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tv   Action News  ABC  February 14, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EST

1:35 am
1:36 am
> it cold angoing toet clr and equals wl la sevel ihs of oon te grou. februy weatr continue teig sty on "aion ws tnht is wke of wild wath inhe offg anyet it wlget even colder in the titate. "con news" rerrann celr is stak ouin pidelphia'univsity city bt fst t's get thlatest ifmationrom auather a
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mtrogi adam joph. aam >> ji bere we get to ten nd clls again we he to t throh sn us and pwful winds andee trackg now onole scan radar it'a poweul low with a sro ccront swipgi trou hereomorr eving andntenfies soh d east. bcse of possility tho sow uas rrow afron advening wint weher avoriehe gonep r bsal thenre viing aea whh mns a ose vsibies wi redu and yurearound torrowand tmoow eving. it uld tu treaers. in ct that w t ont will apprch 3:00 tomoow aftnoon ands it is thrgwe cod see a quk 1 to 3"f snow and thatou n sort amounofime and then this w comes a izza yet aa for n gland and bost
1:38 am
and cape hrce fce winds th feet of sn. ad at thatime suay morning wnchills lolly here will dop 10 to 2degrees bew zero on nday moing. jim when i co back we'lhave timg the sqlz and hah wn >> let live todn cuear unerty city. dann hoare lks cong with theold tonight anwhat is pnnd's stte in adnce of teql torro > e'not aua lot of peoe lki a und. i cod meahazdous dring tmrow. >> yocoulsay it peectly mde r me by. > we don fie color etmetreet. st membe froterror bend t wls
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este ste peonryere hosti a mbie ske. te re few othsracing te coldemrares. i's forest calng fo wiout sn eals that has pnot ficls concerned >> the wi be od. s of tme a sal may me thug the reon that may rece vsility and op aer sn for srt perioof time > there a int whe salt de't wo too we. >> ce temrar e into te 20s, tes, salt noal apcati ofa do not wrk as efctively. > penot isrescrid to mxwalt caium chli whh datically lowers eratus tat frzes. this is true fowhat hoowne ue to melt end snow rcka wks to aertain pint > that wks downo mis 5 dges. > tught's a lomore expenvee says calum clide is best bet.
1:40 am
>> 's 25 mis. >> 2mus deees. > calcium chlid > ye >> eoplwere smbleg to fnd stf fothe ice and ow wpguth kingf pruia hme det of evytng. > ld li hot cakes. >> wo >> 's ge. >> go. > d ofour it's vltine'say torrow. the lily wilbe t of people ouand abt. b careln the adways. tke me dn ru. divat wespeed. w're li in unirty city dann cular, "cnnel aio nws. > ank yo da as you id tearning abouthe ld is not just about comft. teseemperares it dnro. wth wind chis to mis 15 sny moinfrt bean set on eosed sn 15 to 30 mnes. >> might clu numbss tningchange icolor of skin anpns we. > u lose thmost heatrom yur head d too.
1:41 am
layers help mata your core tmratu. saer ea like ea hpned toe no typay sfr afcts of frost bite fir. ot do exercises need to rmber hyation is stl vt. cecon lov ona elrly tere at ear rkf hypotheia. bbcan n iver to ke wa s th toe ktn wrm ros inde. > w things car batty power like ereme ld. aaecmends ruing car for ten nut fore b satuay nig a the amee aunt temrature und the hood n hlp the jiwehecold sell oh tips ecthe air pessure antre onir. a an c run a tto see i bae hos char ortars i extre tempatur a keep yur gas tank halfu to peve freeps. ad if dyou brk down ll b thkful if you ha a blank on hand.
1:42 am
ad make sure yo cellone is ful chged to callorelp i roside emernc the fr 6a stmtracker ap wl keeyounform of sosqlls thiwke and pulet you know t cren temratu and ho by ho frecasthat u can pl your day. iing a ncern in soh pidphia ighborhoo tonig ere a ter ma brad knocd out servicto 80 cuomers. cewsre starting reste te sve. smetime aft miig saing water g into bsents 20 blk of uth lambe afrhe 6" in bre a 5:00. ayater pumd intthe stet wll frze. theris otr news th hur pesylvania gerr tom wlf ple a rarium th dea nal that means 183 mnnd threwom on pnylvania deh rowi ece y chce of execution forhe time beg of crse th
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lst eu in pesyania was 15 yes ag "conewsrerteshae wla is he and predtably wlf is beg bo haid and saly cricized for hi atn. >> catal pushment, of cur is polazeing issue and theumrs ow the use of dath pel is on dei ars the cuenany rent ya. gverr sayt state nes su the sue more h'waiting to hr the findgsf a tk foe on weer t death penay es anying irove puic sfty or det crimin actio > cnot ce th sament ma toy d he's onoous hwan do y thito the poe th lost a ved one in the le of duty > grep laire with strong ractns tgornot wolf and changein prede dathow intes and pnnsvaa. govnor wo aounced he's sspeed death pelty for 186 imes awaing exution that
1:44 am
iclusari houer what s cncted ofhooting d kl b sincire. teotorm is noexprei o ffict gi odeath row but te sion based on sul syem th's has poveto anndle cle of cu preeder btretch cas t gverr's cisionrong and hrul. >> th is have csure i sid at ore yocannot ge core you never wi. ule ts yis ecut. >> the gornor says hi mrorium wi reighb efect letntil he ts a fll repo from a statsena pn thatas be stying cpit puniment near 4 yars > 's a lsp the rit drecon. >> teence griffin present of pidelpa blk ey std wth rn. he says evy fe is imrtant ad rryi out a deh
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snnce is seous and derv pror sctiny. >> u need thave a motoum so peop can a ta a cser lok,o paent, more per spgt lookt e situion indendent peoplere not eecud. nw phadphia dseth wlams issu a ament syg goveor lfas no mr oregal rit tossue tis tori. pnylvania ste trooper assiati islso ainst this ad j the ne exutn was alsscheduledo takelace mr 4 in the casegait concted kill terren wlams. nt schuled thappen any mr >> anthat why precuts ars thete are upt about thi >> ourald a bi yes. > fami ancolleaguesraved the co nhto honor a ba poleffir. "acti ns" s athoey tapoatiocter in pidelpa whe th ld a vgil for late poce oic john paski. it se he was ot a kild ithe li ofuty in
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2009 and his kilr rashid scrgs iserving a le snnce. > is launches aack where fewmerica areeratied i e loo altle boyanv by toey in anccidte > prident obama haefforts o kei us sa. >> nds guing 50 to 0 mlescrs thboard. tas one issue. oheicold and intssnow bn. > i'm dia han. dessted hom in diepair can cu big prls h's reondinto ca for hl tehiladehia ownerer who was oerce wi rats cong from te prerty next do. >> pusutaey phil troue and ssquehan tooklew ja whets
1:47 am
"acti ns"ontues tonht
1:48 am
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1:49 am
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1:50 am
> they reased blue anwhite boz into e s tonht at a wst philadeliinrction in mory of 2-ar-old boy wh ws kled by a p trley. dzs of peoe cameut to and laasr thsnof yesrday'tumat dea of lttle isluck. h was kied when he bre fre from mother ha anplato path of onmi trolych the div ulnot stop in ti. >> i is loing intohetr mrde of three slim colge studes was a hate crime? 4-ar-dra stevens hicks haseen chaewith soting dath of daiaalct and ru a alsa.
1:51 am
a srch ofick home tued u lea a zen fiarms > 25sis fite tri to so a miliry base in ira whe 400 tops were there. > ofcials y amican fc wrnoere ne the fhtg >> psidt obama is cli fr new efrts of incrsing cb secity says e piteecr mu be a paner o vernnt in poling t itnet. ad itomein t wake of mj ak hack agtacks open comnies fr rt to ho dep and soa piures to athem heth insuncend ev pngon syax com. tim cook vowed to prectsers a e cyber sknty sim t sao today ste rsistae frosilice vaey. te hainte is tting wor and single insti cn ta it on a an
1:52 am
> ere's a polical sheup in oron. gvn john kithper resign underntense presse becse of spicns hisicee trd t nd contrts f couing bsess. rsignati clears the for secreryfte kate o to takeor as goverr se wi beit only bsual e try. >> un cour wi homes falleinto disrepair and a to ce on pblem ithe ci o phadelphia ancan use major pbms r nehbors. the "actionew toleshters got a ca about oe such he a dia han is a e g brd with e stor >> 're calng ts onrat hu resc. >> the. > oh oh lo oh, yh. > g. > row nts likehese ram na cenr ci faly home ve teworeabo the helm ad safe they moved ouof
1:53 am
the sth philadelphiaome. >> almy nehrs on this de o the ock has allse rats rn orounin thr us also. ad we ally ne he. > donason sshe rats are comg from unocpi house nxdoor > touild th to atck aying mong and wish it would rwell beuse i caug oe atea as b as a bo. >> th beganeeg so ma rtth concted "aion nw trbshooter. w caed adva trust compy ad lk wh t exrnator fu on his vit e 340us an tolats onpued ouof a dar. >> , look lo yu >> 's heal risk > the "aion news" trolhoors th contacted pidehia lees d inspeco >> allhdr is der tertng. >> nstrtion codsdpeshlli sha mcnlty met us at t
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hu. > 're holess prty ch rghtow beusof the sttion. w ed hp. w ed to released. >> l i iu a viatn. legly l & i st give the asene mener a month to pro sow d got a jue to have th look athe produc andind sothing >> ey put the -- > e ty legal i shou coml thsum ci. > yore dog erything you cno etd di the matr >> yes. > thifily isot ba in teir ho yet. >> ieel ber th th're fllong throu. >> ank yove mu. >> 'll foow on thio. nwif dseed ho is cung prlems your
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niborhd go to toleshooter's pa on 6bc.m to a link wheryou can gt help te you n e-il tolhte about a ise ad ise the ca for acti ht li 1-6-vifa. > otr rodent kg news i pesylvia. yuayave hea e mary mack pole pament issuean arrt warrant for pch tawny pi tas rit. tey we n hap wi the fresof s mo weeks of intere winter and aft bul sean so far engldt on get wort gvn tom lf poed on fcebk andemanded th drop cold heted polic h cas 238 americ gd ad pennlvania ho is t of e firstime he was in toleith thlaw. two ears yai go a posusers bunish from li.
1:56 am
h ter dpdhe chm. > oh bo >> w gog to neea mrkset adpace heater to kp wa in tis bough ov the ekend. >> mperures dppingig timit i el fothe fol in nw enand. w herod thiseekend due scan lirda rou the gion is quiefd nit ad wds caed downnd in fchowoeelshen yosp otdeig n it's the wrest it h bn all day. 1 in fal 1 alnwn, bal 18 in wiingt. 9my milllle. fels four be lee mot poke toe. i you need he clheto -- yuan sigh snow brki ou stiseded southnd sahe o t par exprs aric atack, ourkhever you wnt to do i i's moocng in r dico future tracr at 50
1:57 am
adnitly yoll e a lit bnd ofnowelopg 3: wlmingn top, phadelph treto ts is not the joe eual aterhipasseshrough yo myaptu break. don't leyour gud do bcsenosalls art t st etwe 5 6 7 pbg and you see nding efctin e amosphe and such vigorous tansion an1 to 3"ver e ca 10:00 tomorw nit as te osquallsu through aga a quicka of hey sw falnbee 3 d 8:00 ceati wito conditna rded vibity d stng winds ancrtingangeus tal win crank upend that frt saturyight and suay morng anspeeds of over 50 milesn ur across the gion ad wll he ouown conces
1:58 am
wth the powerf wis saturday nig a sund could bring brahes orrees do and have a backuplan in ca becauses i ll be so innseland dnrously cold if y lose pw you need a at soue in your home. sny, 6:30. 1bow alntown and w rangnd 10 bel and bl sth of phadelia not mh imovent suny aera we stay bew zero the eti y with e wind il ad t exuve acweathe 7d forest itas intens bnds ofnow tomoow tero andveni and . b caious y headutor vltine's eving co deges moay morngoulbe clst sta phadelphia hisrin 21 yes. mony holiday is dr wnd chills stay near 10. clos thicning upuesd and
1:59 am
w' wahoutrn system t bri some snow tuesd nht ito weesday blng anher slam wn in teerature turaand fday wh highs bcinto the mdle 20 pey inten 7 days ahd. > ti to thk merial day >> aw is righ >> funais in deware coty tnht held raise ney for prts strgli th tredy o tmally ill chd. bnit wasn honor ofear-old addon key ofavertn dewhen her intesn rptured. theroeds benit the j fuation which paifor epienc. te effts t p fothe
2:00 am
2:01 am
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t y for e. yers won't be
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hp to say gde combus ad do so for mo of e ga againsthe blueacke aainst t blue jaets. >> condfit comes wi pw and go sson. 31. bue jaets ga tiet 3. two muteinto ot ba ray emor. fyers pi up a init suld hve be two. telose 3. jremyain is ininative msuri toght and al mater i cognizg amazgoege crr. egs receers induct in
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uiveity miouri ha fam macn is d be free agen i rch and 's ask by rpters there th heould cnsider a reiowh andy rid in kc > th exess e se you kow so hopul someing is wrd o. andnying can haen. ovious when you havts to poe u work with in theast msintruing and li i d syy hearisn phly hpully we gework ther >> we shall see >> nba l st weekend and and rbt covgt and neens ne he fishs wi four ts. covgton two. bt wod te wins sixe rturn from brk fridaygainst idna. >> for we nuer mop a
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dv. >> drages pitcher mo'neavis tk part in t basketball gmand kevin ha makes few of missed free thw. dn make r angry u ge ebaasd goes
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> unr wahful eyof fanac piies loed a tact-trailer and ft for
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cewar. hpefly they cycle. pters ancahers repo on wdneay. back florida sunny calira blmur lookg le beacd cw at pro-. tig wds taking eye hiat best ao gd wh a stick. and shcapunt at we. mtt jos and reder e lader > nay onlyo it's all abo ink th weeke in the pnylvania coention ceer. 1 annu phadph taoo ats convtionrings togeer sme ofhe instry p atts. 20 peop arexct to wlthroh thdoors overhe nexfew days d many wi lk out with a desigth wi stay wth th fever. thehow ru thrgh sund. "iy kimmeliv ne flwed by "nhtn. "cons" ctue at 30 am. for cis rors ad
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jseph,eci nan, i'm jim grer, ha a goodig d ge weekend.
2:10 am
i'm just trying to give you a surprise! why are you struggling? well, i can't help it! i keep having this recurring dream that you get bored with me and so you blindfold me and throw me in a wood chipper. well, then don't ever get boring. ahh. but, sweetie, valentine's day isn't till tomorrow. aw, boy toy can't read a calendar? (grayson) giving flowers on valentine's day? (singsongy) lame-o. (normal voice) the day before? rock star! whoo! which reminds me... happy day before valentine's day, kirsten. you know, just in case travis forgot. he did forget. forget what? it's not a thing. (lowered voice) dude, why? don't call me "boy toy." mm. aw. why are her flowers bigger than mine? they're the same size. why are they the same size? (laughs) i'm just kidding. but fix it.


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