tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 4, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am EST
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dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, jeff bridges -- from "the walking dead," lauren cohan -- and music from jeff bridges and the abiders -- with cleto and the cletones -- and now, to set things off, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the
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show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. a great night. welcome, welcome. you know, there's a big parade in boston today. thousands of people gathered to cheer on their super bowl champion new england patriots. the parade was originally supposed to go on yesterday. but they moved it because it was snowing there. thousands of people again showed up, including super bowl mvp tom brady, coach bill belichick, and this man who was here with us the other night, that is rob gronkowski, the tight end. somebody threw him a beer on the thing, you can see. and of course rob enjoyed that beer. and then he enjoyed some more of that beer. and then he spiked the beer. and this is a guy who knows how to have a good time. this is what he did -- i think he's twerking. or humping. what a character he is. you know, i tell you something, if a bear did that on top of a bus they'd shoot him with a
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tranquilizer dart. maybe next year he could do the halftime show at the super bowl too. meanwhile in other sports news, some very big changes are reportedly in the works for olympic gold medalist bruce jenner. you know, for the last year people have been joking that it looks like he's turning into a woman. well, according to his mother, who did an interview yesterday, he's turning into a woman. rumors that something might be up started because of photos like these. you see he's got longer hair, more feminine features. his mother said she had a long talk with bruce about it. she said he is in transition. although based on this shot it looks like he's transitioning into becoming a verizon guy. but i have to say, just when you thought you were all caught up with the kardashians, this happens. i guess this is the result of being surrounded by such strong female role models. the makes sense if you think about it.
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women do live longer than men. so i wonder how kanye is handling this news. it could be very confusing on father's day for him. sources say bruce will come out as transgendered in an interview with diane sawyer in may, presumably before his new reality show premieres. if they don't call that show trans-jenner, i quit. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] one of the big adjustments when someone who's been famous for a long time changes sexes is training yourself to say she instead of he. we experienced this with dhas bono. i had a hart time with it. we went on the street so people could congratulate bruce, also so we could help train them to get the proflouns right. >> as you know, bruce jenner is going through a transition right now. to become a woman. we're wondering what you think about the whole thing. >> i think it's wonderful require have such deep
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compassion for him -- >> her. >> because he's had to -- >> her. >> her, i'm sorry. okay, her. >> what do you think about the news that bruce jenner is transitioning into a woman? >> i think that that's really personal. and if he wants to -- >> she. >> if -- if she -- wants to be a woman then -- i hope that she's very happy. >> what do you think? >> i think that it's important for her family -- >> his. >> his family to support him. >> it sounds to me like he -- >> she. >> my apologies. sounds like she just -- >> he. >> oh, he? oh, i'm sorry. >> that's okay. >> it sounds like it's a new show. whatever, he can do whatever he wants. >> she. >> she can do whatever she wants. >> if it's true, good for him -- >> her. >> sorry, good for her. i mean, if she wants to do it then go for it.
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>> he, yeah. >> yes. yes. >> are you a fan of bruce's? >> a bit. he's a funny -- >> she. >> she's funny, i'm sorry. got to get used to this. yes, she's funny. >> i'm a track and field runner so i really -- i'm a fan of what he did in the olympics -- >> she. >> she did in the olympics. >> he. she. >> and -- but -- yeah, haven't been paying attention to -- her -- like -- >> his. >> his. >> she. >> i think that's fine. that's up to him -- >> her. >> her. exactly. she decided to -- >> he. >> he decided to make that transition, that's his decision. >> her. >> her decision. >> i think that's perfectly fine, you know. if he's -- >> she. >> she, she, she. >> she. >> i think it's cool. we should let him be and live
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his life -- >> her. >> sorry, yes. let him be and live his life -- >> hers. >> we should not judge. >> will you be watching bruce's new shoe? >> absolutely, i'm always intrigued. it will be interesting to see what she does -- >> he. >> if bruce is watching is there a message you want to give him, her? >> good for you, man. or woman. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> be a good woman, man. >> she. >> you know what i think about that? he can do anything he wants. >> she. >> whoa. he, she, whoever it is. >> she. >> she. >> he. >> he. >> she. >> he, she. >> he. >> she. i don't care. you know? personally, i really don't care. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so confused. it's going to take a long time,
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going to take a lot of self-control and a long time for us to deal with this. if bruce jenner becomes a woman does that mean six more weeks of winter? in legalized marijuana news, the very first pot vending machines have arrived. and they're up and running in seattle, washington. that should help them forget about the super bowl, right? the machines are -- they say they're designed to speed up the process of buying marijuana at dispensaries, which is good news. most of the stoners i know keep their schedules pretty tight. this is a machine, it's called zazzz. there's a touch screen. and you can place your order and choose whatever marijuana you want. like there's one called girl scout cookies. and then when you add it to the cart, the pot drops down in the machine just like a packet of cheez-its or something. i don't know if they thought this all the way through. now when the people who use this get the munchies they go to the vending machine, the only thing
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they can get out of it is more pot. could wind up in a never-ending loop. a fruit loop loop is something. women still have to get a note from their doctor to get birth control but you can get pot from a vending machine. a crazy world we live in isn't it, guillermo? >> guillermo: yes, it is. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sometimes i like to see if he's listening. >> guillermo: i am. a great way to get pot. >> jimmy: okay, thank you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] quite an advertising campaign. i love to read. i've always wanted to be part of a book club. but most books are too long. i don't have time to read 400, 500-page novels. i found a type of book that does not take long to read at all. they call them children's books. are you familiar with these? okay, good. so i got a group together. and we sat down, we cracked open a book, and we just talked it
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through. >> hello, book club members, how are you? >> good. >> good. >> everybody feeling good tonight? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> do you know this book? >> yeah. >> what's it called? >> "good morning." >> no, "good night." >> oh, "good night." >> i read this book. >> oh, yeah. >> yeah, me too. >> see, that's good. because the idea of a book club is you read the book and then everybody comes together and we talk about what we read. >> when the story's over you talk about you have a friend, if you have a friend, you talk about it with -- about it. >> jimmy: that's exactly right. do you know who oprah is? >> no. >> no. >> jimmy: no? oh, wow. we're in a lot of trouble. all right. "good night moon." in the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon and a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush. good night, cow jumping over the moon.
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>> and -- and the moonlight. >> jimmy: almost. good night, light. good night, stars. good night, air. good night, air? who says good night to the air? >> nobody! >> jimmy: good night noises everywhere. >> really? >> that was the book. >> jimmy: that's it. do you know when this book was written in? >> 500s. >> jimmy: the 500s, no. anybody have a guess? >> the 16s. >> jimmy: the 16s? no, not the 16s. >> 20 train? >> jimmy: 1947. >> what? whoa. that's back in the day. >> jimmy: from back in the day, yeah. >> way back in the day. >> jimmy: yeah. so let me ask you a question. what do you think this book is -- what do you think they're trying to say? >> they're trying to say good night. >> yeah, good night. >> it's a bedtime story. >> jimmy: it is. in the book, why do you think they say good night to everything in the whole house? >> i don't know. >> because everything's going to
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sleep. >> jimmy: where is the moon by the way? >> in the air! >> jimmy: i know but where's the real one go in the daytime? >> it's in the sky. >> no it's down below in the mountains. >> jimmy: it's in the mountains? what do you think? >> well, the sun -- when it's morning the sun comes up. the moon goes back down. goes down. >> jimmy: into its cabinet. >> its cabinet? it's like a kind of drawer. >> jimmy: they keep the moon in a cabinet which is kind of like a drawer. >> you're so funny. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> they don't put it in drawers. they go into mountains. >> no. mountains are kind of like drawers. >> jimmy: they're almost exactly like drawers. do you know anyone who's been to the moon? >> yeah. >> no. >> one of my uncles -- >> jimmy: one of your uncles was on the moon? which uncle? >> his name's uncle kevin.
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>> jimmy: uncle kevin has been to the moon, really? when did he go to the moon? >> like five weeks ago. >> jimmy: how did he get there? >> he took a rocketship. >> jimmy: he took a space shuttle, wow. >> he was in a space suit. >> jimmy: he was, wow. >> that's what astronauts -- they call it astronaut, they call it -- >> astronauts, there's like asteroids -- >> jimmy: i wonder how many uncle kevins are on the moon right now. >> 51,000. >> jimmy: that many? >> many hundred, hundred, hundred thousand. >> jimmy: what do we think of "good night moon"? >> like it! >> jimmy: you recommend to it other kids? >> yeah. >> all right, you guys want to go to sleep? >> no! >> no! >> jimmy: all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, kids. tonight on the show, from "the walking dead" lauren cohan is
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here. be right back with jeff bridges so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by slim jim's carnage asada steakhouse strips. snap into to order your dead meat today. marcia, what happened? >>peter hit me in the nose with a football. i can't go to the dance like this. well i'm sure it was an accident sweetheart. >>an eye for an eye, that's what dad always says. >>i never said that, honey. shut up! time to teach peter a lesson. >>marcia, eat a snickers®. why? >>you get a little hostile when you're hungry. better? >>better. >>marcia, marcia, marcia... . jan, this isn't about you. it never is! ♪ when you feel good no one is immune. with antioxidants, electrolytes, and b vitamins
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, hello there. tonight from "the walking dead," lauren cohan is here. and later, bridges' album is called "live" from the at&t stage. tomorrow night magic johnson, scott foley will join us, music from magic, the band not the johnson. our first guest is an actor, musician, oscar winner, and dude everlasting. later you'll hear him with his band the asiders. "seventh son" opens friday. please say hello to jeff bridges! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: very good to see you, you look very sharp. >> yeah, thank you, man. >> jimmy: i like that suit. sunday, we're watching the super bowl, and all these fast-paced commercials are happening. and suddenly there's you. and for 30 seconds, you are, correct me if i have this wrong, you're rubbing a stick around a bowl -- >> a singing bowl, ohming some people to sleep. >> jimmy: a man and woman in bed, you're over them putting them -- ohming them to sleep. >> that's right. isn't that bizarre? it really appealed to me. >> jimmy: it made everyone stop. and i have to say, there was about another three minutes afterwards where i was trying to figure out what the commercial was for. >> exactly, exactly. but it was from this great website design company called square space. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and they came up with this -- a bunch of these weird ideas. and their idea was that, you know, any wild idea can make a
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creative website. and they said, so jeff, run with this thing if you want. i said, yeah, i will. and i got my two buddies, keith who did all that great music, he worked with t bone and did that music for "true detective." did you see that? >> jimmy: yeah, sure, it was great. >> my buddy lou beach who did this crazy cover for the album with eyes and stuff, also some stories in. i got to work with those guys. the clincher for me, the most exciting thing about it, was that all the sales from the downloads and the album, you could actually buy this sleep tapes album, goes to no kid hungry campaign. it's all about ending childhood hunger here in america. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's nice. and again, i think you made an album to help put people to sleep? >> i got off on this thing, man,
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i tell you. oh, it's not just about sleep, you know. i got -- riffed on my mind a little bit, sleeping implies waking up, implies dreaming. you know. i want to -- i want to parlay this thing, man. i want to keep this site going, you know. keep making installments. >> jimmy: until people are sleeping 24 hours a day. >> or waking up, you know. >> jimmy: we have a track from the album, you mind if we play this? >> please do. >> jimmy: "this is called hummmmmm" with like six ms at the end. it's a free album. >> buy it for free but make a donation for childhood hunger. >> one of the things i do to relax is to hum. i thought i'd give you a little humming tune here. it goes something like this. ♪ hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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>> jimmy: you know this one. >> i know this one. it's a standard. ♪ mmmmmmmmmmm >> jimmy: this is humming -- i'm sorry to interrupt the song. is this what you do when you go to bed at night? >> no, this is something that i do -- actually to relax myself. when i'm working often, you know, making a movie, and i'll just break out into this descending melody, you know. and i absolutely love this. my wife, if you play the track later, i'm doing this. we recorded this, we recorded it in the morning. and i'm humming. outside on the porch there. and my wife just wakes up and she comes out and says, what are you doing? i say, i'm working on my sleeping tapes. and i force my wife to join us in hum a little bit. get good and pissed off. i have so much fun doing this, i tell you. >> jimmy: i hum also. when my mind is racing, i will hum. the problem is, the humming
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doesn't stop once i go to sleep and i will hum through the night. which for my wife is like sleeping with a mental patient. it's like -- the humming, yeah, so i -- >> jimmy: let's hear it. >> i kind of hum as i breathe. i'll go like -- mmmm, mmmm, >> jimm . >> a hum snore. >> jimmy: can you imagine sleeping with that? >> that's a melodic snoring man. >> jimmy: it's pretty monotone. >> i can see -- you know in part two, "sleeping tapes part 2." >> jimmy: i'd love to make a guest spot on your next album. >> it would be great. or, you know, i'll pay you right. i'll pay you. >> jimmy: no, no, no. i'd be more than happy to be a part of it, believe me. are you a tense guy in general? >> i have tension, yeah. >> jimmy: you don't seem like it. >> well, you know, tension -- stress, that's part of life, right? yeah.
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you know. >> jimmy: are you anxious? >> anxious at times. i experience anxiety, yeah. >> jimmy: do you feel like you are more anxious than the average guy? because i would imagine -- you seem to me to be one of the least anxious people that i've ever met. >> that's an act. >> jimmy: it is? >> yeah. i'm an actor, yeah. >> jimmy: if you act relaxed all the time, then are you relaxed? >> that makes it worse, actually. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, you've got to just kind of bring it on and use it to, you know, stress and that anxiety -- those are wonderful times to practice chilling and relaxing. you know, you can breathe and you say, oh, look what's happening now. i feel like i'm getting anxious right now. >> jimmy: are you? [ laughter ] >> but i can just -- you know, i don't fight that. i just say, oh, anxious, interesting. the mind, you know, the mind shoots these feelings through us all the time. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i know. >> you try to avoid it, man. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. of course. >> are you a tense guy?
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>> jimmy: i have a lot of anxiety. i'm not tense but i have a lot of anxiety. >> how does it manifest? >> jimmy: i grind my teeth. >> i did that, man, that tour thes. you had tmj? >> jimmy: yeah, i did. >> oh, that hurts. i had to wear the guard and stuff. >> jimmy: i still, yeah. >> at night. terrible. >> jimmy: it's great to look at also. >> what do you mean, look at? >> jimmy: it's a big piece of red plastic in my mouth. >> it's very painful. >> jimmy: it doesn't hurt that much. but it's not attractive. yeah. >> you get the humming thing going, you got the plastic -- >> jimmy: i'm a disaster, i need help. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> your wife loves you, man, so much. because, you know, she's willing to put up with that. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. luckily she's a heavy sleeper. we're going to take a break. we'll talk about your band, your new album, all this stuff. jeff bridges is here with us. "seventh son" is coming out. be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by
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>> have you no honor? >> that is jeff bridges in "seventh son." the show opens friday. that looks like it's fun. >> yeah, yes. >> jimmy: the dragon breathing in your face. >> man. >> jimmy: is it fun to do a movie like this where you get to play with a sword? >> you know, you remember "the seventh voyage of sinbad"? >> jimmy: great, yeah. that cyclops -- >> exactly, yeah. the skull -- the fencing with the skeletons and stuff. >> jimmy: yeah. >> this is fun. but also, i love mythology. you know, myth. i think that's -- ancient stories can really shed some light on what's happening today. >> jimmy: you have a band. how many date dozen you do a year? >> i don't really know. are i haven't counted them. we do a lot. we just came off the road. we did three a little short set of gigs up in central california. what's so great is i get to jam
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with my daughter, jesse. she opens for us. then she comes out and does some numbers. >> jimmy: she's going to play -- >> she's playing tonight. >> jimmy: does she travel with you on the bus? >> yeah, absolutely. >> jimmy: does the band behave themselves because your daughter is on the bus? >> no, no, no, no. >> jimmy: no, not at all. >> no, she entices them, you know -- >> jimmy: to misbehave? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: is that when you're having the most fun, when you're playing in the band? >> i don't know about most. but it's a lot of fun. >> jimmy: do people send you like 35 white russians? >> i get that, i get that. >> jimmy: what do you do when you get those? when they're sent over by people? will you drink them? >> no, no. i might blow some bubbles with the straw. >> jimmy: just to give them a little thrill. >> i'll have a white russian when i feel like drinking a dessert. they're very sweet. >> jimmy: you're drinking, what is it, milk and kahlua, vodka? >> milk, kahlua, vodka. the dude used a little powdered milk, he preferred the powdered
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milk. >> jimmy: i think that's a better call. was the dude doing that for financial reasons? >> yeah, yeah, maybe so, maybe so. now that i think about it, he just did it over at maud's house. by the way, maud is in this movie. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. yeah, julianne moore is in this thing. >> jimmy: nice, nice. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> such a performance, so great. >> jimmy: we're going to hear a little bit of music from you and your band the abiders when we come back. that is the cd. and "the seventh son" opens in theaters friday. the cd, "jeff bridges and the abiders live." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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>> they make them so moist and tender. ♪ >> dicky: order your dead meat today. snap into a slim jim. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with lauren cohan! >> jimmy: we'll be right back with lauren cohan! [ cheemeat sticks! yeeeeesss these sticks! nooooooooo yyyeeeeessss nnnnnooooooo yesssss nnnnooooooo yesssss snap into a yessss. snap into a slim jim!
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we spend days booking gigs, then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money. we run on quickbooks.that's how we own it. okay, you ready to go? i gotta go dad! okay! let's go go, go, go... woah! go right, go left, go left, stop! now go... (shouting) let's go!! i gotta go! can i go? yup! you can go. (beeping alert) woah! there you go! way to go! lets go buddy, let's go! anncr: the ford fusion. we go further, so you can.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello there, we're back. our next guest, hugely popular tv show has inspired millions of people around the country to buy their own machetes to have at home. "the walking dead" returns to amc sunday night at 9:00. please welcome lauren cohan! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i hope you don't mind me saying this but you smell very, very good. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: do you shampoo? >> i do, i do. twice a month.
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>> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm doing really well, yeah. >> jimmy: this show is probably the most popular television show in the world, right? >> it seems that way, doesn't it. >> jimmy: it really does seem that way. it just keeps getting more and more popular. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's really crazy. >> it's insane. it's definitely been -- it's been the hit of my friends and family. >> jimmy: your friends and family do like it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: your family on the show, they're all dead now, they were all killed. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you have nowhere to go for christmas. but your real family i hope, they're not zombies, they're okay? >> no, my real family is so excited for the show coming back. they're having a party in new jersey. and they're having a party next sunday. and they have like all their friends over and all their cousins and aunts and uncles and my niece is really funny. she called me yesterday. lauren, wouldn't it be so funny -- i'm already messing up her accent. >> jimmy: you're doing a pretty
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good job. where's she from? >> from new jersey but i always go really extreme with it. i'll just continue to. >> jimmy: yeah, go ahead, we don't know. >> wouldn't it be so funny if, because all the kids' friends are coming over and their cousins are going to be there and all the neighbors, wouldn't it be so funny if you didn't even tell us and it was a surprise and you just turned up? wouldn't it be funny? even now on the phone you were pretending you weren't going to come, like right now you said, yeah, that would be funny, but then you did come. and i'm like, yeah, that would be really funny. >> jimmy: you're not coming, are you? >> no, no. >> jimmy: if you did show up, it would be funny. >> it would. yeah. >> jimmy: so they love the show. who in your family is the biggest fan of the show? >> my uncle's always given me great acting advice as i've gone through my career. he'll say things like, you're so much less awkward now on tv, it's great. >> jimmy: that's high praise. >> thank you?
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my grandma's probably the biggest fan. >> jimmy: oh, really, your grandma. >> my grandma has the most opinions. she checks in with me, she'll call me after this. >> jimmy: she will? >> she says hi. >> jimmy: tell her i said hello as well. >> i will, i will. >> jimmy: she critiques everything that you do? >> she loves it. she'll talk about the hair. she used to say cute things. i love when it you do the rock 'n' roll hair but i love it when you do the marilyn hair more. and i was like, oh, that's good. >> jimmy: that means she doesn't like the rock 'n' roll hair, right? >> no, she likes polished things. >> jimmy: i see. >> can i do something funny? can i actually play a voice? she'll leave me a voice mail message. >> jimmy: from your grandma? >> she'll call me, whatever. yeah, so last season -- >> jimmy: this is not of her humming? >> no. but i have one of those too. no, but this is her. >> hi, sweetheart. grand pa and i watched your season show, the first one.
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we watched it at lunch today. because we had to watch the eagles last night. i'd rather watch your show but that's the way it went. and i think your show is so good. but i think this season, really it was just so amazing. the special effects and everything. and you just look great. and there were some scenes where you look glamorous. i couldn't believe it. >> that's grandma. >> jimmy: she couldn't believe it. >> well, this is a short call. [ laughter ] >> you got my little package. if you or your little assistants -- >> jimmy: i don't have an assistant. >> oh, no. >> i'll talk to you maybe on this coming weekend. >> jimmy: oh, wow. that's very cute. [ cheers and applause ] you've got to save that message. >> yes. she has --
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>> jimmy: your little assistants. did you tell her you have assistants? >> i had a friend who picked her up from the airport now and she thinks that -- >> jimmy: i see. >> i kind of like this idea that your family thinks that once you're on a hit show, then all of a sudden you're like completely changed. >> jimmy: you're a billionaire all of a sudden. >> yeah, yeah, exactly. like i just throw these shoes away when i leave. >> jimmy: yeah, right. that can be good, that can also be very bad too when it comes time -- they say, can i have your shoes? you say, no, they're my shoes. >> no, i need to wear these home. >> jimmy: when you're covered with blood, leaving the set, stop, drive through taco bell or anything like that just to freak the people out? >> i don't stop to do that but there are times when i leave without washing. like -- because you get very tired and you leave the set. and i had one day where i was like elbow-deep, you'll understand this, in guts. and i just was tired and i had to go. i'm driving home and i never,
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ever, ever, ever, ever, ever get pulled over, i'm a really good driver, mostly. and on this one instance i literally have blood up to here. but not only do i have blood up to my elbows, we had a fight scene and i had like twigs and all this dust. i have dust in my teeth. i'm so freaking filthy. and i'm driving home and i see the sirens behind me and i get pulled over by a cop. and i'm thinking, he's either going to stop me then run away himself, because i look like a psycho, or i might get away from this if he knows i'm from the show. he comes beside me. i literally take my script and i think, this could help me. i prop the script up, i'm so sorry, i just left the set. made sure he understands. so lo and behold, like i'm standing there, waiting for him to run the thing. instead of a ticket he actually said, and little lady, i don't see a ring on your finger, does that mean you're single? and i was like -- yeah! and i so wish i just had the
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ticket. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> i'm about to try and -- >> jimmy: how many dates did you guys wind up going on? >> well, he put a ring on it. >> jimmy: what a beautiful love story. >> that would be. >> jimmy: it's going to be an ufshlg situation i would think. i think i would wind up dating the cop for probably maybe even six to eight months. >> that's when you know. >> jimmy: that's when you really know it's true. when you're willing to go the distance. >> introduce him to grandma. >> jimmy: would grandma like you dating a policeman? >> no, but grandma tells me i should travel with protection in the car. my grandma's awesome. >> jimmy: i can't imagine a grandma watching the show in general. >> i'm not kidding, when she talks about the special effects she's really paying attention. i really found this makeup effect is more realistic, please tell greg he's doing a great job. >> jimmy: grandpa's like, can we put the game back on? >> where's the eagles!
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>> jimmy: it's good to see you, congratulations on the huge success of the show. "the walking dead." you know it. it returns sunday night, 9:00. lauren cohan, everybody. be right back with jeff bridges and the asiders! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank lauren cohan and apologize to matt damon, we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first this is the album "live" here with the man from "the big lebowski," jeff bridges and the abiders! ♪ ahh la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ♪
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♪ la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ the man in me will do nearly any task as for compensation there's a little he ♪ ♪ will ask take a woman like you to get through to the man in me storm clouds are raging ♪ ♪ all around my door i think to myself i might not take it anymore take a woman like your kind ♪ ♪ to find the man in me ♪
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♪ most of everything usually ain't as good as something smaller about it don't ask me what i mean ♪ by that sometimes i believe ♪ it sometimes i doubt it but i know people got to move a lot of dirt to make a diamond a jewel ♪ ♪ and i hope to see the shining day when the exception is the rule and more is usually better ♪ ♪ unless it's something like broken dreams and pain and everything that came and went is going to ♪
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♪ come around again and it seems like truth is moving slower than the force that turns some ♪ ♪ people into fools and i hope to see the shining day when the exception is the rule ♪ ♪ when the gifted are allowed to give their gift when the hitchhikers of justice finally ♪ ♪ catch a lift when the healers are allowed to mend the rift ignorance ain't bliss ♪ ♪ and understanding is suddenly cool
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this is "nightline." tonight, terror on the tracks. new details on the crash that turned a crowded commuter train into a lethal inferno at the height of rush hour. killing at least six and sending hundreds of passengers scrambling for their lives. tonight, the survivors and the question everybody wants answered -- why was that suv right in the path of an oncoming train? and the searing and extremely personal debate over whether or not to vaccinate your child. amidst that spreading measles outbreak. we're there as two families struggle to decide what they think is right for them and doctors weigh in on how you can keep your kids safe. ♪
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