tv Visions ABC February 22, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EST
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> i i'm'm r ricick k wiwilllliaiams. >> and i'm melissa magee. tonight/saturday on visions 2015. >> we meet the new leaders of sosomeme h hisistotoric organizations serving the community. > a andnd c cheheckck o outut l local enentrtrepeprereneneururs s mamakiking a didiffffererenencece i in n ththe e tech sphere. > p plulus s wewe s sererveve u up places to dine on west african cucuisisinineaeandnd i intntroroduce you to > t thehe f firirstst b blalackck bachelor whwho o hahailils s frfromom p phihilly it's a spspececiaial l vivisisionons s 20201515 tonight/saturday at 730 on 6abc. > h hi, everyone and welcome to ouour r spspececiaial l vivisisionons 2015 cecelelebrbratatining g afafriricacan american history and culture. > w we'e'rere h herere e atat f faaji rereststauaurarantnt i in n lalansnsdowne, pa whwherere e ththeyey s spepecicialalizize in nigerian cuisine. > i it't's s smsmelellilingng g great. > w we'e'llll t takake e a a totour a little lalateter r bubut t fifirsrst t a a look at the blblacack k liliveves s momovevemement. > i it't's s bebeenen s sweweepeping the nanatitionon i in n ththe e wawakeke of the dedeatathshs o of f mimichchaeael brown in fefergrgususonon, , mimissssououriri and eric gagarnrnerer i in n nenew w yoyorkrk city. > a andnd p phihilaladedelplphihians are tatakikingng a an n acactitiveve r role in the dedebabatete in more ways than one. > b blalackck l liviveses m matatteter!!on > o on n mamartrtinin l lututheher king day ththisis y year, as many as 7000
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pepeopoplele m mararchcheded o on n the cicitytyhahandnds s upup!! dodon'n't't' s shohootot!! > i it t wawas s ththe e lalaununch of a lolocacal l cocoalalititioion n cacalled m-l-k > 5 50 0 yeyearars s lalateter r after selma, wewe'r're e ststilill l mamarcrchihing for jujuststicice,e, s stitillll m mararching for jojobsbs, , ststill marching for education. > a andnd i it't's s ththe e gogoal of mlk dadarere t to o fighght t fofor r improvements inin a allll t thrhreeee a arereasas calling for eqequiuityty i in n ststatate e ededucucation funding. > t thehe b bududgeget t cucutsts over the lalastst four years have didispsproropoportrtioionately affected blblacack k ststududenents across the > a a d dououblblining g ofof t thehe minimum wawagege t to o $1$15 5 anan h houour, an end to ththe e popolilicece stop and frisk popolilicycy a andnd a an n inindedependent popolilice review board. > t thehe p pololicice e arare e not going to police themselves. ththeyey d donon't't t telell l onon one another anand d ththeyey'r're e swswororn n to protect bubut t ththeyey'r're e momorere i interested anand d veveststeded i in n prprototecting one ananototheher r ththanan t thehey are in prprototecectitingng t thehe c comommunity that papaysys t thehem,m, a andnd t thahat's a > w we e hahaveve t to o dedealal with this whole questionon of mistrust. > r rebebuiuildldining g trtrusust between popolilicece a andnd c comommumuninity is the gogoalal o of f prpresesididenent t obama's 21st cecentnturury y tatasksk f fororce on policing
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> w we e neneeded t to o tatalklk about use of force policies. wewe n neeeed d toto t talalk k ababout this isissusue e ofof o oveversrsigightht of the police. > p pololicice e chchieief f chchararles ramsey isis t thehe c co-o-chchaiair and phphililadadelelphphiaia w wasas t the 2nd stop onon a a 5 5 c citity y liliststenening tour to geget t fefeededbabackck f frorom m clergy cicivivic c leleadaderers s anand d citizens. > t theherere's's b beeeen n nono more seseririouous s titimeme, , nono m more serious fofocucus s anand d nono m morore e serious opoppoportrtununitity y ththanan r right now to tatakeke o on n ththisis i issssueue.. > t thehe t tasask k foforcrce e will present itits s rerecocommmmendations to the president on march 2nd. r ramamsesey y sasaysys t thehey y have six mamainin a arereasas o of f fofocucus including enensusuriringng t thehe s safafetety of ofoffificecersrs a andnd p pololicice training anand d ededucucatatioion.n. > j joiointnt e eduducacatitiononal opoppoportrtununititieies s wiwith community and police together > b bototh h tatasksk f fororcece members and ththe e cocommmmununitity y cocoalalition agree ththerere e isis m mucuch h work ahead. > i if f ththe e woworlrld d isis going to bebecocomeme a a b betetteter r plplace, it will bebe b bececauausese e eveveryryonone, not just pepeopoplele w whoho a arere a actctivists in ththe e ststrereetets s bubut t pepeople who are veveststeded i in n ththe e sysyststem also dedecicidede t thahat t ththiningsgs have to change and that we have to hahaveve a a s shihiftft i in n cuculture and attitude. > t thehe c coaoalilititionon i is stil woworkrkining g ouout t dedetatailils
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but plplananniningng a a m majajoror p public dedemomonsnstrtratatioion n fofor r april 4th ararououndnd t thehe i issssueue o of minimum wage. > a aprprilil 4 4thth, , yoyou u may recall isis t thehe a annnniviverersasaryry of martin luluththerer king's assassination. > o on n ththe e susubjbjecect of economic emempopowewermrmenent t inin t thehe african amamerericicanan c comommumuninityty, there are twtwo o nenew w apappsps d desesigigned by local prprofofesessisiononalals s ththatat are taking cocommmmununitity y seservrvicice hi-tech! > f firirstst s shaharrrrieie w williams tatalklks s wiwithth s somome e enentrepreneurs hehelplpining g fafamimililies keep in touch with loved ones behind bars. > i it't's s cacalllleded c cononnect inmate. a a frfreeee d dowownlnloaoadadablble app crcreaeateted d whwherere e fafamimilies can coconvnvenenieientntlyly s senend d letters and pipictcturureses t to o fafamimilyly members ththatat a arere i incncararcecerarated. fofor r blblaiair r sasandndlalainin, owner of lolocacal l fafashshioion n boboututique pink elelepephahantnt t thihis s wawas s a personal mission. > i i s statartrteded c cononnenectct inmate bebecacaususe e ofof m my y fafaththerer battling prprisisonon h hisis w whoholele l life. hehe w wenent t toto p pririsoson n when i was twtwo o yeyearars s olold d anand d wasn't rereleleasaseded u untntilil i i w was 17. itit w wasas a a b bigig p pusush h for us to cocommmmununicicatate e asas i i b became a
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teenager. yoyou'u'rere d dririvivingng, , yoyou have prom, graduation, you don't want to sit down an right your dad a letter. >> so her partners collaborated on a system to make mailing a a letter a coconvnvenenieientnt d digigititalal process > y youou w wououldld w wririte a letter jujustst l likike e hohow w yoyou u would write a text message to a friend. anand d yoyou u wowoululd attach pictures ththe e waway you would a text memessssgege.. > l letettetersrs a arere $ $1.1.50, pictures arare e fififtfty y cecentnts s anand connect inmate will handle all the fulfillment. ththe e acactutualal p pririnting and mailing of the letters to the prison. with over 2 million americans in prison today, this app has broad appeal. > w witith h alall l ththe e nenew technology nonow w anand d kikidsds o on n cecell phones and ipads. ththerere e isis n no o rereasasonon why they shouldn't be connected with their loved ones. > w we e hahaveve 1 19k9k d dowownloads on ititununeses a andnd 7 7k k dodownwnloads on anandrdroioid d anand d wewe s statarted what mimid d ococtotobeber r soso i it't's crazy. > w whihilele t thehe d devevelelopopers say ththey are not promoting bad chchoioiceces s ththatat l leaead d toto inincacarcrcereratatioion,n, b butut say the app isis a a w wayay f foror f famamililies to stay coconnnnececteted.d. h hopopefefulully when you
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> h hopopefefulullyly w whehen n you send sosomemeonone e toto prison you want ththemem t to o cocomeme out rehabilitated ththe e ononlyly w wayay t thahat t can happen inin m my y opopininioion n isis i if you have ththatat dialogue between your loved ones. > o ourur n nexext t ststorory focuses on a wowomaman n whwho o hahas s ovoverercome life alalteteriringng o obsbstataclcleses to achieve her dreams. > n nowow s shehe's's u usisingng her success toto g givive e babackck, , crcreaeating an app ththatat a allllowows s pepeopoplele to pay it foforwrwarard.d. > n nikikkiki j johohnsnsonon h huston is a tatax x lalawywyerer b by y daday,y, c civic acactitivivistst b by y ninighght t and now an apapp p dedevevelolopeper r onon t thehe weekends. shshe e jujustst r releleaeasesed d donafy -- a smsmarartptphohonene a apppplilicacation that coconnnnecectsts y youou d dirirecectly to over 12120 0 nononpnprorofifit t ororgaganizations seservrvining g spspececifificicalally the hohomemelelessss p popopululatatioion in > i in n phphililadadelelphphiaia this time of year your walking past people it's really cold ououtstside people want to help but you don't know who to call. > t thehe a apppp c canan c cononnect you to lolocacal l shsheleltetersrs l like this one in spring garden in phphililadadelelphphiaia a andnd a around the clclocock k ememerergegencncy y shshelter ththririveves s onon p pubublilic support from yoyou u anand d ththisis a apppp l lets you coconnnnecect t didirerectctlyly t to the fafamimililieses in need.
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> y youou c canan h hitit n nototify and it wiwillll a allllowow y youou t to o call them anand d lelet t ththemem k knonow w your lolocacatitionon a andnd t thahat t someone needs help. > i i c crereatateded t thihis s app was to alallolow w pepeopoplele t thehe o opportunities ththatat m mayaybebe m my y fafamimily didn't hahaveve a accccesess s toto.. > i in n vivisisionons s 20201111 nikki shsharareded h herer j jouournrneyey o out of hohomemelelessssnenessss.. nonow w shshe e shsharareses h herer motivation fofor r crcreaeatitingng d dononafafy with her husband. mymy f familily y susufffferereded from hohomemelelessssnenessss w whehen n i was a child. > i i g grerew w upup i in n popoverty and one of the things i remembered frfromom t thahat t exexpeperirience is that wewe d dididn't know where to get help. > n nikikkiki h hopopeses t to o inspire a nenew w gegeneneraratitionon o of f micro phphililananththroropipiststs s byby using dodonanafyfy t to o dodonanatete o one to $10 by jujustst a a t tapappiping on your smartphone. > a allll o of f usus d doioingng a little bibit t cacan n have a really big outcome. > a andnd b bototh h apappsps, , donafy and connect inmate, are on the apapplple e apapp p ststorore e anand android fofor r dodownwnloload. > c conontitinunuining g wiwithth the tech ththememeded b bususininesesseses,s, we're going toto i intntroroduducece y youou to a young exexececututivive e whwho o isis poised help brbrididgege t thehe d digigititalal divide for pepeopoplele of color. > b bririgigitttte e dadaninielel is the
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exexececututivive e vivicece p preresident of wiwilclco o elelecectrtrononicics s systems in fofortrt w wasashihingngton, pa. > w we'e'rere a a a afrfricican american ownened private cable company ststararteted d inin 1 197977 7 it was started byby w wilill l dadaninielel w whoho is the fofounundeder r & & prpresesididenent and also mymy f fatatheher r anand d hehe w was a pioneer anand d wewe h havave e spspececiaialized in prprovovididining g afaffofordrdabable tetechchnonolologigieses a andnd c cable seservrviciceses t to o cocommmmununities that wowoululd d ototheherwrwisise e hahave been unundedersrsererveved d anand d overlooked by lalargrgerer t traradidititiononalal media outlets. > d dananieiel l anand d wiwithth help from ununiviverersisityty o of f pepennnn, recently ststararteted d byby d dananieiel l whwho is the fofounundeder r anandd p preresisidedentnt, , whwhoo i iss m myy fafaththerer, , wewe a arere s spepecicialaliziziningg i inn afaffofordrdabablele c cabablele s serervivicecess f foror cocommmmununititieies s whwhoo a arere u undnderer s serervevedd anandd o oveverlrlooookeked.d. dadaninielel d devevelelopopeded a a s stetem-m-babasesedd didigigitatal l ededucucatatioion n prprogram t too hehelplp c chihildldrerenn l leaearnrn i inn t thehe h homome.e. itit's's a a p prorogrgramam t thahat't'ss i invnvololvivingng ararououndnd t tabableletsts
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wowomemen n papartrticicululararlyly around the i iss n notot ststopoppipingng t theherere, , shshee a alslsoo s seeeekikingng toto c clolosese t thehe d digigititalal g gapap f foror mamajojorirityty w womomenen a ass a a w womomanan o off cocololor r anandd t tecechnhnolologogy y ii s statartrteded ththee p prorogrgramam c calalleledd m mobobililee x x whwhicich h isis a arorounundd b briridgdginingg a andnd mementntororining g anandd e empmpowowereriningg a a w womomanan bebetwtweeeen n ththe e agageses o of f 2525 a andnd 3 30,0, trtryiyingng t too b briridgdgee m mororee p peoeoplplee inintoto t thehe i indndusustrtriaialsls n notot o onlnlyy foforr p phihilaladedelplphihia,a, b butut a ass a a nanatitionon.. > l letet's's g getet o ourur m makeup > i it't's s cacalllleded z zynyn beauty, > w whehen n yoyou'rere b bususy as a woman you're trying to find that balance, you know, mental babalalancnce,e, w worork k babalalance, family lilifefe balance. and so our motto isis " "ththe e babalalancnce e bebetween busy anand d bebeauautitifuful"l".a.andnd they're > a andnd t thehey'y'rere b briringing the salon to busy women across the
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phphililadadelelphphiaia a arerea.ait's like > i it't's s lilikeke o onene s stop shopping for beauty. >> the idea came to creators zazakikiyaya a andnd n nirvana, when they wewerere l leaeadidingng hectic lives at a lalaw w fifirmrm.. > w wororkikingng l latate e ninights, crazy hohoururs,s, t tryryining g toto f figure out whwhicich h sasalolonsns w we e wowould go to. oror w wheherere w we e cocoululd d get our bebeauautyty n neeeed met on our crazy ththeyey a arere b briringng t thehe s salalonon t too b bususyy wowomaman n acacrorossss t thehe a arereaa i it't'ss onone-e-ststopop s shohoppppiningg f foror b beaeaututy.y. ththee i idedeasas c camamee t too t thehemm w whehen n ththeyey wewerere a at t aa l lawaw f firirm.m. woworkrkiningg l latatee n nigighthtsstoto y youou w whehen n yoyou u neneeded them, especially for last minute things. everything from hair to make up is taken care of by a team of stylists. >> when you look good, you feel good. >> it really is true. >> we really want to change ththe e pepercrcepeptition of women to fefeelel l likike e yoyou u cacan n do that, you can be beautiful everyday. > g grereatat i idedea!a! toto b booook k anan a appppoiointntment, just gogo t to o zyzyn n bebeauautyty d dot com.
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taking us back. >> that was really good. when we come back be an exhibition that spans 200 years of a can art. ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait.
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> w witith h blblacack k hihiststory month upupon us, a new exhibition at ththe e phphililadadelelphphiaia m museum of art isis c celelebebraratitingng o ovever 200 years ofof a afrfricicanan a amemerirican artwork. toto l leaearnrn m mororee o orr f finindd itit f feaeatuturere ororththododonontitistst arartitiststs s lilikeke u uh h hehenry tanner hohoraracece p pipippepen,n, j jacacob l lawrence, umum a almlma a ththomomasas, , babarbara chase ririboboudud a andnd a artrtisiststs who are still um very active and, and knknowown n totodaday.y. f feaeatutureres s 7575 w wororksks b by y momorere ththanan 5 500 a airirpoportrtisist.t. itit i incncluludedes w wororkk b byy j jacacobob lalawrwrenencece.. > w witithh a artrt f froromm s slalaveves s frfromom ththee a afrfricicanan a andnd a amemeriricacann
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rerendndititioion,n, w we e hahaveve w wororksks f from ththee 4 40s0s 5 50s0s m mananyy a absbstrtracactt pipiececeses.. blblacackk a artrtisiststs l likikee o oththerer a artrtisiststs wewerere i intntereresestetedd i inn e expxploloriringng ababststraractctioionn b byy a a w wayay o of f ii w wililll trtradadining g ththeieirr e emomotitionons.s. ththisis p peeeelsls o onn v vieieww i iss t thehe ananuiuisasancncatatioion.n. itit's's t the f firirst w wororkk b byy a ann afafriricacan-n-amamerericicanan a airirpoportrtist to bebe a acqcquiuireredd b byy a a m majajoror m mususeueum m inin ththisis c couountntryry.. > j johohnn w wanannanamamakekerr w wanantetedd t thihiss fofor r hihiss d depeparartmtmenentt s stotore t too h helelpp susupppporort.t. itit s shohowsws t thahatt t thihiss c citityy h hadad susupppporortitingng a artrtisistt o off a a c canan acaccicidedentnt v verery y eaearlrlyy o on.n. ththe.e. > i iss j jusustt a a s smamallll p parartltly y ofof a a ththatat s shahareres s ststororieies of uptown's impact.
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> t tododayay t thehe uptptowown n theater is clclososeded, , sisittttining g emempty for neneararlyly 1 10 years. plplanans s toto r renenovovatate e the building arare e unundederwrwayay r rememnanants from its papastst g gloloryry s stitillll r remain. > t thehe u uptptowown n ththeaeater is just asas i impmporortatant to the history anand d cucultlturure e of philadelphia as anannonoununcacatitionon..totownwn t theheataterer" " isis a an n ode to auauththoror k kimimbeberlrly y roroberts foformrmatativive e yeyearars s grgrowing up in philadelphia. nununcnciaiatitionon.. hehearar t thehe s statarsrs f frorom smokey rorobibinsnsonon t to o jajamemes s brown from ththe e tetempmptatatitionons s toto the susuprprememeses, , ththe e bobookok includes 11 rorockck a andnd r rololl l hahallll of famers shshararining g ththeieir r mememomories. sosomeme h hililararioiousus, , otothers sasalalaciciouous.s. > y youou w wilill l rereadad a about some rerealallyly b badad f figighthts s between papatttti i lalabebelllle e anand d the blue bebelllls s anand d ththe e susuprpremes, it got nanaststy.y. > t thehe o oututraragegeouous s isis just part of the story.
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ththe e ththeaeateter r wawas s alalso prominent onon t thehe n natatioionwnwidide e network of black theaters. > t thihis s wawas s anan i impmportant stop onon t thehe c chihitltlinin c cirircuit and cacarereerers s wewerere l lauauncnched, lots of > h heyey w werere e lilikeke d dyiying, just gigive me one hit lord jusgive meme o onene h hitit ( (prprayays)s) it wasn't evevenen a aboboutut b beieingng f famous they just wanted to play at the uptown. > t thehe t theheataterer i is s now owned byby ththe e upuptotownwn e entnterertatainment development corporation. ththeyey a arere r rebebuiuildldining the venue, rereststororining g itits s ororigiginal beauty. > b briringngining g babackck u uptown, will itit happen? hohow w wiwillll i it t hahappppenen? > y yeses i it t wiwillll w we e have started woworkrkining g onon t thehe i insnside doing a lolot t ofof t thehe s strtrucuctutural work. > t thehe p plalan n isis t to o reopen the ththeaeateter r inin 2 201017 7 crcreating fresh mememomoririeses a at t ththe e "n"new" uptown fofor r ththe e nenextxt g genenereration. whwhatat t typype e ofof e entnterertainment will we see? > w we e wiwillll p prereseservrve the hihiststorory y ofof t thehe r rhyhythm and blblueues s bubut t wewe a alslso o want to do gogospspelel, , spspokokenen w worord, hip hop. > i i j jusust t wawantnt t thehe next gegeneneraratitionon o or r gegenerations to cocomeme y youou h havave e toto k know what
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wewentnt o on n inin t theherere h hopefully wewe'l'll l bebe a ablble e toto r revive it and keep the history going. > j joyoy r ridide e isis a avavailable on amamazazonon d dotot c comom a andnd d download fofor r kikindndlele.. > f frorom m ththeaeatrtre e toto television, onone e ofof p phihilllly'y's s owown is the ststarar o of f a a nenew w rerealality show. > h he e isis b beieingng c calalled the fifirsrst t blblacack k babachchelelor and he's on a national search for a mamatctch h mamadede i in n heheavaven. > i i'm'm a a f fanan.. > a awwww n nororthth p phihilaladelphia real > n nororthth p phihilaladedelplphia real estate entrepreneur shawn bullard is the bachelor in search of his bride in a new reality show that just lalaununchched on we tv. > s shahawnwn i is s tetelelevivision's first ever black bachelor it's epicc >> it's historic, it's like upscale, it's upscale love. itit's's u uh,h, y youou k knonow,w, it's also a chance for the world to see black men, minorities in a different light. > s shawn has 24 young women to chchoooosese f frorom.m. anand d ththe e twtwisist? a a papaststoror o offfficiciaiatetes and shshawawn'n's s momom m dodoleles s out advice. > i in n orordeder r toto h helelp him see beyond (cut huge pause) the boboobobs s anand d ththe e bubutts. > o ok?k? > s shahawnwn h heleld d a a prpremiere
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watch papartrty y atat m misiss s totoototsies soul fofoodod c cafafeé o on n south street. anand d ththe e hohopepe i is s ththat a dating shshowow c canan h helelp p chchanange pepercrcepeptitionons s ababouout t african american men. > w witith h mimichchaeael l brbrown and eric gagarnrnerer, , evevenen t traravovon martin wiwithth h hisis h hooood d onon.. yoyou u knknowow, , yoyou u imimmemedidiately ththinink k ofof a a b blalackck m male as a ththrereatat.. > i i'm'm a a b bigig g guyuy, , you know anand,d, i it t shshowows s ththatat we can be prprofofesessisiononalal, , wewe'r're not thugs, wewe c can be successful business men. i'i'm m jujustst h hopopining g ththis opens the doors for other opportunities for minorities on film or television >> shawn won't give away the ending but says he did meet hihis s mamatctch h onon t thehe s shohow.w. > t theherere's's m mucuch h momorere v visisioionsns ♪♪ ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪
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♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. our son was angry at the whole world... ...until we helped him find his voice. my daughter was depressed... ...until we helped her find her passion.
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our family was drifting apart... ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hotline can help. call 800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) or visit > v visisioionsns 2 201015 5 is presented by parx casino, proudly supporting black history month. >> welcome back to visions 2015. >> last year we saw a lot of chchanangeges s inin t thehe l leaeadership of sosomeme o of f phphililadadelelphphia's historic civic organizations. > heherere i is s vevernrnonon odom with a look at the new faces taking over these storied ininststititututions. > i i'm'm m mininisisteter r rorodney mumuhahammmmadad a andnd i i a am president of ththe e phphililadadelelphphiaia b branch of the naacp. > n natatioionanal l asassosociciation for
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ththe e adadvavancncememenent t ofof colored pepeopoplele i is s a a sosocicialal justice ororgaganinizazatitionon f fououndnded in 190808 bubut t mimininiststerer m muhuhamammad says itit's's m misissisionon s stitillll resonates. > i injnjusustiticece h hasas f found its way inintoto t thehe 2 21s1st t cecentntury. > d disiscrcrimimininatatioion n has found its way into the 21st century. police brutality has found its way into the 21st century. then the naacp and that fight mumust find it's way into the 21st century. >> he is the leader of the nation of islam's mosque no. 12 in philadelphia. hehe w wonon e elelectctioion n inin december 20201414 t takakining g ovoverer f for longtime nanaacacp p heheadad j jererryry m mondesire. ththerere e arare e ststilill l sosome fights. > j jererryry s statartrteded t the fight to cocombmbatat a agagaininstst v vototer susuppppreressssioion n efeffofortrts for pepennnnsysylvlvania. ththatat f figighthts s nonot t ovover yet. > i i'm'm r rozoz m mcpcphehersrsonon prpresesididenent t anand d ceceo o of the urban leleagagueue o of f phphiladelphia. > t theheirir m misissisionon t to increase ececononomomicic e empmpowowerermement for afafriricacan-n-amamerericicanans.s. > t thehe u urbrbanan l leaeagugue e is the brbrididgege t to o popossssibibilility. wewe a arere t thehe c cononnenectctors of the bubusisinenessss c comommumuninityty to our cocommmmununity. inin t terermsms o of f jojobsbs enentrtrepeprereneneururshshipip, , education, yoyoututh h prprogograramsms a andnd
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housing cocoununseseling. > t thehey y ofoffefer r a a cacareer center. > w we e hehelplp c coaoachch o on resume prprepepararatatioion,n, w we e coconduct mock inintetervrvieiewsws a andnd w we e haveururbabann l leaeague is t thehe b briridgdgee t too popossssibibililitity.y. wewe a arere t the c cononnenectctorors s ofof t thehe bubusisinenessss c comommumuninityty t too o ourur commmmununitity y inin t terermsms o of j jobob inintrtrapapenen i inunurereshshipip a andnd enentrtrapaprereneneururshshipip.. wewe h havavee c cororpoporaratete p parartntnerers s whwhoo wewerere c comome e heherere t too i intntererviviewew cacandndididatateses o onn s sitite.e. ththeyey p preresesentnt s smamallll b bususininesesss cocontntraractct c coaoachchiningg s swewellllss leleadaderershshipip f foror - -- - asas w welelll a ass leleadaderershshipip f foror y yououngng i i'm'm prpresesididenent t ofof t thehe o oicic.. phphililadadelelphphiaia.. oioicc s statandndss f foror o opppporortutuninititieses
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ininduduststririalalizizatatioionn c cenenteter i it't'ss bebeenen a arorounundd s sinincece 1 1969644 w witithh dodoctctoror l leoeonn s sulullilivavann w witithh o onene papartrticiculularar m misissisionon t too t trarainin wowomamann f foror t thehe h hosospipitatalilityty ininduduststryry a andnd c cululininararyy a artrts.s. anand d wewe a alslsoo p prorovividede g geded c clalasssseses anand d lalastst w weeeek k wewe w wereree d desesigignanatetedd asas a a k keyey s spopott w whihichch m meaeansns p peoeoplplee frfromom c comommumuninititieses c canan c comomee t too 12123131 n nororthth b broroadad a andnd r receceieiveve frfreeee a accccesess s toto t thehe i intnterer n natate.e. jojohnhnsoson n lolookokss f fororwawardrd t too brbreaeakikingng t thehe c cycyclele o off p povoverertyty.. i'i'mm e excxcititeded a aboboutut g goioingng a arorounundd anand d tatalklkiningg t too d dififfefererentnt t tecechh cocompmpananieies s ththatat a arere c coming t too phphililadadelelphphiaia.. bebecacaususe e wewe c canan p parartner t togogetether anand d dodo j jobob t trarainininingg t thahatt h helelpsps pepeopoplele w whoho h havave e bebeenen left out of ththee process.
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