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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 22, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am EST

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♪ dickey: from hollywood it's captions paid for by abc, inc. "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- oscar nominee edward norton -- the voice of the super bowl, al michaels -- this week in unnecessary censorship -- and music from the decemberists. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel!
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>> jimmy: i'm glad you're here. what a weird day it was today. have you been following this story with the pate yacht and the deflated footballs? so tom brady is the quarterback for the new england patriots. he was summoned to appear before the media to answer questions about the footballs that were mysteriously deflated in their game against the colts last weekend. if you weren't aware of this story, like if you had just come back from vacation in aruba or something and didn't know what was going on, you would think tom brady had killed the president's dog. this press conference was covered live on all the sports networks, espn, espn2-7, et cetera and also live on fox news, fox business channel, cnn, msnbc, abc, a bunch of local channels. it was really crazy. they asked him what was basically the same question over
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and over again for 30 minutes, and he basically the same answer, over and over again for 30 minutes. >> i just wasn't obviously aware monday morning of, you know, everything that had happened. i wasn't paying attention to what was happening at that time. everyone is trying to figure out what happened. i don't know what happened. i don't know what happened. i didn't think anything of it. i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i'm not quite sure. i don't know. i don't know. you know, i wouldn't know. i had no idea. i had no idea. if i don't know something, i don't know something. >> he doesn't know anything. he doesn't know. [ cheers and applause ] that doesn't -- he doesn't even know how to spell tom. is it with an h? you know, it was originally reported that 11 of the 12 balls were underinflated, but jerry reduce tin told espn all of the
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balls were underinflated which was very good news for the ocd community. if the patriots are found to have underinflated the balls they might lose draft picks and the league could take away bill belichick's favorite hoodie. he also spoke to the media today. he's not a charming man. bill belichick is to charming to what nicole richie is to fat. you have to keep in mind, this is a guy who also denied videotaping a rival team's signals. and i have to say, i did not find this statement to be particularly compelling. >> when i came in monday morning, i was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs. i had no knowledge whatsoever of the situation. and so monday morning i learned a lot more about this process in the last three days than in the last 40 years coaching this league. >> all right. well, at least they're keeping things inflated now.
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make no mistake. this is a serious thing. attorney gloria allred is now representing 9 of the 11 balls tom brady allegedly squeezed. so this could cost him a pretty penny. this deflate-gate isn't the only thing in boston now. boston is the city chosen to vie for the summer olympics in 2024. mayor walsh is prohibiting city employees from making negative comments about the olympic games or the process itself. which that to me seems unnecessary. i mean, if people from boston are known for anything, it's for keeping their opinion to themselves, right? so mayor walsh said he believes in free speech, but i don't know. this doesn't seem very -- american to me. this country was founded on the right to free speech, especially boston. so tonight we gave a group of boston city employees an opportunity to tell the mayor what they think unanimously. >> our mayor is trying to stop
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the people from boston from voicing our opinions about the olympics. >> we will not be silenced. >> the olympics would cause traffic gridlock and completely overtake our lives. >> they're also wicked [ bleep ] boring! >> a bunch of bozos trying to throw a long stick, are you [ bleep ] kidding me! >> sports matter. basketball, baseball and hockey. go sox! >> swimming in circles is not a sport! >> go swim at the [ bleep ] cape if you like swimming so much. get bit by a shark, see what i care. >> olympics. oh, i'm an olympian. [ bleep ] you! >> stupid! >> our mayor is a chowder head. >> go sox! >> go sox. >> yankees suck, yankees suck! and [ bleep ] seahawks! >> we good here, guys? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's weird. that last guy looked a little bit like you, dickey.
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do you have any relatives back in boston? >> a few. >> jimmy: there's an important documentary airing on tlc i want to mention. it's called "my husband is not gay." it's about women whose husbands aren't gay. wouldn't that be most women, by the way? so the special followed for four mormon men from salt lake city who claim to have certain feelings that one of the men, jeff, and his wife tanya explain here. >> my name is jeff. >> and i'm tanya. >> we've been married about nine years. we've got one delightful son. and i guess one of the most unique things about our relationship is i experience ssa or same sex attraction. >> not gay. ssa. >> right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ssa. as in ss, hey, look at this guy i'm about to have sex with, honey! [ laughter ] they also followed one of jeff's
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friends around. his name is tom. and tom, as you'll see here, doesn't consider himself to be gay for social reasons. >> i don't feel like i fit the mold of guys that are attracted to other men. other than my deep and abiding love for broadway show tunes. and the attraction to males. those are the two things that -- [ laughter ] are kind of gay about me. >> jimmy: you know, those are two of the main things. [ laughter ] other than liking musicals and dudes, i'm as straight as they get. [ laughter ] this show should be called my husband doesn't know what the word gay means. you know, good -- good lyrics are very difficult to write, and that's why i appreciate tonight's band, the decemberists, on the show. they write interesting, very intelligent songs about uncommon subjects. it's not the usual i want to get busy with your bottom kind of thing. and that's why i'm so excited they have agreed to be here tonight to premier their latest album. the decemberists have recorded an entire album of youtube
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comments. these are the real youtube comments you see under the videos set gloriously to music. please welcome the decemberists, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] the first video. ♪ ♪ they'll eat you if they're hungry enough ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: next, kim kardashian's plastic surgery transformation. ♪ omg she proved she didn't have a butt implants with a butt x-ray ♪ ♪ she admitted she gets botox ♪ if you actually had a recent pic of her nose you will see it ♪ ♪ la de da [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: president obama's 2015 state of the union address. >> 1, 2, 3, 4! ♪ >> jimmy: horrible boat crashes number one. ♪ ♪ oh my gosh ♪ oh my gosh oh my gosh ♪ ♪ no way [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: noisy kittens waiting for dinner. ♪ ♪ i can't believe i make five grand a month working from home ♪ ♪ click the link below to find out how ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: justin bieber's worst moments top ten. ♪ ♪ bieber is a cocky little punk who thinks he can miss on people because he's worth $160 million ♪ ♪ whatever talent he has is eclipsed by his massive ego and [ bleep ] ♪ ♪ ♪ we should just pack up his little dog and pony show and go the hell back to canada ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and a response? ♪ shut up he can do whatever ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and, of course, the number-one single, commencement the speech m.i.t. 2005. ♪ ♪ boring ♪ ♪ boring >> everybody, sing along ♪ ♪ boring ♪ boring . let me hear you all the way in the back. ♪ boring >> arms in the air! ♪ boring ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> the decemberists. i give that a big cartoon thumbs up. i'm not sure how i feel about
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the band singing boring five times before -- in the middle of the mondologue. thank you very much. the decemberists, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is thursday night. and that means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week, whether they need it or not. it is this week in unnecessary censorsh censorship. >> for the first time, president obama will deliver his address to the republican-led congress. one that has made no secret of its plan to [ bleep ] him on many fronts. >> i would like to have a conversation about the new [ bleep ] just elected. >> what's with pig farmers? >> nothing. >> i guess it's a challenging thing. i'm not seeing the balls, i don't -- >> if anybody would like to [ bleep ] be in my bedroom. >> the pope has reaffirmed the church's stance on contraception but says don't have to like rabbits. >> after initial concerns,
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they'll let david [ bleep ] his balls. >> oh! >> oh! >> i'm concerned this just went on television. >> a teenager is facing charges after accidentally [ bleep ] himself. >> today is national [ bleep ] day. >> yeah, and if you could just [ bleep ] anybody in the world, who would you. it's our question on facebook this morning. >> the majority are my mom, my dad, maybe a grandparent who has passed away. >> she walked away, he i jumped in and finished. >> did you put that on your head? >> oh -- yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the voice of the super bowl, al michaels, is here. and we'll be right back with edward norton. so stick around! [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, everyone! tonight one of the great sports casters of all, he's calling the super bowl this year, and he has a new memoir. it's titled "you can't make this up." the great al michaels is here with us.
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[ cheers and applause ] what a good book. this is a very good book. i was up until 2:14 a.m. last night, reading it, all the way to the end. which is the smart thing to do when you have a 6-month-old baby at home. and then later from portland, oregon, their latest album is called "what a terrible world what a beautiful world", the decemberists. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we'll be joined by channing tatum, kevin costner, david beckham. a lot of hand some guys on the -- a little something from the gentlemen. kerry washington, jj watt, eddie redmayne, live wild animals, music from jamie cullum, and zz top! [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a ferociously talented actor who got an oscar nomination for his very first movie role. last week, he picked up his
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third for the movie "birdman", which is in theaters now. please welcome edward norton. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ nice to see you. you're from boston, originally, correct? >> born. >> jimmy: born in boston. >> born in boston, raised in baltimore. which is like -- it's all the same level of rude, but with a slightly weirder accent. >> jimmy: so are you a patriots fan? are you a ravens fan? >> i grew up a redskins fan. joe theismann and john reagan. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. those were great teams. >> but then an orioles fan. >> jimmy: do you have an opinion on balls? [ laughter ] >> i get more and more interested in this deflated ones. [ laughter ] no -- >> jimmy: as you get older? [ laughter ] >> as i get older. i wonder if they're going to
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talk about the balls hanging too low in the next game. no. >> jimmy: i wonder sometimes if the story would even be as big a deal if the word balls wasn't involved. >> some of it i don't get, because they're all playing with the same balls, to use the phrase. >> jimmy: not really, though. because the offensive team will -- they get -- they bring a dozen balls, and they play with the balls -- this sounds ridiculous. [ laughter ] i'm trying not to be 8 years old. but they play with their own balls, is what i'm trying to say. >> the more you talk about this, the more ssa. >> jimmy: yeah, that's right. [ laughter ] that's a real thing, by the way. let's not make light of that. that's a real condition. that one man is suffering from. [ laughter ] >> i don't know. i don't know. you look very trim. you look very -- >> jimmy: well, you look pretty darn good yourself. and i am attracted to oscar nominees. >> and i had a new father. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> you're supposed to go the -- you've gotten skinnier since you had a kid.
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>> well, the baby didn't come out of me. [ laughter ] you know, i let my wife do it this time. and actually, the baby did come out of me, but -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: first. and then, we had -- you know. >> i see. >> jimmy: a weigh station. >> i thought you were going to say you were a sea horse or something. >> jimmy: you know what, i would like to own a sea horse and i've looked into ownership of a sea horse, and i'm not a big animals guy, but a sea horse -- it's weird you bring that up, because i have a dvd of sea horses that i'll just run in my house. i don't know. maybe i'm revealing too much. >> gets boring. >> jimmy: they're very hard to keep alive. but the crazy thing about sea horses, as you know is they look like horses. >> swimming. >> jimmy: and it's weird, because they look exactly like horses but they're underwater. how do they even know about horses? [ laughter ] anyway, congratulations. on your --
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[ laughter ] -- fabian oscar nomination. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're in two movies nominated for best picture. "bird man" and "grand budapest hotel." both of which i loved, by the way. they were both great movies. [ cheers and applause ] >> they were. and these nominations -- it's better than a punch in the face, but i have to say, the -- none of it is more fun than making movies like that. i think, you know -- wes anderson is like one of the great -- >> jimmy: fantastic. >> of my generation. and he's a fun, fun person to work with. >> jimmy: is he? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: it seems from how colorful the movies are, he must be fun. but you never know, i guess. >> and alejandro i will writ due is also this exuberant, enormous character. and making -- making "birdman" was unlike any film experience i've had.
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and so it's weird. you do these things -- there is this enormous joy in making them and satisfaction. and we're now two years later. >> jimmy: right. >> so there is a certain surreal quality to these things being celebrated. >> jimmy: yeah, it's like getting grades on a test you took as a sophomore and now you're about to graduate. >> or you're named homecoming king in your junior year in college. >> jimmy: that's a better analogy. which movie will you root for, for best picture? >> i -- you know, i -- it's all -- >> jimmy: deep down, you go with the one you're in more, right? is that how it goes? >> how many lines did i have -- no. actually, this year, there are more of my friends and long-time colleagues in the mix for this whole thing than i can ever remember, and it's really fun. >> jimmy: is that a good thing? >> yeah, bennett miller is nominated for his -- old friend of mine. mark ruffalo and ethan hawke
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literally came up in the business with him together in new york. and they've done the best work of their career. so completely inspired by both of them. and then -- and that's -- there is something gratifying in that to me. much more than sort of the silliness of, like, who gets these things. i love seeing paul tom sanderson's film is incredible. wes' film is incredible. >> jimmy: very socialist attitude you have towards this thing. i mean, listen. you have to have the eye of the tiger when you go in there. yeah, you really do. you have to not just win. >> daniel day lewis and meryl streep are just competitive? >> jimmy: absolutely. and you have to end the careers of all your friends when you get in that room. >> say i'm going to end you tonight? >> jimmy: that's right. hulk versus hulk. that could be something. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, listen -- >> you mean, he's got to get a few more lines. >> jimmy: where did your interest in making movies come from? >> i can't -- you know, i -- i
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think it -- it started with theater. i loved going to the theater with my parents. but then really just -- you know, sunday afternoon movies with my dad, watching "the great escape" and reruns on sundays. and it hooked me very early. i was very, very captivated by films. and then, you know, my friends and i used to take -- you remember the video cameras you had put an entire vhs tape into. and we would make little films just using the pause button as our cut, you know what i mean? so you got one shot at it, and then pause and then change the ang angle. and we would make kung-fu films and things. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, that's fine. did you title them? do you remember any of the titles? >> i don't -- no. i don't remember the titles. we would do a whole one in a day, you know what i mean? but i still -- talking about
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ocd. i do -- i remember lines -- if a line is very memorable from anything i've worked on, i will f fixate on it, and i remember with my friend dan silver. what we would do is have the person on camera moving their mouth and the person off camera saying the lines so it looked like kung-fu. [ laughter ] and i remember being on camera and my friend dan off camera saying once between us there was peace. now there can be only bloodshed. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and i think it's a great line. >> jimmy: it's a nice line. >> it's a great line. >> jimmy: maybe we'll come back -- we'll practice during the commercial and you can say it and i'll move my mouth. just like the old time. just like dan silver was here. >> you look like him. >> jimmy: edward norton is here. we'll be right back. portions of "jimmy
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i want to ask another question. >> you've already asked another question. >> one more. >> go ahead. >> if you weren't afraid, what would you want to do to me? >> i'd pull your eyes out of your head. >> that's sweet. >> i'd put them in my own skull. i'd look around so i could see the street the way i used to when i was your age.
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>> jimmy: that's a smooth talker right there. edward norton in "birdman." nominated for an academy award. emma stone is fantastic. i was glad she got nominated too. >> she is talented way beyond her years. >> she really is. we forgot to rehearse during the commercial for our thing. it just occurred to me. you want to try it? >> uh, yeah -- >> jimmy: okay. >> who is on camera and who is off? >> jimmy: obviously, i'm the better looking one, i'll be on camera. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: whisper the line to me. >> well, no. that defeats the purpose. >> jimmy: okay. >> you move -- >> jimmy: okay, ready? >> i feel that one is deflated. but i can't tell if it is the left or the right. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's not from a "kung-fu" movie. by the way, are you a fan of al michaels, the sportscaster? >> if you grew up in the '70s,
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interested in sports, the '80s -- >> jimmy: you're going to love this book, then. >> yes. i actually can remember -- i remember the blue linoleum floor in my family's kitchen, the pajamas my brother and i were wearing when -- do you believe in miracles, yes, and the u.s. won the golden 1980 hockey game. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i have so many -- i have so many memories burned into my brain that have his voice playing over them. it's -- >> jimmy: it's almost like you might want to get a restraining order. [ laughter ] >> yeah. well, actually, i have a question i'll ask. >> jimmy: oh, good. you want to hang around? >> yeah, sure. >> jimmy: okay, good. edward norton is going to hang around. al michaels is here when we come back. [ cheers and applause ] >> the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ next week on "jimmy kimmel live" channing tatum, kevin costner. el mcpherson, david beckham and
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kerry washington. plus music from zz top, vance joy and ne-o. portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by "black sails." black is back. what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're pringles tortillas. they're so good they don't need dip. why do you have to imaginary dip? well, everybody was dipping and i wasn't invited to dip. can i have some from your bowl? please, have some dip. great.
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>> jimmy: we are back. music from the decemberists. edward norton is here and his movie "birdman" opens this weekend. everybody will get to see it across the country. our next guest is one of the great broadcasters in television history. no one else has called the olympics, nba finals, world series, stanley cup final and the super bowl. his best-selling memoir is called "you can't make this up." kyñ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> i don't know if you guys have ever met before. >> we have never met. >> but your voice has been haunting edward. >> he's my favorite actor of all time now. 11 academy awards. not two.
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wow. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm fantastic. i feel great. >> jimmy: i love the book. >> 2:14 in the morning. >> jimmy: i feel i have to ask you about the -- you know, the super bowl and the balls and all this stuff. this has become a huge story. do you think it should be a huge story? >> let's see. the government of yemen has collapsed, we have terror cells in france and all three network news broadcasts tonight were led with deflate-gate. in fact, somebody sent me something in vegas now. they already have all the proposition bets for the super bowl. you can bet on anything. who will be the mvp, blah, blah. there is a prop saying that says how many times will michaels and collinsworth say "deflated balls." [ laughter ] >> the over-under is two-and-a-half at the over. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> control that. >> jimmy: get that bet in before this broadcast gueoes on the ai. >> we got it 14 times in ten minutes.
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>> jimmy: you're right. but nobody is betting on us, i don't think. so you believe tom brady and bill belichick when they say they didn't know anything about it? >> belichick i thought was very credible today. tom worked the edges. players in this situation, they do. i mean, today was a day of obfuscation. how about two guys zona talk about obfuscation. troy aikman basically said brady is guilty. he had to know. i don't know. i thought it was interesting when the brethren go, wait a second, you had to know. >> jimmy: yeah, well, they know, i guess. >> one of the more interesting things was, when this was apparently discovered by the colts, after an intercepted pass, think of it in these terms. if the ball is deflated so tom can throw the ball better and then a pass is intercepted with a deflated ball? maybe go to the overinflated
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ball. maybe that's the answer. this thing is just insane. >> jimmy: it's also possible tom brady is protecting some ball boy or some equipment manager, yes? >> but that's dangerous, because some kid will go, hey, here's $20,000, come talk to us and give us the truth. i have no idea what happened with this thing. think about this. this is going to be a great game. and the game is a week from sunday. i guess it will die down by then. >> jimmy: it probably will. >> but it's insane right now. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. because you know why? there is nothing else to talk about. >> i'll tell you what it is. football has now become a complete national obsession. it's -- i mean, think about this. they only play it 16 weekends a year, and then come the playoffs. but it is talked about every day. fantasy football has become gigantic. you know this better than anybody. >> yes, yes, yes. >> football is a national obsession. >> jimmy: is really is. and it's partially your fault. >> it's my fault. i take the blame. >> jimmy: have you ever worked a secret or inside message into a broad cast? >> well, yeah, i play golf with a bunch of guys and we'll screw
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around and throw this phrase into the game. yeah. in other words, i want my friends to know look, i know you know i know you know so i'm going to say something. >> jimmy: would you do something -- >> for you? >> jimmy: for the super bowl for all of us here -- >> sure. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: kind of an inside thing. >> after what ed said about me, i'm going get ed's name in 20 minutes. >> jimmy: cool. get ed's name in there, and i would love it if you would somehow work in there "my husband is not gay." >> i can do that too. tlc? >> jimmy: what's the over/under on that? >> less than two. >> jimmy: i feel you wrote this book specifically for me and guys my major. there are so many sports players and characters i'm considered in that you've had these personal long-term interactions with. >> crazy. >> jimmy: there are so many great stories. one is, you worked a game -- baseball game with both howard cosell and tommy lasorda. >> i did, right. >> jimmy: which is two very big
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personalities. >> right. >> jimmy: and tommy doesn't do that. >> tommy was managing the dodgers, and they lose out on the last day -- he had never done television before. gregarious and low quarterbacks. so what happens we're doing a cardinal-atlanta game and ken my boyer had died two weeks before. so his kids come out to throw out the first ball. and there is nothing co sell loved more than doing a eulogy. so coastel says all right, let me draw your attention to the pictures, going to the mound. the family of the late kenny boyle. a man who died of lung cancer, absorbed more treatments than anybody thought was humanly possible. you can have your rogers hornsby, you can have your albert richie. stanley and frank of pennsylvania. when it comes to the embodiment of the st. louis cardinals franchise, look no farther than
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kent lloyd. we'll miss him. so now he's satisfied. [ applause ] we go to commercial, it's me, coastel, lasorda, and all of a sudden i hear in my headset, and lasorda has tears coming down his eyes, and he looks over and tommy, what's the problem. he's got the toupee and yellow jacket, cigar. and he said howard, he was such a -- i loved him. one of my dearest friends. what a eulogy. what a tribute. nobody can do it like you, right? cosell says -- leans back and goes, hey, tommy. just remember one thing. kenny boyle was a prick. [ laughter ] [ applause ] the one and only howard.
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he's got about 19 pages -- >> jimmy: so many great stories about him. >> oh, my god, what a great night. >> jimmy: talking about the miracle on ice, which is the greatest moment in american sports history. certainly not in russia. but -- you call that game, and it's such a -- such an incredible moment. you told the story, and the story behind the game might even be more amazing than the game itself. >> yeah. that game started at 5:00 in the afternoon. and it was over in about 7:15 on a friday. but there was a second game. and sweden was meeting finland in the other semi final game. in those years, arlage boss, and always worried we would have a mechanical failure, so the game is being tape delayed, and now at 8:00, they start the tape. but rumor was always worried
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there would be an issue, so the former canadian goalie, we're doing sweden-finland the next two-and-a-ha two-and-a-half hours. we're doing the entire sweden-finiland game. i was ultimately exhausted and exhilarating walking back to the hotel that night. >> you call the games, you have to be somewhat impartial. impartialality is kind of the nature of it. but was there -- was there any time more than the u.s.-russian game -- was that the most authentically excited you ever got. was there any game you lost your impartiality? >> it's the one them -- the super bowl, whatever, if people are thinking you're rooting one way or another, i'm not. i'm rooting for high drama. that's the one game, 99.9% of your audience was going with you. so when i said that, it was the emotion and the 9-year-old boy
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in me coming out. it's the one time i could do it. so there is no other chance to do that. the 1% -- >> any time an event in sports overtook you, it was so exciting, you couldn't be -- >> well, that came close. but i've learned, the hotter it gets, the cooler you have to stay. because if you try to top the game -- >> you sound like a south american, goal! >> jimmy: yeah, right. and when you say the hotter it gets, the cooler you have to stay. you mean that sexually as well? [ laughter ] >> well, we've been married 40 years here. >> i'll ask her. the book is called "you can't make this up." you should buy it! [ cheers and applause ] >> super bowl, sunday, february 1st, on nbc. we'll be right back. the "jimmy kimmel live"
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>> jimmy: i want to thank everyone for watching the oscars live, february 22, 7:00 eastern, 4:00 pacific here on abc. i want to thank al michaels. "nightline" is next. but first, here with the song "make it better," the decemberists ♪ i want you ten fingers i wanted you thin fingernails ♪ ♪ and when you bend back words, i wanted you. i needed you all to make me better. ♪ ♪ i love you in the springtime
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lost you when the summer came ♪ ♪ and when you fall wanted you, i needed to ♪ to make me better ♪ i'm so so starry-eyed anymore ♪ ♪ ♪ won't it all just come down and make you let it all break you to make you better ♪ ♪ make you better ♪ to make you father
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♪ i sung you your twinges ♪ i suffered you your tattle tales ♪ ♪ and when you broke sideways, i wanted you i needed you ♪ ♪ oh-oh ♪ you make me better ♪ but we're not so starry-eyed anymore ♪ ♪ like the birds forever more ♪ won't it all just come down and make you ♪ ♪ let it auto break you it makes you better ♪ ♪ make you better
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♪ did it make you better ♪ make you better ♪ all i wanted ♪ don't leave away shimmery shine to make me fine. ♪ because we're not so starry-eyed anymore. ♪ like a bird, you were in yo letter ♪ ♪ won't it all just come round and make you ♪ ♪ let it all make you -- take
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you better ♪ ♪ make you better ♪ make you better ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight. got a financial mess on your hands? clean it up with a little help from this frugal family. they're masters of living on the cheap and you can do it too. although it may mean parting with some pry prized possessions. >> i think this is the one. >> married at first sight. are these tears for joy? experts predict they make perfect pairs. so a year later, we're going in for a marital checkup to find out how this controversial social experiment is working out. >> i love it. >> running on empty. quarterback tom brady addressing the s


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