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tv   Action News  ABC  February 20, 2015 1:36am-2:12am EST

1:36 am
> its acweher limbo ti and wee askg thqution
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hw loctt tempature go? te cnsre it wl go lower oeight th 's be tw dces and it yormally be trocal buit's aric ke dance nh teig storon "actn news" tnht is coest weather in 21 ya. and mo than a few scol dsicts are tang note. allublic schools in stof dlare wille cld torrow. dzs of adtional scols in the pesylvania and nejersey subbs arroing clore or dls. but thphilaliachool dsict sa it wille op tmrow. teull li is scrolling on yurcen and is avlae at 6bc.m let get latest fas and figes from acweaer and mtrolost ad joseph e "cti news" b ard. > wh thilbo we'lfall bacards anhit rockottom by tmrow moing. lwrict be ondegree wi wod s e cord for the ten 197ming it clst teeture in pidelphia in moh
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febary in 36 yes. and th t tha it wu be t colsteeture pideliaasnn 21 ya and y ve to go bacto jnry 19f 1994hen we hit 5 bl ze. here arnumbs somothe rcds that wille mah if ntroken by tomoow morning. teo phadelia wlmgn all alg e- crrir and alleown possibly ti recordhh is bew. dov ssibly a rerd of degre analthgh toms river lncaer readg will notit rcds ' go bew ro fo tose air teerur. bthe bing wind wi al do isame annot only r wich is rit w at 9 below zrhowt feelif philalphiaut atltfeels lke 8 chigo beloand oa 1 and jasonville foda, fes like 24 wnd ills alts are spltered acro theasrn hlf of cotry includg our
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geer phidph and hh vly area withind chl avors rit rough 11:00 tmrow mng and in ct hres hoit wi feelhen yutep out tomr morng. nr and westf phadelia altown reing, lcte 20 to bew zero thas rn russ anrare fot rgi. 1 to 20 below trtonn pidelphiand mo of soue til nnand dlawarand upo the poconos wth waing in eect 25 to deges below zero. nw as try to scour outhis arcc air over the weekenit wll co wh sw sle freezg rn and rain. w' have mi of th pa of the sty ming up in the fulaccuather focast, jim. >> thanyou, ad noon is te co nrous it's deadly adt can be t cold is alrdy responsib foat a sxeaths inhe ea: the msrecent -yr-d man altn rmd siwski foun outde sps from his doorhis morng anthe otr ve
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hphermia we in the past mn in monomery county all dceewere seni citizens ad thr death kohave been prented if see had st cheed on th. > arly lf ofhe cotry is i e grip of is de freeze adhat ishat a ep left bhd in noh carona, a fon ouine of its grl. te co is caung lots of proems such as bst pis. mcga ice d ow came throu a of aoaknd uiveity narrly missing a sunt anup to of coon mnsota coest pci the cny tonight at mus 44 dges. befe you ndle up d hea out intohe co be su to ce 6abctorm trker apl bth holy an7 dafests are therto help you get rey fr recd-cd teeratures. >> brkgews ly gunfire tonht in phadelia. ad tonit, phidelphia poce are trng to track down th gnn th shot a killed a
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limsine driv in oly. "acon new rerter sdal live a bor anmaher streets with the sty. >> ji police are loi fo to methat shoandie thilimo driver > repoer: poli arstl tyg figurout if the two mn re passengs hpked up o a jobaier ght. ple s itas just bo 9 pm. a mber of cas were made to 91repoing put multle gnhots in areaf tar and mscr. 35 dirict ofcerarriv a sort te lateo fi limo dir slump over in dv sat ofhrysr 300hot at lea on. > s crime scene wknow thathe chrysler that this vcm was opering has fo bult hol at lea fo bult les on t psg sde of the hicle. so itpprs e shter or shoers we firing from outde of the vecle io e vhle. >> poce say it appears after te ivewas ot thlimo
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proeded seral feet foar bfe crasng into a tephone ple rig xt the olney ta stion >> formatn from a 1 call desibes the oers as two ml onmale weing a gahood swtshirt and seconma wearg aldark cloing and th both fled on fot unown direion. >> now lice say the cais rgisred to a mo company candolimo 4700ising sun aee. oth lo drers are teing m nit thm is 44ears old anhe's faerf a dughr. thesay waheld up cole tm beforend reptlyad rpord problems at this ve lcion. w' liven olney seion. dnn cuelr, hannel aion nw" > a rit, dap thk you. coer 6 was er gloucester twnshi camden coty whe a nweey ansit but llided
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wth i a bu four are eated f min ijies >> lincoln univsity is ivesgang anncident of rcist grafti tt owed up oeightch the degatoryy term ws pnted on aign at t etnce tohe campusfhis hsrically black ivei in ceer coty. i haalready been remod. te scol'sresident ld the 20students noto be dsacted b ih wos, ow wry acts of oe. > auoti say thmi in that at packing t murder wsevee foa prank. day stabbing haene yestd inarkinl of the jbsote pack ranconia twhip. ple s viim dan vau pld a chr out from und pter at tsday anthe ne dy the 32-yr-old atemtbed vsez to dth. aewas injureds wl and rmns inhe hospal whe he fac arger e > thdl toe e former
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rv si isfficially dea teankruptcy urt judge toda apved rel's reest to trmatehe prosed sa to fodaeveloper glentraw h ssed theeuary 9 osing daine over unriy abt rgs of tents the cano htels stl to did fate o straws $1 miion sgl i s extrrnary celeatio tnitn ki of prussia. w ped a huanand we mrd the anversary an wat ane mccorck veeit is. "cti news" pt ar wlams s rit the. >> chrs. > here here > 's a celeation of tr lsng lo. bone andde solon of wnwood armarkg 72 yes of maiage. adhat stard as hi school seet heart at wt phadphia hghas blsomed into a lfe-ng commment. > we had do it ov ain w uld do it exacyhe me wy. w ally wou. >> ie is yrs g and edd is 93.
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iaed himow was he le to gt hertntion ck in the 1930s > m good lookg. >> bo stl driv they ve to trav. ad exces aig y to hpness. > don'ttop acvity and to zua class and ve it >> in years ofarrge th cue iseay -- in 72 years of marrge the coup is nely aways teer theyere only spated in 19 45hen eddie wshipped ov seas to serve i e air rce in. >> i dn't have toe sr r mylf enrmtal. >> th have three chdren sval a and ni great gra anthey put faly fit and alwa expected their mrrie toas > ts of love. cmssn, nse of hur. >> advi is to take it easy.
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don't expectoo . rjce th atou ge i ner rely stped loving hrot foa mite. > in kinof prsia, shae wlams, "chael 6ctn nws. > stilto come on "aion nws" togha soould sur bug inction brea out of clornia hoital. tonht heal officials eln weer it cae f coern. >> ana bkball blkbuster dc rers breaksown day's tas prhsome sirs fans wilbe srating thr heads. aa >> cord lows wi fall not onlfor phadelphia, but ralei lanta, jasonvle w' ta oua warm over teee and it cos wi snow in the accuather frast. >> d a warng for rents abouor the counr drug that kidsrusing to get high > ' exsing riy abu tais sending lal teens to
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eeency roo tinew drugf chce fo yuste is ea to get and minumics afct of pc w' telwhat you is an oe faly's tragic sto of the sos addiion. >> we' onhe ground in hlwood geing readfor oc weekd taand me wn "action news" contu tonight. trading-in or selling your car truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment.
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and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at ♪
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tnht "aion news" exping a wateens a gettg hgh tho bung ilga du it caed dxor ccc d yuon't belie w sit is to t tir ppenthon pent cemil. hrs an iortt warng for alarts. > j yoha prably se cold medicis li the befo
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there scked onhelves at most coertores and in ur medine cabeand taken in lr doses they mic highf ppt's nest drug ivating kdlinked ngerous ani will liit bevior. > the you vios show kidabusing the n it drug cuing be esday inand dx clled roboripping and otrs dwng donof pis of cor sd inn as ccthe vio shod tm acngasted and smimes vient. >> fit ti di it i ved . > 18-aold shnon whasked w use only her firsta explas high as outfody epernce whess lose comete tcwith re worl > hallinated a t. i w ke in a dreaor smethi. it s ssociated they'll get euphia some fe
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lke on acid i > rt ction ecialist eplns is h acssible the oer the coter drs arfor kds. mny who spft botts or riparents medine cab note gt a quk fix. > i' take ithen i wake up in e mng bere so. drgcol aft scol. bfori wento sgep the monomery county pants say tas exacy wt pped to te son bere he staed done a dark pa. > he cod ta lple migt packs and robau ss to t hi. > theyiss rning signs not kowi coldedicine could be txiaing and adctiv it s notnl r s oveosed antheccked him ithoit they rled au of overhe coter drug cu havkill m. >> he uld have gone to coma ad di. > ey esmated he stted abusi thage of 13 e tmshannon stard usg.
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> almo died andh was my wke- ca. > inead bob d rits s turned her ugs like hrn and ulmaty li of ci. wehe cou nogetnhing ese he wt ba to stealing dmhey dereas gateway to oh addictions and beviors. > changes your peonality. i cs brn dage. >> ri and bob beeve e abuseurned eir straight as to anher person th lostnsee reity. > pa of t crime was i'm iviibl >> 's inrin 15 to yrs aft beincoicted for involment in a vient cri. > lo his way >> t boa rita din wa t idenfied and oke to "cti new awarning oh ntsho li th ey nev reized daers smetng seengly sa. > we fe eed that our s i ateastlive toy. smof hifes uftunate are dead ed. >> b anri beeve thei snuer bra mage fro te lo term and coiste
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au of m d say onlyfter mnthof inks dition h baicar of drs. sme oreslaced drugs cnini dxm hind the couer and ny kids ar seing ito g gh. w pled reurcesoelp prts and iren onur b site at > obvisly armylerks and parmists selves cat kea wchverhe stes t see whis buyg what and tenage a fe ttake i > escially en shlifting n wato te. > wey,hank y. > ealcck" at 11 tight offials y the is nthrt t puic fr ug resta sp bug at major hoital in suern californ. s far 18people have e eped and 2 havdied and sp bug is knn as cre d it was lily transmied by a cnmad mecal scope at ulmedil center. ulsaid it disterile li the devi and a is warng
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hspa to be meculous when ceing. >> car sund now just tee dyaway wi the fish line i sht. cre e puing fishing toues on all disa. mst majosetup work ha bede and caet rolled ot. or acia vitaliaed in lsngel tonit and s'll be veng all thacti fro holwood throuout the weke. aia? >> ji fresh off a plee hve ju landed in los aes for wh isromising to ba busy d very exciting several dy i's al of se gointo cnringround thdole by teat a e remrar bet o all recar pe it's osc wend inollywood and "aion news"se a we wi be r alf the acti. livrepts stt moow on "con ns"t 4:00 i hoywoo alia vireli "hn actione. > itooks like it'sbout 75
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te ad. just in te for osca we're ecid tonnounce de tv auoriz pver for tch ac yu cawatch c a watch ac.c toatch programs and wtch osca live sund nht. fr mo fmation abo wat abcisit 6a.c. aia viteliould ve to war a rct if they we dointhat he. > i'still not overseeing her i shorleed drs open tere. bt iell torrow mning aod he wcan only thk wrm thouts. te wille anytng but. lvrar ound the reon it's qut across mo of the area couple flries near bltirand washgt and fo u the y is car. 1 grees inhiladelph as well as milllle and ver is w' foong sing digi in tenton alleown, readg, 4
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blow in mnt pono an altic city athe aiort 9 dgrs. thoseis meing se bsess inlrdy wee at 18 bel in rdg for ur wi ci. 1 low in lehh valy and 9 bel in phadeh clo to tain wiington as wl as dov. lnster, 16 low and athe so about 5 to 8 ges below zr i's l cause is arctic hgh esre that hapued dwfrom the r. ad arctic air isery dry ai tas where u get stattic eerici if you wa acss a rug tke ofyo jack or scf ad ucsomeing metal it becse othe hh and so bcau of dry r no prepati can form and eeually thathanges as warr aipushes arcc air ot 2 low in alntown and 19 bloin rding and below phidelphianbral an dnrous to starfray in the atnn rever bybout 15 t 20 wel ill op in sile
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digs afrnoon. tetorrow moisture gaths i deesoh antennessee vly. tis is a wm frt. a at wa air tries to bule oveexisti aric air you ring outhe atsphere with cnnsao sobreaks out lateaturday mrni in saturdayfrnoon and tuly anng overo seet, eeng rainnd ra. ad prior th on sary atno a evenge're loong at genel 1 3" dve mililtlanc ci rg throu iladehia a i far nohweste subbs nr of pennsylvia tnpike psbly 3 to 6" ofnow before smchangeer d agaiit sas as alsnow here satuay aftnoon and eveninand caing to mix ng the oveight hou of satd an cu be a lonreriod ice i t high valley as tt acc air istubbn to s tat f rth tan cld an wll enas ligh rain for most eer us lateatury night t snd moing. texcsive auweatr frect dangerous cold
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tmorw. fll suhine. watcsn breao sua aftnoon and evi. 3. nt auge storbut engh to cau problems sarday aftnoon and eecl stury nigh mrni ra shors and then snine retuinguay atnoon a mild noal high for tis timof ye of 46. bt tt do not la lo. w' gogo get ting wis bcon mony, tuesday his i upr and snow possle wdsday and ill getng cold sodehere nexthursday wi temperare of 28egre ju cant cat ark th fbary around he. > thank yo > 354 meand women are cleang a biaieme tonht theyecved the dplomaforrans techcal istute a gruates nned cps angow at nohet high schl a fomany thr dplas ected a co chae angradtes rae fr ps highchool students to people withisabities to oths cong ofof puic asstce and
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> it is lirally tr. > neguys cong in anguys fiy necole weeksgo ging t and if y boht a sxers progm begiing sanohead d ta th nm keep changing ansers kew whate thought ulde crner ste of frche micel cter wiiams reigng rooef e year pt of thr te deal sa pnts per gme and mctweed can not lie i'm shoe s 's gone. ad innother tre sirs se k mann dalz to roets. sxs ckp up plars mg and caaan and more draf pc they may ha nor draft pc an ple. >> ff skversky witness clif lelassic townrilled
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ao diction of the am. > leme se it'anoth tougone. i don knowfy want to aner tha-- if i wtonsw ta vry doubul. >> f leehes himagic 8 bll atown qution aer qeioabout phlies shake up rosr d rebuilding and al jk aside lemeans buse een if otr ball a philes fans beevit's dbtful th will coend. >> m he noand wearg a phiy unorm a do everythg i cato g to e wlseries fr think anytng else wu be stid. > he ready to gafr pitchg 13am year bcse of elboissu barrg stck fr trade lee d ce hamels will ap phlies rotatn oping daand phly dzen fe essure to move hms nowfr realing toy he nts to play fowinner an
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>> ybe hwas to choe wr dierently >> don't have a prlem th tattll hets to coete. >> amo biev hamle wi be oeng aer and lesays h's embaassed thelost 89 gam inacof thlast san. in carwerith phlies jfskversky for "chael 6 atn ws." >> e eagl relee baup tig d james cay d saves 4 miion in cap spac
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> sevepot outf playof so 's wherfers ben te play jov shot. pcng up witt shtout. u oh, brnln bts r eoy fers lose 3- > foer penn footll coach i pped to be ned ahea ca at combia. > coege tele viting owls look good. will uplis tohe ho. ols le tein sond half and ey fallook a house of cr. mnl far coerwls lose 5-. st. jon, hawks down 4-
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si two pot game le ten scds to pl. bny ain. tis time tugh drbl ba of his . st. joe loes 68-6 > thanyo di "jim kielive" followeb "ighine". "con ns" conins at 4: wittama edrdsmt o'donll meteologist dad mry ankaren rers wi taic. forucis gs, adam joph ccyyn anthe enre "con news" team, i'm ji grer goonight
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