconos, and skiers only coating ton ih in the ponos. n the lehigh lley arod hilphia, trent an rading lking 1-2 inches. ase get south of philadelphia tillight accumulation but chadds ford wilmington into southersey including mmington a millvill weree wi see the higher aunts generally 2-3 inches of nw. t morning coute, no probls wth ow falling. ain temperar below freezing the will be some
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ars of paty plaque pies. he ening commut especially south of philadelia the overpassnd bries and secondarrds the fir areas to get icy. t exclusive auweather forect, t lighsnow movi i in t afternoon, beginning a mix. 4 degrees the highnd temperures droppg. thudaymosy cloudy. 4 and friy t calm before e next storm. 39 degrs. on saturda trackg a coastal orm tt wlri us rain or now or a mix depending on the ack. 3 degrees. uda sunshine is back 40 drees. it don't st lon a another possibility of snow on monday and then tuesday risknd cold and high of 34 drees. dvidurphwillave new informa on "action new bginng a4: tomorrow. b we have three opptunities for ow in the next week. bet gttingore intertg. >> and center city
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iladehia ng nes from m sqre. a gathering on market to watch t billboardome to live. i the large transparent l.d. sign in t mid-lantic. > iis mega millions. a tonight's jackpot estimated $ millio to win the jackpot you must mah e five white bal and the mega ba. l's see if i can make you a mlionaire. u to technical problems the drawi was halted. ewte bal -- >> now for the gold megaba that number is 6! nd the winning nbers 63 56 3 51 39 and
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