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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 11, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am EST

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, david spade, from "fresh off the boat" randall park, and music from the band perry. with cleto and cletones. and now, take my word for it, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very nice.
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i'm jimmy, host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks all of you for coming. i have to say i really feel the -- the love in the air tonight. valentine's day is imminent. tomorrow's the 12th. have any of you valentine's day planned yet? i pray that you have. it's saturday and it's supposedly going to be more expensive this year. this year men will spend an average of $116 on valentine's day. and women's will spend around $77. in other words, guys, unless you have the good sense to be gay you're getting ripped off. americans who expect to spend a record $18.9 billion on valentine's gifts this weekend. if they don't, there's going to be hell to pay. i thought this was interesting. a lot of women give themselves flowers for valentine's day. a lot of men give themselves sex. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if you want to do valentine's right win the power ball jackpot, $500 million as of tonight. to put it in perspective, $500 million, you could get hbo, showtime, and cinemax. the whole package. if you win, take a lump sum which makes sense, $337.8 million. which is the most money you can make for doing nothing short of becoming a kardashian. one of the women who works here, one of our security guards here at the show,ed adalina, keeps a notebook of lottery strategies. she's got a grid. that's adalina, that's her notebook. all her secrets are there. she's found a great way to waste not only a dollar, but also an entire day of work. she also happens to be wesley snipes' accountant. the odds of winning the lottery
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are so low it's hard to even get it -- wrap your head around it. it's like playing bingo against the entire population of india. but fortunately our nation's news reporters are working very hard to remind us of just how hopeless it is. >> the odds of matching all five numbers and power ball is 1 in 175 million. >> you have a better chance of being in a plane crash, being hit by a car crossing the street, or being drafted by the nba. >> you have a better chance of being crushed by an asteroid or having identical quadruplets. >> you have a better chance of having an 11th toe. >> you have a better chance of being struck by an airplane falling out of the sky twice. >> you have a better chance being attacked by a shark. >> you're more likely to be president. >> you have a 1 in 33 million chance driving or killing someone buying two miles to the store to buy your ticket. >> jimmy: in other words, we're all in a lot of trouble. you have better orders of being
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reincarnated as the love child of oprah and donald trump than winning the lottery. all you need is a dollar and a dream. especially if your dream is to lose a dollar. very big news this week. nbc yesterday suspended brian williams for six months without pay for misrepresenting a story of something that happened to him 12 years ago in iraq. it's weird nbc gives out a harsher suspensions than the nfl, isn't it i tell you what i've been thinking about it -- [ cheers and applause ] i'm not sure how i feel. i think i have a solution. you know what his punishment should be. they should send him up in a helicopter, fire an rpg at it, if he makes it down that's enough. he's forgiven. right? [ cheers and applause ] you know, brian has already been on a self-imposed leave of absence from nbc, reportedly planning to spend his six months away at home with his wife wendy williams.
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[ laughter ] you know, i hate to say it. but brian williams isn't the only one in this family who hasn't been entirely truthful. turns out his daughter allison isn't really a boy and cannot fly. you didn't watch that? all right. well. now nbc has a hole to fill so they posted an ad on craigslist. they're looking for, this is the ad, a reasonably handsome white guy who can read. $14 million a year plus benefits. by the way, how great would it be if while brian williams was off on suspension he won the power ball? it would be -- it's very cold on the east coast right now. this comes to us from brooklyn, new york. this is a cautionary tale about irony and karma and about the dangers of making your dog wear little footties. >> come here. come here. joey, come here. [ barking ]
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>> oh, you silly. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what you get. get over here and pick up my poop! while the east coast has been freezing we are experiencing record highs in southern california. it was 84 degrees here today. [ cheers and applause ] actually tourists visiting are flocking to the beach. we sent a camera out to santa monica to give some tourists, who are from back east and relaxing on the beach, a chance to rub it in to their freezing friends back home on television. but we also sent my cousin sal to the beach with a bucket full of snowballs. ♪ >> sal: where are you from? >> long island, new york. >> sal: anyone you want to say hi to? >> hi, how you doing?
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oh! what the -- >> sorry, sorry. >> anyone you want to say hi to back home? >> probably my parents -- >> snowballs! >> all my family, i know that there's a lot of snow in quebec here. the sand, the beach is perfect. >> i'm at the beach right now - >> snowballs! montreal, montreal, whoo! >> anyone you want to say hi to back there? mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, the usual? >> snowballs! >> [ bleep ]. >> snowballs! >> [ bleep ]. get away from me, you freak! you guys are freaks! come here!
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>> snowballs! >> [ bleep ]. >> where are you from? >> chicago. >> anyone you want to say hi to? >> my sister. >> do you want to talk about this weather? >> i'm having a wonderful time. and you're in the snow. really, really cold. and -- >> snow bucket! >> jimmy: that's how sal makes friends. [ cheers and applause ] this is icy fun too. there's a documentary series on epix called "the road to the nhl stadium series" following kings and sharks as they march toward a big outdoor hockey game they're playing later this month. last night we learned what happens when hockey players bring their children to practice. >> teams in the nhl spend a large portion of their season away from their families. which is why todd mclellan allows his players to bring their children to practice once a week. >> you know, sundays are usually days with daddies.
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that's my cup. usually all the kids are here -- all right, guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he handled that better than i would have. you know, kids are peanuts -- are they peanuts? kids are people too. but a lot of them can't read, especially the little ones. every week i get together with a group of which in. one of them happens to be my nephew wesley. to read. we have a book club. i'm the president. last week we had a lively discussion about the book "good night moon." tonight we sit down and debate the literary merits of another popular kids' classic, i give you "the giving tree." hello, book club. how was your week? >> good. >> jimmy: how are your jobs? everything good at work? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: husbands, wives, families okay? >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: okay, good. well, this is a very good book. do you know what this book is? >> yeah. >> "the giving tree." >> jimmy: that's absolutely right, "the giving tree." do you know who wrote it? >> no. >> jimmy: the scariest man in the world. look at that face. >> he looks like a vampire. >> he's not scary. >> jimmy: he's not? rrr! a little bit scary. "the giving tree" by shel silverstein. that's the guy we're talking about. >> yeah in. >> jimmy: his name is shel. isn't that strange? i wonder if people ever find him on the beach. >> maybe he lives in a shell. >> jimmy: maybe he is a shell. yeah. let's start the book. >> okay. >> jimmy: once there was a tree. and she loved a little boy. he would climb up her trunk and swing from her branches. take my apples, boy, and sell them in the city. so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build
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his house. cut down her trunk and made a boat and sailed away. i'm sorry, sighed the tree, i wish i would give you something but i've nothing left, i'm just an old stump. come boy, sit down, sit down and rest. and the boy did. and the tree was happy. >> guess what? >> jimmy: what? >> that however many lines inside a tree stump, that's how old a tree is. >> i can't wait to get my costume, it has a helmet, it has a tail -- >> jimmy: what does that have to do with "the giving tree" book? >> there's nothing in "the giving tree" in real life. >> jimmy: is there a giving tree in star wars? >> no. >> jimmy: i don't think there is -- >> how can there be a giving tree in star wars? >> people actually have another new star wars. >> jimmy: i think we're trying to say here you really have no interest at all in this book, right? >> i do.
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>> jimmy: you do? do you like the little boy from this boy? >> yes. >> jimmy: you do? he seemed kind of selfish to me. >> yeah. he did, kind of. >> jimmy: yeah. >> when you grow up -- >> jimmy: he was nice when he was young. but then he just started taking and taking ask taking until he essentially killed his best friend. >> i think i know how the tree felt. the tree was telling the boy to do the stuff. >> jimmy: you think it was the tree's fault? at a certain point this boy is an adult and he should know better than to chop this tree down. you can't build a house out of branches. preposterous, what is he, a beaver? >> a beaver? >> half human, half beaver? no. >> jimmy: is he human? a half beaver, half human?
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>> that tree didn't have many branches. >> jimmy: i know. then just a stick, then it became a stump, then he just sat on it. >> i think that the tree isn't alive anymore. >> jimmy: well, yeah. because he sat on it. >> yeah, and he killed him. >> jimmy: yeah. he pooped on it. >> eww! >> he must have died now. >> jimmy: yeah. everyone in this book is now dead. so there you go. that's "the giving tree." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: weird book. i stand by those remarks. thank you, kids. tonight on the show we have music from the band perry. from "fresh off the boat," randall park is here. we'll be right back with david spade! . [ cheers and applause ] ♪ mouths are watering,
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lemons are squeezing, and stomachs are growling. or is it just me? every minute between you and red lobster's lobsterfest feels like an eternity. and who could blame you for craving our largest variety of succulent lobster dishes all year? dishes like dueling lobster tails. with one tail topped with creamy shrimp and a second tail stuffed with tender crab. i was hungry already, and now you show me lobster lover's dream® let's make this dream a reality. a delicious, delicious reality.
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they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment
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begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, there. tonight, from the new comedy "fresh off the boat" which airs tuesday nights here on abc,
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randall park is with us. then later, just won a grammy for a song on this soundtrack, it comes out tuesday, the band perry from the at&t stage. tomorrow night, keira knightley will join us, from "scandal" the president himself will be here, and we'll have music from incubus. so please join us then. our first guest tonight isn a emmy and golden globe nominated man given in to popular demand to revive one of the most beloved characters in all of moviedom, please welcome david spade! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hey! yeah!
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nice. >> jimmy: by the way, thank you for coming tonight. you came at the last minute. sam smith was supposed to be here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he was at the grammy awards. and apparently he went out to parties afterwards and lost his voice. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and now thank you for coming. >> yeah, i'm a good guy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you go to the grammy parties? >> no, i get them on my tv. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> one of those major cable things. i saw the guy kanye who's always yammering away. managed to say the wrong thing. he said it to beck which stings a little more because i look like beck. >> jimmy: there's a resemblance. >> i take that a little harder. i want to like kanye. it's virtually impossible. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're trying? >> yeah, i'm trying. i mean, beyonce -- how much can she do before he thinks she's going to catch a break in this
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town? he's so mad about it. then i hear a song of his and i go, he's all right. then he talks and i don't like him again. he flies on a diamond helicopter, it's so weird. how about this, i don't know much about girls, but when he's with kim, all you do is fawn about how great beyonce is? even i know she's like, what about me, babe? i do stuff. >> jimmy: you don't see jay-z going around -- >> yeah, exactly. it's like, babe, she's talented, it's different. [ laughter ] it's different, it's not the same. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i notice you have the facial hair. >> yeah. >> jimmy: is that left over from joe dirt? >> yeah, yeah, we did that. we're doing a tiny bit more on it, then the poster, then it's this summer. it will be fun. america finally gets what they've been demanding. >> jimm
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this one is so many twists and turns it's like "inception." unpredictable. we really thought it out. speaking of guys that are hard to like, are you watching "the bachelor"? >> jimmy: am i watching? i'm living "the bachelor." >> jimmy. jim. >> jimmy: you don't like prince farming? >> is that his name? >> jimmy: that's what we call him. >> prince farming is hysterical. no i thought his name was jeff. >> jimmy: chris. jeff? we could never have a bachelor named jeff, don't be ridiculous. >> it's always some dumb name. i saw him, i've only seen one, i tivo'd it. that shows that i'm old. i tivo'd it. i've still got the first season of "mad men" on there, i'm going to watch that. but i saw it and i -- the biggest thing i thought was funny, there's a pool party. this is a monologue for "the bachelor." 30 chicks, super horny,
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bikini biki bikinis, so thirsty for fame, they're drenched. site exciting. it's splash mountain down there. and this guy is the biggest cornball. and he couldn't be in heaven. then he sits, a dope, handstand! they're like, ha ha ha! ha ha ha! anything he does, they're all over him. if he was in vegas at a pool they'd be like, who's this dude? kick him out. he's like wloorks! and then i'm watching. everything's going perfectly. some little betty buzzkill comes over, "can i talk to you?" she's like, it's really serious. he's drinking out of a coke. this girl's like, we're going to take our tops off. come here for a minute. he's like, ahh! i'm watching going, dude. this scenario, it's no good. she takes him into a little hut. the other girls are like, it better not be more than a minute so we get our time. they want to get the rose and
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all that. so he's all over there, what's up? he's like -- my i'm like, oh my god. you hear chicken fight! like, what happens? first of all, guys can't listen anyway. now 30 chicks -- he's so distracted. she's going, like what happened, first of all, it was suicide, it wasn't my fault. he's like, well, let's get all the data in first before we decide whose fault it is. he goes, right. so everything's cool now? wrap it up, you know. she goes, no. can you just listen to me? be a person? he's like, ahh. what? she goes, i met him about four years ago. oh, we're going back this far? that fast? let's go. anyway, he croaks, it's not your fault, great talking to you, cannonball!
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runs off. >> jimmy: that really sums it up. >> then her crying. he didn't listen! he's like, jackknife! >> jimmy: i don't want to ruin it for you but he had the decency to wait and not eliminate her that episode, and then eliminate her the next episode. >> that's a smart trip. no one wants a boner kill around there, i know that. be fun. you're not going to get a rose. if i was at that ceremony at the end where he's sussing it out. if i was a chick i'd be like, hey, you need a vase for that? whoo! you're sticking around. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] buy another week. >> jimmy: david spade is here. the movie "joe dirt 2." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by kfc popcorn nuggets. try them in a $5 fill-up box and taste what you've been missing. ♪
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12:02 am
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>> jimmy: hey, we're back with david spade. >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: david spade -- "joe dirt 2" the sequel. 14 years ago you made -- >> easy, easy. tennish. well, we always wanted to do it. you hear about movies you do. "joe dirt," i understand it was no huge $100 million hit. but after time you hear more about some movies than others. obviously tommy boy i hear about the most. that's the best one. but we can't do anything with that, that's just a one movie that we just really lucked out on and got it right, i think.
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and then joe -- i hear about joe dirt more than anything. >> jimmy: people watch it on cable. >> yeah, so now -- they didn't see it the first time, we know that from the stats. but -- so -- it somehow, eh, it's not that bad. another one, it's fun, christopher walken is back -- >> jimmy: he's back, that's great. >> we, did it's funny. >> jimmy: i have a photograph with you of christopher walken. >> us ton the set, look at that. look how cool i am. in this one i go back in time. i don't want to give it all away. but guy back in time. i see walken. i meet him earlier. we get rich because i know the future. oh, gave it all away. anyway. it's funny. >> jimmy: was he fun? >> he's such a stud.
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we love him. he was very nice. because he goes, people know joe dirt, they tell me every day. i don't think he remembers he was in it. he's like, everyone tells me every day. but he's so nice about it. he goes, they have a nice feeling for it so i want to do another one. when i was in the first one, i'm the only one in america that can't do a christopher walken impression. struggle through. but we were in a house waiting to shoot and he's in the back with britney daniel and all the cast. we're sitting there, dead silent, they're fixing a camera. he goes, david, you ever work with actor dog? and i go, an actor dog? no, i don't -- i don't think so. he goes, they're good. they do what they're told. they sit and stay and they run around and chase stuff. and i go, yeah, cool, okay. keep it in mind. and then he goes, ever work with an actor cat? i go, an act -- they have those? he goes, oh, yeah it's a big
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business. they don't do anything. he goes, if you tell a cat to sit there and do something, they don't take direction. and i go, right. he goes, if you want them to move you have to hit them with a stick. but a regular cat will move if you do that. i go, yeah, yeah. sure. yeah. silence. ever work with an actor mouse? i go, i don't -- i have not. he goes, i did. "mousetrap." he goes, they're good. he goes, you tell a mouse to walk up here, take a beat and go left, and they do it. and i go, how? he goes, i don't know. i don't either. he goes, all right. rolling! so i have all that info. >> jimmy: you became friends sounds like. >> i love him. he just wanted to share that story. he's a sweetheart. >> jimmy: are you going into this big "saturday night live" anniversary show? >> oh, yeah, he'll be there, that's right. yeah, yeah, yeah, if they can fit me in, my god. >> jimmy: there's a lot of people are going to be there. >> i honestly think it's like
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200 -- i don't know. 40 years of hosts. all the cast members. i'm going, i'm going out with adam on friday. i'll do my own adam sandler for you. adam and chris rock that will be fun. we're going to get -- we have our own little clique in the corner. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> other years. we're all going to -- i think they're doing sketches. >> jimmy: sounds fun. you guys haven't planned anything out? >> they said, you have a rehearsal time, we don't know what you're doing yet. >> jimmy: what if you get there and hate it? >> i don't think it's possible. i think it will be super fun. i'll do whatever i'm told. if i'm not even anything it will be fun because everyone will be there it will be like a family reunion -- >> jimmy: speaking of being there don't you have a problem with eddie murphy? >> no, no, no. my new one's it with kanye. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, okay. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> no, no, he's fun, i like him. i'm going to high five him. eddie and i, we cleared it up. >> jimmy: you did. >> just in time.
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yes. because now i'm going to see him. i saw him in the street, he was nice to me. >> jimmy: oh, all right. >> chris rock used to say, eddie's mad at you. so i said -- he goes, if i see you, i'm not talking to you. i go, is that clear, who are you better friends with? he goes, we go way back. i can't wait to see bill murray. it's going to be super fun. >> jimmy: sounds like it would be a lot of fun. >> yeah. i don't know what to expect. i'll just go there, show up. they'll point me out -- maybe i'll do ba-bye. >> jimmy: thank you for coming, i look forward to seeing it, and i hope you don't mind if i speak to the executives here at abc, i'd love to you yore to be the bachelor next season. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm not x'ing anything out right now. >> jimmy: david spade," joe dirt
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2:beautiful loser" comes up this summer. we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. now in made-just-for-you meals- for just $6 every day. you've really got it made. ♪ take your pick from six of our best subs, like the italian b.m.t, tender turkey breast, sweet onion chicken teriyaki and more. with a 21-ounce drink and a bag of chips, the new simple 6 menu is value made simple, every day. you so got it made. subway! with rollover data, the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next month. and i don't have to do anything? not a thing, mobile share value customers get it automatically. it's how we show appreciation. you know i really appreciate that you appreciate me as a customer. and we appreciate how much you appreciate us appreciating our customers. and i appreciate that you appreciate that. and i appreciate you appreciating that. i appreciate that.
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at intel, they make technology that lets a device be a laptop and a tablet, so you can put two in one. no, you can't. can. can't! can! intel. this is where it all changes. see, it's like two things in one. like a mermaid, or one of the horse-guy people. you mean like a centaur? see, you can!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back. randall park, music from the band perry is on the way. before we get to all the oscars are a week from sunday. there are dozens of nominated films to keep track of. as a service to you the viewer we asked our friend yahya to review some of them for us. tonight yahya reviews a movie i happened to like a lot, best picture nominee "whiplash." here's yahya talking about the movie. ♪ >> action! hi, i'm back again. i'm talking about the movie -- "wubless." the movie talk about young boy who goes -- wants to come play jazz. the boy, i don't remember. i don't know him. you know, his name -- miley? tyler? i don't know, miley? like miley cyrus.
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and the guy, richard simmons, he's in the movie too he's the bald guy. now he do like a grand drum teacher. and the guy with the two, i don't know, old grandpeople. the by, maybe he come very good, i don't know the name of the movie. like -- the movie there. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, yahya. we'll be right back with randall park! and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww!
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they've given all your favorite numbers games new, simpler names. and for something really simple, play the all-new pick 2. easy to play. simple to say. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: music from the band perry. our next guest played kim jong-un in the movie "the interview." so we're all in danger right now of even being in his presence.
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he has a critically acclaimed new show "fresh off the boat" tuesday nights at 8:00 here on abc. please say hello to randall park! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for coming. >> thanks for having me. this is my first late night talk show. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. i wish i would have known. i would have brought nurse, i would have made it special, romantic. >> that would have been nice. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> from l.a. >> jimmy: originally? born and raised? >> born and raised in l.a., yeah. >> jimmy: is your family in show business? >> no, no. i have no family -- i grew up in l.a. but no family in show business. >> jimmy: i thought you were saying, no family. >> it's just me. no, no family in show business. no friends in show business growing up.
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even though i was born and raised in l.a.? were they support of your decision to do this? >> not at all. not at all, no. they wanted me to become a -- like most asian parents, become a doctor. or a lawyer. >> jimmy: to be honest, that's kind of why i asked that. a very practical approach. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you not doing that is strange, they weren't very supportive at the beginning. when i first decided to go all-out and become an actor, i told them and they were like, no, you know, that's okay. if it's a hobby. just make sure it's a hobby. and i was like, okay. it's just a hobby. and then i started doing it. and they start seeing me on xheshlgs and stuff. and they'd be like, wow. he's really into this hobby. >> jimmy: what commercials did you do? anything we would remember? >> gosh, i made a living off of commercials for many years. i think the biggest one was this commercial for k-y. >> jimmy: oh, really?
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>> k-y jelly. yeah, that one aired to are a long time. >> jimmy: oh, great. >> people would actually come up to me on the street and be like, ky! and i'd be with my parents. and i'd be like, no, don't. don't. >> jimmy: that's unfortunate. >> yeah. >> jimmy: were you working a regular job while you were doing these? >> i had a lot of regular jobs. i worked at starbucks for a while. i waited tables. the longest job i had was i did graphic design for like a newspaper. like those weekly free new newspapers that you get in the kiosks. >> jimmy: right. >> they put me in charge of the back section of the newspaper, which is basically else court ads. you know, like massage parlors. prostitution ads, basically. >> jimmy: really. >> yeah. and it was -- >> jimmy: what would you do? >> it was my job to design those ads. >> jimmy: somebody designs those? >> yes, it was my job to build those. i felt really bad about that
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job. because we'd use like a lot of stock photos. like models. you know. >> jimmy: it's like yeah -- >> call tiffany for a good time. we'd use these images of these models from stock photos. basically these poor aspiring models who like decided to -- yeah, yeah. really sad. >> jimmy: so they don't know, they have no idea -- >> they have no idea that they're being depicted as prostitutes. >> jimmy: boy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's got to be a hell of a surprise. >> gosh, yeah. >> jimmy: worse than the k-y commercials. >> way worse. but the saddest part would be like -- sometimes actual pimps would come to the office with like a stack of polaroids. >> jimmy: what? >> for us to scan and use in the ads. like they were actual like prostitutes. >> jimmy: that's good, some honesty in advertising. >> yeah, but then i'd look at the photos and i'd be like, you
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really should use a stock photo. because some of these photos would have like their kids in the background and stuff. yeah. like a pitbull on their lap. and i'd be like, no, this is not good. >> jimmy: wow. that is pretty crazy. >> yeah. i'm really glad to be out of that. >> jimmy: were you nervous when you took the role playing kim jong-un? >> kim jong-un. >> jimmy: was that something that you thought about? >> yeah, i thought about it. but i mean, i didn't expect any of that to happen. that was like a real shock. >> jimmy: the haircut is tough enough to start with. >> that was the worst. yeah. i thought that was as bad as it would get. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. i have to -- literally i walked around with a beanie all the time. i'd be in like a house with the fireplace and the heater and i'd have this beanie on just sweating. i didn't want to take it off.
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>> jimmy: do you think he has seen this movie? >> i have a feeling yes, yes. >> jimmy: you do? >> i'm pretty sure, yes. >> jimmy: have you heard that from anyone or you have a sense? >> no confirmation but -- i don't know. i'm sure he knows about it. and it's probably interesting seeing how he's depicted. >> jimmy: wouldn't it be funny if he didn't know anything about it, after all this craziness? i don't know, i don't care. i'm busy exterminating my relatives. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you guys don't get the paper? >> i'm pretty sure he's seen it. >> jimmy: you're pretty sure he's seen it. that would be an uncomfortable head to head. i'd love to have you two on the show together. >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we'd like you to come to kim's birthday party. this show you're on, first of all, is getting great reviews. right immediately. it's based on a true story, memoir about a family.
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you play the dad. >> i play the dad. i play the writer of the memoir, ed aware huang, celebrity chef, personality, great writer. good friend. and he -- it's basically about his childhood in the '90s. with his family making the move from washington, d.c. to the predominantly white suburbs of orlando. it's about kind of the family's adjustment to this new world. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. it's -- it's like the small world ride in a way, i guess. and did you meet the guy? have you studied him? >> yeah, yeah. before we went into production for the series we actually flew out to orlando and we met the family. >> jimmy: they're still in orlando? >> they're still in orlando. i got to meet the dad lewis. and -- great guy. in the show my character has a restaurant called cattle man's ranch and he's trying to get it off the ground. that's the reason they moved to orlando in the first place. lewis huang in orlando took us to the actual cattleman's ranch
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which was really cool. it's a hooters now though. >> jimmy: it is? that is very orlando. how does lewis feel about the fact that you played kim jong-un and him? >> i don't know, he didn't really bring it up. >> jimmy: he didn't. >> he just kind of looked at me like, what's up with this guy? yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: congratulations on how well the show is doing. >> thank you, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fresh off the boat." tuesday nights at 8:00 right here on abc. randall park, everybody! thank you, randall. be right back with music from the band perry! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. come on!
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let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" consort series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: many thanks to david spade, randall park, apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. first here with glen campbell's classic "gentle on my mind" the band perry! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ it's knowing that your door is always open and your path is free to walk that makes me tend to ♪ ♪ leave my sleeping bag rolled up and stashed behind your couch and it's knowing ♪ ♪ i'm not shackled by forgotten words and bonds and the ink stains that are dried upon some line ♪ ♪ that keeps you on the backroads by the rivers of my memory that keeps you ever ♪ ♪ gentle on my mind
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it's not clinging to the rocks and ivy planted on their columns ♪ ♪ now that bind me or something that somebody said because they thought we fit together walking ♪ ♪ it's just knowing that the world will not be cursing or forgiving ♪ ♪ when i walk along some railroad track and find and find that you're moving ♪ ♪ that you're moving on the backroads by the rivers of my memory and for hours you're ♪ ♪ just gentle on my mind though the wheat fields and the clothes lines and the junkyards and ♪ ♪ the highways come between us and some other woman's cryin' to her mother 'cause she turned ♪
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♪ and i was gone ooh, i still might run in silence tears of joy might ♪ ♪ stain my face and the summer sun might burn me 'til i'm blind but not to where ♪ ♪ i cannot see you walkin' on the backroads by the rivers flowing gentle on my mind ♪ ♪ i dip my cup of soup back from a gurglin' cracklin' caldron in some train yard my beard a rustling ♪ ♪ cold towel a dirty hat pulled low across my face through cupped hands ♪ ♪ 'round the tin can i pretend to hold you to my breast and find and find ♪
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♪ that you're waiting that you're waiting from the backroads by the rivers of my memories ♪ ♪ ever smilin' ever gentle on my mind you're gentle on my mind you're gentle on my ♪ ♪ you're gentle on my mind ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." tonight, the american sniper trial. as moviegoers flock to theaters for the true story of military legend list kyle, the real-life final act playing out in court today. kyle's widow on the stand and in tears testifying against the troubled veteran who killed her husband. what made him turn on somebody who was just trying to help? whitney and bobbi. on the anniversary of whitney houston's death, officials now confirm that bobbi kristina's case is a criminal investigation. tonight as bobbi kristina clings to life, family friend kevin costner speaks out. and the theory of eddie. >> i am an addict. >> he wen


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