tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 18, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am EST
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hello, i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for coming. i'm glad you're here. because a big day for catholics today. it's ash wednesday. thank you for not big giving me for lent. guillermo, you're catholic, are you giving up anything for for lent? >> guillermo: not this year. >> jimmy: not this year? did you go to church today? >> guillermo: no, jimmy. >> jimmy: you're in a lot of trouble with the lord, i'm telling you right now. anybody watch the westminster dog show? [ cheers and applause ] 39th annual westminster kennel club dog show. there were nearly 3,000 competitors from 192 different breeds evaluated in seven different categories. the most complicated way to find out who's a good boy you can possibly imagine. this westminster dog show that is everything. it combines the excitement of watching people walking dogs
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with the thrill of watching dogs standing perfectly still. the big winner, best in show as they say, once again this year, went to a dog. >> my choice for the best in show is the beagle. >> the beagle! uno, i hope you're watching, buddy? the beagle, that is unbelievable. i think we have video of miss pea the video. she beat out six other finalists. was considered to be an underdog dog. miss about any is a female which means those judges squeezed dog testicles for no reason at all. good-looking dog. i'm always surprised when they choose a dog that actually looks like a dog. oftentimes they look like rats with a bouffant. a portugese water dog tested positive for a
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portugese-enhanced sausages and was eliminated from the competition. owners prance the dogs around on a green carpet which makes it easy for us to use green screen technology to remove the dogs. we did this last year. and we enjoyed it very much. so this is what the westminster dog show would look like without the dogs. >> jimmy: it makes just as much sense that way, you think about it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: miss pea is the big winner. what an unbelievable honor for a creature that does not care about any of this at all. hey, little caesar's, the pizza chain, little caesar's, they're about to deliver a new culinary delight. it's called the bacon-wrapped crust deep deep dish pizza. it's a pizza with three and a half feet of bacon wrapped
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around it. i think this is a sting operation, the police find out who's smoking pot in the neighborhood. the pizza will be available nationwide starting on monday. i think we've reached a point as americans that where normal pizza has become too healthy for us. regular pizza is now salad compared to pizza wrapped in bacon. we had to up the ante. i've seen some of the ads. i have to say i give them a lot of the increase for their unorthodox approach. >> war. terror. drought. environmental destruction. introducing the bacon-wrapped crust deep deep dish pizza from little seize sar's. because what the hell. >> eat the pizza. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: will not stop until we've created a pizza that leaps out of the box and pulls our hearts directly out of our chests. you know, it's fashion week in new york this week. it's one of two new york fashion weeks every year. during which the world's biggest designers descend to unveil their latest looks, their latest outfits. tomorrow's the final day of fashion week. also tomorrow adobe photoshop is turning 25 years old. 25 years ago if you wanted to ride on top of a lion for your christmas ride you had to actually ride on top of a lion. then adobe came up with photoshop and millions of lives have been saved as a result. some of these fashions are crazy. it's hard to hell if they're real. we had guys in our graphics department using fake ones using photoshop. see if you can tell if this is fashion week or photoshop. okay? here we go. this is a dress that says "fat"
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on it. fashion week or photoshop? all right, let's have a look. that one is -- photoshop. you're incorrect. try again. next we have an outfit made out of what appears to be rags from under the sink. is this fashion week or photoshop? we're mixed on this one. let see, that is -- that is from fashion week. here's another. you see this is the very latest in malaria wear. is it fashion week or photoshop? that is from fashion week, yes, that really -- that actually happened. here's another. this is for -- i don't know. the modern member of the klan. is this fashion week or photoshop? photoshop? well, that is actually -- fashion week. that's real. and it's coming to the gap.
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this is a dress made entirely out of bubble wrap. is this fashion week or photoshop? photoshop? that one is -- photoshop, yes. it's not a bad idea. this is an outfit, this next one, that looks like it might tickle a little bit. fashion week or photoshop? obviously they didn't kill elmo. that one is photoshop. but not a bad idea. finally toness honest, i'm not entirely sure what we are looking at here. is this fashion week or photoshop? that is fashion week. we did nothing to alter that. happy birthday, photoshop. [ cheers and applause ] we've never been more confused and it's all thanks to you. this is weird too. this is -- you know, there's a strange nutritional trend that is making its way around the world of body building right now. some weight lifters are drinking human breast milk. which is just the thing for the body builder who wants to seem
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even more creepy than body builders already do. apparently they believe that breast milk builds bigger muscles, which makes no sense. babies drink best mill being ask can barely hold their heads up are. if you think about it it makes sense. we get grossed out by the idea of drinking human breast milk. but drinking breast milk from a cow is perfectly okay, right? although i am glad we make that distinction for meat, yes? where are they getting breast milk from? are infants being shoved aside by body builders? after the body builders drink it does someone have to pick them up and burp them? why do i get the feeling arnold schwarzenegger started this? this is good. i went to -- this guy, these are -- i found on this youtube. a guy went to a soccer match. i believe this happened in turkey. the security guard noticed he was a little pluck bulky around stomach and chest. he had the guy take off his
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jacket. as you can see he found not just one beer, not just a six-pack of beer. he pulled beer after beer after beer. i like how his friends are just standing there as if they had no idea this was going on. more and more. it appears that he had a full case of beer strapped to his body. which means a party in the guard shack after the game, i guess. you know, this is -- this is how you go through security. this is from an airport. this guy does not have any beer on him at all. and he will soon not have any clothes on at all either. he takes -- why, i don't know. he takes everything off. and the pest part is the airport security guys don't seem to have a problem with it. they're just watching as if it happens all the time. yep, yep. no, yeah, okay. no beep? yep, you're clear, you're fine, nothing wrong with you at all. [ cheers and applause ]
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perfectly safe on board. as i'm sure you're aware, this is -- this month, february, is black history month. did you know that, guillermo? >> guillermo: yes. >> jimmy: you did, okay. do they have black history month in mexico? >> no, we don't have it. >> jimmy: you don't have it? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: maybe next time you go back and visit you will tell them about it and perhaps they'll pick up on it. >> all right, i'll tell them. >> jimmy: okay, thank you. i'd like to see if you're paying attention sometimes, that's all. >> guillermo: i am, i'm just drunk right now. >> jimmy: oh, you're drunk? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: are you really? i apologize. i didn't mean to talk to you. >> guillermo: it's okay. >> jimmy: you are hammered? >> guillermo: a little bit. >> jimmy: what happened? >> guillermo: huh? >> jimmy: what happened? >> guillermo: nothing, i haven't dank for two or three days, so -- >> jimmy: you're lucky to be alive. has it been two or three? >> guillermo: no, two. >> jimmy: it has been two. >> guillermo: yes. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: so you had a couple? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: did you drink by yourself or with someone else? >> guillermo: just by myself. >> jimmy: well, he is at work. what are you going to do? anyway. i thought this was interesting. according to a recent analysis of social networks, while black people have an average of eight white friends, white people, each white person, has an average of only one black friend. this study also found that around 75% of white people have no black friends at all. which is crazy, right? i think we would all be better off if we had friends of a variety of races. it helps everybody to get to know each other. so i got together with a friend of mine, anthony anderson, you know from the show "black-ish" which was on earlier tonight on abc. anthony and i have been friends almost 12 years. we met on this show but not everyone has a show to meet on. so we put our heads together and we developed a new app that i
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think has the potential to change everything. take a look. >> are you white? are all your friends white? from the creators of grinder, tinder, blender, comes brother. the app that you find black people in your area. >> there are no black people nearby. >> no problem. brother has turn by turn directions to where black people hood. just stay out of the hood when the stun goes down. and when it comes time to meet, brother will give you the vocabulary you need to make the right connection. >> hey! what's up, mother [ bleep ]? >> nothing, just having a cappuccino. >> did you see that bitch with that fat ass? >> i did, i did see that bitch. >> having a black friend will make you the envy of even your whitest friends. >> you know, i was telling my friend latrell, latrell, what is dealio?
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ha ha ha! oh, there he is! say something black. >> o.j.'s innocent. >> oho! he's the real deal. he's the real deal. >> when it's time to bridge the racial divide you need brother -- >> sir, you're going to need to put your hands against the wall -- >> oh, hell, no, what happened -- >> it's okay, officer, he's my friend. my black friend. >> your black friend is just a download away. thanks for getting me out of my jam. >> jimmy: my pleasure. >> it happens to me all the time. >> i know, it's weird. >> brother, we've got your black. >> jimmy: we've solved racism finally. we have music from rascal fla s flatts, gillian jacobs, and be right back with neil patrick harris so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ real fruit surrounded by silky smooth dove dark chocolate. new dove fruit. choose a pleasure less ordinary. computers, shoes... you can't put two in one.e. at intel, they make technology that lets a device be a laptop and a tablet, so you can put two in one. no, you can't. can. can't! can! intel. this is where it all changes. see, it's like two things in one. like a mermaid, or one of the horse-guy people. you mean like a centaur? see, you can!
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they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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dunkin's new white chocolate raspberry lattes are topped with heart-shaped sprinkles and made with rich white chocolate and fruity raspberry flavors. get a medium hot latte for only $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, there. tonight, gillian jacobs is here with us. and later, their latest album is
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called "rewind," rascal flats from the at&t stage. you can see them live at the las vegas, nevada, hard rock hotel and casino february 25th to march 24th. tomorrow kelly ripa had been here. kelly and michael do a show after the oscars. joshua molina will join us. music from gordon city and jennifer hudson. sunday night our big show of the year. this is the show on which we debuted "the handsome men's club" "i'm f-ing ben affleck" "movie the movie" "channing all over your tatum" it is the 10th annual "jimmy kimmel live after the oscars." the one and only john travolta will be here. [ cheers and applause ] and we have a major presentation that i think you will enjoy very much. please join us for that. that's sunday night after the oscars and your late local news. our first guest tonight is a man with even more talents than names. he won a tony and multiple emmys. he even won an emmy for the tonys.
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that is how amazing he is. and sunday night, he is host of the oscars live at 7:00 eastern, 4:00 pacific here on abc. please say hello to neil patrick harris. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very good to see you. that's exciting. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're dressed the same. >> jimmy: we wore the same suit here tonight. >> happy gray suit wednesday. >> jimmy: thanks for coming over. i know that you're very, very busy right now. >> we're knee-deep in oscar prep. >> jimmy: have you started working on the show yet? >> hah. that happens in a couple days, right? >> jimmy: maybe saturday morning you probably want to get up around 10:00. >> there's a guy with cue cards, right? >> jimmy: something like that.
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>> i just read stuff? >> jimmy: you just read whatever eson the card, you'll be fine. >> that's what i'm hoping for. >> jimmy: everything going all right, everything going well? >> yeah. ish. >> jimmy: do you feel like -- it's hard because there's so many awards shows and all that stuff before the oscars. >> well, that's just the problem. i've known that i've been hosting for months and we've been looking at the zeitgeist and the culture of film and the year in film so you can't really make plans until the nominations come out. from that point you start writing jokes and creating content. then the golden globes happen so anything that amy and tina say that's super duper funny, ah, dammit. scratch it off. >> jimmy: you're hoping they say nothing. >> nothing. then you're watching something else. a late-night talk show and a great bit you were sort of going to do then happens to be done by someone else. >> jimmy: oh, terrific, yeah. >> you're the last hurdle in the awards show. >> jimmy: that's how the ors cars like it. it's like the crumbs is what it is, yeah. >> it's weird. it's the krupps in one way, yet
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it's the big one. >> jimmy: it's the wedding cake is what it is. it's not the crumbs by any stretch. >> so i'm concerned and always pondering what the right thing is to do. be too caustic, too acerbic, do you make jokes at people because they're funny, even if they're funny jokes? or because they're nominated for an academy award, they're there, their special night, they don't want to be made fun of. but if you don't do that at all are you being too saccharine? i don't quite know. >> jimmy: the audience wants you to be mean, the people in the room don't necessarily want you to be mean. yeah. it's just a wonderful situation. >> we have a bit of all of it. >> jimmy: and you also will -- i imagine if anything happens over the next few days you will then -- you'll have to put something together for that. >> honestly, jimmy, that's what i'm hoping for. >> jimmy: okay. >> is a scandal. >> jimmy: yeah, all right. maybe you could get caught not being gay or something like that. you get caught with like -- [ laughter ] >> a hot chick.
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>> jimmy: that would be a hell of a thing. [ cheers and applause ] >> but i tried that in "gone girl." [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: by the way, you were great in that movie, you were fantastic in that movie. >> i loved that movie did you think, maybe i'll be hosting and nominated for an oscar this year? >> i didn't think i would be nominated. as i was making the movie i thought the movie would be nominated, david fincher deserves it, rosamund pike is amazing, i love that movie. >> jimmy: she could be the one we go to, that would be the one we make the scandal. maybe we can get kim jong-un to hack more e-mails. that would be a nice litigation nugget for you. >> yeah, boy, that's the comedy that keeps on giving. i was actually so happy amy and tina went full north korea in the golden globes. >> jimmy: are you scared, nervous about him? >> as a person?
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well -- >> jimmy: as a threat, yeah. just as a threat? >> no, but i do feel like a lot of those jokes have already been told. >> jimmy: i see, i gotcha. >> thankfully they were pretty heavy on that end. so i was kind of like, good, i'm clean. >> jimmy: and nothing happens to them i guess. have you done so many of these awards shows, when you are at them and you meet the people there, is there anybody like that you think of that you are like, oh my god, i can't believe i'm here with this person. because that is a place where people congra date from all different walks of show business. >> yeah. for sure. i'm most intimidated by think by the director people. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, the actor people are fun. but -- but the director people stare at you. like you're auditioning. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> you know? >> jimmy: sizing you up. >> yeah, it's cool to see brad pitt. oh my gosh, that's brad pitt. but when next to him is steven spielberg and he's giving --
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>> jimmy: has anything bad happened when you've hosted an awards show? have there been incidents, has there been tumult? >> first time i did -- well, the first time i hosted the tonys was the same year they did a big giant opening number without me. and i was backstage. and that was the year that "rock of ages" the musical was up for a bunch of awards. and bret michaels accidentally turned too late. and a set piece was coming down and hit him in the head. >> jimmy: right. >> it knocked him flat. and i was super, super convinced that he was really, really hurt. like -- like i thought -- i screamed. oh, no! and immediately i turned back and i'm saying, is he all right, is he all right, is he okay? someone tell me, is he okay? because i thought -- it was bad. i thought he was -- his skull had been crushed or something.
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he had turned, bye, everybody! went back, hit his head, and then what do you do? that was my biggest fear was, if something really bad had happened. death, obviously the worst case scenario. thankfully he was all right. even if he was really hurt, we're at the beginning of a three-hour show about broadway musicals and plays. so do you just mop up the floor and keep going? or do you have to stop and say, i have to tell walter cronkite style, something terrible has gone wrong and we'll do the tonys another night. >> jimmy: i don't know. i think it depends on who it is. [ laughter ] i really do. >> where do you draw the line? >> jimmy: it's a tony awards, you know, if something happened to hugh jackman, yeah, you stop the show, that's the end of it. bret michaels? i don't think there's a lot of -- you know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's not exactly hair
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band territory, you know what i'm saying? yeah. >> everyone has his story. >> jimmy: neil patrick harris is here, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel already are brought to you by smooth and crunchy butter finger peanut butter cups. a different kind of peanut butter cup. that you are after? change it feels right. more casual, not so uptight. confident. i feel sexy again. don't i make you feel sexy? quiet! wait... very sexy... whose side are you on? i'm on her backside now. are you talking about her jeans? yeah, they're old navy's new boyfriend jeans. those are old navy?! yeah, their jeans start at just $15. that's insane! i mean not clinically, of course... right now all jeans are buy one get one 50% off. it's a breakthrough! let's get to old navy! i'm not paying for this session. it's not about hugging trees. it's not about being wasteful either. ♪
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12:05 am
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>> i am. >> jimmy: i saw a promo for that. >> indeed, yes. >> jimmy: you love that, variety shows? >> i've always been a fan of carol burnett, ed sullivan. i think doing something, it's going to be ten weeks in a row this fall, live. and people that are in the audience may be part of the show and won't know it. and we'll go to great lengths to have people be surprised when things happen. there's some game showish elements to it so people can win lots of prizes, hidden camera things, it's a bunch of different, random stuff. >> jimmy: will you have a nasty british judge sitting in the middle to throw people off? >> no, thankfully not. i'm a massive fan of variety acts. i do magic and i love juggling and circus. i like all those people who do a singular thing unbelievably well that you wouldn't otherwise get to see. we'll showcase some of that. >> jimmy: you were telling me once, i think you were at my house, you told me a story about this room you have in your house here in l.a. with all your magic paraphernalia, all your stuff. you moved to new york.
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do you have a room like that at your place in new york? >> totally. >> jimmy: oh, you do? [ laughter ] what is this one like in the last one sounded fantastic. >> this one's great. there's a secret door to get in. there's a big magic poster on the wall. there's a smaller magic poster on the side of a magician and one of his eyes a button. you wouldn't over know. when you push the button, it opens the door. then you can go in and i have a bunch of magic props. >> jimmy: do your kids realize they're the luckiest kids in the world? >> the reason i had to do that, our kids are 4. i collect antique magic kits and things like that. and so it's the room that they're not allowed in. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> to have the ability -- they can't open it until they're 9 or 10. and able to reach the button. >> jimmy: kids, you know that room with all the most fun stuff? that's the one you're not allowed into. this is something -- >> i love the scooby-doo stuff. the secret doors. >> jimmy: i love that too. >> i wanted to be a candlestick.
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then you pulled the candle. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and you heard "zoinks!" >> jimmy: you weren't able to get that? >> i wasn't able to get that. >> jimmy: it seems like the producers of oscars should hook that up for a gift. >> like, wow, scoob! then it opens up. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i want to show you something. i'm having a hard time even understanding this. >> oh, this just happened. >> jimmy: this is a picture of you outside madame tussaud's, except that is not you, that's a wax figure. >> yeah, i got to do a wax figure myself. i didn't do it personally. it was at madame tussaud's. >> jimmy: that is the best one i've ever seen. >> yeah, you think so? >> jimmy: yeah, man. it looks just like you, doesn't it? >> i feel like one of the eyes is crossed. >> jimmy: well, yeah. one of the eyes is a little -- >> i look like barney simpson by way of columbo. >> jimmy: yeah. >> no, it was fun. do you have one of those? >> jimmy: no, they don't care
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about me. [ laughter ] >> that's totally not true. it's a very crazy experience. you go in for half a day, they put you on the lazy susan, you stand there and you have to make whatever expression you're going to make, then they take a high -- digital high image photo and rotate it 10 degrees, then do it again, 10 degrees and take pictures all the way around. >> jimmy: are you naked when you're doing this? >> completely maked. and aroused. >> jimmy: boy, yeah. >> the entire time. >> jimmy: there you go. you know what? that's maybe something you work into your open at the oscars. you next to the statues spinning around, fully aroused. >> that would be -- [ laughter ] >> that would be one big opening. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: neil patrick harris. break a leg. we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world.
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12:13 am
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mentioned, the on the cars are happening in hollywood sunday night. time to see all the nominated films is running out. so to help you narrow it down to the movies that you really need to see so you'll understand what's going on in the show i asked our friend yehya to review some of them for us. yehya, if you don't know, yehya's passion in life is strong-arming celebrities into taking pictures with him. but he loves movies too. tonight he gives us his insights into best picture nominee "the grand budapest hotel." here's yehya talking about the movie. >> talking? action! i'm talking about the movie "hotel --" bavaria -- i don't know about the movie. talk about the hotel in the mountains. and the guy, i think he married older woman, she's very rich. he took everything from them. to have the young boy that look
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like snoop dogg. and the people in the movie, i got photo with him. first the guy like me, i have picture with him, and he's young. relp and shef goldum. and the guy next to him, brody. the guy with the big nose? i got the guy -- jelu -- good man, i got picture with him. and the guy i got him -- harvey cocktail. that one i got the guy -- wen willis. did the movie with jackie the hotel with the mountain and the snow and i don't understand the story. watch the movie, maybe understand better from me, and good luck. [ cheers and applause ] that's all time for the story.
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>> jimmy: we'll be right back with gillian jacobs! yeah we're on vacation next month, my family churns through all sorts of data. well, now we have mobile share value plans with rollover data, so the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next. sounds great. but what's your angle? um, i don't think i have any angles. hardball, huh? look, if you want me in on this, i want a piece of the action. oh well you get the rollover data automatically. so you're already in on the action. deal. you should negotiate more stuff. you're pretty good at it. now get 3 lines for $120 dollars a month with rollover data to share.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there. still to come, music from rascal flatts. our next guest is a very busy person, she's on the show "community," she's in the movie "hot tub time machine 2," and you can see her steel atom from "girls" which airs sundays on hbo. please welcome gillian jacobs! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you?
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>> good, how are you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you. i have to be honest, i've had a hard time with your name all day. i want to say jill-ian. but it's gill-ian. the last game doesn't make it easier. >> no good at all. gillian jacobs, it's just a mess. >> jimmy: it must be a constant problem for you throughout your life. >> it's a minute to minute problem for me, frankly, yeah. my mom saddled me with this name that no one can pronounce or understand. and i'm left to go through the world defending it. >> jimmy: yeah. it really -- it's one of those things. i guess you don't think of when you're in a hospital examine they say, what's the baby's name? oh, this is going to come up now constantly. >> yeah. when you have a weird name, people get borderline aggressive with you about it. like they're sort of mad that my game is gill-ian and not jill-ian. i want to see, ask my mom, i didn't have any part of this. >> jimmy: give me a break. yeah. you made a video with your mom, an instagram video.
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>> yes. >> jimmy: who shot the video? >> i shot the video. >> jimmy: okay. let's watch this. >> great. >> once and for all why did you game me gill-ian and not jill-ian? >> i got a names book from the library, i liked g-i-l-i. >> why gill-ian and not jill-ian? >> i didn't know how to pronounce the damn word. >> jimmy: the damn word. it's a baby girl's name. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: your mother seems like a good sport. is that where you got your sense of humor? >> she as real goofball, yes. my grandfather, her father, was as well. i grew up around two wacky, wacky people. >> jimmy: what was your grandfather's name? >> his name was martin maganah but we called him papa or sir. >> jimmy: what? >> yes. >> jimmy: was he knighted? >> no. but the story is he went to a car lot with my uncle when my uncle was little. they were buttering him up.
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yes, sir, no, sir, anything you want, sir. my uncle went home and said, call my dad "sir." it stuck until he was 95 years old, we called him sir. when i would go to restaurants when i was little and they'd say, where would you like this, sir? i was like, how do you know his name? >> jimmy: that's funny. he was a character? >> oh, yeah. he was well under 5 feet tall. >> jimmy: well under? >> well under 5 feet tall. i'm not tall and i could rest my chin on the top of his head. yes. >> jimmy: how. >> and he loved the ladies. and the ladies loved him. >> jimmy: they did? >> oh, yeah. he was so nonthreatening. he was really charming. and i think one of his favorite things about his height was that he would hit women right about here. >> jimmy: ah. >> yeah. and he really enjoyed slow dancing. >> jimmy: oh, interesting. well, what a little pervert. >> he was. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: may he rest in peace. >> may he rest in peace. i hope there are a lot of well-endowed women in heaven slow dancing, yeah.
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>> jimmy: rubbing up against him, yeah. >> having the time of his life. >> jimmy: when you were in school, did you take a cue from him? i had a funny grandfather, it made me feel like it was okay to be like that. >> i was always very much myself, which is also probably why i didn't have a lot of friends. but i would say and speak my mind and i like developed a real interest in comedy, sketch comedy, when i was a kid, and would like learn and perform monty python sketches. i was one of those nerds. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> yeah, we go over real well. monday morning home room. >> jimmy: it's especially weird when it's a girl that does the monty python thing. >> yeah, ministry of silly walks was like bombing. >> jimmy: and you seem far too young to be doing monty python. even in my grade it seemed like that that was like somebody's older brother. >> my childhood crush was cary grant. >> jimmy: you're like an old lady automatically right there. >> yes. >> jimmy: your character on "community" is kind of a party
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girl, drinker. is that true to what you are? >> i've never had a drink in my life. >> jimmy: so then, no? >> so then -- yes. no, yeah. >> jimmy: you've never had a drink? >> yes, yes, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: by the way, at least 80% of the people clapping are drunk right now. guillermo, our security guard, is drunk right now. >> whoo! well, yeah, the irony is even greater because that tiny grandfather owned a brewery. >> jimmy: he did? >> i come from a beer family and i've never had a drink. >> jimmy: any particular reason? >> there might be a connection one could draw between a family that owns a brewery and a later generation's decision not to drink, i don't know. figure it out for yourself. >> jimmy: they say it stunts your growth. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: does that make it difficult for you? >> yeah, yeah, exactly. on "community" my character likes to drink. i used to play wayward girls, my mom would say, who would drink
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and do drugs. i have to poll people around me, what's it like to have a hangover? crew cast members. sensitivity to light, got it. slight nausea, got it. when all else fails i spin around in a circle before a take. >> jimmy: yeah, that's pretty much it. speaking of you mentioned "girls." the show "girls" which i always watch. you really -- your character did a terrible thing. mimi rose howard? >> mimi rose howard, yeah. >> jimmy: that's kind of -- yeah. that's a great name. >> they really just set me up to be a villain with that name. >> jimmy: and you stole adam from anna. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and -- >> people love me on this show. >> jimmy: yeah. just made hannah homeless. >> i took her apartment, i took herman, and we tore down the wall between our bedroom and the other one. yeah, i'm a real jerk. >> jimmy: do you know lena? >> yeah, i -- my friend actually produced "tiny furniture," lena's first film. i met her years ago.
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how i got this job was a real new york story. i was walking down the street and i saw a film crew in the back of my head i was like, maybe it's lena. sure enough, it was "girls" shooting. and i saw jenny conner who runs the show with her. she saw me through the window, waved. come on in! it's like, oh, okay. saying hi to andrew reynolds and people i'd met before. jenny goes, we've been thinking about you for a part. i was like, really? oh, that would be awesome, okay. it's like, okay. leaving, get a call from my agents. so "girls." i was like, i already know, i was just on set, talking to andrew, i said hi. >> jimmy: they weren't just being nice, they had made the call? >> yeah. then weeks later there i am playing mimi rose howard. >> jimmy: mimi rose howard. [ cheers and applause ] well, very good to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: "girls," "community," "the hot tub time machine," "girls is on sunday nights at 9:00.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i want to thank neil patrick harris, gillian jacobs, anthony anderson and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first, this is their album "rewind." here the song "riot," rascal flatts. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i'd be ridin' in a cab goin' downtown findin' faces i know in a big crowd ♪ ♪ tryin' to drink the pain away mmm mm and i'd be stayin' ♪ ♪ out all night never goin' home girl you know
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i'd lose all control ♪ ♪ if i lost you there would be a riot breaking up my heart i'd try to fight it ♪ ♪ i could go out every night but i'd be lyin' if i said i could live and breathe with out you ♪ ♪ there'd be a lot of lonely wishin' and prayin' that you would hold me ♪ ♪ i would do most anything baby if only you would come back to me ♪ ♪ come back to me there would be a riot ohh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i'd be checkin' on my phone every minute waitin' 'round for it to start ringin' ♪ ♪ and prayin' it would be you i don't know what i'd do there would be a riot ♪ ♪ breaking up my heart
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i'd try to fight it i could go out every night but i'd be lyin' if ♪ ♪ i said i could live and breathe with out you there'd be a lot of lonely wishin' and prayin' ♪ ♪ that you would hold me i would do most anything baby if only you would come back to me ♪ ♪ come back to me there would be a riot if i ever lost you if i ever lost you ♪ ♪ ♪ there would be a riot breaking up my heart i'd try to fight it i could go out every night ♪ ♪ but i'd be lyin' if i said i could
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live and breathe there'd be a lot of lonely ♪ ♪ wishin' and prayin' that you would hold me i would do most anything baby if only you would ♪ ♪ come back to me come back to me there would be a riot if i ever lost you ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh oh there would be a riot whoa oh oh oh breaking up my heart ♪ ♪ if i ever lost you there would be a riot if i ever lost you ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is night line. >> tonight, locked up for life. is they boys are growing up as their father sits in a prison for 55 years. a man who's sentenced for petty, nonviolent crime, a sentence so harsh even the judge who imposed it said it haunts him. >> if he'd been a rapist it would be 11 years. here's he's getting 55 years. >> the fight to change the law that tied that judge's hands. unlocking the secrets of flavor. there is a reason why, with some foods, we simply cannot help ourselves. the discovery about your taste buds and how this man is now using what he knows about human cravings to build a luxury burger empire. >> oh, so juicy. first -- the "nightline 5."
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