tv Action News ABC January 28, 2015 1:36am-2:12am EST
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te rest of bc tumbng fom next dr builng. tr shpers were rusto te hoital. >> a, tuesy nig theig sto on cti news" tonh is latt on a mishapate tday. i haened betwn 15 and wlt rit theea the cent cits shopng dsict and obvisly it cu have been castrophic, a"tione" report knnh motons live at the se. i dist short of ctarophe butomebody will hve to accot for ts. > porterwellj l and i offials say owrs of the to buiings iolved are coorati wh thr ivtigation tonit. tree wom injur in this rocolpse a out of the hspil tonight. > night enneers and conactors med sto rpaiand secity wall te walnut stet builng. >> it shoo it sok. i was iense very iens >> it wa3:30 wh eig eploye andive custers iside lu len ard bric fromhe nehborg buildg ca down on the atht
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coing ste caung t rof to partiay collap. > litening and the wle cing d the ro and waverside wall, whater i was everying came craing dn. > porter: ree fele soppers we trappe two of te won with hd injurs mned toree theees wi anoth was u und tehe deis. fre fiters were qck te sne load victims up o stretchers a traported tem to neby hahmann. tnht, "acone" was tere asne injud custer ws read from the hspita l a i sa th e tumbli bickwhich caused a 20-ft wde holen lu l lemos rof fr t a shaft from 129 waut street where atory's firm ishonly tnt. > t have never had any poem witthis bldg. te landld is, great. orpace wondful. > port: e city says tat th distught landrd hso history of maience votions. thehe owne who immediaty hr those repair men, w tkg full responsili. pernal attorney
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robt, w i reprenting vts th 213 ddly mark street biing colpse, ss a nmr issu could have hve caud this trac icen >> jt do in the happ thathe buding fls on ton o another buildi if it is poperly mainid. >> poer: reco sw th te owner of 15 wnut strts the walt t srt associion, and sues say ployees from lulu lemon were inteiewed by cnadectivetonight d tlthem thathe has been a lk in the ro for we. but again, l and ss the te owner of that buiing fmy assiates, is corating jim. rpting live toght from cenr city kennh mon cael s "tion news". > tnks keeth. >> pladelphia inspeor gner's officeas rptedlfinisd an ivestigi in alleged sxl actity inlving a fme par dic and a nmr of male fire fighte. te a alled acti occrewhile particants wren duty at seral fire saon pole say the is not
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sffient u to launch a cinal instatiobut the cty c take disclinary atn and recoend anges t re stati protol. >>lso in phadphia a msk bandit pick the wng tmto hold up a an oln dunkin' donu. srveiance video from ysrdayshows that poce iterrti theobbery atpt. te officer had beesking out t paing lot the 600 block of nor front srt because of rect armed his, police s 20 year-old rssell masowat is rsponsle fort leasone oh holdpa week. >>nd philehia police ae desperely trying to ta dn a pair of bands wo suck a corner store in nrth philelph and they ued an ar15 stylrifle to bacp their dema for cash. a"ti news"eporter sar bloomi has the the dtls. > t to qt. > poer:ario, thoht hisife was ov wn twmen stoedn hi corner ste a 25 and clear field d shodhis ar a assault rif int his face.
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> eyome in theyull the g asked me where moy a. > pteryou caseone of e suspts carrng big gnn ple view as two apachedhe cle fid fod mark. i was 80 p. on jaary betwe e secd. amed suspect put that high powedeapon right upo mr's face. > was like like on my frehea i s on my foread > poer: en y s at gn. >> i worri abo my lif > rerterthehe suspect's gaed mario'18 yearld astantrded himo the fo and dend the cash. mr firstold em to stop payingnd th put his hanup and open the cash rgisr. oneusct grabd $70 before e o r off. ple are undetandab cnceed aut ts crime tehe suspt ner took his fng offhe the tggerf tat gun. > iis a semiaomatic wan andas capity cring 30 rnd amition vry powful ammitn, at cu poteiay go through a
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blst ves >> porr: licend mario lu wanto see these sspes arresd bore they sow with that daeus wan d rob again. > is very imrtant. vry imrtanthate get smtips and get these young mn off the seet. > ey ve toay for it. > porter:f younow anythg abo is ime or rcognizeho men in the sriae vio conta te phadelphia police dptmt's nohwest dtecves dision. i rth philelia i'm's sr bloomqst chael si "acon new. >>he the jsey shore is a mx of sand and snow tonight, te only place to real feel ipacof our coaslint sorm, sea side heigs, oe couy the wind has died dwn signicantlynd youste eveh a chan to do a modied versioof te surfg at the beac barer isld cmuty rceed 5 ines of snow and ecad floong during gh ted, butome places like ot bch saw beach erosn. i w not a tropilcene in
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aaantic city deite palm tepropotheoardlk buthe the rest town dodd sgfint damage aft a nghtilledi concn ao wind gust and fooding. >> by the morngpubl wrks cw whe is o pong stin and soling. >> inow is a live ok at sto traerix 3-d. te wot of the stm pummelenew england with wl oer feet sw in boston adind of up to 70 mis an hour inome plac. "actn w rorr shrie wilamis at the ction nws"ig boa tonit. saiehe storm oy sidwiped us but t bed new egland. >> rept: jim,t aas berougto ourrid in tehe noreast who are si notn the car. lts ke a look near poden ode land. this was the sty there as cars ban to get stk in the sow, unle get o. dirs h to actuly get sme hel ad in dtmou, a mssausetts, this i't at we expeed see wh snow ad i but it is sething on frand it tned out to be a solow. i actuay appart got tapp ithe snow over
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had, and then caht fire n nwork city thgh lauter a ast in ceral parkas tesk took theisled and hd so fun prong further tat is snowormas been a tu mix bag. i maachuses,vidence of te blzard's brutal impact rsidts digng trom the sow,nd also being foe tdde with floodingfter aptiacolpse of the a wll. oth par of the stat copg thor outag somplac getting nearly 3feet snow, in boon,nd eshe in new engld the efec arsll being felt. > eriing connues t b anssu the the the bowin the a ift n as high four or ve or 6 ft. i many places. > porr: ile parts of theong isnd, nework are brd too. > rin the countwe got hmmeanit is still cmi dn. > porte fomany are tetorm was nothin cmred to what was eecte te bzzard spad nework ctfromhe wors despite tat,he were unpredeed
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pecais ken. fr the fit time evernew york cy's mass tnt ssmas shut dn for sn lavingome ople stnded. but toda. subwa buses ae ruing again. > back work, s you lter. > oiously missed the wrstf ts storm which is a being for new rk city. > rert:ew enand area hrs h but rp efts fe aund the count. 8000lhts we caeled a aod the u.s incding hnddat philelphia itnation, d jim airnes hopeo t bacp to a fu schedu come too >> anks sharr. ell, sw sved as a cime figi tool for lice i upper dar. bndit dn't folw the well wrned advice about coring yur tracks. ple set up a stg oetiono cah a burgry i suspe had been brk nthing alo thealse avenue ad drexelill nehboo last week uderover office chased ad captur 24 yeaold
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seven doseore it wasn't hrdo follow the otprint wich led th to his alled getay r and hisirl fien kelly wkinson. >> she was ud as a duss bcse allf the stfhat ws stolen was in her house in hr bamen > chael ctwd, spinteent miael ciood said burgla ring so jeypsea eeronic. he iseing held on $50,0 bil. pli are puuing acplices. rosecorsrsking teeath penal against er fre. thean accused of kilng a pnylvaa ste toper and unng anoer. h led law enfoemt on a sv wk manht. dcents werfiled tod in pke county. fre's defen atrney is dcning coent on the dathenaltyiling but ss hislient intend to ead i the gl at an arraigent shulefor trsday. ndtlo come on "ctn news" tit a
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cmtitoro ur is comi eeknowg it is violating pilelphia regution puseartache in wilmgt as more lives a lost to crime we're askg what c b done to stop the spike in vonce. >> ptisanshi101, replicana decrats tea up to make presint obama chaeis mind aut colle svin pns ceci. >> e heing back in the defrze very quily. te wind cll in pidehia, 8 degrs. i wl leyou kw how cold i wl fl for your moing cmme n how long the cold articksroundith the acu wehereven y frast. >> ale pos that erningare lden delious, dd say that? themots of mey it made drghe holays has never been do befo. >>l cis rodge th te fers takinothe cyots tigh ction nw coies in a mome.
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>>rooudelawa news rotonht a 26 ye-o man wshot several tis in his ce and ochhia afteron. wlmingnolice say gunre eupt on the 0 block of est 1htreet at 400'ock despe efforts o sgnsthe vtim died lttoghtt the chriiana cre hospal he w t egh personhot in wlmitoscea fray. hci a has seen some ipvemes sincitserd nmrf victims in 20 when 4ele were shot lst year there were27 sootg viimand th is a decrea of me th 1 pctut dove wants to d mor tday the ste hou voted uamoly to cree a cmmiion to stu ways to rde violt crime in wlnon it a pl proped by gvn ja markell in his sa of thstate addre but a con ns" reporter nn cell tells us for some this
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efo mes too late. > otherighin wmingt ad yet anher vigil moning lsof t lovedne or fie. > enagsilling teenars for no reasoat all. they me up with exses like trrori, thiss my are rvengkilng this just trible. > rert: dubu disncti ofeg name dnro small tyn the curt stres of wlngton e getting bloody. to kill, x others wounded i e span of fo da. sx otse in the 200 block o rth brooa alo. > thinit is cra. i tnk we're at r. w' at war it is a mor ad gern have who to rsndi it is war. > port: one mother las outt the mar and tonighs vg. >> u want us to, vote for yu mar with you. wat the he you want, u ain't cnging nothing. i am sick ofurng bbie im si of ryi bies. > repoer: modens wllis did come o pliy
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t anue operion drupt a new progm to combat the cri wav >> i thi it is time now that tey ke a serisook what i gng on. w ha be worng hard t cmbathis vlence numerous wybut now we will put more oferon t stree > porter: tyill least asn office, fi sugsts a lunanto ht ot are in wiington >> will condt the pdesian stops. we ll ve nhtmeook i e areas r jeniles hngi out. > repoer: yohas annca reward progm frnformion ldi to an arest a conviconness hmicide ces. te city will ben offing $1000 rewd hoping to ete wnseso come frwa. im dann cuear chaesi "acon news >> ath we sharing srce wl begin opering i philadelia this week. lft wi ofr re a its ap at 6:00.m. on friy. te comny like ur x wi b operatiniviaon of prkg ahority regation lft ll cov cost of
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ctio del a asistae f its drivs. mayor mhael nutt says te ride shang serces sod opate within the law bt he saytt the l need t chaed to accomde tis new rm of tansrti. app a's reco satrg earnin tay a hrto or stat tehe tech git had the bst quaer of any public cmny ever. aple made18 bilon durg te hoday sean, main on teilduccs the t nw iphe x and iphone s pus mode. ap sold and a half million ipnes in thr mns. a 50 rcent jump over 20 hlay sean wi e iphe fvs and 5c's. te 5s and 5c but ipad sas wre dow aple pes that its next proctill be a new bobusrit a annoced thathe apple wah wl sta shippi in apr. >> cash om both rpubca and demoats in cnesas persued
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pese ama to change cue on29 coege savis pans. oa used his statef the uion addss to propose rding the x befits of fteontbutions to 5. bt t the the white house sys toy that the reaion to e presidt's prose wll became a distrtion fom e larr pack a age of eution x reli and so tea droing it. >>eanwlepresident and ms. oba stopped in riyadh sau a aain use to pa rescts to the tking abdlah who died fday ado et thehe new kg. msobamcreat somei of thstir by nowearing smhing on her head. i thisltra conservive knom. somof t saudi vip oo her hand oths st nodded. pedent oba's visit hghgs the aprent wlngssf t you had to put potil and ecom cnsiraons a above cnces over human righ in sudi abia. >>ne aric was amont poe lled today in bya
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when gunn storm a lury hotel. two gunman we also kill in te stdo that lasd for a hour. there was also a car bomb expsi. >> sentyears ago toda svt troops liradazi connttion camp at aswitz in l an. tnig 300 svirs march te same stepsf the milon jws whdid not surve. oe jesh ader ske of a rsgee of anti sati tat has madeews afra to wlthe res of ci lke paris. amecan lm direor sen speierg o mad sines list reived apuse tonit. >>ill to legalize medic mruana is heing cko teenate in pnsylvani to lawke annound pls to oaden legiati wch wuld cover me mical contions anwa that mrijna a could be nsum abill ovwhelmgly paed lst faut the e hse ddt act on it, gernor tom
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wlhasod his suppor >>he sw is, out of he, w w turn our attentn to mch colder weher. >> arhdingn the deep free. we ll be sti ere for a let the next week well into febrry. sorm trkerix leouble sashowing thate he dry cndionout ther the the sow,e have receiv la ng has moved off and the si are acally clring ad t oud are ein qui quicy. thiis allong for so peyo cling. 2 grs philadphia rg now in alleown and rading. eighen trento wlmiton . ad milllle 27. bt u fact thin the wind they e gustg to close to 3 mil hr. tiis how it feels on eped ski wnd chlieehtn pidehia12 in wilngn, sen trton ad uin reing a it feels like 2 degrs in altow colairsong i te rson why sallitsix witaction rad shong high pesre benng to build i om the stm stem from tis nor'ster th coinues t snff e cot of pe
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cd. it istill will bngg snow nar boon. it start snowi there last eeni. it is stilswg and it is rcd snow for woter, 3.incs remembethe e blzard of 9. we had 30.7 ihes. thais high. te bzzard of6 rember wlng wh thsnow up to my wai. bsto23-pinthe at log iternaonal rrt. in addioto that we have wnd gusting. hrrine for wd in nntuet75 miles an ho in caa theru of e storm sysm rig over msachett tomrott low pressu sys od bye high pressu biing from t wtill bing us load of sunshi but i gog to be cd. te hh of 3deees. wind chil in the afteoon oly the lor 20's. tursy we wl start the e day with sshin teloud roll in the the atno th ont will move throh nicy. tis u light snow coato g incheithe e oeig the hours. tis ll open the door frgn cder air to move in o satua
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s tomoow kid head back to shl, t of them had the dy o toy. bight sshine blue ses. bnd em up. at 6:00 1deees. b 8:0 19 drees. fcr in the win nd cillin the single di. a brally cold moing. te eluve cu weaer sv day forest dpite snine 30 wh wd chil in the low 20's. tudawe wl bump up to 3. clo will ro in. snoshowers ursday night ito iday mornin fiy at temrare of 3 drs. tais deceiving. thacomein earli ber an atic front brin us buery condions perhaps a few afteoon snow flas. ad then behi that tempeturesroen mo. the hh on satuay only 2 ges, sund it cld u d sund night trou mday moinwe have a poibility of some rain or sow depeing on a trk of lw presre mongromhe west. 37 gre. tat system open up the door fr arct blast of a. on tuesy the gh oy 2 gre. s sothe day
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he is leavi. to goals the fstix mnes he is fted r steve mas jsback fm theower body ijy. tefrom the cond perio mcel he does in t sco mcbut thin big. fys up tee -two. bt3 cos lat, and ms is been by reade te the game isied at thre tetta at way into the soot-o. wayne simmds who had sred erlierith a prty me o mike smh. adow abouthat. te the the flys winfo -hree. sdnly this team is good at wnng shootuts. > s hapned in the pst,e were not ry good in te shoot-out buto have scsshe last two tes it i dinely nice. w puthe work in receny wichoued on the lt time w n the sht-out. i is ne get reward for tabecae it has beenn ahilleheel for thihockey cubnd cost us points and tnht w other good one. > lle basketbal big five tch up beten st. joes ad lasae. bth tms cod u cnfen victoes.
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fr half . joes scores iah mil a three bal hw by poin. thehit lf time up by ni. bt thsond half is all wit on the bak away. h he scores a team high pis and has ten rebou. lt wright again explors ed on a 21ine run. lsle wins 538. >>till to come, in srt sp wl med daypres dnng fr th side plus a par sayi the se sntee, 2times. same sennce 29 times.
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and goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel. >>oday s sur bowl med dy chancfor journali jualiststo l the ha dwand get loose or at la once with air. sawks a patris s as oe2,0eporrs ask sllquestns. im asming the queion i wu u like to dance. sawks running ck marswn ln has bn nd a hured toand dollars for violatg te leagus media policy h s thrted with a half mllnollari if he ddt show up toy. he di h ve the same answers, to eery qutn, 29 times. > i'here so i w't get fnd. im he i n't get fine. im he so i won't get find. im jt he so i w't get fn imuste so i won't g fn > whwas he the? tis were equay wei as ptotsnr tha arena
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wile r had a sreype tat tied end can't dance. tm brady was talkg up his ope. aso m brady lks ve good i white. > very dcipned dense. caes hiplaye be very dsciin i is a battlof when can ssin that fo60 minutes ad iyou can' then you kow ey will. se play a ait them a coue arsgo and did a gojob movi t ba. w didn't sco eugh pots. >> ly tom brady c wear witbefe memi day. >> d day at sur bow jm kimmel leext on canlixollowedy nit lne. jmmy gue ken ct ltte edd redmne mus fom jae colu. "acti ne" continues at 43wi tamala edwar matt odonll david mury and kr dgers wh trafc. fr cecily tyn ducis rodra e enti "tion nws" team i'm m gane god nit.
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