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tv   Action News  ABC  March 18, 2015 1:36am-2:12am EDT

1:36 am
bounty is 2x more absorbent so one roll lasts longer. bounty. the long lasting picker upper i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. ♪♪ >> "acti news." delare valley's leading new proam with jim rdr. >>the winds sure didt help. firefhte arrived at 9181
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aademy road in northeast piladelito find fmes atackinan apartment building. the wind whipp the infno to fur alarms befe fefighter cu g contl. by the time ty did, 116 units were either destroyed or daged. i is tsday nht and the b story on "actione"onht is the desuctive blazen nrthea philadelphi oficls had to set up a shelter at lincoln high school t handle displed residents. "acon new reporter sharrie wlliamlive at the fire scene. wh'the situati rightow? >> well jim, rig now this fe is still fling up. i startedome six hours ago, but take a look firefigers are in what they call a dfeive mode. teare using one of their ladders to contue pour water on this fire. tey say their goal is to lteray down out this buding. ti of course started just bere 5:00 toght. two buildings are likely a tal
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lo. i has done conderable damage. inn flam and fast-risg black smoke fled t skies for hours in nortast philadelphia. > it's just horrible. thelames e shootg out. >> the philadelphia fe departmt says it was 4:45 when the fe start in the uilies room in the basent of the rita grace manor aarents > tre we a lot of frighters thereorking hd and it looked like it ard getti out of control. >> out of control, in part because of athecondions adtrong, high wis. >> the fire began to spread through thehird flo becau of wd conditions. spreang h to sthhrough te third floor. >> that when the firefighters dcid to ecuate two of the building and h to rescue self from the third-floor balcony. ad dora turr was asep when a firefighr knkedner doo >> heard bging on the door
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and i just jumped up and iwas the fi -- i opened the door ad the smoke shot in he and he pled me out. >> turner lost everything so ddozens of otrs. > there's no words to descre it hostly. it h beenyo for two years. >> rdut of a home many rsints boarded a septa bus that was brought in to transport temo a temrary sheer at theio hi school. > would have thohby now te re would have bn out. it is devasting. my kids a ou my family is out that's a blessi b your hm i don't know wt a gi to do. >> as you heard, devastating for teamilies without aome tog. tis ragain flaring up but firefighters tell us it is cnsired contained, although tere are flare-ups at this point. we kn fivpp were taken to the hospal. oly with minor injuri. the firefights tellg us they kowhere thei stted, b
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tey sll have to deteine how i stted. live in ntheast philadelphia saie wiiamshael "acone." jim? >> thk you. chester firefights rescued fve people tonig from this house t 300 block of et 12th stre. rn of the residents is sying in t hospital overnight for obsertion. autrities are thanking a weidner university secury ga to alerted firefighters. >>a a man's decision to stay up late may have saved his life. king was watchi downstairs when the fier winds howled and a 40-year-old tree on his property ca cshi wn on hs ro rht into his usi bedroom. >> and norlly i go to go to bed at 7:00. bt stayeup late so i gess somebody upstai is watching ov me. > sayi it felt like an
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eartuakensouelike a ta cshi io h home. theome on the 2300 blo of franklin avenue he lives alone withis twoogs a says they are all ok. shan up but okay. >> ts is 21 year old jovan tomas of trenton and charged in cnction with theeath of his dute adhewent to his apartnt ad roved bags of eviden. te iant pronounced dd last ng. tesay thomas w high on marijuana and neglected to fd or care for his daughter n lead in t murder of a man walking his dog in overbrook lt week. lookingor thr men in connectnith the dth of james stillman. shot on woodcrest and the break cmes as his family a frids attended his viewing tonight in hvtown. >>e d ties to cumberland counew jersey. btonight pugh is in feral
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custo chargedith tryg to jin isis. "ction ws" reporter dann is live with the full story. > jim, word pugh's arrest cntues to srtle a former rooate ande was rngor a company i millville and liv in brgeton. > was t shock. i couldn't believe it. > the reaction of neighbo in bidton where pugh lived in this former boarding home. "ctionews" learned he lived hreix months to a year while working an airple mechanic. adryce is a former roommate. >>eem le a nice guy. knew at he was muslim. >> hi how are you doing? a wave across the driveway a he seemed like a desrt dsrt -- decent sort. >> and he tveled from ept to tury tryg to cross t border into syr to join isis.
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anhe game iam and ineasinglyadical in his belfs. fr on the f.b.i.'s rarn 201 after a co-worker said pugh shod sentiment and sympathized wth osama bin laden and felt te '98 bombis of the u.s. embassies overseas why stified ad they said that pugh had interest in joining jihad. anhe hid to his wife i will use my skills -- >> i tnk it is sad that people lo their waand need to resort to joining terrorist grps. > he i ling next dr to smeone othat nature. it ju totally floored me. > palmer says pugh h taken an inrest in martialrts but nothing about his demeanor had hm belve he wand to join iis. > and wouldn't call him a
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srt muslim he would s and fomine with us o on t por. lki said he seemed le a nice gu > night pugh facg charges o attempting to provi matial support to is, obstruction of justice and related oenns and schuled to be arraigned tomorrow morning i brooklyn. >>hank you. >> a flight to denver s forceto circle bk to wshgto d. last night bcause of a passenger's bizarre bevior. a n rushed t cockpit while allegedly screaminabout jihad. ad they tackl him to a gund and the pilots reported an emeen on board. ad they also said tt he was acti spiciously ding the baing procs. te man was taken to a hostal fr evaluaon. >> professort penn stebinon arrested on ches disorderly conduct based on th barre behavior on an amecan airlines flig. athotsay 52 year old
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karen haln lit a cigarte on te flight. adald about the u.s.'s policy rerding venezuela. ad halnon said federal agents threatened her, and liken her racon to protest like fascism. theniversity isnvestigating te matter. >> and a paternity suspended for a year. memberof kappa delta o acced of using a pvate inve-ly facebook page to pst pictures of nude and partily-nudeome i me cases the strike -- victims we asleep or passed out. ad a former brother tipped off poce. >>hfi martial has not pnpointewh killed a philadehifirefighters in dceer and officially today rled the cause as undetermined. lieutent joyce craig died whi fhti t bze inside of a home on middleton street in
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wst k la. tha.t. philadelpa poliland specialis assisted in t investigation wi included interviewing 40 wtns. crg w the first female firefighr in the department's historyo die in t le of duty. >>tlantic city's fire chief placed on leave for dropping his past the public safy bildinthis month. a female security guard told e institors that she ask said chief dennis brooks to remove any metal items before through mtal detectors and the cameras caught m uuckling his bt and partiallyndressing and it i und investation. nd tonight t neshaminy schl numbers voted 7-2 to clost sool in miletown. th wa to shutter three emeary hools and build a lrgeew one. te decion w met by strg oppositiofr redes who threateneto ou the boa
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nmbs at the next opportunity. andwo students he come homeith whooping cough. and parents are asked to check their records. ad t booster is given and the adolescen need them too. >> a febook wants to hp you share the wealth. >>and riding on rims a roll-er ending. >> a a perfect pitch, with meer -- memoir a crity in the works. >> a it felt like spring aou lunchtime, now wind cil it 20s. letng you know howold it feels r the morning cmute ad trackg late-week snow in te accuweather foreca. >>a ducis rgs with villanova and lafayette leaving fr rnd one.
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1:50 am
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1:51 am
>> a high-speed chase over 70 mles came to a viole end this avege in san jose california. aft drivghe final stretch o a blown te the s.u.v. lost controand flieover. amanglyhe driver just got otf the viclon his own, dst himself off a waited calmly for lice tmove in. >>t israeli electn is oe but t result is anything bucertai pi minier benjamin netyahu waqck to declare viory but it apars th the party is almost equally divided.
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a congresan who called himself the house's first millennl lawmaker resigned. stpg down after questions into his lavish spending evething from orseas tral to $40,000 in office decor. hoful we will get to see thatnust aend. ofce decor resigned to replicate the abby. nd the presbytian church ad uted stas with a new definion including gay and lesbian weddin. theargest protestant to recognize same-sex marriage. >>a mo'ne davis hd the splig moving forwd after her pitcng the world sries. rgdls, hers is not the
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typil life of an 8th grader. and kenne spent some time with hetonight. > ne months ago we met south philelphipitchg pnom mo'ne davis. > a you have do throw strikes. >> tod the world knows he > how do you describehe last ye? > cry. really cry. >> aft the taney dragons made their run in the wld series. theirl tt can play with the grls on the covers hanging out wi big nes a playing ball with the former phillie native kevin hart. > eryonereatsehe sa. > walng in comfortable shoes, sneaks designed by her and the proedmake a dference every dy hpi less-fortunate girls
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arnthe world. >> giving tm condence and letting tm know ty have a fte eaothem. >> and playing on the varsity basketll te she h not opped with shoes. herook on her life hit the shelves, a shcreated a wtch. ad t mey will rebuild the field where she plays with her baseball te the aerson mnchs. > i w pretty much disvered o atiel if wa't for that field i wuldt know what my life would be ke rht now. >> one more thin mo'ne got a mvie deal. > it is pretty much like the book about my journey. and hopefully iis really gd to read. > inspiring kids and adults on and off the field. moeill he a book signg a t ritnhouse square barne & nle suay starng at 2:00. wei aed her what's next m'nsimil three said bsell as. facebook will soon let you snd fds to friends. the social network announced that people c transfer money
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troh its messeng app in t cming months. the similar service to p pal. and facebook says it will free working with cdit card accnts. "healthcheck," a head's up for parts tt the's a very good chance your cld is not eating a healthy di. 90ids bween as 5 and 1ess than 1% of them were eating healthy according to heart aociation standards. te heart association says in prticul the amount of wle grains was stringly low. fur in ten children in a similar age range were condered to have elevated colterol levels. docrsay it never t erly to teach kids healthy eating habitand protect their heas. >> potholes have been a complaintnd onwoman ting it on hself to do sometng about this. th is kathleen and fed up wh
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the craters near her home she fllthem in. wtchinthe dris swerve arod thpotholes a doest wanto see aacde. > we have a lot of tffic here gogo t scho and a lot of pop avel bacand foh. s i jt -- and it's me i just am always doi somethg. >> kathleen ss tt the gravel pt in by the borough gets kicked out a she sweeps it back in. >>e're inviting viewers to sowhotographs and locations of the worst pothos in your are eail them to jointheaction or pstm to twitter or vine with the #6abcaction. >>gen wh the weather will bei t next few days we may see more. >> and potholes are worse with extreme temrature contras and we had that just today. 68 deges earli and tmperatur are dropping. ad stormtckerhi at heat
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w don't have to wry about in snow tonight. w he ear condio out there. adhe action c with a lk of the wearing of the green on this st. patrick's day. i hope you h a ne one. pley of green from a dffent view the space stion. andhey are forecas and we could possibly seet in the mdtnc. n ports of vwg that this evinge sll he a few rhos. teemperures a rlly the b story today. rig around nn 6degrees. i felt le springtime. 9:00a 25-degree drop in ne hours. andhe temratures contie flng. 39 drees in philadelphia. 33 in alleown. 3 reading. and trenton. and 40 in milllle.
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andou facr in theinds at 10-20 miles p hour we he wndhil of 29 in phalphia24 in allentown, 27 in trenton and 26 drees in rei. adhe nchills are oing down in the ensn some areas by your morning commute. stli 6 shong clos eaier toy carved out the skies. ad iis gog to fl like wnt 4 the afternoon high about 10 degrees bonormal. but will have gindwi gusts about 40 l hour. adund up tomorrow. heg into thursy, the high peuririt over us it is stl chilly 46 deees. not as windy as tomorrow. adhen friday tracking t lopressure currently over txas tisi emerge off the crisa ts will bring us some wet snow and rain for the last day of wier.
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i loo like extreme south jry, central and southern delaware, its mainly a rain event perps mix with w snflakes. the i5 corrir wet snoin theorninchaing oro rin the teoon. adhe f west subur looking at wet snow most of the day. tu f snow to accumule on paved surfas ts time of year. i lklikehe could be a gas coating. the exclusive accuweather seven-day fect sunsne and wnclls inhe 30s. torw6 degrees thursday. fray, heo spring. arving at 6: in the evening. the first day of spring not sab 55 degree partly sunny. temratedpping ba down ito e 40and increasing clouds by tuesday. and tudanit and wednesday we ve atr storm that could bi us rain or wet snow yet again. 68 degrees seems like so long ago just noon today, not going t s it again for awhile.
2:00 am
>> thanyou. he luck of t irish for a vll forge women. long lovy in erald. tuing 102, and they are son took her to joe's pub in poexville to celebrate. >> across arica wh gajackpot it is going ma mlon i tuesday, march 17 a t jackpot estimated depds 40 mii. ad t first is 44, followed by 4. up next wea 11. that's llowed by 58 and yr finawhi ball this tuesday ening is 27. and the megaball numr is 3. and the nbers a 44 45 11 58 27 a the egg
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>>o are we allow to mention pot sprds on televion. > i do every chance i get. > 23 meets vlanova or layette. theres no way that lafayette
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will l them get beat by 23 pint no way that is going to happen. >> llg you the greek? > absolutely not. >> villava a 23oint favorite over lafayette in the ncaa tournamt me thursday nig. te top-seed cats with quite the sdo this morngs they derd for pittsburgh. ca writ admits anything short of ainal four apprance woulde a disappntment. h so ss this runs is not just about his team but the entire villanova community. >> i take great pride that we cn share this with everybody at vianov w geto do a lotf f tngs dunthe ye plang in a lot of n games, but this is smhing we geto share with eebody. and am puwe are able to do tat. i veret old. i just never gs old. >> lafayette sends o in easton a bit more subduednd spring be likely e cae. ad the head cch ctinueto field queionabo s emotio playg againstis laate h says thursday night will be ao basketbl.
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>>e uinto -- we knew we would belang a diffict opponent the first rod. th it happened to be my alma mateand villanova, it is an iteresting story b stila dfcult game. >> a pe's new baskeall ca ss his rea to roll up his sleeves to get the pogmhere it needs to be. seve donahues interview as te replemen he has be he coach at cornell a boston coege. senng a decade as a penn assistant in the 90's surreal to be ckn t buildi. >> would never have dreamed i could be a big five head coach. te are only fe of us a to iamar -that i am one of them sin -iincreble.
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why are all these people so asleep yet i'm so awake? did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia.
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>>ur apology it is you are still holding out hope for the plos, e flyers a playing
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ot the spring. and an exclent chance butt hits the post. and then the second period and theyreetting psical. and scoring the flyers ld 1-0 in the second period. >>the pllies n in relar-seon norm yet, still the mo wks before the oer the finesse game is alrea whe it needtbe. i athe rir dance or an iish jig? iam t sure. the plls and rays. and forsyth with two hi both are home runs. the phillies lose 5-3. that's sports. > ank you. >>nd finally a rhead made fmous on broady returned to philalph. ♪♪ > "annie" taking the stage, the musal first oped in 1977 with andrea mccartle going on to
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wineven tony awards. the is always torrow to catch the show but you also hvthrougsunday. do you like it? al right. hardnock life. jimmy kimmel live next. for "tionews," i'm jim gardr god g. > "tn news" sponsor in parby --
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